Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-09, Page 1eter
(New Beading Matter appears in this space each week.)
We Welcome Your Banking Business
We receive deposits (small or large), cash
fanners' sale note, make collections, issue
drafts or money orders payable anywhere,
at the best rates.
interest credited from date of deposit to Savings Bank
customers' accounts, quarterly, 314 Jan., 300 April, 114
July, 31st October.
Our aim is to have the relations ,!xi,ting between this
Bank and its customers of a -lose and cordis! nature,
Branches in Huron County at
Madigan & Stasbary,
Solo itors
F. E. Kern,
!tanager, Exeter
tura, Notaries, ('ons eyarwer., Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons stank, rte.
Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. 11. CABLING, B.A., L, It. Dtcattox
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,Main at., Exeter Ont
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Church. Teacher—Piano, Or tin Voice, harmony.
Modern methods. Thorou: hnetlt
Quickly and per-
Glasses fitted properry.
Dr. Ovens
Treats Eye, Ear. mese
and Throat. Will be at
the Commercial Hotel, Exeter,
March 1-t1). all day. Next visit April
Manitoba and Northwest
Lands For Sale.
The Saskatchewan Valley k Manitoba land Com-
pany, Ltd., Iar,(e.t Land Company on the Continent
controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land
(:rant—Two Million Acres -The cream of the
wheat lands of %Western Canada. Parties pun has.
Mg now are given until 14 June to select their land.
For terms, et'., apply to
ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter
this county and adjoining territories. to repre-
sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary tt.50 per day with
expenses advance.! each Monday by check, direct
from headquarters. Roman,' buggy furnished when
necessary; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., &CO., i1., t. t., Mormon Bldg., Chicago, I11.
Rau ASA Max
in every local.
ity throughout Canada to advertise
our goods tacking up show cants on
trees, fences, bridges and all conspicuous places;
distributing small advertising matter. Commission
or salary siXii I a year or 6n0 • month and expenses *3
per day. Steady employment to good reliable men.
We lay out your work foryou. No experience need•
ad. Write for full particulars.
SALUS MEDICINAL Cu., London, Ont. Canada
London College of Commerce.
Comprising Business, Shorthand
and Typewriting, and Academic De-
partments. In writing for catalogue
containing full particulars, Address,
W. N. YEREX. C. B. Principal.
Public Notice.
Take notice that 1 have made applieation to the
!Arens. Commissioners for South Huron for pp►eer•
narsian to tran.b r tn3 11otc1 License in the Viilare
Of l,ashwood to w umau, Zium,er, of the Village of
Dashwood. Any petition against the granting of
said transfer must t,e 1.lyte4 with the License In•
spectra at Seaforth, not later than the 17th of March.
l'. 1.. MOs1:11. Dashwood.
Sale Register.
r Parties getting their sale bill. printed at the
Araocars oMee will receive a FREE notice under
this heading until date of sale.
WEDNESDAY, Mar. 15 --Fano Stock and Imple-
ments, the property of Wm. Whiteford, Lot 1,1 on.
6, Usbotne. Bale at 1 oi-lork. 11. Brown, Au.•-
MONDAY, Manh Yrs. --Farm Stork and Imiple-
mente, the propertyof Mrs. Mary Randers, Lot 11,
Con. 6. Stephen. ale at one o'clock. 11. Drown,
Ll the matter of James F, itiu sell, of
the Village of Exeter, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, blacksntith,insolvent
y'(►TI('E ie hereby given that James F. Bissell,
of the Village of Exeter. County of Huron, !Mack
smith, has made an oeuerenent under the Rev iswt
RtaUrte. of Ontario, I ha�.ter 147. and amending
of all has e-tate.erelita alp effects to John ('hariton,
of the said Village of Exeter, for the general benefit
of his , rc,Rona
A meeting of his creditors will be held at the oAl•
sea of Messrs. Dickson h Yarling, of 11.r tillage of
Euler, on
Saturday, the 1lth day of larch, 1905
at 11 o'clo.'k in the forenoon, to receive a statement
of affairs, to appoint Inspectors and As their remun-
eration and the remuneration of the Assignee, and
for onlering o1 the affairs of the estate generally.
