Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-22, Page 2+0+0+**0+0+0+0+*+0+0+***+0+12+1:iftE+0+*+*+p+*+
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CHAPTER V. I No• t hat they were 111 the light
The owner of rho voice which Norah lone caul 1 see the contrast between
had heard. under such peculiar and the two mon. 'Tho one, Cyril Ilurno,
mysterious rireumstanees, felt. bis was tall and straight, strung -limbed.
'way dawn the steps to the lower ter- with the peculiar bearing of a man
race and from thence to the lawn, I wilt) has gone in for athletics, and
and there almost stumbled over a i with a taco that was not only 'lowl-
yunng man who was sitting on u ' some, but possessed of that wiesoIno
bank with his knees clasped in hi., ('ase and grace which one is accustom -
in need; and, an a return for
ed to associate with all pita• kindness, I refuse to confide
hands, good birth and in you!"'
"KKY!lo, what tho deuce— Why.,high training. His hands were small,
It's you, Jack!" he exclaimed in vet strong -looking; his clothes sat
anluzeuxt. "Where on earth did you upon him atter the fashion which
cane front?" bringeth delight to tho heart of tho
itis friend stared at him, thea tailor, and there was an air of coax
laughed shortly. It. was a pl,•asant tinted about the dark eyes and clean -
laugh, that matched the voice and cut mouth, noticeable even alien, as
the Lace, which was strikingly hand- 110es', lie was in repose.
setae and 3118111•'.
"I�hy, you wero up there just
"Was I? Then I was quite una-
ware of it. Aly dear Cyril, I have
neve.- left this bank. I know a the brain -worker. 1t was a good -
1)11 1.." natured, shrewd face, though the
• Ito you mean to say you were not eyes behind the spectacles had sc-
up there?" interrupted Cyril Inc•redu- quired something of a cynical oxpres-
luusly. "Why, n18n, I heard you." skin.
sauntering over Waterloo Bridge,
and looking at tho water'?"
"Yes. I remember." assented Wes-
"I was without a penny. with thq
key of tho street."
"And generally, miserable. Having
Cyril. "(food eight, old fellow, and
piensant dreams."
Lett alone, he resumed hla sent on
the table. and fell into deep thought.
Presently hu tuck some money from
his pocket, and counted it out on
the table. It as anything but a
largo sura, but he appeared satisileJ,
been in the same condition myself. 1 and returned it to his pocket. !n du -
know tie; signs and felt a fellow -foul- ing so his hand Caine in contact with
iag a smell fusee box, and ho drew it
"You stopped and spoke," resumed out, and looked at it thoughtfully.
Cyril, his voice so full of music that It was of silver, and bore an elubor-
it stirred the heart of tho listener, ato monogram, and it seemed to
"and insisted upon my cooling hones . suggest sora,. idea to hien, for, hold -
with you and sharing your supper. ing it still in his hand, he opened
You asked no questions, and there- (ho door and went into the street.
fore got leo fibs. And you hate ask- 'There was a hors -pond <Ivst• by, and
ed none from that hour to this." ho walked to it and flung the fusee
"Which proves that 1 havo not in- caro into the middle. It fell with a
boiled my Mother Eve's crowning little splash, nnd he stood absently
fault -curiosity," put in Duck wider looking at the circle it had lo in
his breath. tho water.
"You took mo on trust, helped mo "I don't think there is anything
to gain my lit ing-were, in short. else," humurmured, feeling in his
that rarest of alt euro things, a pockets. .'No, that was the host
link, and it is gone to the frogs."
Then he was turning to retrace his
steps to the cottage, when he heard
n voice, n woman's voice, in the lane
on the other side of the pond.
"You aro hard -hard! Vihy do you
treat me so? Do you think I ant
made of stone?"
