Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-07, Page 8Take
When you are ready to look we are
really to show you.
When you are ready to buy, we are
ready to sell.
If you are in a hurry, so will we be.
\lade with etre, with style, to fit, to
And at no time do you pay more
than the lowest possible price.
Merchant Tailor.
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Charlton's Fair for lovely Wedding
Howey's Drug Store for perfumes
and Sachet Powders.
For a stylish, durable and up-to-date
cutter. coil on Win. Mitchell.
A choice assortment of 25c. perfumes
the best ever offered, at C. Lutz's Drug
As a repairer of furniture no one
cat. heat Harry Gidloy who is in the
employ of W. C. Huston. When you
need repairing done bring it here.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, Dec. 28th,
all day, for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
consultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Boy Wanted.
A buy to learn tailoring. -W. W.
Ruff Found.
Io Oie OpHouse, on Dec. 1st, a
futruff. Call at the Advocate office.
A Xmas. Present.
There i5 no more acceptable Christ -
In t5 present that you can make your
friend than to send him the ADVOCATE
fur a year. Remember we are giving
yon the balance of 110A5 and all of 1906
for only $1. Subscribe now.
Souvenir foss Cards 3 for 5c.--Charl-
ton's Fair.
Don't forget Howey's Drug Store
for Xmas Presents.
Spectacles Forced.
On \\'ednesday. Nov. 22, near old
market, a pair steel -rimmed spectacles
in ca+e. Loser can have sane by pay-
ing for this notice.
Tax Notice.
'rhe Tax Collector, Wes. J. Bissett,
will be at theTown Hall, Exeter, from
)) to 12 at. tn. and from 1 to 5 p. m. on
each Friday arid on Dec. 12, 13 and 14,
to receive taxes.
:None) Lost.
0,1 Tuesday night, between Exeter
and 1?11114cill ), a roll of bills contain-
ing $5n, or possibly $52. Finder will
be soitataly rewarded by leaving saute
at this office.
11a.wov's Drug Store for Exeter Sou-
venir ('atlendaus.
\Vin. Mitchell sells the most stylish
an 1 durable cutters on the market.
S. those pretty little night lamps
20c. anti 1' '. each at Charlton's Nair.
Are yon get t ing married! if so, get
your M u•riatge License at the Advo-
cate ORice.
('.line and see our Ebony Goods be-
fore you decide on your Xmas. Pres-
ents.--I1L'we>'a Drug Store.
Ladies wishing a most elegant toi-
let le ov'der should use Suprema; for the
Nal ••ery it has no mord. Sold by C.
mr•. \V. ('. Huston states that he
has ser•atred the services of Harry (lid-
lev t rep.'ir your furniture, no matter
of what description.
The ADVOCATE is the proper place
to secure your printed wedding invi-
tations -in the very newest styles of
paper. type and workmanship,
Girt Warted.
l wanted to learn printing. Ap-
ply at this office.
• Fall and Winter
We like to show our gocxls to the
than vyho thinks he cannot be pleased.
Anson.' can 441111 the fellow who is
easily satistled, but it. takes good
workrnattship. honest materials and
the hest of tailoring experience to suit
the really
Careful Dresser.
('se11 and be convinced that we have
the hest of goods, we do the best of
work and fit you nut cheaper than any
other pi Ice in town.
Order you Suit and Over-
coat now.
rerc9*gt Tillor, Exejer, Ogirjo
LOCAL I)OINGS.4114 All& ALA& ill JAL ALAI 44 Ilk
A little more than t wo weeks to
Mrs. A. F. Malloy will not receive
until after Christmas.
Dabs. S. Cobbledick has been quite
ill during the past week.
The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair
takes place in Guelph Dec. 11 to 15.
Mr. Jas. Acheson was confined to
his room part of the past week owing
to illness.
Mr. Peter Bawdeu is engaged in pre-
paring the skating rink for the ap-
proaching season.
Division Court was held in the Town
Hall on Tuesday, Judge Holt presid-
ing. Several cases were disposed of.
