Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 7AmommomFurimmillig
1 :-j-i-:-i f :"}'i i -i �-i• }•S 1i•t�hf`: i' 111 t •,1 in some cases. 'I'i:o cult 1,: t c(nunande<t by t:un(•ral Nodtu and ' BUSINESS AT MONTREAL.
, 1 h( ca" L •�rrll «ON BY THF JAPS apanese us the 'Yoko_ � HE WORLDS h1A KItETS ,� , . , ,
a s olio + *1 e(1 het h 1 1•
$$ itvuriublt rul!e(I ' 1 ..0 rte . au. ;ll. -No. 2 eel"
•y • - j , i r , ,:: the et . or s hail -j — sham Arn,y, from its having • land •d
known to the J
( blare, Its r,u luta, at 43;c, salt No.
;• !' ^1/4 --•� 1 (untied the du`, and the dairy AFTER A FIERCE AND BLOODY ut that point wee m q «1'1 1 REPORTS FRO:d THE LEADING 3 at •12;c to tate Flour -\tootling
,,, � .I. form «ns quite n nuuunent feature. CONFLICT. t'ttnring in a northwesterly direction: ,,•
ai 1 •in co-operation with ('omens! Kuruki' TRADE CENTRES. patents. 35.80. arid strung bakers',
T 1
A1C Ci�'IIl
�• ore t ,at a <•eu.tury the tutor o)
r tt tt a a( -
t :e two counties have• beet unutl3;a' i Su11:lri;u of the Struggle in who 11nited at 1' -n •-boon ehrn • (retro $5.50; high ()tturtu bleated patents,
1 tallied, and the breed meveil by t• Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, 813.75 to $5.1(0 in wood, choice !)U
artful select lees. It is cluirned that Which Japan Ras Triumphed Sley 11 until Jou 6 20 while !Sothis
iu 1'•ity,n up to the present the1 Over Russia.
( and Other Dai PtJ(IUCe per rout. patents,
was slowly getting into position. y :;i.5u to >F:,.tit► in
at Huuus and Abroad. 1 wood. and 2'5c pet barrel less in
4,44÷1.1,44.44++++++,144.4,14 bre e..Inb of the Rol fulls is confined g • 1 t JAI'S (:f:Nl:itAi. PLAN. tippor,' ncty hugs: slruigitt r„il,rs.
A Igneu ut the alai will shote , the Toromo, Jan. al. -Nu. 2 white' •,
'l it" 1-"" 1•;xj,e . tr 'etit" Stathm car3i s t" i/ tau counties.l(t ti the enormous advanta eo uit,e•ll by general plat of 1ha Japanese $- .uU to A2.5:,, and 35 to 50r e%tra
1,: alio ti,c Mei fulls are nholL b 6' 81rul'gJ'. th.vclore, nus that while an:! Ind 1lfuler tooted at 31.04 to it. wood. Hutlii outs -32.05 t. ,'..-
11..! oil ,( test tettir steers am/ heti Japan• adynut41gcs which, if thew ono great=1.05 ut outside points. No. _ r)•, , t
Drs as to cost of grain., and then '„iae(uy bet wren fihurlhorns and the are rc toluol!, will enable her to irrr- army of nearly 90,000 teenper bag of ►u lt.r ., $1.::• • ,u
sol.! the animals together, ((alotti - t (,. t""" .\s deal purpose cattle was moving south against Port Ar- � seg �+oted ut K7 to BLIc east, and 1.1:; in barrels. i 1'etin1_( u,o
that la hlt h , labile to bulb !Wilk hose her oleo torus on Russia, sa}s (' i I,no at ,7 east. east? ubt►
the carcasses atter they «rrc dres,e.l J the Lon;lon tail:• I'eleseu(pb. Al- thine there 03 het totalling over u . bran, in hulk $17 to $17.5,1, • : into,
and git )ng rho rci;ults obtuiucd. 'I'Lte owl bref th.•c ace spy a front rank, q 141: t,•r of a million men. moving on «heat is steady. No. 1 Norther•,(, y ,) oft;
realty the wl•ulr o, Korea is in ,In b , 2 .l• to $. Manitoba 1'rtut, In
reeort made of this teat 3s as tut- Ik's tIa.tlk 'hi cii qua ity, qu+u►ti- , n fru„, ilesc,'i Ing roughly a great belong at 31.u.t; Ii u.,No,thern a( 317 to >rltl; stouts. ;t_l. Beats; tics tl•) is rich in quo of t* and „t p+tnesohands. tort Arthur •has tut serol circle, ttrrc cunver.;irlg on Liao_ $1.05, uncl Nu. a Northern itt 1►9c, (•
h.'1:r ,
lu«s: len and an enormous oroportion ofprime, :SI to 31..!:, es
In the lbs, trial one lot of steers, the same titue (Ile omaking lythe richest ,ort of SIunchurin lots yang' Kitruki in the rust, uuuung; the Grurgiu1* Ility party. ".111,N.1,1118.