('rediton, are requested to Ale their claims,
with the Assignee with the `,roofs and particulars
thereof required hy the said Acts on er before the
da' of such meeting
A.1 notice 1. further given That after the Lath day
of Aird, 1!at'., the Assignee will proceed to distrilr-
iitk.1 thereto, haying regard only to the claims of
shi•'h notice shall then hate been given, and that he
will not he liable for the assets or any part thereof
so distributed to any person or persons of whose
claims he shall not then have had notiee.
Ihtksors a Carving((,
seheitor for the A.si(rnee,
Exeter, (int. •
Patel at Exeter this 1th des M March pray.
me he wet. of the de .tor, amongst the parties en•
President Roosevelt's inangoretion
was the first national inauguration
since the civil frau, and the ceremonies
were mat ked by a ri genii t V oat sur. ;
passed in the annals of the nation.
Public Meetings under the auspices
of the Faruaers' Association of South
Huron, will be held as follows, viz: —
Exeter Town Hail, Tuesday, Mar. 14,
at 2 o'clock, p. tn.
TownhHail. uesd
Crediton, Masr. 14ip, T
at 7.30 p. Its.ay,
Dashwood, day, M ysserM'sar. Htaaiil,,aft 2 1Vedn
The ohject of these meetings is to
discuss subjects of importance to far-
mers, such as portend to further or-
ganize them in all parts of Canada for
the advancement of common interests
in legislation and otherwise; to give
reasons why such organisation should
take place. and to discuss other mat-
ters of vital interest to farmers.
The above meetings will he address-
ed by MR. %V. L..M1'I'H, of Toronto;
MH. R. 13. McLEAN, Kippeu; MR. R.
McMOHD1E, Kipper, and others.
H. 13. MCLEAN, 13. S. PHILIPS,
President. Secretary.
now. Hinds, has yet u•ned 10 the ell.
Inge again, after spending at few (lays
with friends in Stephen.—B. Spicer
•t few days visiting friends nearBruce-
field.—A sleighload of our young peo-
ple took in the social hop at Nelson
Barker's, Stephen, on Friday evening
last.—Quite a number from the village
took iu the circuit Epworth League
convention at Zion on Friday evening
and report a pleasant and instructive
tithe.—Several from this vicinity at-
tended the sale of Thou. AVhite on the
Tha nes road. on Tuesday and report
the stock as selling very high.
Thos. Barry hits returned to Usuo-
brock, Dakota, after his visit among
friends here. Tout is it genial fellow
and will be missed by his many friends
here.—T. Collins ana his sister, Nora,
visited their sister in Dublin a few
days last week. —Dancing was all the
rage in the neighborhood last week. --
Michael O'Rourke delivered his fine
carriage mare to Thos. Bissett, of Ex-
eter, on Friday last, to whom he sold
her fora good flgure.—Mr. and Mrs.
B. Cunningham attended an oyster
supper at Mr. Molt's, Shippka, Friday
and report a good time.— Mr. and Mrs.
U'Rout Ice, of London, are visiting rel-
atives here.—Jererniah Barry bas sold
one of his blood colts for a handsome
figure.—Mr. Wrn. Cunningham con-
tinues quite 111.—We are pleased to
note that Jacob t,juer►•in, who eves
kicked by one of his horses recently,
is able to be around again. --Miss Mary
McDonald is at Mr. \fcisaac's, Credi-
ton.— Ab. Cunningham, of London, is
this week visiting his brother Barney.
—Mr. J. R. Doyle had the Misfortune
of losing a valuable mare and cow by
death last week.
1)ash WOO(1
Airs. \totter Was inn rried in Seafo►•th
last 1Vednesdny evening to Mr. H. (r,
Nichol, general merchant at Blake.
We extend congratulations.—Several
from here gathered at the home of
Mr. Phillip Bastard last Friday even-
ing and enjoyed a social dance.—
Messt•!e. (3. Nauliger, E. Otterbein and
Fred Kehl, who were cutting hogs for
Mr. (Seo. Kellerman, succeeded in cap-
turing three fine coons nn Friday Inst.
— Mr. Irwin Hotter left on Tuesday
for Regina, where he has secured a
good situation. We wish Irwin every
success in the Western country.—Mr.
Herman Zimmer, who has been work-
ing in Brantford lately, is at home et
present. --Mr. McGuigan, who does
evangelistic work for the Free Meth-
odist, spent several days with friends
here feet week. He, it will be mitten]
beret), was herrn short time Inst win-
ter and held several meetings in Hart•
leilis hall.—Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schra-
der left Saturday morning to :attend
the funeral of their brother-in-law 111
Michigan. --Mr. E. 11'illert is learning
the tinsntithing business with E. P.
