Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-09, Page 3STOMACH TROUBL'I:. BEGGARS IN INDIA.
Change in Public Opinion May
The Agonies of Indigestion Can be Lessen Their Numbers.
Cured By Dr. \\ilitat,s' Pink
Pills. The beggar nuisance is a very
common one in India, and the m-
all over the land there are people deut•ors of the police in the large
whose lives bad been made miserable cities to put it down have caret with
through the pangs of indigestion, only a limited treasure of success.
who have been restored to the en- i This is no doubt due to the fact
joylnent of health through the use that Indian opinion is retnarknbly
of Ur. Williunis' ''ink Iritis. One of tolerant tov'artl sturdy ln•gg1trs,
these is Mr. Win. Moore, of Welland. especially if they wear the guise of
Ont. Mr. Moore is the manager of
the electric light plant in that town.
and stands high in the estiuttltion of
the citizens. lie says: "!t is really
a pleasure to speak in favor of Dr.
religion. But there is reason to
believe that a wholesome change is
coming over public sentiment in
this as in so many other matters.
There were about five millions of
Williams' }'ink Pills. For four years beggars in the country at the time
prior to 1 90 I suffered great tor- of the last census. and nearly one-
ture front indigestion and stomach Lith of the number were classed as
trouble. I could not eat solid food religious mendicants. The number,
without experiencing {;rent agony. large as it is, represented a do -
and for over two years 1 had to re- crease of about 7 per cent. from
sort to a milk diet. 1 had grown that at the previous centttis, and the
emaciated and was almost unfit for
active tork I was treatedd
decline has been attributed
tors and took advertised medicines,to the comparatively heavy mortal -
but without any lasting benefit. One 1 ity among them during the famine
day a friend urged cafe to try 1)r. i years. But, says tho report. "it is
Williams' }'ink }tills. I begantheir 1 It" partly attributed to tate spread
use, but I neist confess that it WAS of education and tho consequent
without much hope that they would
cure me. After taking a couple of
boxes I could see an improvement,
and this gave me encoura.etnent. I
continued using the pills until I had
taken eight boxes, when I was com-
pletely cured and able to eat any
kind of food 1 desired. I shall al-
ways praise 1)r. Williams' fink Pills,
as they saved me from such misery
as only a dyspeptic knows. I might
edit that my wife has also used the
pills for trot'tbles that afflict her sex,
and has been fully restored to
• }dad blood, poor blood, watery
blood, is the cause of nearly every
ailment that afflicts mankind. it is
because every dose of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills make new, rich, red blood
that they have such wonderful power
to cure such ailments as Indigestion,
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia. St.
Vitus dance, heart troubles, kidney
and liver troubles, and the special
ailments of women, young and old.
But you must get the genuine pills
with the full name "Pr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People," on the
wrapper around each box. Sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at
50 cents a box or six homes for $2.-
bO by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Phrenologist was in the habit of
inviting people of different avoca-
tions to come upon the stage, and
hu would dilate upon tho peculiari-
ties of their cranial construction.
Ile had come to that portion of his
lettere where he dealt with the crim-
l' inn' form of the cranium, and ad-
dressed the audience:—
"11 there is any person present
who at any time has been the In-
mate of a prison he will oblige me
by coming upon the tlatform."
A heavily -built man responded to
this invitation. .••
"You admit that you have been in
prison, sir?"
"I have," was the unblushing an-
"Would you kindly tell us how
many years you have spent behind
prison bars?"
"About twenty years," unhesitat-
ingly replied the subject.
"Dear, dear!" exclaimed the pro-
fessor. "Will you sit down, please?"
The subject sat down in a chair
In the centro of the stage. The pro-
fessor ran his lingers rapidly
through the hair of the subject.
"'''his Is a most excellent speci-
men. Tho indications of a depraved
chorncter are very plainly marked.
The organs of benevolence and
esteem are entirely absent; that of
destructiveness is developed to an
abnormal degree. I could have told
instantly without confession of this
n,an that his life had been erratic
and crrininal. Wtiat was the crime
for which you were imprisoned?"
"1 never committed any crime,"
growled tho man in the chair.
