Exeter Advocate, 1907-01-03, Page 4You Should Use
when you want light, white
nutritious tea biscuits and calces.
It Never Fails
under proper conditions to Dos kedelic-
ious and wholesome food.
Leads in Popularity
because it
Leads in Quality.
Cole's Baking Powder
The kind that never fails to please.
xeter Abrocate,
One Dollar per annum if paid In advance. $$.6O
ll not so paid.
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY. Jan. 3, '07
Exeter's Financial Statement
For the information of those who
bave not seen the Financial statement
we publish the recapitulation of re-
ceipts and expenditures,assets and lia-
bilities, which needs no comment.
Bal from 15th Dec., 100.1 $3713 31
Arrears of taxes 99 45
Interest on arrears of 'ales 2 58
Taxes voile,: • iii 11055 09
'cense 5110 97
ines and Fees 21 00
oil Tax 11 00
ents of Village. Property 00 00
og Tax 500
pec. Local Rate re Pay. Deb. 1725 00
choral Board 3101 08
:n -Resident Taxes, Co. Tteas. 19 93
Duey Borrowed 3605 W
InterestonDeposits 38 85
eiinkin1 013 68
Street WFatering und 4252 70
Cemetery 1482 73
Miscellaneous 125 88
31135 17
Streets, drains, etc. 1010 05
Fines and Fees 7 00
Legal Fees 157 15
Town Hall account 130 80
Salaries anti commissions 71)2 50
Board of Health 10 Ill
Printing, Stationery, etc. 258 63
Charities 24 10
Water supply and fire protect. 427 87
Registrar tons' 10 411
Bills Payable and redeemed 3005 00
Int. other than debent. int. 70 21
i Klin 1100 53
reet 1, g K
Public Lihr.ery 125 00
Street water ing 271 25
Insnranee 19 ter
Sinkingf 3
11., 11 and l
Refund of Taxes 52 11
Election expenses 41 00
Town Hell Debenture Debt 6825 00
Railway deb. debt 788 85
Ornnolithic Pave. deb. debt 810 :33
Fire engine deb. debt 510 58
Cemetery 1122 21
Miscellhelenes 208 83
School Board 4713 51
2381:3 .10
Receipts 31133 17
Expenditure 21x43 40
-NOT 77
Due School Board 1900 1158 47
County Hale 968 70
Uncollected taxes 1:10 110
Cash on bend 7201 77
General 13a1. ilei•. 15, '60 $3301 11
Indignant 'tt the manner in wbirh
their church has been treated by the
Government in France has induced
�l members of the Itonnen Catholic faith
in Mien ('nenity to pledge themselyes
not to purchase any goods of French
ntnnnfacture until setisfatctnry redress
has been made. This melon vas taken
at. largely -attended meetings of Cath-
olic congregations in the county on
Christmas Day.
My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed :our hair; nourish ft;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow iong and heavy.
Ayer's 1 fair Vi;;or is the only
genuine hair -food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
1 hair -hulks. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
Th. beet kind of A testimonial -
"sole for over slaty years."
vers Pli/LS.
1'e:..1..1 nein ha., i, •urn •+l home tit-
ter .pending the lit b.i . y, ..t his home
St lft•igden.-The Misses Al. and E.
Fair of ret video art. speeding the hole
detys et their house here. Miss 31aud
Fair takes cli tree of the %Winchelsea
school for t cooling year. -LeRoy
l'oultis sp-ot t his week visiting friends
itt St. Mau vs and Carlingford. -S. An-
drews nod wife anti daughter are visit-
ing friends at Lvlsdown during the
holiday season. -Rev. C. W. Baker. 13.
D.. a former junior paster, visited
friends around here the p•ist week.
Owing to ill health Rev. Baker was
obliged to give up his work at Port
Lambton, but we are glad to state that
he is improving and hope he will soon
be able to continue his work. -J. Kel-
land of Riisseldale spent a few days
with Rohr, Skinner. --The annual fam-
ily gathering took place at the home
of Mr. R. D. Hunter New l'ear'n Day.
The usual blue rock event took place,
sides bring chosen by Messrs. Welling-
ton Hodgins and Thos. Dickens. The
result Wasit victory for the hitter by
three. We might state that Captain
Hudgins did some "remarkable" shoot-
ing. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rowcliffe cel-
ebrated their China Wedding on Mon-
day last. A large nnmher were in at-
tend•ence. An oyster supper was serv-
ed and achoice program rendered and
an excellent time was spent by all.
