Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-07, Page 5THE
abxetet `b vorate,
published eery Thur.lay Ifon:ing at the Otti,e.
—By the—
One Dollar per annum it paid in advance, $1 SO
if not so paM.
Ldvor:isistg Ratan ors Jiy)Ilica-
No paper discontinued until all arrearage* are paid
Advertisements without specified directions sill be
publiahcd until forbid and charged accordingly.
Literal dis•ounI trade for transient advertisements
inserted for long periods. Seery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, k ., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Protc,aaaloual Cards.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L D. S.. D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Unit eriaty.
Teeth extracted without any pain. or any bad effects
Office In Panson's Nock, west side Main street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dents eery
(with honorable mention.)
Aluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harnileas an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer
Li e for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly
attended to and teens reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office Winchelsea.
this county and adjoining territories, to repre•
seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid /Mantis/ standing. Salary 8360 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when
necessasyJ; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., k CO., Dept. 6, klonon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Bran and Shorts
- and Wheat Chop
At Exeter and Centralia
Prices: Satisfactory. Tiring in
your grain and load
home with feed.
Jos. Cobbledick
Crediton Fiotir!
Our Roller Flour is at the
very top of the list of good
flours. There is none better
made. It makes the good wife
smile. Try it.
11ts. Jtunes Crieh of Clinton while
on a visit to her daughter. Mrs. J. E.
Ball, here. experienced n slight stroke
of paralysis. When affected she eves
sitting in the house and fell to the
Noor only n Iraandchild being with her
at the moment. She has somewhat
improved since then. -Mrs. Dodds of
Manitoba isms a visit to her parents,
Mr. end Mrs. Robertson. We are
pleased to Inert our old friend again.
--Dan. McKay of Holyoke, \Inas„ was
hetes last week visiting his parents.
Ile is one of the young !limonites who
is rapidly climbing the ladder of enc• Tee
cess. --John Halliday of the Mill Head
hes returned from the West. While
there he purchased an improved quar-
ter section and tented another in the
Arcola district, and is hound for the
Northwest in the spring.
Went s:re--St. *Tames' R. C. church,
Seaforth, was mn \Vednesiay morning
the scene of n pretty wedding. the
contracting parties being Miss Kath-
leen, daughter of the late Jas. Lennon
of Seafurth, and James Devereux,
youngest son of John Devereix of the
}lnren !arid. The bride seas becom-
ingly Attired in a costume of grey silk
eolienne over ivory taffeta, with large
picture het. Her sister, Miss Agnes,
of Detroit, acted les bridesmaid, end MAKS YOUR LIPS A SUCCESS
wore a shit of pale blue wool taffeta, you can if von will. Oar r�uMes u hick e
with hat to tastes. John DPwe1PI1X, date and (,n• Ural mil gnali(r yon in the are shunrtebap-(o•t
e )l1sin of the groom, sees best man, possible time. All our graduates secure gax1 txs
while Frank Lennon end James Per- tmion.. {we get tar name applications than we can
e.t. Th«•b of hay gained
cell, acted es umbel -a. The ehorch scam tinea lorth,i. r
continental repnata•
y enteral any time.
crowded and special music wise ren- Write for our handa,ane cats loaue it will
deretl. To the happy couple fits ex• interest yew
tend out heartiest congratulations for ELI,iOT'r
a happy aril peaceful wedded life.
Dunlop's «oserp JOYS OF MATERNI
06 Yonne St.
Dealoe's Choicest Flowers only dealt tn.
Floral Desldas fur all occasions.
new era shipped to any point between Hatt-
ie: sad Calgary, sad sale condition
TY, (tit.tvl, BALL. --A grand ball will be
held el Met aI. tl s Hall, slice on 1'ro
dny, Dec. lith. Viral clay urosic is to
be pruvidrd and it good time is expect-
ed. The dusting hill C0Iunit•nce at 8
o'clock and t1 lunch will he served at
12. Admission 50 cts., ladies free.
Mrs. Potts Tells How M'omen Should
Prepare for Motherhood
The darkest days of husband and
wife are when they come to look for-
ward to childless and lonely old age
Illustrated Price List on appllcatlou. Many a wife has found herself Inca -
100,000 lose Trees to blown. pable of motherhood owiug to a dis-
aIOEIN H. DUNLOP placement of the womb or lack of
FLOtlST strength in the generative organs.
