Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-07, Page 7BUGLE OF LIGHT BRIGADE! DUPES SLEW POLICE. SCOURGE BEATEN BY RAY, 1f[AIt1A'9 HUSBAND. 'LIVES OF GALLEY SLAVES' LEADING MARKETS • Murder Follows Attempt Arrest "Illness," ho said. as ho put his p feet on the tout -rest and caressed the A RELIC OF THE BATTLP, OF in Belgium. AUTHENTIC RESULTS HAVE ntecrchauut pipe ho was coloring, ''d•. STORY WRITTEN BY JEAN ' BALACLAVA. A fa;al riot wets caused in tho Via BEEN OBTAINED. you know that you aro a lucky Wu- MARTEILI3E. 111WADaTGFES, logo a' Jtebsuix, uc:u lluuche, lett. -- Alan?" 'Toronto, D.c. 5. -Wheat -Ontario- Instrument That Sounded heroic glum, recently, by the police utteulp- Cancer Cases Which hove Yielded "Oh. I am. ant 1?" she returned, Life on Convict Ships of France N••• 2 reel and white aro quoted at ( Charge ()Tiered ut Auc- ting to arrest A wan nailed Augusto to Treatment by the eyeing him suspiciously. "I bUpaUbC at the Begutniu6 of the to 79c outside, goose and spriii liuisscr:t, who claims to be an in- you mean that I tvus fortunate in c. e Lion. X-rays. Last Century. \!heat-Jli►nilola-8.5ac to 86e for spired prophet. gelling you for a husband?" 1 , y On a recent afternoon, at tho au'- liuisstret, who professes to be able At Inst u11a of the most decided "No. Muria," he explained. "1 do A moet interesting account of life • No. 1 northern, and 83.+,c to 84c for ( tion galleries of Messrs. t;leadinlni , to cure all diseases and to prouu)'u scourges which afflict humanity has not consider myself such an extraor- in tho 1••tvnth galleys has been left No. 2 IIt lake ports. Inspection at Argyll etreet, l.uidoii, the bugle the fortune of all who believe in hint. yielded to science. An article pub- divary prize in the matrimonial 1M- us in the little work entitled "Moir- , Winnipeg yesterday covered 109 ( used by Trumpeter 11•m. ltrlttain, in is stated by the police to bo a co.el fished in the London Lancet of a re- tery, but I'm letter than nun.:. vires (Fon 1'Iotestnut Cundumine ('ars only. t:gi.iust 137 a year ago, the charge of the Light !tribade, was miner. 110 arrived quite recently in cont date prones beyond a doubt You'll e admit that?" aux (lebres de France," first pub- 50 No. 1 uoithein. 23 Nu. north- the fur sale. It bears biges of the village, and so great was the iii- that cancer is no longer incurabl "\c ('s: a little better." fished in Rotterdam in 1757 attune.- ern, 9 No. :3 northern, 1 red winter very rough usage, there being a Tartu fluence he exercised on the inhabi- In an article. "X-rays in tho Treat- "And you're between 5(t. l0in. ant ulously, but now known to have • and 26 other grades. hole in the bell. tants that they provided him with a went of Cancer," Ur. Chi.hultn Wil- 1)[L. ilio. if you're an inch." been written by Jean 3larteilLc, of Flour -011i export l!I IOh, I'm too toll. You don't !ilio - stands ut $3.05 to $3.10 for 90 per Trumpeter Ilrittu4n team attac!:•d boost, upon Om front of which (t gi.; lions, electro -therapeutist ul the -- I3ergeruC. DlIIrteilt-e's sufirringa to the 15 ti) Lancers. ono of the re-' untie. white cross, a crown and seven Nest London Ilaarital, gives n 1.-a " elle began. most of the times in the gutless -an_ cent. put ruts, buyercc' hugs, outside c stars have L. en Fainted'"1 admire tall women,'• he inter- , , `villi none ollering tit meso pricaet, ginients which made up the Light 1' u[ caeca of cancer which have 1.. ,v. dvrcd from the surae 1704) l0 171:,, , Brigade, and on the day of the Buisseret, attired in voiumino•ts conclusively true.