Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-07, Page 4�jt�� (�1TpN 1t ^ 1T CrOdttt►u I i)itisiva iL--Intermediate me_
2z e`er `1 ♦• c ti i Ua Halo will ht at theCommercial hotel, Eaet.,, Ilulletl'�, Pearl 'I'1'('IIZ; 1'.b8, i�elz;ull 11111.
• :4 •111111,4 lh.••. Itilh. tier '•.td
Sanders & Creech, Pro' .3. 1l might he remarked for the benefit of
the Advocate '.U,, riher,, and others. test
the proprietor.. can ghe )uu a Giubbing
T1IITltSU.1Y, DEC. 7, 111: Rate equal to "the ♦ere best."
4\'07'ES AND CO.1131KXTS
It is said to be getting very a hilly in
Saskatchewan, due, undoubtedly, to
the fact that ever) thing 8hould be in
readiness for a freer..• out for 11an1taill
and his friends on the 1:itb.
s a•
The head of President Roosevelt
Willi the objective point of a ntasou's
plumb bob thrown by an unknown
person tllreugh a car w•indmv on Sat-
urday near %Washington. r1'he weapon
Wits of lessee :11(1 weighed t tyro and a
half pounds. Luckily the Prt•sidet►t
WAS in the preceding esu• 1111(1 the'taiss-
ile missed the [nark.
The (Dismissal of the license inspect-
ors in Toronto is causing considerable
co1I11•tetlt, pro and con, in the news-
papers of that and other cities and
towns. The 1Vhitney Government
elaiaue that their removal is in the in-
terest of a nou•p1rtisan cartying out
of the license law, and is supported in
the matter by many of the papers,
while others elaim that the action of
the government is to be regretted and
condemn the administration accord-
ingly. The license commissioners who
were appointed last spring have re-
signed to show their disapproval of
the dismissals, stating that they should
have been consulted, that the old in-
spectors had been removed simply to
make roots for other men, and that
the government is exercising the
spoils system.
Exeter School Report,
Following is the report for November.
Jr. Leaving Class. -A. Brintnell 87.
N. Russell 67, M. Murray 66, M. Pfaff
62, E. McPherson 61, M. Jones 51, D.
Dilling 57, I. Armstrong 50, W. Teich-
ner 48, 31.0uwietd 48. F. Clegg 16, M.
Knight 45. H. Workman 29.
Jr. Matriculation class. -1V. Knight
53, V. Sanders 51. 1L.Farrner•17, E.Sen.
for 43, A. Going 42. C. Stoneman 35, E.
Davis 31, 11.Gardner 30. H. Fair 21, T.
Carling 20, L. Davis 11. No. on roll 21,
average 23.-L. C. Fleming, teacher.
Commercial Department. -High Mc-
Kay 88, M. Quince 85, B. 1Velsh 83, J.
Oameron $2, A. Howard 78, A. McCurdy
76, Bert Luxton 75, Dura Wert 70, L.
McKay 70, M. McTaggart 69, E. Bissett
68, B. Snell (ill, 1V. Russell 65, E. Fee
65. M. Meek eV. E. Spackman 59, M.
1Villis 56, 0. Fee 56, M. Petty 48, M.
()amen 48.
netsuke. Class. -f. Itandfot(1 81, L.
Godwin 80, Lois Birney 78, L. Sanders
77, L Antos 70, I. Alullholland 73, K.
Collins 73; F. Sweet 09, A. Davis 68, L.
Hedger 68, C. Miners 08, K. Stewart
03, E. M. Down 63, N. Hodgen 62, A.
Dow 61, B. Mack 66, M. Antsy 55, E.
Jones 55, W. Huston 51, B. Bowie 53,
D. Stewart 52, E. Farther 49, C. Dims -
ford 40, D. Stewart 35. No. on toll 45,
average 43.-A. F. Chidley. teacher.
Foran iL-B. Stoneman 83, G.Thonl-
eon78 E. u• Cav •lt 74 T. Sanders fid rs , f'
ll L.