Laud Diatoce Plow! Nljbt sea Similar Uhl
Kala 4780 stain 2261
Ina Aft allkvelsAka&a&a i,fS,
! Buy your Piano
41 from the
Horne Dealer,
4 S. Martin &Son ;
Instruments are thor-
oughly reliable. So are Frequent backache and distressing
We. We will suit you in paw, accompanied by offensive dis-
charges and generally by irregular
Goods, also in Prices and and scanty menstruation indicate a dis-
placement or nerve degeneration of
Terms. We are offering a the womb and surrounding organs.
The question that troubles women
five -drawer guaranteed is how can a woman who has some fe-
male trouble bear healthy children?
Sewing Machine for $21. Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Park Avenue,
Call and see it. Hot Springs, Ark., writes :
Mf Dear Mrs. Pinkham;
a During the early part of my harried life I
was delicate in health • both my husband and
I were very anxious for a child to bless our
home, but 1 had two miscarriages, and could
not carry a child to maturity. A neighbor
who had been carred by Lydia E. Piuknam's
Vegetable Compound advised me to try it. I
did so and soon felt that I was growing
stronger, my headaches.and backaches left
I had no more bearing -down pains, and
felt like a new woman. Within a year f
became the mother of a strong, healthy
child, the joy of our home. Lydia E. Pink-
heam's Vegetable Compound is certainly a
splendid remedy, and I wish every woman
who wants to become a mother would try It."
Actual sterility in woman is very
rare. If any woman thinks she is ster-
ile, let her try Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs.
i'inkham, Lynn, Mass. Tier advice is
free to expectant or would-be mothers.
Wheat 78 88
Batley 40 45
Oats 81 36
Peas 05 05
Potatoes, per bag 75 80
Hay, per ton 0 00 0 50
Flour, per cwt., family2 25
Flour, low grade per cwt. 1 25 1 25
Butter 20
Eggs `2
Livehogs, per cwt 5 75
Shorts per ton 20 00 20 00
Bran per ton 16 00 10 00
Turkeys 11
Geese 8
Ducks 1)
(`sicken . 5 7
Dried Apples 0 0
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
The only safe effectual monthly
medicine on which women con
depend. Sold in two degrees of
strength—No. 1, for ordinary
cases,11 per box; No. 2, 10 de -
fgrotto stronger for Special
.sen. tS per box. Sold by all
druuui.eta. Ask for Cook's Cot-
ton Hoot Compound; take no
•+ulx tatute.
The Cook Medicine Co..
Windsor, Ontario
Pure Tea
Iitjc)ienic Packages
Users of Grand Mogul
Tea pronounce it the
beverage of good health.
Grown on the sun -kissed
mountains of Ceylon, it
has the delicious and
mellow flavor of purity.
(Prepared by machinery
from plantation to cup. The
packages, lined with air-
tight paper, protect k from
store dust and microbes.
Never sold in bulk nor in
poisonous lead. The effort
to substitute some other tea
L.) be "just as good" is the
desire cf sorc dealers for
an excessive profit on an
inferior article.
Grand Mogul
mow u 25c 30c. 40, and 50s par
pound. Look foe the premium nett•
pen and lift of premiums to each
Dr. Ovens will be at the Commercial hotel, Exeter,
Saturday, Dec. 10. See "Ad."
About thirty voting people gathered
nt the home of Miss Iantua (Sillies on
Thursday evening and gave her a very
pleasant hi, thday surprise. The even -
ening .was spent in various amuse-
ments till the small hours began to
ta•11 there that the morning was dr/M-
ing near When they All departed feel-
ing that they had spent a gond time. -
Several of our voting people attended
the school concert at Exeter on Friday
evening and wet,. highly pleased with
the entertainment.- Air. and .Mrs.
Joseph Snell of Exeter were in the
village on Friday, -Rev. S. 11. Knerh-
tel of Berlin coodueled the gnarled
meeting service here on Sunday. -The
Y.P.A. meets on Sunday evening dui--
ing the winter nu)ntlis.-Mr, rine) Mrs.
L. Havelle of Grand Mend n'et'e in the
village Saturday. -Butchering seven(
to be in nyder now and the sound of
the dying hog can be heard niftiest
every day. -Peter Mrlsanc has a nice
display of furniture on hn nd just now;
n glance through his establishment will
convince anyone thnt his stock is new
and up-tn-date.-Jacob Heileman has
purchased to new driver. --Leri Ha-
macher is again at his old job on the
Parkhill stage.- On Tuesday evening
a large number of young people gath-
ered nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
Stephen and spent as very enjoyable
tints, -Thos. Worden. agent for the
Nursery stock,was in the village sever-
ed (Ines (luting the week taking ordcts
for his tunny customers. -At the an-
nual election of o tiers for the Y.P.A.
the following were elected: Pres.,Rev.
