Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-16, Page 14 ettt te• EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1905. SANDERS & ('REECH, Prop's (New Reading Matter appears in this space each week.) You Must Have a Beginning. 1f you want to accomplish anything - au important and wise beginning is the regular persistent 4t. ing habit- -ha%e you an account with this Bank, if not, s.e urge you to start one without further delay. We allow interest at the highest rates from date of deposit and add it W the principal and sroump ound it FOUR TIMES .t year, FARMER'S LOANS Fanners wanting to borrow Gooney for the purchase of seed, grain, horses, cattle, etc., should see us and get our rates and terms. Branches in Huron County at EXETER. CREDITON, DASH WOOD, HENSAI.L. ZURICH, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA gladsome fi Stanbury, Solicitors F. E. Kars, Manager, F-xeter !Legal. DICKSON & CARI.ING, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI- ton, Notaries, ('nnveyancers, Cornmisaioners. Solicitors for Molsona Hank, etc. Money to LOas at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Cactus, B.A., L. II. DicaaoN MONEY TO LOAN, We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of Inter- est_ OLADMAN & STANB('HY, Barristers, Soticitors,Main st., Exeter Ont LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Tri,itt Memorial Church. Teacher- Piano, Organ, voice, harmony. Modern methods. Thorout-hness Manitoba and Northwest Lands For Sale. The Saskatchewan valley & Manitoba Land Com• I pany. Ltd., largest Land Company on the Continent controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land Grant—Two Million Acres -The cream of the wheat lands of Western Canada. Parties purchas- ing now are given until 1st June to select their land. For terms, etc., apply to ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter 7ANTED.—LADII8 AND GENTLEMEN in this enmity and adjoining territories, to repre• seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Department* an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $3.50 per day with expenses adeaneed each Monday by ceck, direct from headquarters. llorseand buggy furnished when neeessaay; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., Dept. 0, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. Wanted Riii every Mex in esM3L foal. ity throughout Canada to advertise our goods tacking MEN tt r upshow cards on trete, fences, bridges arid all consicuous places; distributing small advertising matter. Commission or salary *900 a ear or leo a month and expenses i3 per day. Steady employment to good reliable men. We lav out your work for you. No experience need• ed. Write for hill particulars. SALE'S MEDICINAL CO., London, Ont. Canada London College of Commorce. Comprising Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Academic De- partments. In writing for catalogue containing hill particulars, Address, W. R. YEREX. C. B. Principal. Public Notice. Take notice that 1 have made application to the License Conmpissinners for South Huron for per- mission to transfer my Hotel License in the Village of Dashwood to William Zinunr•r, of the village of Dashwood. Any petition against the granting of odd transfer roust be lodged with the License In. speetor at Seaforth, not later than the 17th of March, 1905. C. 1.. MOSER, Dashwood. Sale Register. r 111rParties getting their sale bills printed at the ADvoca m otltee will re'-eise a FREE roti' -e under thio heading until date of sale. MONDAY, March 20. -Farm Stock and imple- ments, the property of Mrs. Mary SandersLot ll, Con. 1, Stephen. e st one o'clock. I. grown, Auctioneer. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby Oxen that all persons having claims against the estate of the late persons Banes, of the Tnwnnhipof Stephen, w the County of Iluron, deceased, who dint nn nr at.p'it the lith da}} of February, 1905, are rnpu•.te l to send such elaims, dilly verified, with the nature of the securities, If any, held by them, to Henn F51t•er, t'rediton P. O., Ont., the Eteen tor of the said Estate. on or before the 1st Day of April, 1905. After which date the Executor will proceed to din. tribute the assets of the said estate, having regard onl• to nich claims as he 'hall then have had notice of. And the said Ete,,ut,pr will not he liable for the *aid assets, or any part thereof, to any person ,r persona of whose claim nonce shall not hare been received bi them at the time of mull distribution. 