Paulin.-- Mr. and Mrs. John 1Vinken-
t eller, j1.., left for their home in North
Dakota nn Monday.—Milton Witzel,
who harp been in Michigan for the past
year. came home Friday night. --Mr.
C. Willert is on the nick list. We hope
to hear soon of his complete recovery.
---Messrs. i:. E.lighotfer and H. (3.
Niehol, of lll:eke, spent Sunday with
friends here. --Mr. Fred Willert and
Mr. Jacob Weber have pm -charted new
team' and are leisy gettieg them
ready for the opting work. --Aliases
Hauled, and Pearl Nicholson and 3fr.
\iagel, of Zurich, spent Senday with
friends hero. -- Miss Laura Not ter vis-
ited (riptide in Exeter Maettudey and
Sunday. --several from here attended
the atneti sale of 1fr. liars H andl-
ton'a stuck and iU)pl•'ntents sat Grand
Bend Tuesday afternoon.—Mr. Samuel
K has accepted a position in \1r.
Kelterntln's store.- Mr. Jacob Keller-
man and lb. C. Stade attended a
meeting of Hay Fire insuraance Co, at
Zurich last Sattlyday.
Miss 011ie Quauce has returned from
Ailsa Craig.
Miss Ethel Sweet has accepted a
position in Acton.
Mrs. E. A. Follick visited friends in
London lust week.
Miss Northcott has taken a position
in Baden as milliner.
Mrs. 13rickwood, of Exeter North,
is visiting in Thedford.
Mrs. Duncan, of Farquhar, visited
her daughter, Mrs. .laude, last week.
Mr. Eli Snell, of Perry Station, is
spending it few days at his home here.
Mr. Samuel Day. of Evelyn, is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. Richard Davis.
County Councillor Spackman was
in Goderich this week on official busi-
Miss Lida Oke, after a visit with her
parents here, has returned to Sea -
Mrs. R. J. Gurney and son have re-
turned from a visit with friends at
Mrs. C. Miners. of Point Edward, is
visiting relatives in and around Exeter
for a few days.
Mrs. Ed. Treble, who has spent the
past week with friends in Clandeboye,
returned Wednesday.
Miss %Vhywster, who bas leen the
guest of the Misses Johne. returned to
her home in St. Marys last week.
Mr. F. W. Tom, after a few days
pleasant visit with his parents here,
returned to Toledo, Ohio, Monday.
Miss Livingston returned to town
Friday last and has resumed her posi-
ion as milliner with Mr. R. N. Rowe.
Miss Carrie Dyer has accepted it
position as milliner at 13owni,uaville
and will leave fat that place next week.
Miss Elliott, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. (1)1.) Anderson, return-
ed to her home in Jlitchell on Tues-
31r•. Frank Oliver, of Mitchell, is
here spending a few weeks with his
aughter, Mrs. Page, at the Metropol-
,Diss Victoria Bagshaw Left Monday
morning for Parkhill, whore she hits
been engaged as milliner with White
& May.
Air. and Urs. Samuel Buckingham
attended the funeral of their friend,
Mrs. J. 1Vainsley, in London, during
the week.
Mies Barnes has again taken charge
of Mr. E. J. Spackntan's utillinery
rooms. commencing her duties on
Mrs. Holmes, of Blyth. who has
been the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins,
is spending a few days with her ser in
Mr. Charles Sanders, who has been
engaged at McCormick's Candy fac-
tory, London, has returned to his
hone in Stephen.
Mrs. Albert Pym, of Hensall, was
here attending the funeral of the in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin F.
Salter, yesterday.
Miss McDermott, graduate of St.
Joseph's Hospital, who bas spent the
past six weeks on duty here, returned
to London, Monday.
Miss Olive Gould, who has been vis-
iting at the home of her brother, Mr.
J. (.,. Gould, London, for a few weeks,
returned Tuesday evening.
Mr. Will. Ross and little daughter,
of Clinton, were in town during the
week visiting the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Ross.
Miss Edith Sanders retell vied from
attending the millinery openings at
Toronto on Saturday and has resum-
ed her duties at 31r. J. A. Stew•at•t's.
Miss Lottie Hyndi nan left Monday
for Tilsonburg, where she has accept-
ed a position as milliner in the same
establishment as .Miss Hattie White.