Clemens: Vice Presidents, Sim. Ire-
land, Misses Letitia Snell, Minnie Eh-
lersand Mrs. E. P. Paulin: Sec'y, Miss
Amelia \Vitzel; Treaty„ OliverGraybiel:
Organist, Mise ida Goetz. Assistant,
Miss Minnie Ehles; Supt. Juniors Mrs.
E. P. Paulin.
Grand Bend
Joseph Gill moved Thursday into
the house he recently purchased from
Leen; Ravelle.-Mr. %Ve'Iden, who has
Leen here blacksmithing for Mr.
Smith. left for his home in Dashwood
Saturday. -H. Smith spent a few days
in Sarnia last week. -Several men are
engaged getting Mr. Hamilton's boat
ma of the river for winter. -Mrs, Wm.
Patterson, who has been in Port. Hu
ron on a visit returned hnrne Satur-
day. --1). Mertiot's house and contents
was berncd Inst Fri lay. --Ernest Mol -
lard was married t • Miss Mary Wan
per. Congratula I inns. -The Metho-
dists intend holding their Christmas
enterteinnu'nt on Dee. lA; while the
Presbyterians will hold theirs nn Der.
Rad news of the sudden and unexpect-
ed death of Thomas Hayter of the 17th
Con. of Stephen. earn' as a severe
shock to his many friends inthis roni-
rntinity. He had retired to bed on
Saturday night apparently in his ns -
nal good health, doot)tless little think-
ing the cruel hand of death wield be
mien hits before morning. however,
Fitch was his sad end, and the feelings They'd go o1)1 in the morning clad
of Mrs. fleeter can he better imagined So tidy and so trine; [sad,
than described when she went to call At night, they'd corse home looking
J11s. B. Mulligan of Dublin is visit-
ing rrieeds stere. -Mrs. Wm. AlcCann
is suffering from 1111 attack of pneu-
monia. Her many friends wish for her
a speedy t•ecoyery.-Miss Tent( Me(ann
of Detroit is home waiting at the bed-
side of her mother. -The jingle of the
merry sleigh bell is a welcome visit-
or once more.-Debolt Deitricla has
gone into the sense trading. He now
has a "Dan Patch" --There is loud talk
of it municipal election with a big
field of candidates.
1)atl. Gower has moved to Kalb-
lleish's mill, where he will he engaged
at the tlax.-J. D. Hannan bad a
plowing bee on Tuesday of last lveek.
Jliss Tenni.• \leEachau► has gout to
London W)1,ve'heintends remaining.
-James Hannan. Br„ who has been
in, is recovering. -Thos. O'Rouke, svho
been hauling logs to London for 31r.
Ada III Heck, has rear red home.- Miss
Ellie Ilestartl is visiting friends and
relatives in Salem. -Messrs. Charles
Baumgarten, Sandy UcEacban and
Frank listen -d left a few drays ago fur
3ln0is(iglle, Mich., where they will be
engaged in a lumbering camp. -Mr.
and Urs. Sutton and family, who have
been residing at Parkhill for a short
time, have become residents of this
piece, the former having rented a
farm neer here.
(Intended for last week)
MLRHIRU, -Kirk ton once tnot-e con-
tributes to the happiness of another
young man, and one by one our young
Ladies are carried away to grace and
beautify other houses. The young lady
in this case is Miss Phoebe IL, young-
est daughter of Thomas Tufts of this
place, who 1)ecsune the life partner of
Mr. Will Brown, at popular and well -to
do young farmer of Stephen. The in-
teresting event took place at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. Geo. Moon,
Hullett Township, on Wednesday.
'Co the strains of the wedding march,
played by Mrs. Moon, the bride enter-
ed the nicely decorated parlor, lean-
ing on the arm of her brother-in-law,
J. F. Ross, of lilolrnesville. Rev. An-
derson of Blyth, formerly of this place.
performed the interesting ceremony,
after which all enjoyed it sumptuous
supper. The presents were very pret-
ty as well as useful and costly. Mr.
