Exeter Advocate, 1905-12-07, Page 3BLOODLESS GIRLS. POINT BARROW, ALASKA. Find New Health Through the Use It is One of the Loneliest Spots on of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. + Earth. IT WAS NOT A FAITH CURE When you see a young girl pule Charles 7). Brower, who is in , - nntl ailing and wasting away, yo.; charge of a whaling and trading DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED 1. that budding womanhood is stutiun ut Point harrow, Alaska, tn...-ing new demands upon her blood the northernmost settlement of the MRS. ADAMS' ERIG73r supply which she cannot meet. Monti[ American continent, recently arrived DISEASE. after month her health. her strength, in Sun Francisco, after un absence bee very life. is being drained an ay.' of six and one-half years. She Did Not Believe in Thera, but To -clay She is Strong and Well. CollingWood, Ont., Nov. 27 thin s o food and no care cru du any Brower is well-known to the sail - good. ('otnmon mt.'tticino cannot save, ors and whalers who faro to the her front broken health and n hop•:- I icy North and has acquired nn en - less decline. New blood is the w hte eiahlo reputation through his uni- g that can mako er a healthy, ! forret kindriel-8 toward the sten en - cheerful, rosy-cheeked gni. And l)r.lgagcd in the hazardous business of 11'illiaras' 1'itik !'ills actually 'maul blubber hunting. lie was principal - new blood with every dose. That tsf•ly instrumental in rescuing 360 ship- tho [whole secret of haw they hay. I wrecked whalers in the summer of saved thousands of pale, anaemic, 1897. and maintained theca at that ;station for an entire year, until sue girls from an early grave. Mas, Alice Chaput, aged 17 years, living : cur arrived from the outside world at 475 St. l'imotheo street, ]►tun- Murry times he has risked his life in treat, gives strong proof of Dr. Wi.ldrugging the boats front wrecked pinups' Pink 1 ills to cure. "a couple vessels for a distt:nre of forty utiles cal y. urs angu" says Miss Chaput, "I and more across the treacherous was an inmost contineous su(ierer, and became so weak I could hardly J floes, saving the half-starved crews. go about. 1 sullttrell from frequent Brower has been lining in Barrow and prolonged spel.s o, dizziness, 1 for more than twenty -(lite years, and bad frightful heat -aches, and 1.y (luring that time has rarely ventiir d stomach was completely out cr order. out into civilization. His existe•ncc Tho least exertioh would icu:o nal is peculiar, secluded from the rest of worn out and breathless, and I did the world, from which cornmunica- not appear to have a drop of good I tion of any kind :caches him only blood in my body. I consulted n during a brief period of each year, sum eignoa•t oil oto plot oim •Julaop F'or the rer.,uieder of the time he general debility, but his treatment and his companions are icebound and did not help me a particle. 'Pt) and hear nothing from the rest of the to tho trouble my nerves gave way, world. and I often passed sleepless nights. There are not more than six or At t his stage a friend advisee' Inc eight white persons in the lit tle col - to try Dr. 11'iliinfns' Pink !'ills, and oily. The missionary, the teacher 1 got n few boxes. 