Goetz 63 M. Hawkinskens :8 (. Fishert
r 56,
A. May 55, 1(. (ager 54, W. Daytime)
51, 1:. \Villis 41, B. Sheer•o 44, 13. Mar-
tin 41. 51. Johns 40, F. Foss 39, L. Mar-
tin : )
t tib l.Rcs1
dl(. 34.a 1. b'
l3o ur 32,I..
C ultis ani, L Rowe 27, G. Dick 25, E.
Cuing 19, I. Walker 7, L. Re:mer 4.
No. on toll 25, average 23.
A. E. Dorrington, teacher.
Jr, I V. -Alonzo Heywood 72. No. on
roll 44, average 40,
F. E. McLean, teacher.
Sr. lel.-Percy Godwin 75, Pearl
Johns 71}, Lillie Rowe 741, Mau y Da-
vis 72; idal Welsh 71}. Jr. 111.-f.il-
lian Boyle and Clair Wood 721; 1Villie
Fergusson 72. Raymond Dearing 71.
No. on roll 46, average 41.
H. 1;. 1`'alrond, teacher.
Sr. i1. -J. Walker 89. 1V. Ford 88, I.
Hardy 81, O. Hodgert 80, I.. Delve 78,
W. Heideman 75, F. Shaddock 7:3.
Middle 1L ---M. Cat ling 44i, R. 13alkwill
84. E. Anderson 79, L. Treble 77, G.
Delve 73, F. Diuney 72, V. Rowe 71,
M. flucston 70. Jr. 11.-8.W1'telk(•r 81,
M. Br•imacotnlw 74, 0. Anderson 71.
No. on toll 51, avers a 50.
Anna[ E. Martin, teacher.
Sr. Pt. i1. -M. Gardiner 91, I., Har-
vey 90, N. Jones 88, Jean Heiden 86, A.
MacKay 85, B. Quance 81, M. Jones 80,
J. Filliek 73, R. Rowe 74. Sr. Past t II.
W. Kt-dd8.i, N. Hockey 77, 8. Johns
75, L. Ilendfotd 71. 0. Richaidson 70.
No. on toll :39• average 34,
Elsie A. 51c1'allurrt, Teacher.
Jr. II. --A. Mack 92, F. Rowe 01, R.
Fleming 811, E. Day 85, 1. (ollingwo,al
131, M. Knott [330. E. Welsh 79, W. Man-
son 79, B. Iled et•t 72. Sr. Part I1. -
A. Hill 8'), F. Howey 71. M. Hick. 70.
Jr. Pt. 11.-J. Fergie -snit 72. W. Mitchell
71. No. on roll 39, average a2,
1.. M. Jeckell, teacher,
Clinton II. ('. Breuer who for man)
years his been the etTleient local rune(•
Mel' of the Hinson, Bank. has sent
his resignattinn. to take effect h'
Norman Beaver has retau•ned from
Pigeon, Mich. --Sleighs and cutters
have made their a►ppe.u:lnce. A little
more of the "beautiful' would [make
excellent sleighing. -- Fred 1Vein. who
has been receiving teeat meta at the
London hospital, has reunited home,
much improved in health. --Council
sleeting was held in the Town Hall,
on Moeda)) A large number were
present 10 discuss the drainage scheme
of the 5111d Creek. -Albert Mot•lock
has recovered from his recent illness.
-Bert ::lark is busy taking orders for
wall paper. Bert makes an energetic
agent and :lid well hast winter. (live
hien an or(let•.--Ilenry Eilber has been
appointed :twee for the Lloyd's Plate
Glass Ins. Co.,of New York.- Our mer-
chants are beginning to feel the effects
of the holiday trade. They have their
stock cumplet(• and fire peep u•ed to
satisfy the wants of the most particle
lar. -Large shipments of fiovl have
been ninde the past week and no doubt
this will centin•le until 'items -Sever-
al new tenor and buss singers have
been admitted into the choir of the
Evangelical c t - •t' is
h uch. Chris. Heist t
the prowl father of a fine baby git•I.-
51iss Clara Feltner hits opened up a
dress nrtkl•rs' shop over Holtzinan's
tailor shop. 1Ve wish her every sue -
cess. -Weddings nee the order of the
(la in our bnrq.--( itarterly services
will be held in the Evangelical church
on Saturday and Sunday. Rev. S. R.
