Exeter Advocate, 1905-10-05, Page 5THE &Etter abuocate, published every Thursday M. rniag at the OM e. MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the -- ADVOOATE PUBL Itiet I NO OOMPANY TERMS 0r' 8U11'CRIVT10N. One Dollar par annum if paid in advance. $1.50 if not eo paid. aaw•rts i>na a•:•• oa .Lpp1 C.- ttora No paper discontinue) until all arrearagee are paid Advertisements .without spw-• ifled directions wil be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeient ads ertiseutenta ltasert+d for Long period+. F; eery description of JOB PRINTINO turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rater. Cheques. money orders, fee., for advertising. subscriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, 1'RUPRIETOlts Processional Card •. eiliDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Uuiveriaty. DENTIST. Teeth extra•ted without any rein, or any bol efle.•ts Office in Fansou's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago &hoot of Prosthetic lrentietery (with honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Aact Ione era BROWN, Winchelsea. Lleened Auctioneer H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Uebome. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office w'inchelsea. ANTED.—LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business houee of solid financial standing. Salary *1.51) per day with ' expenses advanced each Monday ley ceck, direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when neceseasv; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS.. k CO., Dept. 8, Motion Bldg., Chicago, III. At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use the best Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest prices. Jos. Cobbledick CIDER CIDER The cider season has again arriv- ed and we claim we have the Best means in the County for making Instruments are thor- n—that is a first-class article. oughly reliable. So are Sweet Syrup Apple Butter we. We will suit you in WORKING WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier—Interesting State merits by a Young Lady in Quebec and One in Beauport, Que. All women work; some in their homes. some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceaaing treadmill, earning their daily in ad. All are subject to the same physical laws; all "suffer alike from the sante physical disturbance, and the nature of their duties, in many cases. quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling and dis- placements of the womb, leucorrhma, or perhaps irregularity or suppression of "monthly periods," causing back- ache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. Women who stand on their feet all day are more susceptible to these troubles than others. very serious female trouble until finally I was unable to go to work. I then t ht of a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pink 's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the same condition that [nine was, and straightway sent out for a bottle. I finished that and took two more before I really began to improve, but after that my recovery was very rapid, and I was soon wen and able to go back to work again. I certainly think your meclieino for sick women worthy of praise, and am indeed glad to indorse it.' Miss Clara Beaubien of Beauport, Quebec, writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— " For several years I have suffered with Leucorrhoea, which has been a serious drain on my vitality, sap ing my strength and causing severe headachm, bearing down pains and a general worn out feeling, until I really had no desire to live. I tried many medicines, but diel not get permanent relief until I took Lydia E. Ptnkham'a Vegetable Compound. !In two months I was very much better and stronger, and in four months I was well, no more disagreeable discharge, no more pain. So I have every reason to praise the Vegetal .L Compound, and I consider it without equal for the ills of women." They especially require an invigorat- I tag, sustaining medieine which will strengthen the female organism and', enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. Flow distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per- forru