Exeter Advocate, 1905-08-31, Page 11
25c. in advance'
will pay
for the Anvo(•.t 'l:
until January 1,1903.
Subscribe now and
get the benefit. You
can't du batter.
Farm village
for env
ether propriety' sold.
bought ter exchanged
for yitu at reasonable
0uuu0bn:inn. Apply -
SAN PERS & l'It1,El'll.
(New Reading Matter appears in this space ear h Neck.)
Like A Plant
In The Spring.
Your alas ings grow, ashen pia. el in this Batik. A bank
avouul cultivates and encourages thirtty habits such as all
successful people have. i)1 opens a "growing" a.t ouut, tO
•hich you eau add when you like and withdraw when you
Aersel,' any sized atuomde. We add interest to the prin-
cipal and compound it FOUR times a year, on 31 Jan., 311
April, 31 July, and 31 Ottol,r. New amount. are always
We have the best fa••ilxties for banking at the most reason•
able rates and terms eronsistent with coneer%Ativc banking.
We invite your l.nnln.,,s.
Branches in Huron County at
olsdmes 8 Stitueary Joseph slice, Manager
Solicitors EXETER, Dashwood and Zurich bunches.
New Goods for the
'Early Fall Buyer-'
WE HAVE RECEIVED our first lot of New DressGoods
and will be pleased to show them to you and give
you a chance to have your New Fall Dress made up for Sept-
ember. We have all theanew ones" at very reasonable prices.
No trouble to show them.
Fancy Mohairs
Colored Chiffon Cloth
Colored Venetians
Colored Broadcloths
Colored Corde de Soie
Crepe de Chene
Every piece
Plain Mohairs
Black Chiffon Cloth
Black Venetians
Black Broadcloths
Black Corde de Soie
New and Natty.
A full range of all the new colors and Fabrics. Stripes
Fancy and Plain.
21,` Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce.
F. M LIMY, M. 11. (Tor. Univ.! MEMBER
A. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Forster Ilr.use Surgeon Toronto 1
to Dr. J. A. Rollins.
Exeter, Ontario.
Tenders Wanted.
The undersigned will revise tenders upto 7 o'clock
Western at otfi . p.m., on Friday, the bth day- of September, 19.x5, for
Night call at ofi1 e' the construction of about :MO square feet of grano-
lithic patement te,ides cto.wings, in the Village of
- - - __ ---- Exeter, beginning at a point near victoria Mreet on
Legal • the Eaat aide of slain Street, thence north to the
hl R' Bret a..rordin to a c.eineations
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Conmdssioners.
Bollcitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Motaey to Loa* at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
L R. CARLING, B.A.,- — L, H. Dtcanoc
We here a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors, fain et., Exeter Ont
organist and Choir il•stcr of the Tri, its Memorial
Chun - ,
Modern methods. Thorouvhness - I Was at ht- borne h0tr (luring the week
h Teacher—Piano, organ Vol( e, Harmony.
Dr•..t•rlt 'i-• .\1u'lt.►r:L Cm --This
week we have to record the death of
another of our best known residents,
Michael Glbson, who died on Thurs-
day last after a long illness from
cancer. Mr. Gibson has lived in the
neighh.�rhood for many years :lad
while his death will he Much regretted
one cannot mourn that he has been
released of his sufferings. The de-
ceased was newer married and was
about ti.i years of age. The funeral
took place to St. James cemetery on
sew -
Miss Louise Wurm has returned
from a visit to Crediton. -Miss Pearl
1Vurtz spent at few days with Miss
Ethel Kellerman, at Dashwood, last
week. -Miss Mel. Koehler is on a visit
to her sister, Mrs. D. Studer, Sebring-
ville.-The brick work on F. Hess'
house has been completed.-Monuie
Holtzman has returned from his trip
to Galt and other eastern points. -J.
D. Mercer is having a new dwelling
erected. -After a few months' visit at
her house here, Miss Ida Sipple has re-
turned to Detroit. -Miss Nora And
Master Erwin Greb are on a few weeks
visit to Milverton and Stratford. -Fd.