Itne•tch"1, Presiding Elder, of Berlin,
will conduct• the services. -Mr. Geo.
Lightfoot and Miss Bertha Dixon of
Brinsley were united in Marriage.
The event took place at the Methodist
parsonage here on 11rednesday, Rev.
Antlretw.:uiliciatirtg. The young people
will reside at Brinst('y.-John English
while working in the bush Friday cut
his foot with an ax, which will lay
him up for a time. ---After a lengthy
stay in our burgh, Mrs, Rappley has re-
turned to her home in Findlay, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brows., Miss Fry
and the Misses Stt•ickler,have returned
to Blenheim,
The Literary Society stet at Mr. W.
Clark's home, on Friday evening,
Dec. 1st. The following program was
rendered: Piano solo,51is, Vivian Bea-
ver; vocal solo, Miss Claim Heist; pa-
per on "Oliver Twist" by Mr. Rollin-
son; vocal duett, Miss B. Beaver and
Dr. Heist; reading. Miss Lulu Essery:
vocal solo, J. H. Holtzman; piano (luett,
Mises Susie and Carrie Keehn. The
Society trill meet at the home of Mr.
J. H. Holtzman on Friday, Dee. 8th.
1VRDners-The Methodist parson-
age, here, was the scene of at pretty
wedding, when Mr. James Flynn and
Miss Jane A. Scott were united in
marriage. The bride, who was attired
iu a neat and becoming costume, was
attended by Miss Flynn, sister of the
groom, while Mr. Forrest of Parkhill
acted as best mann. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. W. Andrews.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. Flynn a► long
and happy married life.
!ileu tI(iK.-During the past few
weeks cupid has had his hands pretty
full, and one by one our young ladies
are leaving our midst to grace and
beautify at home of their own. This
week we have pleasure in announcing
;► event which tookp
rutty e n h ch Daae atthe
o 1 r .1
home r
d ('wiser,
it being the marriage of their estima-
ble daughter. Miss (Mary T:., to Mr.
David Strickler of Brantford. The
bride. gowned in a handsome wedding
robe, was attended by the groom's sis-
tet•,M1.s Lily Strickler of Bright, who
was also daintily attired. The groom
was assisted by Mr. W. IL Duncan of
Bright. Rey. Datum pea formed the
ceremony in the presence of a large
gathering. At the conclusion of the
cer y all repaired to the dining
room where all partook of an excellent
wedding supper. That the bride num-
bered her friends as many was evi-
denced by the magnificent array of
gifts which she received. The evening
was pleasantly spent. in various kinds
of atnnsement. The Band was also
(present and rendered some choice Mus-
ic. 51r•. and Mrs. Strickler left Monday
meriting for Brantford. where they
will make their future home. We joist
with the host of friends in wishing
them all happiness and prosperity dur-
ing their wedded life.
ST.vtt,-"in the ['tenth of October latat
much public interest and excitement
was aroused throughout the Counties
of Middlesex and Huron over the won-
derful tales of marvelous cures and In-
explicable miracles perforated 88 it WAS
alleged by "Healer" Sherman who
operated in and about the Village of
('rediton. The hick and afflicted, the
deaf, the dumb, the lame, the halt and
the hlind,all and sundrynnd thousands
of them visited the shrine of the Heal-
er, and, as the story went, all were
Nettled. fly his mysterious airs and
ervent prayersShernnsn secured smug
selnrs of money, and secured also much
eotority and considershle space in the
Menthe I•eablic press of Western Ontario. A
' member of our staff wasdespatched to
(lediton, the centre of the wizard's
Iterations, in order that we might fur -
'sit our readers with some reliable de.
