Exeter Advocate, 1905-07-13, Page 1ettf
(New Readin
Matter appears In this space each week.)
Like A Plant
In The Spring.
Vont saving- grna, when place) In this hank. A bank
ao-ount eultisate. and encourage thirfts habits ;u• h as all
swo•easfulpeoplthave. $1 opens a "gr"uiug'• account, to
hieh you Liao add when you like and a ithdraw when you
please in any sized amounts We add interest to the prin-
cipal and cou,p.onnd it FOUR times a year, on 31 Jan., 31)
April, 31 July, and 31 October. New accounts art- assays
welc otne.
We have the best ta.•ilatiee for banking :.t the most reason-
able rates sod term .•rn,ri.terit a ilh ,•on., n at i, r banking-
tl'e ins ib• )nsir baso,
Brunches in Huron County at
(Hartman & Sta.bury,
Joseph Snell, Manager
EXETER, Da.hwo,.d and Zurich branches.
Get the old reliable Prov -
en's Oshawa Track.
Put up in first-class workman-
ship, guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction.
Leave Your Order at
Charlton's Fair, Exeter.
tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsone Rank, etc.
Money to Loa. at lowest rates of interest.
Officer, Main street, Exeter,
1. R. CARLING, B.A., L. I1. Newton
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village prnle•rttes at low rates of inter•
Barristers, Soiiciton,Mrin at.. Exeter Ont
Organist and Choir Master of the Truitt Memorial
Church. Te•aeher Piano, Organ. Voice, llanv.o,sv.
Modern methods. Thoroarhness
Manitoba andNorthwest
Lands For Sale.
The Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba land C0111.
piny, Ltd., largest Land Company on the Continent
controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land
Two Million Acres The cream of the
wheat lands of Western ('uvula. Parties purchas-
ing now are givtn until let Juste to select their land.
For term., etc.. apply to
ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter
Stray Steer.
There strayed onto the premises of Silas St.u,lake,
Int (1, Lake Road. Ilas Toa nship, on or about Jiine
10th, a red steer, year}inr, with a ring in the ri4ht
prat. (Woes ••an hate same by laying rape news and
proving property.
Silas Stanlake, Hay P. 41.
Dog Lost.
A rrlii,•. an..r, r- t" the name of "Its k void
tail. A imitable reward will be given for his return.
W. J. Fond, Exeter P. o.
Farm for Sale
The under—signer! is offering for salt that s :dual 1.
farm in the Township of ['shortie, }.ring Lot B, Con-
cession 7,'nntaining one hundred ai res of first-class
land, well fenoe.l and drained. There 1. on the prem.
Imes a frame house, a goat barn. shed. and other out -
buildings; ten a• res first, laps hanlwo,.l bush. an
orrhan1, two gond welts of w ater and other conven-
ience*. Posr.ewslon given In fall ser particulars
apply 10 11 t' EVANS,
471 Adelaide street.
__ _ . _ _ _ l'r.inn
House to Rent.
A neat frame hone. containing 7 rooms, .itnat.d
on Hurn Street west of Mair. Start; Rood Ranters.
hard and soft aster. and in a desirable locality
Apply to
MR& HARRIS, Huron Att.., Exeter.
For Sale or To Rent.
The :Tame hour on the corner of William and
N'ellington streets, nwnesl by Mrs. Isaa.• I4ss•1.•n
For particulars apply to
MRS. WM. TAPP. Exeter
House for Sale.
Itesiden"e of Mrs. O. Kemp on Andrew sue. t
i'••r )utii•nlan apply to owner.
Mn. 0 Kemp. F.xttet.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
In the matter of the estate of Christo-
pher Willert, late of the Township
of Stephen, Comity of Huron, re-
tired Farmer, deceased.