Sunday-, Dec. 3, saw the first sleigh-
ing in Exeter this year. Since the
runners have been in general use ex-
cept for heavy loads.
CoudnctorJohn Quirk was present-
ed with a handsome silk umbrella by
a few of his friends at the London
House, London, Saturday, on the oc-
casion of his retirement from service
on the G. T. R.
Councillor Irwin Armstrong desires
to thank his many friends in Exeter
for their kindnesses in the past, and to
announce that for the year 1906 at
least he will not be a candidate for
municipal honors.
Mr. Rich. Hemmer, who has been
suffering from a severe attack of
quinsy and under the doctor's care
since his arrival home from the west,
is recovering. His friends will he glad
to see hien around again.
Mr. E. Hanham, who conducted the
Commercial House, here, previous to
Mr. Barrows, and has been residing in
St. Marys since, has bought the King
Edward Hotel at Teesewater and mov-
ed his family there last week.
Queen Alexandra was 61 years of
age on Friday last. May she long be
spared to continue the good work she
is engaged in among the poor and
unfortunate of England. She belongs
to the true nobility -noble in charact-
er as well as in blood.
It is understood that Mr. Wm. Ball-
antyne, License Inspector for South
Huron, has resigned after a service of
over 30 years. The cause is under-
stood to be ill health. Mr. Ballantyne
was a very efficient official and his
resignation will be generally regretted.
We are sorry to state that Mr. D.
Mack's eldest daughter baa been oblig-
ed to leave the High school on account
of ill health. This is a disappointment
to both parentsand daughter as ar-
rangements had been made for her to
attend business college in Toronto at
the new year.
Mr. Pink of London, one of the fin-
est soloists in Canada, who sang so ac-
ceptably at the anniversary services
of Main street church on Sunday last,
has been engaged to sing at the anni-
versary services of the James street.
Methodist church on Sunday the 10th
inst. Don't fail to hear him.
It is stated that a squirrel hunt near
Varna last week, in which eighteen
youths participated. resulted in the
slaughter of 3,788 of those frisky little
animals. Undoubtedly the corres-
pondent meant that the animals killed
had 3,788 hairs. The hest fish story
we ever heard is not in it with this
The James-st.:Methodist Church An-
niversary will be held on Sunday next
when Rev. J. W. Graham of London,
son of a former pastor, will occupy the
pulpit. Mr. Graham is one of the
most popular preachers in the Metho-
dist church. The choir will be assist-
ed by Mr. Pink of London, a favorite
tenor soloist.
The training class for Sunday school
teachers which was organized a short
time ago is being well attended; the
meetings begin promptly at 8 o'clock
and last one hour. Many are of the
opinion that this ('lass will meet a long
felt want in Sunday School work in
this place. This week the class will
meet on Friday evening instead of
In no town can one find prettier
window displays than in the stores of
Exeter. Our merchants are fully alive
to the added value a bright and neat
window display gives to the appear-
ance of a store. Just now, 011 the ap-
proach of the Christmas season, extra
effort is already being put forth to
even increase the attractiveness of the
stores as seen from the street.
At Palmerston on Sunday morning
at one o'clock fire broke out in the
gent's furnishing and tailoring atom
of J. H. Taman and destrnyed his en-
tire stock, besides doing damage to
other premises adjoining. 'This is the
second time since being in business
that Mr. Taman has had sever' ioea
by fire. Mr. Taman is a brother of
Mr. W. W. Taman, merchant tailor of
The Xmas. trade is beginning early,
much to the satisfaction of the trier.
chanta, who, though always prepared
to cope with the "rush" days immedi-
ately preceding the 25tb, are ever anx-
ious that their customers should re-
ceive entire satisfaction, and this is
much more readily secured if the pur-
chases are made early. Buyers would
do well to keep this in mind and do
their Christmas shopping in good
Mr. R. S. Lang and Mr. 13. S. O'Neil
have gone to Toronto where they in-
tend making their future homes, the
former leaving Monday and the latter
Saturday. Both gentlemen have been
long and worthy residents of Rxeter.
