Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-09, Page 4Q %ter bvoc tta
Sanders & Creecia. Props.
Hou. Messrs. Luther Omaha Adelatd
"surgeon, :nd %V. A. %Veil-, members
of the Cabinet in Quebec Province,
have resigned. The great majority
of the uteull,ers of the legi.l•eture end
the people of the Province are heart-
ily in sympathy with the three nlinrs-
ters who have just retired. it is ex-
pected that the retoluttun will result
cal the resignation of Premier Patent,
and the formation of another minis-
Once again R. 1.. Borden is a mem-
ber of the !louse of Commons x1111 in
his place at the heal of the Conserva-
tive patty. Ile was elected Saturday
by acclamation to represent the his-
toric County of (.'.0 leton, and bet iie
he left the hall at 1 iehmuntl, • the re-
visiting officer, Itegietrier Cetfey, handl-
ed him his ce(•Liflcatte of election. Sat-
urday the writ of election. with the
necessary eudutsation, was handed to
the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery,
so that .lr. Borden w•as able to
take Itis seat on Tuesday.
Justice Killion has been appointed
by the Dominion Government to till
the position of Chairman of the Rail-
way Commission, made vacant last
October by the resignation of Hon.
Mr. Blair. A very lively debate took
place in the House before the appoint-
ment. took. piece. The opposition con-
tended that it was bad policy to pro-
mote Judges to higher positions in
the land, and that the doing su creat-
ed at desire on the part of judges to
look for preferment. The appoint-
ment was also opposed because Justice
Killion is not a railway expert.
t s
The annual report of the trade and
commerce department, shows t hat for
the last fiscal year there w 1. an in-
crease. of neatly $18,000.000 tea the im-
ports and a falling off in exports of
over $12.000,000. The increase in im-
ports during the year has been gener-
al on all important articles, notably
a g them, coal,coke, etc., to the
extent Of about $1,010,000; sober and
molasses nearly 22,300,000; tea $1,?12,
000; wood and mannfecturies of, $200,
000; wool and unauufacturies of. over
$1,7000,000: electrical apparatus, near-
ly $30K).000. Ott the other hand the
decrease in exports amounted to over
$1,600.000 on aniutals(living):over $10,
800,000 on hreadstulfs, wheat: over $1.
000,000 on fish; over $1,0(K),(0K) ere pro-
visions; over $3,000,000 ore wood, un -
manufactured. Their has, however,
been an increase in the exports of
minor articles aggregating nearly
$8.5(i0.000, leaving a net tot:) decrease
of td 1::,'3;8,189.
* *
The suspension of a lodge member
for arreitt•s does not release hits from
!pay int( the same. This was the del:is-
ten of Judge O'Meara in the Ottawa di-
vision court last week. .A test case
was node leK K
audio the. Uuity Pretest -
ant Benevolent Society. J.T. Preston
\was at member for some years, but de•-
-eided to drop out. No formal notice
of hire intention w•ae sent the society,
although his father stated to the Ireas-
rlt•et• that his son intended to drop out.
.After there were six months.' arrears
Preston was suspended, in pursuance
of the by-laws of the society. The so-
Ctety then sued for the arre.u•e for the
six mouths, 21.50, and also $I assess -
'nem. for death of a member. Counsel
.for Preston itsguctt that the suspension
wipe -41 mit the defeat net that the society
had 110 other retutdy. Judge O'Meara,
how ver, decided that the suspension
•was merely to protect the society
Against paying claims to members in
.Arrear is and did not relieve ouch mem-
'bees from payment of their dues for
the six menthe. Judgment was given
.for the full amount. There are about
tit) similar ' 'sestet the society and tate
action was taken as a test case.
• s
An English train has broken all re-
* ords of speed by running 241 miles in
237 minutes, the last 118 miles in 90
•minutes. There acre many people alive
who remember the dismissal of en en -
seine driver on the Manchester and Liv-
erpool Reilwnpp for having driven a
traits et, a perilous rite of 40 miles an
hour. 'rhe general speed of the age has
increased not less than that of trains.