Mr. J. A. Bell, who lots been engag-
ed as butternnaker with Mr. A. Q.
fiohier, left Tuesday for London to
visit for n fete clays prior to going to
the Northwest.
Miss May Snell, who has been attend-
ing the millinery openings at London,
retureed home Thursday and has ac-
cepted a position in Ingersoll, leaving
for that place Tuesday.
Dr. Russell, of Hamilton, a step- c
son, \i1.. Thomas Russell, of Toronto,
a grandson, and Mrs. Lamsdin, of t
Georgetown, as granddaughter, attend- t
ed the funeral of the late Ali s. Russell f
on Monday.
Messrs. F. W. Kern. W. W. Taman
and (7. 11. Sanders availed themselves
the pleasure of witnessing Cingalee,
put on by the Austin Daly Musical
('u, at London nn Friday night. They
report a trent of exceptional rarity. t
Mr. S. M. Sanders left Monday to e
attend the annual sleeting of the
Farmer's Cooperative Harvesting
Ma►ehine Co., of which he is it director, t
to be held in Toronto on 1Vednesday.
He spent Tuesday in Whitby st the s
works of the Company, t
-- --� d
SCII01 . REi'oltT. --The following is t
the February report of the C. S. Vit„ T
No. 13, Hay and Stephen. Mr. IV.— '
CharlieDun•ford 7:3' . Jr. IV.—Silas n
Ford 77, Barton Ford anti Freddie 3
Smith 72. LARVA Hooper 08. Gordon 1
limper e2, Sr. HI.—Clayton Prouty Z
71), Money Smith 09; CliftonProuty (i3, 3
Jessie Green, absent frot» examine -
tion. .1r. 111.—Nelson Stncey 62, Nor-
een McDonald, absent fromexamina-
tion. Sr. 11. - Nellie Free 72: Norman
Ford 01), Nellie Stacey :35. 41r. 11. --
Grant Hooper 1)1; llottee Pfeil' 51.
Part 11—Annie (3reen. ('ort 1.--Eth• ,
el Smith, Emile Smith. Willis Hooper.
F. B. (baleen). Teacher.
Stamm. RMI oitT.—The following i
the report of 8.8.No. 0, Usborne,fu
the month of February Names are it
order of Merit. Sr. V.— Bezel Hagan
Cecil Ca . Jr. V.—Olive 13t•Eryhill
Alden Johns, Cli.rles Fletcher. Sr
I V.- -Minium Hey wood. Nelson Cuult i
Othello Iley1ood. Jr. 1V.—Lnut•t
(,,albeit. Evetett, Skinner, Jacksoi
Wields Sr. Iii. -- 1.illa Heywood, AIM&
Johns. Annie Elford,
Jr. Honor, Sr. 11I. - -11uh ei t Jones,
Elia Veal. Mai cot nish. Jr, 111,—
1til Johns, Ella 11'asl,burtn, L+tuta
%Vood. Sr. IL-- Lillis Godbolt, Alex.
Berryhil1 equal. John Cr.'ery. Jr. 1I.
John Brock, Jennie Campbell, Clara
Kellett. fort 11.—Emma Heywood
fart I. --Alice Creery.
D. McDougall
.lean Campbell
Ailsa Craig
s Mrs. J. M. Totten is suffering from
r a severs attack of t'heutnutisnL--(luno
1 & Co. have completed arrangements
forthe disposition of their Parkhill
, flax mill to D. N. McLeod & Co. of
Peter Cauipliell, of the Bronson line,
met with a painful accident recently.
He was tieing 0 young colt in the sta-
ble when the animal reared up, andcoming down against Mr. Campbell,
threw hien against the manger, frac-
turing some of his ribs. The injuries,
although not dangerous are painful
and will lay hit» aside for it tirue.--
Wm. Stinson has rented Jas. Speck -
man's farm.—Miss Emily ('lark, of the
Babylon Lite, while on a visit to her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Reid, at. 13rucefleld,
was taken ill. but we are pleased to
state Hint she is on the mend.— Mr.
Oeo. Campbell has returned front a
two months trip to Chicago.—Sir. and
Mrs. Samuel Thompson, late of Hay,have moved to our township and are
now comfortably settled in their new
hoarse, known as the Penfound farm.