!'hen a man's voice carie in ro-
'Nonsense! 1 n►n prudent for both
our sakes, that is all. '!'rust to me as a Mulch, placing 11 around tree chines that pump by driviI!o ti.,,
trees, espeS•inlly where they are not wagon aro not quite as satisfactory
large, writes N. T. Cox. 1 apply as ono would like, but they do gaud
what ntanuro 1 can, where it is work nnd are far ahead of the hand
most ncede, orte nut ud llpump. is
(urge air chamber in
ferlilirer exceptelbut inta snip s(llasell WaItYy tclrich is pumped a fair pressure of
to try it, and baro novo seem u0Y air before the liquid is turned in,
dtiffercnco in the results. 1 hate keeps the pressure up so as to spray
thinned my apples fur three years a tree while tho wagon is standing
and non pleased with the results. We still. If there was a pump that
thin most of the varieties, but some would pump air pressuro into a tank
need it worse than others. We coni- with a gasoline engine and then
!'here was silence for a moment,
then .1uck Wesley looked up.
"Why should you confide In me?"
ho said. "Keep your secret, what-
ever it May be. my clear Cyril. I ntu
quite content with my ignorance con-
cerning it. A mu1's u pour kind of
The other, .luck !Wesley, was, of a friend who wants to pry into his
inure commonplace type. Ile wets' elm" private affairs. And now,
rather awkward in appearance, with 8111 you come back to London to
bent shoulders, and there was that morrow?"
look about hire which belongs to \'�• Jack, I cannot."
"Then I must go atone. All play
and 110 work will make Jnck a hun-
gry boy. You paint down hero as
well -better than in town; I innst bo
near my books. Yes, I'll return; but
lto paused, and getting up, re-
garded the handsome, pen6ivo face
with a shrewd, kindly senile. "You
didn't see the lady -old or young -
who quoted Shakespeare on the ter-
race to -night, Cyril?"
"No, I know what you Mean, find
I plead guilty. Jack, I'll tell pun
what keeps mo here. Von will laugh
''Did you? Extraordinary! i give '!'hese two young men wero fast
you my word 1 haven't opened my i friends. Jack thought Cyril the Per_
lips." I fectiou of manhood, and admired
"Whet!" exclaimed Cyril. "Oh. hien for all the (11alitf•-s which he
come now, .luck, you aro playing it (Jack) lacked; and Cyril regarded
n little too low down. 1 tell you, 1' his friend as a genius MireCognized as
heard you quoting thnt. line about ' yt.t by the world, but as ono whose
the, moon from Romeo and .Juliet!" light would shine out brightly some
The other turned his spectacic8 up dray, -I can't help it. You'll think tau
to tie han(ISellle face with 3108• and And yet as Jack regarded his sil- ad, oven it you don't say so; por-
prr.fonnd surprise. l Inent companion there was a certain haps I arts. %fell, then, this after -
"Upon my word, Cyril, this bust- 1 curious questioning expression in his noun when I left
(less. or the moon, has been too q K p you torn stroll I
much for you. I quoted Shakes-tt.eJ es• sauntered toward the court. gates to
mareiuuch My dear fellow, 1 have sett I ,•1 am reluctant to disturb your get a view of the house. As 7 was
meditations, on which no doubt the standing thereea carriage came up.
hero since you left rue, and 1 haven't opened my lips! In fact, I've sat fate of nations depends," he said in It stopped whi�o the ludgekceper was
bunches aro far apart when it may
his sloe', good-naturedly cynical lone opening the gates, and I saw an old be best sometimes to leave two in tt
here long enough to grow a crop of i „but my more material nature i.� man neer a ire inside. Mlle looked
the very ti[lest kind of rhouuuttimr,,, lG Wesley had pointed attracted his at- bunch, but, the center ono should be
This midsummer madness of yours is ;craving for a whisky and soda, and vat fora moment. l only caught n t.untion, and, going up to it, 1111 took taken out, so that the other two
growing serious. For Heaven's xakc, the cupboard is immediately behind glimpse of her face. but." -he paused up a piece o1 charcoal and rapidly will not touch each other, if it is
let us get serious.
away while we've a chance. you.„ and looked straight before him, his sketched an outline of a woman's possible to get them that way.