tilos concerning the man and his meal-
s operanpi. As is customary with
newspaper correspondents, our report -
Pr availed himself of information nf•
forded him I)' residents of theleecslity,
We are now informed that eerta►in in-
formation furnished our reporter, and
,which we published in our issue of Oc•
ther 7th, 1906, is untrue, sod did an
jiaice to Mr. John Vnnng,a respect-
ile and highly esteemed citizen of
rediton. The Star has no wish to do
n injustice, and our Rt tent ion having
wen called to the matter, we have no
....Ration in withdrswing there. We
willingly retract any statements pub-
lished by its to which Mr. Young could
object. and very much regret their
One dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral at bedtime prevents
night coughs of children.
No croup. No bronchitis. A
doctor's medicine for all
affections of the throat, bron-
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold
for over 60 years.
-1 harn nisi A>tirY CS.rrr Pectoral la Mil
rsaa!e)] t.hr e•aa t rears t t.r.),, 'A1ll�.40.:
to It fo cora.)• and c 'd.. .p•etaal for •Ye;
ar.s."-res. W. a. barn aa. saes. Ale.
se., me.. pis.
A• am tete
. 0. Avsa 00 .
.r•1 Sin
Night Coughs
OOP the bowels oppen with ono e
. tram.•t bum'mime SIMS or*,
8(i1001. RR►'OIT.---The following i.
. riper( of l'redit'in Public School lot
Nov. 75'; of the marks are required
for• honors, RI, for n pass. Narnee in
iter of met it. Division 111.--V,-
iI •noes-FalnePtak; Pass, Gert leShot t,
•1 net Htt•.•it set. I1'. --honors, Pest
li.,i e►; Pe.". Edith hill. Sr, ill. -
Hoonrs- Elsie Oai.er a nil Lillian Fink
twiner .'q isi, Almeria Finkheiiter; Psi-,
('let•i Mitsui/inn, Harry Trick, Pearl
11 fist, Matilda Oestteichcr.
('laude Bluets, Teacher.
Harty 5laubnns, George Beaver. Jr.
III. -Honors-- Lulu Gai.er; Pass, (ret •
to Hissett, Edwin Feltner, Mattie! Wen-
zel. Jr, Il. Hurler:;, Evelyn Blu,•t1;
Lulu Redden, Lulu Dionne Pass, Em-
manuel Beaver, Murray Holt,.(uent.
A V. -Pass, Gestic Guenther, Edgar
Treitz. A IV. - Hnnors.ltay'ttond Eng-
lish, Pass, Lillie 1Veiner, Alonzo He'd -
den. -Miss Farrow, Teacher,
Division 1. -Sr. 11, -Honors, Queenie
Hudgins, F1ot'i(•a hill; Pass, Melvin
Brown, 1Vellingtutt Heist. Mervin
Winer, Willie Motz, Edith Anderson.
Pact II.-I'ass,(iordon Benedict,Fr,ink
King, Herbert Brown. A ill,-Ilon-
ot•s, 1lartington Fink twiner; Press,
Verna 11i11, Irene 1Volfe. A!(. -Hon-
ors, Rothe King, Emitters- (;wiser, Ger-
tie Erb; pass, Clara Oesti•eicher, Allan
Caller. AI -Pass -Loretta Hoist, L,e-
v,•igueMcMurray, Mildred Guenther.
Miss Kienzle, Teacher.
I•:u.ntat-Motteo(K.-The home of
311. and Mrs. Gottleib Mot•lock wits
the scene of as pretty event, yesterday
( Wed.) when t he eldest daughter, Aliss
L.`uise, became the happy bride of 51r,
Henry Either. The ceremony which
took place at 3.311, was performed by
Rev, Di , only the immediate reLi-
lives witnessing the event. Clowned
in a handsome costume of white Japan
taffeta with tri► r t
n nu s
of chiffon
net lace, and wearing the customary
veil, the pride came fox ward leaning
on the arm of her brother, Arthur.