Notice is herel,y given pursuant to Sec. 38 of Chap.
ter 12), of the Revised Statutes olOntario, 1697, that
all creditors and others has ing claims against the es-
tate of the said Christer Willer, who died on or
about the eth day of July, 1906, are, on or before the
31t1 DA it OF AUGi.'ST, 1906, required
to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Joseph Snell,
Dashwood, in the County of Huron, one of the
Executors of the said da•ra.e.l, their Christian
names and surnames, addresss and descriptions, the
full particulars of their Claims, a statement of their
account* and the nature of the .ecuritiea (if any)
held by them. Amt further take notice that after the
day last aforesaid the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said de-ea_rYl among the
parties entitled thereto, has ins; regani only to such
claims of which notice shall have been given .a
above required, and that the said Executors will
not be liable for the said resets or any part thereof,
to any person or persons of whose claims notice
shall not has e been received by. thein at the time of
such distril.ution.
DAVID SCIllte)EDER j Exe••utors.
Glad muui k Stanbury,
Solicitors for Executors, Exeter
Dated at Exeter this 7th datof July, 1905.
Nlitss'Tillie Yager. after spending the
millinery season at Niagara -on -the•
Lake, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Barrows and daughter,
Michel, of the Commercial House. vis-
ited friends in Lsuldon over Sunday.
Miss Lottie 11vndnlan returned ftoin
Tilsouburg Friday last, after complet-
ing the millinery season in that town.
Bert Muir leaves shortly for Gowan -
da. N. Y.. to spend some time with his
brother, Robert., and to attend school.
Messrs. Will and Bruce Dignan,
blacksmith, of laical], and traveller of
Toronto. respectively, spent Sunday
at their home here.
Mr. John Gardiner and sister, Miss;
Nettie, retuned Friday last from
Cleveland, Ohio, when they were at-
tending the marriage of a cousin.
Misses Mary and Hannah Parsons,
of London, who have been visiting
friends in and around Exeter, are
camping at (band Bend this week.
Mr. R. B. Samuel left Wednesday
evening oil a two weeks' holiday trip
east and will spend the time fishing.
Ile was accompanied by Mrs. Samuel.
Mr. Walter Muir. who is holidaying
with itis parents he, received word
last week rfrom headquarters of the
Molson Bank to report for duty at the
Itidgetow'n branch, Nundaty morning
Miss Nettie Walters, who has ireen
attending College at Toronto, has
returned home, having completed the
course with success and secured her
di donee She intends remaining for
a few week,.
From Exeter Old Boys.
N. W. Creech, of Brantford. among-
st other things, says: -"Ani pleased
to note the starting of the agitation
for an Exeter Old Boys' Re -Union, and
3 congratulate you on the happy idea
aired the article. I hope it may he the
means of creating great enthusiasm
over the popular scheme."
f'. W. 'Toni, of Toledo, Ohio. says: -
Your suggestion that Exeter hold an
Old I3o_vs' Re -Union during the sum -
Women's Institute Notes. no•r pif 11516 is a very happy thought.
The regular meeting of th- \Vo,riart s The old town has given to the corn -
t.5 held in the "rnwu Hall,
'nerved and professional ranks of Can -
institute w
' ads and I'nited States almost a regi•
Friday, July 7t1, Mrs. S. . Handers nteiit of nu}tao(1 have to
gave a reading on ••Jellies," Jrwhich was Meet (1111' yeof the•mt who d1ues not reytfltect
followed by an interesting discussion.
Owing the absence of one who was with pride upon the home of his troy•
to have to the
contributed :a paper (1n 'Pre- hood, Fatuity ties call the most of us
serving and ('lansg Ft ttt_s." it %vas hack nccetsiunally, hut we straggle in
taken up in the way of a discussion.art all seasons of the year, and the town
Arrangements hate been completed hardly realizes in what re•gntd she is
for a picnic to he held in the Exeter helby those who are proud to call
school grounds tin "Thursday, July 13, her 'meter'. Give ns an opportunity
to which all are incited, to all meet together on "the old stamp-
ing ground," strike hands, and see
what 'lime' has done for tie. i hope
London Normal School students for in }lace the (ppm tunity of meeting
the past year we•te all successful in many of my old fiiends sornetiDmednt•-
whole or in part. Mies Elsie A. Mc- ing next Jely or August."