We welcome these good people to our
neighborhood and wish there every
happineesaitnd prosper ity.—Mr. and
Are. Stephenson were kindly remem-
bered by the young people of St. Luke's
church a few evenings ago. The young
people gathered at theirhome and
presented them with an up-to-date
armchair and at handsome rocker. re-
spectively. Alr. Stephenson made it
suitable reply. --Mr. Silas Murch. son
of Sir. Thos. Murch, was on Wednes-
day, united in marriage to an estim-
able young lady of Clinton, in the per-
son of Miss Mary E., eldest daughter
of Mr. A. Twitchell. The event took
place at the home of the bride; the
ceremony being performed by the Rev.
Dr. Cook, and wits witnessed by a few
guests. The bride oras becomingly at-
tired and was given away by her (rath-
er. The presents were many, beauti-
ful Joel useful, which will go a long
wit • in furnishing their• new home
mea' Virden. Man., 1:, which piece Mr.
Slurch ii; take his bride in ,t week or
two. %fr. anti Mrs. Murch will carry
away with them the best wishes for a
long, happy and prosperous life to-
gether, from a wide circle of friends
in Hilton countv.
J. Elgin Tom, L P.S., of Oodericb,
visited our public school on Tuesday
and found everything satisfactory.—
Workmen are busy deepening the cel-
lar of S. Brown's store.—Miss Christ-
ina Brown has returned froma pleas-
ant visit in Chesley.—Several of our
citizens are i11 with la grippe, but so
far their illness has not been consider-
ed very serious.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Coughlin entertained several young
people from the village Monday even-
ing. --Bert Clark is doing considerable
business selling wall paper. He repre-
sents the Empire Wall Paper Co., of
Toronto, one of the best in the Dotrlin-
ion.and will be able to please the most
particular in this line.— Dan Reeder,of
Shakespeare has been visiting at Sam.
Hrown's this week.—A number of our
farmers have been obliged to draw wa-
ter from the river for their stock. it
would indeed be at blessing if we had a
warm rain for a few days.—win. Eng-
land spent Sunday with friends in
London.—B. Brown has engaged a
young Russian, who has gust arrived
from the old land, to help In the shoe
business.—The young man has two
brothers in Russo -Jar t. war and was
obliged to flee binisclf to escape being
drafted in the army. Ile relates some
interesting incidents about their life in
Kussin.—Mrs. Waugh and daughter,
elf ('hesley,ere visiting at Mr.and Mrs.
Eli Sweet,—The large safe of the Met -
hants Bank was safely moved to its
)ew quarters last 1l ednesday---Our
either has purchased a gasoline lamp
or his barber shop. He and Tont can
now shave the boys in a hurry and
will have no difficulty hunting for the
hair on the fares of some of our stal-
wart youths.-- Messrs. W. H. Wenzel
and Henry F. Eilber s nt Sunday in
Zurich, as guests of AI r. and Mrs. C.
Either. Miss Erunla Mor lack, of Ben.
on Hat bon, Mich., is visiting her par•
nts.--mi, and Airs.Chisholm left for
their new home in Acton Tuesday.
During their residence amongst us
he past two years. they have won
many friends. We wish thorn every
access.—Mich. Renter is having ma-
erinl drawn fur the erection of a new
welling tbissununer.—Council meet -
ng was held in the town hall Monday.
The Crediton Literary Society met at
he home of Mrs. Zwicker on Msrch 1.
wo interesting paper's were liven,
Queen Victoria," by Miss D. hosery:
nd "Mitres of note in Canada," by
lies B. Beaver. MUSIC was furnished
n3' \ins. Chisholm, Miss Beaver, Mrs.
wicker end Miss L. Essery, Messrs.
Inrrow and .lone•. The Society met
again nn Monday evening. March 0th.
at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Heist. A
very interesting program was render-
ed as follnws: An address on "Luther
and the Reformation.' by Rev. G. D.
Damm, a pi per on "Mis. 'Wiggs of the
'CabbagePatch," by Miss Clerk. Vocal
Music if furnished by Miss Braver
and I)r. Ilaist and instrumentals by
SPR Holtzumnn, Afro. %w-ictter, Miss
Fsety and Mrs. Walker. headings
were given by Misses Linkand Saul -
The next meeting will be held at
he home of airs. 11. Walker on Mare])
('harrier*. the eldest son of If, J.
I'ettvpiece, ex•M. P. P., for Fast t
1 Atli Ston, died oft alum!:,)• Ore newt, t
Aged 20 years.
that place.—D. Gray has moved to
1 ntlitii and Will t•esiele With his nep-
hew. N. It. (it ty. — 511. George Shipley
who is foreman at the Banner °dice,
moved his family here Wednesday.—
Mrs. Kennedy, sr., still continues ill.