•,! by the application 'elated, hastily. "A1( men admire a Momentous period in the histora lilt•uds sell for domestic use at $3.45 charge was Lord Cssdogeu's utdet'' �.:labile robes, enriched by a crinis"'' of those hitherto little -understood lull women. but I was just thiniate , to $3.55. Mar $ • ;U to $4.40 r girdle, and with his head crowned ; maria, that they seldom matey ('f Europe. Burn at Ilergerae. in It buy been traditional history to g rays. in 1ti81, Al;utrilhe•, n'ith, `for first valents, $4.:30 to 31.10 for 1 the Brittain familythat the bole in • with laurel leaves, was haranguing a The many failures which were re- call 'That's the point, Muria. Ju,l.Perigord, wish nhany other Ile •uceiIh of the `e'ca''ut patunls, and u•1._0 to $4.30 j the bell of the bule was caused by crow(1, w•hic•h thronged about hue, 'ported when the X-raytreatment }call to mind the old maids you fur bitkrrs . c h hissing hands and garments, when know. Is there a little tcurn: 11 nt'ighborhood. wus driven by the un- �[illtet•d-Ontario-13ran nuutinssl n . 11 a Cossack with his lance as ho rot b g was first applied h to cantor led ton them? heard of cruelties of the '1►uko de lu ly Brittain, who Ira utortully a force of police uppruuched Iu ar- • among ai.d.ow, Maria;ynot one u. Force -who $1`3 to 51.1, shorts $15.:,0 to 317 :n , wounde(I on the field. 'The Cosset:a rest hi►n. t I use!. ss. eneral ttDoctorsswt ere thenhbult f res A thuusne.(L t Koac, why is it? t ti, rivlcduon the o Dordogne! a brea !cur 'ojs )1outside. U shorts 15.505t1t3.S17 to ( endeavored to get possession of tl.•.. Buisseret culled loudly upon his to I Flag in the dark. As Ur. 1Villian,s 1 you tell inc hnl't' And ho pulled 1 performances bugle, but as it was fastened secure- lowers to "destroy the impious at- , 1 pi('I cnn,"asittsnid, coldly. of tl et he Cevennes -to o canes twustuonly, or to s $19.50 per tun in cur lots at 'ler- ,oints out, "the majorityof those onto and equal freight puiuts. ly l.v to the trumpeter he was uttsuc:esa-; fudels," whereupon the police were at-' tacked ly the mut which !brew I failures imperfect cd when we trete using "Perhaps you'll enlighten tae," Ih. of age, but well grown and strong. tats and W 36e for of 2 out- tul. them down and trampled on then, lvltry impee[ect and untrustworthy suggested. , His father was in prison, tho young- side, ANO'1`llIat BUGLE. apparatus, and when our experience "1 will." sho returned. "Man ad- er children imprisoned in a convent, two pulicemwu being killed. P' •' Barley -Quiet, 31c to 52c for No. At tt sale in Loudon in 1398 n +ens but small regarding the effects mires a tall woman, but by is soca his mother forced to abjure her n, 49e to :,4)c for No. 3 extra. and bugle which belonged to Trumpeter- meanwhile. Buisserut motto his e9 - cape, and has not yet been towel. I which could he produced." Added n consummate coward that he won't .faith and twenty-two dragoons guar- q;)c for No. 3 At outside points. Major Joy, of the Ileavy lirie:tie, Ile has received A sum of over S�-.8O4) to which only cases tvhi h were tut, marry one anywhere near his own tered upon her for un indefinite time. Bye -Dull Dull nt 72c to 73e outside. was sold for £750. At that sale a in free-will (tearing's from his dupes; far a'Ivanced for operation were size. She must be so small that he SENT TO DUNKIRK. testimonial was furnished front Loot sent for X-ray treatment.Buckwheat-52e to 53c as a nornin- during tho last two n,uW,y• can handle her easily, Joseph; so al price outside. Lucan that Joy was trumpeter to LITTLE ROOM 'l'() DOCP,7•, small that he can terrorize her; so Flight •ht from tho country awns d(. 