her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so, tired she can hardly drag about or• ltand u , and every movement causes! pain, the origin of whichis due to some derangement of the female or- ganism. Mlle. Alma Robitaille of 78 rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que., writes: Dear Yes. Pinkha:n: " Overwork and long hours at the office, together with a neglected cold, brought on a Lydia B P.kkan's Vetetabie Ceolosesd Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bear- ing down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and society —all symptoms of the one cause—will be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suf- ferings to a woman, and receive help- ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass. Succeeds Where Others Fa rBuy your Pian from the Home Dealer, ' iriT. Martin & Son a�� ca�a � afkt� OUR \Ve al.n claim to have the Best process known lot necking Sweet Syrup cosi .\pple Bolter. 1\•e make it without sugar or sweet apples, simply froth the (,rdinaury sour fruit. We Make the finest Jelly Usual Prices Prevail A. Cottle, Exeter. Goods, also in Prices and Terms. We are offering a five - drawer guaranteed Sewing Machine for $21. Call and see it. Se MARTIN &SOH • Keep them in the house. �r'PiilsTake one when yhu feel bii- ybil- ious or dizzy. They act di- rectly on the Iirer.#;etee',t'gfw:: Want y0ur ®oustacbe or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE +beautiful Drawn or rich ,Lr. lack? Use non mot mamma maxima a oe. ammaa a a fe \ it ( K .: K I«; /i NERVOUS DEBILITY OM NEW DIETHOD TREAT/SENT well cur* you, and make a man r ter, e y o Under Its influence the Dol . m a� 'Ivo. t non, of u. n e s n s the 1 ur,n•, r f 1 t tr that all D:mDles, blotches and ulcer n� heal up' the n.,e brooms, .[roc,; a; steel, .o that nervousness. baehrulnee. and 1. spomlency disc oiear, th. •yh e. e, .me bright, the face full and clear. energy returns to the body. and the moral. t•h,sical and sexual systems are Invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital wast* from the system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We Invite all the afflicted to consult us corfldentIa11y and free of charge Don't let qua 'ke ami fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars. VE WILL CURE Tut' Olt No PA Y. E7N0 NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. s. Peter D. Bummers, of Kalamazoo. ]11, h , relates his exterience was troubled w1th Nervous De. Witty for many years 1 lay It to In- dlscretLn and ea.ea,a In early outh. I became very despondent and didn't cars whether 1 work•J or not i Imagined everybody who looked at me. `uses.] my secret. Imaglnatise dreams at night weakened me—my bark ached. had pains In the bask of rn head, hands and feet were colt, tire 1 In the n:.erning. poor ap oetlte. fingers ti were shaky, eyes blurre� hair loose. memory poor, ete. Numbness In the Angers set in and the doctor told me As feared para:yeIs. i toog all kinds of medicines and tried many flrst•class 1•'.vsic lana, wore an elertrlo Deft for three months, went to Mt. Clemens for Arita TtaTwT eg►eaf TII[i,agei baths. but received little benefit. w•hreosa at Mt. Clemens 1 was Induced to consult Drs. Kennedy A Korean, though I had loot all faith In d• 'tors Like a drowning man I commenced the New Method Treatment and it sae ed my we. The Improvement was ilk matte—i could feel the vigor go,ns through my nerves. i was cured mentally. physically and sexuauy. t )lave sent inem many jtauer.te and will continue to do so." CURES GU'.IRANTF.LD oft No )'ATSTRiCTt'RiD. NF.RtOt'9 DEBILITY. We treat and cure %ARICOCEt.E. BLOM) DISEASES, URINARY COMPLAINTS, R1UNt:T AND BLADDER I8- OAst:a. costst•ur %TiOe.FREE. BOOKS FREH. It analis to can write tog • Question Blank for !tome Treatment. DiKF.NNEDY& KERGAN 140 SHIM/ STRUT. DITROIT. MICH. a 4_a K K K' K K K K%•K K :K 1 1". ( r WcGrca rho toa112 ,, TAe Great F.atplia Remedy. A positive cure for all forms of Sexual Weskneeeeag., !dental and IeatsnaIMO atria Lraln W Kstisr(ome, Sparc ,,satorrkoea, Impotency EQb(.is of Abase or Exc�ess, all of which lead to Consumption, Iaermit Insanity and an earlygrave. Trice $1 per cls tog $3. One will please. six will CUM. by sit to or mailed In plain paokmoosreceiptof ca Wreaker Pamphlet. The Wood Medicine Co.. Windsor. Oatario. Our Clubbing List. The ADVOCATE has made arrange- nrents to club with all of the leading Weeklies and Dailies and other Jour- nals of every description. The ADVOCATE and the following teamed papers will be sent from NO1V until DE('.:Ist, iillt, for the price of ONE YEAR'S Sl'14SCItII''1'ION as follows:— WEEK LIES D\ t'S .