:r1,i,Iiu)g 311 "'del. 1+1.:33 to v:l.:71 in cur luta.
ono lot ..f r; good carcass of !beef. g They seem ! mounts tis, wits slush (hiving.Iu trunsil p,!1,11. -‘.”
ices are tit: trimly those !'rut s,,,ns-11ca1'v Cunudiati Aiort
'payed heifer's and one lot well whit:tett to grazing in a mild been comp! 1 •'y «•.-sled Ir..,n „3,11.1: the litise un 1.•it flank. In the ntre 43ueted- cut pork, 316.50 to 317.50; light
w upll Ile Sh were used. They climate'. and can lima the rigor.; lauds of the enemy. Uhen the lsG.mr,a! Nod u, frith the '1'nku-sham (r+ttY \u. 2' white y0ultxl ut allb
were all gru:fu Shorthorns, as nearly ,hut was fired at !'ort Arthur .)npnn SIh('rt cut, $113.50 to $17; Aweriettn
alike it; ureedin• of our northern eei,eers fully better Arnry, anti clearing ttro coon( ry of to ;3:)r nail, and at :1:, to :tS:c 1ua (.{that cul tat hacks, 530; compound.
b and development than the moil of lite breeds. They 'lid not hold It foot of the territory the Hessians as he adttteced, while ((e'rttles. No. 1 ebite is dearly at iota, li to 743 Cat ,.!'
In possible. There were Ilya animals stature under 3.,tucable conditions which 1h,e 111413) now indicates to b. in( out Initl, til
In each lot. The las «Ire fed and about as <urlJ as the other iu1- 1 u by step 811, l:rnerul Oku. with the largest force, a3; to 3(;t en,. to 710: kettle rendercal, 81 to 91e;
in her possession. lite mecca U , Merles -Nu. 2queue! at 40c mid -
proved 111 tllo saute manner. Seven proved breeds. Considering(hot it I atoll the r+ltltt'(tJ'. The1 haute. 12 to 18e• bacon, 12 to lac;
of the heifers c•alyed during the trial, },an In Kolr•asia back from
11 i ttttit,, ht+tier crone into c•oatuct with the die fr'eights: Nu. 3, 1 -le and No. 4 flesh killed abattoir, $7.50; heavy
«Inch into; let oil ,lith the cunt tura- was not until 1873 that this breve 6 II, fated expedition under Staek:e•- nt 12c roi•l•!I•• freights. Y
6 bale was lust ittroducea into this coup- Lino -lung; Ponlnsn!a• till the only berg, which General haul -omit 1'(''ts-7lty market i; th+ll, with far, hogs. C-1.75 to �.;; mixed lots,
sun. The steers Houle it larger '' try, it has grown in popular favor spotth(+-. )tussinn stttntlnrl ! 1 $:, to $5.15; select, $5.25 to 55.50
and seta for 1 per c.•t,t per pound,' what''' had despatcher! as a sort of forlorn (kale: s quoting 66 to 67c at out -
very rapidly and is growing at an flouts hettte•n the E;ha-ha and the hope to the relief of fort Arthur. . side points. ui C+u's• country dr0ss,•d, $R to $6. -
very weight, more than the heifers. accelerated ratio, lien is the fon rc( ante u1Refi of the 75. S t'ou-Ontnr'io hall «hilt,
During the whole test, which htsled ( 11 is late in the day to again twits: Corti -The market is unchanged. 1st! to 101e; colored, 101 t,. 1t+1e;
about eleven n:nthtt, the alerts made Associations have been formed I:oth fortress of Port Arthur. The only etas the fully of that tt'('vrntent. wlth Cannibal) q'uuttel et 11 to 11 le (.0 •he•. 10 to 101e. lin
an average gals of tint; punnds• one in England and number
and berg modern parallel for the amazing.'J't'o ii; visions 11crc sent ,4.,,..1 along8v..t; New ,lrueriean N,,. :t yetluty, Butter-I'nest.
epee heifer, clear of calf, trade an books to the uuunher of sixteen vol- FUCC4/SS of .lupanesr orals is That of , r , r rti+i. s. 21: to '21 C; onliirury nest,
the railway frurn 1111(3 •7* .4) to meet 11.,< on (reek, 'Toronto, .a, .; No- 3 _'. to 210: medium grades, 1!►; to
average gain of 7ati pounds, and antes have already appeared in Eng- 160 Goumans in the «8t of 1870. (;, meal Oku, who had nee -1%, twice ,nixed lit Jlc, 'Toronto.
