Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-16, Page 5THE
(Utter gthvorate,
pub/lased eery Thursday Smiling at the Oface.
—Sy the
Oat Dollar per annum it paid in advance,
it not so paid.
aawores.sias Saatele oa ippplio.-
ttoz .
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid
Advertisements without sissified directions will be
published until forbid and charged ace•nrdingly.
Liberal dis ount nude for transient advertisements
inserted for long periodr. E tery description of J01i
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money order*, ae., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
PRu!•1tl ETORS
Prsfemitsul Cards.
gibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Cniveristy.
Teeth extracted without any pvtn, or any had effects
Office in Fansoa's Block, west side Slain street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Someone of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic llentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Aluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest gunner possible. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling tiros. store, Exeter.
College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Duh -
wood, Ont.
BROWN, Winchelsea. Livened Auctioneer
H a for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Otflce Winchelsea.
111crc4agts llaok of Caflalta
capital Maid Up - 6,000,000
Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,959
Interest at most favorable current rates from date
deposited allowed oa Savings (lank accounts and De-
posit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available 1.
Ohlna, Japan and other foreign countries.
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers lo
alt porta of the world,
A general Banking business transacted.
T11O8 FY811E, Oasaaae MAtAaaa.
. F. RERDEN, firer or BRANCHES a CHIEF Iairaoroa
W. S. CHiSHOLM, Manager.
at Exeter Storehouse
This is much cheaper feed
than Oats. Try it.
Jos. Cobbledick
• Parkhill
Woman's lizaneyTroubles I,. il.age►roan has gone Lmndon
where he• oil! reside with bis s 1u.-
Lydia E. Pinitham's Vegetable Compound Is Espe-
cially Successful in Curing This Fated
.I?rs. Ile Lang and inns. S. Frahe
Of all the diseases known, with
which women are afflicted, kidney dis-
ease is the moat fatal. In fact, unless
early and correct treatment is applied,
the weary patient seldom survives.
Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pink -
ham. early in her career, gave exhaust-
ive study to the subject, and in pro-
ducing her great remedy for woman's
ills- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound -was careful to see that it
contained the correct combination of
herbs which was sure to control that
fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles.
The Vegetable Compound acts in har-
mony with the laws that govern the
entire female system, and while there
are many so called remedies for kidney
troubles, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound is the only one espe-
cially prepared for women, and thou-
sands have been cured of serious kidney
derangements by it. Derangements of
the ferninine organs quickly affect the
kidneys, and when a woman has such
symptoms as pain or weight in the
loins, backache, bearing down pains,
urine too frequent, scanty or high col-
ored. producing scalding or burning,
or deposits like brick dust in it; un-
usual thirst, swelling of hands and feet.
swelling under the eyes or sharp pains
in the back running down the inside
of her groin, she may be sure her kid-
neys are affected and should lose no
time in combating the disease with
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, the woman's remedy for wo-
man's ills.
The following letters show how
marvelously successful it is.
Lydia E. Pl khan's Voidable Cesopmed
Mrs. Samuel Frisks, of Prospect
Plains, N. J., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
I eennnt thank you enough for what Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound baa done
for nie. tVhon 1 first wrote to you I had suf-
fered for years with what the doctor called
kidney trouble and congestion of the womb.
My back ached dreadfully all the time, and I
suffered so with that bearing -down feeling I
could hardly walk across the room. I did not
get any better, so decided to atop doctoring
with my physician and take Lydia E. Pink -
haul's Vegetable Compound and I am thank-
ful to say it has entirely- cured me. I do all
my own work, have no more backache and
all the bad symptoms have disappeared.
1 cannot praise your medicine enougb,_and
would advise n l l w o: sen suffering with kidney
trouble to try it.
Mrs. J. W. Lang, of 626 Third Ave-
nue, New York, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
I have been a great sufferer with kldnee
trouble. My back ached all the time and I
was discouraged. I beard that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would cnre
kidney disease, and I began to take it - and it
has cured nie when everything else hail tailed.
I have recommended it to lots of people and
they all praise it very highly.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing In-
Women suffering from kidney
trouble, or any form of female weak-
ness are invited to promptly communi-
cate with Mrs. Ptnkham, at Lynn,
Masa. Out of the great volume of ex-
perience which she has to draw from,
it is more than likely she has the very
knowledge that will help your case.
IIer advice is free and always help-
a Weinaaa's Remedy hr Wisu's l .
That Have to be Sold.
We have in stock THREE PIANOS
which have been in use for a short
time only, and %ranting to make room
for new goods, we are going to sell
these Pianos at a price that they will
have to go.
Intending purchasers would do well
to call and inspect these bargains be-
fore buying.