\TI: and Toronto tads- •. )!ail and rsseire ................ Free Pre,. ll.w Family Herald and Star el.y. Montreal wll nem el. r:, London Ade ertiser el es, Weekly Sun ... ..... el.tva ......... Farmers' Adeocate Coco I)AlLiES Al•\oCATI:and The Noel. 11.90 Star __ ... ..... .... 1 s:, Globe •• Mail and Empire ...... _.. 4 :>rr World.. s to •, Adrerti.et ........ '.a5 When Premiums are gRia•et) with any of the above named pulrliratinns you secure them through the club with the A I,VU('ATK. ('all at the (Aye or remit the amount by P. O. Order, Express Order or ReR- isteteF leiter, addressing THE ADVOCATE, Ezeter, Ont, Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion The 40th Annual Contention of the Ontario Sunday School Assoa:istion,to be held in London. Oct. 24, 2.i and 2tl, promisee to be Of more than usual in- terest. Situated in the heart of a dile tract exceptional: v stiOng in Sunday School activity}, 111 it city of hautds'nte chur•ehi- , model Sunday schools, hos- pitable home's, and e•xc'fllent radium] facilities, the prospects were never nurse hopeful. The progratm, w•hieh is now being issued, includes the names of a number of Canadian specialists, in rtdditinn to Mrs. Lamm eanx, n noted !titulary worker horn Chicago, and Marion Lawrence, the International Secretary, from Toledo, Ohio. The readers of this paper will he pleated to (earn that there ie at !reed one dreaded dt.ease that enrnce hat been al.le to, urs in all its stwi(rs, and that 1 Catarrh. Halle Catarrh Cure, is the only positive cure now known to the medial fraternity. Catarrh being a ronstit itional.likea.e requires • constitution - a1 treatment. Hall'. Catarrh O.trs is taken internal. I ly. a, ting'[ re tIs upon the blood and mnrnns sue, fa e. of the system thrre•.y destroying the founds - Hon o1 the disease and 541\114 the patient strength by handing op the ron•tituthon and a..nting nature in ding its work. The propriet•sro have so much faith In its curatives powers that they offer one hem - drool dollars for any raw it fails to mire. Send for list of testimonials. 1 Addrea: F. J. CHF.NF.v .t CO , Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drugg et., 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Palo for constipation. Wanted—An Idea plan ran thlna of .nme simple tatty W patent; Ptnteetour Idea.; the., may bring you we.t(h went. JOHN WRIeDERHt'RP a ('o., Patent Afton aspic s, Waehington, D. to, for their $l.5. rise offef clad i1H of two busdre.t Inventions want*, School Reports. l'he following is the repot t fur S. S. No.:' Stephen, for September:—V. !toy dill 03, Eva 1litt .el RS Sr. IV. 1.:uu•il Sial, $5 , llrrbert Mitchell s0, Stewart litt•lmeII 75, Clayton Sims 70, Everett Siu1, 11l), J r, (V.—Olive King tea, Beryl Hill 82. Jr. 111.—Eli Sims rd►, Lillian Stahls 78, Tillie Edwards 70, Ethel Sinus 75 Jr. 11.—Viola Cor- nish 02, Irving Shrills 75. Sr. fart I. Gel tie King 92, Lizzie Situs W. 1.— Myrtle Situs SI. O. M. Tut net', 'Teacher. The following is the September re - poi t U.S.S. No. la, Hay and Stephen: Sr. I V.—Fred Sutith 75, Bat ton Nerd til, Gordon Hooper 50. Jr. I V. --Clay- ton Prouty til, Nancy Smith 83. Sr. III. - N.•l-on Stacey til. Jr. I1 L— Nor- man Fa d 71). Sr. ll.—Horace Pfaff 72, (;rant Hooper 5.8. Jr. 11.—Annie green 711. Sr. 1't. 11.—Emilie Smith, Ethel Smith. Jr. I't. IL—Willie Hoo- per. Sr. Pt, 1. --Lena Stacey. Jr. 1't. L - ('Lulsse Hooper, Freddie Smith. F. 13, Graham, 'Teacher. The following is the Sept. report for reptember of S.S. No. -1, 1•sburne. V. Eileen !'awes, Edna Luxton. 1V.- - Russell Maw, Frank Rook, Art bur Kers- lake, Ernie Caston, \\'illitc \\'ebber, Willie Essig y, !fella Davis, Cecil Skin- ner. Frank ll:unlford, Vina Kerslake. 