'the first benerat and their wives brine the number up I noticed from the use of the pill; to ten, and in some sea -sons up to teas an improved appetite, and this twelve. The rest of the settlement seemed to bring much relief. I con consists of about four hundred na- 11 i1. cd taking g T l kin the ,ills anti I hail 'a' who 'v,' 'r tl etiIt t the u and t) used six boxes, when I was fully re- e n point a n the adjacent villages. When Brower stored to health, and I have not bud went to harrow he found 1,100 Es - a day's illness since. I cannot praiss knno4 or more, but their number is Dr. Williams. fink Pills enough far , constantly diminishing through sick - the great goo(! they have done me" ness and lack of medical attendance. A pale anaemic person needs only Brower felts how in 1902 he and ono thing -new blood. Dr. Williams' !'ink ['ills do ono thing only -the/ thh missionary buried 123 natives make new blood. That is all they between September and Christmas do, but they do it well. They don't as a result of a visitation of nit-nsles act on the bowels. They clout both- and a mild form of pneumonia. er with there symptoms, They won't hrom May 11 to August 8 is one cure any disease that isn't caused or -continuous day at Barrow. The Iginnlly from had blood. But when long. weary night, schen it comes, Dr. 1Cillirtms' Pink Pills replace bed lasts just two months. The sun blood with good blood they strike sinks on Nov. 21 and the first ray r, overhe n January r straight at the root and cause of all Peeps t horizon en n u y common diseases like headaches, side -t.21. Il takes three days before the aches, backaches, kidney trouble, 'full orb becomes visible. Winter • liver complaint, biliousness, indigos -:locks land and sea until late in the tion, anaemia neuralgia, sciatic,, !year. The whaling ships, the locomotor ataxia and the special se- revenue [utter and the company's reef troubles that every woman •supply steamer come once a twelve - knows but that none of then[ like to I month, and their visits are the only talk about, even to their (locto.:S !events in the monotonous life of the Ilut you trust have the genuine pills little lonely colony. Thn People or you can't be cured, and the gene Tenzin to look for the arrival of �uine always have the full name, "1!r.. strips on and after .lull 20. scan- %1"illiams' fink fills for Palo Peo- ple," on the wrapper around the box. Sold by all medicine (healers or sent dir•ct by snail at. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.:,0 by writing 11.0 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. . SENTENCE SERMONS. The servile cannot serve. 1100(31 prayer kills pride. Atheism is simply moral anarchy. Rites have clone little for the right. Killing tilno is throwing life nw'a r, No church is rich unless the poor sit in her pews. Trimmed truth floes not improve its appearance. The smaller a man's lino the larger will bo his Busy sign. Ecclesiastical log rolling furnishes the devil with plenty of fuel. The lass a tnan thinks of his vir- tues the greater their value. Your opinion of life may be but a reflection of life's opinion of you. A donkey may buy n degree for cash, but he cannot conceal his brogue. The time to be most wary of new sin is when you bury an old one. It (IOe8 mit make the saints tends:' hearted to keep them in hot water. '1'he dominance of ono church will not cure the differences of the many. As soon as the minister becomes it mendicant the church !ONUS a man. The only thing that makes any man superior to another Is his ser Vice. Ono of the poorest ways of getting to know people is finding out things about them. The man who as no mind of his own is anxious Co give every one rt piece of it. You aro not sure of being rf:;);t with hod because you are wrong with every one else. Many a church is praying for twee consecration %then It needs to p t more in the collection. A man's diligence in business is re- ligious in proportion as his religion 1s n diligent business. You are not likely to get to heaven by inching it that way on .Mun.l.