Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-16, Page 2$EALTHY LUNGS. !ENGLAND'S GODLESS SUNDAY.
Depend Upon Bich, Red Blood—
Poor Blood ?leans Weak Lungs
and Fatal Consumption.
teary drop of blood in the body
must go through tho lungs. That is
Why thi• lungs aro helped, and healed
and strengthened with tho great
hi. oil -builder. Lr. Williams' !'ink
Pills. They till the veins with pure.
rich rod blood that gives health and
vigor to weak lungs. That is the
way lir. Williams' fink Pills brace
the lungs to throw off bronchitis and
heavy colds. That is the way Dr.
Williams' fink fills build up the
lungs after tin attack of la grippe
or pneumonia. That is the way 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills have saved hun-
dreds in Camilla from consumptives'
graves. No other medicine does this
work so speedily anti so well. Mrs.
:lane A. Kennedy, Douglastown,
Que., says:—"My sister. a young and
delicate girl, took a severe cold
when about, seventeen years old. No-
thing wo did for her seemed to do
any good, and we feared she was
going into consumption. Ofton after
a bad night I would get up early to
see it she had spit blood during the
night. A friend strongly urged the
to give her lir. Williams' Pink fills,
and within a month from the time
she had begun their use, sho had al-
most recovered her health. Under
I the continued use of rho Pills she
is now well and strong."
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills not only
make weak lungs strong, but they
curo all troubles arising front a
poor or deficient blood supply, such
•s anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism,
neuralgia. general weakness. St.
.Vitus dance, headaches and back-
' aches, kidney troubles, palpitation
of the heart, and rho special secret
ailments of young girls and women.
Insist upon the genuine with the full
name "'Dr. Williams' fink Pills for
Pale People" on tho wrapper around
each box. Sold by medicine deal-
ers everywhere, or by mail at 50
cents a box, or six taxes for E2-50.
by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
New Crusade Against it Led by
the Archbishops.
Stirred apparently by the revival
movement, the ecclesiastical heads of
tete Church of England aro about to
enter upon a crusade against the
"Godless Sunday," sins the London
The Chancellor of tho Diurese of
Durham and Manchester, t)r. P. V.
Smith, tirade an announcement to
this effect at a conference at :East-
bourne. at which various speakers
uttered vehement protests against
the present "awful desecration of
Tho crusade. which ilr. Smith said
will be a national movement, will be
led by the Archbishops of Canter-
bury and York, and nearly all the
bishops, supported by ninny of the
clergy, who Lave pronsis.td to co-
operate in a "groat endeavor to
awaken the conscienco of England on
the subject."
A letter was read at the conference
from the Rev. the F.arl of Chiches-
ter. Vicar of Great Yarmouth, who
wrote that "week -ends have much
to do with the evil," and that the
extra work imposed upon servants
on Sunday is "terrible."
"Our Sundays." added Lord Chi-
chester, "are now much worse than
the continental Sunday, because our
people do not get up for early ser-
"No language," Dir. G. F. Cham -
hers told the conference, "can bo too
strong to denounce the dukes and
duchesses, earls and countesses, who
having nothing to do alt the week.
will Insist on spending Sunday in
pleasuring and making their ser-
vants work."
Father—"Seo that spider. my boy.
spinning his web? Is it not wonder-
ful? Do you reflect that, try as lie
pin} •, no man could spin that web?"
Johnnie—"What of it? Seo me spin
this top. Do you reflect that, try
as he may, no spider could spin this
"I would advise mothers to stop
dosing their little ones with nause-
ous castor oil and soothing stuffs,
and use only Baby's Own Tablets."
This is the advice of Mrs. Joseph
E. !Farley, of Worthington. Ont.,
who has proved the Tablets the beat
medicine in the world for the trou-
bles that afflict young children. Mrs.
Earley adds:—"My little one had
no other medicine but (ho Tablets
since she was two months old, and
they have kept her the picture of
good health." Those Tablets are
gond for children of every age, and
speedily cure all stctmmch and bowel
troubles, break up colds, prevent
croup, expel worms and allay the
irritation of teething. And you
have solemn guarantee! that. there
19 not n particle of opiate or harm-
ful drug in this medicine. Sold by
all dealers or sent. by trail at 25
cents n box by writing The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Ilrockville, Ont.