"But you said that you had been
an inmate of a prison for twenty
"I'm the governor of the gaol."
The little ones are frnil. 'Choir
*hold upon life Is slight. No symp-
tom that indicates any of the little
ailments of childhood should be al-
lowed to pass for a moment without
proper attention. The little ail-
ment may soon become n serious one,
and then it may be too late to save
n precious little life. if Baby's Own
'1'nlrlets are keptin the house, the
danger of serious trouble can be
averted, and the minor troubles
promptly cured. An occasional 'Tab-
let to tete well child mill prevent ill-
ness. Tho 'I'nblets are absolutely
sere and contain no poisonous sooth-
ing stuff—they give children henithy
sleep, simply !we:vise they banish the
cause of sleeplessness. Mrs. F. 11.
Bishop, I.awrencetown, N.S , says:—
"1 have found ilaby's Own Tablets
Just as you represent them—the very
best of medicine for young children."
You can get the Tablets from drug-
gists or by mail at 'a cents a box,
by writing the I)r. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville. Ont.
Pedlar—"My dear sir, do you know
h,,u much tithe you lose dipping a
sett into ink? Ten dive a tninuto
tio.808 six hundred dips an hour, or
thousand Blips in ten hours; and
I h dip consumes—"
:'iness Man—"Yoe, 1 know. 1
• figured it all out.''
,•,Ilnr—"And yet I find you still
•ng in the old way."
I' •�iness Man—"Yes; I am using
the fountain pen you sold the about
a month ago—using it in the old
*IV iwa,iso it won't write In arty
other way."
I'e,finr--"flog pardon; I'm in the
Rtong office. Good -day.
weaker hold which the so-called as-
cetics have on the imagination of
the people," it being much less easy
than it was formerly for tho mem-
bers of the various begging com-
munities to unloose the parse strings
of the people.
'i'here is, happily, reason to be-
o-lieve that the changed feeling among
the educated classes is filtering
clown to the lower levels. This evil
is not confined to one particular
community or religion. It is as
rampant among the Muhosnetans as
among the Iiindoos. The Asar Ja-
did, an ably conducted vernacular
paper published in Upper India,
dealing with the questions of social
reform among Mahomebans, has been
forcibly calling the attention of
its co -religionists to the necessity of
a reform in their notions of charity.
Love leaps over the lines of liking.
The empty head needs a haughty
A frozen heart does not make a
stiff back.
The Sunday suit never made the
Monday saint.
Worry is the worst wolf that comes
to our doors.
As soon as you aro proud of your
humility It dies.
The more helpful the deed the
more holy tho day.
Burdens may be the ballast that
saves the ship.
Trickery in the pulpit will not lead
the pews into truth.
Many are willing to lose this
world—by swallowing it.
A little sorrow may teach more
than many sermons.
Kickers hide the best things in Life
In the dust they raise.
Canned charity may feet} tho hun-
gry, but it cannot fill the heart.
The gloomy church is likely to bo
filled with tombstone saints.
The great thing is not so much
to fill the pet's as to fill the people.
The man with a big sign of stt(nt-
hood usually has something to hide
behind it.
'I7ne people in the primary of life
are always the first to show the
graduates how to do it.
It is a good deal easier to stir up
a hornet's nest than It is to find
the right place to crawl into.
A little sympathy that gets into
our feet is worth a whole lot of
sorrow that never soaks deeper than
our feelings.
Serntonn are commonly supposed to
bo nuelicinat to the mind of both
compounder and congregation; but
there was one which, if the minis-
ter's servant was right, was an ex-
ception. Ono Sunday morning the
late !tee. Ducnchat, of Connecticut,
arose feeling decidedly 111. After a
(utile attempt to eat breakfast he
called an old favorite colored ser-
vant to him, -and said:—
"Sam, go around and tell Sim-
mons"—the sextan—"to post a
notice on the church door that I am
too 111 to pre:tch to -day."
"Now, (neer," said Samuel,
"don't you gib up dat way. Just
gib hint a triol; you get 'long all
The argument resulted in the min-
ister's determination to try it. ile
preached as usual, and after service
returned to the house. looking much
"}lot' you feel, mussel" said Sam-
uel, las he opened the door.