About Shakespeare! Why, my deur i Cyril Hume started slightly anti eyes glowing with a look which .lack head. %'0rms will often spoil WW1 ei them,
fella'.,., I've herrn In Lou much of wheeled his chair aside, then got up Wesley had never observed in them Quickly as it was done, it, baro n if they hang together atilt miner.
a folk all the time, for every Thom- and began paring the roan with before -"I scree her now! .lack, it 1 striking resemblance to the head that Band picking is the only way to
quick, restless steps. was the most beautiful (nen I have be had seven at the carriage window, thin, and both hands must be used
eat I've fancied I heard nn f,
'honest watchdog' or a keeper or a ')+ick Wesley mixed a couple ef ever seen. I stood routed to the to Lady Norah Arrowdnle.
gardener, or sonudhfug of rho kbtd, drinks with deliberate preclsiun. spa(. She did not Soo me, and her
Curve along!" and he rose and stret-
tlttlk up, walk up!" ho murmured, eyes—"
chert himself. the lion is now about to bo fed -or Ile paused again. "Ito you know
"hitt-but if it wasn't you who
rather drinked. I wonder how leech that picture in the left -band corner
were up there and spoke, who wa3 Airs. English, the landlady, will of rho largo room of the National
it?" demanded Cyr!{. charge for tho carpet; perhaps if Gallery, Jack?"
"Ask mo another," responded his you'd take n 'lap' round the other ,luck Wesley nodded. Ile was not
81(10 of the lablt: „ tiutiling now.
friend with a stifled yawn. "Cyril, , ,
you hove been star gazing or mown
"Thus adjured, Cyril stopped short, ; "'!'hey were like the girl's in the.
raking until you have lust your and taking up his glt:.s, seabed hint- ieh•ture, but lovelier. Her hair--
3. Who should be up there. 110 self on the table• ire slopped again. "If I were to talk
you think if any ono had been ho esThat's better," remarked .lack f•,r a month I should give you ..no
Wesley chopping into the chair; idea of tho face that haunts me, he
would have stopped to talk poetry .•now we can talk -that is, if you went on in a low voice; "of its
with you'! Not lit. ? He'd havo rune
Artificially colored and adulterated
teas of China and Japan or
TEA? Sold in native parity and Ciel IcIrtusrlOS3
Black, Mixed or Green. t y all Grocers.
Sold o:lly In sealed lead pa;Lots 1IIUIILiST A\YAI IJ ST. LOUIS. 1p34.
; },�• �
spraying equipment. The {eo1er
? sprayers must be understood, to get
olFCELID tho best results. I have no ill: -cool-
ed engine now that gives bolter sat-
kp,*,,� isfactiut 11(811 rho old water-cooled
P j�, cagino 1: first hsd. It Is cunucctocl
wit.h a pump, and there is ell then
-'- pressure needed for spraying and a
THINNING A1'1'I.ES. small stream to rout back into the
My orchards aro all in grass. I tank. 1 havo a wheel valve to tura
rho pressure back into the tank
have quit cultivating. 1. usually cut iv/weever it is necessary, 1'1t t (llsu
the gross and leave it on the ground keeps it agitated. Tho geared mn-
and be patient. (10 h0ms now, and
don't fret over nothing."
Tho woman's voice murmured com-
plainingly for a moment, then all
was sil,nt.
Cyril llurne smiled to himself.
"I'm in for adventures to -night,"
bo mused. "A lovers' quarrel, I sup-
At that moment he heard a step,
a man's quick, firm step. coming to-
ward hint, and instinctively drew
back into the shadow.
A tall, thin young man passed hint
rapidly, and went down the road.
glancing to right and left as if ho
were anxious to avoid recognition.
Cyril Hurtle looked Lifter him with
a faint wonder and speculation.
"If i were the young Indy, I should
think twice before I trusted you, Wry
friend," !1e said to himself; "you are
too cautious and careful in your
Then ho went back to the cottage,
and the incident. vanished from his
mind. The canvas at which .lack
menet: on the early varieties about
Juno 1, and quit on tho late ones
in August. When the fruit is stnall
it is difficult to get enough removed.