(Intense and growing restlessness pre-
vails. To break t he record seems now
the aim of life. In all employments so-
ber middle -age is being casbiered, and
the door is opened only to adventurous
youth. The cause of this restlessness
is le reel). to he found in the advance
of discovery end invention. Ilan there
clan 1►e no (doubt that religion had a
trany'eil1iziug influence, which, for the
present et least. Is being Withdritwn.
Or. Lyman :Abbott avows that he no
longer believes in it great First (:ruse.
and I)r•. Oslet's observations led hits
to thick that with the generality of
then belief in a future life has now na'
practiced influence whatever. With a
train going at this %peed we must hope
that the line is all right and thea e are
no obstructions ahead.
f !•
Matters vitally affecting the inter-
est A
nlo -eats
nt the Ageeicultural Societies i1
the Province will be discetesed at the
einem 1 convention of the retire and
Exhibitions A83neiatiem, which will he
held in Toronto February 11th (m 10th.
Thr most important siehjeeets whieh
will come up for discussion 1111,,-
•'ghunlIl Ilorteethes-el sweeties he sr•
partite in the :%grirmlt'pral and Arts
Act `roue Agricoltnrni Societies?"
"How nonny fall exhibitions sl ld
be allowed in each County'?" The
blestmethod cat mewing the norma',
of fall eshilitiems?" Shisld the lis
tinction legatee% toe 'Ishii) load dis-
triet soecieties be 141,ol1shrd and the
SWIM t.•e receive their grants iii pro•
portion) to the amounts they expend
foe set . nitrate! pm poses?" -Should
tin 1.,.vernni•'nl want be withheld'
from .ncieties that permit gantry of 1
Chanel, at their exitihitions?" 'Shwa,'
the legialittiie hr esk.'d to vote a 811 •
Clan +uprmpr ill l inn to sseelet in 'temp
ing mit games of chance at Agriceol•
towel exhibit
(tying to the ilnpe+rtance of then
gtuljects thee.nsvention will last three
days instead of twit days as a+u il. Irl
delout rats have been see -need lever le
all th lailweys. a
The it•.•went for. West ilnrun was
aulj"urned lust Friday until next Fri-
day fur argument. The result is ex-
pected tie be it tie, lot ter definite
standing has yet been given.
orate l•Aitl+. Itetpsliten.
General merchants in Manitoba
towns tare staking hitter complaints
uve1• the quality of apples teeeited toy
them front l)ut:uiu shippers. Fruit
shipped to then) as flet -class, turns
out to be rehbtsh unfit to be Used in
any tray. The boots i v Times says:
"When in Winnipeg it few yea18 ago
at this time of the year we saw car -
Lands of apples ditiolosed of by auction,
the (elder being gled to get what he
could for thecal in that way. lei some
cases the fruit was so badly decayed
that the barrels were not more than
half full, and :apples that had been
bought for over a duller here, sold
there for St) cent:. This is an unfor-
tunate condition .1 things. fur .a net us -
silly 'a111141111' utarket fur Ontario
fruit is beieg 1 railed by the short-.igit-
ed greed of shippers, or the careless-
ness of packers. De:tlers say !het it
is next to iulpossille to get trust -
wen thy pie kere. l'he .hipper of cow se
cannot oversee the tilling of every
laurel, and there is nothing for it but
to trust to the foreman. Some means
must be found of laying the tesponBi-
bility ou the head packer, and making
hire the loser when the fruitturns
out to be of interior quality, or in a
bad condition from careless packing.
This is the only way to get the work
Albert Maxitu, after an nhsence of
three years at Arcolo, As -a., has re-
turned and is visiting friends here.
We are pleased to see hint in our midst
again, -Norman %Vork11nien has gone
to Clinton, where he has accepted a
position with the G•T.R. Norman wits
a general favorite here atld his tn:tny
friends wish hien every success. -Win.
Kain, of Iaungduu. N.D„ is here oti a
visit to his mother and other friends.