By their extensive dealings with the
public both are widely known, and
their departure from our midst will be
mach regretted. We understand Mr.
I ang was yesterday married in Lon-
don to Miss W)cafe, an estimable
young lady of that city, who Is well
and favorably known to many here.
Wausau's le titute
The regular meeting of the society
was held in the Town Hall, on Friday.
Dec. 1st. Asreviously announced
the work of "Presents and, Cooking
suitable for Christmas" was fully and
profitably gone into and many nsefnl
points brought out. The President,
Mina Halls, was elected delegate to the
Central Association at Guelph. A
committee composed of the officers
was appointed to make a selection of
ixxoks for the use of the members for
f be coming year.
Mrs. Ann Herrman, who resides wit
her son, George, suffered a seve
stroke on Tuesday- night and is no
quite ill.
Weather of November.
The uwoth of Novetilcr just ended
ditfet.d uc.Ueri,tlly flout that of 1901.
more especially in regard to the rain-
fall. But this was amply counterbal-
anced by the phenomenal fall of snow
during that period, which aaggiegatteat
20.06 inches as against 4.09 for the
same month in 1905. The rainfall reg-
istered at the local observatory show-
ed a wide variance, the figures for 118)5
being 2.77 inches, as against 0.25 in
November 1914. 'rite highest temper-
ature in November 1905 was 341 degrees
above zero, and the lowest 4,i degrees
above, on the 30th ult.
Miss McLargltlis Married.
The marriage took place in Kenora.
Ont., on Nov. 111th of one of Exeter's
estimable young ladies, D1iss 011ie .lc -
Laughlin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John McLaughlin of Exeter, to Mr.
James A. Stanley of Winnipeg. The
ceremony took place in St. Alban's
Protestant (Cathedral and was per-
formed by Rev. Arthur A. Adams.
Immediately after the ceremony they
left for their future home in Winnipeg
where they will reside at 3111) Sher-
brooke street. A pleasant reception
waw tendered thew on their art ival at
their home, when many gifts were
presented to the young couple. Among
the gifts was it handsome china cabin-
et given by the fellow employes of Mr.
Stanley,who is a trustworthy employe
of Leslie & Co., furniture manufactur-
ers. The many friends of the bride
in Exeter will extend congratulations
and best wishes to the young couple.
Death of Mrs. Bail.
In Tilbury on Thursday of last• week
the death took place of a former resi-
dent of Exeter, being that of Eliza
Cudwore, wife of Rev. John Ball at
the age of 52 years. Mrs. Ball had
been a sufferer from a complication of
diseases for about ten months, and
during the last two months she had
been confined to her bed. It was
known for some time prior to her
depth that the end could not long be
delayed. Deceased was born in Dev-
onshire, England, and carne to this
country with her brothers and sisters
in early life, afterward residing here
until her marriage about twenty-nine
years ago, since which time she has
lived in manyarts of Ontario with
her husband. Some years were spent
in Kiraton. She leaves, besides a sor-
rowing husband and three daughters,
three sisters, Mrs. Copp of Seaforth,
Mrs. John Johns of Elimville and Mrs.
Thomas Prior of town; also six broth-
ers, Wrn. Cudwore of Kippen, Thomas
and George of town, and John, Harry
and Aaron in the Northwest. The re-
mains were brought here on Saturday
and the funeral took place from the
residence of Mr. Thomas Cudwore on
Sunday, proceeding to the Exeter
Cemetery where interment took place.
The sympathy of the many friends
will be extended to the bereaved.
Colleen Miaates.
Council poet as per adjournment in
Town Hall, on Friday, Dec. 1. All
members presen t. Minutes of hast meet-
ing read and approved. D. A. Ross, of
the Ross & Taylor (7o., Limited ap-
pealed against the hill presented for
the use of water. Action deferred un-
til Monday, Dec. 4. Levet t-\Vood-
the following accounts were presented
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
same: H. Gidley, supplying 4 in. tile,
75c.; 11.Spacktnatn, account to Nov. 31),
$6.1K3; Connor Bros., account 0) Nov.