111,--Iledley Alay, Annie McCurdy, George Davis, Willie \\'alker, Carrie May. _\va Skinner, Lila Creighton. Sr. II. Mat Jic('urdy, Fred 1Vebber, Wesley Colbert, Claret Kellet. Jr. II, Lena Coates, Allis Hunter, \'erna Coates, Ledaa Harding, Alice Creigh- ton. Sr. I. —Roy Thompson, Boy Web- ber, Vernie Piucoulhe, \'erda Hicks, Carrie 'Thompson. Average attend- ance 29, W. A. Davidson, Teacher. Following is the September report for S.S. No, 8, Usborne. V—Willie Elford, Vera \Vashburn,Altnena Hey- wood. Sr. I V.--Othella Heywood, Laura Godholt, Nettie Campbell. Jr. IV. —Lille Heywood, Virda Berryhill, Nella Heywood. Sr, I11.—Ella Wash- burn, iHubert Jones, Mary Cornish. .Ir. 111.-31innie 'Talbot, Lillis Godbolt, Alex. Berryhill. Sr. II,—Jennie Camp- bell, Jno. Brock, Arnold Clarke. Jr. 11.—Emma Heywood. Pt. IL—Alice Creery. Sr. Pt. I.—Roy Goulding, Hardwick Cornish, Inez Creery. Jr. 1't. I,—May Clark, Lloyd Johns. D. McDougall l Teachers W. Howard f The following is a report of S.S. No. 4, Stephen, for September. V.—Elgin Amy. Sr. IV.—Idella Schwarz. Wil- bur Morlock, Gladys Kestle, Willie i'reszcator, Sybella Morinck, Merner Eilber. Jr. IV.—Minnie Kestle, Ethel Kestle, Nellie Amy, Lucille Schwarz. Sr. iI1,—Herbert Wein, Lorne Mor - lock, Harry Schwarz, Edwin Wein. Jr. I I1.—Area Brokenahire, Leonard Schroeder and Beulah Smith equal, Clarence Eilber, Alvin Cornish, Oscar Cornish, Mildred Klumpp, Emerson Schroeder. Herbert Kraft, Willie Schwarz, Mervin Brokenahire. Sr. II. Mabel Coxworth, Clinton Mown. Jr. II.—Otta Brown, Lulu Kestle, Gordon Cornish, Clara Wein. Sr. Pt. I.—Em- erson Roeszler, Edna Amy, Emerson 11'ein, Clinton Mol•]ock. Jr, Pt. 1.- 11at Eilber, Lavina Sntith,Jos. Schwarz, Joseph Brokenahire, Eddie Cornish, Mervin Coxworth. Average attend- ance 35. G. W. Lawson, Teacher. Exeter School Report. Following is the report for September. IV—Alonzo Heywood 70. Herbert Gardiner 77, Willie Birney 73, Garvey Acheson 72: Birdie Boyle 72; Gladys Ford 70. No, on roll 41. J. E. Autos, teacher. Sr. 111. ---Lily Rowe, Pearl Johns, Mary Davis. No. on roll 47, average 11. 11. E. \Valrond, teacher. Sr. 11.—Irene Hardy 79; Lottie Delve 70, \Viltie' Ford 75, Willie Heideman 74. Jr. 11. ---Ruby Wood 94; Mndeleine ('artingJSl, Viola Rowe 78, Gladys Delve 7e Harry Snell 75, Ernest Har- vey 71, Linnie Ford 71, Gord yn Mar- shall 71), Miller Huston 70. No. on roll 52, average 17. Anna E. Martin, teacher. Sr. Pt. 1I. --Lily Collin wotxl 90; Ethel Day 72, Beatrice HodgertR70. Mid. Pt. 11. --Florence Rowe Rel, Thos. Clarke 70, Mlaibel Knott 77, Robbie Fleming 70. Jr. I't. Ii. --Willie Man- son tit), Anna hell 77, Fanny Rowey 75. ('lass III. - Wilbur Mitchell 88, Joey Fergtrron 72. Harty Parsons 70. No. on toll 31, average :32. F. E. Carling, teacher. Mr. Pt. 11.—Nellie Jones, Ettie Bow- eqq Blanche Quance. Mid. Part 1i.— Muriel Anderson, Jean Selden, Mar- guerite Gardiner, Linden Harvey. Jr. Pt. 11. --Willie Kydd. May timelin- e he. fart i.—Mildred Heywood, Ella Jones, Elsie Keyes. No. on roll 38, average 32. Elsie A. McCallum. Teacher. Clandeboye. Mrs, Jas. Wright., of London, Presi- dent of the Women's Missionary Soci- •esto t\ i t tate rlectures Stinds.y in the Methsslistchurch. Dur- ing her stagy in the village she waa the guest of Mrs. (1)1.) Jones.—Mrs. James Nick le, of London, +lent Monday here -John Cunningham and wife. of Lon- don, spent Saturday and Sunday here. - Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, of Exeter, were guests of Andrew Cunningham Sundisy.--T. Harlton, merchant, is Bel- ling ott his stock and intends leaving the village in ai few weeks. We are Forty to lose Mr. ilarlton and family from our tnidat.--Mr. Will and Hil- dred Thompson, after a pleasant visit with fiiend&s het e, have returned to their hu - in Chicago.-- Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Henry. of Fort Huron. are spending their honeymoon with the litter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dioses Hudgins.-- Ed. Simpson and Ed. Mara 'pent tinnday in Parkhill. --Chas. itnrlton and Pringle Motley spent Monday in Exeter. -Little Mildred Hat lion entertained a number of her little friends Tuesday evening.