Callum, Of Exeter, wits one of the five
who obtained honors in all subjects. Luther T. Gill, M.D., of Gibsonburg,
Others Who passed were: M. Alice "Ili), all (ltd Exeter Boy, says in part
Dutf, Bluevale; Janet Govenlock, Sea- regarding a Ite-Union:-'These Re -
forth; Alexander Mc Lend, Bayfield; pinions ate exceedingly popular and
James Henry Mahon, f arkhill; ,lames the idea of intending one appealed to
11. Reid. l.ieury; John W. Wheddnn, rue with such pleasure that i felt at
Bayfield. (.ranted Interim certificates, once that I trust give the project toy
valid for two years, to take a final ex- eueouragg-uu nt. The boys even at a
animation at the end of one year: reasortal,le distance from Exeter have
Aurelia MILean, Blyth; Anne Murray. of Zane years been going house at long-
Seaforth; :Vice Brown, Mt. Marys. er intervals, and for one reason be -
Hicks' Forecast. tor July. rims, (heti. itrc each tire- fewer hand
On anti touching the 26th, 21st and shakes. The Wren of fifteen years ago
22nd reactionary storm forces will are net the young sten new. There
Again make themselves felt, causing are few mere than two or three of my
very big!) tenlpeeature, falling harem- ioyhood rotnpanions remaining in Ex-
eter:lnd retina) of threatenin r nest}t- eters The appearatiee1.f fntiiiliarpiny-
e•r and storms. We wish it t'istinctly grotnlds is changed, and while our
understood that "threatening weigh- pretty native town has grow ti prettier.
er," attendees by many actual tend yet it is not like !mine. It is the kind.
severe storms is altogether possible 1y word, the hearty shake and the
at any of the Storm pet lolls in ,July, welcome face that gives us cheer, and
e iiheat appreciable or sattsfyin rr rain- not the place. But to meet end ex -
. .11 sell ,•vent», the rainfalls will
most likely be concentrated in special
atiel limited areas, leaving wide dis-
trim ln. npplird
Void) proper gnnnti•
lies of nnllstutr.
change stet 1PS and reminiscences with
our boylen.el assn, i.at. s, anis lu receive
special enlett:ainmein and the hospit-
ality of the citizens of Exeter; all this
would Lepleastirejnexpdessible, 1 ap-
{{preciate (hitt the event would be the
biggest thing Exeter ever tackled and
would entail an immense aliment of
prep:lratiets There wattld be many
sactifices rn (de by the 111.1 nays, that
Miss Leah llsnuner is on a visit to they might attend endmakethe meet-
ing x sitccese. Yon tuay count on me
Fet•"st friends, in this thing and i hope you will get
Mr. W. F. May, of Mitchell, was in so ranch encouragement fro►n ethers
town Tuesday. that you will soon be at work on the
31iss Hattie White, of Tilstmburg,
is the guest of Mrs. Relit, Flicks.
Mr. Jos. O'Brien. of London, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Mica 13. Rehineon, milliner, rehltn-
beetle Fr iday from \Vint ton.
51r. ate! Nits. John Muir, of Linelei ,
are visiting the fetnn't•s fathet bele.
Mt. and Nlts, \\'ne. Beaman have
gone to (:rand Bend fet• the snnmt.er,
Miss Ethel Bissett has ret urtied fient
('onestogn, where she spent. the 111111iII-
ery season.
Nita Cart i.• 1 Iyer, miller. returned
last week ft re spending the season
at 11 (11'.isle•.
Mr. :anti Nfrs. \Vine Chesney, of
Sea fort h, were visitors at Mr. G. A. K.
Metes this week.
Mi. Attheir Wood, of the Sovereign
Heol,, L, nd +n, is spending a vacation
at hie home het e,
Mr. and Mrs. ('hrie. 7nefle, of 11ar•-
risteo, are visiting the latter's paints,
Mr. and Mrs. iiaker.