Lhrce sprayed halters that had calves
land. '11)10 first volume of the Allier -1 t"
averaged 6-15 penults. icon Red rolled 1lerd !took nppe$$red
in 18.87. The English and Ante><icau
The steers aero sold at. 5.75 cents
and the heifers at •1.75 cents per
pound, live tceight. Allot( ing 3.5
cents per pound for the steers and 2
'e'e•nts for the heifers at the brginn-
irng; of the trial, there was a profit
Of $434.39 on the steers, $30.51 on
the unspaeed heifers and $18.7(1 on
the spayed heLers. The ce•erage pro-
portion of beef in the carcass was
u:1.2 per cent for steers, 02.•1 for
the unspayed heifers, and 62.8 for
the spayed heifers.
t\h(•u sktughterod the carcasses
were cut and judged by an expert.
The heifers gave a larger percentage
of prime cuts (rib and loins) than
the steers, so that on the basis of
the stent and by-products obtained,
and the price paid for the steers, the
hello's were worth from .57 to .412
of n cent a pound more than was
poi.! for them. Crediting each lot
with actual value of the Oiffere)t
cuts and the by-products, end not in-
cluding the expense of killing anti
handling, it is calculated that, at the
prices which the butcher paid, he
oracle $20.45 on the steers, $58.12
on the unspayetl heifers, and $434.84
0(1 the suns et! heifers. In other
« or'ls the returns made by the
heifers would have justified a pur-
chase price of 35.37 per hundred for
i Iry(.-'1 he tutu kct is un btu+ 1 at t e:;tern dui(v, I : } to 17;c.
1'iti: 1'llt`i'I' S'17:P. ;th , .trrnetIt at his 4II 4's tl. in • 75 1'_a:s•--Straight cold storage stook,
The fie.et step in the Japanese laird ,t• r.,lion the [tussinn furca had un' to 7(ic :It outsi.lo point.. 1`; to 20e: No. '1 In}to l7.lc
t its Ilanks the armies of Nodes and Iii eL •heat -'lily• market is (print \r,.ntr.•n1 limed 1''rc.
herd hooks contain all the neordei,canl3)nl,;u ens taken when the First h.irokl. Abd firm. with \o. 2 qt .le I el 243 i
lied Polls in the m
world, although the' Ary, under command of General hl h Frei •Ills, uud at :::'c Tutt
breed has been distributed to Ire- Kuruki, teas lan(!od at. Chentulpo in ti'1'ACi:I.h:f:h:1tC (1.t.Sfi1 3). (' b LIVE S'IY)1'K \i.\RKf TS.
land, Canada, Austrnsa and New; !March. Advancing over frozen roads But(;ener'al tike alone was timeei ire:lfl,hts.