Joseph Couch, who bad the misfor-
tune a few weeks ago to fall and break
his armu, is, we are pleased to learn,
getting along as well as can he expect-
ed. -Mrs. Davy left it few days ago for
Clinton. where she intends making her
home with her daughter till spring. -
A number around here are suffering
from I.a grippe, but we are pleased to
state (bit they are all on the mend, -
Mr. Varley, Sr., after a three weeks'
illness, is ,able to be out again, -The
annual meeting of the Presbyterian
church was held in the basement on
Monday evening of last week and was
largely at tended. Encouraging reports
mer• presented by the pastor, the
treasurer of the ch(n•ch and the secre-
tary of the Sabbath school. After
transuetiug the usual business, Mr.
and Mrs. Connor, of Exeter. but late of
Chiselhurst, were made the recipients
of two very handsome easy chairs, by
the members and adherents of the
church. A very flattering address was
read by John Robertson, while A.
Swats read 1'. !tberh:irt Horde the pros-
, ',
Me. Commis t although cat
h tel- k(n
cot p
It Ltelyht•su �' e
► r pl is made •1 very
feeling reply in which he said that al-
though severing his conneetinn with
the congregation, he would always
have their best interests at limit. The
presentation over, the ladiesiof t he con-
gregal' , who cattl thoroughly equip-
ped for the occasion, treated the audi-
ence to the inviting contents of their
well filled baskets. After wishing Mr.
and .lis. Conner long life to enjoy the
fruits of their labor's in at well earned
rest. the meeting closed, all feeling
that they had spent a most enjoyable
News of the Week.
The population of Winnipeg is piec-
ed by the directory at 97,401.
Southern California is experiencing
the greatest rain storm in years,
Alts. Britton, wife of Justice. Britton.
died suddenly while proceeding to a
Mr. J. P. Whitney teats given it big
r'e'ception at Mut•risburg in honor of
his victory.
New York State's death rate last
year was 18.2 per thousand, the high-
est ever recorded.
The Hackney Society of Great Brit-
ain has granted medals to be awarded
at six leading horse shows in Canada,
Mr. H. W. Cresswell, a wealthy
cattle rancher, who died at Medicine
Hat. left ell his property to his broth-
er at Seafurth.
An insurrection has broken out in
Argentite' and it state of siege for
thirty days has been declared through-
ont the entire republic.
The total vote cast for Dowler. Lite
er•al. he South Oxford, according to
the ()uncial returns wail- 2,509; for Suth-
erland, 2.713, giving Sutherland a ma-
jority of 213. Sutherland polled 118
votes mere than did Mr. Schell, the
sua•essftel Liberal in the Dominion
i 1Velliugtuu Amy, of Sharon, is vis
Ing friends here.- Will Horton et
Miss M('Nevin, of Repprn, spent tie
day with the Misses Luxton,- M
Attie Rook spent Sunday in Exeter,-
( A loud of our young people drove to
Hut•undele Wednesday evening. All
Ireport it pleasant tiu►e.-1V. Dat•id-
sot► attended the carnival in Exeter
I Monday evening. -Mr, Jam's 1Vest-
icut 1. of Dougglas. Slane and his da►igh-
ter, Mrs. Richard Coates. spent Thurs-
day at the home of John Delhi idge, of
1% iuchelsea,
Ailsa Cru.g
;'1'he ggt•ocet•y husiuess of AlcKichiw
& ('..fMet has again changed mends.
W. I. ('Intl ier, who recently Fturcbas-
rd \!r, (!ray's interest in the husiuess
has sold out t1
o P. McKicha(n and the
new firm will be knuwu ae McKeehan
Brothers. -Johnston Alexander, who
has for many years, been in the em-
ploy of Alexander Bros., as blacksmith
lia8 purchased the blacksmithing busi-
nese of Chas. Grieve, next J. Ander-
son's carriage shop and will in futelt•e
conduct it. --1 %'e understand that. Mr.
Chas. Kerr, of Crediton, will start a
brick yard here in the spring.
The boys of S. S. No. 6, Usborne,
played a friendly game of footbrtll
with the boys of No. 3 on Friday of
last week. The game was clean
throughout and though it resulted in
a score of 3-1 in favor of the Winchel-
sea boys, the others played exception-
ally well -Mr. F. Durdle is spending
a couple of weeks with friends in St.