1 Lord Lu(:un, and there was also n dared a capital crime. but Mlarteilbo Peas -75c to 76e outside. Now all that IsO altered, Aub Dr. small that sho seems his properly Cure -Canadian New -Holders ask stutiinont by Sir George Wombwell Williamsis able to make u start- kind than his Partner. That's the and it companion memory(' to leave 44c to 45c Corn-Canadian Chatham freights, 1)1415 lc that Joy sounded the charge. kind of a creature man is. Do sot Bergerac nod made their way to to 2c less American new 50Sc to It is pointed out by some that tho INNOCENT OF FINANCE, ling report. understand me, Joseph?" Paris, where they were advised to charge was originated ' Lord Lu. 1 make for Holland, by way of Mez- 51 a for No. 3 yellow at Toronto 6g Y "John," said Mrs. Young-wwife to It is expressed with alt the halt - can, and that Joy would give oReet that caution of the doctor. He "i do," he said, meekly, !tolled Oats -$5.25 for barrels and ( g her husband, when thus estimable •'llut son,etintts they aro tooled, serum and ('hurlerui, Aller a nu11'- ") for bags on track here, with `l8c ' to that order, tel.ilst, in turn, Brit- young ulna returned from the city, talks of "encouraging r�esulls," and Joseph;sometimes env of theta gees 1).r o[ hairbreadth escapes from ar- more for broken lots hero and 40c • tail, as Lord Cardigan's trumpeter, "that horrid, great, big, burly butch- later says, "i am eh .4% of using the a woman who is big enough to us- rest they were tinully imprisoned and would• follow the instruction given. er has insulted 'no (1readlullv.•• word 'chine' to casts which have boutside. serf her rights." reported to the Jlnrgteis de la Vril- t 1VIten the regiment returned to Eng- "Ile has!" exclaimed Mr. V-, ex been ander tho X-rays, but arrest "Sometimes one docs," he admilt- 'sero as Huguenots escaping from + land, the commanding officer of the citedl '. "Let naeget myhat, and and alleviation aro terms which !, COUNTRY PRODUCE:. 170 Lancers presented Urittuin's y ecu; "but sometimes hugets fooled; France. and this report. was speedily I'llgo down and knock him into may be fairly used."c Creamer Butler .. CE:. 21; Bugle to the tatter's father, who had , worse than that, Maria. Sometimes; followed by their condemnation to y' 21c 22c 1cats'-meat 1 don't care i[ he's as But with ten actual cases of euro I tun told, he gets a four -foot -six i the galleys for being found on the .lo solids served 37 years in tho reginteut• big ns u house! But, first of all, quoted, Otero is little reason to woman who has more. pepper ands frontier without a passport. in Dairy Ib. rolls, good to •..21c 22c 'I'llo interest in the sale was aCC3 t- darling, what. has he been saying or doubt. mustard and brimstone in her than a, spite of the terrible prospect of the choice •• .20c alb 4 tented by the presence of Mr. James doing'?" The first case hr. Williams quotes ianless. ()no can't tell bythe size, do medium Mustard, of Twickenham, formerly �I g galleys' they refused to conform, and do tuts,good to choice 19c 2irc "Why, when you had gone this is that of a woman, aged 64. 'Three of the package just what it con in January, 1702, they, with tunny l7c l�'c the 17th Lancers, and a survivor (11 morning.I !Quad I was short ofdo inferior times she was operated upon for tains, 1, if o I[ one could the charge, wearing his several moue so I went toyour cheque- the removal of cancerousgrowth. others, were sent in a chain of con- (•}tceso-12 0 to 18c per Ib. . y,l "Well, if ono could-" vtcts to Uunquerque, where they Eggs -22e to 23e for trash and 20c r Inv(lais. book and wroto get a cheque for After the third operation the can- "Without intending anything pet- were all placed on hoard the galley RS BIDS '1'00 LOW. twenty-five dollars -exactly as 5(.11 cer recurred, and then the X-ra;.s sonata. Marin -nothing personal at all to ' lc for limed. The auctioneer said that they hail du, clear -and signed my name to it., were applied twice n week, with an -t t, y say that soma Ina'll would I' ip, of til the Cron one, or flag- Poultry -beat chickens, 8c to l8c, ship, of the squadron of six galleys 111111 7c to 8c; fat hens, 7c to 8r., been told that there were a go...i but the butcher wouldn't cash it!" exposure of five to ten minutes. The have taken larger packages, and belonging to the port. Hero they thin (ie. 8c; lOc to 11, thin many Balaclava bugles in the mac- 0[ course not, darling, because-" ' rasa is now practically