our-Ninuly per cert. putouts ' The demand was brise fur leach -
Zealand. In registering• much attcn- nail in the face of Brent hnrvlshil:• than able to deal with Stncklelsrg's are quoted at 84.:30 to 31.45 ill ('3'. cattle to-(ta;, 011.1 light rre:ripts
lion is paid to tribes and a "tribal the, first c(ntact was made with the two weak divisions. '1'hty met the forced values u , several ,mats al,ote
letter" is given to the cattle of eachJu►8nese at '1'elissu (or \1'a -inn _:buyers' sacks, east or woe; straight
enemy at Ping -yang, where rxout3h,; I P • ro110rs of special brands, for dollies- the keels of u)l;• n tory lot? bring -
herd, which is a help in tracing trite parties of theettuselut► and •Jitpunee• 1-4111) and sustained a dreadful re-' at a8 high +Is ;9.50, 1Jayhee n►ed
al histor •, forces exchanged shots. From that ti., Lradr, in bbls., $9.85 to S:p. 'g
R!verse. theitumberal both in guns .Uaer,ite,t,(3 flours are firm. No. 1 Wilson sold a /teed lot ut steers at
In outline the !ted Polls arc genet- monlr++t the .lap((ne8e soldiers of .And men. and ant-nttuocuvrca Iy hi _ " S1.(i(3. (.0) 430«•8 were seartee, and
ally triol and neat, 'lite head Is in-1the First Array never lost touch ohp_nenl, ".taik'eber••'s illstorr('I *Milt Ills, $:,.(i0 to $11,,0; No. pat- 'slsl't frecl%,
elinrd to be fine, eyes full, clear un(liwith the ltusfiiatn in front of them- attempt to 1<1 01,: furl Arthro «nv 4'r.ls, $'''Cl0 to $:,.•10, tut•! Strong; *111)110"g,11 bur'el 330 shoe t were
well apart, 1131)1 n Flight dish hal As S00(1 an the ice melted in the crushed. with the loss of nearly 10,-t 301130 ', 5.;.10 to $3.30 un irnck 'Pu brong;L ur'.'. id the demand wee 811
laces them, Nose inclined .to be , g ('(0 mnen, besides a large uumher u( r°trio' light as to result in a fulling away
long, [nuzzle should be flesh colored, estu41l;v of the Ping -yang !{leer Oen j1311fted•-At outvi'le points h+nn is
oral liuroki moved his base from
pins. It was the third time t!:al t r of ubuut ;c in export ewes and 5c
although sumo uru tinged with dark II loofa! at $14 to 514.,)(►, and shorts
spots. The neck is n little ton but Chettialpe to Chinump•t The greaten. the opposing; armies had met. and f 1 in lamb;. Tile
quality «'as fairly
g' portion u( his artillery, lite ding on cn:h oicnsion the Russians had Al $1(3 to SIC so 1lanilobn run, I bout!.
usually fine, widening backward • the heavy six-inch howitee.s. which s''stAiurd overwhelming defeat. ]t in seeks $l N, turd shorts at $20. The market for toilet cons was
Shoulders, rulhep longe, but sruooth' must be remeutb:+'ed thin in all these steady at 830 to $50 each.
sloping up«nr(1, making a smooth- rendered such splendid service at the COUNi'RV PRODUCE.
mess at the chime if well covered battle of the Yalu, was landed at,batt•(-, as, indeed, in every 1(1 101* 4:xlurters were quiet ut 84.25 to
pp es- e market is firm for i .:, ,ere .
bbl; cooki+rg; npj+les, $ l .2;; to $1.31►. c111•uL fur buir•lrers' 4 u: t tc:---Seb•c�
Heaps -'Trade Is fair uud nireS buleltets', $4.2,3 to 1... „od buL-
the spayed hcifrrs and 35.32 for the
open heifers, instenel of 34.75 for
Inch, and still have left the same
profit as with the steers.
The results of a second trial to c three- 1 u elan chance!) I olnto(ar- Cat lots are (footed at I I $
compare steers and heifers for lues } t n St. 'netting,r• ► t cs below \\+ ! tdrn„ly Qnninlshe d. b , t e ..,c per bag on track: fee Calves soli lit 3 to Ss
pro teethe) have been recently pule John, N. I1., n scheme for the cstab- !j i ) j u ,c per lb, And
I � u, liurvski threw a division across � lyhcr► Kurokl resumed hitt (omelet bin: l4.ltt are R0 to 9uc• 32 to $i(1 each.
