Exeter Advocate, 1905-09-14, Page 5TI11'
Q zeter ativorate,1
published every Tbursta) Morning- At the Ottl• r.
—By the -
Oue Dolls per annum if paid In a4s ax 'e $1.I0
if not so paid.
aaaresstlei ag Raton oa apPlicw•
No paper di.rontinue.f until all as restage& are paid
Advertisetnenta without sp•t•'ide.f directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made fur tranadent advertisements
inserted for long periods. E.ep description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, .kc., for
advertising, cube riptions, etc , to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Professional Cards.
isiDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Unlveristy.
Teeth extrat•ted without any pain, or an • had effects
018re in ransom's Block, watt side Main street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario. Mao Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
AUuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner poesible. A perfectly handless an•
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
BROWN, Winehelsca. I.icened Auctioneer
H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also tor the township of Ushorne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Pat Office Winchelsea.
this county and adjoining territories, to repre-
seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary $3.511 per day with
expenses atvanoed each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when
ne.•essasv; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROW, Jr CO., Dept. 6, Motion Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Annually,to all the new positions created by
Railroaand Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG MEN *11(1 LADIES "1 good habits, to
We furnish 75 per cent. of the Operators and
Station Agents in America. Our am schools are
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Itailway Officials.
We execute a s4.se1 Bond to every student to
furnish him or her a position paying from $40 to
860 a month in States east of the Rocky Moun-
ourntains, or from $75 to 0100 a month in States west
of the Rockies. Immediately upon graduation. ;
Studentsearn enter at any time. No vaeationa.
For full pertieulara regarding any of our Schools
write direct to our executive olflce at Cincinnati, I`
0. retell -Vile free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy.
Circlrratt,;Oltio. Buffalo, N.Y.
Atlarta,0a. LaCroaee, Wis.
Tcaarkatot, Tex. gen Frani-loco, Cal_
At Exeter and Centralia
Now ready for use the best
Cement and Lime
That money ('.ill 11110. also
for Everybody at the lowest
Jos. Cobbledick
The Case of 211en Walby L One of
Tbouaanda of Cures Made by Lydia
la Ptnkhanes Vegetable Compound
How many women realize that men-
struation is the balance tt heel of a
woman's life, and while nu aoura11
entirely free from periodical suffering
itis nut the plan of nature that Lcomen
should suffer so severely ?
Thousands of Canadian women, how
ever, have found relief from all monthly
suffering by taking Lydia E. Pinkham l's
Vegetable Compound, as it is the most
thorough female regulator known to
medical science. It cures the condition
which causes so much discomfort and
robs menstruation of its terrors.
Ellen Walby, of Wellington Hotel,
Ottawa, Ont., writes:
Dear Mrs, Pinkham:–
"Your Vegetable Compound was recom-
mended W me to take for the intense suffer-
ing which I endured every math and with
which I had been a sufferer for many years
getting no relief from the nran)- prescriptions
which were prescribed, until. finally becom-
ing discouraged with doctors anti their medi-
cines I determined to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and I am glad that I
did, for within a short time I began to mend
and in an incredible short space of time the
flow was regular, natural anti without pain.
This seems too good to be true and I am
indeed a grateful and happy woman.*
Women who are troubled with pain-
ful or irregular menstruation, should
take prompt action to ward off seri-
ous consequences, and he restored to
perfect health and strength by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and then write to Mrs. Pink-
hatn, Lynn, Mass.. for further free ad-
vice. Thousands have been cured by
so doing.
Wood's PhOgAgine.
The Great English Remedy.
A positive cure for all forms of
Sexual «eaknena, Mental an
'groan MSD Arras Lr.tin Worry,h'misriona, Seer.
raatorrhoea, Impotency Ecte of Abuse or
Excess, all of which lead to Consumption,
Infirmity, Insanity and an early grave. i'rioe
On will please, six will
k dill m ea
Si rp i5. D
uro Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain
package on receipt of price. Writeforl'atmpDhlet.
The Wood Medlolne Co.. Wtadser. Outset*.
alolrB your Pian
from the
Home Dealer, t
S. Martin &Son
Arab& Audis
Instruments are thor-
oughly reliable. So are
we. We will suit you in
Goods, also in Prices and
Terms. We are offering a
five - drawer guaranteed
Sewing Machine for $21.