cured. some. Maria -sumo would have tried were chained to separatet.butches, so Ge. to to turkeys,ducks,12cc geese. ket, but he thought they could rely "Wait a minute, .lobo," interu]a - The net case is that of a man of smaller ones." - as to prevent communication, end 9e. (r, ]Oe.. upon the one before them as being ed Mrs. Y -."First of All, he rise - 68. A superficial cancer was cured 'Then he devoted himself to color- ]Potatoes --Ontario, fisc to 75c per the one that sounded the charge. ed me if 1 had an account at the ill eleven applications of five fain- Ing his pipe, and she was undecided they witnessed the punishment of 41( here Mr. Mustard, tho survivor, in- bank, and I said 'No, but that you est what sho to do. the 'testinad° on the very day of bag on track here and 7:)e. to 85C terrupted the proceedings by saying, had, which was just. the sane, its ut^m each. j oughttheir arrival. out of store; eastern stock, 75c to "That's poor T3rittain's bugle. I re- what was yours was urine. Duvet] 4 The third case mentioned is even more startling; a cancerous growth. 4 TERRIBLE PUNISHMENTS. out on track and 90c to `J5c out of me ger the charge very well. T you oftvu told ma so'?" which had recurred after operation, 1'IIL LONDON POLICE. A villainous benchnlate domande,( store. heard the charge, and he fell into my "Yes; but, don't you see, pet-" w•19 Cured by six a ► lope of the •Tho City o[ Loudon once Lorca, money of D[arteben for drink, and, haled illy -58 to $8.54) for No. 1 arms. I was also wounded, and 11 11.9 "Let 141e Huish, John. Well, that applications P timothy in car lots on track Fern with him in the hospital." horrid butcher said the cheque was X-rays. That is five years ago, and which serves as the model for police being .refused, reported him for blas No 2,a0 to $6.50. 1n response to the auctioneer's in- absolutely worthless without your there has been no return. organizations all over the world, phenlin • the Virgin and the *44140(9,Ntraw-Car tuts quote(! great, fat UNEX1'I ('TED CURE. cost. the citizens for the protection and the comae was about to give Baled vitation there was nn opening bid u( signature; and 1 saw his stead at FG per ton. £50, which was immediately respond- body wriggling with suppressed In another case the patient, a of their one square mild o[ territory him the bastinado when he was res- Y Cd to by five and ten pounds. IBC- laughter!" man of 59, was advised by Sir bred- last year $975,010. Tho main !tent cued by the major of the galleys, MONTREAL MAitKETS. mately by oilers of £50 the sum of "But, darling,tho butcher wasof expenditure was salaries and who investigated the case and had ( (rick 'Treves not to undergo an oper- P' g Dec. r (3 5. -Grain -Business £1.050 was reached. There being no right; without my signature the anon owing to the extensiveness o[ wages to superintendents, clerks, in- the wretch who reported Fin pun- Montreal, o•- furlher offer the auctioneer said Lhnt cheque wt►bu'L worth a cent." the growth. Tho npplieat.ion of apectorm, and constables. 1551,715: label in tho sumo way and thou in wheat was very quiet. In coarse 1 the bugle would not be sold. The "But aren't we one, and isn't X-rays was stopped two years ago, clothing, helmets, and accoutrements chained to a criminal bench; for groins there were no features of in - owner had set a reserve of at least what's yours mine?" pouted Mrs. and there has been no recurrence. were responsible lair ;22,298; and theta wav a hull within a bell in the freest. Oats quirt and steady. 