lisl►rd. The test vets matte with ftf-t )ishmeut of n ruluny in !British t the river, four tulles ni� %' the town. tr'()' +rt,•nt, rifler his long halt at Poultry -Spring chickens, 10 to Hogs were un(•hnn e•'
teen pure bred or Mel rade 3Ieio- K 1 at $5.:iu for
+ g Africa, compoce4l of intelligent, Mlu_ on the night of the 29th, and tutor, 1'. ret 1„run (hon,;, the Russian forces 1 I j'rr in: hens. 7 to tie; ducks t sehtttt, trio to 20:. Isis, of primo
fowls. 'J'h,• animals sere divide(f sated and intlu..U•ious i:nglish-speak-!the !(ft. of the 1:Issinn line. slowly retired before him, evacuating to lar
into three equal tts, one of steers, s per Is.; goose, 10 to 11, !..• heron quality, off ears. Toronto; $5.- one of .....e,...-
.-........... negro,,, drawn (1.„111 the Kii . 034 the ;loth t sural artillery duel She fastnesses of the Motion -lint; ib. turkeys, dry picked, 1:3 to 11s 4i:, for tats and li:h'•. �•~f
heifers, saml(all were let' lalike during
re of ' tial+-spehtkieg countries principally took place, in the (aurae of whi. h I'nss. On .luly 17 11 somewhat ten- per 1h.; do, srnldea. 10 to i lc 3).•r -- -- o- -- i
b Leiter) States. the Hessian artillery- was couaplc(,ty lntite r+ttotnpf was nuufe 10 recover lh -
1h A D \\ttlkcr, of St John. subdued and put f 1 ,r P'sslw8gio it pts but it «419
with flesh. The back is usually broad Chinnmpo, mud the first striking .('( the war down to the battle of the A 1 Th k 4- I t
at the !Qin; hindquarters long, deep. force was prepared fur its advance Sl41-h 1, the Russians were greatly choke stuck, at $! to S'?.:,(1 per the fullnyi(1g gtlut41tio•s were pre
and wide. The top and bottom lines towards the Yalu. uutncn►bered. sometimes. 41s at the
are usually straight, as the • are well i r, •, • S1'(311, by fully live to one. It was
! i
b J kLSS1AN.- RETIRED (this cilcuutslnnce' which p.•rnei11(53 unchungod with primo quoted at $1._ chef's', liar's of, 33.50 to $4.20; fair
let down in rear think. Thr legs are
usually fine and stand well apart. 1 The Russians rel iced steadily Ira- ,the ,fl(punese to undertake the wide 40 to 31. -le, and hand-pieked at to guua, 3.3.20 to $:3 511; c„«•s, 3e. -
fore Kuroki, until they crossed the ranking movements which have been $1.51, to 31.55. ,U to x:3,1111; common to rough,
-- -- +- -� I Yalu at Welt/ on April 7. 'there they ; the dominating feature of every en -1 fflopv-The !Wilke( is unchanged at 31.2L to b2.
SHIP 11EGROES TO AFRIA1' halted, and look v ► n comiter, tins which enabled theta to: 3'2 to 85c, according to totality
Stockers and feeder: a0 gaoled
! position (r► b p nominally 88 follows:--Fee'ors, short -
the opposite batik of the river, and compel the Russians to evacuate !(uney,-`111e market is cfaiet at
prepared '0 contest the Clossing. Ily Istrune positions. Where, as in this, 71 to tic per 1t•. Comb homes, $1,_ keep,, 1,200 to 1,27:r lbs . 813.'10 to
DR. A. B. WALKER WILL April 243 General Kuruki had tom-,1t'nr. Iwo litres meet «hick arc els- 435 t0 82 per dozen, $•1; ,rt(1Ckers, 000 to 800 Iles., $2.25
r plated the concentration 01 the First ( rave, and fairly equally skilled: Iiity'-C'nr lets of No. 1 timothy t0 $ ',.,; s�ockers, dint to (300 lbs..
ESTABLISH A COLONY. , � $1.90 to $:-.
Ariny at Wij,r, and began his pre- in warfare, the advantage «ill al -t are quoted :1t 38 to $8.50 4)11 trauk The price of sheep and Inmos were
Doors Wi11 Ile Closed Against the larntions to (urcc a dassage.,Uis-iw:l,u mat with She Inure ruuner0us, here. ntrrl . o. 2 at $(3.50 (Cr 87. us I,Ilutts:-ExPort eves, $4,25 to
Shiftless and 'leading the Russian co tun lander,, force. In this case the flumeeicully Stratr-('ar lots arc quoted at 36 8t;O: export bucks �:1._'$ to $.
General Zassulitch, as to the real ;stronger army tuns also the better to 3(3.25 on truck. Toronto. 1 75 per 3434(; veil shat;.. $2 to $3
•Ignorant. intentions b%• 0 feint in th • (1I - (Gained and theRussian
• each; nm s, S.'l3 to ..(i8:, per cwt
Iihnre is tieing lnnuche f 'tiu11 0( six n-1 • _ were
cornea u, -
fourteen months.
The results of the experiment are
brieflly emenu rived in the following:
:;,errs-Atcrage daily gain per
head 1.71 pounds; dry matter eaten
per pound of gain, 8.70 pounds; av-
erage cost of feed per pound of gain,
4.08 cents.
Open heifers-A%era 10 daily gain
per head, 1.86 po Inds; dry platter
eaten per pound of gain, 7.67 1bs.;
average cost of feel! iter pound of
gain, 8.95 cents.