Violins and Violin Sund-
ries Always in Stock.
!leadgnn' lets [Or Stationery.
9• Act directly on the liver.
Pilis They cure constipation,
biliousness, sick -headache.
Sold for 60 years.
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
a beautiful brows or rich black? Use tarn a.. a papaws?" saw Luisa ar, asses& rt a
IVheat (old) 1 On 1 11':
Barley, :LY to
Oats .... :10 37
Peas (10 82
Potatoes. per bag .. 7•' 80
Hey, per ton 7 00 8 (NI
Flour, icer CWt., family 2 85
Flour, low grade per ew•t 1 25 1 2.5
nutter 20
Eggs 15
Live hogs, per cwt. 4 80
i)ressed flogs 5 75 8 00
Shorts per ton 'J' 1 1N1 2i0 01)
Bran per ton 15 DNI 18 i00
Dried Apples .. :i
Nulh•t1: The spirit of another aged
earthly I,ilgtirn took its (Hight to a
latter world on 1Vednesday, leaving
11n affectionate life partner of S) years
and seven ehildten, to mourn the loss
of one they deeply loved and respect-
ed. .Ve speak of Jane 11.11111es, belov-
ed wife of Gen. Snell, at the lige of 81
years and 10 months. The deceased
though not possessing the most rugged
cnnstitut' never ailed till about tee
days before her death, when she con-
tracted a cold followed by bronco•
pneumonia, which was the ramie of
death. She was born in Kilkenny The Stanley (upremutinsin Otte wa.
Cosily. Ireland. coming to this enure (tat l'm loge played them (love games
try with her hermits. when gal years of last week; won the first, but lost the
age, settling en Godes ick tp. second and third.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The only sato effect ohl monthly
medicine on which women can
depend. Sold In two degrees of
strength–No. 1, for ordinary
cases, ll per box ; No. 2, 10 de-
grees stronger for SpeCial
Cases, 18 per box. .Sold by all
drug((rieta. Ask for Cook's Cot-
ton Hoot Compound; take no
The Cook Medicino Co.. Windsor, Ontario
are known by what they have
gn;wn. For half a century they
haver been the atan last -haven't
suledonce to produce bigger, Let-
ter crops than any othem bold
by all dtalere. 1903 .reed Ao.
anal free to alt applleants.
D. M. FERRY a. CO.,
Windsor, Ont.
lir. Geo. Olver left lust weekovith a
carload of settlers' effects for \lattito-
l►a, where he intends making his fu-
ture hom0. Ile was accompanied I.y
Andrew Ilatt, who look a span of
horses with hint. - Mr. l'letuinslntW, of
Meosejaw•, N.NV.T., is on a visit to
friends in this vicinity. --Thos. Brooks
is retiring from farming and has pur-
chased a (runes in Egtnnndville, where
he will spend the remainder of his
chi's enj•lyieg in retirement from
fanning the fruits of an induntr'i
and well -employed life.- Mr. and Mrs
Miller, whit have resided on the
6th concession for the past five years.
intend moving shortly to the 8th con•
cess' C. Jefferson, who sold his
fit in a couple of weeks ego to M. itaw-
ley for $O,54%), intends leaving for the
Northwest about Apt il 1st. Mr. Jef-
ferson has a brother in Arcola, N. W.
T.. and the two v .11 join forces out
there in larger to sing operas' 8. -
Geo, Martin, (1..• well-known horse
man of Cromarty, has returned from
the Old Country, and brought with
hlin Ia very superior heavy draught
The Kind that has Cured Your
Friends and Neighbors
in Spring Time...
!lakes Sick
People Well
James Shanks has moved here front 1
Greenway,-- Dan Burr, who has been
in the London Hospital for the past
two months with a broken leg has te-
t nrned home.- J. F. Roberts has pur-
chased A. McDonald's residence and
will occupy it about April 1st. Mr,
and Mrs. McDonald leave shortly for
Riverside, Cal., where he is interested
i11 su nritngegrove.—Urs:. 11cFte,mot
erof Neil Metas, of this place. died
Monday morning at two o'clock. De-
ceased was 76 years of age and was one
of the original settlers in West Wil-
liams. The funeral took place Wed-
DEATH of S1Mo: MCLEun.-Simon
Ieleeel, county councillor, died here
tiundny evening, ft'oin apoplexy. The
deceased was :them to retire Saturday
eight when he was stricken, and he
never recovered consciousness. Ile
had been knout as usual on Saturday.
;and partook of a hearty supper. About
1030 o'clock he was pi oceedin to his
roost when a stroke overtook him and
though assistance was quickly at hand
nothing could he done to restore the
patient, and he slowly sank. The late
Simon McLeod was in his 7f)th year.