Site also carried a handsome bouquet
of roses. Her sister, Miss Marie, who
acted as bridesmaid, looked very win-
some in a dress of white organdie
and carried pink carnations. George
Eilber supported the groom. Herb
Eilber rendered Loliengrio's wedding
march as the bridal party entered the
parlor, which was charmingly decor-
ated with evergreens and ferns. Mr.
Hillier also played sonic choice music
during the ceremony. A very invit-
ing dejeuuer teas served to a►11 present.
The presents were choice and varied.
1Ve extend our hest wishes to SIr. and
Ars. Eilber.
BOYCE--ANDREWS,-The stately res-
idence of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Andrews
was yesterday (Wed.) thronged with
a large company, who had assembled
to witness the marriage of their third
daughter, Miss Victoria May, to Mr.
J. Wesley Boyce, of Russeldale. The
home throughout was tastefully decor-
ated with evergreens and bunting.
Promptly at twelve o'clock, noon, the
bridal party entered the drawing -
room, to the strains of Mendelsohn's
wedding march, played by Miss Fran-
ces Keeler of Kingston, cousin of the
bride. In the room an arch had been
et ected which ryas profusely decorated
with cedar boughs and myrtle, dainti-
ly twined with bunting. It was here
the nuptial knot was securely tied by
the bride's feather, Ilev.J. W.Audrews,
assisted by Rev. 0. 1V. Andrews of
Centralia, and Rev. S. J. Allis. The
bride looked very bewitching, gowned
in a beautiful costume of cream silk,
with silk chiffon trimmings, and car-
rying a dainty bouquet of white car-
nations. Her sister, Miss Stella, acted
as bridesmaid, anti looked very pretty
in •a gown of cream silk and also car-
ried pink carnations. The grnonl was
supported through the trying ordeal
by hes brother, Roy. After the cer-
emony a very ample and pleasing re-
past was partaken of by all. The gifts
were numerous and varied, and their
testifies tn
the esteem in
which the bride is held by her many
friends. The groom's gift to the bride
was a gold watch and chain, to the
bridesmaid a gold ring set with rubies
and pearls, and to the gt•oomsuiatn a
pair of gold cliff -links. One of the
pleasing features of the occasion was
the tnnsic rendered by the choir, of
which Airs. Boyce has been a veined
member. The solos and spirited chor-
uses were very appropriate and were
much enjoye(3. Gowned in a handsome
travelling suit of navy blue ladies'
cloth,with silk hat to snatch, the bride
left with her husband on the evening
train for a hem•y111000 trip to tendo0,
Hamilton and other points. On their
retina) they will take tip their resi-
dence near Rnsseldele, where Mrs.
Boyce will be home to her friends af-
ter Jan. 15, 1900. Guests were present
from Clinton, Hritcefield, Huntsville.
London, Parkhill, Newbury and Kings-
ton. As the young couple have joined
hands for life we trust they may be
favored with earth's choicest blessing.
health, happiness and prosperity.
Mr. McGivern of St. Marys spent
Sunday with Wm. Hyde, -Wm. An.
derson bas gone to St. Marys, where
he intends working with R. T. Gilpin
in the shoe store. -Anniversary ser-
vices will be held in the Anderson
Methodist church, on Dec. 10. Rev.
Mr. Knowles of Fullerton will preach
morning Rnd evening. On the follow-
ing Monday evening a pie social will
be given by the Ladies' Aid. A good
program is being provided. --Thomas
Fewster of Nissottri spent Sunday
with his brother, Wm., of the town
(Too late for last week)
.Miss Sellers of Bethel is the guest of
Miss Mable Wiles.- Miss Myrtle Senn
spent Sunday with the Misses Hewitt.
—WP tire pleased 10 see Mrs, C. W.
