Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-09, Page 5TilE Q zetex gkbuo ate, published es try Thursla) Morning at the OrIL e. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, -By the - ADVOCATE PUBLISHING OOMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Lollar per annum if paid iu &chance, a1.a0 it not so paid. at.dvertic-aagr Rates on iyPllcm- ttora No paper dia,,:ontinue l until all arrearage• are paid Advertisements without specified directtone will he published until forbid and charged a rordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. E.tery description of JOB PKIXTINO turned out in the finest style, and at rnoteraterates. Cheques. money orders, ac., for advertising, suhacrip.tione, etc., to be made payable 0 Sanders Sr Creech, PROPItIETOR3 er•reerlenal Cards. UR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., �Itonor graduate of Toronto Uniseristy. DENTIST. Teeth es Art:quit without any thin, or any bad effects Gmee in Fansou's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDF:IRSON (D.D.S. L. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Al .tr Poet Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) AUuruinuui, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A pert•.• It' hess an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical WOMEN'S NEGLECT SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTY Health Thug Lost Is Restored by Lydia . Pinkhaan'• Vegetable Compound. HOW many woolen do uu know who are perfectly well and strong? We hear every da • the same sterV over and over agaiu. "I do not feel well; 1 am so tired all the time 1 " More than likely yon speak the same words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. The cause may be easily traced to some derangement of the fe- male organs which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything. backache, bearing -down pains, flatulency, nerv- ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhoea. These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. The never -failing remedy for all these symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. I)R. T. P. McLAUGHLiN, MEMBER OF THE M168 Clara Besubien, of Beauport, 1 College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Quebec, writes: Physician, Surgeon and Accor• heur. Orae, Dash- (}tar Mrs,PiI►k11am : wood. eat. '• For several years I have suffered with a female weakness which proved a serious .Auctioneers I drain on my vitality, sapping my strength and musing severe headaches, bearing -down BROWN, Winchelsea. Licence] Auctioneer pains and a general worn-out feeling until I H. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. really had no desire to live. I tried many also for the township 01 Usborne. Sales promptly mcalioine i, but did not get pp►eermanent relief attended to and terms reasonable. Sates arranged until I took Lydia E. 1'inkbam's Vegetable at Post Office Winchelsea. ('oinp• 1. In two months I was much bet- ter etter and stronger, and in four months I was well ; no more diLsagreeable discharge, no -THE- more pain. so I have every reaaun to praise the Vegetable Compound, and I consider it JUeroaQIs llaoko[ CQat12 without equal for the ills of women." If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ItEAn OFFICE, MONTREAL ble Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Maas., for special advice -it is free and always helpful. capital Paid Up •■ 6.000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,9591 93 BRAN(7HES IN CANADA Interest at most fat orable current rates front date deposital allowed o. Savings Bank aecounta and De• posit Receipts. Commercial letters of ('relit issued available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers In all parts of the world, A general Banking Ma -incus transacted. SAVINGS BANK. TI1oe t:YS11E, (IRstaAL MANAORR. . F'. IIF:BOEN, Sver nr llascuffs & Cmar Pomona Clinton: Mr. W. Wheatley, of town, has bought the 9D acre farm nn the Iflth con.. of Goderich township. own- ed by :lir•. Rotel. Riche! dein. pooping in the neighborhood of $501111 there- for•. PIANOS CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CI1ISHOLM, \tanager. That Have to bo Sold. • Cement 1Ve have in stock 'I'HItFF. PIANOS which have leen in 11,4' fur a shot t time only, and wanting 11) niske rano) for new goods, we lite. going 10 sell donstantl these Matins at a price that they will s+ have to go. on Hand. at Exeter and Centralia. The Best Cement in Can- ada -National Brand. Prices Into enough to snit everybody. Jos. Cobbledick intending purchasers would do well to call and inspect these bargains be- fore bu)'ieg. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN 1(.' iddpn:tt te•r s for Stationery. IHALus VEGEiTABLE SICILIAN Har Renewer Perhaps you like_ your gray hsh; then keep It. Perhaps act ; dna remember-Hsll'a Hair Renewer always restores color to gray hair. Stops falling hair, also. 'na'rCt'z't'ML,CtL"'" K K K d% K $t K K&'(KticKNK Kc.c K K ekt K K& K K ct ice STRICTURE CURED YOU CAN PAY WHIN CURED. sr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. STRICTURtAND KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. • 1 bed stricture for eleven years. 1t finally brought en Might', Uiseue of the Kudos's. i had an uneomfot table oho. ung pain in the groin an.1 fr.ling as though weeds's. yeas hi this urcahra. Ili back was weak and 1 could scarcely stoop over. l't,ne was Intl el sedi• t ient. If ad adc;ir•tourinate frespoentl Family duetors,sotailed • peciatists, patent medicines, electric belt, all poled. 1 was dis- c (neared. 1 Lid event hundreds of dollars in vain. Finally 1 con- sultedR a r d ea •nlred ism Keened! Kern n as the last reser,. s. rt. t.iheard rd a great deal abet dh.m and e'nrlu.led frrm the fart C.,rterryhad toren e.obtt-led over as yaan t .at they un•terstcod their t nsinrss. 1 ■•n de',rhte,l with th. re• ',%. 19 r ne w•rk i felt te'•-r aril in a few weeks was earr•ly cured. }lase gained sitteen pr,, 's in weight.'• G. N. WRIGIIT, Leasing. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ? S t• OD 1,110150/13 ore 0,e most prevalent eel mast •erions diseases. Ther My/mover, life Mood of th• victim and unless .ntir. It er.,'i rated (tom th., system s...1 cause seri',:• s(n.•,h;ationt. beware 't If cr-eery. it o• y 5appresses the symptoms -ate N6'sV Ut. t 11.1)V ositivelr cures ail blood dist tttt Lt,ver. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-ACitcD MEN.-tmprtdent sets or tater excesses have le.c ;en ,own our s; .tent. Y,•,) feel the sy:rptcris 'teens; c s, r you. Mentally. physically and setually you are not the man you wad to be ct abeold Lc. R E ♦�A D E R Are yrn a :im y Have yen lost b re ? Are yen intending to marry t Ilas your blood been d,.sased P ttsve you 11,7 wraknev? Out New Method Treatment wet runt yoe who it bas dons for others it will do t,r you. CONS(: LTATION FREE. No matter •i' ,has trratcd yom wore for in ho^est o;sinlon Fre of Charge. Chargesteatonable. LOOKS FIiEK-"The (.ellen Ni suitor" (ialu,trared). oa ihseases of Mee. S, aled tic on •'Liseisas cf Women" eros N O NAMES U310 WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Evory• thins Confld•nttal. Que•tlon List for Home Tr•atm•nt Fro* G, 8. Waa,nr. DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. K&K KAK KhK K 8K 44, f K 1 I3lanshurd Mr. Samuel Mart'iott, who had ill- ' most recovered fruit► ,► recent attack of illness, has suffered a relapse. ---Mr. T. 0. nehmen, the well-known cattle 'met with ani :accident on Satr+uday tea at at the stuck t'atrds 11.11.10111111g the G. T. It. freight s h eds. .\ t. R tb skin tsae ld t1etttltfor tIt ett when a ste.•t' Stepped lin his right fo It. .i- he leaned Over to extri'•ate it hes heft foot tan ned iu 1lis• soft slum', bre,ekiug one of the small bent s near the alike.. 