Seim. after a few weeks' visit at his
house in Nev- Hamburg, bas returned
to town. -Butcher O'Brien is nursing
a sore hand, he having received a had
cut while killing a beef. -J. P. Hau
took in the races at Brussels last week.
Master Lorne Roedding, of Tilsnnburg,
was a visitor at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. E. Appel. -Miss Jennie Hardy, of
Exetet.is Miss Phoebe Rick heirs guest.
-J. J. Merner is spending it few days
at Cobalt on a speculating tour. -The
new show house looks very neat, hav-
ing received a coat of paint. -A large
number of our young sten are taking
in the harvest excursions to the West.
-Ed Mugel will again be found at
Merner's store he having changed his
mind about going West. -The teach-
ers in our pubiic school for the present
ter►u are: Principal, Alex. Mcleod;
Assistants, Misses Pearl Nicholson and
Minnie Best.
Joe Dirstine is enjoying the lake
breezes at Bayfleld--After a seven
weeks' sojourn at the Bend Leslie Col-
well has returned to town. -Mies Eva
SVarrin is on a visit to friends in To-
ronto.- The hand has started pi actis-
iug again. -Miss Rose YUnQhlllt hes
returned from Bay field. --There is some
talk of having a fall horse show here.
--Miss Flora Reynolds is on a visit to
her sister at Lindsay. -W. J. Miller
and Joe Cook are expected home about
Sept. 15. -Dave ('antelon and J. E. Mc-
Dont•il are on a trip to New Ontlkrio.•-
A good game of baseball was played
here on Wednesday evening between
the Crediton Stars and our boys, which
1'' --
resulted in victory for the wilt. t..
Mr. Dunlop has resumed his duties in
the Sovereign Bank after a pleasant
Ane San a her Bridge, g {
which may be seen at the office of the undersigned. holiday. --N. Me rston, who was dfafts-
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. men at the K.IPhoti Engine Works,
J. sE510R,
Clerk of the Village of Exeter.
Chesley Evans on Tuesday returned
from London where he has been as-
sisting his father and brother, who
are building homes for themselves
on Queens Ave.
Mrs. Southrott and :lir. Fred South-
cott, of Toronto, and Mr. and 41rs. E.
H. Sparkman. of Blenheim, who have
been visiting here and camping et
Grand Bend, returned to their homes
on Sat today.
Revs. C. 'V. Sanders, Of Lucknuw
attending the funeral of hisran(i-
Estray Steers, Inflow,. Mrs. Triehner. He also as•
listed in the services of the Triw•itt
There •tra,el unto the premises of the undersigned ' Mt'lllo, iai eiiiii•ch.
Lot 32, South Boundary, Hay, nn or about May 24th, I „ll'..tln MI's. Iwo yearling steers. i John Ross and dangle
the nwnen au have name by K
proving property and pay ing et`ru.es. I ter, who have had a very pleasant visit
Joh" pope. iMshw•ood. i' bete among old friend'', left Tuesday----- I for their home in Edmonton, Alts.
Farm to Rent. I On l heir way home they will pay shut t
The undersigned k offering to rent South Hall
Lot 17, Con. 4, Stet,:hen, containing y, acres, for one
year only. There Is a good fraise house and hank
barn on the pre.nieee.
CHAS. BOX, Eteter.
Notice of Dissolution.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore subsisting 1•etw.c-n ns, the undersigned,
aschoppers, grinders and crushcrsof grain, in the
t'lllage of Exeter, has this day bc. n .1, .n1s ed ht
mutual consent. All debts owing b• the said part-
nership are to be paid to William M. Itlatehlont at
Exeter aforesaid.
fasted at Exeter this 22015 d y 01 .I,ult PSC, ,
W11.I,JAM M 111.-trx II Ft 11M,
per (1I.ADMAN A STANItt'kl'. their Solicitor,
The chaptter used in the business is now offered
for sale by Mr_ Rlatchfonl_
Quickly and per.
rnanenlly ad: usteal.