When it gets larger it is easier to
determine when it is properly thin-
ned. On Late apples most of the
thinning 311001(1 be clone in .lune and
July, and some morn of tho surplus
can bo taken olT in August, when it
can readily be seen if the trees are
yet too full. We try to thin all
bunches of fruit so as to leave just lowing this is the blue vitriol sofa-.
pump the liquid into it, that would
bo better than any gasoline putter
contrivance with which I am fami-
liar. filo pressure wop1(1 bo mere
even, and there would be nu danger!
of blowing something off in at hurry
when ilio spray should be shut 011
or get stopped up. All the liquid
is strained through a tine wire
strainer to prevent the nozzles clog-
ging. The lune water is run into
the tank first in diluted form fol -
one specimen in n place, unless the trp, ant! thea the others are added
Dud stirred.
the alarm bell, sprung a rattle or
r•i<1dhsl you with a revolver; nut
that's what wf!1 happen to bode of
us if we dirt clear out," and Ito
al st yawned his spectacles utT.
"Stop chuffing for a moment, Jack.
I tell you that I saw -no, heard
some one up on the terrace! I went
up there in the dark and was sitting
011 Cie top step %tailing for the
moon to clear, when a voice+—yours,
as f thought, iniiletting a W00i31111'8-
sniil: 'Swear not by the ;noun!' -you
know rho lines. And I answered. I
went on talking- to you, ns Ithought
and though i got no reply I fancied
you wero too frightened to carry on
a ronverscitiva in such dangerous
nenrn-as to the house -and -nal--"
he put his hand to his brow -"(Treat
Heaton!" n blush rose to his tanned
face, "i -I, thinking you had gone
(lawn, uttered atone nonsense. No, It
was not nonsense; but, .lack, I Wits
not alone! SOIne one wits there'
11ho was It?"
-Who's to tell! A woman's voice,
Ifo looked at 1t for n moment with
heightened color, then muttering "A
libel!" smudged it out -impatiently,
turned out the lamp, anti went to
(To bo Continued).
Interesting Gossip About Some
Prominent People.
President Louhct was born with a
car •wrr mini w o
from cant y1 n t y ole tho see tness, 1(8 petits, its nameless passion for music. Ile has composed
romantic episode id the mysterious charm! The carriage went on, and I sev<•ritl oratorios, and plays dehght-
voice on the terrace; and 1 shutdd -just woke!" fully on the piano.
just like to ask you, my dear Cyril, "And found yourself in love with a
what you intend to do?" face.^
' What I intend to du?" "Yes, I fell in love with a face!
"Exactly'," said ,lack, puffing nt. Why (ten't you laugh?"
his pipe arid nursing his knee, a fav- "f was wondering whether youjd
orito trick of his. "When a week ago mind my crying," retorted Jack
you came into -burst into would Ie•. !Wesley, in a low voice; "fur, believe
the more exact oxpressien-my chew- me, my dear fellow, love is more of
berm with the proposal that I should a cry int; than a Intighing 'natter.
accompany you on a trip to Sant- Did you discover who she ryas?"
loigh, reality Ilerks, you asserted, ini "No. I asked the lodge -keeper, and
respoese to trey question 'Why?' that ! he could not tell me. 1 came haute,
you weaned me to mtnrtlo the nrlis-; and the. face hovered before ale." Ills
tic world, and bbtzen your /111010 011
the bend roll of Fame. You also re-
marked that it would he a capital
chance for my getting a few rustic
Mean for a poets, a novel. or tt pray. that you %entired on the burglarious
Is not that so?" ecpcdilion to the court. to -night?"
