Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-23, Page 7r
The Victims Left Weak, Nerveless The superintendent of the bunk made
and a Prey to Deadly Diseases. 1 a profound bow,
i "Sirs lamas." surd he, "your math -
La grippe, or influenza, which lemutics are better than mine."
sweeps over Canada overy winter, is "Oh, not, at all!" replied the
probably the most treacherous lis- Frenchmen in the polite terms re- C. P. R. ENGINEER'S EXPERI-
euse known to inelical science. The (wired by Chinese etiquette. "Your ENCE WITH DOJD'S
attack ,nay Inst only a few Jays, but ew•anpatn is excellent, but elIO over
the deadly poison in the blood re- heard of one always free from error? XIDNEY PILLS.
40 mains. You are left with har(II
J People like you luny- well make mis-
btrength enough to walk. Your takes once in a while, when pour ig;-
lung;s, your• chest. your heart awl. iterate folks like us make then) tens They Brought Back His Strength
nerves are permanently %%eel.ened, of theunands of tiules. Our sw-an-j
and you fail a victim to deadly p;a, however, is !. fallible, being! When He Gull Neither Rest nor fast Octagon
Mar -
pneumonia, bronchitis, consumption• composed of the vers. figures by which Sleep.
rheuuuttism, or rucking knife's- 1ruu- the royal astronomm•r of the most
bles. ler. 11illiams' Pink l'ills never hieli emperor at !'eking i••ekur,s the' I%'irfnipeg. Uun., rub. .13—(Spec9ul)
foil to cur,• the disastrous after en times and the pathways of the nue, t —Mr. ilea Itulierty, the well-known
fects grippe is of �tbecause ) •.
la i e. the • , + f .
h ! 1! 1 11 ! moon and stars. Such figures cauls C. P. G. engiru•e•r, !!diose haute is at
the blood and sweep away 8s pois not to in error. Now, however, 175 \laple Street. is one Winnipeg
°nous germs. Every lit,se makes thanks to the pains you heoe taken. loan who swears by 1eodal's I iduev
new', warm, u+, rich blood which brings %te have fortunately concurred in our I'ills.
health and healing to every pert of reckoning." r "Long hours on the engine and
the body. This is proved fu the case :1nel so, with "malice toward neve" the mental strain broke down oily
of Miss 1)orsina Langlois•, of St. Je'-i and the full value of their ing, t. enastitution," Sar. Rafferty say's.
utile, Que., who nays: "1 hail n severe they left the shop. "11v hack gave out entirely. 'T'errible
attack of la grippe, t he after efYectsi sharp, cutting pains followed one
of .'lith lett rue racked with pains another. till i felt i was being sliced
in every part of my body. My ap- +�- rk
petite completely toiled me; I had 1N4(idfNIA? TRY THIS! away pie a mail. I would come in
severe headaches, was subject to The idea of wearing a pair of tired to death from a run. estMy sole
colds ttith the Inst exposure, and bdesire would be to get rest and
grew so weak that i was unable to spectaacl<a during slop is one of the situp, urn( thc;Y were the t'rry things
straugext of the many strange ideas I co:,ld not get. I'intauy 1 Lott to
work at nay trade as dressmaker. I'1 ihat hove come to our notice. Thr
tried several tnellicines without the' lay o1T work,
slightest success until a drug clerk: head of a large ft nut, who °fleet tray- •••q'ja: n 1 started to take po<Ic!'s
a igIltel Inc to take 11r. Williams' (died !runt one end of the country to 7iuhu•y I'illa, and the litst night
r he other, proferred to clo so nt TO FARM IMPROVEMENT.
fink fills. 1 acted upon his excel- after ersiug them 1 slept fr°u1wdl,V. in
lent advice and the pills rapidly and Tright, so that he cou)1) slee). Al- three day: 1 threw away the Melt I Ii the efforts of ce•rt+:in parties are '
resit advice
cured me. My strength though his sight was perfect, his have .urn for years. OodJ's 7iiJ-'Stkcessh+d, the farmers of Canada
returned, the headaches and cough last act, 1 ,fore getting into his hey fills cured me "
wild [ ails again enjoy- i"•tvh, was to put on a pair of spec -
Ing my ()1d -time health. I am sat- Andes, which were socurexl to the
!stied that if sufferers from la gripper brjelge of his nose by a gaud spring. MARVELOUS INVENTION
Will use lir. \Williams' pink pills ; and with this adornment he fell ,t f
they will speedily recover from those i asltop. Those who adopt this pe- Little Instrument Will Make War
after effects which makes the lives of Il culla!' aid to drowsiness appear to More Deadly.
