Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-23, Page 5It 1< ;< is 7 1 cc/ IKK THE gl nnrate, WOMEN WHO CHARM puthehed e•sry Thursd.sy Mormiig at the on a HEALTH IS THE FiRST ESSENTIAL MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PU3L'SHIRO COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Otte Dollar per annual if paid in &har. e, $l SO it not so paid. A.d.wertletzsg Rates off ti,lice, tics No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal die•ount made for trau•s•ieot advertisements i:,,erted for long p ernsis. Eery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the fneet style, and at moderate rates. .'baited, money orders, k.'., for orb ertieing, sure •riptions, etc., to be trade payable 0 Sanders & Creech, i P..,rtul:r••It.' rrofeworlonal Cards. WK. A. R.KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D s.. Honor graduate of Toronto Univeriety. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad eae. t^ Office in Faneou's Blo.rk, weer side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also I'ost Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Altuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the ! neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- 1 aesthetk used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of ('ailing Bros. store, Exeter. • l[edIeal I)College T. P. MCI.AUGHLiN, MEMBER OF Ti1F. College of physicians and Suriecons Ontario. ' Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Ottiee, Dash• wood. Ont. Auetioneera ((�� BROWN, Winchelsea. Livened Auctioneer 11 • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Osborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Otlire Winchelsea. THE I It Helps Women to Win and Ifold Men'e Admiration, Respect and Loy \Vornan's greatest gift is the 131,tver to inspire admiration. respect, amt !ore. There is a beauty in health tshic'h is more attractive to men than in regu- larity of feature. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of i11 -health, paiuful or irregular menstruation, headache or backache, secure Lydia E. I'inkhatn's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Windsor, N. S., describes her illness and cures, in the following letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— When I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was suf- fering with weakness and womb trouble, headaches, backaches, and that worn-out, tired feeling. I have only taken the Vege- table Compound a few short weeks, and it has made ate well, strong and robust. I believe that Lydia E. I'inkhant's Vegetable Compound is without equal for female trou- bles.' Women who are troubled with pain- ful or irregular menstruation, back- ache, bloating (or flatulence), )eucor- rlrtea, failing. inflammation or ulcera- tion of the uterus. ovarian troubles, that "bearing -down" feeling. dizzi• ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect Merclla11ts Ork Or Canada' hIeaPihnhamd 'sstVetthable Ctaokminpoguny,diu II HAD OFFICE., M(NTIIE \L I) capital Paid Up 6,000,000! Rest & redivided Profits 3,218,989 P3 BRANCHES IN CANADA I interest at most favorable current rates from date deposited allowed os. Sayings Bank accounts and De- posit Reoeipta. Couimer.ial Letters of Credit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. • Travelling Letters of Credit Issued to travellers In all parts of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. TILOS FVSIIE, Osextt.tt, 1LaNA41111. 1-' IIEIIDEN, Sere or BR.ANC!IF.. & Cuter i'sPscros CREDITON BRANCH \V. S. ('IiISIIOLM, Manager. Cement Surely you cannot wish to remain sick, weak and discouraged, when you might so easily be cured. The medi- cine which has made so many other women well will cure you also. The Libet-al Executive sub-enininit- tee of Wentworth have decided to Ap- peal the recent decision of Chief Jus- tice Meredith and Mr. Justice Teetzel. vacating the scat to the Satinets e court. PIANOS That Have to be Sold. We have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in use for it shot t time only, and wanting to make intuit Constantly for new. goads, we are going to st•11 these Pianos at a price that they will on Hand. '"`yet" go. intending purchasers would do well to call and inspect these bargains he- at Exeter and Centralia. ;fore haying, I The Best Cement in Can- ada - National Brand. ices low enough to snit t•vetyhndy. Jos. Cobbledick Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN Ifeadquart.