Glasses fitted properly
Dr. Ovens
Treat. Lye, Far.'New
sat Throat. Will be at
the Conitnereielthere Exeter•,
all day Saturday.Sept N. at t nit
((mire luh.
visit: at Loudon, Toronto and else-
i)r. J. A. Hollins, who has been at
Battle ('tack Sanitarium, Detroit and
other places for a few weeks, returned
on Friday last. The Doctor looks as
though his vacation and the treatment
ti.' received at the Sanitarium had
Agreed reel with hire.
Tile following were ticketed for the
Northwest daring the week: --Daniel
Sander., ('h•'ster St anlake, (leo. Bell
(Lumley), Luther I'.nhale, Mrs. D.
McInnes, Mrs. John Welsh, Henry
Statham,(. o. SVinterbottom,IThemes
Road' C. ('hu ke, Rev. and MIP. Wel-
per I Hayl and others.
pr ut.•na mill lir at the Commercial Hotel. Eseter,
9atcrla , Sept 9th. See ".1d."
SV,dding hells are ringing.-- Mts.
John Eesery is visiting friends in the
Qoeen City, halving gone down to take
in the Fair. -Edgar Buswell intends
taking in the'I'oronto Fair this week.
-Tete Eden sansei picnic which took
place Satrar,l.ty was in every way )1
contrite success. The day was grand
aAnel many people took it in. --Mrs.
and da tighter, Iva. returned to
H.1 nil Teeselav tnnrning,art•ompenied
by her consin,`ties Jessie Loxton, who
will visit there fit' some time. ----Miss
Minnie Laxton h;.9 been louder the
- weather the past tw•n or three days.-
Nlies lilanehe Hooke and Frank Dimille
Richard England reeeiwed at message spent `tntiley under the parental roof.
on Monday informing hits that his -Geo. Hooke, who has been ill for the
nephew. Mt. ,1. ('lilt .mad wife ;tad sun. i past 1 Vii or three months. went ti,
Of Boll. I•:ngltnd, 11.1.1 arrived at Pa: k. trite\S'emin•'-d.tv for his health.
hill on their way to visit hits and oth- anti Mts. \Val, Hewitt, of 13:ty city,
erf1ieletsinthis vicinity. John Goad. Mich., are t•i'itinR at Wm. ('aere,--
ing, eldest son 11f A. (ionditIg WAS take Ernie B1t•well. of irxeter. spent Sim -
day •suddenly ill last week, stiffer nglunder the parental.Sirs, Nash.
of Serena. spent a couple of days with
Miss Margaret Laxton last week,
from en nttatek of aplendtcttis. l trier
the skilful treatment of 1)r. \Vilson he
is itnprowinit- - ttIs..1. ,T tines, of
reg.), 111., is visiting her father, R.
England, -Frank ('•Inniigliasnt and .1,
Wilson, of Clemle toys, visited James
Brophy on Settledaw.--Chas. Mtett it, d.
son And J. 11. McGregor left fsr Mani•
toba last week.
Blyth: Mr. stud Mrs. T. C. McElroy
Anti sone have l-eterned to Blyth from
St. George. Mr. McElroy has not been
enjoying very good health for seine
time 1144 end ha't derided to quit
wot k as is Cooper.
has gone to Detroit where be has tic-
cepttd a position.-- After a two weeks
slay in town Mrs. R. Coad has return-
ed to Toronto. ---Messrs. T.and A.Mur-
dock, C. Fraser and G. Joynt took in
the Laces at Brus+els last week.- Miss
Sadie Black and brother, Master E(i-
gat•, of St. Clair, Mich„ were visitors
nt the home of their aunt, Miss Carlisle
during the week. --Rev. Mr. Oliver, of
Sarnia. preached anniversary services
in the Methodist church on Sunday. -
Miss Jia ry J.thnston, who has been on
a two months' visit to her sister, Mrs.