�so many people a burden." !sleep without twisting and turning, Arm,• otliccrs, civil cngina•rs, land
1), Williams' 1'irik fills cue alllas some people cies they instinctively sur1.•yors, iuspecturs of wooers 811(1
1i common ailments due to weak acquire a knack of turning only so forest, and others ern •aced in work ill 'Canada, and since enormous
r up for gnu," he said, and his result LIFE ON THE RAIL
agreed with shut of the Frenchmen.
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did holes wear so soon ?
You used common soap.
IlLn VCs
IIis 111?FINI.1'ION.
saidthe )
"what's a cape?"
''A cape 1' land extending into
the water."
"Correct. Williams, define a gulf."
"A gulf is water extending into the
"Good. Christopher," to a small
eager -looking bey. "can you tell uj
what is a mountain?"
Christothcr shot up from his seat
so suddenly as to startle the visitor
and promptly respoteled:
"A mountain is land extending in-
to the air."
will bave to face a very unjust and
burdensome tax. A movement is on
foot to have fence wire, whit•)) has
for a minden of years been admitted
into the country duty free. put 011
the dutiable list. The grades
sought to be affected are galvanized
iron or steel wire No. U. 12 anal 13.
Practically none of these are made
and watery blood, such as anaemia, i fat as is safe. anti they awake ten- requiring accurate nu•asle enu•nts of (quantities are usenl cath year in re -
headaches, sidcaches, indigestion, I harmer) in the morning, with the long distances are coney nflat ing plrcing the primitive rail structures
neuralgia, rheumatis,n, scint len, nen. glasses just as nicely adjusted ns Lieut. Victor T aporetti of true Ital- an.' en+•losing; prairie fauns, the in-
vuirsnesn, general weakness and the, when they went to bed. 'lie cola- flan army on his recent itive•it of 1111 that a duty would impose upon
special ailment:; that growing girls t'1ence))(',)t of the habit is most a telemeter. The urgent necessity 1h•• rural community could not be
and women do not like to talk about traceable to a difficulty in wooing constructing an instrurnemt whirl) readily estimated.
even to their doctors. But only the skinnier. and to an aversion to try- would record promptly and accurate_ Si nee the admission of wire duty
genuine pills can do this. and you ing; such dangerous remedies as mot.- - ty lung distances in time of t• air•' free. ('11uadiatis have enjoyed the
sliould see that the full name alar. {thine. Spectacles. when the eyes prompted the lieutenant to evolve an bemctits .if cheap fencing of a very i
Williams' fink fill:: for Pale I eo- are not accustomed to them, have a apparatus which would meet these, desirable kind. This has not only
pie." is printed on the Wrapper somnolent effect, atel the device at- requirements. The acc'Iracy of Oen vastly improved the appearance and
around each box. If you cannot get terwards homilies a habit. telemeters which have been in 1180 valor of hundreds of farm houses,
the genuine pills from your druggists has 1a en ever (quest' d, hence the but i1 has added immensely to th.•
send direct to the 1►,. ilittintns' ---�• hearty indem•semeat. given the ~caper- ermine its of winter tritvellin • over
:Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.• and r
50DRUGGING CHILDREN. etti telemeter, which possesses all roads that were account,
very often
they will be retailed cents a holt the good qualities of a perfect meas
or six boxes for $2.50. -- erer of long iii lances, including the impnssii)le ou account Of snow hlnck-
wins. To put a check aped this
The mother who gives her little easy means of bundling It. Nocal- sortof improvement by a tax that
RIVAL ARITHMETICS. out "soothing" st,afT when it cries culutions are necessary with the eiloid work on'1 iniury to the rtlrul
surely does not realize that she is new instrument. Even when the tar- population without benefit to any
.•it'iply (1' 1' drugging it into temporary. get "InnLes positions not the slight- other class of the people would be
Experience of Fathers Hue and
Insensibility with a poisonous opt- est difficult) is experienced ut to- indeed it eerious matter. Besides
Gabet in China. ate But that Isust what she is coaling the distance. Excellent r�
1 working an injury to the farrier,
