Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-08, Page 3• Tepees
inate for the Bus-
hey are scattered
;hied of tho Czar's
I)iaw a nee
n the map half
Petersburg and
nd that nearly all
the west of the
nt as far
1 sti'1
11 'e
t -a04-04-040+0♦ earthly occurrences clefs front his de -
par u►(.
"\Nell. 1 6mg1 e. potting t.vn and two
together. Mr. Aa eibus left n ly because
he found the ace t;:' h ' Gtr him,
though he opeaty protae ed move be-
cause change ens the brace .,t his ex-
istenee, and elsn he tv'tn 1 a new
sphere for hi: studies as a ie arnhst...
" Did you ever see hint,.,
.No, but our intermediary it dared ne
teas like his monkeys, as uv pea re-
s�•ntble. another pea. From constant
Micro -wee- int .wee- with theta, his ,:.lee. his
voice. his movements, his ge !res. all
display.an astonishing revosi n for
13.1.e—i.e., simian ancestry.
nut all
"ilal ha! ha! Sots mon frere .et je to
tile. Theis, mon anti!'"
The interruntinn was appalling in its
suddenness, and, followed by a diabeli-
c•al chuckle, it made my steady old hum-
drum heart kick fora moment, tiveigh1
hitherto this organ had rarely admrttc
♦04-0$0-4-0404 $ O -4.0 +04040
"My dear sir, t assure you. the tame,
is haunted—badly tututtteiteeliet*.lieelly
haunted, and of this there can lK nn
reasonable doubt. Expertus loquor, I
have heard, I have seen," said Ilor+te.'
Alger, laughnig fiercely, as if he wattled
a quarrel With me, and pulling
esi: he.
memos but un -
a soldier, ani
recognize 00
and you are.
t rat.;, volt
Take Powders for Bad Temper and
Yawn tor Ilealtb--Nolel
Hygienic Notions.
ing is most beneficial. A Berlin physi-
cian has trade investigations, and ne
stags that out of one thousand girls who
play the piano before the age of twelve
years he found no fewer than six hun-
dred cases of nervous diseases. When
he took the same number who did not
play the instrument he found that there
were only one hundred cases of nervous
diseases. As result of these investi-
gations the author of the experiment
states that Ute piano should never be
used by a child before the age of six-
teen years, and even then the child
should not play more than two hours a
Deep yawning. is beneficial when
practiced as a regular exercise.
man professor of g,'
that it is the cheapest and surest why
to obtain health. This is clue to the ex-
pansion of the breast -bones and the
stretching of tie arms which
h cccaccompany
a whole -hearted yawn, together with
filling of the lungs. Altogether yawning
forms a splendid daily excrcist.—Pear-
son's Weekly.
There is a danger in wearing stock-
ings. In particular ladies will find that
it is very dangerous to wear the fashion-
able colored stockings. Medical men
have been reaping a golden haievet
from the leg maladies of ladies. Anions -, t
the ailments nttributed to colored stock-
ings are violent shooting ness and numbness,pains,
swollen joints, and
so on.
A well-known Vienna doctor has dis-
ngsr suffer 1 in caddition. from rers of silk
When the stockings were analysed ti
found that they were loaded with a pre -
accelerated ttl pulse from love yr an` ptlr►ltnn of lead, which the tieatsa o
the fiend• of the customary tisticentenls. A point cOrt,(•i, Ile advised his P
lou:: risk of law, or an artistic murder, nugt.t return to the old-fashioned white stock -
are going at/tnetintes gently quicken its action, but ings, and they have unproved since they
i.0 mean nothing else could. in the course of ns did this. All the colored stockings are
doubt the eel:ve ts:dime we bad left the iierery slated to have derived their beautiful
e_aing a1+ e ' • re the were sitting, and going up -
evade nor - had just reached the refused doer
l• •umted room.
• 1 e ee t ant. 1 have
• met_ :... - ere Alger, with
• - .�•. ]nn eh ofexultation.
tints from a preparation of mercury,
while contain many
nic, and are of the u made frotiful m arionel
Toronto, Dec. 26.— Wheat — Ontario
—7zie 10 79c for white, red or mixed,
outside; goose and spring, 74c to 75c.
Wheat --,Manitoba — Unchanged ut
lake ports, 89c for No. 1 hard, 86c far
No. 1 northern and 83c for No. 2 north-
ern. Yesterday's inspection at Winni-
peg covel•ee 151 car.., against 111 a
year ago: 1 No. 1 hard, 76 No. 1 north-
ern, 22 No. 2, 7 No. 3, 2 No. 4 northern,
and 43 other grades.