11arRr EiLii., Ext. -11t411. Crediton, Ont. (rated at Credit'.n, March 13th. A.1'., 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the metier Of James F. Russell, of the Village of I:xeter.in the Coon. ty of Huron. blacksin ith,insolvent soiree is hereto gisen that .lames F. Russell, of the Village of Exeter, County of Iluron. Black smith, has made an assignment under the !trolled Statutes of OMario. Chapter 147, and *mending of all his eatate,cre,hite and diet to to John Charlton. of the said Village of Exeter, for the general benefit of hip rtraitor*. A meeting of his creditors will i.e hell at the ofii- . e's o1 Meson. Dickson Is Carling, of the YWage of Exeter. on Saturday, the I tth day of March, 1905 -t 11 D'rin'k in the forenoon, to teeei.e a statement 1 affairs, to appoint Inspectors and Ax their remnn• WIllostion and the remuneration of the Assignee, and for ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to Ale their claims, with the Assignee with the proofs and particulars thereof ►et tiro t by the said A•te on or bef,re the d*. of such meeting. And notice 1. further given that after the 15th day of April, 1901'. the Assignee will proceed to diatril,• Me the assets of the debtor, amongst the parties en• titled thereto, haying r,gant only to the 'lair,. o1 wbieh nMh-e shell then hast tpeen gisen, and that he will not he liable Inc the assets or any part thereof so dh.t,lbuted to ant person nr persons of whew .lain. he 'hall not tbe•n have had notice. (Giessen R caring, v .11 it tr. for the As!i¢nee, Exeter. Ont paled et reeler this 1th da, of March 19,11. ayes Troubles Quickly and per- manently adjusted. Glasses fitted properly. Dr. Ovens London. Treats Eye, Ear. Nese and Throat. Will beat the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, Marsh l.th, all day. Next .isit April 2tnd. Settlers' Trains Will leave Toronto every Tuesday During March and April AT 9.00 1' M , FOR Manitoba and the North-West and run sia Toronto, Grand Tnmk, North Itay and Canadian Patine. A Colonist Sleeper will be attaeh- ed to each train. Passengers travelling without lice stock should take the train leaving Toronto 1.45 p.m. Train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p.m. is for passengers travelling with stock. Full particulars and ' opy of "Western Canada." from and Canadian Pa•ifle Railway Agent or C. B. Foana, D. 1'. A., Toronto. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Whistler, of Mancelona, Mich., was called home bast week owing� to the severe illness of her mother, Mr's. T. Dearing. Miss' Cunningham, of Clandeboye, after spending it few days here the guest of her niece, Mrs. Yager, return- ed Monday. Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, who has been the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins for the past month, returned to her home in Blyth Saturday last. Free Press: --Mise Nettie McTaggart has returned home to Exeter after spending a pleasant visit with cousins at Crumlin, and Miss Case, of this city. Mr. James Sweet, who has been vis- iting for a few weeks in the West and North ridings of Heron. has returned. He will soon return to Dakota, where he spent the past year. Miss B. Robinson left this week for Tilsonburg, where she will relieve Mise Mattie White, who is unable to fulfil her duties as milliner owing to ill health. Mies Robinson will likely be absent a couple weeks, Twenty lives were lost and about forty people injured in a fire in a tene- tnent house in New York City Tues- day morning. Queen Alexandra, Princess Victoria and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark left England for Portugal Tuesday. Mr. Walter Scott, M.P. for Western Assinihoia,a