In the great "hinterland" of doing. All the so -entice' "sootla- stilts have been obtained by the In- the tinee_mauutacturing industry
Chinn, the little-known region that lag.' medicines contain poisonous strunient up `.1 2,000 111.-1erS' It would be demoralized. 1'11 increase
es south of Siberia and far to the ()plates; they are all harmful—some cunsiSta of u • 4'xtnut, tvhich, instcadi the fust of wire, both fence incprorease
of Peking, there is a mixed of theme dalrgter•ous, cued should never of sliuwiof the angles to be uleasur- t a
Jr IeoPtclatiun among !thiel theb. cd, tolluws the di
, squaring io and consumption !could he re-
g, chief r given to children. linby'm Own the reflection. Two operators aro diced, and farmers everywhere
commercial clement is the Chinese. Tablets are sold under a positive throughout (.'nnndn would he hin-
1'hese '•lijtnts," as they are called,' guarantee that they contain 110 epi- required to opernte the astronomical tiered in making improvements upon
are continually on the lookout for, me or harntf.;1 drug.19ac 'I'cahlets instrument. Aside f the mono -
tart' reward from his invention, their farms.
some opportunity to fleece the ignor- speedily cure all stomtuch 5rulAdcs' Lieut, Saporetti's diligent efforts
ant 'Tartars who stray in from the const ilia tion, diarrhoea, and simple
cuff+tr... !'athern fiat and (:whet, ' fevers: 1 eta, break tip colds, prevent
French priests, who in the course of • croup. case the pain of teething. and
their irex els in IS 15 had reached give heal(hy. nut Iwo neap,When
"111ue 'Pews," froru their dress miss' little ones are cross, peevish and
taken for 'Tartar lamas, and when ailing, give them Baby's Own Tab -
they sought to have a silver ingot lets, and you will fins) there's a
changer) to copper cash, found the sniffle in every close. You can get
change "short." the 'i'ablets from any medicine deal -
'the weight showed by the scales er or by mail at 25 cents a box by
was correct, but when the chief clerk
writing the hr. Williams' Jtcrliciuc
took the 'mainsail, or counting frame Co,. Brockville, Ont.
and added the amount's, the result
seemed ulna II.
"'Phis is an exchange office," saki A LOCOMOTIVE FIRE. A FELLOW FEELING.
the travellers. "We aro the sellers,
you the buyers. You have mode your Building It is More Difficult Than Why She Felt Lenient Towards
calculations; give us pencil and pa One Would Think. the Drunkard.
Per andnd we will make le"
".Nothing could be more just. You
have laid down a fundamental prin-
ciple of the law of commerce," re-
plied the Chinese clerk, confident of
their ignorance, as he gave there
the articles. A very short caic.-,la-
tion sufficed to show the Frenchmen
!hat they were to be cheated of a
thousand sapeks.
"Supet•intemdent of the bank,"
they said, "your swanpan is in error
by a thousand sapeks."
"Impossible! 110 you think that
an of 11 sudden 1'.e forgotten how
to 080 my swalpan? Lot me go
over it again."
Ile proceeded with an air of great
promise to bring him fame, for his
disco%ery will make him known all
over the ci.iliied world.
'While chasing n hell -grown male
knngnroo at Reeav ('reek, Victoria,
a local resident was suddenly 80iz(Rl
by the animal and (Waked repeatedly
in the water. being only saved front
death by the courage of his dog,
who finally put the kangaroo to
The average citizen manages to set A great deal depends on the point
the house In an uproar every time he of view. A good tempo -tuba. wo-
hos to make a fire in the heater, but man was lerl, in n very ;incliner wren,
his job is a trifle in comparison with tee revise her somewhat harsh judg-
w•hnt a railway fireman faces when I merit of the pour devil who cannot
n newfire has to be built in a loco -i1 resist his cute; and she is now the
motive. As a starter about n001 more charitable. She writes:—
pounds of wood are necessary to tire' "For naanv years 1 was 0 great
up on the orilinnry engine. Tho wood sufferer from usthmn. Finally mw
used is old railway ties cut into health got so pour that 1 frlund 1
convenient blocks. When the fire- could not lie down, but walked the
bus has been lintel wish wood it Is I floor whilst others slept. 1 got
drenched with oil and the match np- s ► nervous I could not rest any-
plieil• where.