A CLOSE OALL--What alight have
resulted in a serious shooting accident
happened on the premises of Mr. Sim.
on Hunter of the It con. on Friday
morning last. Mr. Geo. Banthrop.who
was going out shooting, drove into tbe
yard and noticing a flock of sparrows
cocked the gun and jumped from the
sleigh. As he did so both barrels dis-
charged, the contents of which passed
through the cellar window and within
a few feet of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter who
happened to be in the cellar at the
time. Luckily, however, both escaped
but either might easily have been kill-
ed. The jar of jumping from the rig
caused the hammers of the gun to go
The Boston Methodist church was
fllled to the doors Christ nets night. the
occasion being the annual entertain-
ment, under the management of Miss
Ella Sutton, Mrs. Ulens and Mrs. W.
J. Brown. R. Hutchinson, the super-
intendent, occupied the chair and took
chat ge of it vet y fine pr ngram which
Was carried nett by the scholars. Rev.
S. A.- Carriers. gave a short but inter-
esting address; as did also the pastor,
Rev. Sutcliffe. The concert proved a
great success. A heatrty vote of thanks
moved by J. Sherritt and W. J. Wilson
was given those that had charge of
the training. -The concert given in
Grace church on Thursday, Dec. 27tb,
entitled, "Dickens Christmas Carol"
illustrated by moving pictures was giv-
en,and all were pleased with tbeenter-
tairutent.-Joseph Foster moved into
his new home t his week and entertain-
ed their sons, daugbters and sons -in-
laws and grandchildren on New Years.
-J Gill and wife visited Mrs. R. W.
Russell on Seturdaty and Sunday. -R.
W Russell of Yorkton. Sask., arrived
Monday to spend a few d.ayye with his
wife.• -John Stinson, architect and
contractor, of Fort William arrived
Isere Monday to visit his cousin, Mrs.
W. J. Wilson, and bis sister, Bella. -
It was warm here Monday. 58 in the
shade.-Ilenry Belling wits re-elected
trustee for School Section No. 18.
and J. Sherritt and J. J. Carruthers
for No. 10. R. H. Armstrong having
moved away caused the extra name.
R. McL eighth] of Rodney is a guest
at the home of Josh. Huxtable. -Rus.
Hu:table and bride left for Hamilton
Monday where they intend snaking
their future home. -Miss N. Rumania
of Sorulon is a guest at the home of
(leo. Ilieks.-C. Hicks of Toronto and
H. Hicks were home for the holidays.
C. Simpson aand•sist 'r were else 1 e
for the holidrey+.-F. Vale And wife of
Newhnry etre visiting the latter's pm -
elite, Mr. and Mrs. Ilicks.-Mrs. An.
deason still continues very weak after
her recent illness. -D. Coughlin of
M'cnitou, Alb., is visiting his parents,
here. -Arthur Redden and wife have
tetelrned to London after a pleasant
visit ht•re at It. Handford's.-Arthur
Brooks and wife are 00 a visit to Bel -
grave friends.- Mrs. P. Brown is vis-
iting her Mother, Mrs. Boyle.-C'has.,
Roy, and John Trot lien and wife visit•
ed theirrtrents htee during the bole-
deys.-Mrs. M. Edwaa-ds was in Lon-
don on business on ♦ on n
). v. G.
ieinkley of Pinton. who was the
guest of his sister, Mrs. Anderson. nc•
copied the pulpit here on Sunday.
preaching two excellent sermons to
large congregations. lie left for his
home 51or,d,ey. - 51iss Maud Potter.
who has Leen remedies at Fait field for
the 'stet two and a half years, has re-
signed to accept the school at Sodorn.
The section is a small one, has one of
the most modern school houses in the
in»peetorate and pays a good salary.
Ali -s Porter has proved herself a pains -
inking, kind, conscientious and erne -
lent teacher. During her stay among
us -'as. has not only endeared herself
to tier hearts of the pupils. but also to
the older people of the section. her
frank and genial disposition making
her n general favorite with all. %Ve
know from past exper•ienee that site
eras will crown her efforts and the trns-
teesau eto be congratulated no serene ug
her services.. -The second annual shoot-
ing tournament in eonnectien with the
Royal Hotel, ('ecitrali's will he held
Jen. 11th. Four events will he con•
tested. 1st event. 13 target., entrance
$2: 2n'l. 10 targets, $1; and. 11) targets.