possible successor to Hon. Clifford Sifton, states that he will 811p - port the Government's autonomy bill. Mr. Oliver A. Howland, K. C., C. M. G., ex -Mayor of Toronto, died of Bright's disease, in his home at that city last week. Nine thousand Somalis are reported to have attackedthetown of Merka,on the East African coast, and annihilat- ed the inhabitants. While thawing dynamite at Dunn's quarry at Stone Mountain, William Smith, an employee, was instantly Killed by an explosion. Dr. Thompson, the Yukon members who, owing to a delayed election re- turn, rotas unable to sit in the Common. until now, took his seat on Tuesday. Owing to the assumption of the for- tifications at Halifax and Esquimalt by the Dominion the permanent force will be increased from 2,000 to 4,001 of all arms How's ThisP We otter One Hundred Doihtre reward for any carte of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CH EN EY & CO., Toledo, 0, \Ve, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 18 years, and be- lieve hint perfeetly honorable in all business transactions and tln+ancially Able to carry out any obligations tnnde by his firm. WA1.iINo, KINN.tN Ai MAllt•IN, \Vholes,ale Druggists, Toledo, O. li:all's Catarrh ('ore is taken inter - seting directly ;mon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7o cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's family Pills for constipa- tion. Greenway Rev. Mr. Berry, rector of Grace church. bere. has been appointed by the Bishop of Huron, rector of St. Thomas church, Seafortb. Mi. Berry will leave in a few weeks, but a defin- ite time for the change has tint as yet been fixed. Mr. Bet't'y bas been very successful here and is much beloved by his parishioners. His removal will cause deep regret. Seaforth is an im- portant charge and has no country church in connection. The present minister there,Rev. 11r•. Hodgins, goes t0 Chat tham. Stela Miss Sadler is on a visit to friends in Dublin. —Geo. Oliver has gone to the west where he will spend the summer. —The home of Neil Gillespie was be- sieged a few nights ago by the Sabhath school leachers and choir of Crotnarty church. The gathering was in honor of Miss Gillespie, who is leaving short- ly for the West. The home was at once thrown open to the company and a right good time was spent by all present. Mr. Park cameforward and read a very flattering address to Mise Gillespie and Miss Currie presented her with a handsome locket. The re- cipient in a few well-chosen words thr:mked the donors for their kindness. At a reasonable hour the guests left for their respective homes, after wish- ing Miss Gillespie health and happi- ness in her new home. Crediton Miss Cora \Vindsor,of Centralia, has accepted a situation as assistant mil- liner at W. W. Kerr's,—Several of our young people attended the Organ Re- cital in Main street church, Exeter, on \londay evening. They returned horse well pleased with the ppeogrr.tu.—Mr. Fred Kerr spent a fete drtys in London this week combining business with pleasure.—,11iss Lydia Finkheiner vis- ited her brother at Ilderton Sunday, —The Merchants Bank intend moving into their new premises the latter part of the week.—Will Wood, of London, spent a few days at the home of John Kerr last week. --Claude Bluett has moved into the dwelling lately occu- pied by'sV.S. Chisholm,—Chris. Heist and bride have now become settled on their fern] north of the village. \Ve welcome them to our midst. —A wed - (ling is to take place in our neighbor- hood on Thursday of this week. Par- ticulars next week.—A meeting of the Farmers' Association was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Some interesting topics werediscussed.