Robinson nut again titter her long 111•
nesse-Mies f4arn Anderson is visiting
friends in St. Marys. -Austin Hewitt
of St. Marys spent Sunday at his home
here. -Miss A. Janette Ilighet, who
was here attending the funeral of her
father, the late James Ilighet, has re-
turned to New York. -John Hardy of
Agassex. B.C., is on a visit to friends
in this vicinity.
RI?-OR(►Axtzf•:n,--The Anderson Lite
ernry Society was reorganized on
Monday evening. The (Society prom
ises to have at reeord this year that hits
never yet been attained by this Socie-
ty. A large sum of money is going
to be expended on good literature for
benefit of the society. No fee ai11 be
chnrgcd. All are welcome. Every-
one come end h:tee nn enjoyable even•
ing. The following officers and cone
not tees were elected:- Hon. Pre+.,.iv..
11ighet; Pres., W. Batten; Vice Pres..
Mi -s I.. Marshall; Ser y, Mips r.. Brown;
M. MauInv: D"hating ('ern., 11',
Bitten, Wnt, 11.,lelitYe, R,ebt. strewn,
Jss. Ratcliffe. Miss L. Brtt'n, Wrn,
AT t h u r. Finance ('on'.. 51. Malloy,
W. Hodge, R. brown, Miss Ella Hewitt.
.1. Ratcliffe. Miss Esaie• Oysters. Liter-
sry Cont.. Masi,. G. Mat•shell,511s. R.
11 'vie Mies S..1. Anderson, Miss L. M.
Ilea itt, R. 1r etcliRe, Everitte Switzer,
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the ilia- I
eased 1•u,tiuo 01 the ear. There is only one way to
core deafue•.,a,d that is by constitutional remedies.
iteadnews i.,•ausa.l by an iutlau,ad condition o1 the
into -oils lining of ter Eustachian Tube. when this
tube is ineanad ) ou ha.e a Humbling round or int•
twrfe.•t hearing, and when it is entireO closed, Deal -
head is the result, and uulere the inflammation e•au •
be taken out and thus tub. restored to its norms/
condition, hearing will be destruled forever; nine
.11x•. out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth-
ing buten inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. 1
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of 4
Deafness cause,( by Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall'. Catarrh Cure. &.a.t for circulars free.
Y. J. CHENEY SCO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Urugg'sts 75 cents.
Take IL,II's Yautily fills for oon.tipation.
Dr. Owns will be at the Commercial hotel, Exeter,
Satunfay, Det. 10. Ste "Ad."
Several front the village attended
the anniversary services at Woodburn
on Sunday and Monday evenings and
it is needless to say they had a good
lithe. --Mr. Win. Sleauuon has return-
ed to the village again, after spending
the summer at Farquhar. -Jets. Hey-
wood intends holding his :ruction sale
of farm stuck rued implements on TtneB-
day, Dee. 1.2.--\Ve understand an in-
teresting case of an alleged assault
haltpetinw in this township last week,
will be ventilated in the cont a shortly.
-31r. Thos. Coward sold his tine 100 -
acre farm, Lot 17. Con. 8, on Mon-
day to 511. John Duncan of neat -Farqu-
har, for a good figure. Alts Coward
will have a sale of his stock, imple-
ments, etc., on Tuesday, Nov, 1901. -
The township Council hail a very busy
day on Saturday receiving taxes and
settling up accounts. --The municipal
pot is on the lire and already we hear
some say that our councilmen have
spent lots of money, and we should
have a new Council but as in the past
when nomination arrives nothing will
be said and the old Council of 1903 will
all he re-elected by acclamation and
perhaps it will be no mistake either. -
The minuet election of officers of the
C.O.C.F. will take plaice Friday even-
ing, Dec. 15th.
Miss Mary Denomy has returned to
Courtt•ight after a pleasant visit here.