11is friends hope lie rusty start be mound 'Igain. PlteseN'r.tTltN.-A very pleasant evening was spent at the lulu• of Jlr. and Mrs. iI. Tiblats, receutly, when they were presented e all an at tide t•sS and gifts. \1r. :tint .1rs. Tihbits lett List. week for the Starr of Witehington and their hest of friends took (occasion' to let them know how highly they were esteemed before their dep:11titre to their new borne. 'I'tte addles- was read by Mise Maggie Lee. Miss Dickson presented Mrs, Tihbit5 with a hand- some watch and locket, and Miss Bell presented Mr. 'Titbits with at beautiful ring. Mr. 'Tibbits made a suitable re- ply on behalf of himself and wife and then the company proceeded to make merry. There was excellent uutsic, lively dancing and other social lilt's - tires onjoyed until a late hour. An appetizing lunch was provided by the visitors. When the party broke up farewells were exchanged with the h st and hostess whose going away is generally regretted. Dic'rll.---Mr. Thomas Nagle, one of the n►nst respected residents of this township, died at his home on Tues- day, Jan. 31st, aged 74 years and 10 months. lie had been ill for few weeks. Besides his wife be leaves a family of six sons and two daughters. Mr. Natgle was a native of Mitchells- tuwn, Cork. Ireland, and came to Can- ada when a small boy. He cleared a farm in Ueborne where he lived for many years before moving to Blow - shard, where he had resided for over twenty years. One sister. Mrs. Hag- erty, lives in Log�ah Township, and the late John and James Nagle of Blom - shard were his brothers. Mrs. Casey. who diem in St. Marys sense years since, was his sister. Mr. Nagle was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. Ile was a roan of the strict- est integrity in all his dealings with Itis fellowmen, and was liked by all. The funeral took place to St. Marys cemetery, Thursday morning, services lasing held at St. Marys R. C. church. The family have the sincere synapa4thy of the community in their heavy be- reavement. MARItIAOE.-\Vednesday the home Of Jou. Rayct'aft, wars the scene of a very pretty wedding. when his only daughter, \piss Rosa, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Win. 11. Dykes, at prosperous young farmer of Prospect Hill. in the presence of 73 of t he most intimate friends and repot Ives. The bride, gowned in cream Rosana cloth, veil entrain. and orange Woe - some. carrying itt her band a 1 poet elf white carnations. entered the pal Igor leaning on the arms of her bailer. Jlen- de•lsla)hu's Match was played by Miss Radcliff. 131anshard. Standing under an areh of evergreen ft 1d flowers, the rete V was performed by Itev. Mr. I{ill y. of Grant .on. The In kit) was es- siste•d by Miss iwnn 1lodgins, of "Mean. .I. Dykes, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Misses Jennie and Ola ltaycraaft, of Granton and London re- s`ectivelY. nieces of the bride, made eh:u•nting little flower girls. After the 001e11u1ry the party entered the spac- ious pareimus dining room, where a suulptuotte repast awaited tht ut. The ggrootu's pre- sent to the bride WAS rt gold watch and chain, to the bridesulaid and organist a gold brooch, and to the little flower girls a gold bracelet each. The pres- ents w ere numerous and useful, testify- ing the esteem in which the happy y g couple were held. -sea- East Fast Williams: On Jan. 25t1i, there passed away art lot 8, con. 12, Mitchell ituhet•ts, aged 87 years and 1 month. Mr. Roberts had been i11 but a short, time having been taken down with pneumonia the previous Saturday. Paine's Celery Compound Makes Sick People Well Mrs. \Vm. ('arter.of Merkdatle, Ont., who (hanks Heaven and Paine'sCe•lery l'otnpnund for her restoration to h••alt h. says: -- "After my hahy was born i took grippe, and was in a very weak condi- tion of health. My nervous system seethe d to be broken down and I had convulsions severe] times. I frequent- ly lost use of my limbo. i had severe