"'tet ter— h better, Satn. I'm
glad 1 took your advice."
"I knew it! I knew it!" said Sam-
uel, grinning from ear to ear. "I
knew you'd feel better when you get
dat sermon out o' your s; stem!"
The town of Ept'rnay. In 1•Ynnce, is
it vest sultterrnnenn city, the streets
for miles and miles being hewn out
of the solid chalk. flanked with piles
o' champagne of all blends and
quf.lities. There Is no iight in this
labyrinth of streets. crossings, aril
turnings. except that which the sput-
tering candler; (Wold. All is (lurk
and damp, with the therntnrneter
down about zero. The largest /:atsn-
pagtre nulnufacturers in Epernay
possesses underground cellars which
cover no less than forty-five acree.
anti contain 5,000,000 bottles of
The accepted design for the new
Austrian five -kroner bank -notes.
which will be shortly feinted. is re-
merkable for the picture of an un-
usunlly beautiful child's bend. which
forms its chief ornitineltt. The model
foe this hend was the son of Triad
1•'r:nr .1. sof Mihail. whom the artist
env one day 1n the street. anti with
Mne,len the ►niltvn}-dations at whose ',entity he was so much struck
^ ch meals are s'rte h ore known la that he asked for the ch}id's bate.,
t'' sears, I.t t se'l;t;ostivo picture of anti obtained th•• parents' pennie-
s ',,teed knife and fork opposite siren to snake a dins lsg of him for
it., bailie of 1'13 K.ati.•n. i th's purpose.
Case of a Windsor Man Who Suf-
fered Two Years Before he Dis-
covered the Right Remedy.
Windsor, Ont., Feb. 6.—(Special).
'low quickly Rheumatism and
Dropsy can bo cured when the right
medicine is used is shown in the cuso
of Mr, Jno. McDonald, a retired
farmer living at 130 Langlois
Avenue here. Mr. McDonald says:
"For two years I was troubled
with Dropsy. My legs were terribly
swc,llen, amt though I triad many
medicines nothing gave me any re-
lief till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Two boxes of there cured me so
completely that I have had no re-
o-turn of the diseases In years."
Rheumatism and 'Dropsy are caus-
ed by the poisons disordered kid-
neys fall to strain out of the blood.
Cure the Kidneys with Docld's
Kidney Pills, and the cured
Kidneys will remove the cause
of the Rheumatism or Dropsy.
Without cause there can be no dis-
Tho wooing had progressed splen-
didly. It bad even progressed to a
point where she had been won—that
is, ostensibly won. It she proved to
be a truthful girl, she would in time
be his wife. It she were not truth-
ful—well, no man wants a wife who
is not truthful. That's the way same
men console themselves when they
fall to marry.
But she seemed to be truthful, and
as he drew her closer to him ho
"And when we are married, dearest
we will have the happiest home in
all tho wide, wide world!"
"Yas, George," she replied.
"There can never be a harsh word
in our hone."
"No, George."
"And when I comp home tired and
worn out with work at the office and
the worries of business, you'll be
kind to me?"
"Y -o -s, George."
"1 knew you would. You'll soothe
me and put n.o in better hurnor?"
"Y -e -s; but, I say, George!"
"Yes, dearest."
"Why shouldn't yo'u
this yourself?"
"Why, darling--"
"Yes, that's all right. Ilut to
come right down to business, as papa
says—why shouldn't you also be kind
to nie when things go wrong? I
don't want to do it all, you know.
You're not looking for a private
nurse, are you?"
"Why, Mabel!"
"When the cook leaves unexpected-
ly to go to the bedside of her soc-
onil cousin, you might bo just a
trifle considerate, you know."
"}low strangely you talk. pet!"
"Well, they say I'm papa's girl,
you know, and 1 notice when anyone
tries to stake a bargain with him
he generally gets some stipulations
to his own interest put in, just as
a precaution!"