Ferguson, at Crookston, Minn.. has
returned home -Mrs. Short and fatu-
Mrs. T. McClytuont has returned
from it visit to her daughter, Mr's.
Grieve, at Londou.---The harvest is
about completed here and farmers are
preparing the land for fall wheat seed-
ing.-SVuI, Ivison and bride, of New
York, are on a few days visit to the
formner's parents. 'ro SViil and his
winsome bride we extend 0111' heartiest
congratulations that their future life
will be an uninterrupted honeymoon.
-A number of young men from this
section left last week on the hat vest
excursion. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc -
Nevin, of Gilderich, spent a few days
hist week at Ute home of Mrs. J. Me-
Neviu.-John Balfour was in Exeter
last week.- Gilbert Dick, Kippen's cat -
tie king is busy these days buying up
pigs. -Geo. Caldwell, who leaves short-
ly for she West, has disposed of his
50 -acre farm to Mrs. Gordon, who in-
tends selling her property here.
Dr. (km,. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter,
Saturday, Sept. 9th. See "Ad."
Fenton Brown, who has been man-
aging et butter and cheese factory in
Strethroy for the summer, spent Sun-
day with friends here. He was ac-
companied by his wife and Frank Dur-
dle.-J. G. Jones and D. Miller are
spending a week at the Toronto exhi-
bition. -Sinton Miller and Joseph Mil-
ler, with their wives, of Cromarty,
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. Godholt on Sunday.-H.Buck-
inghaw has returned to the stole af-
ter having a week's holiday. -Several
from here drove to the Bend on Satur-
day and it is needless to say that they
had it pleasant titne.--Ed. Clarke has
returned home after spending a week
with his cousin at Wingham.-Chas.
Washburn and sisters, who have been
visiting relatives in this vicinity, re-
turned to their house in Chesley to -day
(Thursday.) -Will Zaphe,who former-
ly worked for Mr. Upshall, of this
place, has returned after spending the
summer firing a locomotive from Sar-
nia. We believe he has secured a po-
sition with the company operating the
dredge on the Elimville ditch. --Mr.
and Mrs. Wells, of Kintore, with their
nephew, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Medd.-Our teachers have had
their school yard mowed and the grass
and weeds burned, giving the school a►
neatsnd clean appearance.
it ', of Woodstock, visited at Willow
Hall Farm during the week. --Miss J.
B. McArthur is on a few days visit in
Niagara and 13nffatlo. -- Rev.131011th and
family are visiting at London June -
Gee. Mts. Meld is spending a few
days in Kincardine.
Ur. rnrna will be at the ('ounutrcial 1lotrl, Exeter,
Sat lltt Sept. 1315 See "Ad"
Miss Lizzie Quigley, of London was
a guest of Miss Florence Ball during
the week. --The many friends of Miss
Lizzie Darling, who is ill at the Lon-
don Hospital, will be pleased to learn
that she is getting along very nicely.
--Miss Laura McAlpine, of Glencoe, a
guest et Neil McAlpine's, while lower-
ing a window a pane of glees broke
pat t of it entering the back of her
hind and making a gush, which re-
quired several stitches to close the
wound. -Mrs. Charles Arrand, of the
7th con., who was stricken a few days
with paralysis, is, we are pleased to
state. slightly improved. -Master W.
Antos, who has been spending the hol-
idays with McGillivray ft iends, has re-
turned to hie house in Exeter. - Mr.
anti 11rs. Oscar Dorman, and son, Cal-
vin. of Pittsburg, Penn., are here ort
it visit. 1?11rl Harris, of i.ondon, was
visiting et Jos. Amos during the week.
Mt s, Johnson. etf Leiden, is visiting IIOMI'Flt At St. Joseph. on Aug. 20,
her daughters here. -.las. Doyle, Jr., to Mr. end Mrs. Frank Rnnlpfh, a
Wrrateit-At Goshen line, south, Hay,
Dr. thetas will to at the Commercial Ilotel, Exeter,
Saturday, Sept.!). See "Ad."