-Regis Masse has accepted a position
with Mr. Miller, -Mr. Cabana and a
clay expert who were here for a few
days last week, in connection with
the brick yard, have returned to Buf-
falo. -Edward Bedard has returned
from a visit to Courtright.-James
Ducharme of Hensel! is spending a few
weeks here. -N. M. Carlin has gone
to the Old Country. -The fishing firm
of the village have secured their pond
nets, after being set fur about six
weeks without having been lifted.
They had Ind luck this fall -Onsentine
Masse, who spent the summer at
Brewster, has returned.
SVanniNG.-During the past month
cupid has certainly been very busy at
his works of love and our young men
believe in the quotation "that it is not
good for man to live alone," judging
by the numerous marriages which
have taken place here recently. On
Tuesday last Mr. David Plante led to
the alter Miss Mary
Ch r la•'(.
rte. At 9
the bride au,(1roo
g tet with � [til their attend-
ants, Miss Anne Plaut and Mr. Arthur
Steeuln, drove to the Parish Church
where Rev, Father Louiselle tied the
knot. Immediately after themystic
words had been said that made thele
num and wife the bridal party repaired
to the home of the groom, where they
received the congratulat' , of the
many friends present, after which an
excellent dinner was served. As each
guest at rived a gift teas presented to
to the bride until at large space in the
parlor was taken up. These gifts will
be everlasting tokens of the high es-
teem held for Mrs. Plante. The after-
noon and evening were pleasantly
spent in various amusements. Your
scribe joins in best wishes for Mt•. and
Ales. Plant.
ifyoo, your Treads of relatives suffer with
Fis. F C
.St. Vitus'
ct Falling
Sickness, ante for a tial br.ttle ar:d valuable
treatise on such d:maser to Tits L►asto Co..
1`A Kee; Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All
(buggies senor can obtain fear you
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1 -:
Head 011ie°,
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Fund. • • • • • • - • • • • • $3,000,000
I )R'I'Y-Ei( 11l' BRAN( 11E` IN '1'111: DOMINION OF ('ANADA
OFYICE IIOUR8 10 a. m. to 3 Ix m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Finn's supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points iu the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issutel and highest current rate of interest allowed
Baring Bank Department; poundedits ho51 and and
ato poL rincipal
al e nom•
pounded half•yearl) aand added to principal June 3.;th
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)Dcttsoa & CARLING, Solicitor-. N. D. IIUIWON, Manager,
A Great 30 Day Sale
At the Dashwood Furniture House.
Our show room is now packed full of
the latest of all kinds of furniture,
bought at the lowest prices. And in
orrder to make room for our Spring
Stock we will
Make a Cut on Every Article We Have in Stock
So do not miss this great opportunity
of furnishing your rooms for Less
Money than at any otherFurni-
ture House in Western Ontario.
Call before purchasing and get our Prices.
Peter McIsaac, Dashwood.
Mrs. Thompson of Blyth was it visi-
tor at S. Smillie's during the week. -
Henry Cook has recovered from his
recent illness. -1 V. Cook has returned
from 1Vinnipeg.-Miss Ethel Murdock
has gone to London where she has
tekeu a position.-Robt. Patterson,
st'., who stiffened a stroke of paralysis
as few days ago. is showing some signs
of inn rroventent.-Lorne McTaggart
has gene to Toronto where he is tak-
ing a complete commercial course in-
cluding telegraphy. We wish o'er
young fi(r1 every
success. -E. Ren-
was in Toronto last week on busi-
ness. -1), .1. ('nntelon shipped $2700
worth of turkeys to the Old Country
hast week. -T. Herr'y has returned from
the Old Country. lie purchased e elve
horses which will arrive in a few days.
--Thos. 1Vood of SU:treed is a visitor
at the hour` of A. McPherson, --Cal.
Newell of t'biselhursl and F. Bengough
and 13. Cameron hat e 1eon arned home
1ruut ilte West.- Alt. and Airs. i). Mc-
Slartin have the sympathy of their
many fi lends in the loss of their little
babe, Elie body Watt taken to Mussels
for interment.-1ke Buchanan left a
fete days ago for 1Vall;aceburg whets.
he bits accepted a► position in it leading
bakery. ike will be much missed in
hockey and musical circles. -11. A.