Thomas,- Miss Blanche Rooke is also
visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Switzer,
neer Kirkton•-Miss Gertie Murray
and brother, of Drysdale, returned to
their home after visiting relatives in
this vicinity for a week or two• -The
many friends of Mrs. Eccleson,of Lon.
don, were sorry to hear of that lrtdy's
death, which occurred on Sunday,
Jan.29tb. She was well known in
this vicinity as Miss Della Clarke. She
leaves a husband and infant child to
mourn her loss, -The Creamery Co.
has finished putting in their season's
ice. The ice is exceptionally good and
it didn't take long to secure the usual
SCHOOL RIlPORT.-The following is
the report of S.S. No. 6, Usborne, for
the month of January Names are in
order of merit. V. -Olive Berryhill,
Alden Johns, Cecil Camra. Sr. IV.-
Alnena Heywood. Willie Elford,Stan-
ley Coward. Special class for boy's. -
Charles Fletcher, Wilson Hawkins,
Nelson Goulds. Jr. IV. -Laura God -
holt. Jackson 1Voods, Nettie Campbell.
Sr. III. -Alma Johns, Lille Heywood,
Nella Heywood.
Jr. Room, Sr. Ili. -- Ella Veal, Hu-
bert Jones, Mary Cornish and Clarence
Cr•eery equal. Jr. IIi-Annie Wilson,
Ella Washburn, Earl Johns. Sr. 1I. -
Alex. Bert •hill, John Creery, Lillis
Godbolt. Jr. 1I. --Jennie Campbell,
John Brock. Part IL -Emma Hey-
wood. Part L -Alice Creery.
D. McDougall Teachers
Jean Campbell }
1Vluu. Downs spent Wednesdiiy in
London. -Miss Orale, is it visitor cat
the house of Dr. end Mrs. Orme.-V.
N. Squires, of Mitchell, has been its
charge of Mr. Fergttson's drug store
foe the past fete days. The latter and
his wife have been visiting in Mitchell.
--Misses Annie J. Wren and C. Shep-
herd have returned to their Moine u►
Henson, after it pleasant visit with
Mrs. J. S. \Veen. -.Colin Ilaskett has
accepted it position on the Merchants
Bank staff here. -Mrs. Jno• Byers is
here on a visit. -Rev. J. A. Ayyearst,
B.A., of this place; and Rev. Hobbs,
of Strathroy exchanged pulpits on
Sunday. --Mr. Marshall, who has been
here with his daughter, Aire. itobert
Collins, for the past month, has gone
on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. H.
Precinns, of Guelph. -in an exhibition
hockey match at St. Marys Tuesday
Lucien defeated the home team hy a
score of 4 to 0.
S. Hollinhoy, of Kincardine, has ac-
cepted a position with F. A. Edwards
as clerk. --Thos. Elliott has purchased
the hardware stock and premises of
Robert Ronan and will continue the
said bulginess. Mr. Rouatt intends
moving to Landon next. week. -Mr.
Alfred and. Miss Annie Elliott are me it
visit to friends in Toronto.- A very
rleasant and happy social was held in
t. Andrewe church the otherevening,
the proceeds amounting to a consitler-
ahle sum. During the evening Rev.
and Mrs. McNeil were called to the
manses where a party of young people
from Bethany awaited thele a1111 rondo
a resent,'tion of a lural of oats. The
talk et the manse appreciate very
much this renewed token of kiednees
and gotd will shown hy the people of
Bethany to their minister.
1Vttnn1Ne3.- One of those pleitsnnt
events which is looked forward to
ith expectancy, especially by the fair
x, took place here. on Tuesday when
is. C. L. Martin, a well-known resi-
nt Of this place, was nutrt•ied to Mr.
.ter (711 in of the Bronson line,
annoy. The cerentmny was perfet
by Rev. J. McNeil at high noon in
e presence of :e large number of in•
ted vuests. The- bride looked chasin-
g in n costume of grey crepe de chine
er drop skirt of silver ge ey, and ear-
s) at bouquet of white roses end lily
the valley. The hridesnnuid, Miss
•11le .Martin, of Toronto, teas beneiti-
Ily attired in a cream senile over,
ik. A. Armstrong. of Stanley, net- 1
as groomsman. After the eetl'neny
adjourned to the dining teem where
excellent dinner was pan•ttken of.'
The roost end tellies were hendsonely
decorated with smilax and earreetions.