•t. fat Stationery. HALLS VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer Mates the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soh and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. °'VrtaTl. t= "` NERVOUS DEBIY.ITY OCR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you, aro make a mv, of you, Under Its Inauencs the brain h. omen salve, the blood purified so Ma' all p:mplee, blotches and ulcers heal up- the nerves become strong as steel, e • that nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the ryes become tough'. the face full and clear, energy returns to the body. and the moral, physical au 1 sexual systems are Invlgorsted; •11 drains cease—no more vital waste from tr^ ay m. The various organa become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man seal know marriage cannot be • failure. We Invite all the afflicted to consult t,• corndentlally and free of charge Don't let quacks and fakirs rob hard-earned dollars. WE WILL. eine YO(' oft no PAX' 17N0 NAMES USED wlrltulT WRITTEN CvNSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter E. Summers. of Kalemaso,. Sikh., relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nerving De- bility for many years. i lay 1t to In- discretion ant assesses an eat, ;• 30/ youth. I became very despondent ant dien't care whether i worked or not. I Imagined everybody who looked at me. guessed fey secret. Imaginative 0dreams et tight weakened me—my back l ached, Tad pains In the back of myt head, hands and feet were cold. tired 11 In the morning, poor appetite, angers (j; were shaky, eyes blurred, hair bore. y Memory poor. etc. Numtnels In the angers set in end the doctor told me he feared paralysis. 1 toot a:l kinds o' medicines •nd tried manyrest-Nass physicians, wore an electrc belt for three months. went to Mt. Clemens for strong 7atatNtee baths, but received little benefit. While •ata ?more/tilt at Mt. Cif mens i was Induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Xersan, though i had loot all faith 1n doctors. Like • drowning man 1 commenced the New Method Treatment and It saved my we. The improvement was Ilke mart --t could feel the vigor going through my nerves. I was cured mentally, physically and Ily. I rave sent them many patients and will_ continue to do so." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PA. We treat end cure VARICOCELE. F,aTR1CTt'R17 \RyeT'9 DEBILITY RLoon DIsnesES. URI\ART COMPLAINTS, KiDNtT AND BLADDER Dt9- t:A COtOIS IIBlank f r ib me Treatment.Kll write9 FRED. It enable to write tor a Que DRSKENNEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. asst„ ♦I r e r. 1. K K K. K K K K K Thep c'onfederat• ('eat. There was only one eowplete die Made for the purpose of coining money by the Confederate States of America —that for a one ceut piece, whish was mads by Lovett, the Philadelphia en- graver, lu 1861. After he had finished the dies Mr. Lovett found that he was unable to send theta to the persous who had ordered the work done, and, becoming 11lartta 1, he "struck off" twelve nickel cents end then carefully secreted both coins and dies. For twelve long years the engraver kept his secret, which was tinnily revealed through au accident. One day in 1S73 he event to the hiding place of the rare coins and select j1 ono for a pocket piece and w•ithin'the month passed it out unknowingly to Hazeltine, the Philadelphia restaurant keeper. This man, knowing the piece to be Lovett's work, sent It to J. C. Randall, the coin collector. After some little trouble Hazeltine and Randall succeeded in buying the die, and from It they struck fifty-five copper pies.•,, twelve in silver and seven in gold. Thi:+ ttscomplished, they mutilated the die, and coin dealers now hold Confederate cents ata very high figure. Hard Seats. It Is not well far sedentary workers to sit on cushions. In man, owing chiefly to his erect carriage, there is a strong development of the muscles of the pelvis and the thighs, which almost completely clothe the strong bones of that region. In the seated position, to obviate undue pressure, nature has provided a proper cushion over these bones. Hyrtl',. saying Is well known, "We sit on the tat of the *sat as on a mnttrese." In sitting on a smooth and hard aurfa.'e the body rests upon three main points, but In sitting on a soft cusbion pressure is imparted to the muscles and interferes with the circulation in all their ports. Great attention has been paid to tble matter in the construction of bicycle saddles and, speaking generally, with very beneficial results. Nothing can be said against a certain amount of covering, if not too yielding, but the office stool, properly shape.!, 1s nn ex- cellent seat. Food Aversions. Cows' milk is said to be abhorred by the Japanese, and rabbits are never eaten by the Abyssinians, who explain that rabbits are too much like big rats. The nativesofthe Sandwich Islands would not take caviare for a gift. Cheese In Mexico Is simply curds des- iccated and pressed in pancake shape, and even then It is patronized only by the Caucasian colonists. The hall breeds accept it with hesitation, and a two ounce