(aril welded with n holt smile. "It was," he assented grimly. "I
"In n weak ntnmle•nt, n very weak would go through lire and water to
moment, i consented. 1 may remark sty her again!"
that I always do consent to your "And you du►ngine, suspect, that
propesnls, and that I nearer fail to the voice you heard rens hers?" stag -
head drooped, so that his eyes wore
"And it was on the baro chance of
getting a second glimpse of the fico
.. I , ..e 1117' nenkMSS. ThIS Instance Is
you say? Are you sure'.,
no exception to 1110 general rule. We
"Quito sure now." have been In this aec111(Icd 81101 two
"A housemaid, pruhnhlt whole days. ]'opr sketches ere re -
"Wel!, my
m my deur Cyril, it's
the only
I,r:4entd<i by that Insane outline of a
suggestion i can make. Why
Ahuuldln't n 1 sd olnid quote Shakes- tree'" he pointed his pipe at a can-
► • •? 1 toll you she Is its likely vas on an easel, "aid my rustle
1 a , r
t ideas hove not yet s'i • sl ' eela8 thent-
11,nvndnys to know him ns her 0113- i+S+'•
selves. 'Instead of which,the
tress is." „ Inn •Ist'atc ulmerred, we It»to
'•halt! It was the voice of a lady. ti ' 11e''1'u'
tushed a sample of toad trespassing
"'!'hanks; you said Just now you which ought to have landed us In the
thought it was mine." . village gaud, or obtained fur us a
"1 Said retorted Cyril; then chnrgo of shot fir a revolver bullet
with a stifled sigh he allowed his apiece. I like adventures -for other
eorepin n to drew him away. pernons; as for me, writ leg about
ke.'eping in the shadow of the •(,m Is gaud enough; and I beg to
thro'igery they made their way
state that I politely, but emphatic-
thrqugh t1((• ornamental grounds, ally, refuse to accompany you in any (' ril almost started, and bit itis
cr.;seed the park and reached the y'
village, and stopped at The Slimmers
exploit. whether it, take the lip.
as the inn WAS coiled. Itirr is rather shape of prowling like burl;tura :11 ",\L any rete age Is on a visit to
dig! lae'd name for the tittle pl:ee, midnight about 8 noble mansion.„r an earl. !the may be no end of a
which was a rambling cottage owned ',reeking into a church. And I would swell herself—”
gestetl .lack Wesley,
"1us, 1 think so. Now you know
why 1 cannot go back wi1jt you,
"I think I understand," said Wal-
ley, gravely, "and you snake a great
mistake if you think I not going to
try and pertunde you; but you'll let
rue say that, if I were indeed the
friend you call enc, I should secure
you by main force and convey you
as a lunatic out of harm's tvny; that
is to say, miles Away from `twltleigh
Court and the girl who resembles
tho 1)e ]'Incl picture. Cyril what
good can conte of this? For all you
kn • she may be engaged -perhaps
by n widow of a former Court ser- also like to nsk, when are you going
to return to town?"
sant, who let two or three of the „
"And I inn a miserable pointer,"
broke In Cyril. "i know. '!'here Is
rooms AS lodgings, and sold beer, -}'NI Ilurno laughed slowly again. nothing you can say that I have not
ro111118 tobacco and pc11 sold and ".fuck, if you'd been horn dumb thought of, and yet 1 cannot go.
you'd have been nm nearly perfect 1 1.eave etc here, Jack, for a few days
ntleer articles too numerous to men- n man „mid he.,, he sell. nt lend. I know it's madness, but-
t, e. in one end of the tiny place. '"Thanks for your kind appreciation evil, knowing it won't cure it."
tau y g men entered the but allow are to remark that that is "I understand, old fellow, that ar-
e +'•nrelnrnpom ntttvhfleJack
('yell tut•nuedre p{•e1e1 not nn answer to 11137 1111.11 ton. tistic nature of yours has caught lire,
into n choir mut stared thoughtfully l lees;e-I ask it ne a special fetor -I rind 1'11 leave you to binro it. oil.
inte vile/must.don't begin to lu'nncr up and down, 1s there anything I can du before I
lurk get n ripe from the mantel again!" For Cyril held got off the 1 go? Anything in the shape of" -he
table, and threatened to resume Ills hesitated and colored alightly -"well,
shell and lit it; then, adjusting his re
stle8a ,nein If desisted, h bluntly, 1 ' t
r•pr•! 1(.1.4, genet refle•cliv,ly at his 1
Ona of tho finest tennis courts in
Great Britain is in the grounds of
Lest Sheen Lodge, the Richmond
Park residence of the Duke of Fife.