and 31t•s. Brown have settled clown to
the sterner realities of life on the fat•ln
and we trust their voyage over the
matrimonial sea may be pleasant and
Miss liilnrt Pedlar, of the townline
west has returned from an extended
visit to the North West. -Miss' Hattie
McMillen of Mount Hrydges is on a
visit to McGillivray friends. -Mr. and
Mrs. hall and daughter. Miss Florence
sire on a visit to relatives in Manilaac,
Mich. -The Mats' Hill chnrch is mak-
ing preparations for the Xmas. enter-
tnintuent un Dec.27.-Miss Ethel NVeir
is house from Toronto on a visit. -Af-
ter visiting at D. Rosser's for a time,
Miss Flossie Nichols has returned to
Lindon. -Ernest Derr, who is attend-
ing the Model School in London, has
been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 11,
McGillivray for the year ]000. -Prior
to leas ing for Manitoba Ales. George
Thompson was)resented with a purse
of money as :a slight token of the es-
teem in which she is held by her many
friends. Ur. 'i'hnntpsen went to Man-
itoba some time ago. We wish them
every happiness and prosperity in the
far-famed West. -Chas. Hallo( Lieury
who was taken to the hospital at Lon-
don n few (lays ago, is, his many
friends will he pleased to learn, get-
ting along eta well as can bo expected.
The young ratan was assisting in build-
ing the abutments of Waters' bridge
in East Willinnisand was taking the
binding pole off a load of lumber when
part of the load fell on hint breaking
his leg.
My kittens three,were white end gray,
'Turas hard to keep there clean;
No matter how i wol k,s1 each day.
The kits looked very mean.
him Sonday morning and found hint With clothes so soiled area grim.
I could not keep them tidy, neat.
One hour of the day
When they were in the field or street,
%Vith other cats at play.
cold in death, and impotently without
a struggle. Heart failure was the Fnp-
pnsed cause, and his death hnd rapper-
T,ACiiLAN, ently taken pinreneverel hour., prev-
ious to being did. Mr. Ilater
Principals was highly r speotedras a friend and
I.v his sudden taking off profound re-
gret is expresse 1 on all vl(1f•s. Ile wrs
affair Renews
Renews the hely makes It new slain,restores ibe freshness, Just
what you Deed IT your heir Is fadedor turning gay, for It always
restores the color. Stops felling hair, also.'-Var :at'tt�z'.s�•
for shoot twenty years postmaster at
it,trille y end was always fotind an
nbliging rind pninstaking ()Meer. Ile
lead leeched the age of tri years and
leaves a sorrowing widow end seven
of a family ---three Sons rind flvedaugh-
ters. The funeral took place Tuesday
under the auspices of the tfncenhees,if volt would pleasure. t)runt gain.
in which he cart ried 52000 insurance. l ,Must use the DIAMOND DYES.
i then procured the DIAMOND DYES
And erode a dye hath hot.
And to my kittens great surprise,
1 dipped then in the pot.
To -day Inv kittens all are dressed
in Black so rich and deep;
1 mourn no more, and now aro blessed
1Vhene'er i roam or sleep.
The motel of my song is piain,
Ti) women bright and wise;
The Difference Between Expert and
Unskilful Tea Blending
THE qualities of different teas prove that there is :a
distinct difference between expert Red Rose blend-
ing methods and the usual methods.
Several kinds of teas may be blended, but if unskil-
fully selected they will not combine to make a perfect
blend ; t� t y will retain their original individual character-
Istr its with their roughness and harshness emphasized.
Such tea is bitter, poorly flavored • in the cup (and
there is much of it in bulk and package form on the
market). It emphasizes the result of inexperience, lark of
knowledge of combining qualities of different teas, imper-
fect blending, poor selection, and the hundred and one
other causes of poor tea.
But my expert Red Rose blenders select the right
grades of strong, rich Indian teas and delicate fra cal::
Ceylon teas, and produce Red Rose Tea with entirely
new characteristics—a tea with that " rich fruity flavor"
—a tea so exquisitely different and better than any brand
of Ceylon alone, that no one who once tries it ever goes
back to Ceylon again.
is good Tea
T. H. Estabroohs
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Miss Annie Fisher of Port Arthur is
a visitor at the home of her brother,
Oswald Fisher.- Mr. Schwalm has de-
cided to retire from farm life and bas
disposed of his 80 -acre farm On the
Blind Line to his son, Peter. The for-
mer has always been n hard working
main and by careful management has
accumulated a good share of this
world's goods. 31e. and Mrs. Schwalm
have moved to our village and are now
enjoying a well-earned rest. -Henry
Knlbfleisch of the 10th con., has pur-
clased a piece of Land from Fred Iiaalb-
fleisch. Ile will erect it dwelling on
it next summer. -Ed. McGavin will be
the new teacher for 1006 in place of W.