Asi soon as the Are gains headway "Sisecinlists told mI'
e I 1 give 3dSSIPS, ('. C. RIC!! AMPS & CO.
forced draught Is applied. 1 h opera- up the use of coffee -et he main thing t:rnts,—After suffering for seven
Gun necessarily being performed in that i always thought gave me years with inl)nmmalury rheimattisl,)
t fete o s It attained ar l to e 1 u nr I n to u
a1 }1
s round -house. tt , us
to rc ! 1 . i. v
n tr c there11 el
n ill { ala- sunir relief. i consulted our family so bail that i was eleven narrnths
"V_pros two: result. tus for quickly producing high tens- pL-ysician, and he. being a coffer confined fo my room. anti for two
"I knew i was right'" he declared peratore is at hand. When at good fiend himself told ale to pay no ill- years coma not dress myself with-
. passing g the frame to a rollc•agne• bed of blazing wood has been pro- tent km to their advice. Coll.,, had out help, wont. agent gave rue n bot-
�'hlee, irrother." fhe colleague cal- ,lined. the firenlnln gets busy with
such n charm for 811• Lhnt in {rnssiirg tie of NIINAIgII'S i,INI\s?IT in
lulwtrd, and altnlncd the stone to- his shovel, placing coal in even lily"
Arlt. n resinurant and getting 41 whiff of May, 18117, and naked me to Try it
res over the flanmes. 'Phis part of the the fragrance I could not resist n which i did, ,and wile so well pleased
"You see," said the principal. work Is hard on the back, and the
"'There is no error. Clow- is it that aggrieved inrdiwidual whose woes are cut.. 1 felt very lenient 1owneds with the results, 1 procurer) more.
our ealc,lntion does not agree with evident on the !whole block when he the drunkard who could not pass i•'it•e i.0111em completely cured me,
what you hate written?"Inbnrs with the heater would go 1h• sal . Friends often urged ale anti 1 have hurl n0 return of the
"It is unimportant to inquire why- dotwn and out in the first minute at to try 1 ostum. but 1 tuim'et a deaf renin for eighteen months. The above
four calculation clues not agree with it. Under the forced draught it is ear saying 'That may do for pro- faits are well known to everybody
,lett is written," r.•pli,• I tilt. French- only n few minutes before the coal fa, to whom coffee is harmful, but in the village noel neighborhood.
awn. sua'-cly• "This is certain' has been reduced to a sheet of ern_ "' ' for me.—coffee and 1 will Hover Yours gratefully.fours is wrong and o Irs is right. bees nt mhoshent, and by this Purl: A I)A111')
., 61Jiay, <,a
Chose figures that 810 114,10 traced time there is enough steam pressure; "At Inst, however. i houg•lit a'St. '15nu•then (lune1)) '!t.
1pun this paper are very difTerent generated to Permit 01 the locoino. Package of i'ostun. alt) gni 1 was s
;rola lour swanpnn. 11 1s impossi- tier being moved under ate own sine 1 could not drink If. 1 pre -1
plc for them to be wrong. Were nil power. (lontb11ou8 resort to the .lr•Ie.1 it as directed, and s!'er'I it I'hr crown of a human tooth i8
the I'S ICU'S((WS 111 the world to work shovel tier the part of the lireumua • for breakfast. Nell, bitter as • I : covered by n brilliant white cap of
ill their lives on this sitnple opera- floes the rest. it in only about once, tun' ng,'lains( it. 1 m1.11 8ny that , (11811),), which is not only the harcl-
lion, the nsull could he no differentn month that a new fire fe huilt inn newer iefere I ad i Dodd( n more. � cif tissue of the human )(nly, call -
than to affirm that yon are strong Inc iwe while in service. The delicious 0111) of coffee! From that listing as it doeS. of 1)0.5 per cent.