'The Duke is a first-ralo amateur
{:layer, and has occasionally tried
conclusions with some of the best.
To the Father of the !House of
Lords (Lord 'I'enlplutnoro) belongs
the curious distinction of having sat
in that Chamber our twenty-eight
years before ho dolivcrccl himself of
his maiden speech! The record of it
in "lla't 'theta!" occupied exactly
twenty-one words.
Josef TTuhnnnn, the great pianist,
cold(! play the Sunntns of Beethoven
and -Mozart when he was only six.
'Three years earlier than this he could
repeat any melody that was played
to him. 11 hen he was quite young
Rubinstein gato hint hie favorite
piano as a legacy, and this has al-
ways been one of Hofmann's most
cherished possessions.
Mr. Astor, the millionaire, says
that everyone who goes to Niagara
hears tonne absurd, ridiculous, and
inept remark there. "The day I
first saw Magneto" he said roc.'nt.ly,
"a man touched Wry arm as i looked
up at those white nesters. i turned
to the meas. lie had the silly and vacu-
ems smile of tho confirmed joker.
'It seem% a shame,' he said, 'to eco
nil this going 10 waste."'%'hat aro
you?' said I. 'An electrical engin-
cer?' 'No,' he answered; 'a nitik-
t►tn "
'Igo Ring, when he goes to stay
with a subject, generally takes his
own motor -car and chauiieur, but the
host is now -a -days obliged to provide
Sufficient motors for the accommoda-
tion of the rest of the house -party, It
is now a regular feature of n itoyal
visit in the country to take a daily
excursion by mot or -e'er to some place
of Interest within an hour's drive
and u{ on these occasions It 114 inter-
esting to see the proee'ssion of some
dozen powerful mnehines flushing rip
Experiments with linseed 111081 hays
demonstrated its value us a source
of protein for hard worked horses,
and the sante may be said of both
gluten meal and gluten feed.
501110 farmers havo the nlistaket
to keep tram breaking the twigs off. idea thnt if their cows are from a
All scabby, stung or worthy spec[- certain strain or breed they aro all
mens should be removed first, and
right and cannot be otherwise. It
then thin out the small one:;. What must bo remembered that men of
seems to bon fair setting of apples good families often go astray. It is
after being thinned in June will often tho same with the cow and other
show up twice as many in September nuimals•
as there should bo
FOIL HEST Itissui:rs,
I have had intelligent growers tell
ane that I was having twice 83 many
picked off as there should have been
when the fruit became ripe. The
trees looked twice as full as they
should have been. The tender-heart-
ed grower would better give elirec-
'Thousands of dollars and mitts.
valuable horses could be saved an-
nually if the amount of coarse (od-
der fed horses could be reduced one
half. 7'he fact is recognized that
the feeder cannot each limo slip to
weigh out the exact amount of feed,
nor is this recommrnde4. A foto,
w•eighings will give the feeder an.
Lions to disinterested laborers about idea as to the amount to bo fed and
the thinning and go 017 and leave lois once fixed in meted will servo
him to do the work. '1910 ground for practical purposes.
will look ns if the trees had been
It. is Almost impossible to have a
stripped, but the results will bo
most satisfactory. The cost. of
thinning is very smell. It need not
usually be over 5 cents per barrel
for the good fruit when it is picked.
The yiclr) will be about; ns much as
when no thinning is done and the
size and quality will more than pay
for the cost.
largo flock of fowls or chicks With-
out finding lice, except with the
strictest precaution. A "few" Lice
will ltiply to several thouse.nds in
n few days. 'Then there are the largo
lice 00 the heads and flecks. Even in
the winter the larger lice can no
found, and sometimes the Writes, al-
so. Lice in the summer seem to he a
It cults money to pick apples when portion of the complement of a pout•
they me ripe. It n fourth or half try pinnt,•nn(1 in the fall and win -
of thein are picked in the summer ter, also, there should be e:illgenf
when help is not so scarce, thorn arch for the pest. The 'mates of
would not he quite so mace of a 8)1(1(otos provide warmth and comfort
would demand for pickers, and the work and lice can always find sate places
would not need to be rushed so much until favorable conditions them. aro made more
for them.