(leorgb and Mabel have now been
married exactly five years and three
months. and at the moment of going
to press have never had a single
do a little of
An English traveller stood looking
at the glories of tho Yosemite for
the first time. He had Journeyed 3,-
000 utiles to sec the wnmderful val-
ley. ilefore him in solemn grandeur
res,' the Cathedral }tock, the 'Three
llrothers, and the Sentinel })orne.
The Bridal Veil falls, dissolving in
a feathery mist as the waters de-
scended the tremendous precipice, lit
up with vaned tints the sombre ma-
jesty of the scene; while 1:1 Capitate
mighty, overpowering, unapproach-
able, seemed to frown sternly over
nil. The traveller because conscious
he was not alone. At his rade.• ap-
pnrently lost in wonder, stood n
stronger, looking at the ntarvellous
sames ile addressed the stranger:—
"Is not this stupendous'?"
The stranger bowed his head. as if
he felt the inability of words to de-
scribe his emotions.
"Do you think," pursued the tra-
%slier, "that this terrific gorge was
(-tweed by some Tit Lillie upheaval
from below? Or is it the result of
glacial action? What are your
tri( %vs. if any. na to—"
"31y views," blandly interposed
the strancer, openiug 0 brig he cnr-
rie•1 in his hand containing photo-
graphs. "tire only one dollar fifty
cents n dozen. and cheap nt twice
the money. Permit we to show you
a few samples."
---.4 —
"Yes, (Tillie," she said, with a fond
smile. "our engngetnnnt must he kept
a secret." "Ilut why, dear?" he ask -
eel. "Because, silly boy, 1f it were
mode public, peopic would think 1
really intended to marry you."
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap.
1 a lands for (;ale, ail located In the
fatuous Wawanesa district. Tho Souris
Valley is the garden of Manitoba and
the li•awaiu'.a District is the Garden of
the Sours. Valley. These harms aro for
sale at reasonable: prices and on good
terms. all located near markets, schools
and churches. Write for lists and fur-
ther particulars to the Souris Valley
Land Company, Wawanesa, Manitoba.
fruit and dairy farming in the
best climate in Canada, no irrigation.
Apply to J. O. McCallum, salmon
Age. 11. U.
farms for sale; near Yorkton,
Assiniboia; on crop payments. James
Armstrong, 4 Richmond street east,
If the efforts of certr.in parties are
successful, the farmers of Canada
will have to face a very unjust and
burdenscane tax. A movement is on
foot to have fence wire, which has
for a number of years been admitted
into the country duty free. put on
the dutiable 11At. The grades
sought to be affected aro galvanized
iron or steel wire No. 9, 12 and 13.
Practically none of these are made
in Canada, and since enormous
quantities are used each year in re-
placing the primitive rail structures
and enclosing prairie farms, the in-
jury that a duty would impose upon
tho rural conununity could not bo
readily estimated.
Since the admission of wire duty
free, Canadians have enjoyed the
benefits of cheap fencing of a very
desirable kind. This has not only
vastly improved the appearance and
value of hundreds of farm houses,
but it has added immensely to the
comforts of winter travelling over
roads that were formerly very often
impassible on account of snow block-
ades. To put a check upon this
sort of iniprovemeet by a tax that
could work only injury to the rural
population without benefit to any
other class of the people would bo
indeed u serious matter. Besides
working an injury to the fanner,
the fence -manufacturing industry
would be demoralized. To increase
the cost of wire, both fence produc-
tion and consumption would ho re-
duced. and farmers everywhere
throughout Canada v'ould be hin-
dered in making improvements upon
their farms.
Standing jokes aro common enough
but whoever heard of a sitting one?
What about the young loan who
sat down on his sweetheart's new
hat and warbled: "I'm sitting our
the style, Mary?"
'''here is no meiticine on the market
that can comvaro with !tickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup in expelling from
the system( the irritating germs that
colds engender in the air passages. It
Is suicide to neglect your cold. Try
the cheap experiment of ridding your-
self of it by using pickle's Syrup,
which 18 a simple remedy. easily taken
and once used it will always bo prized
as a sotereIgn medleine.
Among fentnle Moors birthday cel-
ebrations are unknown. A Moorish
woman confiders it a point of honor
to be absolutely ignorant of her age.