0(1- £1,500 upon it. Y-. the ordinary constables: "bull's galleys. Brings of peon limited. Sales of And )o with the remainder of the Manitoba 1)411103' Caere mantled at "Well, isn't your name my name?" ten ca sus. eye" tante ns cost for repairs and 'alto bastinado was inflicted by 4fi1c for No. 4. _-♦ "Yes, as regards the surname, At letgth there scans to ge no upkeep $1,700. stripping the victim and laying hem -- _ acruah a bench, while two convicts flour -Tho market rules steady un- DANGEROUS HAT PINS. htt•Thm► I think a banking aceou tt doubt that t.ho dread scourge of ._♦ lar n geed demand. Demand for canter has [vend its match. held hie legs and two his aims. The .god, And prime rola fire:). !s all nonsense, rand you may us w_4.1 couple then sot a mur,cular 'Turk to 18111feed T, Suggestion That Corks be Stuck1 But these results hnt•e not been ar- \\+;11tS1111'''3 LONG CAREER. Flour-The hay is fairly active. burn that cheque-book. book. '!'here was I rived le without years of hard And beat hint with a thick roar. As the Oats -No. alanitoba, whits, 391r on Sharp Ends. thinking it would be so nice when 1 hhhlidy-unre aper. in work. Only A British warshipillbwitch has had a 'Jet knew t would suffer it en th. 391c;le No. wanted n little money to draw n I' h ex -track; No. 2Ontario, Tho luno hat pin is regarded witn r e tttIy a paper in the Lancet. by long cloture will be retired next year. not put forth his whole strength, 3 83 e; No. 1.:37c ex store. esteem, not only as a valuable ire.• cheque, and -and now you tall me 1 lir. Forbes Ross, n Harley street She was laid down at the Chatham great wales were raised nL each Buckwheat -57;c to Stic per bushel piemant of the toilet, but also as an can't, --can't do it," almost sobbed .- Jlrs. Y- "litre's your hut, and Prncti•foner, drew nUention to the dockyard in ]70'1 and was launched stroke. Mnrtril1)n saga few could ex -store. instrument of defence, and web i.. tau )o you'll go duwu and give it to fact that. cnnce was produC^rl 1),v Lha lately agirt gthree dee e . rrying bear more than twelve strokes wit) -!'ens -THC per humhd• cent that young woman armed who ha. hoponty•4,rious action of the white blood one ofout becoming insensible. but that the Barley -Manitoba, No. 3, 4Rc; leer the courage to use it when Jerseattacy tv;, that wretch uta butcher fur insult - corpuscles, one of the normal coasts- the North Sea Ileac which, under Ad- strokes were continued until all that 4 461c.) - the weapon into hint with such ef This was shown in New Jersey re- Ing me." miral Young, watched Napoleon's were ordered were received. 'i'hirty tela wheat t a tact that ho oas glad to get away. "But I can't acv that. he has in Uientm of the blood. vessels. At the great Srithead re -Flour -Manitoba -Spring ba, seized, when a Mill%ille girl was With the C111190 of cancer trare.l or forty was the usual number for (,'itis, 54.`JO to 55; strong Faker seized by a highwayman. She pus suited you, (!cutest," said Mr. Y- view she was the fingship of the n(1- slight ofTencee. but he lead been 100 5'4.40 to $4.60; winter wheat pa - him to ignominious (light by Jabbing s(tuthingly• nail n euro found, medical science mirttl of the fleet, the Duke of ctn.- "'1'hen you won't go and kno;k bus justified itself to the hill. given. In which case the victims tents, 84.'!8 to $1.:,t►: straight roll- scarcely into rata'-uuait, as you said you roto (ntterwnrd William 1V). As the scarcely ever t:urvivod. After the i•ra, at to 51.10; du 01 lags, 5I.'s5 would?" demanded Mrs. Y-, w4.it flagship of ]tear Admiral Milne she punishment vinegar and salt were l0 $1.98; extras, $1.05 to 51.75. -♦-"-' trek purl iu the bombardu'c'nt of rubbed in to restore the circulation DLillfeed-Manitoba bran, in boas. heaving bosom wul flashing ryes. Algiers. She was afterward -"need 4niand prevent gran rear. per ton; Ontaito '"I'hen you're no titan!" Ileclare.1 'I really don't see how 1 can, SAPID LOVEP.. reserve and her last foreign commie - CAPTURED 1617; shorts, 52O roont• was in tho lledilerruncun from CA12pea:1► BY ENGLISH. , bran to bulk, $I 1.:,0 to neat a, Engaged to Fourteen Women at24); milled 'atonal... 