$1: 1 1•. 10 live birds, $2. No pains
lista 1. /el spat ed to make this the
match of the SPASM). Shooting to coin -
melee. n' 10 o eloek. All money divid-
ed se, ;to, 20 and 10. Hamilton Gun
C1-11, tiles to govern. Wm. Mof.ttf,
pre er ;crux: \Vtu. Mitchell. manager.
T 1'le11, Joseph Senior, has re -
see ea e••Illtllllnieat ln1)5 (111111 Otte we
regatdir'it proposed railways to run
1 ie.e'u It o(xdvtock to London, SI.
'•t a Exeter and Sarnia: the Appli•
..e he token tip in the Ottrtwn
sty 17th. (2) from Stratford
i to i,1ton, Ites'eldele, Fanluher.
li • ' IlealsalI. 7, irich. St. Jesej'h,
1i•a •1 !tend, or et her mote from I.ce
lace I„ r. Joseph. Grand Bend, i'911k•
h.II. 'rhea A'si,lieation isle lee merle to
the Demi Lion I'Arli:uneot this session.
•rh,. •e .a•,1 other privileges Ate to tw
nsk'i for.
AVillcllelm it
Vies 1{thee God is et .,t ('umber ,pent
Xmas. at her honer Loi e.-Stteeshire
miniver'sary services w' -ie held in Sun-
day. Iter. Baker preach. d in the af-
te'noon and 13,- . 11 t+ -.•y 111 the even -
lug. On Xeres. eight their annual
Xmas. tree and c tit was given con-
sisting of i► cantata ey the scholars.
and several solos by Hiss Garner of
St. Marys. The St. Marys Qtlal•treee
was also present and added touch to
the evening's prow aut. The proceeds
atuotintt'd to $59.-Tt►eeie was agat het-
ing of the Heywood eerily at the home
of Wesley Heywood on Xmas. day. -
(lecture lirtzelwond and family spent
Xmas. with D. hiller. -Leslie Robin -
sen gave his knee a bad cut last week
while using a drawing knife. -Some
from our berg attended the china wed-
ding at Geo. Itoutclitfe'e on Monday,
while others attended the ball at Far-
quhar. -Fenton Brown and wife left
for Strathroy on Tuesday where the
former has accepted a situation in the
Dairy school. -Quite a number trout
here attended the Godbolt-McDougall
wedding last week.
Pitg8ESTATION-On Dec. 21st, the
pupils of S. S. No. 0. Usborne and it
numbered the perents and friends
met in the schoolhouse in the after-
noon to say good-bye to their teacher,
Mr. McDougal. At 3 o'clock Mr.
Washburn took the chair and after a
short program consisting of speeches.
singing and instrumental music Mr.
McDougall was called to the front
when Jackson Woods and Alex. Berry -
hill presented him with a beautiful
mantel clock and the following address
read by Lille Heywood.
Mr. McDougall.
DearTeacber:-We take the oppor-
tunity of expressing our deep regret
at your departure from our midst.
%Ve are indeed sorry to lose you. You
been been a good teacher, a sincere
friend, and it is our own fault if we
haven't profitted under your tutorship.
We know at times our conduct has
not been the hest and we have been a
trial to you but you have had much
patience with es. Your help in Sun-
day school has been greatly appreciat-
ed hath at Sunshine and Elienville.
You have also been it sort of `el "
in our school games and we shall miss
you very, very much. We now ask
you to accept of this clock as it small
remembrance of the days spent at
"Winchelsea school" and we wish you
every success in your future work.
We trust you will not forget us entir-
ely.-Virda Berryhill, Jackson Woods,
and Ella 1Vilaiburn.
31x. McDougall made a very suitable
reply thanking the pupils for their
kindness and assuring thein that he
would not forget theta wherever be
went. Ile reviewed the work of the
school during the time he had been
principal and showed these present
that he had not oily been successful
bet had passed more pupils than any
of his predecessors in the same time
and had also established it School Lib-
rary and bought a good book -case.
Short addresses were given by Messrs.
Washburn and I(outley, each express-
ing regret at the removal of Mr. Mc-
Dougall front Winchelsea but wishing
him every /success in his new position.
HAPPILY WEDDED-Aforeth in the
ustir.l stir was noticeable at the house
of 31,s. Geo. Gudbolt on Thursday last
the octet - being the marriage of her
eldest daughter, Miss Edna J., to Ur.
Duncan JleDoug:tll, the popular to
er, who has had charge of the
chelsea school for several years. The
ceremony was performed about five
o'clock in the afternoon by the Rev.