The Sad Story of a Native of
The schooner Margaret had bt'en
cruising up the coast of Labrador.
selling salt to the fishing wett:eInents
and had finally put in at a tar
northern native village. Many of
the people hastened to go on board,
so encased and "bundled up" in furs
that tho sailors soul! hardly tell
one from another. one of the
bens a young ratan, sat about with
such a depressed air that the sailors
began to speculate on tho cause.
They all agreed that he was the
most disconsolate -looking individual
they had over seen; for days they
wondered what the nutter was. Each
one of them guessed, but all guessed
wrung. They found out the sad
stogy from a trader who visited
them►—a than who could speak the
native ilialect.
"11111," Bald the captain to this
trader "there's a fellow sitting over
there In the lee of the rail who is
the sorrowf,illest-look lug human be -
Ing I've ever seen. We all want to
know what's the reaper with hint.
Find out, will t•ou?"
The trader was obliging, and for
hnlf an hour lie jabbered back and
forth a ith the native; and occasion-
ally Rill smiled. and once or twice
he laughed. At last he sante Bark
to us.
"It's aul
h+s said..
young roan was in love with n girl.
but her father wan r:,l neninst the
marriage. In that situation it is a
conunon practice round here to steal
the girl. Most all ntnrringes herr'
mean n sef7nre and abduction of the
bride. and so this young trate pre-
pnred to run off with his sweet-
heart. no mntter whether her fain-
11- was willing or not
,11. got an outfit of dogs and
Flr'ds which cost hien a goal deal of
money. and one night he went to
her hut and crept in. Ire didn't
wand her to cry out, so he stuffed
something In her mouth and tied her
ul' with ropes until she and her furs
kinked like n bag of rent. Then he
tied her on to the sleds and rejnie-
Inr• et his etieeesn. drove n11 . night
to ee•t ;sway from her father.
"W' on daylight ratite ha stopped,
n, t'e t the ropes and pulled the fur
hoot hack from her fare. And then
twee Nw sad part of the story. it
a•:esn't the girl at n1t that he had
8?ol,,n--it was the e.1.1 ratan"'
,'t Nem! In flied can always be
su'litted on to shako a touch.
It is not generally known that
ninny of the handsome sununer hate
worn by the ladies of this country
are literally tirade from wood "shav-
ings." The finest examples of this
industry aro produced in Japan.
these wooden ribbons appearing in
many forms, some of which have al-
most the delicacy and sheen of satin,
while others resemble sett and dainty
crepes. Only about 15 per cent. of
the chip is exported In the forst of
wood ribbons, the remainder being
worked into what is commercially
known as chip braid, and which is
employed in the sante manner as
straw braid, that is, for hats, bas-
ketry and other fancy articles.
The exports in a single year from
Japan have amounted to over $650,-
000. Tho trade is steadily increas-
ing, with a constantly growing de-
o-mand, as the industry is 2oInpara-
t.ively new. While willow is consid-
erably used in Germany, the Japan-
ese manufacturers employ European
poplar, spruce, Chinese cypress,
cherry, buckeye, penicnrin, false hick-
ory and some other kinds of wood.
The chip is produced by planing with
special tools, the shavings being
about fifteen inches lung. and ono
and a half in width. The lending
forms are known as crepe, thin
crepe, striped crepe, scaly crepe.
crimped crepe, network crepe. relief
figures, pushed, undulated, ect. The
product takes dyers readily, and is
so thin and flexible that daintiest ef-
fects in millinery goods can be se-
If a man loses all his money he al-
so manages to lose nearly all his
Coffee Plays on Some.
It hardly pays to laugh before you
aro certain M facts, for it is some-
times humiliating to think of after-
"When I was a young girl I was
a lover of coffee, but was nick so
much the doctor told mo to quit,
and 1 did, but after my marringe
my husband be.gt•tl to drink it
again, as he did not think it was
the coffee caused the ti oubles.
"So i commenced it again and
continued about six months until
my stomach commenced acting bad
and choking as if I had swallowed
somenting the size of an egg. One
doctor said if. was neuralgia and
indigest ion.