Jarrott, in the lith concession school.
lDEATH, -One of those events which
cause feelings of sadness and regret in
the hearts of old neighbors arid ac-
quaintances, and of grief and pain to
tbose near and dear, occurred Thurs-
day. Alexina, beloved wife of Rola.
Hoggartb, Lot 24, Con. 11, died at her
residence at the age of 78 yt'at:w. De-
' ceased had always enjoy( d the (test
of health until a shot time previous
to her death, but a general breaking
up of the system was the immediate
cause of death. Those in Ilihbet•t ttho
knew her so well, will long remember
her as a frit ud,loving,tenderand title.
Thefuneral took place on Sat utility to
the Cromarty cemetery and was large-
ly attended.
Use Your Judgmet :'
It is not likely that you will attend more than :..
College in your lifetime.
it is therefore important that you choose lite
right school ---your success may entirely depend
the school.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand Coi
has h;id a reputation for years for its equipni.
thoroughness, faculty, demand for its graduated par;,:'',
and you take no chance with it.
School term—September till June inclusive.
Catalogue free for the asking.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Prtso�ab LONDON, ONT'
1)t. of et s w ill ts• at the ('ommer. ill !Wel, Exeter,
Saturday, Dec. Ilth. See "Ad."
Witmuso.—L'nder an arch of ever-
greens and roses, a very pretty wed
ding took place on Nov. 29, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hod-
gins, of Biddulph, the occasion being
the mnrriege of their daughter, Miss
Euliia D., to Mr. Eli Thorupenn. The
ceremony was performed by Rey. Mr.
Thomas, of Lucan. The bride Waw
tesutifully gowned in create liema,
trimmed with lace and carried .show-
er bouquet of white roses and carna-
tions. The bridesmaid, Miss Emily
Needham of Kincardine, also looked
very pretty in white organdie. trim-
med with lace, and carried a bouquet
of pink carnations. The wedding gifts
were numerous and costly. After the
ceremony guests, numbering about
fifty sat down to a sumptuous repast,
after which an evening was pleasantly
passed in genies. music and singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will be at
home to friends after Dec. 18.
Itr. !hens will be at the Commercial Hotel, iwet, r,
Saturdae 1*.. 16th. See Ad:'
Earth is again wrapped in her white
mantle and a little more of the "beau-
tiful" would make good sleighing. -
Mr, and Mrs. /fern, Jr., have moved
to their new home on the 7th conces-
sion. -Mrs, Wm. Taylor is spending a
few days in Exeter.- We are sorry to
hear that Miss Phoebe ',inward is still
confided to her bed, acid but slight
hopes etre entertained for her recovery.
John Horne held a very atrccessful ruc-
tion sale on We'dneselay, Jos. White
of St. Marys wielding the hemmer.
Mr. Horne intends moving to Toronto.
--Quite a number frt,m here attended
Out fowl Supper, at Wr►e,dhem Monday
evening and report it very enjoyable
DRAT'. --Death hem eb.ime-d another
victim in the perv.in of \1 r'. Snell, w ho
died At the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. Henry Squire. on Monday, Dec.
1. The deceased Indy bad reached the
ripe age of 77 years, death being due
to paralysis. The rem•tin• were taken
to the home of her d.t,ighter, Mrs.
Cook at Ninhurn, from which place in-
terment took place on %Vednesd
Vomit Phosphodiner
T'he Ureal Boat 1,11 Remedy.
♦ potdtjite cure for all forms (
Sexual wweake,eve, Mental an
moss AND Arra' Lrain Wow, F:ntiaaiona, Ylxf
seatorrioea, impotency, > t cat of A base or
all of whlob lead to C'onsunmption.,
Insanity and an early grave. }trios
per pkg.. 'infix $& One will plen,ae six will
rare. bold by all to er iii iIlod in plain
ppeaooetymon reoetppttof Write 1opPamphlet.
Tlta Wood Medicine Cosa Wtudeor. Ontario.
" Psrctttsa " has restored
thousands of people to buoyant
health and strength whose condi-
tion bad boon regarded as hopeless.
It le at once a tonic and flesh
er, containing remarkable
properties as a blood purifier and
germicide. it will strengthen
aod Beal the weak lungs, force out
the phlegm, and drive assay the
cough, no matter of how long
Moulding. " PsTCx1NR " tones up
the whole system and drives out
disease, heals the decayed tissue
and restores lost energy. Its use
daily will prevent and ward off that
Bost subtle disease consumption.
OR T. A. •LOCUM, Limited
Its SUn $t N. Ter*nto, Caar'ada