H. J. Fair in the presence of about
ninety guests. The bride, who was
away ► � Charles
given t y her uncle, .1r. L r
Godbolt, was handsomely gowned in
white silk eolierte over white silk tafi.
aline trimmed with embi•taidered chif-
fon and ruching and carrying a beauti-
ful bouquet of shower lilies of the val-
ley and ferns, looked chat ' g. The
bride was attended by her cousin, li
Annie Waeshlen n as flower girl. )
white ' or a t •r in
was attired in bete g u b t
muni with insert hue and lace and carry-
ing a basket of sweet pests-pitik and
white. The duties of ring bearer were
performed by little May Fuller, whose
dress was the same as the flower girl.
The wedding alai ch was played by
Miss Ethel Godhult. sister of the bride.
The bride's evening dress was of green
shot silk and the travelling suit of
wine color broadcloth, while the hat
was of white velvet trimmed with
plunges and rihhun. The groom's pas•
ent to the bride was as black fer•lined
coat and to each of the little girl' a
ring set withpp�e•arls and rehire. The
bride also i-egl1i•e 1 nutny valuable and
useful nides which attest to the
popularity of the bride. After the
wedding dinner a lengthy proglaul
wits rendered, censistieg of violitI and
organ instriimett ale, singing. speech -
e• retests eel/ nrsent fermi
ifying, etc. > x. 1
Wroxeter. Il-sti 1.1 .,i;, St. Marys, Ate
thin. Mitchell and Exeter. The h p
couple left Wedue•sday morning r
' tr ilex w 1
their new home 1r Comber. er h
McDoutfall enters on his new duties
as principal of tbo Comber school. The
Advocate jains the many friends in
lenity well -wishes f.t• their future
happint se.
Miss Met•b Fraser of Port Huron is
visiting friends in this vicinity. -John
and llodd Bloomfield of London end
Elam itlontntleld of Denfield with
their families visited at John Bloom -
field's New Yeats day, -Mr. Ewell, a
Japanese student of Toronto, occupied
the pulpit in Christ's church on Sun-
day. Ile gave an address on tris.
wry work in Japan. --Miss Fraser of
Lobo visited her sister, Mrs. George
Bloumflrld.on Mond" y. --Mrs. Marshall
Miller had at selrcessfnl rag he on Fri -
tiny, which was followed by et dance.
Adan) Neil has it Persian sheep which
was sent dihee( from Persia. Any one
wishing to see it curiosity sl 1(1 call
on Adnnl.-Chas. il.unil of 5Ir•kok.t
is visiting his sister. Mrs. 31. Miller. -
r••. 1'. Gray who has been visiting her
parents h•ete returned to London Sat -
outlay. -Mrs.
at•tirday.-Mrs. J. Yates of Detroit spent
X,i.a . with her par, tits here. -The
t•,.%• enjoyed considerable fun nl the
Amities' til.etc•h held here New Ye'ara
'hie -efts. Alf. Kibnote awl Mrs. JAS.
N.• 1, who have been quite ill, are. we
ate pleased to state, receseri •t --A
ve tv plt'at,ant tilde was spent at the
'vette of J. T. Simptem'A New Year's
evening.- i:Ineet Mutely) is t mewing for
ronncilli'r this y'•ar. -- Alts..lsa. Morgan'
and faitel were in 1.endon bast week. i
-Alb. Neil and wife entertained a few
tris els Wedn••• evenie('.
--they are all
Each biscuit
as light as if
made by fairy
Raked to a
seeleen nigger
So fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
find a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when you get
Sodas .o
Election Cards
Having been nominated for Reeve
of the Village of Exeter I desire to
thus publicly solicit your vote and in-
fluence to secure my election. If el-
ected I will do my best for the welfare
of the municipality.
Yours sincerely.
Your vote and influence kindly soli-
cited for Reeve for 1907. During 1906
I did my best to serve you well and
was successful in getting a Canning
Factory started and have three other
large industries on the point of com-
ing here and if elected will do my hest
to make Exeter a hive of industry.
Wishing yeti all a happy New Year
Yours truly
A. Q. Botttritt
Having been nominated for council-
lor I wish to state publicly that I am
in the field and hereby solicit your
vote and influence. If elected I prom-
ise to be a progressive councilman and
shall serve the town faithfully and well
Yours truly
i ,un in the fleld for School 'trustee
and solicit your rate and influence to
be :lire toy election. if elected my
services will be given to secure the
best interests of the school.
For Councillor for 11)07. The act will
lac appreciated. If elected I promise
to work for the town's last interests.