Call and see it.
Har Renewer
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
always restores color to gray hair. ""aaiw'a.u.'c'o#.'t✓. l'1""
`by it KoeK"-K Kc.K K&K KRK K T
'1 bad stricture for eleven years. It finally brosebt ea Bright's
hisesse of the Kidneys. 1 had so uncomfortable shooing pain la the
groin and feeling ..,bough something was in the ort Oats. Y pack
was weak and 1 could scarcely stoop ever. Urias was full of sed'.
now. Had a desire to srinate frequently Pamily doctors, so-called
specialists, patent medicines, electric belt., all toiled. 1 was dis-
couraged. I had spent hundreds of dnllats in vain. Finally 1 con-
sulted Drs. Kennedy & Kertan as the last retort. 11 sd heard a treat
deal about them sod ecacluded from the fact that they bad been
established over es yarn that they nndersteod their rosiness. 1 am
delighted with tt:. results. in t r.e week i felt ben•r ar•d in a few
'mkt was entirely Lured. Have gained sitteen pour 's in weight."
c. 8. WAlcli r, t Manan.
SLOOD POIs Oaa.. ars the moat prevalent and 'omit serions diseases. "rite,
sap the very Inds Moo .0 and unless enurrly eradnested from the system will
rause seriuos complications. Dew arc t f Mete .rv. it r r.'y suppresses the symptoms–oar
NEW MLI 110D positively cures all blood di forever.
YOUNC OR MIDDLE•ACED MEN. – imprndeat sets et liter ("renes
hey* nicken down vette system. You feel tt•e symptct s stealing cert you. mentally,
physically and seaualiy you ars not the man you used to be or should be.
Are yen a victim i Rave yen lest hepe ? Ar. ,on Ioteadlag
to marry r Mian scar blood been diseased? Have you any
weakness t Out Neer Men -eta Treatment will rule yon. M I..1 it bat done for others 1
wall do for you. CONSULTATION ERRE. No matter whahas treated you, write for
n•st e; inion Free of Charge. Charges teascnahle. Itr)OI:S FRRR– •The Golden
yt.,nitot ' h,l.astrated ). on Dimities of M.o. Sealed Book on "Diseases of women" Free
thing Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment Fre*
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
q.K Kn K K K KbK
Ilrueetield: 1)uncau Alt1'ow,u► has
sold his farm to his brothers, Archie
and John. The taluil)' have moved to
' Mans -bard: Melville hlau•tin, of the
Mitchell toad, had bath bones of his
left leg broken below the knee in a
runaway accident the other day.
W1'ingh+un: Sunday, Sept. 17, Rev.
Father Hanlon (•Innes his work in coo-
nectiun with his \1'inghal)) congrega-
tion. as he has been appointed by the
Bishop to Clinton.
1Vinghatn: A quiet ceremony was
performed at St. Paul's 1 (AMY un
Thursday, by Rev. Lowe. The con-
tracting parties were Mrs. Eliza Hogg
and 'Thus. rot bes.
Bitldulph: At the close of a picnic
held by St. Patrick's Sunday School,
Urs. 'Thus. Dickens' class presented
her with a beautiful Teachers' Bible
and a well -worded address.
McKillop: J..uu's Scott, an old pio-
neer of this township died at his resi-
dence in Horpirrhey, at the age of tib
years. He had been an invalid and
confined to the house five years.
Hibbert: Isaac Shaw, who taught
school it) Iiibbert some twenty years
ago, left Michigan a few days ago to
visit his sons in Portland. Oregon. Just
as he arrived he took sick and died the
following day.
Goderich: Rev. II. W. Wright, pas-
tor of the Baptist church. wits married
at \Viru'ton Tuesday to Miss Kate Sin-
clair, daughter of Ex -Mayor Sinclair.
Wiarton. Revels. James McEwan and
M. Vansickle tied the knot.
Brussels: Chas. R. Perkins, of 5t.
Thomas. and ,Miss Ethel, third daugh-
ter of Angus and Mrs. Campbell, of
this place, were Married at St. .John's
church on \Vednesday, the ceremony
being performed by Rev. Langford.