Flour — Ontario — Export, best bid
83.10 for 'Jit per cent. patents. in buy-
er.;' bags. at outsi.le points. Domestic
sales et 13.40 to 83.50. Manitoba. SL
5 to $Lee for
81.40 [ rsecond patents, and 8420 to
.$4.30 for bakers'.
Millfeed — Ontario — Bran. SIG in
Milk at the mills. shorts .317 to $19.
Manitohn $16.50 to $17.511, shorts S14.-
50 to $19.50, at Torouto and equal
freight points.
Oath — Me to 35e. outside.
CHICKS FED BY MACHINE' Itnrlee — 1[o. '2.47c to 48c. No. 3
Ira at 4Se to 4r.^. and No. 3 at 4ac to
43e. at outside points.
HOW T1l1 ARE FAT- TENED FOR TIM Peas 7t;c to 79c, at nuLRide points.
MARKET. I Buckwheat — Nominul at 51c to 52e,
to rslalMl my lin dye. New Methods Employ- ed on Bin Farms Cern — New Canadian, 4'_e to He,
1 a P \R \t YS1S Chatham freiehts: American. No. 3 ; el•
Owned by Firms in Chatham
an rat zltts:with 2c to 3c yrl.
n 1n producing song Western Statee. low.al kid.• points, Toronto. with
to freights.
i:. rt rat with ' f answered ch balance.
equani with is effort my brude1Y cafe as a in um. chimerisalt da of tut s
nd el. -
r eerie -J.
which j invisible
been sorasaY used
am proportans lin sone of thesdyed Theyneea sternckens are not a busine_ss reality. m' the; 7r. in
n trackVi rrhere lac more f •r
turl,c.d. "Your imi.�iblc tenant is ap- g fact is that about 10,000,t•iA pounds +t broken lots here and 40c outside.
ele tly as much at its tee.. in the day fabrics, and in connection with the oto' COh\TRY PR(`11t:�C•
-I as in the atyf'
natural perspiration upon the {„•t the machine -ted chickens are raised in the
order. A lady who wore light yellow, share of this aruount is expo. ed to Lon- Futter — Molds steady le f; in vtth
"indeed:' said my friend, "1 have never salt dissolves and causes a viols... dis- United States annually and the a a i.e'cn demand for c:1vi:M line-.
heard it oder sunset:' has suffered so severely don. aChe
nrry .. ..... t Y4c tv 25a
It was low a dull average dwith tshakt
partialhaa So packingnch firms 24cto25e
hecludThe sun bad coquettednd with! that partial perm}' is torn) n very real food industry that thet big 1 e i (l r s ,lids , • • .'L
and haJ Cheap stocking. t 1 Not -in the United Mate, have engaged in the. [�airy rh, roll'• good to ego
the clouds for a i 1 danger In health Thea Yi g chicken:, d sand do tubF .... t Zia
tc u... -}
ennnlena of
certainly tin-
, to press the
lee before yon
Nle sources and
at, will ac -
ani. rily, shak-
hile hs lingers
igreininatic urgu•
few !mere. ice 21c to _ c
afternoon. nal s or .. ;1c n
Then entirely disappeared and an
tW '
business done
in this line amounts to millions
In set
cipally in Iowa and Nebraska, are seat-
Eti¢s __ 2Qr to 2+c for the general lw1
dozens ofe stations t 21e for lured.
`o u
where chickens, ducks and geese an! `
Poultry — Fat chickens. A. to 'Jc, thla
used for the world's market. 7c to 6e: fat hens 6'�r to 7t.;c. thin 5jye
The method of raising the chicken s to 7e, ducks hers to tae. thin 6e to Jet
has undergone a scientific evolution •eese h11c to ttt, turkeys, 1S( to Ito
The idea applied to -day would have {{ 6 Dt8..0'1 Hoge — rax iota here aro
sounds like a fairy tale to the chicken 1 quntei at abcatt l;i per cwt.