- J. 8. Me3Jillan has recovet 'd front
his recent illness. --Miss Essie Cobble -
dick leaves 81)01.113' to resume her posi-
tion Its milliner at Shakespeaue.—Geo.
Callan left last week for Oil Springs,
where be has secured a position with
A. D. Armstrong,—The Ailsa Craig
hockey club defeated Sarnia Monday
night in a fast, clean game of 11 to 4.
The score at half time was 5 to 1. Re-
feree, 8. Hitchcock, of Sarnia.
Cllfifdel)!.3'k ,
MAItttliD.—A very pretty, but quiet
wedding was solem11ized at the Trinity
Chapel, Cleveland, Ohio, on February
27th. at 7.30 p.m., when Miss Riela
Mande lfodgins, daughter of' Mrs.
Sarah Hodgins. of this place, became
the happy bride of Mr. Theodore Con-
nor, of Cleveland. The nuptial knot
was securely tied hy the Rev. C. Wil-
liams. The bride was charmingly at-
tired iu white crepe de chene, and car-
ried a shower bouquet of white roses.
The bride was attended by Miss Rose
It. Roberti, of Buff the, N.Y., who was
gowned in a handsome princess cos-
tume of blue velvet, and also carried
an exquisite bouquet of roses. The
groom was supported by Dr. A. J.
Westlake. As Mrs. Connor is well and
favorably known here, we join with
her many frielydb in wishing herself
and worthy husband all the happiness
and prosperity that this world affords.
m kuttLtoE.--The home of Mr.
11'nu. E. Hudgins, of the 5th conces-
sion, was the scene of n very pretty
wedding, when his ('Nest daughter.
MissJeatn, gave heart and hand to Air.
Leon Abbott, son of Mr. Thomas Ale
bott, of the sane line. ('utter a hand-
some arch of evergreens sod roses the
bridal patty stood and it was here the
Rev. H. A. Thomas, read the beautiful
marriage ceremony of the church of
England. The hi ide, who was dainti-
ly attired wits attended by her sister,
Miss Louisa, who 2xhitaited exquisite
taste and daintiness in her costume.
Mr. Campbell Hodgins acted the part
of hest roan. When vows were taken
and congr•a tilations over all sat down
to a 8u111ptrivus and inviting wedding
slipper, :after which a very pleasant
evening 1.88 spent in illtlsil: and social
chat. The friends evidently appreci-
ated highly both bride and groom
judging by the number, value and the
beauty of the gifts presented on the
occasion. Mr. and Ars. Abbott leave
shortly for their new home near Ed-
monton, Alberta, and may their mar-
ried life be one of sweet contentment
and prosperity.
(intended for last week.)
WEDDED.—A pretty wedding was
solemnized, on Thursday, Feb. 23rd,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Langford, when their eldest daughter,
Miss Ella M.. was united in marriage
to Ernest II. Blackler, of Granton.
The bride, gowned in white crepe de
chine, sequin yoke and tucked chiffon
trimmings and carrying a bouquet of
white roses and smilax, entered the
parlor leaning on the arm of her fath-
er. to the strains of Mendelssohn wed.
ding march, rendered by Miss Annie
Reith, of Lucan. The bridesmaid, miss
Ada Langford, cousin of the bride,
was sinliliarly dressed to that of the
bride, Everett Langford, brother of
the bride, supported the groom. The
bridal patty stood under an arch of
evergreens and flowers. Rev. Mr.Kilty
performed the ceremony, after which
the company, numbering about ski,
sat down to a dainty tea. The even-
ing was spent in games, vocal and in-
strumental music. The bride received
a magnificent array of beautiful gifte
among which was a beautiful fur from
the groom the bridesmaid also received
a brooch from the groom. The bride's
travelling gown was of grey lady's
cloth with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs.
Blackler will reside at Granton and
they enter their new sphere of life
with the best wishes of their many
Mr. George Wyndham, the Chief
Secretary for Ireland, has resigned.