Strayed heifers -Average daily gair
per head, 3.70 pounds, dry matter
eaten per pound of gain, 8.60 Ihs;
average cost of fete! {ler 110111111 of
gain, 4.05 cents.
As shown I y- the experiment. the
heifers matte a sightly gt•ent(r av-
ernge gain from correspondingly leas
food and at a lass cost. than the
eteer8. Carefully conducted slaught-
er and block tests did not revoal
any material (:ill'crrnce in the char -
the ..
outo action.)1 n of►r s!1 t
himself a negro, is at the head of ling the night the other too divis- ('nsily repulsed. aswee a more sra•i-
(he 8(1101114/, its presid,•it ata pro- Bolls of the First. Army crossed the ons our made about n hn tnieht
molt'. of "Thu African Crcilizution Yalu. .later, %%11•n 3310 I:usual 3085 exceed-
Aiorernent,” etitablisherl in this On tf:ty 1 General Kuroki 41(tacktel'ed 1,0uu 3:33le43 and wounrled. Al-
Cily. ilo has prepared ami is is- the Hess+nn position at ('huheIcheng'tn083 in Ih,• x,1118' locality 4here was
suing this week "a message ; 08 the
right t _"..O..1;1';”
to lhu, b t bon.<, anti inflicted the11Jc n h•r li111 little frnttle, ns n
public," setting forth the hopes and !first land defeat of the campaign on �1'esult 4..1.1%‘.4 iieI General Kuroki selr.-
plaits for the betterment of the 'the Russians, mho lost. near13' 7.000 el the i -ng and Yen -tau -line pas -
negro race 1officer s and men k;Ilei! and wounded sett (11)41 got lino position for the
Dr. Walker Is n man of high at • ,Prisoners, anti twenty-nine belt! nnrl lfinnI,Pdon Litin !:.',1),r'
tainlnents, a clanei,nl scholar 41, machine guns. 'ln
ho itussia7 'gAdvance.
linguist. 31' is versed in se%er,tl 11eatnd 31) confusion►, evacuating the Py this time. the beginning of
1811%11.1);.8, including Sanskrit, 1st hi_ strong position at Feng -Minn -ole ng, August, General kn111opmtkin's po-
tilde end %end, hi a student of his- %thick was inunediately occupied by
tery the sciences, jurisprudence nml , 1110 .141pantse•
philosophy, and is n !dossing speak- r r'i'I11',R A 111311 ..'3 It3:ADY,
lir. Ile hum been for years. he.Says,
working on his ten for bettering \fest':while, other armies P t h ►g, Ute � 9 had been
Fulton on the railway near Hai -clang
had become 3 rilicnl. Oke was press-
ing herd on his front from the south
along the railway, while Nolleis and
Nuroki wore threatening his left
negro race all 1 Ott fwal (IV Lringini )'•ol.ilizod }n 43 "Pan' and (grly 11) 111411r•onf, and (Intik. The Russian coin -
the whole cm-tie..•1,1 of Africa with- 111011th snot, 2410.0(34) teen were land- mender could not 3.51, 41 great bat-
t) the pole of Christian civilization. ,<I at 'fake -shoo. Pori. Adams, nil tie in sues 0 pie -11.0n, s0 he 1/9147111P3181'L:C'1' HIS PLANS. in the vicinity of ilaley, which war: what proved t.., be to mnstet•ly-con-
d eacuattsl by the [tussinfee On May ducted rel 4.enaent 011 I,iao-ynng.
Itet...wens to F.ngl:nd he plena l0 7 II rail«'uy to 1'urt. Arthur WW1 There hr, (111remched
actor, composition or quality of I mak( 11rr;•;:gru'('nIs, with the ilritise s, 1iv1 a,,'; all 1:►,.d communication
1 waitedhimself and
meat from steers or heifers. although Gorernre01:t. Peel. Meantime it as with Il'e furtr,-ss, was cut all. Gen- 3)for hie one •s The Ja-
the percentage of high trice cuts, hoped there will have been reeeive.f iernl 411.11, who rule In command of )anew corr.rnnrrdern did not delay,
ribs and loins, was greater In both ay the 0-o(intio» 8u(Ilci,nl evident - ,the .Inpanes, its„3)8, pushed his mon nu«• that the luument hod curve to
lots of helices than in the (:ase of e8 of a s,,1f..fileImy number of strike. L.3- August •l4 they were in
hr ,
r steers.i d r ,,
Ile N 1 it.