Nixon, train master 0.T.11., while here
recently, informed our 1(eeve that the
company intended erecting as new pas•
sengrr station in Ht'nsall.-Jack Hor-
ton, formerly of the Sovereign Bank
staff here, and later of Toronto, has
gone to 51uosejaty, where he will take
it position in the Union Bank. -•A new
electric Tight at the 0. T. station. -
Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson recently cele-
brated their crystal tvetldim4,al which
thirty•flt•e were present. Needless to
say the guests enjoyed a pleasant ev-
ening, while the couple were made the
recipients of nnrnerous gifts.-Alissien-
ary sermons will be preached in the
Methodist church en Sunday. -Mr.
J. H. Petty, of the 2nd con., flay, is
recovering front the effects of his re-
cent accident, Mr. Petty was tryinrr
to rescue a gander which had got tin-
der some cows' feet when the animals
knocked hint down and trampled on
him. Fortunately no bones were
hr k •n but he was severely bruised. -
The Hensen enthusiasts are very flinch
pleased with the grouping in the in-
termediate O.H.A. series. Our team
has been placed in Group 8, consisting
of London (7th Re•gislent), Iic•nsel!.
Ailsaa Craig. Goderich, Clinton and
Seatfnt•th. Representatives of the
teams ore to meet in Stratford At the
caiI of A. Mciver of Gtxlerich to ar-
range a schedule.
(Too late for la•t week
Fume -At noon on Thursday week
tier citizens were stet teed by the alarm
of tire. It was discovered that the
bakery business of Geo. ingrate at the
rear of his shop had caught fire end
WWI burning fiercely. The material
being dry the flames spread with ra•
pidity. However, our fire hrigede, with
the hand engine, vele on the spot in a
short time, and while the fl'tnie't end
shot from the building to the flour and
feed store, occupied by Mr. A. Scen-
ted, and were thought to hp beyond
coping with. as the roof, walls and side
were leaning fiercely, yet so nobly did
our fireman work even at great risk to
themselves and so well did our hand
engine do its part. the nitrites were
stayed before they had done mutt
da lunge to the flour and feed :,tore. al-
though the amt,•nts of it had to be
err 4 flidsarrow'y's the
iio stteet lot s
t1iC11 WAS 0111yA
f••0 inches from the hutning hnildings,
a n•. nlao rived. The lire is Iuppe.aeed
Io have originated ft.,m s spark Dorn
at •tnvl' Wu rd by Me.sts. !lochs ton
Nos. 51.. I:40.1111.h tools is covered by
insurance. Buchanan Bros• lost some
flouts a quantity of sugar• raisins and
currants, besides all their pains and
outfit. They carried no insurance.
Mitch credit is clue our fireman for the
way in which they toiled; also to the
citizens and the ladies who worked like
heroes to help subdue the flames.
Roller Mill
We wish to announce to the public
that we have placed our mill in such a
condition that we can now produce
flour which not only MAK ES THE
GOOi) WiFE SMILE but is also at sat-
isfaction to ourselves.
Gristing and Chopping
promptly clone. All kinds of mill feed
always on hand. 1Ve hate just recent-
ly placed in our still a machine to
Produce Rolled Oats.
We invite your patronage.
Jos.Eidt, Dashwood
Child's Signet Ring
Set With Reel Diamond
Gentlemen's Signet Ring
Solid gold, toe, handsomely carved.
with one letter, $5.00. i4k, from
$loo to 11.00.
Ladies' Signet Ring
Solid gold, tok. with rich flower or
fancy scroll carving. engraved with
one initial, $3 es
If more than ses letter is desired
extra charge w:;; ', . ,:....le.
These Ring. :r:• trrvspecial values.
I guarantee then., and will refund the
money if you are not satisfied.
Send for a Size Card.
170 Dundas St.(