•y and hot footing it the other all tFe week. MISERABLE NIC Mrs. Nothing so demoralises an infant and enslaves the parents as to take a cross or wakeful baby from the bed and wall: him up and down the floor during the night. The baby cries because itis not well-gt'neral- ly berms" its alOninch is sour, its little bowels congested and its akin 1101 and feverish. Relieve this and bnt.y will sleep soundly all night, grown:R stronger and better ('erre day. .lust what mothers need to keep baby healthy and make him sleep soundly Is lintrv's Own 'I'nlilets, which cure all stomach. bowel and teething troubles and thus promote natural health -giving sleep. Mrs. Weep. Holmes, Macre, Ont , sitys: "Sly bully was troub!.d with sour stom- ach and was constipated most of the time, and was nlways cross And nestles. 1 gave hint Paby'8 Own Tablets and found them a complete success and would not lir without then[." Yoe can get Baby's Own Tablets from er,y drug;iet, er by mnil at 25 cents a box by writing the 11r. 1', !::laws' Medicine Co., 13ruckvllle, ( nt. ring the hori.on eagerly for the first wreath of smoke or the glint of a sail. But Borne seasons the first :;hip does not reach the point t•n'il Aug. 10. All ships must leave about the end of August or else run the risk of being ice -bound. From then until the next year harrow is the loneliest spot on earth. "NARMSVI O NTg SELF -EDUCATOR." First English Periodical Firm to Publish in Canada. Tho latest. and according to all accounts. the best of any publica- tion that Sir Alfred Ilarnhsworth has ever had anything to do with, has been selected ns the first pule. - cation of that famous publishing house to be printed and published in Canada. At the mune moment that the announcement is made In England that the 1lnrnisworth peri- odicals are paying 40 per cent. di- vidend this year, is made public the fact that a number of the liarms- worth men have commenced publish- ing from the .lanes Building in To- ronto. Mr. Murray is in charge of operations find he describes the Ilarinsworth S.If-Educator as being really the most remarkable publica- tion of its kind ever attempted. Ile says that every possible subject up- on which a Ivan or woman can need information is included within its pates, being a practical guide to all professions and trades with the last word upon all nrts and sciences in addition to teaching six languages, shorthand, typewriting and all the practical (ietnils of everyday life at. home, school or at work. The pub- lication will be sold In rem! -monthly parts for fifteen cents each. costing altogether lees1 than eight dollars. WETTEST. PLACE IN WORLD. One of the Indian Provincci Gots Thirty-seven Feet of Rain. Tho wettest place in the world, ac- cording to the Russian Meteorologi- cal Journal. as abstrneted in the 11(-- vue Scientiiiquo, is Chcrrapunji, in the Indian province of Assam. From 18:)5 to 1903 the average 811811.1 rain -fall was 11.223 meters (near'y thirty-seven feet). Next came the environs of Bombay, with 0.83 tee- ters annually. ilia it should be not• ed that at the station of Debundsche, n Knmerun, 10.454 meters (thirty- four flet) of rain fell annually, chief - y in summer. The wettest year in 'herrnpiinji was 14.789 meter8 (forty-eight feet) in 1851, and in )ehundscha 14.133 meters (forty-six eet) in 1902. In the latter place here fell in the one day of Juno 0, 1002, 45G milli -meters (over 1 eet) of water -more than the an• [hal average In the Parisian basin. pile neighborhood of warm seas and Agit mow,tains is the principal cause )f these extraordinary precipanaona t may be expected that the eaten - ion of meteorological observati,,, ill show other zones of rainfall nore intense than has been hither: clieved, as in Java and Sumatra. GETS I I is BUMPS. flicks -T believe I'm a sort of owl r something. 