slice of limburger would stampede a tribe of mountain Indians. They resent It as a practical Joke In questionable taste. But why the Ko- reans eschew Ice cream, as a traveler reports Is the case, Is less easy to ex- plain. Perhaps they share the Japa- nese preJndice against dairy products or the Chinese predilection for super- heated tidbits. A Queer Italian Custom. On Aug. l of every year the people of Val di Rosa, In Italy, gather iu the great square, which is also a thrashing floor, and proceed to exorcise the devil for the benefit of their own dreams and for the well being of their vineyards. The most intelligent than In the com- munity is chosen master of ceremonies. A small fire balloon is made ready and to tbls the master of ceremonies son emnly attaches n puppet representing his Satanic majesty. Amid the shouts of the peasantry the balloon, with the devil attnchr4, Is liberated. The good people believe that for the rest of the year the evil one will not disturb their dreams or damage the vintage. Fawgas Slippers. Before the discovery of lucifer matches a largo hoof shaped fungus growing on the trunks of trees was used throughout northern Europe for making amadou or tinder. The thick, brown, woody flesh of the sante fun - gee, cut into slices and beaten until It assumes the appearance of felt. Is used at the present day hi Germany for the manufacture of chest protectors, caps, purses, bedroom slippers and various other articles. One Ha•eeltes. "Papa. Is the hand that racks the cradle the one that rules the world?" 'That's what I've heard." "Well, I know one that don't." Who is It?" "Norse. Sirs wanted to go down- town, and main eia told her she'd Ars her If she wen. and wouldn't give her 0o recomme•. la tion." A Chronic Habit, "No," said the roan who had recently merle his f earth pilgrimage to the mat• rimonls1 Rear; "I can't say that mar- riage is a failure." "Of course not," rejoined his Niche - ler friend. ' With you it 1s tnerely a habit." Then He West. Father tat heed • f etalrel—Ethel, what time is it? Ethel tin drnn-Ing room)—it's a quarter past 10, father. rather -All right. f'en't forgr't to start the clock Again after the young man goes out to get his breakfast. As Aaslon• Query. A certain New York restaurant hell become famous for Its high prices. At the entrance n faun Net leaving, hav- ing paid his b111, eves recently over• heard to nek the whiter, ''1 say -do you charge Anything tar ging out:" Generously Thoughtful. Region Tatters Say, bora, Rimes the pekoe of a n,tutl. I'tn uearly star-- Stint/it-nen - ('an't d•• 11. me poor fellow but the next man yo'I ask may, 80 par•'s a toothpick.-Sltchanss. (it:at.1 in: A very quiet event took e'•te • 1anelne:d:ey everting, when 'ili.. 1 le, elle.- Getteelitfe, eldest daughter of licety N,itt•slitfe was united in mar- riage to Alr. Ashton, of Laudon. Moly Olt• n.•..t teletivt•s of the bride and g 0eu111 tome' pr'e.t•I11. `t. Alaiys: It. S. Suitt It, grneer,111.•t wit 11 it painful accident the other day. e1'1t'l.• w;tlkitig on the sidewalk he "-truck ;.0 icy poi tiun tit the walk and his ftie•t clipped, causing hint to fall heavily ••n ti. b;,, -k of his head. He sustained 0 deep cut et, the back of his scalp. Clinton: ('hi is. J. Nesbitt, an old te.,idtnt of titaierich tp., died at the $ residence of his brtithet•-in-law, Heng)' linker, here 011 Sunday. to his filth year. 11le death was not unexpected as be 11.1. known to be rulfie leg from irate -nal ('.tncer, and for softie time the evil has been inevit:,hle. 11.• was ('011' -ca.. ;Hatost to t he I.tst anti dit'd as he 11..d lived, to ith a reliant trust in his 11. t1+'etuer. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL API'Ll('.1TIUNS, they cannot reach the seat of the tlis- 0 ise. Celia:it is a blood of crnstit a - teem/ disease, and in .ender to cure it y .n I1111at t..ke internal remedies. Ilall'�(';,tat•rb Cute Ist.tken internally and acts directly on the blood e.nd nntcous surface. hall's Catarrh ('1110 i3 not It quack medicine. it was pre- scribed by tine of the Lest physicians in this couutcy for years and is it rey;u- lir ptesetiption. It is composed of the Lest tunics known, combined with the hest blood purifiers, ,acti tig 4111 ('(11 %' on the mitten: snrfaeee, The flet fret couileinntion of the two ingredients is what pont wee. such wonderful results in goring ('..farad, Send far 10stinuen• int, ft.•.