\Vinghain: Tuesday nearly 150 peo-
ple gathered et the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gavin Davidson, at the Junction
to enjoy the festivities of the marriage
of their daughter. Miss Jessie, to An-
drew Leggett. Rev. Perris perfornaed
the ceremony.
Clinton: Recently John Carlin, aged
20, of the Huron Road, while engaged
in drawing in flax at the local fax trill
was seriously injured hy having a horse
kick the handle of a fork into his body
injuring his lung and liver. He is ex-
pected to recover.
Every man owes it to himself and
his family to muster a trade or proles
sion. Read the display advertisement
of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy,
in this issue anti learn how easily a
young man or lady may learn telegra-
phy and be assurred a position.
There is more Catarrh In this section of the coun-
try than all otherdiseases put together, and until
Vie last few years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local
disesse std prescribed local remedies, and by con-
stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro -
ed it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a eonstiUttional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, roan•
ulactured by F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, Ohio. is
the onlvcov•titutieti t . urs on the market. It i,
taken internally in doses from ltdrops to a teaspoon-
ful. It sets directly on the Maxi and n iaeott+ sue -
laces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and
Addrtas: F. J. CHENEY loCO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Itrugg ate, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pica for coaattpauoe.
Blanshnid: Mrs. Rich. Wight died
Monday after it brief illness of paraly-
sis. She had had a (paralytic stroke
several years ago and had not lreen in
good health since. A second stroke
Friday caused her death. She leaves
a husband and two sons.
Logan: Tuesday while D. Waugh
was trying to let himself down from it
straw stack to the barn floor lie missed
his footing and fell to the ground. Ile
was picked up and taken to the house
where he lacy unconscious for for forty
minutes. His right urn) was broken
at the Lyrist.
Ettst \\'awttnnsh: On Tumidity noon
the m art•rngt' took place at the home
of Mi'. and Mrs. J. Chatnney of Miss
Rosalena, youngest daughter of the
late James Perdue. Rev. J. Edmonds
was the officiating minister. Alias
Martha Roe, of Morris, and Jae. Hob-
son nssisted the happy couple.
"\Vinglntnt: The marriage took place
Tuesdayfin 110011 of
second daughter. and r, rs. Lil ie
May, and J. Hell, of Latticing, Mich.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Olive Matson, while little Mamie
Kinsman and Jessie Hall acted no flow-
er girls. Rev. Gundy tied the knot.
Clinton: A wedding took place at
the home of C. J. Myer Wednesday
at high noon, when his daughter, Miss
E. Olive, became the wife of Samuel
11. Gardner, of Colborne. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. Mr.
Manning. The wedding was a quiet
one and the young couple were tinat-
Parkhill: Mr. and Mrs. 0.W. [List-
ings have moved to Winnipeg. Miss
Flo Anderson has gone to Brandon,
Nan., where she intends residing.–
Mrs, Alderson, and son, Albert, Geo,
' Thompson, Wm. W\'iteside, Wnl. Sher•
rift and wife. Mis. Sara \Vehh, Walter
Durr, Jos. Maws in, Frank Windsor
Frank Portice have gone out West.
Goderich: Thursday morning the
'wieldingof W. L. Ilorton, town trees-
' firer and manager of the Standard
Loan ('o. Branch and of the Goderich
Elevator Co., to Mia Kathleen Ball, 1
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. \S'. Ball.
wee quietly celebrated at St. George's
ehnrch. Iloth bride and groom were
unattended. The knot was tied by
Rev. Mark Turnbull.
Grey: Petrick Blake inet with a
1i tinfnl and seriuos accident the outer
lay. 11e had hitched up it spirited
team to wagon. and while standing 1
in the yard the horses became entnan• 1
argentite and \ir. Blake was thrown
from his seat. the wagon passing over
hire. crashing several of his ribs in up-
on his lungs and otherwise bruising
hits about the head and sh lders. His i
injeriee proved fatal the sante night,
Oodet•ieh: James Colwell met with
an Archie/it 1%'ednesday. IIs was Ile.
+doing 1\'m. 1Villi.unson, on th" 11ty-
• Held toad, in connection with his
St..Marys: Adams Ross had his an-
kle severely injurer) while woaking on
a b ri o in Downie Friday. In jump-
ing a short distauce to the ground his
left foot struck a stone and some of
the ligi:uneuts hear the ankle were.