Iy rt ihot►sanl eripeks." . lin niece of the tfnr the lire is kept day to this (name thou 2 yen rsi I of animal matter, bid also the hard -
The money -('hangers were extrt.mel!• alight by being banked %then the iron hove never hint n desire for lite old eat known organic Sulstnnca
rmbnrras0ed and began to turn 8015• horse is not on the road. • cid i.e. div health soon ref urns- I:
fed, when a bystander. :.,rink how
Iwkwiud tens tltc Sit uation, propos..♦ th • asthma disappear -tel. 1 1•• •: •
tel himself ns Aire. "I'll reckon it to sleep veli and in a short time 1
WHAT lUid'OJiI-:S 01•' PINS? gainer' 20 pomade in weigh(.
---- ( lly n aeries of experiments con- •'One day 1 handed my talysicinn
:ducted in his buck garden, n gentle- Ih•' tnblefe he hn,I prescribed for
1111)1) has elincovered th.• answer to m,• lelline hint 1 had no use foi-
1 1„,
or1111• conotnlrult. ''what becomes of theft. lie stnyr'.1 for (honer. When
liran. Ife has found that picas are 1 pins el hien his coffee cup he re -
resolved into dust. hairpins, which marked '1 nut glad 10 Bee t.e•i were
fe watched for 1.i 1 days, disappear- eens1111.• enough not fo let i ourself
. d l.y misting away at the 01(1 of be perslIlnd.'tl that (oitce was barn -
t het time. il•ight pins took nearly fel This is the best cap of col''•
iiLht.,•n utnnthe to dis�ptx�nr; pal_ 1 ever r draank' he continued: 'the
'shed 8t.e1 nec(I}rs 11141118• two ntnl n trouble is 8o few people know how
half we,il•s, ):rn'•s one, had toll 1111}e t 'mike 1 R Whenh
it is estimated that every year
twenty million persons file in China
from the 1184' of opium
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Germany has 242,000 postal ent-
ployer-i: the !United States, 239,000;
(:rent Britain, 1151 0(50. None of the
other States in the Postal Union
possess 100,000 postal employees.
France hart 81,000; Austria, 541,000;
Russia, 57,402: and •Ie!)nn, 57.465
A Liniment for the Logger.—Loggers
lead a life which !•spews them to many
perils, wounds, cuts and bruises can-
not be altogether avoided in preparing
timber for tl:e drive and in river work,
where wet unrl cold combined aro of
doily exp2rienrc, coughs and cords and
muscular pales cannot but ensue. lir.
'I'hon+a.I' 1•:rlectric nit when applied to
the Injured or administered to the ail-
ing, works wolleler.
An octopi's, measuring 11 t feet
from fip to tip of its tentacles. at-
tnckel n diver Iti ('ape Town Her-
ber recent ll. Knives aril hatchets
hnd Io be used to rut the arms of
the monster away- from the diver.
. ndtlrn,tce: bleed {u'ns 0t the end of
fifteen nutnthe had fienrly gene.
while their wooden holders wins 8ti11
inf net.
Sh,---1('hat is meant by the Pipe
of Peale' (fee-('nu't imagine! Never
vet invoked n pipe in the twelvte but
my wife ulnae n fuss about it!
There never was, and never will he
universal panacea, in one remedy, for
all IIIe to which flesh 1. heir—the very
nature (.1 many curatives being such
that were the germs of other and dif-
ferently Tested diseases rooted In the
pystenl of the patient --what would re -
neve ono it 1. In turn would aggravate
the other. We have. however, in Quin -
trio Wine, when obtainable 1n a sound
unadulterated state. a remedy for tnany
and ranker, sill. By Its gradual and
udlcious use, the frailest systems are
/44t,fr 9
#Ael 4n4t41 CrU/4441 led 14
Rik /4 Ilea 414 4a,fr
sole owners and licensees of all patents and
rights on
The World Famous
In violation of our Canadian Patents, an imitating create
separator called the "Unecda" has in some localities been of-
ferer' for sale and suits at law are DOW pending against the
munufacturcrs thereof. Under the law a USER of these 10 -
fringing muci.iucs is also liable for all dainagas resulting to tho
patentee through his use thereof. We hereby inform you that
in buying or csing one of these so-called "UNEEDA" separa-
tors you not only get a very inferior separator, incapable of
giving you such results as you should have, but you buy a law
suit with all its expensive attendants, and with every likelihood
of losing the machine you have bought, and a verdict of heavy
damages against you.