J 4cob Staehler, of Tavistock visited
his brother, Rev. Jno. Stsehler. for it
few days last week, Mr. Steelier is
88 years old and is still hale and hear -
Miss 'Watson, of Blyth, was the
guest of Miss Beulah Beaver last Wed-
nesday and Thursday. -Elder berry
picking has commenced. The fruit is
'suite plentiful this year. -Several of
our people intend taking in Canada's
Great Industrial Exhibition itt Toron-
to this week,and next.-- Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Bertrand, of Sebewwaing, Mich.,
visited Mrs. Sarah Bertrand for a few
days last week. -We are pleased to
learn that Mrs. (Rev.) Da►nnl,who has
been very ill, is rapidly recovering. -
The Methodist church Sunday school
will hold at picnic at Grand Bend next
week. -Phil. Morphyy, of London, was
in the village Thursday looking after
the local office of the Bell Telephone
Co. ---Last Wednesday our boys went
to Hensel) and played a game of base -
hall. Again they were victorious by
a score of 11-5. The boys are speaking
of going to Zurich some night this
week. -J. H. Holtzman has moved in-
to his new building. -Fred Wein, who
left for Manitoba a few weeks ago,
with the intention Of staying there,
has again conic. back. He hasn't de-
cided upon his next move.
Acc1DKNT.---While working in the
flax mill on Tuesday. Arthur Benedict
suet with a very painful accident. Ile
was thrashing the flex through the
rollers. when itis hand became caught
and his left arta was badly crushed up
to the shoulder. At the time of writ-
ing, we are unable to say whether the
arm will have to be amputated.
WItu»1No, - A qiiiet wedding took
place�in our village on Tuesday, when
Miss ('arrie Feist wait married to Mr.
August Wertz, of Pigeon, Mich. The
bride. who was daintily attired, was
Carrie Kuhn,
Mr. Moses Feist supported the groom.
Bev. D. Damen tied the knot in the
presence of the immediate relatives.
The happy couple
or Recelll Special PurcVases 1
25e. BI'k Pet caline Lining, 341 in., at 2018.'. Grey cis ton, 3.i in. wide. very
(10:11 :tad tine at 6c.
20c. Pink, Blue, Green, Gray Per-
caline.• Lining .at 15e.
Fancy Ai -t Sa►teens, beautiful pat-
terns, new colorings.. at 15e.
White Bobinett Curtaining. wide
and narrow border and frill, 2,51, 35
121c. Print, heavy quality, 36 in.
wide, 20 pieces left .........at 10c.
15c. Turkey Chintz Print, 36
wide, only two pieces at 12.tc.
...at 200.
for Sc,
in recd and blue
check, 22 in., for 10
Job lot Men's Braces, made from
Elastic ends at 15c. a pr.
25c. Reversible Cretonne, :18
wide, only one piece.. .
10c. Glass Cloth
12iic. Glass ('loth
See our
Ladies' Underwear for fall
winter,.... from 20c. to$1.25
121c. (i.11laten Shitting in blue and
131.11 ', auxd blue and red stripes, 10
Se. Flannelettes, stripes of pink,
blue and grey at only 7
10e. Flannelettes, pink, grey and
blue stt ipes . at only 8 1.3
38 in. heavy Imp. Flannelettes, at 124'
English Untearable Flannelettes,
31 to 3'2 in. wide at 15c.
35 in. Self Color Saxonys in pink',
blue, cream, white, all English
make ... .. , , at 121c.
30c, pluck Toywel-, ptIin xvhite,
fringed and hemmed.. for 25e a pr.
155 pr. Lace Curtains et 25, 85, 75.
95, 1 00, 1,25, 1.61), , ... to 7.00 a pair
35 pieces White and Creams Dress
Goods, very new makes, price
from 40c. to $1.00 a yard
Don't Forget Us in Winter Dress Goods.