op Mr. S. 11. Trolman, bustnecc o raw+n ertetolle
ive silence• lay over the wing of the' ling!+am, England,of dot do medium l c to :GO
house in which the mom was situated. M.A., F.LC., has been invisetigatulg the other poutlry The lotnl h. de 'erector f24
fats annual{1 Cheesy — 13c for large and 13jrc
And, sia1 'had proved before. 1 found it beematter. fand he has tested a large nein-
1 The twins
melt utile it due without
the ny strange woina' her of samples ot cheap hosisho
just unveil, wilhnut any competing) at foAst°ylhperi cenLlgottsuchFslockinac 1 'entl of the Western States. Dein• f fresh and 20r n
sounds t, arta bearinge. "feeding grace• a warm \ve1c0►lle ie. Ar a platter of fac t th 11 as amount
, disregarding his' "l'hia is delicious!” 1 cried, "Von contain very distinct quantities of arse
d de,doinb txtun d promised me, H
mea, (and good compan>. but t never expecte(' rises in some casco to a
patience sorely:'' society ot this intereeling kind. Please a grain in each pair of stockings. It
hat should have let ray i s.seS.stons be transferral at' is True that this arsenic is not higby
once to this enrhanlutg chamber. 1 soluble, bet still it can be tractednns
nt nn. my reu�- promise ln}-sett an agreeable and in- •
...-_.,.,,...,t of dna a iC
t ,inn, "are very . strUe five visit."
The change was speedily effected,
ll' exclaimed ' Colonel Alger's valet regarding my rash -
en stone. aril pees with ill -concealed comp.
u suspect my curiosity. The room. upon examinelinn,
nttsc a is be-, presented no salient feature or andel:-
1 uott•+ cnlutntclion. The walls were oak
a 1'.
louse like panels. and when diligently tap;
Posture or trail yielded no results. beyond a tew
1 cobwebs turd a Iilite dust. The floor,
' he buret ton. seemed Round.
calmly.' "blahs 1 etclettnied aloud, "1 t�eheve
owls, or' there is nothing to discover. Perhaps
classical you----"
"1.0 (lade est bon! %1te le bon
1 les' And a harsh u1.wkink
ter -
1 unearthly cachinatlen came
e utterance of this Mor-
tise the entmd-;
v. rc freittese.
a f:.rtnigh
. V11111-
d ► • slightly art . • •The. Potatoes — Ontario. 65e to
Therefore there is n strong rnssibilit}'.; farmer of twenty -live years ago. T•ase on track here. 75e to itSc r
rat variance with the old way •
water an t}
and. indeed. a
rsen ore entirety
-sten► (of letting the barnyard hen hustle for
being gradually absorbed by to s3
and so causing eyil results to the
Many tont polishes are also very in-
jurious. This is especially true of thoee
polishes which contain aniline dye and
are used for Polishing brown boots.
Thele have been numerous in t acesof of
poisoning caused by
std c polishes.
Spited clothes are often very danger-
. -o Sir f'redcrick Treves re
011A. \ t
\ ar
turned horn Japan he said that the high- ser lre t11t tcaredttor at each place, 011 the
percentage of sounded sten who sec
ered after being perforated by bullets average.
in the Manchurian catnpaig't was
d feeding
lean must tscin upulouslycleale n Orel
1t ae,.es
t,.tten n fowl
store: eastern e•it' n n[I
its own subsistence. Near the bis pec 90- to 95e out of store.
ing couplers, like Chicago,ttna Omaha are nn Baled flay — $9 per ton for
Kansas City, feeding , timothy in car lot; here, and VS
operation the greater part of the year., it
(dere Iroin early spring until the cold
weather Ws in, chickens are tatten•�•i , Br'!" ';'•4_
r"`e per ton for
j on Iraeere.
tor the marled.
IIOW IT IS DO%E• 'tt0\ rtal.\t. :MARKETS. j f
"We do not raise lite chickens, Sart Montreal, Dec. 26. — There is 5•'e
one of there tlrmi. "We buy thcm ; inquiry by cable for Manitoba v. tee.
from the farmers when they are about 1 (nr J,..„,„ -i•'ebruary chtpmcnl, i'
six weeks old and then we feed them I bids were rib ut %c per b3het out
\t•out Y:.uW chickens' line
the fact that lite inen pu y days the chicken 1
clothes before going into battle. Tres about
andttevere1 t ienly- It s
means that if bodof clothing
carried_ into the body by the bullet it houseeef is odorYan.l d.d It must tel kept'
_....., . enntie tree: from odor aunt dint, Peell e
Pest: sae to 76c f.o.b. per bus
itarley . - Manitoba No. 3, 48c;
Flour •- Mnnitolta spring ,w
eats , $1.9n to V.; strong bale
•10: winter wheat pate