to get the picking done in time. Nice
large apples can bo picked faster by
the barrel, or as fast by the number,
as smeller ones, and when about A ration supplying protein in the
all the culls have been thinned int forms of cottonseed meal produced
the sorting mid packing can be done milk for 11.1) less per hundi e 1, and
for• a small pert of the cost of the butter for 5.:1 cents per pnetneI lass
Senn when all kinds of t-hq.fruit than when protein was supplied in
must be bundled nnd disposed of 1 ho 10rm of wheat bran Auu dried
from unthinned trees. Trees that grninis•
have been thinned every year. that lite separator gets enough: more
boyo been mulched so as not to sot- cream just about to pay for itself 111
ter 111 time of drottth. and have fn:r- one year where ten sows are kept,
ly fertile soil to supply the needs of lho quality of butler rondo Of sewer-
tho tree, have fair Grope of tipples ator cream Is always better and of.
every year. !When they rased to beer Iten sells for two cents or more per
too full and sillier trout drouth they pound than butter made from create
born once in two years. I expect to aecure<1 by the old grn•ity process.
continue to thin whether the trees The great problem for the farmer
aro too full or not, if there ere many In the titter`' is slot how to prudnco
Imperfect apples on the trees. it is
larger crop.,. but. how to produce
better to get rid of thein then to
creme cheaper. While thele are lm-
them to Innttfi•e. There is no 111e10 areas of fertile land still ow`
money In handling then', tont nil the' productive and vast areas of arid'
hard cash made in fruit growing is land Chat heed only irrigation to,
with good fruit, with few exceptions, bring into profitable cultiral' the
I'Itfa'Ai INO MATERIAL. Isncressful farmer of the future will
be the one who lsseion the cost of
We spray as long 08 there is roost' production, rather than the ono who
for the storey to stick to the foliage. extends his operations.
fruit or limbs, and some of it trill 1'he old theory that one can read
gather in drops and fall to the , fat into milk, or that some partieu-
ground. ,Most people are ton satinj4 tar ration will make milk richer in
with rho liquid, N'e use fur her- fat then another, has been dlsnp-
drnux, four pounds blue vitrfui, five prr,vc,l hundreds of tines. within tl.e
pounds )isle and 50 gallons water, Inst fifteen years, nnd vet a largo
with nrsenito of Sohn. The nrsenito of majority of 'farmers to -day Lobose
Soda it rondo of 111,. white arsenic' as firmly as ever that richness in
boiled with two pounds or more sal milk depends upon the kind of fend.
hill and down tittle with the King aide 71(18 is 8u111clent for 200 gal-.Ooverncd by this theory, farmers
and the majority of the holies -party. Ions bordenux. In nil the sprayings. I ere losing thontsands, yen hundreds
after the bloom falls, /orientate of ' of tho(ISnnds of dollars yearly by
An inveterate cigar smoker is Sir , lenrl is used in addition t0 the Above•
R• a ow-, to put 1t enol anything un the es- }h,rlry Irving. One night, years ma 'salon
lorpoundsln nt the rote of two pods eitdu K s( returna riot (Imes 1{ r„luc(3.
ntus+ing companion.e.1 to
erre, and trent and leaned a{t against chequer line?'• ago, the famous net.,•. on getting to 110 gallons. We slimy once use
the nlantelsheif, and looked down at' ' "!'hat's just like you, .1 rick. ?�o, 1 1 lIlit Is not only trio of .f(.ti fe men.