Poplestone & Gardiner
One door north of Post Office.
BY -LASS' NO. 1905.
A By -Law for borrowing such sum or
sums of money as clay he necess-
ary, not to exceed in the whole,
the sum of Eighteen Thousand
DolIurs for Purchasing and instal-
ling an Electric Light Plant and
Equipment and Acquiring a suit-
able Site for an Electric Light
Power House in the Village of
Exeter and to Issue Debentures,
therefor, and to Authorize the
Levying of a Special Rate for the
Payment of the Debentures, In-
terest, etc.
Whereas. the ratepayers of the Municipality of the
Villatfeof Exeter, at a public meeting rest -geed that
the above Ry•law should be 'submitted, and if carries
that the Municipal Council of the said Village elemld
pur' have arod install at Electric Light Plant and a
imitable Site for an Electric light lower house, such
electric Tight plant and site t., become the property
of the said Village and t.. be operated, maintained
and controlled by slit said Municipality.
And whereas in order to ea►q' intoeffw•t the said
recited object it will be necessary to create •debt of
h I b sale o
sten t nnsand dollars to ts• niswl by al f
eighteen ,t
the debentures of the Corporation of the Village of
Exeter in the manner hereinafter mentioned.
And wherer - it is desirable to keine the said de
bentures et one time and to make the principal n1
the said debt re -payable by yearly ',urns .hiring the
period of twenty years, being the currency of the
said debentures, said yearly stuns Lein` of eun•h re-
s,ectiveamounts. that the aggregate amount,. par-
able In each year shall he ►s nearly as possible in
principal and interest equal to to the amount so pan -
able in each of the other nineteen years of said
period as detailed in clause four of this By-law.
And whereas the total amount required by the
"Municipal Act," tole rained annually by special
rate for paving the said debt and interest as herein•
after provided is one thousand, three hundred and
t,senty-four dollars and fifty rents (11324.50).
And whereas the amount of the whole ratah's
property of the said Village of Exeter, a.•enrling to
the iaat reyieol assessment roll is 3543,947.(0,
And whereas the amount of the existing Debem
lure debt of the Raid Municipality is 117,075.2', no
part of which 1. in arr.-ars. and to the crs.lit of apart
of ,shish sum, the said Municipality has deposited in
the Moleons Bank at Exeter to a special aMMtnt the
swum of 13575.0(1 or thereal.nuta, as • Pinking fund.
114.11 therefore enated by the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter in Council a.ssemblesl, as follows: -
1st. That for the purpose of purchasing and in-
stalling an Electric light plant and acquiring a suit-
able site and building, for the tower house- and of
equipping a system of municipal lighting in the Vil-
lage of Excl. r, the sun, of right.en thousand dollars
be horrowed.
2nd. That the Ree%e and Council of the said \Iter
ici{ality be and are hereby enliven; rest authorized
and required for the pur{.oses aforesaid 10 make and
issue in Inc Corm of law debentures of the said Vil-
lage to the amount of eighteen thousand dollars. as
aforraaid in snnts(with interest) n1 not less than one
hundred dollar. each, each of which del.enttires shall
IR issued on the fifth day of ('toter, 111(15, and shall
be dates on the date of the home thereof and .hall
he payable within twenty years thereafter at the
Molsnns hank in the w'illso,. of Exeter.