• pea t
( 1 1 allll
lie r( . rr ,t
a) ) I , tlou( ( '
( (h t t
f, t the ,
n tl (' h the
I u fi
t 8 i t outposts,
it bus been claimed that the pile- ..'copied by May 1:,. On .!foie 20 or- a t u ftp, sts,
1 His "n: • 41 a is rt ppunphiet of carred the first t,tg h41ttle un the and that •••.. began the series of
rival cuts in heifer c',trcu8sc7 c0btnln 31 ,,,c,, ,,.i').int she h;stcrlv o(,' , battles whitlt e1111111111-0 51
111 the ti-
more Int thus those I01C files 0 and 1.4110 -tong penilettu111, «hen Oenernl tonic •fru ' • n perfume called agar attar, «hrch
the (ot,.l, d r, a33, ,ie.: nhir+g Afrie t Oku 41ttnci 11,1 the Ihus7i+u1 position ( Kiel, _J grgtle toluol i,inu-dun • itn►n, 1180 nMSF of, stores that hart Is practically as costly 4110 ns attar of
are, , I al 1ths profitable to the j b• 1
and its 1.• -emir'. eml enlurgtng 034(0) et SnnshO33, which et awl, un (31', 1 iniwhnl r►tn+nu had 41s8ruu•e{ been nceurnulnt,, in 1.1110 -yang, had roses. The most intee81110 feature
ru11tuteor'. The average rust of LM the )n,:s 111 s,henle. I the supreme command 4)1 the Japan-, !mole good Its retirement from Liao- in connection with the slue v:ood
beef to the firm purchasing the cat-• 11. is -:•t o r that the intention ie r+arrow neck of land connecting the esu n••tnir•e, and directed the great 'y+4ng. tree is the unccrtnlntt as ” h-
1 le raised in these cxpr+ituenls tens' prrrinsuln if) the rnnirs(uub ftrs_to wheth
to Ma Ili colony llrititth fn the eenle li ht 3l) contlnurd fm' live movement 'eoS fist the concentrated This is not the place to recall the cr any particular tree be found to
ghat cents for steers, 6.21 for tsei•-trlr•r,•..r ,:ensr. AI the start would '1 F !, itufitinn foreoq• Atter a series of lir- 114.111P9 of the great battle which contain the pr.'•'1•'is re+iu.
the %4o)entcheifers.iidi.helaternge sell- a ego. peat oily • nttackx hem re. •tinn'r, which In most cnmpnigth'- ins4ea from August :SO In F) marked
! ••Tho ileha se !alto« tree cox
I,1 e-tnl,li.h•vl rim toeusltr•inl cull K s 1a
a mite:, I;t' and euuui:nn whuo)11 331181 line, entities 117 settee, the 5 -1 he heroic courage whirl) marks' I; the Coiled Ih•ut•itce9 and the 1'un•
ing price passives ey them ons ll,:,t► r "1" ',8 110' •beset 1a An t . i At het n picked bodyof tree pe.
cents, R.2(i cents mud 0.21 (,•urs Ir } !:' --axon 'I,. onying to the First Japanese Di- limit sttu';grle I'rg;nn smith ane! e1 -'o the soldiers of both slant. and the jnuh. It is tnluahle tocols• of a
epectively, `ountlie8' %Ishii)• forced its way through He ('f ),inny)ng,� on August 30. For mere cnrnnge that accompanied the'species of vegetable tallow 8hich
IL Was observed In this and other 'rhe doors of the 44.1.„1%• ore to I•• K two days 3lie fertunn of ws(r',mayed 44It,t11re and reen *tore of position' it j•re,lures. 'flus exudation is by no
wtrc entnng I0fl10ntx nith which the to 11. it her army, The Ituttsient boil after position. no.tooreeenl•30 re- 11148118 s0 costly as that of the tree
invesli,n!(0318ci1lnt are
lcrfneliord18r `hut a.tt'n4hllcc •sl 413''-' 11?'3 Iisn,••1 T:ns7iunt had ',selected their tr4•neh- 8?' In,ttweed Hese point ions by es- quire t•cenpitMetIon in thte brief lust referred to but,
nnf• An'I t ev 4,33(1 rnrriee the osition at the on the other
take on flesh n little more reaei1) to open up n new life for the ne'gr•' hoin:t of the 1•nynnet. Seventy -et b-nttiye enrihttr•'ks, which they do-18nmmar% of the rr,'nt9 of the trnr. i hand, there is not the same d,-'. i• lty'