"One day I took a drive with my
!timbale! three miles in the country,
and I drank a cup of coffee for din-
ner. 1 thought sure I would die
before 1 got back to town to a doc-
tor. I tuns drawn double In the bug-
gy, and when my husband hitched
the horse to get mo out into the
doctor's office. nilsery came up in
my throat and seemed to shut. my
breath ell entirely. then loftall in a
flash and went to my heart. The
doctor prono.nrced it nervous heart
trouble, and when i got home I was
so weak 1 could not sit up.
",♦iy husband brought my supper
v bedside to m e.da o w' ilh a nice cup
hot coffee, but T said: "fake that
back. dear, T will never drink an-
other cup of coffee if you gave nye
everything you aro worth, for it is
Just killing tae.' He and the others
laughed nt me and mild:
" 'The idea of coffee killing nny-
" 'Well,' 1 said. 'it is nothing else
but coffee that is doing it.'
"in the grocery .me day my hus-
band wits persuaded to hay it box of
l'oalum, which he brought home. and
i mode it for dinner, and we both
thought how good it was, but sand
nothing to the hired then and they
thought they lind drank coffee until
we laughed and told then:. Well we
kept on with l'ottum nal it was not
long before the color came beck to
my cheeks. and 1 got stout and fell
ne good ns T ever did In env life. 1
'haven() more stomach trouble, and I
know i owe It all to Postunt In
place of coffee.
"Nr husband hoe gained good
health on l'nslrint, ns well ns baby
and T. and we all think nothing ,s
two good to sny nhout it." Name
given by Postunt Co., !Tattle Creek,
Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years
Younger Than His Seventy -Six
Years and He Gives the Credit
to the Great Canadian Kidney
'l'abucintac, Cumberland Co., N.B.,
March 13—(Special).-11oratio J.
Lee, postmaster here, is now in his
seventy-sixth year, but so bright and
healthy does ho look and so ener-
getic is he in his movements that he
would easily puss for ten years
"How do I keep young looking,"
tho postmaster says. "Well I at-
tribute it largely to my good health
and my health is mainly due to the
use of Dodd's Kidney fills.
"I first learned the value of this
Kidney Remedy sumo years ago. I
was then suffering from Kidney 'Dis-
ease. My feet and legs swelled and
I had to rise eight or ten tithes in
the night because of urinary trou-
bles. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney
!'ills restored my health at that time
and I have used thotu at intervals
"To anyone afflicted with Kidney
Trouble 1 say 'Dodd's Kidney fills
aro all right.' Try there and you
will be sure to rind a benefit."
Mistress—"If such a thing occurs
again, Marie, I shall have to get
another servant." Mario—"I wish
you would, ma'am; there's quite
enough work for two of us!"
Minard's Liniment for sate everywhere
"I can't imagine how you can dis-
like work. '1'o mo it's real enjoy-
ment," said the father to his lazy
son. "Yes, father," was the guile-
less response; "but I don't want to
give myself up wholly to pleasure.'=
Many patent medicines have come and
gone, but ]tickle's Antl-Consuuy,tive
vrup continues to occupy a foremost
phaco among remedies for coughs and
colds, and as a preventive of decay of
the lungs. It is u standard medicine
that widens its sphere nl usefulness
year by year If you are in neat of
something to rid yourself of a cough
or cold, you cannot do better than try
Dickie's Syrup.
Blanch—"Engaged? Why, he is con-
siderably younger than she is." Fred
—"Yes, but he doesn't know it."
Kidney Duty. — it Is the particular
function of the kidneys to filter nut
poisons which pass through them Into
the blood. When the kidneys are dis-
eased they cannot do their whole duty.
and should have the help and strength
that South Arneriean Kidney Cure will
afford In any and all forms of kidney
disorder. 1t relieves in 0 hours —14
Commanding officers have been ask-
ed by the I%ar Office to note traits,
or defects—such as shortness of tem-
per, weakness of character—among
subordinate officers, and to mention
them in reports,
(:eitlemen,—Theodore 1torais, a
customer of thine, was completely
cured of rheumatism after five years,
of suffering, by the judicious use of
The above facts can be verified by
writing to him, to the Parish Priest
or any of his neighbors.
A. COTi?, Merchant.
St. Isadore, Que., 12th May, '98.
May—"Have the Nowlyriches got
quite settled in their new mansion'''•
(ilndyn—"Oh, yes! They've got nil
their ancestors hung, except a few
who were hanged on earth!"