Ile was horn in the north of Scotland,
and came to this country at a compar-
atively early age. His municipal ca-
reer has been a remarkable one. For
forty years he has occupied one office
and another in the gift of hie fellow -
citizens. He was the first Reeve of
West Williams, and was also the first
Reeve of Parkhill. For a long term of
years he had been a member of the
County Council and was elected War-
den in 1889.
Mii ttien.—On Wednesday last the
home of Mrs. Burgde, was the scene
of a pretty wedding, the contracting
patties being her estimable daughter,
Miss Mary Emma, and Dougald Foth-
eringhant, 11 well-known and popular
young farmer of Tuckersmith. The
ceremony was performed 1►y the Rev.
K. 11. Sawers in the presence of a few
invited guests. The bride was becom-
ingly attired in a neat travelling suit,
and was unattended. A sumptuous
tea was served to those present, after
which a pleasant time was spent by
all. The gifts presented to the bride
were numerous and handsome, which
go to testify of her popularity. It was
,at a late hour when the cotnpany broke
up and many were the hopes expressed
t hat M,'. Fotheringham and his charm-
ing bride may have a pleasant voyage
down life's stream and that their joys
may be many and their sorrows few
was the wish of all present.
PttKHENTATtoN.-The members of
the f.O.F., gathered in their hall Tues-
day evening for the purpose of honor -
`ng an esteemed -(brother', F. O'Brien,
who is leaving his farm on the Mill
Remo! and moving onto a larger farts
near Chiselh,irst. The gathering con-
sisted of the members of the lodge with
their wives and children. An excel-
lent program was rendered, James
Gemmell, acting as chair►nan. The
meeting opened with music. after
which Mr. O'Brien was presented with
a hendsorne arta chair and Bible. He
very ably responded to the address.
Refreshments were then served by the
ladies, after which the program was
proceeded with. Mr. McCall gave a
spicy address in which he made the
et flattering remarks about Mr.
O'Brien. The entertainment was
brought to a close rut a late hour by
singing "God be with you till we sleet
News of the Week.
North Toronto carried rt local option
bylaw by 25 majority.
Lord Stratlicona has arrived at
Montreal from London.
Alexander Martin wire hanged for
the murder of his infant son.
Six Provincial election protests have
been filed, including one at the "Soc',
rewinds of $:kS),00(1 will be expend-
ed in New buildings at Jloosejaw this
vea 5011.
Twenty-seven derelicts are (Rifting
aboutthe ocean between Santiago
and Newfoundland,
!Harold Beasley, five years old, was
killed by a car while playing tag on
Church street, Saturday.
Alex. Nairn of Palmerston, fireman
on the G. T. It., fell from the tender at
Galt and was killed, Saturday.
Sir Wei. McDonald's plats include
the expenditure of abort two million
dollars on education in Quebec.
Pierre Trude( of Montreal, compelled
to give up work through illness, corn•
mitred suicide by strangling himself.
Mrs. Cunningham of Severn Bridge
dropped dead from excitement when
the chimney of her house caught flre.
Dan Fosythe escaped from Chatham
jail by luring the turnkey into his cell,
overpowering him and locking him up.
I. L. Michaelson & Son's jewellery
workshop at Montreal was robbed of
$4000 worth of goods by expert cracks -
it is reported that the Grand Trunk
Railway Company are prepared to
build a $250.01:10 passenger station et
London, Ont.
Mee. Cassie L. Chadwick was found
ttuilty in Cleveland of conspiracy, and
had an attack of hysterics when the
verdict was announced.
Lott week Count Benkendnrff, the
Hussite, Ambassador to (creat Britain,
p!aid $325.000 to Foreign Secretary
Lans(i"wee in settlement of the North
Sea claims.
Bev. Oswald W. Howard, of the Dio-
cesan College. Montreal. is the choice
of St. James ('hnrch, Stratford, ns
rector to succeed itev. 0. Williams,
elected Bishop of Huron.
The E. F. Clark testimonial fond
now totals $11.1115. the latest ettlet'rip-
tions including $10) trots Senator Gor-
man. of Barrie. and $200 each from A.
H. Campbell and W. H. Johnston.
Jelin Sanderoiek, who assaulted and
roldieal several persons at W' 'peg,
was sentenced to 15 yearn imprison-
' merit 311(1 to 75 bashes. (lis 1,11, Me -
i O•'saki, was given 10 years and 25
i.a Prean of 'Montreal announce(
1/1;41 on Sunday in every parish in the
Province of Qoellee A pet it 1(111 was sign-
, ed asking Sir Wilfred Lnrtrier not to
amend the Northwest autonomy bills
ill cnlllplianrl• wit h regtnests received
from other parts of the Dominion.