Xinard'e Liniment Cures Diphthoria
Indignant Subscriber—"I say, look
here, you know, what do you mean
by announcing the birth of my tenth
child under the heading of 'Distress-
ing Occurrence'?" Editor—"IM.nr.
dear! I hadn't noticed it; that must
be the foreman's doings; he's a mar-
ried (nun himself."
Prevent disorder.—At the first Flynn..l
toms of internal disorder. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets. taken before going to
bed, followed by doses of ono or two
pills for two or three nights in succes-
sloo. will serve as a preventive of at-
tacks of dyspe Asia and all the thscotn-
forts which f01110.,it ill the train of that
fell disorder. The means are simple
when the way Is known.
"Yee" weld the young student,
thoughtfully, "when I get interested
1n a subject 1 never slop until I
have embraced it thoroughly."
"That's nice," was the hesitnting
reply. "Do—do you think I'm an in-
teresting subject?"
The publisher of the best Farmer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
%tilting to us states:
"1 %tauld say that f do not know
of n medallic that has stood the
test of time like MINAItD'S I.iNI-
Mi•:NT. it has been an unfailing re -
wetly in our household ever since I
can remember, and has outlived
dozens of would-be rolapetitors sod
"Your little boy neenl8 to have
his father's nose, Mrs. Wibhleton."
"Oh. no. 1t looks that trey because
he fell yesterday and bumped it on
an iron chow -chum car, poor little
Po het i)elny.—tl'Iren, through debili-
tatcd digestive organs. poison finds its
Deny into the blood the prime consider-
ation Is to get the poison out as rapid-
ly aril ns thoroughly as possible. Ire.
lay may mean disaster. l'armelee's
Vegetable Pills still he found a most
aatunble end effective medicine 10 as -
.nil the intruder with. 'They never
jail They go at once to the sent of
the trouble and work • permanent cure.
Afd 411-U-41 C
1/U/ le411/ ha al41'
44t46 ;11A,4‘41-4
.eiete, (lea,
We can handle your poultry filth
ohm or droved to beat advantao.
Also your butter. eget, ham, wad
ether pasduaa
0 .. tMMtt Na.lest and eMt s a$ sew. TOltoettIL
sole owners and licensees of all patents and
rights on
The World Famous
Its violation of our Canadian Patents, as imitating ereant
separator called the "Uneeda" has in some localities been of-
fered for sale and suits at law are now pending against the
manufacturers thereof. Under the law a USER of these in-
fringing machines is also liable for all darnage>i resulting to the
patentee through his use thereof. We hereby inform you that
in buying or using one of these so-called "UNEEDA" separa-
tors you not only get a very inferior separator, incapable of
giving you such results as youehould,J�lfve. but you buy a law
suit with all its expensive attendance and with a practical cer-
tainty of the early loss of the machine and a verdict of heavy
damages against you.
That you may be fully Informed on the
subject before becoming involved write to
The Sharples Separator Co., West Chester, Pa., U.S.A.
IngUiries may also be made from our solicitors.
Masten, Star & Spence, Toronto, Can.
During a icsson on the anitnal
kingdom the teacher asked if anyone
could give an example of an animal
of the order of edentata—that is,
one which is without teeth. "I can,
cried Tommy, his face beaming with
the pleasure of assured knowledge.
"Well, what is it?" said the teach-
er. "Grandpa," ho shouted.
Lever's Y-'. (Wise Head) Disinfect -
Rut Soap Powder is better than
other powders, as it is both soap
and disinfectant.
When the devil can't find any oth-
er way to make trouble he has a girl
marry a pian to reform him.
kinard's Liniment Cares Colds, Sa
When a girl keeps on buying more
underclothes than she needs it is a
sign she is going to be married.
It Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.—
For paint; in the 'mete and limbs and
for rheumatic pains. neuralgia and lum-
bago, lir. Thomas' Edcctrlc Oil is
without a peer. Well rubbed In, the
skin absorbs it and it quickly end per-
manently relieves the affected part. Its
value Iles In Its tnagis property of re-
movingpain from the body, and for
that good quality it is prized.