A '1'inme for Everything.—The time for
Dr. '1'1 ins' Eclectrlc oil is whcn
croupy symptoms appear In tho child-
ren; when rheumatic pains beset the
old; when lumbago, ntthina, coughs,
colds, catarrh or earache attack either
young or old; when burns, scalds, abra-
sions, contusions or sprains come to
any tnotnber of the faintly. 1n any of
these ailments it will give relief and
wink a cure.
You can never tell 'shat is in a
man or n cigar until you try them.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
An wince of get -up -and -get ix bet-
ter than a pound of that "tire! feel-
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has
used b millions n
been 1 mothers for
their children while teething. It so it hes
the child, softens the gunis, allays pain,
cures wlndcolle, regulates the stomach
and bowels, and it the hest remedy for
Diarrhoea. 'Taenly-five cents a bottle.
!told by druggists thrum hent the
world. no sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-01
Upon the 'I'unga Braila !liver, near
Ilospet, in the extreme western cor-
ner of British Delia, construction
has been begun on a tremendous
dam. This rivals oven the recently
constructed Asoonon dam uu the
Nile. The sources of the 'flag:► !nu-
de are 1n the western ghats, mist the
course.: of the river is easterly across
Intim, flowing four hundred milts to
the sea. The scope of this project
is to construct n dem nearly a toile
long by 150 flet in height, thereby
forming a huge reservoir approxi•
mately forty miles in length raid cov-
ering an area of ono hundrert and
fifty square miles. ity means of this
project some two linndreel billion
cubic feet of wnter--nbout flys times
the capacity of the Aaso'inn reser-
voir and equal in arra 10 about
three timer that on 'he Nile—will rye
available for the Irrigation of the
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
ask try eke Octagon Bar
Billings, Mont., Colerado
Springs, Denver, Helena,
Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt
Lake City, Utah, Nelson,
Rossland, B. C., Spokane,
Wash., Portland Ore., Se-
attle, Wash., Vancouver,
B. C., San Francisco, Cal.
Rates $34.25 to $44,00
Tickets on sale March 1st to
May 15th.
FF ARMS FOR SALT•:.—Deep soli
prairie wheat farms in the York -
ton district rienr towns with elevators,
schools and churches on crop payments.
Write me to -day for the fullest particu-
lars. Jaynes Armstrong, 4 Richmond
St. East, 'Toronto.
surrounding country. Tho cost of
this project is estimated at three
and a half crores of rupees, but ow-
ing to the extent of tho country it
will be able to irrigate it is antici-
pated that the scheme will bo a
most paying ono.
The seventy-first annual nsevting of
the shareholders of the British Am-
erica Assurance Company was held
int the offices of the company on
'Monday lost, the President, IIon.
Geo. A. Cox, presiding. The state-
ment presented showed that the
premium incosn'e fern 1904 had been
larger than that of any pree oils
year in the company's history. In
common with other fire insurance
companies the iiritish America suf-
fered from the conflagrations at Bal-
timore and Toronto, but the action
of the shareholders in writing off a
portion of the capital after these
disasters and subscribing for new
capital to the amount of $850,000,
coupled with the favorable experi-
ence !tiring the latter months of the
year. resulted in placing the com-
pany in it stronger financial posi-
tion than it occupied a year ago.
The security which it offers its
policyholders is, as shown in the fin-
ancial statement published in an-
other column. $1.874,042.95. The
board of directors were unanimous-
ly re-elected, and nt a subsequent
meeting :fon. Geo. A. Cox was re-
elected President. nr.d Mr. .1. .1.
Kenny Vice -President for the ensuing
Few are the remedies Whose benefi-
cial qualities and real merits have
made than so popular with the pub-
lic, and increased from year to year
their consumption, which, whilst pos-
sessing tlio most valuable remedial
properties, aro yet so simple iu their
compound, and so easy to tako, as
The (loin:ne Wine, prepared by North-
rop & Lyman of 'Toronto. 'Phis
article is prepared from the pure Sul-
phate of Cuinine, combined with fine
Shet'ry Wine, and choice aromatics.
which relieves the Quinine of its bit-
ter taste, and !foes not impair in the
least degree the efficacy of its action
upon the patient: while small :loses.
frequently repeated, strengthen the
pulse, inerense muscular force, and
invigorates the tone of the nervous
system, and thus, by the genernff
vigor which it Imparts, creates an
system, and thus, by ttio general
tone find energy, and fortifies the
systi•ni ega1nst all infectious diseases.