Seafurt11: The following were tick-
eted to Manitoba last week: --From
Seaforth, Mrs. Geo. .leOinigle. 11'ul-
ter Kemp, Mrs. Sato Etcher, George
1'ybus. McKillop–Alex. and Ford
Aitcheson, oat. McDer•uaid, Lavine
Murray. Tuckerstt►ith– E. let ies Eg-
mondville–Alex. Forsythe, W. Kyle.
John Hallidy, Miss Maggie Martin.
Brucefield- \1'ua. McQueen, C. W. and
Oliver Penfound, John Chapman, Da-
vid Itouatt. \'arna– Rupert Reid. It.
Armstrong. Stuffs–A.'1'. Yoe. Hills-
green–Win. Love. Zurich–R. Mc-
The officers and directors of the
Itltu►shat•d Agricultural Society etre
putting forth every effort t:) stake the
1905 Fitir eclipse all previous faits and
a record breaker in the history of the
Society. The hall is being repaired
and when c ttpleted will afford the
hest accommodation for exhibits which
promise this year to exceed all others.
The track will he put in first-class con-
dition and the ring will have more
than the usual attraction in the way
of speeding contests. A special com-
mittee have this part of the second
day's program in hand and the liberal
prizes offered is sure to bring out sonic
of the best horses. The prize list has
been revised and the prizes to be
awarded are much in excess of prev-
ious years, pal ticularly 111 the horse
and cattle departments. A special
feature of this year's Fair is that in
the horse and cattle exhibit the ser-
vices of expert judges front distrust
points have been secured, thus elimin-
ating all partiality in the way of favor-
itism. On the whole the Kirkton
Fair this year will be worthy of a Targe
.attendance and the fair -going public
who expect, to all-round good exhibi-
tion will not. go home disappointed.
Everybody will go to Kirkton Fair.
Death of Col. Lee.
On Monday night Col. Leys, for sev-
eral years London's representative in
Ontario Parliament, and the man who
wits largely instrumental in having a
Normal School established in London,
diets at his home in that city.
Attempted Suicide.
Belleville, Sept. 10.–Frank J. Reilly,
who is Isere in the county jail serving
a sentence in connection with the cel-
ebrated bogus ballotbox case, attempt-
ed banging Satutdny hy using a bed
sheet. The attempt was frustrated.
Togo's Noted Vessel Burned.
Tokio, Sept. 12.–Admiral Togo's
flagship, the noble Mikasa of twelve
thousand tons displacetnent, sank in
Sasebo hitt bor vesterday, carrying to
the bottom with her 5111) officers and
111011. The battleship caught flee from
an unknown cause at midnight Sept.
10, and before the fire could be sub-
titled the flumes reached the after mag-
azine, which exploded. blowing a hole
in the part side below the water line.
and causing her to sink.
The Quality That Coasts.
The great prises of life do not fall to
the most brilliant, to the cleverest, to
the shrewdest, to the most long headed
or to the best educated, but to the moot
level headed men, to the men of sound-
est judgment. When a man Is wanted
for a responsible position Iris shrewd-
ness Is not considered so Important as
his sound judgment. Reliability 1s
what 1s wanted. Can a man stand
without being tripped, and, It he 1s
thrown, can he land upon his feet?
Can be be depended upon, relied upon
under all circumstances, to do the right
thing. the sensible thing? Ilas the
man a level head? Has he good horse
sense? is he liable to Ay off on •
tangent or to "go oif half cocked?" Is
Ire "faddy'[" flus be "wheels in his
head?" floes he lose his temper easily
or can he control himself? If he can
keep a level head under all circum-
stances. It he cannot 1* thrown off his
balance and Is honest, he Is the OUR
Russian Army Oi4111es.
Many, Indeed, are the curious cus-
toms connected with the Russian
army. says a writer in a London jour-
nal. For instance, none but giants are
allowed In the Preobrasbenskl body-
guard regiment. To the Ismallowakt
regiment none but fair men are ad-
mitted, while • turned up nose V the
qualifying adornment of the i'awlow
guards. The Guards chasseurs, on the
other band, are composed inclusively
of dark hatred men. Then, too, the
distinction between officers of the
guards and those serving to line regi-
mens is most marked, a guard Hen-
ewtenant uutll recently taking precedence
over a captain of the line. Further-
more the pay of Infantry officers in Ilse ,
regiments is ludicrously small. WhaI
the infantry private's lot la can Ditto,
be imagined than described.