Ret. Will. ,icDutt:rgh, of Str'trerd,
'pent Nfondity night and Tuesday
with fiil'nds in town.
Di. 1.. L. F.ellick and sister, Miss
Madel.. f St. Meryo, Snndayed with
their patents het 0.
Mt. and Mts. Deers-, of '1•,'ronto,
visited at the home of Mr. Ilrickw..(rl,
Exeter North, over Sunday.
Miss 1). Feller, who has been visit-
ing het taster. 51 re. Gitelman). It -ft fur
het home in Toronto, t'ridaty,
arrangements for Exeter Old Boys
It.••uni.•n in 11551,"
Exeter H. S. Department.
Midsummer Exatniaatioaa
('1 My1PAH' IA1. 1)kt'.XItTMENT.-(irad-
t ating l'enunerciatl Claw, 10 whoni
1)ipintnaa will Ise granted: Honors:
Jennie hardy ?{i , Bertha Willett. toe,
'land Taylor tkl, Altnina Mutter KCl,
false: - (ieetge 1\'iunbold ra, Roy Par-
sons59, Gal field Midget 51. Olivet
(iratybiel, who seemed 11 position at
the beginning of the ex. ii in:ltinn end
who w;te en the Honor Rull every
ruunlh tbreugh.eit the year will also
he txr•anted a Diploma,, The (iradna-
ting l'ornmetsisel ('lass took Short
hand at the rate of 1(5) words per min-
ute and 1he Jenne. (•eerlrue•r(•bel Pities
at the rate of tit) nerds per titinnte.
Junior Commercial ('lits.: Honorer:
- Alice Ht l and. w •(
la block
13iscett tee Bessie \\'elsh 51, Edith Mc-
Kay :.?, il.t ,lelintttee .2, Allan Mt'-
(t•it/ly 52. ('hesley Evans b2.
Regina: ('lilts -Futni 1 to Ferro 11-
Hun.,rs: - Edna Traylor 74%. Hulett Mc•
Kn'. 74, Pecs: 'themes Setide•rs iii.
IfI trhe Sherie Kt, Maud shoe 62.
Mise H: +w kin% 61. Main ire Iiohier (10,
Leah Itemm., :dt, Lida Martin 5(3, Ed-
wartl \Villi•:1(l, Mitchell Willis 58, Jne
Welker 51, 1.1a Rowe 51. Flecotnn end•
ed on trial' --Beattie klirtin.
- eine- - —
Ten Grand Trunk trsintnen who
risked their live. Iset Oetober to res•
Mr. Free] (iidb'y, of iletroit, ih here cite the term ..s .r .'tnme t.y gas in the
visiting his parents. Mr. nod Mte `t. Clair tunnel wet.. ptlsenteti with
!What (I (iidley, for two weeks, medals at Sarnia,
Miss Winnie Dorman, after a pleas-
ant visit at her home on the 7th con-
cession, has returned to Strathroy.-
Miss Edith Smith, of Toronto, is visit-
ing at the home of her grandfather,
Jacob R. Stunk -Miss Bell McGeary,
who has been teaching in eastern On-
tario, is home spending her holidays.
-The Misses MI.•Kenzie, of Fargo.
Mich., visited at the home of Mts.
Alex. Fraset's, 7th con., recently. -
Tile tawny friends of Miss Minnie Mc-
Kay will be pleased to learn that she
lits finished her three-year course at
the Royal Victoria Hospital, Ren-
frew. At the graduat ion exercise Miss
McKay was presented with her diplo-
ma and medal. 1Ve join in extending
our congratulations, -Mrs. J. F. Mc
Kay left Inst week on as trip 10 Edin-
burgh. She will embark on the Do-
minion Line Steamship Southwark at
Montreal. \Ve wish her a safe voyage
and a pleasant visit. -Mr. E. East.
who has been in Australia for some
tins, is visiting ,tt his house in Cor-
bett. -Thos. Vine, who was injured at
a barn raising at Mollatd's recently, is
progressing as well as can he expected.