Ltda. During the r urrency of the said debentures
there shall he raised annually ha epFeeial rate on all
the rateable property in the Bait) Pillage of Exeter,
the sunt of one thousand, three hundred and twenty-
four dopers and fifty rents 01:324.5') for the pwtrposa
of paving the amount due in each of the ears for
prmeipaf and interest in respect of the sail debt, is
Principal interest Total
11314 50
1486 5b 1314 60
670 71 1324 b0
679 94 614 56 1314 60
707 16 617 36 1324 tie
7:35 43 589 (7 13`24 b0
764 b:, 559 6,5 1314 50
6'N 08
1427 2d 497 24 1324 60
b00 35 464 16 1314 60
994 76 429 74 1314 60
900 64,35
6 393 94 11!24 60
967 i S 356 7'_' 1324 60
1110649 319(77'421
1 13`1450
1(46 rN 477 74 1324 60
t l 435 bi 1:324 60
1132 is 1192,947
93 3y.244
2 1324 60
1177 id iii '4 1324 L0
1'1'14 54 119 ' 1 1324 60
1273 4g 51 rte 1324 60
g moo ()0(!0 15490 0, - t 1It490 00
e ch. That this Fly -law shall take effect and .acme
int,' nteration upon, froo, and after the Third day of
tiet.d,rin the sear of our 1: ad one thousand nine
hundro1 and tlye.
',"t h. That the vote of the electors of the Raid ]tun•
icipality .hall he taken on this By-law' at the several
places hereinafter mentioned. i1 polling soh-dIv-f -
ton number one at Silas 1laudfnrrib residence. !rain
tee Alter E. Enke, Deputy y
tr t, t t .t Returnin • officer; F � In
1.15ng.nl..livisionnuumbe•rTwo, at weekea Bros.'
shop, Main street, William Weekes, Deputy Return-
ing 1If icer: In lolling sub -division number Thr. -e, at
J..-eph (k.bblelk•k't (Neii e, corner Main and Wel.
lingtou street,, Alexander Dyer, Deputy Returning
(officer; in Polling-ntr,livisinn number Pour, at the
Town Hall, Joseph Davis, Deputy Returning Officer,
On the 23x1 day of September. in the year of our Lord
one thousand 'bine hundred and five, ermine ming at
the hour of rr .e o'clock in the forenoon, arid ending
at Ole o'clock in the afternoon of the same da, ; and
that ,Joseph Senior, Clerk of the said Municipakty,
,hall be the Returning Officer, to whom the returns
of voting .hall be mate by the Deputy Returning
bth. That the clerk of the said Munn ipality shall
nn the twenty third day of Se ttuuber, 190t5, at seven
n'clr.-k to m.. at the Town 11a11 in 11, ,,i l Village of
Exeter...int op the number of vott-i given for anti
r,gain.t the. By •law,
9th. That nn the ±Ist, day of September, Vass, at
the Town Hall, 1:xeter, at one o•chs k p. in., the ap-
pointment of person. to attend at the tattling plane
and at the Baal trimming up of the totes b5 the
Clerk, resp.eetitely, nn Iwtttif of the persons interest-
ed in promoting aro .lo.ingg the peerage of this By.
law rep.- tiv,lv''.1111,P n,a.i. ;ucnnling to law,
That the al,..,e I'. A true copy of a pmpo.t.l Ry -law
a hi, 5 ha. 1+,-n taken into cnnsidera'ion• and which
will 1.c finally passel by the (•onocil of the. ytunici-
1ahty lin thee' eat of the wwent of the elreturs 1'ping
obtain,+l th. nI.) after one utonth from the first p,uM
li.•ation in the Exeter A.h'ocatc N, ' �atx-r, the late
.4 NM- h first t•nblieatinn waw the 31st day of August
1'st., and that the s.tea Of the electors of the s•M
Nnno,11e,lity „r11 betaken thereon on the day and at
the hoar- Mid 'dare.; therein 6xeji.