Vote early for John Knight. • ,
Y • vote and influence is rt•spect-
full • munched for %V. J. Heanutn for
reelection to the Council Buat•d for
1907. If elected will use best e•Rurtsin
the interest of the village.
am in the field for reselection to
the School Boned for 1907-8, and re-
Npectftilly solicit your vote and influ-
ence in tits' beh'tlf.
Yenta truly
(laving been pressed by my friends
to itllow easy name, Wellington Johns,
to go before the electorate for Coun-
cillor 1 now solicit your vote and pat-
ronage and promise if elected to do my
best for the town.
Yours truly
WELLINGTON .1011514.
am again in the tield for Councillor
e 11
and respectfully solicit your vote
influence. I do not purpose making a
personal reeves and take this means
of asking your suffrage.
Sincerely tee ,eisee -
+- A; E. Free.
Having served the town faithfully
acs school trustee for two years I Am In
the field for reelection and respectfully
solicit your vote and influence.
Yours Truly
Your vote and influence solicited for
me for eouneillor for 1907. if 1 nal
elected 1 will serve the town well and
Monts respectfully
A F. Holxip:IIT
Bring ted les Councillor for
Stephen for 1907 1 respectfully Aolicit
von tote and itilleence and promise
if elected, to d.► toy hest for the best
interests of the nmnit•ipality.
Yours respectfully
W. 1). S.'NDER.e.
Or Ovens cone
Dr. Ovens,
etteg••on, will
Hotel. Exeter,
Hours, all day
and diseeses
Loveless, Eye and Ear
is. art the Commercial
on Friday. Januar y 11.
. Giesler' properly fitted
,f Eye. Eur An(l Nose
1411111) it
\less hill• n rat
1 It tit hoar
I. Elie h . i- v' it•
(LON00N )
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. but compare it say
way you will --purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness- Labatt's Ale is surpass•
ed by none. equalled by few -at about haft the price of best imported brands
Moses Gardiner of Regina, Sask.,
spent Friday and Saturday tbe guest
of John Gilflllan.-A little son now
blesses the home of James Beattie. -
J. H. Clark of Toronto spent New
Years at the home of J Gilfillan.-Mr.
Coon of Manitoba is here on a visit.-
Wtn. Brown and family are now cotn-
fortahly settled in their new home. -
Mrs. Robt. Beattie, who met with an
accident is getting on as well as can be
expected. -Mise Nancy Stinson has re-
turned from Brock vine where she spent
the summer. -Miss Edith Maize. Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Clan k, London, Fred
Marshall of Hamilton and Robt. Elliott
Brantford, were here for the holidays.
Winter Tenn Opens Jan. 2
This School is re.•ognized to be one of the leading
Commercial Schools in America. pug graduates are
in demand a. Business College teachers. The moat
recent application we received fur a teacher offered
11400 per annum. We believe we are running one of
the most i.rugreesive and up-to-date business train
'ng schools in the Province. The demand upon us
for office help is several times the supply. Write for
Ree catalogue.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament Ief61
(Incorporated of Parliament 1855)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid Up 13,000.000
Reserved Fund- • • • � • • • • • • • 13,000,000
Head - Montreal
Capital Paid Vp $3,000,000
Reserved Fund••• • • • • • • • • • • • $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS ID a. m. to3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or collected. Fortes supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Fainters, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest cement rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department' iw,ded of ,t and upwards rt10 pri. Interest cum.
pounded half•} -early and added to principal June 30th
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARI.ING, Solicitors. N. D. HURI)ON, Manager.
Katie McE ashen is h • from London
for it few days. -- Miss Bertha Finkbein-
er of London is home on a few weeks'
visit. -Mr. H••garth of Centralia bas
been engaged to teach in our school.
We trust he will get along with the
'cholers.- Weddi. g bells will s be
ringing in our midst.-Aliss Melinda
Trick of Crediton visited at the home
of the Misses Sweitzet•.-Our burg re-
sented a dull appearance on MonAy.
Everybody was at Crediton attending
the nounuation.-Ezra Sweitzet• of
Sehr-ingville is visiting at the home of
Mr. NVing.-.f. A. Breen and Miss M.
Elsie spent X teas at D•tshwood.
(rand iten(i
Oer school teacher, Miss Mills. who
lues been etijrying her well eat hol-
idays at her home in Stratford. has 11 -
tilt ,,.-d and both teacher tool scholars
err new down 1., W111 once more.-
Str:it fued ii. nisei() discussing the pros-
pect of building .e railway toSt.Joseph
,3qud Grand Bend. -Ab (,'anada is home
from 13Ine Mint. -The many friends
of Urs. Peter Murray will be pleased
to learn that she is recovering nicely
from the effects of her recent accident.