Ask for Northrop h Lyman's Quinine
Wine, sold by all druggists.
Mr. Wilkins met his old friend
]'eters in the street. "1lnllon!" ho
said, cheerily. "Where have you
been lately?" "Serving on a jure,"
said I'eters. "Well, 1 can sympathize
ttith }'ori," said Mr. Wn"
must hnvo been a good Ilealilkis, of "Int
bore. isn't it curious, by the way,
that they altt113s seem to want ig-
noramuses on a jury nowndn3's? They
never take anybody that—that, of
course, i mean ns a general thing—
for they do once in a while get a
man of intelligence—i'nt not speak -
Ing of you. of c ours
o-1 don't know
whether you see exactly what I'm
driving nt or not—but—but the fact
is, 1—that's n very fine stick you're
carrying. Where did you get its"
The seaut} side of sin never shows
up until we hate nothing with which
to smooth it down.
The Refreshing Fragrance
is the comfort of all women Aho nave tried it.
The Flavor Is Most Delicious.
British America Assurance
Slat DECEMBER, 1E04.
United States Cloverument
and St;tto Bonds $137,368
Municipal Bonds 642,934
Loan and Savings Com-
pany Bonds and Stocks 201,050
Railway Bonds 282,560
Toronto Electric Light
Co.'s Bonds 20.200
Other Stocks and Bonds.. 60,904
Real Estate — Company's
Building 1.10,000
Office Furniture 27.514
Agents' Balances 352.938
Cash on hand and on de-
posit 158.359
Bilis Receivable 8,896
Interest Due and Accrued 10,947
Security to Policy -Holders -
Losses Paid from the Organiza-
tion of the Company to Date
Fund -
82,0.3,678 59
Capital Stock
Subscribed . $850.000 00
Less Calls in
course of pay-
ment ... 14,603 69
$895.396 81
Losses under Adjustment .. 163,595 19
Dividend No. 122, payable
January 5th, 1905 20,644 2p
Reserve Fttnd 1,04:,942 95
$^ 0IS 678 59
t ti int -
azZionCi Sois,ZW1B:
?ION. GEO. A. COX, President.
J. J. KENNY, Vice -President and Managing Director.
Augustus Myers, Hon S. C. Wood, Thomas Long, Robert Jaffray,
John Hoskin, K.C., LL.D. Lieut. -Col. H. M. Pellatt, E. W. Cox.
OFFICES: Cor. Front and Soott P. H. SIMS,
Streets, Toronto, ant.
Tho battleship King Edward VII. IINSMINEMINENIE
Is the most powerful warship afloat.
When sho was undergoing armament
trials, the recoil of the guns buckled
up the steel deck -plates.
Lmvor's Y-! (Wise Head) Disinfect.
ant Soap Powder Is a boon to any
home. It disinfects and .leans at
the same time.
A German scientist has invented an
absolutely reliable mechanical timo-
fuse for big guns.
Nervousness. Dyepepsla, Indlsestlo n
and kindred ailments, take wings be -
tore the healing qualities of South
American Norvino. Thomas Hoskins,
of Durham, Ont.. took hts preacher's
advice. followed directions and was
cured permanently of the worst form
of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia.
ile has recoarinended It to others with
ratifying results. It's a great nerve
builder. -12
In the Japanese Navy night signal-
ling is carried on by means of col-
ored lights and the Morse system.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc'
The mall bout Kaiser Wilhelm II.
crossed the Atlantic (8,112 miles) in
5 days, 11 hours and 58 minutes.
Dr. ANnew's Ours for the H art
acts directly and quickly, stimulates the
heart's action, stops most acute pain.
dispels all signs of weakness, Muttering,
Milking, smothering, or palpitation.
'!'his wonderful cure Is the sturdy ship
which carries the heart -sick patient Into
tho haven of radiant and perfect health.
(liven relief in most acute forms of
heart disease In 80 minutes. -11
A fool refuses a paying job to -day
because he has a thankless ono for
t o -mar row.