521 to 152'1; 1:;41 la 1 n In 1714 peace was concluded with straight grain mouille, 525 to 137 Mrs. Yotiigwife, banging out of the the Sante Time. ♦ I:nglan4, with the disgraceful ytipu- per ton. )1 corn- Emilo i tigcne Kiir> of Gies9en, tier. Int ion that the English should re.- [tolled Oats -Per bug, $2 ' )• TlI15 ON PI 1)11 5 it,\itD. many, a handsome young man of copy tho town and fortifications of meal, $1.4.1 to $i.1t0 per hnq. twenty-four years of age, wits aa::- The man in the 'form pass • .1 Ihitiquerque till they could demolish flay -No 1. FB.:,U to 59; No. ll, fenced to 15 months' ingrrisonnle•tt through the car, returned and dis- the forts and :ill up tho port. 'Thr $7.50 to $$; clover, mixed, $(i to for fraud at Itesl under rotn:ult'- covered }'at still with the pipe in withiglish accordingly took poser.' hn 5(1 5i, and pure lover, 50 per tun in posing ns a doctor just condttiott . writer a Geneva Cortes- Itis mouth, 5,004) troops in September. Tho car tuts. from the war in the Far East, he pendent, "Didn't i tell you to stop amok- French navy 11418 80 reduced that (; l4 ..'8' -friers unchanged nt 123e lie arrived last spring at !Taal, and ing in this car?•' ehouted the con- they could not tit out the galley to 12 c. for Ontario and ll;c to returned doctor. Meet, and an agnrnietit was enteral 131<' for Q;iehc•c. "1 ain't smoking," replied the man into by which those vessels, their Buller -('holes creamery q+toted at with the pipe. crews and gangs of slaves should re- 28 r. to '231c; second grades, 2210 "What are you doing with that main in the harbor during the win- to 21c. pipe in your mouth, then?" ter, and no boat. seaman, or galley 1C a --•2:,e. for selected, `2(tr for NI'. "What if 1 have me pipe in me slaves should lease the port without, 1 candled and 2lc for Montreal mouths Sure 1 haat me feel in me the permission of her Majesty of lime((. England logo As semi] as the English troops are unchan took possession they ran in crowdsge d al $3.50, but country dressed Are firmer, and oro fringing to gaze nt tl,e terrible galleys, of front 58 to 18.25• Provisions-.Ubattoir dressed which such heurt.n;utiaring take were 1 Highwaymen have reason to fear the hat pin, but peaceable, law-abiding citizens also stand in danger of bo- inn punctured by the sharp pointy. One of the dangers; in this era of i►.• 'lentt•a1 chapeaux, perched on the top of masses of ringlets and puffs, is the murderous weapon projecting out the side of the fall hal.. Men ridin;; --4 in the street cars stand in constn•,L dread of losing their eyesight beeauyo 1N A TIIIUF`1'Y MOOD. of the 'eminates point of the Tho young man whose thrifty hat p1)► thus menacing the: u. The altitude of it woman p hat is choice of a ante i8 here chronicled will normally un tho level of a ntan•a tloUbt.lrsa ht41ku n succaam in tho eyes, and when the car aisles are bubincss of life. itis talents destine packed pour matt is powerless to him for a wider sphere then that of dodge the points' of hat pins which a simple farmer's life. %tick out in all directions. In round -1 'Phis country eouth courted two ing sharp curves when there is notch girls at. tho same time. Ono was swaying among the strait hangers. it Sally; the other was Mary. man fares blindness or a terrible Sally was a very fine girl. thrifty, gouge in the cheek from the expiate& industrious. and of a domestic turn. point of the hat pin. It is suggested 4 -he was not so pretty as some other that corks eau be worn on the sharp gIrle. but. .fames, the swain in rues - points to ::ave injury to the Public• tion. had courted her in his early They might be 11111(10 very oreinmen- years. When he had prospered and tel, and its a safely device "111(1 be earned n little money he became iu- welcunv•(1. fatuated with Mary -sweet, pretty, -abut a!wnye idle. The neighbors' nt Brat were puzzled by the double WOMAN BADLY MAULED. courtship, but after a while they decided that Mary was the favore 1 Sear Untrained and Cngo Entored °.ni For First Tine. Suddenly James marriedSally. The minister who performed the ceremony had a little of the curio- sity which posses.