25. $15.40; Snell et Howe, account at
cemetery, $4.30; Rescue Fite Co., per
Ed. ,McGuire, 12 members at $5, $(i);
Do., oil and lamp chimneys. 40c: De-
fiance Fire Co., per Geo. Anderson, 17
members at $5. $85; to Fireman, $10;
to Engineer $10; to Chief $50; Queen
City Oil Co., gasoline, $6.70; G. Craw-
ley, livery $4; C. 1Vendland, hoard for
woman and child, $2; Thomas Welsh,
htls't•, $1,50; Geo. Cudruore, $:3.5e); W.
Parsons, 75e; Jno. Gillespie, 2.5e; Geo.
Atkinson, $2.25; J. Buttner $2.311; i).
Russell, $1.50: Mrs. R'hite, scrubbing.
$1.25; W. Westeo0, breaking stone, $2;
Jno. Mitchell. account lime and tile,
50e.; Len \ic7aggnt•t, account ser cem-
etery, $1.09; (1. Martie, brick for cem-
etery. $13: ('.11.Snell, electric lighting
for Nov, $02.01. less $1.75 for repairs
to pump. $4k).89; W. J. liissett, salary
to Nov. 22, 531.25; Do., Trtutttt officer
1905. $191; Do., charity for Mrs. Delve,
$11; Jno. Ford, part salary to Nov. $27.
Muir -Council adjourn until Monday,
Dec. 4.
The members of the Municipal coun-
cil met in the (leading Room of the
Town hall, as per politic notice, call-
ing for Court of Revision on the new
granolit hie walk. as completed during
the se rimier of 1905. 1.evett - Muir -
the Reeve he chairman of the meeting.
The clerk reported no appeals. Muir
Wood -the assessment for the same
be confirmed. -Carried. Muir--('ourt
of Revision closed. A meeting of the
Council was held at the close of Court
of Revision. Armutrnng-Wood -that
to equalize the amount of water used
by the mnnufacturingflrms nsingwater
pumped by the municipal water pump,
we recommend that the fiats place
meters within theirestahlishments and
pay /recording to the quantity of wa-
ter used by them. if, however, the
firms do not place meters within their
establishments the ('pencil will assess
and collect the following amounts per
week: Harvey Brow., grist mill, $2; C.
B. Snell electric light plant, $1; Ross
Taylor Co., he'd., planing mill, $1, and
that the time limit for installing said
meter be 30 days from date. --Carried.
i.evett---Armstrong - that the offer of
C. B. Snell to surrender his present
franchise, re electric light, be accept-
ed, and that this Council grant a new
franchise for 10 years as per agreement
entered into between C. 13. Snell and
this Municipal Council; and that the
Solicitor he instructed to prepare a
new contract forthwith.-- Carried.
The By -Law calling for a politic meet-
ing to receive nominations for the of -
flee of Reeve, ('onnr•illorn end Mellon!
Trustees and to appoint polling isxoths
and Deputy Returning Officers was
read and on motion of J. Muir, second-
ed by 1.Armatrong, was read a second
time and pursed, the seal of the Cor-
poration tieing added thereto. Arm-
strong -Council adjourned until Fri•
day, Dec. 8.
An persons having accnnnte against
the Municipal Council kindly hand the
same tel the Clerk hefore the next
meeting of Council, Dec. 8, i005.
J. Senior. Clerk.
�t�lUU1 .lL"lfS
CRIAti Sod
1'if1OONEY bIStWT8CtNGr C4
To His
Pleased Customers
The wise grocer studies
his customers -knows their
likes and dislikes-krows
that his best trade want
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
He lets them know that
he has their favorite biscuits
-and sees that they are not
asked to buy something "just
as good," which is NOT
as good.
Grocers who want to please emir
patrons always have Mooney's Per-
fection Cream Sodas. In Stir
hygienic packages -air -tight
and moisture -proof,
Mr. Jos. Cobbledick was in Durham
on business in connection with the
Portland Cement Co.