1 can usually find teething I'm looking for in the dart'. Nicks -T must be same sort of elc- hant or something. I usually find yerytliing l'in not looking for in the ark. (Special). -Mrs. 'Thos. Adams, who moved here about two years ago from Burk's halls, is one Of the many Canadians tthu once had Bright's Disease and are now strong and well. Like all the others silo was cured by Dodd's Kidney !.'ills. "1 was eight months an invalid," says Mrs. Adams, ''and no one can tell what I sabered. My doctor said I had Bright's Disease anti Sciatica, but I got no relief from um:thing he gave me. At last a friend of my husband induce(! Inc to give Dodd's liidnev Pills a trial. I had no faith in them, for 1 thought I never would get better, but after taking three boxes of then[ i was able to do my work. 1 have had good health ever since I used Dodd's Kid- ney fills." SGItE OF' 11111SI.:LF', "1'11 give you a position as clerk to start with," said the merchant, "and pay you what you are worth. 1a that satisfactory?" "On. , eritC t l y. replied the college graduate, "but-er-do you think tho liren can afford it?" Mild Al In 7` heir Action on -Par - m .loo's Vegetable 1'1119 are very mild in (1eir action. They do not cause gripping in the stomach or cause disturbances there as so many pills do. '('herefore. tate most delicate can take them without fear o! miniver:ant results. They rani too, be administered to children with- out imposing the penalties which fol- low the use of pills nut so carefully prepared. Mr. Nicefello-"1 am told that Miss Bullion never wears the sante dress twice." Miss de Pink (rival hells) -"lees, thut is true; and 1 understand that she has a (liiieront set. of teeth for every clay in the week.'' If a man owns street railway stock lie never recommends [walking as an exercise. 91d you nsticethtt o! I met lim21:11 alone a day or se alto? Well. if ho will put on his back "The DJ: 1." Month it 1'!a.ter, In a a•aak lie will walk as straight as any olio. A woman usually knows her 11114 - band is a liar, but site wants hill: to bo truthful about it. Often wlutt appear to be the most trivial occurrence of life .rove to be the most momentous. Many are dis- posed to reward a cold as a slight thing, deserving of little consideration, and this neglect often results in most venous ailments entailing ,t ears of suf- fering. brito out colds and coughs with Iflckle's Anti-t'onsumptito syrup, the recognized remedy for all valeCliuus of the throat and lungs. • A man isn't an old bachelor until he begins to worry for fear seine Woman will marry hire. Conlirtit Snap is better than other soaps, but is beet wt;en seed in the Sunlight way. Buy Bar.3 ght Soap and follow directions. The more business ability a man possesses the harder it is for him to whistle a popular air correctly. A Great Combination, " Porro,im " the brat fonts le. It X11 eld be t«ken by all lnvaiidk, by all wh tare rn t 'lowu or out of sorts. It build. up, giver new life. Assistance of one's friends is sel- dom satisfactory. Tho best plan is not to require 11. "Regular Praolitlansr-No Result" - Mrs. Annie C. Cl.etteut, of Whitby, was for m•.nthu a rheum•ttfc victim. but South American Rheumatic t'u:e changed the son from "du'p.dr" to "joy." i'ho sty.): " 1 suffered untold tat.ery from rheumation-declare• medicine. Mil mo no good -two h dales of South American Ithoureatie Caro cured ane -relief two buura atter the tint dose. -se in nf(er years a man is not to wonder what kind of n grudge Ito hat! against himself when ho butted into the matrimonial gauze. A Soothing 011 -To throw oil upon the troabled waters weans to subdue to cnlmue:.s the t hontter'olrs yea. '10 apply 1)r. '1•homns' I:clectrlc oil to the troubled hody wren it is no with pain n.cal)s speedy subjugation of the most refrnrtory elements. It cures pain. heals brui'ee, from the fire fro burns, and os a general household medi- cii.o is useful in many •ilulents. It to worth much. Mrs. Naggs--"I understand your husband is unable to meet his credi- tors." Mrs. Maggs -"Don't you be- lieve it. Ile can and does meet them much oftener than he cares to." Batter without a Stomach than with one flint's got a conetant "hurt" to it. 