That you may be fully informed on the
subject before becoming involved write to
P. II6. Sharpies, West Chester, Pa., U.S.A.
Inquiries may also be made from our solicitors.
Masten, Starr & Spence, Toronto, Can.
In Sumatra Lite length of time
that n widow must wear her weeds
is determined rev the wind. After
her husband's death she plants a
flag -staff at her door, upon which a
flag is raised. While the flag re-
mains a.nturn by the wind etiuuett(
forbids that she should marry. But
as soon as a rent appears, no mat-
ter how tiny, she can lay aside her
tie There a Will Wisdom Points the
Way.—The sick man pines for relief, but
he dislikes sending for the doctor, which
means bottles of drugs never consumed.
Ile has not the resolution to load his
storeatch with pounds which Smell
villainously and taste worse. But if he
Int.(' the will to deal himself with his
ailment, wisdom will direct his attention
to 1'arnmelee's Vegetable !•Ills. which, tut
a specific for indigestioe Ind dis(vders
of the digestive organs, have no usual
In olden days it was customary to
extend the charities of Christmas
and the Nev Year to the lower aui-
liinard's Liniment Cures Colds, 860.
A firm of Parisian aeronauts con-
template slaking airships to oiler
at ;40,000 each, guaranteed for
one year.
Fer Over Stet, Veers
Mas. Wiw., ow'. goonelven STRUT hal Mea 11.1
mllllonunf mothers for their ebIldree while teethtag.
leueetherthe .511d. softens the gums. allajsp.in cares
slsdeolle. updates tbeetom.ch sad bowel{, sn.ile the
br.tremedrfur Diarrhoea. Tsenty-ere ousts • bottle
hold b, druggists throughout thw world. Ms acre sod
slsloo"Mas Wi.uLoe•.8oe'rutsolvsur." st-Of
"Oh. (loctor," cxclninnrl a rheurewt-
tic patient. "I suffer dreadfully with
my hands and feet." "But, my dear
sir," rejoined the physician, "just
try to think how uuioh inconveni-
ence you !would suffer without
there "
A Clear Healthy SkIn.—irruptions of
the ekia rind the blotches which blemish
beauty aro the result of impure blood
Geuseel by unhealthy action of the ilver
and kidneys. In correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the or-
gans to their normal condition, Panne -
leen' Vegetable Tulle will at the ,tithe
time cleanse the blood, and the Watch-
es and eruptions will disappear without
leaving any trace
The book of .lob is belicrved to be
the mast ancien! Iiternry work in
existence. It le known to have Men
written! prior to the i'entateuelh, ntal
prior to the promulgation of the
P' les To prove tto yea wit 11s
('safer. Ointment's acertain
and rih'.oi to cure for eat.
and every form of Itehing
Likening and protruding pile%,
he manufacturer. haver guerrnteed it. Beef es.
imot;nts In the deify Pros+and ask yournel,th•
lore wh:et.they think of it, Yon cartage It and
(et conn moiler hack if not cured. zinc •a tax. of
11 riealers or E11'1A1SON.1tArF.s & C0_Toront0
Or. Chase's Ointrhenl
l'RO ('11NS1;1.4
If Lord 3itlner re"igna his South
African post he will relil,.y:list' an in-
come representing $55,1)00 0 year.