—Mr. and Mrs. Sande, who have been visit- ing relatives in this neighborhoeal, re- turned to their home in Manitoba on Monday. —The Literary Society nett at the home of Mrs. R. Walker on Mon- day evening, March 13th. Two papers were given: one on "Admiral Nelson" by Miss Lewis and one on "Wallace" by Miss Robertson. Vocal selections were rendered by Miss Beaver and Dr. Heist. Musical selections were fur- nished by an orchestra and grams - phone. The next meeting will be held on March 20th at the home of Mrs. W. W. Kerr. The society will hold an en- tertainment in the Town Hall, Mon- day evening, March 27. An excellent program, consisting of songs, musical selections, recitations and a debate will he rendered. A small admission will he charged. Everybody is cordi- ally invited. ((tom Another Sour(*) The weather man is favoring us with ideal weather which is almost too nice for sleighing.—Our town barber is now open for contracts for cutting wood. having had good practice on his own pile.—Fred Young and Thos. Richie spent Sunday out of town.—Bert Clark is still in the wall paper business. He can he seen most any time with his sample book under his arm.—Samuel Cornish entertained a large number of hie friends of his home, south of the town Friday evening, several loads coming from Centralia, Devon and Whalen. The music was furnished by Crediton East orchestra, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Young and Wm. England. This orchestra is now open for engagements.—Leo. Holtzmanhas purchased a fine driver.— The painters and paper hangers are busy working at the new hank which will be an up- to•date office when finished. Heinen, ItaeoRT.—The following is the report of the Crediton Public School for the month of February. 76% of the marks are required for hon- or, and 80% for pass standing. Names are in order of merit: —Division IIi,— Continuation Class.—Honors, Garnet Sweitzer, Madeleine Bertrand; Pass, Jos. Finkbeiner, Frazer Brown, Pearl Holtzman, Ezra Oestreicher, Arthur Holtzman. Sr. iV.- Honors, Edna Pack, Gerrie Short. Adeline Finkbein- er; Pass, Bella Hill, Ida Ewald, Lillian Geiser, L. Meadd, Bertha Finkbeiner. Jr. IN . —Honors, Pearl Geiser, Frank Finkbeiner, E. Winer, Alfred Wnerth; Pass, Howard Meadd, Clarissa Hill, Chas. Finkbeiner. Average attend- ance :10. ('laude Blued, Teacher. Division ii. --lie.- Honors, Elsie Gei- ser, Clara Holt zmann,Lillian Finkbein- er; Pass, ('latenee Hultzmatin, Ettfe rainier, Gen. Beaver, Almeda Fink- beiner, harry Trick, Willie Oestreich- er; Eninteryy Feltner. Sr. iL—Honors, Harrison Holtzman, Pearl Treitz; Pass, Harry MaIIRnus, Alice Millin, Vera Holtzman, P41win Fahner, Gurdon Ap- pletnn, Everett Heist Charlie Gower. Jr. iI. —Honors, Ledo Geiser, Mabel Wenzel; Press, Willie Mot, oda Brown, Mervyn Winer, Wellington Heist, Ezra ):wa1d, Sam Finkbeiner, Lloyd Denim, Average 41. Mise Haniter, Teacher Division 1.--.1n}L- Homes, Queenia !lodging. Loran Brown; Pass, Frnneis Hill, Melvin Brown, Earl Gainer, Flo - ries Hill, itnland Mott.. Sr. Part 11— l'ass, Lulu Hidden. i,ulu Daun. Eve- lyn iBluett. .Tr. fart 11. - Patel. Henry Fink twiner. A 111.—Honors, Gertrude Guenther; Pees, Irene Erb. A Ii.— Honors. Harold Gower, Pass, Raymond English, 1,illie 1Viner, A. S;iiihrook. Average 37. .Miss Kienzle, Teacher. !!ay Council The Council of the township of Hay met in the Town Hall. March (3. All members present. minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Patlimas- tero, Road Com nhiesioners. Pound Ke( p- erm and Fence Viewer's were appoint- ed for the year 11105. A few accounts were also ordered to be paid. Council adjourned to meet again at call of the Reeve. F. Hess, sr., Clerk. Usborne ATTEMPT AT St:icing-0n Tuesday last our usually quite neighborhood Was thrown into a state of intense ex- citement and comutotion when it be- came known that Minnie Clements. daughter of Mt'. Isaac Clements. of the 8th concession, had made an attempt to end her life. For some titno past the unfurtunategirl has been in a de- mented state of mind over a recent marriage affair, in which she was in- volved and which doubtless preyed so much on her mind as to derange her mental faculties, nut it was never thoiiht she would resort to any such rash act as that attempted. Without signifying her intentions to any per- son she secured her father's razor and proceeded to the bush whete she in- flicted a horrible gash on the one side of bet- neck and throat several inches long. which almost -ended her life. The wound, however, was not sufficiently deep ns to cause death, and evidently regretting the deed, she hurried hack to her home. On reaching there she was almost exhausted and staggered in at the dour faint and bleeding. The services of a doctor were immediately summoned and the wound was dress- ed but it is doubtful whether she will recover. The circumstances surround- ing the case are indeed sad and the father, who is at present confined to his bed suffering from the effects of several broken ribs,the result of an un- fortunete accident. 