His escape with his life was a fortun-
ate incident.- Miss Abbie Black, who
has been attending the Forest City
Business College for some time.passed
herexamin:ttiens thitd highest with
honors, luting third standing in her
class, obtaining 626 marks out of the
total of 700. She is at present engag-
ed in the office at J. H. Chapmtan's
drygoods store at Iain(lon,-Mr. John
Emery has purchased Thomas Fairies'
farm, con. 7, for $4,150. He will not
remove to the farm) until next spring.
-Robert Keown is slowly recovering
from the effects of his recent accident.
While at D. Rosser's baro raising he
fell a distance of 25 feet to the ground,
which rendered him unconscious.
Medical skill tree at once pioeured and
an examination made. It was found
that no bones were broken but be was
badly shaken up. Mr. Noyes, of Lon-
don rl'pe was also slightly injured.
Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Schmidt and
son, of Berlin, are the jtuesta of Mrs.
Oestreicher, -- Mile f inkbein•r•, of
Fremont, Neb., is visiting her sister,
Mrs. (Rev.) John Staehlet,-Mr. Au-
gust Bill is having a balcony built in
front of his Hotel. -,lies. Dora Link
and dttuvhtet', Ellst, left on 1Vtdnes-
(lay for an extended visit with friends
in tlbly, Mich.. and Detroit, ---Several
of our people attended the Children's
Festival held i11 the Evangelical
church, Dashwieel, last Sundity.-An-
totuobiles are quite it conmmun sight.
here of late. Several parties passed
through here last week en route to
Grand Bend.- Mrs. Manz and grand-
daughters. of Tat istock, etre visiting
11r. and Mrs. Daniel (te;tfeiche'r.- We
:lt•e please.) to britt• of the recovery of
Mr, Peter Hoffman from his recent.
Pa°O Lace Curtains
At old prices; but new goods.
No, we had no necessity ft)rced upon us to advance 'the
prices of our New Lace Curtains. We bought them as we
have alit'ays done, through our Manufacturers' Agents, and
bought Early, thus saving the 20 per cent. advance. We are
in a position to sell Lice Curtains at as good value as ever,
and Much Better to the Cash Buyer, because we give 10
cent. off' for Cash on Every Pair of Lice Curtains.
Prices range from 25c• a pair up to $7.00.
10 Per Cent. Off Por Cash on A11 Curtains.
Don't forget us in Dress Goods and Silks
Don't forget us in Roots and Shoes --we have the best
Don't forget our Men's New Hats
Don't Forget Us ! For we can do you good.
Poplestone & Gardiner
One door north of Post Office.
Greenway Centralia
Mrs. R. J. Aitken attended the mar- t (tnleaded for last week)
riage of her brother, Mr. Richard I Miss Mabel Hicks, who has been at -
Wright, of London, to Miss Maggf1ie tending Alma College, is the guest of
McColl, of Glencue•,last week, -Mr. V. her uncle, Francis Hicks, --Mrs, (Dr.)
J. Prdnce has a field of barley ripe and Cook, of Toronto; Miss Gertrude Hart,
intends to cut it this week, -A large , of London; Mrs. J. P. Doherty and
number of 43,0,S. 219, attended divine Mr. Doherty, of Clinton, were,tests
service in the Presbyterian church, itt %V. R. Elliott's during the holidays -
Corbett, last Sabbath morning, -Diss -Miss Lona Wilson and friends were
Bella Stinson returned to her hoot,at home forethe holidays,
in Ripley last Tuesdays -The road The Concrt gis,•n on July 1st tinder
south of here has been closets while i the auspices of the Ladies' Aid proved
building a new bridge. -Mrs. A. C.