•. CO., Traps, Tele/bet), Sold by druggists price 75e. Take Hall's family Pills for c'oustipa- thee LM APPEAL TO TIM TASRIO>If- ABLE AZT nor CANADA. "Lally Bernard," the Well-known Toronto Journalist, Writes from Eng - laud of the Battle Against Consume - Don In Muskoka. Lally Beruard, of the editorial staff of the Toronto Clo).e, writing to that paper from London, England, where she is naw a resident, shows most clearly that the battle against the great white plague is one that should interest n!1 clas=es of tlee community. It will be remembered that this writer entered incog. as a patient in tl:o aluskoka Froo hospital for Consump- tives, awl afterwards iu the Glue told of real life in that institution. In hor present article she says : "To -day I havo found a letter at t;le club which neatly missed nue', having Lees addressed `!.ally Bernard.' flay I express to my unknown correspondent my warmest thaeke for the kindly ap- ;.reciation for the littlo I havo been able W do in the battle !being waged against tuberculosis in Canada.. 'rho need of sympathy and interest is a trrmondoue cele, and I am always puzzle.. when I feud really well educated and intelligent people in Canada so criminally ignorant of the extent of the danger, end the means which aro being taken to combat it. "it may bo of some interest to these who feel as I do in regard to the respon- sibility which rests upon each and all to aid in thin fight against a most insidious foe, when f toll them, tt: it hero ia Lon- don, where I have been for only a few days, I have already come across the dread enemy four times. First of all, in the back garden of our humble quarters in Kennington I espied, when morning dawned, a tent with two bods in it. I enquired of our laudlor.l why tho tent was there, and was told a long story about the coronation and quarters for some boys coming up from tho country, and that he, the landlord, had sub- sequently found it more agreeable to sloop in tho tent than in the basement bedroom he had formerly occ,tpie.l. A little later, in oonvorsation with tho lady who securee the lodging*, I learned that the landlord's son was obliged to sleep in a tent! Comment was needless. '• in looking for quarters I found a charming home of a young doctor and his wife, where extraordinarily moderate terms wero asked for really exceptionally good accommodation. Tho doctor in questieu haul been ' ordered south,' and his ode had to keep the house going 1'y accept n g ' peyiug guest..' " Yet again, in the third place, I found that the lady who was at the head of the establishment had not only lest her husband from the dread disease, heat had managed one of tho neat fashionable sanitariums in England, and her know• ledge of the treatment and the extent of the problem in }:uglai l showed ree how tremendous was the need for care sine watchfulness in our own rouutry. " May I ask my correspondent to use all possible influence to make the ques- tion of cernhating tut erculoeis one of interest in the ' fashionable set' to which she evidently belongs. I know full well, from the little experience I have had, bow trernendou.ly a little get in• tenet and help might lighten the burden now resting o0 the shoulders of th• authorities of the Free hospital for ('orn- sumptivee at Gravenher.t. it is, of course, f - • v from wealthy centres, and out • i• to be out of mind. "I esti • ut.dr'rstand that until people I, .v,. -.en forty or fifty patients together in different stages of c',.•nmp- tion they do not realize what an immense amount of aid might be given by those *he aro fortunate enough to be free from the disease and by those who have little else tri do than to invent or learn some new frrrn cf recreation. " Mrt. Torrington has kindly premiere! tns b• try and get musiral societies and people intere•t•d in music to provide a nlanola for the Hospital. and 1 feel euro it will hoof immense benefit to the patient, Surely my correspondent who evinces snob sympathy with the cause could maks that sympathy take a practieal form and organize a hospital library where becks worth reading might tie supplied, with some system similar to that of the Aberdeen Aae. eiatieo, which has •lone sneh excellent wr rk " (Note. -Readers—and may their nnm- Mer 1•e many—who desire to assist in the work of the Sfuskok• Fre. T1o'p.ta1 frig ('onsnm fetivee may pond their gent. to Sir Wm. R. `tereclith, Kt , Vice President, National Sanitari'im Association, To- ronto. or Mr W. J. Gage, Chairman el the Mac Live Ct>tna1 Wow,. 1 REASON No 7 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Tea' Because ii ie: put tip in sealed parka;, -es. These packages protect the flavor of the tea and protect you in weight and guarantee of quality. No article of food is so easily tainted as tea—it absorbs the flavor of everything it comes in contact with. Place an orange beside some tea for an hour, and then taste or smell the tea—orange too. Very few tea bins are tight enough to prevent tea front absorbing the odors of fruit, vegetables, cheese, etc., etc„ usually mixed together in a grocery—and the ordinary tea chest is very little protection. The Red Rose Tea sealed lead package preserves all the original flavor and freshness of the tea—open a package and smell its fresh fragrant aroma. Packages of Red Rosi: Tea are always full weight and uniform in quality. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO. WINNIPEG. Grey: After a lengthy illness a xtend- See for th: Miss Fitz};. rald met wit.' tending over aic•ouple of seats, death a -avet0 accident on Sunday. After coaling from church she slipped on the flour cf her mots, faclllter :u.d ft actor- ing her hip hone. Brussels: On \Vedtu.d,.v, I:,th, Alis Annie, daughter of Ala., M. G. Rich - :rdsor), was united in mai-liege to W. V. Moffatt, of Turnherry, The (•vie n tiny took place at the home of tent bride's mother, and was pet formed by Rev. Jahn Ross- Mr. ;,1111 \tis. Mod- fatt will take up their residence inren nhprry-. claimed another victim of heart trou- ble, together with an affection of the • person 0 Jennie, lungs, in the p t, n t Miss Jcu , eldest daughter of William and Mar- garet Telfer of the 10th conetssien, early Saturday morning. Dem -used had been a great sufferer, and only 1 e- cently returned front Iowa, where .he had spent 53 good portion of the year in the hope of benefitting her health. Miss Telfer, who was in the :;nth year of her age, wits it general favorite in the community. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • IDIAMOND Fa OR 1 - PERFECT :i • I DYES DYEING. HOME 1 • EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. 2 ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." • All Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••� A FAMOUS SCHOOL, CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT.`/ The i.tlgest and most Successful co grid and Shorthand School in Western the tario. Our (-nurses are up•to-late and prarti.a: Leading colleges In Canada and the United States employ our graduates as teachers. Yon may enter at any time. Write for free ratalnxue. ELLIOTT & McLACIILAN, Principals. Clinton: 1V ed nestle morning two of our young people left for St. Thou,• its where they were quietly'ntarried that evening. We speak of Fred Coo- per, son of W. J. Cooper, and Miss NI:legit., eldest, daughter of 31r. A. Watts. The happy event took place at the residence of the groom's broth- er, Antos Cooper. of that city, and the unbreakable knot was tied by Rev. 1)r. Clifford, The beide w'as becom- ingly atttirell in it blue ladies clot hems. Gime, with hitt to match. After it short honeymoon at Toronto and else• where. Mr. and Mrs. ('oopet' pat pose returning to take up housekeepieg iu Mrs. i,ittle'. cettnge. BEWARE OF THAT COUGH COOL WEATHER Causes Much Distress to Throat and Lung Sufferers Clear Frosty Morning Air Only Stimulates Lungs that are Healthy GRAVE DANGER Observes 1)r. Nloennt, If a cold 1w ni- Inwel to rein, I.n/:elms.-.Pneumonia, or itronehltl• I. more to follow If " Vey chine" le not token to present Its grog real, iren't ex perimeht with cheap cot.gh mixture• or like de.•"rrione, which at hest ran only temfs.rarity r'•l,eve,until you are forced tryout bei front chi• h you t'111arise trailer—the more easy vi, tan for consumption. This 1e the sea eon of the year when People are started on the rapid ro.s 1 to the consumptive's grave, dcrl:ares the eminent Lung specialist. CHI (PRONOUNCED 31=K LEN) w11) rid the system of all tnberc ilosle polene and guild tip weak end tweeted hoelie, with healthy tinny, "i'.•ychine" Ha tonic and it create-. etren..th, glvr.Jo i a ravenom. appetite and proslncre healthy flesh. in ca+e51 of nintinete creigh., pains In the hinge, tore throat. headache, twin. In the limbs, extreme weak news, you cannot afford to be without "t'syetene." it Ie prepared esteessl for ail disease'• of the lung' and bronchial etbe., and if yon have the meet sage of a eongh. sudden chill. shivery feeling. cnl.1 feet or de premien. eruetlre 'i'sychine" frons >out dr 'gI.t. Ifig>our druRg Ist hasn't "Psychine" in stock. write irr. T. A alo.um. Limited. 179 King Street We.t, Toronto, Canada, and • sample buttie w ill be sent you promptly. NOTICE ToFrmers aila ll Public ill Giiei1. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. One d. t smith c f 'I -'te.puht:ut lintel That'- it h' t • t ..0 will get the higbe,l testi pi ice for them. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 5533)51L•cLTe•COMM' SVe are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GIUS'I'IN(; and CHOPI'IN(>< DONE PROMPTLY. H. SWEITZER EXETER MARKETS. CHAN(iEI EACH \Vr;I)N1':N1)Ay Wheat (old) 1 Int 1 ttS Barley :iii 14 Oats :9) 110*. f 7) hag75 lie }}J�, pt 7 HOHOR (O FlourRy, {terer cwt -on, family `J )T+ Flour. low grade pet cw't 1 25 1 :!e Flutter 19 Eggs ... 'J' ) Lire hog., per cwt 1 (71 I hamar ed hogs..... i, n Shorts per tern NI an75 _0 8 (10( Iran per ton l:. 'll P1 fill Tot key., per lb.... ...... 12 (}eackse Ure N ('hicken. 7 DI iedApplee .. 3