A Big Suae.
The Exeter Advocate, the Family
Herald and Weekly Star,and Farmers
Manual and Veterinary Guide -all
three for $1.80. Subscribe early.
Hicks' Forecasts for December.
A regular storm period is central on
the loth, extending from 8th to the
13th. There is abnormal tendency not
only to general winter storms, on land
or sea, but seismic shivers, strong
"earth currents" and volcanic disturb-
ances, as a rule, are more nutnerous
and violent. By about Saturday the
Oth a decided change to warmer, with
rapidly falling barometer, will be not-
ed in western extremes. These condi-
tions will bring on increasing cloudi-
ness, moving eastward, and from about
the 10th to the 13th inclusive, severe
and general winter storms will make
their transit over the country. These
storms will reach their culminating
crisis within 48 hours of sunset on
the 11th. Look for rains at the on-
coming of these storms, especially to
the southward, but be prepared for
change to northwesterly blizzards as
the storms Move eastward, and for a
genuine December cold wave to follow
with the rising barometer behind the
Additional Locals on page 1.
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical The leaving of Christmas shopping until the day before
Examination free Xmas. is not a wise plan. It is a far better policy to shop
T. Hawkins & Son's
FOR --
Nails, Glass, Oils, Cements
Heating and Plumbing
And you will find it is the cheapest spot in town
T. $awsnvs & SON.
Having our immense show rooms packed full of new
and up-to-date furniture in every line, and in order to make
room for some large shipments of goods now on order, we
have decided to open the FALL TRADE with a surprisingly
low Cut Rate Sale, to which we invite all intending purchas-
ers to come and examine our goods and compare our prices
before placing their orders, as we intend cutting the price of
every article in our store lower than we have ever attempted
to do before.
So don't fail to take advantage of this chance to buy
furniture at prices never before known in Exeter.
The Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
1)0 YOUR XMAS. Y .
Syracuse, N.Y. Relieving in clairvoy-
ance of not, t here is no gainsaying the
fact that the doctor can explain the
source and c3u11e Of your disease either
mental or physical and has restored to
health and happiness marry helpless
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age and stamp to
Syracuse, N.Y.
Use Harvey Bros.' Flour.
111( EAD made flora STA i1 FLOUR
feels light, looks white. eats nice.
Nettling but the best wheat is used
in its manufacture.
We solicit your Heisting patronage.
People are always interested in
securing \Verlding presents and
they are beginning to get inter-
ested in the Xt►taas (loud,. You
cannot do better than be on time
in choosing your presents, and
yon will make no mistake when
you call at
and there see the finest array
presents for the big trade:
(' H ATEi.A iN E 13AW4, COMM
BRUSHES, etc., and -well, NEARLY
EVERYTHING that one could wish.
early for more than one reasons. It will be much to your
advantage to purchase
Now, and at This Store.
In making your selections now you are ensured of a large
and complete stock from which to choose: -
Fancy Waisting
Fancy (Collars
Furs. Etc.
G loves
Cuffs, Collars
A very large range of silk and embroidered Handkerchiefs
Don't miss seeing them.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford ready-to-wear clothing.
Big Reductions for Cash. Sure, Positive. Look Here:
Bedroom Sets, regular 515, for 512.150 Parlor Suite, 5 pieces, $40, for $35.00
Conches, " $10, " $ 8.50 Sideboards, regular $15, for $13.10)
Diners, (ii dozen) '• $12, " $10.01 Kocking Chairs, from $1.00 to $15.00
Extension Table, oak 8 ft., 10, '• $ 8.75 Many odd pieces for Xmas. Presents
Repairing of all kinds. -Ordered Work of all kinds.
Yon want the Goode. We want the 3doney.
50 Pairs.
Fine, all wool, white Blankets;
thoroughly scoured; warrant-
ed unshrinkable; with colored
Sizes 56x74;
" 60x80;
" 68x88;
Price $2.75
" 3.25
" 3.75
" 4.25
" 5.00