to be a decided success. The first! and
Wilson and Carrie Wilson have gone i second parts of the pritgtitm were
to London to spend a few days.- Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Curbs visited his •opened with piano duets by Misses
sister in London list Tuesday anti Edythe Bunt and Katie E. Elliott,
spent the 12th in the city. showing a thorough training itt tech-
liigne and every promise of becoming
excellent pianists. Miss Gertrude
Kirkton Hart. the eloctitinniyt of the evening,
iNJCitF:D,-Norman Fletcher, rein- delighted her hearers by exceptionally
cited of the \Vinghain Business College clever interpretations of her well -
while on a visit to his home here, met ' chosen selections. Miss Lila M.Thom-
with an accident. He and Miss Kirk son proved to be the possessor of a
by, of Blanshard. were driving to St. dear anti well -modulated voice. Tier
Marys and as they dr ()VI' down the driunatii' style was varticnli►rly pleats -
hill en Queen street, cut automobile to the large audience, 31r..I. E. Doh -
with two young men in it carne along. elev. hawse of Clinton, rendered his
The horst• reared and plunged forward number's in brilliant and pleasing
nese.-Nle. Hear} I:ill.er, ,11.P.P., left
et a tremendous pace, swerved to the style, and won for himself its enviable
u a shin • ri i in New M.1 .1i(t on
roadside ditch and lir. Fletcher was reputation as a soloist. The program
thrown out with great farce, awl was was of such an excellent character
severely injured. The horse spell on that the artiste were recalled many
with the' lady down street, but in at- times and required to almost double
tempting to turn a corner it fell and their numbers.
was captured b two young men. Miss -- - -
Kirkby was unhurt but was complete- Fon• tin sand people attended the
ly unnerved. Mr. Fletcher was taken Tilsotibnrg Old Boys' Re -union.
to David Milner's home, where he w:ls --
attended to by Drs. Smith and Knox, BIRTHS
and shortly' after removed to his home. -
Ile has sufficiently recovered as to be SNE1.1.— In ('Tinton, on July 2, to Rey.
able to return to `\'ulghapn, and MI 4. J. A. Snell, of Bayfield, a
Heaforth: Mrs. David Dor•ranct•, of De H9 --
John Street, met with a painful acci-
dent on Wedte.day. She was carry- I•'isttee.-- in Exeter, on July eats
ing a china put when she fell cutting George Fisher, aged 72 years, 7
het hand on the broken edge. months it id 28 days.
for fi),t
\Vednesday.- The souvenirs publish-
ed in honor of the 50111 auniver•sery of
the Evangelical Church have arrived
and contain some vet 3 valuable in -
fel metier of the church's history. -
Mrs. Zwicker, of Iwlndon, he visiting
friends in the village. -Mr. Joseph
Woodall has sold iris dwelling to Mr.
John Treitz, -Baseball was never so
interesting to our people as it has been
the past week. Last Friday evening
a g: ' was played between the State
and Duffers. The game throughout
was well played and exciting end itt
the ninth innings the teams stood 4-4.
The tenth inning wvts played. The
Stars Bever trached lust hase and the
Duffers itoule 4 runs, milking the score
e--4. The t.ew n went wild. But "he
who laughs Iasi laughs longest." The
Stars promised a wiu•m game for Mon-
day night and it certainly was a hot
one. The scute stood 16--1 in favor of
the Stars, The Duffers made :s runs in
the last innings whi.•hclosed the gauge
et a score of 16 •4 ie favor of the senior
teats. Feeling ran high and some of
the boys were a little wild not only in
their playing but also in their talk.
We trust they have been Loth satisfied
now and that they will settle down
again to ordinary Lat11. Some of the
{,layers deserve credit fat their excel-
lent playing. The Duflt•is. especially
have some good amen, who, If they
keep in practice, will make Al base-
ball players. Allow us to thank the
sports committee for erecting the
grand stand, which seats 126. This
has been a long felt want. and we sure-
ly appreciate their kindness. Zurich
is billed to play here on Friday even-
The following pup ile wete successful
at the Prometien Examinations held
in June. :genies in order of met it: -
Part 11. to .1r. II.- Maxituuni a1)5, le-
e uirt•d to pees 2111.- Lulu Redden alar,
Evelyn ltliaet1 241, Ertinntiel Beaver
248. Lehi 1):amin 211). --Jr. ti. to Sr, 11.
Maxinntul 494. required to pass 247.-
Qne.nia Hodgins 4111, Lydia then reach-
er 392. Petite. Hill 847, Fiincis 11i11
{17. Mart hat 1Velsh 317, Melvin Brown
:➢01, Sate. We•i11 t'2. Edith Anderson
272, Roland Metz 2215, Herbert llwiat
249, Esirl liaiee•r 248. Sr. H. to Jr. 111.