'Ler. Von Stnn'8 Pine- apple 'Tablets stimulate the diges- tive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad ef- fects -carry them with you in your vest pocket -60 in box, 35 cents. -48 S1Z)- 01' '1'l11 SUN. We somotlinrs see a huge ring or halo rcund the moon, occupying a space in the heavens so large that ninety moons' breadths would but Just suffice to span It. Yet the body of the sun would fill all that spare ere we had approached within 2.- 000,000 utiles of him. Once 011 his appnrent surface, were we permitted to travel thereon, and with the spe('d of an express train, it would require five whole years of continu- ous journeying before, we could make the circuit of his orb. iTE KNEW. "Ts anythinr worse than a pinch ing show?" 511!1! afti'. "Yee," replied the speculator, "• tight financial aqueere." $5 •VNA REWARD will ba pauJ to any per.on who proves that uptight Soap contains any iniuri..us chcmir..ls or any form of adulteration. Sunlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your meney,refended by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 1.57 Mrs. Hiram, Ogen -"Insert this ad- vertisemut fora girl, but, for goon- ness' sake, don't put 'Help Wanted over it." Clerk -"No?" Mrs. Ilirton Offen-"No, that implies that 1 ex- pect to (10 most of the work myself The last girl I got this way held me to that." Pleasant as Syrup; nothing equals It 821 a worn medicine; the na=pe is Afu- tiler (:rears' worm Exterminator. 'lege greateist warm destl•over of the age. If a girl Is all the world to a young man, he naturally resents nne attempt of other mets to acquire t,.. earth. Many Thanks are duo from the animater; ed Wessel'. ("orate t, (dee 1. 511, have written t., tell of tue Ce•ate'ag.,.>,1 w.,nl in curing icr.duleus humors, sc,dd be.,4 and .rt he: akin di*ea Mi. Sotne people tutee ability enough. but it's liko goods in the piece; they never make it up into anything. Thl Pr3tldent a Slave to C(tarrh,- D. T. Seraph.. 14.rsi4Jcnt of Salnple's Instalment ('t•nlpnny, Wa•hington, Pa., wrjtes: "F'or years I was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Reme- dies and treatment by specialist8 only gavn ale temporary relief a;itis I Was induced to Ilse 1)r. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost instant relief. 50 cents. -40. Ili' -"There's ore thine i will say you mnke quite ns w'eii ae your mother used to mnke it." She - "What's that, 1''rcd?" "'Trouble." Tray Ate ' .t - 'owerlol karvllll.' r -e.. (NTS ill ('a111'e5 derangement of (ho nerv- ous system, and nervous debility onto cny;cudhred is difficult to deal with. 'Flo re are many testrrnnn,nls an to the ellicery of Panne;ee's Vegetable Tilts ie treating this disorder. showing that they ' eter fait to produce good rear te. Ily g;viug proper tone to the digestive organs. they restore equilibrium to the hove centres } Daughter -"'This piano is really my very own, isn't it, pupa?" Ent her -- "Yen, Inv dear." "Anel when 1 A Pleasant Surprise For tea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming cup of tI agtii>!t TEA inst of the ordinary kind. They'll no'ica the difference yuic!t enough, then nothing will do them b.it Clue Ribbon Tea. Tier" •M`373r. -7 MR 73 X9 X... 41.31313E1L. N®W TO RAISE MONEY Easily and Quickly for Your Church -` AID COOIETY, 8CN©OLt T 0r aOny other purnoee, �0 Rist[ Semi ea 1+h;,(( 5,+h. lacy sire, of sates, .u1 ter, or 0(Oer4:D . era oad we w:.; tr4r.Wu:e rose:ker, 1a beautiful haft -lone, 0,100 r..: 1,AT1>r AU'.1•Ld Tatl., WALL rb1lgt 4. era.