Mr. atndS1t•s.(;ample!! left amidshow-
ers of rice and gran wishes for ('Tinton
to take the four ti elock train on their
honeymoon trip to ingersol, Milling-
ton and Toronto. The bride's travel-
ling gown was it handsome. brown can•
pas cloth trimmed with velvet. Ho-
tta( was of brown heater. The latge
nemhernf presents oat tried tot he high
esteem in which she is held. The
grontn'sgift to the bridesmaid wile a
handsome signet ring rend to the Stirs-'
es 1{nhy %Vhid(Iot,Jnsie (inlle s+itII and
('lata Era in. who attended the tables,
. beautiful stick pin each. Mrs. ('amp
I ell twill he at hewn.. to her teat ty
ftheels after Match 1st.
_ w
t• i
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
- t had s very bad ',, h for three )ears.
'Keir, 1 tried Aycr', ('h^rry redoes!. W cors
lur.,t. were soon healed and my Dough wessei
M as. rria.L tin" Oaths. Otters, 1
LCA �u=s.for
Old Coughs
re Ayers P111 at heel tirno Insterss
natural nctlun text morning.
1St Writ
Duncan McDonald, who has 11t -1 -*11
suffering from a severe at lark of quin-
sy, is convalescent.-- Chas. '\'utile has
,placed a handsome Karn organ in his
benne.- Miss Lizzie Carmichael is on a
visit to herauuL in St. Marys. -After
a several weeks absence in Isuuluu
Mies A. B Sadler has returned hero••.
-Mrs. Ed. Drake, who has been it t•ic-
tiil to la grippe•, is on the mend. A
number of others are also sutferiug
from the sante malady. We hope to
soon see them all around again.- altos.
F. D. Hutchinson is at Kitchell visit-
ing her farther, Mr. Bahia -Mrs. G.
Butson and Mrs. Heinbly have settee n -
ed from their visit to Seafut•th.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
they cannot reach the seat of the dis-
t.:de. Catarrh is a blood car constitu-
tional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the. blood 'and
mucous surface. Hall's ('atau•th Curt-
ureis not a quack medicine,. It was pre-
scribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years add is a regu-
lar tpt•esoription. It is composed of
the best tonics known, cunlbiued with
the heat blood puriflers,acting directly
en the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results
in curing Catarrh. Send for testimon-
ials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo,O.
Sold by druggists price 75c.
Take Hall's family Pills for constipa-
Miss Celia Thompson, of Shedden, is
a pleasant visitor at the home of the
Misses Doan. -Mere. Schrag, of Tavi-
stock, is the guest of her son, Cht•is.-
Aftera month's visit with friends in
London. Toronto and Brampton Miss
Minnie Doan returned hone Wednes-
day. -Harry Edighoffer has returned
to Detroit, after a few weeks' visit
with his parents at Blake. Messrs.
Horace and Oscar Knopp are on a visit
to friends In Tavistock and other pl8c-
es.-Henry Geiger, wife and two child -
ten, who have been on a few weeks
visit to friends in this vicinity, left
Thursday for their home near Cavalier
N.D.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry ltickbeil
and daughter, left for their home in
Hamilton,N.D., after some weeks' vis-
it with friends here. -Hay Council
convened in the Town Hall Monday.
-The property known as the Zeller
block, with dwelling and barn, being
part of the estate of the late Michael
Zeller, has been purchased by Samuel
Rennie for 21900, who gets possession
about the 1st of March. -Frederick
Benedict, it former Zurich boy, was re-
cently married to Miss Mae Conrad at
Toledo. Feed's many friends join in
extending congratulation to 11imseif
and estimable bride. -A few evenings
ago a pleasant surpt•ise party was held
et the house of Samuel 'Lennie, when
the male glluutetts presented the or-
ganist. Miss Lydia Rennie, with it
handsome cheroile table cover. The
gift was accompanied by an address
expressive of the most cordial feeling -
for the recipient by every member of
the quartette. After the presentation
the evening was pleasantly spent in
games, singing, 11)81 risune,st,ils and oth-
er aIetsenu'nts. When all had done
ample justice to a dainty repast which
wits prepared by the Lidice, all depart-
ed for ttheir respective homes well'
!!leased with the evening's enjoyment. '
Jacob Ort's many friends deeply sym-
pathize with him and his family in the
trouble they are nntlevgt+ing• In ad -
elation to losing his barn, 1000 ,bushels
of male, -I(K) bushels of wheat, 11 qua tit
of athe•rgt1ain and some implement:,
were nisei cons el. The loss will he
heavy and at such it time of the year
snakes things touch worse. .%lr. Ort
carried $800insier1vlre on the building
and $700 on contents in the Hay Fire
ittelll•ance Co., bot this will not corer
the loss by a large margin. But saddest
of all was the hoes of his l,t•mtht•r,.lolin,
who was burned to death. The theme.