Red Rose
Te a
Because it is accepted es a standard of .•ostia'.
Red Rose Tea can be found in the sample room of
nrarly every tea first in Canada. it is used as a
standard of duality by which they judge their own teas.
A large London, Eng. Tea firm recently asked their
correspondents in Montreal to send them samples of the
best brand of tea sold in this country-- they sent
Red Rose.
This is a very high tribute to Red Rose Tea. If
you will try the tea you will feel like endorsing this
T. M. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B.
St. Marys: A quiet wedding took
place on Wednesday, March 8. at the
residence of Mrs. Jos. Martin, Mitchell
road, when her daughter. Flora Le -
villa was married to Mr. Wm. Kers-
lake. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. R. Marshall, of St. Marys,
in the presence of a few invited guests.
The presents were many and beauti-
ful. They have taken up their resi-
dence on the farm in Bhanshard, vacat-
ed recently by T. J. Rundle.
Clinton: Mrs. Scott, wife of James
Scott, postmaster, died very suddenly
Wednesday morning. She had been
ill the day previously and the doctor
had been in attendance, he was also
summoned during the night, but no
fatal resnitt were feared. Between
seven and eight o'clock on going to
the bedside the eldest daughter found
her mother had ceased to breath, the
vital spark had fled. She leaves her
husband and three children.
To Farmers and Ilio Public
10 gencral.
'-1-NO 'aH04iYtd1S
Business then have learned that
our graduates are prepared for poeitions of trust.
No school in Canada can do more for its students
than this one. Our graduates always secure post•
tions. Write tor free catalogue, it is a handsome
Spring term opens April 3rd.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill
As the spring is coming
on now, gather up all
your old truck such as
Wool Pickings,
Horse Hair,
Old Rope,
All Kinds old Iron,
and take them down to
M. Jackson & Son
Main Street, Exeter.
One door South of Metropolitan hotel
That's where you will get the highest
cash pt ice for th. in.
A Famous Actor
Strongly Recommends Psychine
for Speakers and Singers
Voice Now in Grand Shape
Mr. Thos. P. McDonald, n well-
known local singer of Teeswater.
Ont., write,: "'three years ago 1
had In Grippe, which left me 1n a
precarious condition. I suffered
from what the doctor said tan•.
Laryngitis, and a cure impossible.
1'sy(•htnc and Oso Isms (11(1 wee.
dere for ole, and my voice 11 1n
grated shape nrrtt "
For sale by all driereists, es a i.ample
malted free upon request. Fnr further
advice rind Icf,.rmatlnn write for. Rlocum.
Limited., 179 tifng street we.t, Toronto.
(:an. r. Ptoeum't r,?emut.lon may be
taken with Psychine with very heneftelal
results. Through an enlarged laboratory.
new labor-saving facilities. and recent
ability to purcha.e raw product; in Can-
ada. Psychlnr, sot l for years at 11 Y) per
bottle, Is
Now Sold at $1.00
Weak Voice—Throat Irrita-
All voice and throat trouble, Lung
a n d respiratory disorders a r s
promptlycured through the use of
PSYCHINE (Si -Keen). Gargles,
mouth washes, and tablets are of
no avail, and often cause serious
Mr. Joe Murphy
the famous Actor, Was
Threatened with
"t deem It my duty to stake
put►:Ic the great benefit 1 have re -
vetted by taking i'sy 'alar:. t
was threatened with Asthma, but
It has disappeared entirely, and I
have only been taking the medi-
cine one week. iT iIAS GIVEN
VOI('I: Ri:Ni;wRT) POWER. and
1 ads Ise all public speakers, actors,
singers never to be without
Yours truly, Joseph Murphy.
Pgrrhinn Is for nil weal troubles,
rind Is proving a great bleseine to pub -
lir speakers, singers, and all voice
workers. in all unhealthy conditions of
the threat or lungs there Is soreness
r Infllmmatlnn, caused by Imperfect
nutrition, and a rinppgof
the tiny blood vessels nerd
This is Also the condition in catarrhal
affections. Needless to say, this has
most Injurious effect on the vocal or-
gans. Psychine being the greatest ape-
.Ifie fon blood purification, its effect
In such disorders 1a prompt and effec-
tual. Although the trouble may be but
trivial. vet it is to the throat that !cl.1-
nus lung and stomach 4Is.tsew 1115^
their heginning. and it le well to tart
treatment with Psychlne at once. These
is no more ettee fust remedy f•.r boor- ..
nese. throat Irritation. speakers' sore
throat. and all affections enrnrnan l0
voice workers than Psyching