1188 the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Zurich Mrs. F. %V. Bess has returned from London where she has been under treatment for the partial loss of her hearing. We are pleased to say 'that she hes been much benefitted by the treatment.—Jos. Oascho, of Illinois, is here on a visit. Mrs. Scotchttm,re and family, of Kelso, N.D., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gal- ster last week.—Walter Fee, after a visit here of several weeks, left last week for his home in Wishart, N. W. T. - Me'nno Liebler left last week for Stan tioi d,prior to leaving for his home in Langdon, N.D.—Henry Fleischauer hats purchased the house and land of Jacob Oesch, [about two miles west of Zurich. and will take possession short- ly. Mr.Oesch intends moving to Mich- igen.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Winklewetter, after a few months stay with friends in this vicinity, left last week for their home in Dakota. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Katherine Hill, who will remain for at time.—George Camp- bell, after a short visit with friends here, left Tuesday for Edmonton.— Jos. P. Conway, of Ooderich, has tak- en a position on the Herald staff.—It is propneed to organize a basetutll club in our village for the coming season. —John Weseloh has leased the Iiayter House at Waterloo, for a term of years and takes possession April oat. We are indeed sorry to hear of Mr. Wese- loh and family's removal from our midst, but wish them every success in their new home.—Mrs. J. England, who is confined in the Clinton hospital continues to improve. Brinsley. James Patching, who has been en- gaged in the lumber camp at Parry Sound district for the past three months has returned home.—Mrs. E. Gilbert is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Bowman, at Ailsa Craig.— James McLeary, who has been quite ill for some titne is on the niend,which will he learned with pleasure by his many friends.—Mrs. C. Johnston has returned to her home in Kerwood. Mrs. William Darling is visiting her daughter, Mire. Alam Bloomfield, in Denfield.—Walter Stokes, who has been i11, is recovering.—After it few weeks' visit with friends in this vicin• ity, Herbert Duncan has returned to his home in Varna.—Mrs. Rees, after an extended visit at the home of her son, Thomas, 7th con., has returned to Forest.—Miss Helena Brown, of Ailsa Craig, has accepted a position as mil- liner with our merchant. Prior to leaving innidun, where she has spent the past three seasons, she was pre- sented with a handsome bloodstone ring as a token of the esteem in which she was held by her companions with whom she worked for the Wright Hat Co.—Miss Vida Thom son, who has taught In S.S. No. 13, 1icGillivray, for two years, and who recently resigned, was waited upon in the school house the other afterniain by a number of friends and the scholars of the school, the object of the gathering taring to spend a social afternoon with her and to show in a tangible manner the high regard in which she is held in the sec- tion. A shnrt program was given by the school, after which Miss Thomp- son was made the recipient of it hand - 80111P reclining choir and ,t set of cry- stal dishes. The presentation was ac- companied by an address, in which re- gret was expressed at her de larture and good wishes were extended for her future happiness. Miss Thomp- son made a very graceful reply in which she expressed her high apprrei- ietinn of the gifts.