of anicide is put forward, but this is
disctedite•d, as the man was in good
health and he was entnimttnbly well
off and had always been on the best of
terms with his brother and the mem-
bet•sof the family. Dt•.fitmhut•y, coro-
ner of Hayfield, was notified and he is-
sued a eer•tiflcate on Wednesday. The
funeral of the deceased was held on
Ft•idny to the Bronson line cemetery.
The Ogilvie Flour Mille Company
Limited rert•hely do things in the
right WAY. ['Mitre theiradver•tisemt•nts
of Royal Household Flour have nppevm-
ed in the newspaper•$, they have re-
ceived thrrl$nnde of testimonials from
woolen all over(`nnnan who hate used
Hoy:el Botsehold in their hone bak-
ing. These kind expressions of the
superioity of this Flour have leen
entirely voluntary on the part of the
sender•e, in order to slow their np•
preciation of this emu -test', (he Ogil-
vie Company have tend a very fine
painting reproduced in all the original
cohere and copies suitable for trauma"(
are being ,Haled to each ant' who has
sent in a teetimoninl.
It was a graceful way of eayinit
"thank von" end canned. fail to keep
o a•
H yap Hrnt a held Flour in pleasant
re r 1
m w a'tanre,
The reement of e ballots in the
Provincial eleetinn,n Pi ince Eelward
resulted in the majority of Dr. Currie,
Liberal, !wing increased to 9.
The servey•i•s for the. (hand Trunk
Pacific have discovered oro fewer than
nine passes through the Reeky Moan -
tains snit.tble for railway purpose.
where it bee pre .Iv hewn thought
that there were 11111)• 11tre1•.
The New Way
to make Bread
Send for the " Royal Household " Recipes—
they cost nothing—and may meat better
bread—better pastry—better baking gen-
erally for the rest of your life—think of what
that would mean to your family. If you
have never used the new Royal Household
Flour, there is a delightful surprise for you iu
the first batch of bread you bake with it—
just send a postal card for the recipes.
NANIAMO, A.C., Nov. th, apt.
I have been making bread For nearly
twent-five years, and Royal Household
Flour is the best 1 have had for either
Bread or Pastry
(Signed) MRS. ROST. ADAM.
(Incorporated 1,) .pct of Parliament 1,55)
Head Office,
Capital Paid try $3,000,000
Reserved Fund-. • • • , , , .. , • $3,000,000
„FF1('E ItOCRS: lit a. en. to 3 p- nL SATURDAYS, 10 a. 01. 10 1 p. 1,,.
Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Fot ins supplied oft application.
DRAFTS on al) points iu the Doneition, Great Britain and United
Suttee bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES Made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates end on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current tate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department, Deposits of SI end ,1)8)8018 rcecIcnl. luterIst com-
pounded half-%ealh sod old"! to principal June :I tt
and Ikreniber 31.1.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON et CARr.iNG, Solicitor:. N. D. II ('i:DON, \i,au:tgl r.
her 1 �.
gusincss' ((,
lonoora ti)
Each pupil is given 1:t-
'iividual Instruction,
The Shorthand Syeter,
taught is that used by 1x:1
nettspaper a:.'I court re•
nest systems of Rock -
keeping, 1'enivaariiip, Arille-
.-.et:e• e: t c . , thoroughly
.tuatitre guarantee.'
to (Sery (,ru.lnate.
t tiALoot6 1141.7.