This is the highest figure paid to
any llritis1 Pro -Consuls with the ex-
ception of the Viceroy of india. The
ed into convalecenre and strength, i g'"'tletnan holding that office re -
the influence which Quinine exoru na ccives Sl00,000, ',shim looks n fairly
Nature's awn teitoratives. 1t relieve* sUlrst alit ial 411111. 1:11, as 11 Iltalter
the drooping spirits of thaw with of fact, it never covers ex x'►Lsre.
whom a chronic state of morbid des- l
pendency and lack of interest in Ire i. Thu Governor-(:0nvetilship of the
a disease, and, by tranquilizing the Commonwealth u
r goer coffee a got nerves. disposes to sound and refreshing ( AusQl+ilia Is
pleep—Imparts vigor to the *111011 el Wi'I th $50.Os0, 'Phis sura tell) aItio
his sccennl cup 1 toll him he was the lino!, whkh being cumutated, be paid T':nrl (Ircy ns (:nvernnr-(ien-
eolrsss throughout the veins, strength•
drinking Paslum. He was inerechi- ailing the hen thy animal functions of oral of C'nnndn. But in neither case
loll,. hilt 't convinced him. nntl now the system. thereby making activity a 18 the income adA1Vnte to meet the
trams, 11 result. eeI.rcngtt ening! the ex eels.8 of entertaining fncId ntah to
trams, and gi:niq life to the dlgestivg i K
organ,. which naturally demand O. the dignity of the !resat ion. in South
creased substance --resat!. Improved are Africa. on the other hand, the (lot•-
tptlle. Northrop 4 Lytnen of Toren.
, have gr%en to tee public their ss. tenor-flenr•rttl neea elterinilt but
per.or Quinine Wine at the usual rare, little. The $111,0011 being paid to
and, gauged by the opinion of scion.
Mets. his wine approaches nearest per- him no rlavernnor of the 'l-ransvaai
(,hien of any Io the market• All drwtr. arrd SI 7),1014.) a$ High Commissioner.
11 • uses nothing hot Posfuni in his
'honor ntwl has greatly improved in
het.lth." Name ellen 1>.v Postuutu
Co., Battle ('reek. Mich.
i.nok in each pneknt •• for the fa -
fete's little hook "The Bond to Well-
AN1'11)111 1111'Itll'1•:1) FARM
lands for sale, all located in the
))manus Wawancsa district. 'rhe Souris
Valley is the garden of Manitoba and
the lirawauesa District is the (tartlet' of
the Souris Valley. These farms are for
sale ,rt reeat:imolai_ prices and on good
teens, all located near markets, schools
and churches. Write for lists and fur-
ther particulars to the Souris Valley
Land Coney. Wuwanesa. Manitoba.
For the Winter
The "Land of Sunshine,
fruit and flowers."
Round trip tourist tickets
on sale daily,
Mount Clemens Mineral Baths
Situated on direct lino of Grand
8t Catharines Mineral Springs
Those who need a rest should
spend a few days or weeks at this
delightful resort. Best of hotel ac-
commodat ion.
For tickets and 0111 infornawtion
call at any Grand 'Trunk Ticket Of-
More people over 100 year ld aro
found in mild climates than in tho
higher latitudes.
Mluord's tlnlmeni Cures GalIii CONS
Wife --"I don't care whether you
come home early or late now; 1 have
resourcen of my own." 1t.urrbairil—
"You don't mean to say you have
learnt to quarrel with yourself?"
ilickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup Is
the res. it of expert chemical expert -
meats, limier token to discover a pre-
ventito ur Infinunuettion of the lungs
and consumption. by destroying tho
germs tb+.t dev.•lop these diseases, and
All the world with pliable subjects
hopelessly stricken. The use of this
elyrup will prevent the dire consequence
of neglectee Colds. A trial, which
costs only 25 cents. will convince you
that this is correct.
I'ort 1)urban'8 rateable value is
neo,oetsfe10. Sixty years ago it
was 11 s,lrtV Wllderne-ns, with ei
moll blorkhmil.• In Its midst, bo-
sie•ped by a commend° of liners.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
in Prance there are 6,000,000
snnokers, °ial of every fatten, thine
aro eight who smoke n pip••, five
who smoke cigars, and only Iwo
who erre cigarettes. Still the
1'renrh consume more than 800.000,-
000 cigarettes n year, or enough to
go around the world 500 times if
they were placed end to end in a
Tho thousands of people who
write to me, saying that
Cure Tonic ung
cured them of chrirdc coughs,
cannot all be mistaken. 'There
must be some truth in It.
Try s betas for fast comb of teen.
l rtccs: 8. C. Wsttu & Co. sto
23c. Sck . $1, LeRoy, N.Y.. Toronto, C*a.