—The painters have commenced the painting on St. James church and it is expected the repairs "n the church will be com- pleted in two or three weeks. f Hamilton printers have secured the eight -beim day. r ght gentlemen subscribed $2515.000 to the new General Hospital, Toronto. NV in. 11nine eontrllitted suicide at I,••ndun by drinking carbolic acid. Tea Flavor and Strength THE E greater body and richness of Indian tea when combined with the delicately flavored but thinner tea of Ceylon, produces that "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea—a tea that is strong- and goes further—requires less to make a cup of equal strength than any brand of Ceylon tea alone. Red Rose Tea combines the strength and richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fra:auce of Ceylon tea. d Rom is good ��'17.1 T. 1!. P�.nta:5rc:::. St. John, N.B., Toronto, Vein,:ipeg Stanley Mrs. M. Fisher still continues ill. —Miss Alice M. Hyatt, who made her home with G. lt. Keys, of the Babylon line, was recently married at Brant- ford to J. J. Shaldrick. Her many friends here wish herself and worthy husband every happiness.—Mr. John Avery has sold his fine fartn of 100 acres on the 1st con., to Henry Liver- more, of Hullett for the sum of $8,700. Mr. Avery intends going west.—The large bairns of Mrs. James Keys, If miles south of Varna, were totally des- [ roved by fire on Tuesday, together with their contents. The children were playing with thatches and set fit e to the strawstack; they informed their mother, and when she went out in- tending to quench the flames, they had made such headway that nothing ing could be done to save either the barn or its contents. So complete was the destruction that not a pound of grain was left. Fortunately the im- plements were in a building by them- selves and were thus saved. Doyle and Bennett Will Hang. Brantford, Sept. :30.—Felix Doyle and Joe Bennett were to -day sentenced to be hanged on Friday. Dec. 15, the former for the murder of his aged mother, and the latter for the Murder of an Indian git1, Betsy Jacobs. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 72 Barley 35 Oats 29 Peas 60 Potatoes, toeston 6 00 ,per bag......" 5 H,, Y pe Flour, per cwt„ family Flour, low grade per cwt 1 Butter Elms Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton 17 00 Bran per ton 1:3 00 25 12 38 30 ea 80 650 2 25 125 20 18 6 00 18 00 14 00 The Marksman who aims at the whole target will seldom hit the centre, The Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, specializes along every line of Business and Shorthand work. Has succeeded in satisfying both the student and business men employing the graduates. Has the largest attendance of' any school in the Nest. Catalogue for a postal. School term—Sept. till June inclusive. J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. LONDON, ONT. The LargestSchoolIlo C � da., Creditor Flog I BTBATiORD, ONT. ����N The largest Business and Shorthand school in Western Ontario. Our courses are thorough and poetical. Teaching is done be etperien, et inet cin t• ors. There is nu tetter shoot ire the Dominion. All sradaates secure positions. Enter Now Write for tree catalogue. ELI.IOTr k Mc1.ACHI.AN, Principals. Our Roller Flour is at the very top of the list of good flours. There is none better made. It makes the good wife smile. Try it. " GRISTING and CIIOPPING �na DONE PROMPTLY. Out H. SWEITZER People NOTICE —Don't neglect the Ant.ytt p. toms. Oftentimes this irritating cough, the insipid cold, the listless and languid feeling, are due to a weak state of the system. It is a sure sign of breakdown. Nothing else will put you right so quickly and effectively as "PsvcHtre." If you feel "worn out," it is time for a tonic, a real tonic. There is only one real! tg xxl tonic, it is "PsvctHnE. ' Keep a bottle handy —never be without it. It tones up the system and restores your old time vitality. Ask your druggist about it. GREATEST OR ALL TONICS NE (PRONOUNCE= 5$ 'KEEN) Nt spats--otllt cowl- fall MAL DR T. A. $LOCUM, Lirnit d ire lung tit. W. TereaI., Camels TO FarIRers aQa iQe Public tu BeReral. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. One door youth of Metropolitan Hotel That's where Von will gr t the• highest cashptice for them.