-•—•- - ----?--- -- 1 he with h>fn a cab. gave tho driver n fee before the btonm, ngnin jeer OA 9uon but Is true, as ti rule. of ferment
pressiun,nhalrf-sade, half-'. c'iul,ltra ex- 1thnhestnk r.wants. andu I've iclishalfor
workm(131 llusann cigar. Mr, .1, 1,, 'Toole was as most of the blossoms havo fallen, who depend largely or altogether on
In rho vehicle with his friend, and on then In nboet ten dm'a or two weeks' the Inco h• I 11(•
o wi•u •,r,, ;cueing fleet'
%•' 1 strength by regular treat-
.nt with
Scott's Emulsion
8:,0111(1 continuo tho treatment
In hot Weather; smaller dose
ancta Ilttlo cool ffl!?k wall It will
(lc) away with any oblecttan
v Olen Is nttachect tofntty pro-
.- 701.9 during the heated
".tick, you ere the only friend 1 you needn't smile; 1 mean it."
havo in the world, and sometimes i "!Sell, then, 1'11 go to bed," said
sorniy tempted to loll you, to ,Teck. "(loud night."
..,011110----" He stopped, and Jack "Stop! We -we Shan't want t0 talk
tt =k.y regnrded him aerionsiy. over this again to -morrow, and i've
\."ter kite any to temptation, remembered one thing you can du,
ril," Ito said, succinctly. or rather refrain from doing. it's
•.1nd yet i have vowed to keep this: I've nn idea that possibly 30010-
tny secret."
' ":"he fool makes a vow, the wise
ins.,'. keeps it." tnurnroreil .lack.
Did It oxer occur 10 yo11, Jack,
•ec-son. ; that though you mid i have been
Send t•,. fee. „nipte, ( close frlernla for nears
S.:OTT R nowhE, t:na<ts,n. y a twelve -
veils wrote. 1 month. •von know as lithe about Inc
'C. ret -e; al:cru„;.,14. I .14 you did the 111411 we 111171. You
ea+w.l reitember? The night YOU found 1110
one may hunt you up and make in-
quiries ni•out tile. It's net very pro-
bable. but it's possible. if nny0ne
should flu 30, will you tell them as
little as you can?"
'"I'he Sphinx shell) not be more dis-
creet, i'll forget that. ouch a person
ns Cyril llurne exists. '
"That's just what I want," said
reaching their (Iodination the cabby
was putting on airs. Ills hat tree
on one side. and, sitting bolt up-
right. he was s•noking with keen
en'oynleht-nn enjoyment that re-
joiced the heenrt s of the two players.
Anti they told hire they were pleased
he liked the cigar. "Yes, 1 do. T
never dreamed of such f obncco!"
Thereupon Irving' gave the Jehit nn -
other cigar of the same bran 1, with
the Injunction to SlIrrtke It niter sup-
per. "No, sir. i won't; for the very
serol) of 8751-11 a cigar as this in toy
house would make the landlord double
me, rent!"
make the third application. Thee
fourth spraying is given about three COUNTi D OI;T,
or four weeks inter, or about. the I ,111 English paper tells a story e.t
middle of .lune. 1G' nmke n fifth np-!life n 1Whilochn ul. A men mot
plicntMn about •Iuly 15. ,Phe ter -i friend outefde A public house. 11(1 su
t»ula is made nhn'rt erne -bowl weak -`men in bele," he exclaimed, furiously
er for ihn last two npptirnfions, ,es-. •
pec laity the bleu "11rin) rind ars•nite pointing
t• Im+ciin.Now, itb,t "have
watch and
of sorts, but nn excess; of lime, rath-1 go in 1111(1 kirk them <►11 into the
er than lr•s.9. Snmclitne. pert fit the trcet, one otter o11uth<tr. You ren
foliage gets burnt nnd tells when (f!1 count 'tat o(1 ns they come throuy t
strength li used Into in the sees in. . the door." Tile• faced stood and
Di scitirriox Oi' UI"I'Fi'1' w„tubed. i'r,sently a 'minim font,
For large orchards, n geoilin,• ' whi/zee' by hint. '' "10!'' M tailed,
power sprayer suits ale 1.e•st, al- 'Stop , o,nl iii !” 1•afli the o!bcr;
though I have used several l,iu•ls of,'yt's n:••'"
Isle 'o n ear CO S.