---TheMandey School at West's church has been reorganized with the following officers: Supt., S. Robinson: Asst. Supt., Animate ltob. inson; yec'y., Fred Bice: Tteas., Lloyd Cassidy. Librarian, Susie Robinson; Organist, Bertha Wilson; Asst, Sadie Robinson; Teachers, 1). Robinane. A. Robinson, Mrs. 1). Rubinson. The school was reoimened on Sunday hest. Stephen School Iteilort The following is the report. of the standing of the pupils of the Senior Depattutt'nt of S. S. Na. 1, S11'1)114'11 fur the month of Felten:loco•: V— Rose Wil -on 929, Ver Wilson 92.1. Sant, McCoy 1170, Elva Windsor 853. Sr. 1 V. Gladys E'set'y 8Z-(, %Vilfrid Hodgins 728, Frank \litrhell 516. Jr, 1\'.-- Archit, Robinson 912, Lly Rnl,insnn 938, Margery Hepburn 902, lair ism 822. 82'2. Sr. II1.—Hazel (licks 750, Austin Dupl to (120,Jnhn Dempsey 300. Jr. 111.—Mal van Callfas509. Mitutie Botterill, teacher. Khlva Messrs, Aller: ;tntl Peter Currie, who have been spending the winter with friends around here, returned home on Monday. Their many friends here will wish theta at safe journey and a quick return to the land of t •it• earl- ier days.— Mins O'Riutke, ('f Putt 1111- r0n, who has been visiting at the home of her brother Michael. has re- turned home again,—Miss :Hairy Mc• Donald has returned home again.— M3etnie say a new bonding house hits been started in our midst; the more the merrier.—Mr. Jos. Lawson drives a dandy team these days—both "Nor - dines". Kil� u • Ctunpbeli McMot•die,of Niagara Falls is visiting at the 1 ' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Meat. rdi..,---Miss Edna McNevin, of Toronto, is home (111 at vis- it. -31i -s. Gilmour, after a few timed's' visit with her father, Gilbert McDon- ald, left last week for her h in M.Osrjiw, N.%V.T.—J. Deitz disposed of a fine young mare last week for the sem of $12110.—John Bowden has re- turned to his home at the Capper Mines, after spending the winter with his sister, Thos. McKay, of Stanley.— Mrs. Potter, of Zion City, is on a visit to friends in and around Kippen.-- Mrs. French, of Port Elgin, is visiting at the home of her ptu•ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Upshal1.—Miss Maggie 1Vatsom has gone to Seaford) to visit her aunt, Mr's. James Dick. Hay Dr ATiI,—Tote old pioneers of this township are rapidly passing away, and very few nt'e left to relate the stir- ing incidents of pioneer days. This week we are called neon to record the demise of Jacob Itagier, Sr., whose spirit took its flight on Tuesday at the great age of 85 years and 7 months. Although of a rugged coustituei he bad been arlintt for some titue, (tut the immediate c•tuse of death was n gener- al breaking up of the system. Ile had made bis house with his son, Joseph, for a number of years, where he re- ceived the best of care and attention. The late Mr. Ragier was a kind neigh- bor and was always willing to lend a helping hand, and was much beloved and respected by all who knew him. A grown-up faintly of sons and dungh. ters to -day mourn,the loss of a kind and indulgent father, and to them we extend our deepest sympathy. The funeral took place Thursday morning to the R. C. cemetery at Zurich. Luca') E. Swing, late of the Glencoe Trans- cript, has taken at position on the Lu - can Sun's staff.—Geo. Phinn has ptir- chased three lots from T. W. Haskett. —Mr. and Mics. %V. Scott have return- ed from Denver, Col.—Miss Nellie Mitchell, of Toronto. is a pleasant vis- itor at the Manse.—Alex. Hodgins, who for the past two years has been running the express business, has dis- posed of same and is now taking a course in the Central Business College. Stratford.—Dr. W. Stephens, V.S., of Newmarket, has been engaged 148 as- sistant by Dr. E. Tennent.—Ciayton, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Downing, who has been i11, is re- covering.—Mrs. Thos. Sceli met with an accident the other day. While gathering eggs she had the misfortune to dislocate her ankle and break the large bone in the same leg. it seems she was in a stooping position when her ankle turned with the above re- sults. Mrs. Sceli has the germine sym- pathy of her many friends, and we trust that she will sown recover.