night sweats, was sleepless, despond- ent 1111(1 very nervous. i thonght nt tittles 1hatt i was going to lose my rea- son. At last 1 hectometer wesk that i could hardly move myself in bed. Af- ter a COIltw of treatment by able doc- tors, i was still suffering. and on the brink 11t the grave. iwas •aron l), • vimed hyto Mendto make time Pin r. Celery Cotnponnd. To gratify the de- sires of my family 1 used this medi• cine. in a short time appetite and sleep were fleeter. After use of the 'edema bottle i was No amazed and pleased with my ituptrvetnent that decided to continue the use of Paine's ('every Compound. 1 am happy to state that the ase of six bottles hay ipletely restored me to new life anti usefulness to my fondly. 1 sincerely 11 ink God end Patine'+ ('ele'y Com. pelted for my wonderful restoration.'. Ask For PAIN E'S," No Other Medicine Just As Good. Seaton the A glliet wedding took place at the residence of the bridt-'s !iiivnts. Wednesday morning %t hen Miss Hannah Oughton tuns united in Marriage to Mr. 'Phos. Riektll. The youug couple lett on the morning train for a short trip. Seaforth: 1)1.. J. W. Livingstone, a foe rater 5eafet t h buy, has leen rap. [whited Clivi-eoual surgeon on the K.1125:1s City Seethern Railway and has taken tip his residence in the ra- pidly grooving rite of \loess .\rka tisas. This place, although only eight years old. has it population of between five and six thousand, and the railroad pay roll thele anxan)ts to over $21,010 (44(1) 111411)t h. East 'Williams: The news of the sail aaltd sadden death of Mr. David Waters, who with his sister resided near Fernhill, canto as rt shock to his many friends in this towushie and 5i- ('inity. lie pressed away on Tuesday at the age of 55 years, alter an Illness of very sli err duration, resulting from) blood poison, (seised by a sliver which he had rum into his hand a little et et• a week ago and all of which he failed to have extracted. St. Marys: On Sunday an aged and lunch respected resident of St. Jia t'ys passed away in the person of Mr. John Seaton, at the ante o1'77 years, 8 months and 15 days. Mr. Seaton has been a resident of St. a\fart's for the past eight year's, coating here from Lake- side. Mr. Seaton has been in tailing health for some months, and bis death was not unexpected. Besides his widow he (eaves to mourn his loss a daughter and son. Clinton: Mr.JuhnTownshend,hrlth- er of Mr. Albert Townshend, of towne who went.toSan Antonia. California, a fete months at•: ew'ith the loupe that the change would benefit his health, is daily growing weaker and the end it is feared is not far distant. He is be- ing mored by his brother Arthur who left Clinton some weeks ago) to he with him, and his medical attendant is I)r. Sheppard, formerly of Hayfield, who is giving him every care awl atten- t ion. \Vinghlun: On Wednesday morn- ing the death of Wm. (ransom of Low- er Hingham took palace. Deceased had been working at Mr. Case • .'s .et the Jnuction, and retired to bed in his nsnoll health on Tuesday night. On \Vednesday unurning when they rose, he 55115 apparently awake, but some - 1 itue after, when he was called for breakfast, it was found that the spark of life lied fled. Ile (raves it widow and 1:•oily of several children. He was about sixty years of age. Stanley SCFtout. REPORT -The following is the Jo :u•y report of the pupils of S. S. No. 11. Names are in order of met - it. V.-- Mary Johnston, A. \V. John - sten, Ida Diesdab'. SI'. 1 \'.--Eleaur.,. (lend. N. (lentinell, Mary McKay. Jr. 1 V. -Etta Jarrett. M. NI. Fisher. Jas. Ialtltt. 1I1.- Ilene t:Beath, Her - heti .lures, Iola ,Io1Ps. Sr. 11. -John Kehl. Oda Mc Heart h. 11.111111411 Dinsdale. Jr, 11. --Lola Rothwell, Arthur Jones. lit nee 1,iign11. Part 11. -Walter Me. It••.ith, frank Gemmel!. Alla ► Fisher. pert 1.--Anraa May blood. The best spellers in the monthly spelling ma tell- e- wet e: V.