--We sue indeed ple•nsed to note t he
recovery of Lniiis Revell?. He was
quite ill fee a few days. -Mr. and Mrs.
Churchill, after rt pleasant visit here
with Mr. stud 51rs. Hike Di -j udiue,
bit ve let itt-,ietI to their home in Hid
Axe. Miele --•11'illis Brophey has re-
teu•ee•d to his home in Shipka after a
pleasant visit herr.-Fred P.tge las
been appointed janitor at the 11etho-
dist church lure. Freed i a good 1114en
and we are sure will give entire satis-
faction. -The ricin o11 Sunday caused
the snow to disappear and as a eonse.
'l'.''(' cutters have ',ern called in. -
Another of our popular young omen be•
heves in the told rednge that it is not
goal for roan to hie ,alune•, andt few
slay ago brlonk hint -elf to Ane• Irw
Ind., to elaien his bride. The young
nein referred to is Addison Hessen berry
and the young Indy of his choice is
Miss Me rgi vet elHI les. The interest-
ing event took place Christmas drty at
the h, • of the bride's parents. Ad.
hes twiny ft ileitis here who wish hits
and his be ide a long and happy mar-
ried life.
The Human
Is the urine. Where there is a
constant desire to urinate -when
the urine is hot and scai ling -
it means Bladder Irritation. If
the urine is cloudy, highly
colored, or offensive -it indicates
Kidney Trouble.
Heed the banger signals. Take
" 13u -Ju " stimulates and EReter
strengthens the w e • k en ed,
clogged, overwork e.l Kidneys to
healthy action- -an'l heels and
soothes the irritate.' Lla-Ller
"Bu -Ju" cures. We guarantee
a and you can get your money
back if th-Ju" disappoints.
All druggist. have '• Btt-Ju " or will
heal or
Miss Ethel Corbett, daughter of Mr.
Janet's Corbett of the IOtb concession
of Usborne became the bride on Dec.
28141. Of one• of Blanshatd's prosperous
young fat mice Mr. Geo. I'aa kinson,
son of 11x. John Patkiuson of the 10th
concession of BLutsbatd township.
The celenlnny took place at the home
of the bride's father in the presence of
a number of the relatives and friends.
The erre y was pet formed by Rev.
Fair of the Eliniville circuit. The
young couple start out in mart ied life
with every prospect of success, which
their friends trust they will attain in
the fullest sense.
De:Am.-One of this townships s old-
est residents died on Dec. 29, in the
'wester of Rebell Kydd, at the age of
S7 years and 9 months. He had been
a strong and henithy min: up to the
last few years when old nqe began to
tell on hint end tie hod since been to a
greatextent confined to s
ext n c nflne.l the house.
• He was +t tial is. of Glasgow and came
to Canada many years ago, settling nn
the Ith of t7sborne whets. he died. in
the old land he assisted in cutting the
great Glesgow tunnel and sifter .com-
ing to this enentry h, assisted in'1►itild-
ing some of the important railway
bridges. Ile was twice married, the
first wife dying some years ago. Five
sons survive. They are: %Villi,anl on
1he homestead; Robert, George and
Charles of Manitoba and Jetties of
Gr,evenhelt•st. The funeral soak peace
to the Thames Road cemetery on
Monday afternoon.
We have just received a
number of line Spreaders
-The Successor' -which
does its work in fine style.
This i3 recognized to be
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just ieceived a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
Agent for the Syltester and
Pett in flow ('onepnnies
• Ontario
Wood's Phoaphodiae,
Thi (:rent F;npl,aA %trmtrly.
Tones and Inyigura!esthe who ,
ben •ais ev,tcm. n.skv new
Blood In old veins. Vlore* Aire -
ons lA•bililyy 11rnMl owl Bram Worry, /1
8tsnn11l'airri,.r /tirtlreloft. Sprr•
rgnlrrrrterra, and Effects of 611.sn or griva,ar.e.
t 1'r ice 11 per box. Mxforl}S. Ora will pion..,`Glx
get)' ( will cure_ foil by all (ntggiste rat tna1H•tl in
Hein i'kg. on receipt of lot, a ,n pnmpal
mooed e• The Weed Madlelrtret Oo.
wenaspa owT. (/orate/ trisam.,t) TerMlo. Oats
1 - r