—The remains of the late Mary Coursey, who passed away on Wednesday at her late residence, Lot 37, Con. 2, Biddulph, was laid to rest in 81.Janies' cemetery on Thursday. McGillivray Council Council suet pursuant to adjjourn- toted in Town Hall, UcGillit't•ay,March Illh, 1900. Present, J. McGregor, Reeve; John Robinson, W. T. Ulensa Will. Mawson and Ben. Nart•, Coun- cillor's. Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and signed. Robinson— t lens—that the Auditors' report. as read, be accepted and that 3(0 curies be printed.—Cat ri(d. Mawson—Marr By -Law. No. 4 of 1005, appointing members of the Board of Health, as read a first and second time, be now read a third time and passed. --Carried. Ulens--Robinson—that accounta be paid, totalizing $117.95. Marr-Mawson that this Council adjourn to meet in +alp. on m. 3rd•rdal. of April t one o'clock %Vitt. Fraser, Clerk. !ictiMall Won. Caldwell left this week for the Northwest in the interests of his heath b.—Fred Lang and wife nioved to Barrie lustweek, where tie has accept- ed a position. -11. Hoggai•th still con- tinues 111.— Mrs. J. C. Stoneman, is re- covering frotn her attack of sci,ttica.— Otu• milliners are busy preparing the Easter bonnets. --James Clark, who has been to partner in the firm iof Brown & Clark, is quitting the Nisi - netts and intends going out West. -- A. Brandt intends erecting a number of dwellings in the village next stun - titer. —John Zuefle, after an ahsence of five years has returned with his family to Hensel!. He has pm chased the fit- tings of G. F. Yunghlut's repair shop. We extend to Mr. Zuefle and family a hearty wel-'nme.--Mrs. W. Chapman is able t0 be mound again.—While planing a board at the Kelehon Ma- chine Works the other day MI'. Fred Busch had the misfortune to hit his hand against a buzz planer, and bad the palm badly torn.—Our hockey team will play with London Beavers at Ailsa Craig on Monday evening. Zion (Intended for last week.) WEDDED. --A vet y pretty wedding took place Wednesday, March 1, at the home of Satint'l Horne, when his youngest daughter, Mary Marotta, was 'ted in marriage to George Ed- ward Earl, son of Wit. Earl, Zion. Promptly at 0oclock while 1hest.t•ains of Jlen(1(•llsohns wed.}ing march wait being played, the groom took his stand under :u► arch of evergreens decorated with white flutes. Next enure the l,ride leaning on the arm of her father, looking most charming, handsomely gowned in white French organdy, trimmed with valenciene lace and rib - hen, and carrying a bouquet of white sweet pelts. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr, Cooper, of Elltn- ville. After congratulations and well - wishes to the happy couple the com- pany repaired to the dining room where a very dainty luncheon was served, the tables being teestefullydec- erated with flowers. When all had done justice to the good things pro- vided, the friends assembled in the drawing room, where the evening was spent in social games, music, etc. Use- ful, ornamental and costly were the presents presented to the bride and groom, evidencing the high esteem In which they are held. After a very pleasant time all left for their respec- tive homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Earl a long and prosperous wedded life. John Frayland, killed on the C. P. R. near Mine Centre, is believed to have been drugged and robbed and placed on the track. BIRTHS CORNISH. —In Stephen, on March 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish, a soil. DEATHS MCFIE—in Parkhill. on March 13th, Mrs. McFie, aged 70 years. 1lcLxon.—In Parkhill, nn March 12, Simon McLeod, aged 78 years and 8 months. WHIM. - in Clinton, on Match 13, Ben- j:uniu \Vebb, sr., aged 70 years. Sco•rr--In Clinton, ort 1latch 8, Annie Mehets, wife of Mr. James Scott, postmaster. Cocoons' in Biddulph. on March 8, Mary Coin -sty, aged 61 years. RAotxlt- In Hay, Goshen Line, on March 7, Jarob Ragier,aged 85 years 7 months. 10 days. SUGAR MAKING NEEDS Sap Pails Sap Pans Sap Kettles Sap Spiles Everything in the Sugar Making Line at Rock -bottom Prices. ALSO Furnace work, Plumbing, etc Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.