J. 9F.NinI3 (,9erk
1 P104 50 *726 00
1 628 64
3 653 7'J
irate' at Exeter thi+2Mh day of .wucnst, A. 1r.,
Anil forth,r take nolle a that the Count it of the
said Muniritality 5a, s,.•nnsl front Jams•. North
Howard an option for the par• has,- of E. prnp.rrty,
3rd. Earl.' of the said debentures shall lie signed upon the Ant M%blse River 3n the said Mnnicitallty,
by the Reeve of the old Mnni. polity, or by rune known as the old Mill Pond and arl)oining premises,
other per on authorized by Ry -law to sign the sante ;containing Ey a Imews(trement at end finecn acrse,
with water •roil es In connection therewith r
n the said municipality, and !'K for
Sof,. pro uncle ha. Rn
theCerk shall attar h thereto the Cirlis,rate seal o1 , 12s sal sin estimate o/
the said muniempality. east for constriction of • new (concrete lam, on the
4th. The said debentures shall hear interest at 'its of the old oar apo the §a+d premi.r•a, amount•
m m ayalde ing to tycoon If the shoes ilydata re-eive the
rot left for Toronto on the rat4. 0l our per eentu' per an u { anctton nfr.\b)aycr-m, the Cosr,epl will rY.natder the
the everting train amid showers of rice years} et the said Milson§ Rank, in the said Village' 4lt'i Atitity nl a s)iTsng the anuses property andcoo-
R of Exeter, 00 the fifth day of O.tolter in each and {{ ' 'd bythe t t h n thereof t p
f host f ft hese atlaehest theret 1 t poses of the Municipality.
stnertinn of 15.' cid dam for the purposes of the ro
aud o )f ie P le8 wishes
he ty year during t ) e•tprertcv e -,n and shall pnse.i sytnn of electric lighting sail for Other ,ur-
0 aU ocnu •ons ear payment of the {
interest, which coupons shall Ise signe.l by the Itteee
BIRTHS anti Treasurer of the said Municipality.
Jay. BENIoit, ('leek.
WILSON -At Cromarty', on Aug 21, to THRESHERS' Mr. and Mrs. (len. S 'ilson, a daugh-
(;nkv- in 11ihlert, on Aug. 21, to Mr.
and Mrs. Howerd SV. Gray. a daugh-
ie visiting his parents here, prior to
leaving fur Calgary.--Jatnes Reid, of
t.ieury, is the new teacher at Brinsley.
Accedes:NT, - One day last week while
working in the stow of his barn Thos.
11in liitsh, of the 7th con., accident-
ally fell t.. the tilt) floor, n distance
of 10 or IS feet. No one happened to
1,e in barn at the time and the acci-
dent %VHS not llisrovered for some tithe.
When found he was unconet bots in the
orchard where he evidently dragged
himself, and it took about two hours
to to-teie him to ronscio,laness. Med-
ical til wy.l.9umnioned and a 01,4111101
eX 11111l'ltitt11 111ad0, lint aitll the ex-
ception of a fractured wrist no hones
were broken. 11e was also badly shake
en tip, and r-...is•d .e g:urh above 1111.
eye. Mr. 11ititirflaft'll',( many friends
wish hint A speedy teeovery.
l'linton: At the (Fawns Live Bird
Tournament held recently, hots the
Huron rep4resentetive,, J. bottle, Sea.
forth, and J. E. l'.tnt,lnn, Clinton,
were prize twhine'e it) several of the
on Aug. Z3, to Mr. and Mrs,Svkettles'
Witmer, a daughter.
('u1.Qt'ttot'N-DAVIs In Stratford, on
Aug. V, Mr. .feines ('olt+uhoun to
Mrs. Fred Davis, both of Mitchell.
WURTz- FA1ter-At Credit(tn,onTues-I
day, Anti. 111, by llev. Denim. Mr.
Ons SVuttr. of Pigeon, Mich„ to
Miss ('at tie Feist, daughter of the
bate Bernard Feist, of ('reclit'.ii.
Vl1$0N-IMMN5 -- At the house of the
lit ide's mother. on Aug. V. by Rev.
Holmes. %V.11. Vi flsoe, of the Sdest, �
to Miss Rose, daughter of Mrs. (leo,
Nimens, of Clinton,
TKIRBNKR.--In Stephen. nn Augnst
21Vh, Johanna Triehner, rehet of the
late Frederick Triehner, Aged 684
MITTS, etc.
Our Machine Oil is the best, Get Prices in barrels,
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Galvanized Iron & Tin Work
of every description
promptly attended to.
eaman's Hardware & Stove Store.