* at.l 1515 or Ule). 116•,..)I of u:.e'•r uaort..l: Lane,, 810 .(eller.l oe .ttt:ra+'d. 1151, bee uttrcl, salsas souvenirs, l.uurrlt sad fellow rasters eau -«. .11.1!,'',-.4 .811 Al 1., ea. la. x KEEP =30.09 SEND US 510.00 ay tf.,e wlt><to n,,onte• IV r :..l l zprtws Prepsl-l. +* NO 50811 (50'11[71 IS N.'A) 8. but (1(0 mare. ..teed • order. Setletoot.o❑ C✓kl booklet' iI wf tto o Sara Yore rn5'fre•t`. nae ear.• 'o and Ifeear "sow e• y4010 )31,, u,e. ,, ra Jco cr-h.sa, ire cath. d ...s aril:les .a adrertote peueeoira for 1•cn'sar..r, eu•.. name pr:. 0. WhCCONGIN FIFO. CO., Batt 21)5 MAr.ITOWOC, WIC. iZ This Beautiful Fur Scarf Given Away h 7hl . an t.ntr • rut. Scarf., made et Hark ni u u•r! d. M1 t..r.t; t40:ntl•v to 9 D and has sit v hams t ui Ls a!, t Toe lar it f.0i.ft UAL right etels yll r 1 o s•Muau.e Dack Martin 6carteuilvoweas 11anamc .8 la wjd.d;.ret Chain ter) Ls• 1.11,8spp:araan. rkn'Wal.adayl b.otttul We wi.l sate pear scarfs away one hua•lred of these a stra !ha to 1`ad:er /•.d g-..♦ who win help intr du. d hr. Armour's 6m411s C reetalle nisi. 1 ne greatest remedies ou card, /or the cox of Id.r..a, slpalleq rheunankldhy arsei:J IYraakre conditions f the blood, ester/h. gnt bosses. tr. 111less honest agents In each locality W xerais a our • t.audt„u.e iAia DON'T SEND ANY MONEY Just seed your oamaand aldtessard age:,t�loll only eight t.a.a of W.. tan..-' 1 remedies at 2'.•. • box. V/111 trust you acd end stn In by nwt) Farb eurtora.-r o t:.. buys fr' yon Is entitled to • handsome prozentt from us. You can sell them qui. o:y. Whets srtd return IA I In m-'..7114 we wm scud this sorely Tut ae•r tat once. if you sea the jw.tsal.d rater, t, the ironer quiek!y 5c 5,11 (i.e you an �y.c epp'nurlty to secure a tunahwae '•(04),' los teh or magnlreeat 1..111 Cold rnhhed Jewelled RingFree. 1,0.11t. the Scarf, without selling any mon !rood.. Don't miss this inner - (unity. Witte now before you h .ret It t,, 1 you ran cwn ae� urw t4 N Rt. n(1selm.+precepts:. tidresr, The Dr. Armour 111cdicine Co., FUR DEPT. 9 TORONTO, ONT. ?', .: i--Tl.i, :. a. •;111.1 .i!.a Ty t n :,..L:^ t. ;r. •,.nr. 0 Pracno:l Ivcryd,y Lessem on 1^ARFVI ACCOUNTS for ;;c, 'snit pt. Iti. Frankel P110. HUU9h:, 13.1 4:5. Coat he in, Ont. Remington Typewriter NEW MODELS NOW READY Every wide! n( 1temine.t•an Typ:,writer has (leen a 'notes,. 'l here never was a Remington fallen,. 1'IiY. NEW MODELS represent the sure and substance of all Remington rcrrerr- ptIns 10 3411111 of experience in typo*, eller We will lie elvt t i hese you call at oir office and Pet) the aew ni filets or Beni f..r illustratut, booklet doa•ribiug the now features. Remingtoa Typ:writer Co. 33 AdMalde St. E., Toronto. Canada ANI. Et Eft1twllr:l;I' 1 It is some consolation to a yOIlt,t when a {!1:1 refuses hint on the in- stallment plan. It's the instnntan- e011s process that hurls. "My Heart wet T:1umnittg my L!fe out" la the way firs. R. 1I. WI: le of 11;.,,1;lo, one, describe. lior sufferiugw fr va em •therm,„ flutters ing and palpitation. Atter trying m fay rola, lie. With '141 beucfit, sir bottler of Dr. ACnew', ('are for the ilcirt tottered her to health. The that deo rave ainiest instant relief, and in a clay suf. ferin) cease! altoyethnr.-31 Husband (angrily) -I don't see why 7 ever married you. You are a fool. Wife (cannly)-Gndoubtedly• Other- wise I would have refused you. (live itolloway's Corn Cure a trial, 1t removed ten cones from one pair of feet without to,y pain. What 1t has done once 1t Will do again. NO REASON FOR COMMENT. A lady had Invited to dinner an old friend who had lost his nose in an accident. 