+es all mnnklnd. "James." he enid, "wo all thought 4).1 dere going to Iunrry Mary." •'Yee," replied .In Ines, "but T thought if i married Mary T should have to engage Snlly to wnit on her. 1f 1 married Sully she would wait on herself." Mine. Fregre was very !Holly maul- ed be to grizzly hear at Bostock s Menagerie ie Paris, the other day. The animal. hitherto untrained, was r to he taught some exercises in orrl .1- to rto take A place in the ',manumit niel Mine. Fregre was detailed to pet It through its first paces, [mrne'ti:tt,•ly After the bear hs.: breakfasted she enterer1 the cage. The !:cast hhowed n sullen obstinacy, 4111(1 declined to move nt the sound of her %Dice. She cracked her wh p hostile•. but still the animal remained int ractatile. Losing patience. Min' 1•'rci;•e brought down her whip heavily nn the Fear's shoulders. The blow en- raeed the brute, and with it fie-ee snarl it sprang et Jln1e. Fregre, and telee(1 her right leg in its jaws. 'fiie teeth went through the 'leek to the bone, and the woman fainters away. 'Tho grn.vlieg and snarling of the in- furiatca haute quickly brought tho ntIendan'3, 1t ht) euccerde(1 in fright ening it away. Mate 1'rcgra who was lying lir.et,ti5Cle+ie on the floor of the ca,[,r, wag hurriedly taken to a hoapltsi. She is in n "eery critical condition, 1111'1 It is believed that the leg will L......._ hove to lie an:p•ilate(1. ♦ -4 I'I:NNV-1`:-'I'11[:.SLO'i' INSURANCE T)ur.e are bring installed 4n Brad- ford penny -in -the -slot machines into which yo•.e put your money to secure insurance coupons'. 'i'he insuraneo is for death by accident, permanent total disablement. or temporary to- tal disablement by accident, and the money Is gunrnnteed by nn accident Insurance society. You put your penny in, write your natue and ad- dress, together with the date. en a roll of paper provided for the pur- po9o, and you aro forthwith in- sured fur one Werk against accident to the extent of 5175 for death or total disablement, or 52.50 per week for five weeks. on temporary total Jisablan wt. courted the society of women w11.a money, with whom hu soon became a favorite. Engagements followed, sometimes two and three a day. It will nearer 1►e known how runny women Kuri Fouls, but 1 ai11't walking, am1 ?" prumi5al to marry, but footle •:1 -♦ members of the fair sex appeal al , against hien nt the trial, (bargain:1IIb:R RIGHTEOUS iNDI(:\A'1'ION. hint with obtai..ing money from Gunn ' a9 their fiance. Somebody had intimated, at the fold. Among them were some uRlcera Tho women represented all clashesiregular Monday evening meeting (i1 who were ng the refugees. and there of society, froth the rich elderly wi the Mrs. Drowning club, that Mat. opwthizc•d eh r tho Ind Hoar low of it Gertnati officer to a poor ; Lopsling was the author of an ueriot shop girl. "1 don't want the mon- anonymous, contribution which had slaves, silting on their benches to ey," said the widow, "hut 1 wa.t. eppennld In the monthly publica- talk with them, in bpito of the filth the scoundrel punished." The "500119- i turn of tho club. anis ver,nin and stciuh which they drel" beanie(' on her, and trea'..:(1In great wrath Mrs. 1.apsling encount••red. '!hero were then twon- tho affair ns a good joke. (areae. ty-two of them remaining in thegal- Kurz'a Criminal career might have: •'Diem, President," she snit!, "i re- legs, and the English s (' soldiers be- 1'lifJ' ML\1(K1. 1'. been prolonin had 4t not been tbat!fiisc to rest under .any such improve- .11' mpr'ea ea 1110 nui•h cxeItod by their mister- Toronto. Dec. 3.-A fairly rind he bested in the presence uta marry' tion as that, and i herohy hurl sho able comfit ion and swore that. they trade wean du01g in all lines of cattle clothes detective that be could nlrry'onus Itrupngnn(li hack at tho insti- should be relea.