Amanda—"i)o you remember ten
years ago when you confessed your
love for ane, how cruelly I refused
you? I'm older now, and I think
dili.'rently." Algernon—"Wel l—or—
ao do 1."
Ter Ostr Aisle Veers
YRa. Wn,., nw • SOOT ersn Start b•ll b..11tee t♦
mllllon. of motho, re to 15.1' catidrse while t..thiai.
luno:beakerhlld, soft.ne the gum.. Rilar.,.io, earn
wl.deolle.r.n,l.ttr.tMetomaca and bowel., .ndls q.
M.lr.n,edr for DIsrrb,e► r.-otr-nr. ant.. bout.
sold try druggist -a ttrou•bout t5. world. Be ear. .al
•tato,"Pas W,saLO.'.$OorulweIlrint." LI -13
"Do you think Miss {Yen!thy cares
for you at all'(" "{Pell, l think she's
beginning to care n little." "What
makes you think that?" "Why. the
lost time i called she only ynwned
twice. find two week', ago I counted
five yawns in one evening."
To retire rO yell !Tse flit
('hi,Ns Ointment Un certain
and el>volute rare for twit
amt every form of itching
ble.dingnnd i•rotruling plies,
he manefacturer have Ruse, aired it. See! iv+
itnonlalain thedaih prcsssnd nek ) our ',cub.
rant whatthe7,tbtek e' le. Yen ran use it and
tet tour trainee back if not mired. Me a box, al
1ldealersorEDMassox.italEA& 1O.,Toronto
Or. Chase's Ointment
Perhaps the most perfectly gowned
royal lady in Europe is Queen Alex-
andria. Iler Majesty Inherited the
talent from her mother, the Into
Queen of Denmark, anti her car1:,
training taught her to understand
whet Is becoming. Not only is Iler
Majesty unerring in her good taste
when choosing what is suitable, but
she in also able to triol her own hats
and bonnets, and often makes some
subtle change in the headgear sent
to her. This gives It an originally
not seen in the work of the paid
"How many years have you been
(tenth'" said a gentleman to an
Irish beggar Hifi 11. "l'i'e years lost
St. John's Eve. pl•'nae your honor."
nnswvroa the nt.•telicant. completely
taken oil his guard by the question. !
For the Winter
The "Land of Sunshine,
Fruit and Flowers."•
Round trip tourist tickets
on sale daily.
Yount Clemens Sineral Baths"
Situated on direct line of Grand
8t. Catharines Mineral Springs
Those who need a rest should
spend a few days or weeks at this
delightful resort. '}est of hotel ac-
For tickets and fall Inforpnation
call at any Grand Trunk Ticket Of-
A SEED Titoutn T.
Amusements are to religion like
breezes of air to the name—gentle
ones wi11 fan It, but strong ones
will put it out."
iir)ord's liniment Cures Gard m CONS
A man who knows enough to make
his living is never thought as much
of as the genius who can't.
Der of the greatest blessings to par-
ents is Mother (troves' Worm Extermin-
ator. It effectually expels worms and
gives h"n;th In a marvellous manner to
the lit( ie one
Only tt,oso who have hail experience
C(111 tell the torture corns cause. Pala
'rah y , lr hoots on, pain with them off
—i.nu, night and day; but relief Is sure
to those who use Holloway's Corn
f' it Jishcr—"1 can't see anything is
that manuscript of yours." Strug.
gling Author—"I presume not; but,
you know, seine of your readers
rimy be more intelligent."
Yinard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Mrs. i•:npcck-1 notice hero in the
paper that n young girl confesse(
that she has been in the burglar;
business for a long time.
1•:npeck (recklessly)—So doubt eh(
inherited the tendency from e. moth-
er who was in the habit of snaking
nightly journe3:t through her hes-
t anti's pockets.
La grippe, pneumonia, and Inflc-
enta often leave a nasty cough
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglect.
Cure it with
TIN Lung
Cure Toni
The cure that is gnarantced by
your' druggi't.
IV -et: S. (' Wat.ta A C'�. Y7
"_`c !A;• SI LeRoy,N.Y..Totnnto.Cen.
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