Cent r.tlilt
('.utL OF '1'IIANKs.-11 We desire to
expte'58 our sincere thanks to our
many friends 14nil neighborfor the
many kind expressions of syutpalby
dewing the tune of the sickness of our
daughter and for the true Christian
Spirit shown at the time of our be-
reavement. We feel that while in our
house and hearts we 81)4411 miss our
dear 01145 3 et we can look up to God
and from our hearts vein say, '.Thy
will be done." 1Ve know that when
the sorrows and trials of earth ..re
over we 81)1411 meet again our loved
ones at the right hand of God.
Yours sincerely
Mr• and Alis. H. Luker and Wilbert.
Dl o raft'
miss Jennie Sheppard is on a visit to
Thedford friends.—.Miss Gussie Wind-
sor, who has been on the sink list for
it few weeks. is showing signs of im-
proventeut.—Eli MOtl•sun has gole
to Strathcona, Alberta. --!firs. Oscar
Snlithet•s, of Claudeboye, is t isiting in
our burgh.—Mise Helena Laughlin has
gone to Toronto where she will remain
for a time. —John W. Long. who left
here about eight years ago for Maui -
tuba, has returned to Ontario and has
purchased a farm near Ilderton,--A
sad event occurred at the house of Mr.
and Mrs. David Brazel on Sunday ev-
ening, when the angel of death stoop-
ed down and bore away their youngest
son, Milton, at the age of six years.
The little one was seized with a severe
attack of croup and scai•letina,and des-
pite the hest attention he passed away.
He was a dear little child, bright and
intelligent :and the idol of the house-
hold, a nil the parents hearts are wrung
with bar ref over bis death. The funer-
al took place nn Monday to the Bap-
tist cemetery.
KENNEDY—MARK.—At the Methodist
parsonage, Lucien, on March 1, by
Rev. J. A. Ayeatt•st, I3.A., Frederick
Alpert Kennedy, of Dolewaue, to
Aiiss Sara Melissa Mark, of McGiI-
1 i vrae y.
1Iotx}tss—BEATSON—in Granton, on
Mauch 1, by Rev. ort•. Kitty, Mr.
1\ t». Hodgins, of Iiiddulph, to Atiss
Ella, daughter of Mr. and Alis. Al-
bert Beatson, of Granton.
('e resent— llonotNs.—At the Trinity
Chapel, Cleveland, Ohio., on Feb. 27,
by Rev. C. Williams, Mr. Theodore
Connor, of Cleveland, to .fiss Riela
Mande, daughter of Mrs. Sarah
Hodgins, of Clandeboye.
AnnoTT—HoNoise—At the residence
of the pride's patents, on March I,
by Rev. H. A. Thomas, Mr. Leon
Abbott, ta htiss Jean, daughter of
3D. and Mrs. Wal. E. Hudgins, all
of Biddulph.
519ttcu-TwrrciteeL--At the residence
of the bride's father, on March 1, by
Rev. Dr. Cook, Mr. Silas Murch, of
Stanley, to .Miss May E., daughter
of Mr. A. Twitchell, of Clinton.
SALTER—in Usborne, London Road
south, on March 0, Mervin Bruce.
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
F. Salter, aged 7 months.
Itt'sseta„— In Exeter, on March 4,
Agnes Lamb, of the late James
Russell, aged 70 years,
WAKSLKY.—In London, on March 1,
Eliza, wife of John %Vameley, aged
84 years.
SwANsos—in St. Marys, on March 1,
David Swanson, aged 84 years.
DAwooe—in Bla nshard, on Feb. 28,
Hugh Dawson, aged 28 years, 0
months, 5 days.
MUNRO—in Parkhill, on Feb. ?A, Don-
ald Munro, aged 74 years.
HACKERMAN—in Parkhill, on Feb. 2t3,
Margaret, beloved wife of Henry
Hagerman, aged 74 years, 5 months,
JERVIS—In Parkhill, on Feb. 22, Mary
Jervis, relict of the late John Jervis,
in her 82nd year.
MEADI)— In McGillivray, of Feb, 27,
George Mendel, aged 78 years, 10
months, 27 days.
BRAZBi.--in McGillivray, on Feb. 26,
Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. David
Brazel, aged 5 years, 5 days.
NEI ohne—in Clinton, on Feb. 23
Mrs. (Rev.) IL. A. Newcombe, agecd
07 years and 10 months.
DAwsoN—in Lucan, on Feb. 23rd, Ed-
mund Dawson, in his 22nd year.
O'Nicit —in McGillivray, on March 4,
Henry O'Neil, aged it4 years.
Sap Pails
Sap Pans
Sap Kettles
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Everything in the Sugar Making
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