�al. The Admiral at the Western D[arI 'l this; morning. a dozen women on the morrow if he,gntrrms of the same." and the chaplains tied lu prevent The run esus not very Inri;r, but the chose. them front corning 00 board. but it Ther l for choice cuttl.e was active 1!o received him sentence calmly, 1 10448 found to he impossible,and m„ in all lines. -T lac o•;t ('rattle-('hoiee are quoted smiled at his dupes on passing out the plank to the quay reinstated open of the dock. PART 01' '1'111: 11.\It1:. to all visitors. At last the excite nt. $L::. to R1..:II good to nn•alium Mrs. �ltnrvrm-i noticed you ex- aunt tome to such a pitch that the nt. $:1','t to $1.10. others al $:1.75 �----�♦ I r' I►elt commander, Lord 11111 con- La 53 5:'•.1.,11,11,14 nt $:1.r,0 14) 51 and notating your pinto in rather n quit• G ' cows at to f:[,,,4). LOSS IN I'1?Altl, flUTTONS. zicnl way just now, lir. Smartie, aentc(1 to permit the Huguenots to Butcher Cattle-Picked.54 leas. f 1 to From the Society islands in the r. Smnrtit Why, yes, 1-er- be smuggled away in it fishing boat $1.54), h,,,,il to choler R:;.;:) to S:!.91►. Pacific Ocean the British Consul fella Mrs. atnrvem-=That's rabbit stew; un.ler his pass. fair to fiend x.1.21► t" 12 644• c,•"'t'te'1 how n change in fa91)108 In the Una- perhaps you didn't knew, ESCAPE Al' LAST. $l et. 14) 53. rows 52 to 32.75. Lulls Dir. smartie. \h! that ace„ant+ $1."( to 52.25, and tantiers 31.75 to ed Kingdom helped to ruin an Indite- for it. i just found a porton ui 'ale poor wretches apposed that 81 75 try temporarily. The story relates hair in IL. they were being taken out 10 area ,stockers and lceol.•rs:-`there-keep to the trade in pearl shall in 190'3by night to be privately.!toward, Ohl commodity brought. from 51,00.) 4 -- mut were rather srprised when thea wetfern nl v".7,",,:(4 t'•"1:54"-".'';',;1;,1;;1l•n ut $:1.10 to :.:), me+nm n. 2 to 51,100 a ton in London. Then (;001) )'itusertiP'l'ION. reached Ilavre relive. Here !hes wcro to 53.a0, hn119 at 5'= lar $2.7.1 Gruel much loss of life, its the Tahitian of anything that will prevent pea- chained together, eleven couples. alai stockers run et 82 ecu to 4:true) hich ceresal group, and prices went up rnpiclt•, sickness? forced to tnnreh south through rough to canteen at 1 to *2.70,. The enhanced values and doubts ns lir. (I'enckhem-Yea. Stay on land. Franco, muRrrinq from cold and wet, and 1)11113 nt 51.7:) to $2.1,0. to the future causr4I button makers Two (halals, please. dump dungeut:.e nt night, „allot 1)•v Calves -Quotations are 52 to $10 and others responsible for fashion in their chains, and covered with ver - dross each nn(' ::c to 81e. per poun'1• dress to turn their attention to in ironing handkerchiet9 the middle min and severe skin diseases brought `shuts and L.amha-4heep are quote metal and other materials. As a re- nhoul'1 be ironed first. 11 the (*dee on h}• their entire want of eluants- ea ,ineh,iitgcd at it to $4.71) for ex - vet the demand has fallen of[ con- nn' first ironed, the centre. a9 one ne s At Leona the whole• chain Wes ]tett ewes, and 5:3 to 5:3.40 for Burka aidarahly, the price of the shell hal knows. sw-ells out like a balloon, put mt..ei Ital-butt..m'•tl boat and aur[ culls. hamlet are quoted at 453 since decreased by half, and steps and then it is difficult to iron well thus tat:en to AvigllcnI, where they to 5:►.fi5. have had to 1)e taken to Check the so the 'vlgta will he even and nil remumed their weary march. and at 11ogs-.�(e•hrlm :a r.• quoted at $(1 pre output. quite 9otooth. Inas. reached Illwrseilles. cwt. and Ughte nn.l fats L. 55 75. BUFFALO MAttIE'h'. Buffalo, Dee. 5.-Fluor-atend;t. Wheat-Nonatia1. Porn -`(tends for choice grades, easy for soft corn; No. '2 yellow. 5(k'; No. 2 corn, 481';4 flats -!'inn: No. 2 white, 35c; No4 '2 mixed, 331e. .444.44ffplarim 44.