Wm. C. C o 0
OffacJtl� ',NPGR,ptER+ � A�
water St ringer, of St. Alae ys, h as
accepted it position on the Parkhill
Post.- Henry Lovett has Fold out his
produce business to it St. Marys' 110111,
Who will take possession itt the end of
this seasme's egg business. We undo --
mend that it ie Mr. Le•vett's intention
ie. go west, for a ti ip,- %%'bile engaged
in adjusting et ow wheel nil the cylin-
der pleas Thursday evening the editor
.1 the Punt gut his index finger of Itis
left lined into the cogs and it was bad-
ly mangled, -Jos. W. Skinner has the
ere sympaathy of his many friends
in his bereavement. he lowing lost his
met her noel a1 si$te•t••iu•laty, during the
past few dove. --N. M. i)aly. who has
Ise', eta the staff of the flank of Cone -
mere, here for the 11.181 few years, left
thin week for the n,prthtwest where he
will net 88 ntetnager of a new branch
wheel) Ilio bink is np.•ntug t11. -re.
i)aly rind family a 111 remain here fur
n,.e Bela'.
1)ievrit. -The home' of Sirs. Vine,
Town lite, w,us s"ddrioed nn S lav
wheel h.•1• dnnghte•r, Lucinda ('online,
•.care relied 1m meet leer Maker. at the
a( 1t
/ i
'The rimer,
took pl+o.•
rnesnay to (la•Ianrr•y'.r. 111
.•tory. 7th cern., 11t(lilli'r.as. -Net 1.••
tally nuexp.•eteel w•as tile deal ho11 :41111-
(INy.of Jli.s Elizabeth Iite•, .11tlghtrt•
of Wm. 1Valiaee. 1)ee...-,el hoe 1(111)
ill for ante• time end since the f,uailt
moved hack here froth Owen Stoned
sti.n,' l hree ills ago, hie !wen 1 t11(e•
ill. The fenera1 tank glare on W. el-
mesdny to the Par khill cemetery.
%V F•Dnen. --A vet v peel l y wedding
woes (whew/elect et St. Colombia chinch
('entre Ituad. un 'ruesdr,y mor g.
Jan. 31st, Miss Annie SIt•ltae, Ease
%Vdila ms,was united in Marl beget wit le
Angus It. Ale mesh. Istit con. The
e•I' Y' v ev.e. i 1
1, f �, nuvl cal 115 o'rlerk
by Rev. Father SI. law. of Geer' 4. h.
uncle of the In i.{.% i1, the prteevn•e of
the he: edi,,te ielalives of the comets.
Mist Mary Melees sister of the bride,
made a eery pretty and t•flleient I t ides
maid. a bile. tlie. 1l-. 'nn to as nth tided
tey his brother. Roderick McIntosh.
At the conclusionmf 1111' c.•renuaay the
wilding patty drove (e the bride',
limns(• while as must &linty wedding
dinner was 5.1•1 V1 (I. A 11 rept iun in
their boner was held the s, • eten-
ing atnd the house was the with
tene•sts who c pi keel th • h:eppy gathe
erittg. Mr. and Mts. Mrdnro-li ttele
the recipients of soiree of haind-nn.e
and costly presents and their new
haute me the 18th con. will remodel
malty 1•entenubrancesfemru kind friends
far send near.
NOON4fNIk0CPO 11O0f OOQO41f411N
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Wheat (old)
1 Ui
•, t0
Oats :cat :(R
Pees a o t 2
('otnlues. pet hag. -a- 75 !d)
flay, pee teat! 7 1n) k 11)
F lnlr, Iyer (•%%t... (niftily '' `.)
Foo, 1..w• grade per cwt 1 2' 1 ",i
Butter 12
Kegs 20
Live lofts, per re( 1 00
i)ressed il..g,. A 72i 6 00
Shorts per tun 20 rei :•0 00
Risen per ton l:, IM) 16 10
'ren keys, per Ih.... 12
(teexe 8
novice 8
('hi.•ken 7
Willi A IIDIPe 3
.101 t leSe 001141t1 ***11! 4.***WA* 9.4*****9 iff0,414.Ale WAO
Ma mw Marl:7D INC al TMEit, SI 1
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It.
ALT.". 1:1121LicrimicixemirA1'D I L 1L.ial MO.
64141148,41414041 4141404M14 05414,41**** 414.* 41441* '!Et!lt*******4 ***it***