A careful) Prepared Pill.—Much time
and attention were expended In the ex-
perimenting with the Ingredients that
enter Into the composition of Pnrmo-
lee'n Vegetable fills before they were
brought to the state in which they
were first offered to the public. What-
ever other pills tray be, Parmelee's Veg-
etable !'ills are the result of mach ex-
pert study, and all persons Buffering
from dyspepsia or disordered
liver end I,l.lney tnny confidently ac-
cept them es being whet they are rep-
resented to be.
irana—"No, Eifel. i won't take
the arra-clrnir. You take it ." i'red
▪ "i•:r—suppose wo both take it.!"
• •war-lotr' 'r ---e--' - •se:a.0.11.•.w•a_s1.11111_-w
To prove to vee thab Dr,
Chteee Ointment Is temente
and nhmlute curo fe each
f firPiles Tiin
and rrcry forst n R,
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manufacturers hare gnnrnntced it. See tee
Unionists In the daily press annv
d k corer neigh•
bete what Choy think of it. 1'ou can use itand
get your money back if not cured. retr a Lox, at
all dealer, or ):nst.tvr-ns,I1Jives R Co.,Tornnt0,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Tho total production of sugar
throughout the world is about 2,-
000,00(1 tons per .ulnum. Of this
quantity nine -tenths are afforded by
the sugar cane, 25,000,000 tons of
which aro re luired to produce the
above gnnntity of cane sugar. The
average of saccharine matter in the
ripe West Indian sugar cane ie from
14 to '21 per cent., of which only 8
per cent. is available to commerce.
The total value of the sugar in the
cane, if it could he extracted, would
be about E 1e►,00ti,fpto, but one-half
is lost In the proem; of mnnufnc-
A tree hero is a man who fights
for his country ani refuses to scrap
with his wife.
Dinner Sets Free
A Me .•h..nt in your nelghhorhuo1 it
ehnwint of s, h trade h)
gir o; t.t,ulutcli free, the-. DINNER
If yon .1.i not know this M'r-hent, write
et and we r...1 not only tell y -...i who he Is,
but lorwar•1 you s hand,olne tunenir F ti Y.E
The eritlsh Canadian crockery oo„ Ltd.
Tela)N i'U, 1tANAi♦
Polly—"The way that than looked
at you was positively insulting!"
Dolly—"Did he stare at me?" l'olly
—"No. Ile gave one glance, and
then looked at something else!"
A Successful Medicine.—Everyone wish-
es to be successful In any undertaking
In which he may et.t;ngc. it is there-
fore, extremely gtutuytn to the pro-
prietors of 1 at melee's Vegetable Pills
to know that titer efforts to compound
n medicine which would prove a bless-
ing to mankind have been successful be-
yond their exper lrtl.ions. The endorse -
of these Pills by the public Is a
guarantee that a till has been pro-
duced which will fulfil everything claim-
ed fur It.
"Young Koos and his wifo scent
to he devoted to each other." "Oh,
that's the way they behave In pub-
lic. 'They're not so affectionate at
other times." "Why, 1 thought they
were Just a pair of turtle -doves."
"No; they're merely a pair of utock-
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Dr. Doomo'—"Have you lost any
patients lately?" Dr. Vannes --"Only
two." 1)r. Doo,m e --"Front what
causer 11r. Dunne-1'Non-payment
of Irllls'"
Those Worrying rites 1 — One appli-
cation of Dr. Agnew 's Ointment will
give you comfort. Applied every night
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Ag s n eat c inn 1•:crema and a
Itching and burning skin diseases. it
acts like magic. 35 cents -15
(: inn'•r—"So sho rcfus'ed you on
account of seer poverty?" Guy—
"She has indeed." Gunner—"Per-
h ips there is another 'Inch trxttel in
the field'?" Guy—"No; there is an-
other rich than in the field!"
iiiiiiiMi.ten tuvwysWIMIIIIPM111
The harder you coee:1, the verso
the cough gets.
Cure TonPe3 "ng
L2Is guaranteed to cure. 1f It
benefit you, the druggist
wilt give you your money back.
fr!:• }: S. C. W,LLs cit CO, 1102
3c. 0 . 11 Lel;,~, N. Y., Toroato,Can.
T N U ISSUE HV. 10-05