Max. (0x2. req. to pass 291, - Lulu (iii•
GPI 542, Mabel Wenzel 472, itis Brown
4G1, i.Ieyel Damitn 312, Si iii Finkhcinet
Pearl Feltner a21, lima l:wetld 310,
Wellington Ran 300 Jr. 111, tei Int.
i11., max. 565, tett. to !sees 21Ct. -Pearl
Treitz 441, Nelsen 11 11 372, Rey Red-
den 351, Beatrice !lighten 351, Harii
eon Belt zuotnn 337, Vela Holtzrman
434, ('hat lie Getter :kit, hsrry Maniere
lei 2118, Alice Me•Ilie 262. Int. 111. 14,
Sr. 111., max. 7(111, tequited to paP.115i1.
Elate theme 007, Lillian Finkbeiner
501, Willie ()estiee•her 4611, Matilda
O.•etreicher 474. Ernest Appleton 411{1,
Altueclit Fink Leiner 3'12, Marry 'Trick
379. ('para Hnita.initnn 1356. Jr, IV, try
IV„ neat. 7111, requited to prime /1,
Howard Mendel 51), Pearl °outer 477.
Edith Hell 448, Pearl 13ieaett 438, Ed-
win Fshner 421. Sylvester Witerth 4141.
('Iarisast Hill :396, ('has. Fink heirless 7466.
A tornado in Tee wiped out sever -
1 famllie.,
Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.
Screen Doors from 85c. up.
Screen Windows from 15c. up.
Oil Stoves from 65c, up.
Freezers from $2.25 up.
Sprinklers from 45c. up.
Hammocks from $1.00 up.
Sprayers from 50c. up.
Lawn Mowers from $3.00 up.
Reliable B.D. Hangers $1.25 per pair
Paris Green 25e. per pound.
A nice size Alum. Prey. Kettle $1.25.
A nice size 11111e Gran. Ketttle 10c.
Cement Plaster Paris
r�,aasRd atm I& eu& ads& ALAI' Ak akJ& alk ilk ilk Lk ilk ,!
The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age.
What doe. e•vIono►do? 1tgise.the body anaffinity for OXYGEN, and snake. ,1 at.•orb
natetre•revitalising�t force oxygen throigh ese►y p1./11. Irises.* eimpdy cannot a tae in the
•sdrm that is sur barred with oxygen I's sleryia, Rhtumati•rra, Fel er. I,.digestion• Inw.m-
"ia and all o bswa.. 'imply s aniah before .,•..g. Is and nt:donor gives the body oxygen. Read
what those whet hase used it say,
Col. Il B. Itamlte•n. Provincial lkani of Health Registrar •:eoeral's Office. Tnrontn, Can .
a rites, entree stet. 19th, "My Mt experience with Oaydonor bas ben moat rustier', tory In . s.•ry
respect. Persr.nally i ran vetch for its etllrien.y in s.-ute sane., CC8 as la grippe and severe
strain. In both instances its action being reniarkatly qvi• k, and the results agrteable and
suchPor more hroni, affe+tions, such as n.nralgia and rh.nmatiam, my wife bar ',aperiencad
,err, gr. at Ir. a1 benefit, and "oulrl ore be as.n
itht an oavdnr,ot for many tines Its w.ight In
gold." u
Pend us ,or name land address and we will wnel ye," our booklet "T" full. •aplaininf the
a',►kings of this wonderful Instrument.
4 De. H. SA! CHE & CO.
Limp61 Fifth Street. Detroit, Mich. 2268 gt,Cethertne !4t., Montreal.
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