'leaking her young daughter aside before his arrival, she cautioned her to be very careful to utak': no remarks about Mr. Robin- son's nose, as he was Very fiensitt:.) about it. At the table everything went well for a time, until Carrie, who had been studying the guest's face in nppno zit perplexity, turn«) marry I can take It with me, cant Inquiringly to her mother, and ask. 1?" "Certainly, lay child. Wit ed, don't tell anyone; 1l might spoil "+yin, why did you tell me to se% your chances." I nothing about Mr. Tlobinsun'8 nose;? l lu hasn't got any." F'nther-"Before you may have rev daughter, young man, you must sat- isfy 00' as to your fortitude, pati- ence under discouraging clrcum- atances, strength of character, cour- ul r, indomitable will to 1uce(t'O, and, above all, ability to bear with misfortune have you all those rpinlifications?" Young Man -"I've known your (laughter for soma time, sir, and am asking you for her hand. Do you wish me to fur- nish further proof?" Mrs. ifardoppe-"John, Cin sure there's a burglar in the hr,use." Mr. 1{ardt:ppc---"Well, I feel sorry for him, 1 knots what it is to work for nothing." :Y )11 O I C's, 2 months o1(1, 2S. Silver's highest -priced strain. only best pig. sllipinel. CROSSROADS FARM, l'lattsburg, N. Y. tt` 013 SALE - FIRST - CLASS lilty-acre fruit farm; only one mile from city limits of Niagara . malls. D. Cole, South .End, Ont. Yr. AN'TED-itieta(Alit,re PARTIES to do machine knitting for us at home; $7 to $10 per week easily earned; wool, etc., furnished free; distance no hindrance. I'or full par- ticulars add! the Dominion Knit- ting Co., !eel. 1. M, Orillia, Ont. Free to Lt Adie A 11Afi1� O:4E STILT( >✓1 1e Semi no 1I.'•',r'. i:::ldy name and ane[ ss I.. CoLNTY til l'T'L.Y CO., ( hatham, Ont. D. H. BASTED° & CO. -- Fun MAnurr.C1 u1 rnA 77 NifZisacr i18tast, r uaoam. tes 1.t111(8'asis MEN'S Frit Ind MI It -LINE)) Etrr 1:,"I, hi Fars. Beni f.,rcatalheg, RAW t 1). t7 (wer,r pripayeslist, ht hest price... 8004 t'rif 0:1 sr 41,--fir-hil."'it aa8' f1Af.tifl'itr. GG•e•.es. H F�i%TCJ 1 0t -1T. "What 18 Smith doing?" "Pi, is travelling with a circus." ' • 1'a . t • v hard work, Isn't it?" "No; he 1 .Y nothing to do but to stick his 1..•..1 In the big lion's mouth twice at day. Allen's Lung Ralr•m, in which there 11 so *PM" rum. A .re tar.,.tt .1'1t son lungs at It allays the inflammation an 1 ride yen of the mac'ua 11181 stops up the air pas asses 330., (004 CAM bottles Women aro hard to please. Ono will kick because_ h.+r Mist:awl is jea- lous of her, and at.other because ho isn't. FOE 33 Years Sittioi'_'s Com'rapt'on Cure, t:r, i onic, )...L.„„ before the r ubir, 511 tun, tardier t•'7:, t!.3 (set loci it. stirs LI, of ,,(illy ire eared year bypass. u the L's1 iefeef of ti:.:...ail %I Shiloh u a CUSS Ire (-�h., C, t h, em1 all &Kates el the lobes and 11.1 pasters„ Thcro vele) 111.^ u' -I Slulult would iwt lee wirSout it. 'i hors e who have never ute•tl 1! 1)1(1111 fen ew that every peede is sold 81(41 • p nwere peewee Oat. if it doesn't cure yeti, de Arw'er w.il refund wk.{ you pail for it. Sisalab flas Cure tho'ivnde of the rseei elarwst. ewe of Coiighe, WW1 acd fast teoub+es. Let it etre yew, `111 wietet 1 ~4 44 fee de,..,,,4,. ..v� fl+e.ri t I woe yaw tae Ceteseaee s. I tee& as soM ei ssedeises Itee =whir C54 as ler est seta 1 need Real.. Ce.aea.eeee Cure. Fa* -e 10...01 rind 5 11.. wirer 1 had 1 sere Mei sulk vee tree M. W web. n knee sree see w tM vie red 1 eek, Ser beaks ei 54.11 21 eerie use we0 septic 1 '..-e sere it to eressis et seri ennei u hese Icls ,,(asap. --D. l..rh. Se. ('!Ramis, Q.e." e r sniLon 2k. with twine: T N U ISSUE NO. 48•-O3,