--\1. JOltnston; 81. I V. - I;. Heed; Jr. 1V. --E. Jau•rott; 111 Jen.,-; Se. II. -J. Kehl; Jr. 11. - Jones; Part 11.--1+'. Getutrell. Usllornc Council, Council met at township hall, %elle, on Felt. 4. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read end approv- ed. The tender of the Exeter T •s, 10 do the printing usually required lay the municipality for thia year fur $55. was a ceepted, I'he Auditors' ]report fits toad Was adopted and 10) copies of the report erre ordered to he printed for dist r•ihntion. The accounts ter poll- ing places for t he Ontario election were paid. and other accounts, amounting (0 $81.I0 were passed and Indere issued in payin •nt. Council then adjourned tel meet Saturday. Feb. 18, at 1 o'clock to consider the Eng;neel's Report on the Montalto et eek and branches, lied for other I►usinee`, F. Morley, Clerk. ♦ Manly Kam. He -Ton say you like a manly toga. What is your idea of a manly mat Elbe -Well, for instance, one wh• doesn't stay and stay and stay just because be knows tat* girl isn't areae •sough to throw bpm out. 1eellel r'. Plesaaa s. Sloe* the magnificent time* of tho Roman empire there bas never boon • period when people have been se ever- ted, overamused and overstimulated as la the imperial London •f today. PT.batbts Ir.L "Is Pickl•by a manlcur• arttatrr "I don't know. WhyT' "1 just saw him and he told m• tkat be bad charge of a hundred bands at his place of bush.*.."-Ci•v.iand Plata Dealer. ♦ Tree Distillery. On the Canary Islands grows o foun- tain tree, s tree most needed In some parts of the Islands. It is said that the leaves constantly distill a quantity of water that Is sufficient to furnish drink to every living creature In lilero, !Were having provided this remedy for the drought of the Island. Every morning near this part of the Island a cloud of ntlst nrises from the sea, which the 55 Inds force ngninst the t atePl cliff nn which this tree grows, and it 1s from the mist that the tree distills the water. Proved If. "My wif• will bear witness," said the prisoner at the bar, that at the very time I ate ac, used of bnrglarlsiug Mr. Smith's premises I was engaged In walking the floor with my infant Child in my arms, endeavoring to 'mike it by singing 'Rock Baby.'" "The prisoner 1s discharged," rr [narked his honor. "i1• can prove a tunahy," -- - - REASON NS 5 WHY YOU SHOULD USE d Rose Tea Because it is perfectly clean. Wouldn't you like to know that the tea you drink has not been touched by human hand since it was plucked on the plantation ? This is what you get in Red Rose Tea. The old method of rolling and packing tea by hand has leen entirely done away with on the tea estates where Red Rose Tea is produced. There, as well as in the blending and packing machinery -is Red Rose rooms, machinery scrupulously clean used exclusively. Tea is never touched by hand after being plucked. This fact alone will help you enjoy drinking it. The Blue Label is recommended. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG Seaforth: Mr. William Murdie has withdrawn entirely from the he'll - ware firm of Sills & Mnrdie and the 'lusiness will hereafter be conducted by Mr. George Sills himself. Clinton; On Tuesday Mr. George Diebldied at his residence in Toronto, ,aged 70 years. 01d residents of Clin- ton will remember him as an active business mal) and progressive citizen. He was engaged in the furniture busi- ness here for many years, but left in the early eighties. Ile was a relative of the Diehl family of Stanley and was a connection by marriage of the late Mr. Chidley of town. East Williams: On Friday Mrs. Dickie, widow of the late John Dickie. departed this life nt the home of her brother, Alex. Munro. Mrs. Dickie was only 34 years old but had been ill for several months. She leaves two children. Godet•ich tp.: Mr. Geo. 1' asom of the Maitland con., died at the age of 58 years, Thursday. Deceased has been a sufferer from kidney trouble for some time. About three years ago he rented the Rudd faro) and hail made many warm friends since corning bete. He leaves a wife, five sons and five daughters. •••••••••••••••••NN••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• DIAMOND FOR PERFECT DYES HOME DYEING. EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Z ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." • A11 Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. i ••••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A FAMOUSSCHOOL. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. • The i.argest and most Succes+fol Commercial and Shorthand School in Western On• talo. Our courses are up -to -.tate and practical. Leading roileg(s in Canada and the United States employ our graduates as teacher,. Yea tray outer at say thee. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN. Principals. Newspaper Clubbing Rates. The AnvocATR will be clubbed with the following papers at the price set opposite: Advocate and Mail k Empire.... $1 75 Advocate and Globe 1 65 Ad encode and Family Ill ottld....1 811 Advocate and Free i'r•ess. 1 811 Advocate and Advertiser..... ..1 W Advocate and \Fitness 1 65 Advocate and Weekly Sun .... . 1 80 Advocate and Farmers Adv,eate2 :30 Advocate 1111(1 Daily News 1 10 Advocate and Daily Advertiser.. 2 85 ' Advocate and Daily Star, Toronto.1 85 Subscriptions for all foreign pal ers taken at this office at reduced rates. A Famous Actor Strongly Recommends Psychiue for Speakers and Singers • Voice Now in Grand Shape ?lir. Thos. r �r )n td a svc1- 1 known liars) sl.fi>< aip er of Teeswnter. oto., writes: "Three years ago 1 had irs Grlppet, which left c tffen 1 precartons condition. I froth what the doctor Reid was LaryngltL'i, and a cure Intoa,lblc. i'sychlne and Os talon diel Iten- dcre for me. and my tue•s Is hs grand slope ." IIM Pa (PRONOUNCED SI•KIEN) }',,r en', 1•v a'1 drugs -to, n.• a aamnla mailed free „r,.•ti requestleer further Advice and I f ."nation writo hr. et1ocelm. f.lmlteal 17? King street we.t, Toronto. can t'r. F:,•--om'a o,nmul•Inn may 1•• taken with 1' -whine with very bencll'lal results. Tho ,t,h an •nlargad labnratrsry new iatxsr-.ayine faMOtlea, and recent ability to norcha•e raw products In ('an - Ada. Psychtr.e. 5•.11 for years at $1.54 per bottle, is Now Sold at =I.00 Weak Voice -Throat Irrits. tion, A11 voice and throat troub'e,lune and respiratory disorders ar• promptiycurcd through the use of PSYCH INE (Si -Keen). Gargles, mouth washes, and tablets are of no avail, and often cause serious injury. Mr. Joe Murphy the famous Actor, Was Threatened with Asthma '•5 deem it m)• duty to hanker petone the crent benefit 1 hate re- erltecl by liaising; Pelt '111NE. I was threatened olds .%i tone, but It lav dieuppa•nred entirely, and 1 bate only in en taking the mein - eine one sve•e'i. iT 11.1N GIVEN MY SPE.%IsINfi .1ti1) stscaxa VOI('I•: itl•:NEWED PUW1:11, and I adsiee all public speakers, actors, and ringers tuner to be without t1." 'Pours truly, Joseph Murphy. Tea -chine Is for nil vocal trouble*, and Is proving a great blessing to pub - Ile Rpenkcrs, singers, and all voice r n e '..�� of ar n ltt, s worker:). In n.l unhoalthy (he throat or lungs there Is soreness or inflammation, caused by hnircrfv,:t nutrition, met a clogged condition ef the tiny blood vettsets of those organs. This is nee) the condition in catarrhal affeetiene. ver•dleas to say. this has a most Inlirfous affect On the vocal or- ga, t'syehine Meing greatest - nft'Icnsfat hlnol p'rrlllentlonthe, 1'S •trapeact In such disorders 1. prompt and 'frees Boal. Although the ►ronbl' may be but trivial. vet it Is In the throat that •rrl- nus I'tnq and frtnr•,ach dls•at'rs have their beginning. And if 111 54,11 Io start treattnent with P,vehlne nt once. These le no more effectual remedy for ho:tire. res•, throat Irritation. Rpenkerat' fore throat, and all arfeottons rnminon t0 voice workers than Parching