Barley :35 :*t
fatal 28 29
'vas GNI ski
'utalot's. pee hag........ 75 80
11,1y, per ton 0 (NI 0 00
Floor, per cwt., family 2 50
Fluor, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 20
Butter 20
Eggs 18
Livehog•r, per cwt 5 75
Shorts per tort lit (11 19 (10
Bran per ton 11 (8) 11 00
05 Tia
t hreshing. and while on the iamw above Exeter Sept. 1S-111
before the to at•hinestarted Io•st his hal- Mitt hell ,. 19.211
*ace. Ile gabbed it timber support 1.. uit•la " 20.21
which happened to lie butte- and fell .\il+.s Craig " 25.213
headlong to the floor. in his descent St. Marys " 27-28
his head struck the machine, fractur• , Parkhill " 27-28
ing his skull and otherwise injuring ilavtdeld "1.14.29 I
hire. .,,aft; ! Kirkton October 5 0
Red Rose Tea Uniformity
ATEA that is good to -day and pour to-Inur?ow is un-
Have you ever noticed variations in the quality of the
tea you use? One package good, the next bitter, herby,
perhaps weak and insipid.
A lack of expert knowledge by the tasters and blenders
of that tea produced that result. There was a failure at a
vital point, an ignorance of combining qualities in teas,
poor judgment in the blending of that maker's teas, a weak-
ness which invariably gives just such results as your poor
Every chest of Red Rose Tea is tested at the gardens,
again by the Eastern Red Rose shippers, then at the Red
Rose warehouse upon its arrival b -fore blending ; after
that an experimental blend is tested, and the final or actual
blend is also tested before being packed.
Nothing is left to chance.
That is why that "rich fruity flavor" is always present
in Red Rose 'Tea.
\Vhy Red Rose Tea is always uniform, tthy
L Te a
is good Tea
T. H. EstabrooKs
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Mullett: \Vhilereturning frotnBlyth hasybought he, toreelaSvan: NV. nd of poThstnftice
Tuesday Mrs. Nath. Johnston and her here and takes the possession shortly.
daughter, met with an accident. The
horse became frightened at a steam
shovel and bolting to one side plunged
into some fence wire. Mrs. Johnston
hrtd her collar bone broken and one of
her bands so badly cut that several
stitches were required.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th.
The largest Business and Shorthand school in
Western Ontario. Our courses are thorough and
oractical. Teaching is done by experience! instruct-
rs. There is no tetter school in the Dominion. All
&re iteates secrre positions. Enter Now.
Write for tree catalogue.
rediton Flonr!
eMNNNtil+riltA tlte#8e1 a Gye're lL4a}414
Our Roller Flour is at the
very top of the lig of good
flours. There is (lone better
made. It makes the good wife
smile. Try it.
I 1 L1.
Use Your Judgment
It is not likely that you will attend more than one
College in your lifetime.
it is therefore important that you choose the
right school ---your success may entirely depend upon
the school.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand ('allege
has had a reputation for years for its equipment,
thorn ttuhness, faculty, demand for its graduated pupils,
and you take no chance with it.
School term -September till June inclusive.
Catalogue free for the asking.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.,
Prtactpal. LONDON, ONT•
Galloping Consumption
Twelve Years Ago—Lives Today Through
Using Psychin•.
"le is twelve years ago since Psychine cured me
of galloping consumption. 1 caught the cold work-
ing as fireman on the C.P.R. The doctors said there
was no hope for me. i had Night Sweats, Chills and
Fever, and frequently toughed pieces of my lungs.
1 was fast sinking away. Wats advised to try Psvchine
and two months treatment put me right on ray feet
again. Have had no return of lung trouble since
1".vk bine saved me. To -day 1 work on my farm near
herr. 1 am sig feet tall and weigh over 17,5 pounds.
Use my testimonial and photo if you so desire."
Aug. 17th,'o4• A. I. MVMPORD.
PSYONINE is pronoun. ed 8I -KEEN.
For sale by all druggi•.ts of $r.no p• r 1•. tt'.•. For
further advice or information write or call at i)r. T. A.
Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.