Hiatt steers, Larger gales .by tae he so, te4• r,., not her out ,h.• trot onto captured and enorlt)un8 •
fended with moYaitirent rm►rnge. At 1 A 1:111:1'1' S0I,1►11•:it. f In gatheing R. The tree is a elaut
heifers may not he shottn. but there t h°t,• r•, 31 I'1„• schism'. he son- 1-88.14 were inflicted on the itusstnnt Irngth. en Srptrnfhcr q. llnrshnq ; itut. thrF nn+cb luny hr said. tliot of the cot 3011 3311,4”, and runs repel-
eIs a tehtnnrylto I isn•uc,bi;t lint- 413 34'• r,.Ies,s"mini n•: n ...Ilene., 11,t the Japnntei. Kt price
despatched K11101.1 aith the the rnunner in «h:ch the Resettle lie 13 311 this ruui.l ;, The fatly atuda-
K ( problem In the 1►nit • ,i paid n high , first .1rnI 10 mak( n R is imi
toning. 'Elie difference betwcrn sleety, • etc.•, but iso the Werra•; of flee' 1"r 3heir victory, Lhe killed 01)11 nettle. the Itnxsln,, loll, trent «•a7 conducted bJ• General the1c+(ndles�lmenu 11iilr ma front
tit smovement n 43(1 1 r ( )l ore
and bolters in this regard, %then comers en in:itetlun to tee, ,t.,, '43.:•'n(telf amounting •to over :3,500 so ns 10 thrptocn bin line of ie- ho grenikin r nu►p'r him na one of, ttre(•1. ynlu151 •in 11li•iuus •re1'e-101r-
• rs ana torn.
8'41 under the aunts 4onalitfo33x, ha.c s. h, u•,• t•' reset n!, n any to th•• „ S.GiI'N'TIFIf! ,treat (ewnrds the ►north. The major the ,rent snldi( rs of hip! time. Of ! •fru 1.s• the Hurldhists, be.•aese they
nlsu been noted by teeetiral stork- 10 better their condition by Inds:; i'(\v'\Tll�34. portion of tlt intrrr4t in thio hiq. the losses in Ito bottle !herr hu3 111(1 pi3hi n clear. lllodoruoI '. me
feeding (311 1111 extensile settle. "rhe !. n'- laltun of r'ntiont 1 :eel ,'his ttOtt the lust occn81on aurin) ?torte I at tie e-i'I centre in that turn- been vat ions c, Mentes made, but it nerd «ilhott slnn`.e. Apgar.:l,t1, , at
'1.111. fart is ernphnsbeel that hater ...Tire in the land of their lor((•)t'a j1'e 1'r. sent war in which the .InpntK ;ins _;01..11.. It i7 probable tont hilly So,U4►0 men the prawn( time, t here is not rn,:ch
1,, ,4 la' her) much unsrr('stn eat;(l, r , - car displayed that absolute ,carless- 1 i' .° i' 11.\\'1: MEN A 'lla►A5. were killed unit tete:tided in the ser- . pro1'isc Of • rte in Ibis plo-
thet. ►o both (tints the heifers have 1 . I XPr'(•J' A L'l'1t' ,Was t les of melons, ►•.t:cr.n August 11' duct, so fur as India is Fou ern.'•l.
r. and diar•ngaurd 0f death. corn-' 1t t.:r .lupane`e •
THE DAIRY .fAl(K1•71'S, tt� Oncerroduces Perfume, Another it
Duller -Finest 1 -ib. rolls, 18 to 1 '` Candle Tallow.
19c; urdin try to choice Iat•ge
1') to 1743: low in rued}n:'grn4I.s, . Two intereeteig numbers of the
1 1 to llic; c reauu ry ;` lots, 131 (,) i Agricultural !wailer, have just been
25c: solids. issued in It hay, says the Gazette
21. _'2;43. of that cit,. '1 hey are devoted to
1: .-- :ire lots of fresh are quot- ' a description of two tre.•s which
4.4j at 22c per. dozen, and Mittel at give. hull) are Heidi prizes! in India
111( .-.the eagle. u►• aloe wood, and the
Cheese -The market is unchanged. ' chines, tallow tree. David 1loo;se:.
wit 1 n moderate demand: large the director of the industrial section
cheese, 1I to 111c. and twins at of the Indian Museum, who is re -
11} to 111c per ili, apot:sible fur both those papers, de-
stribcs in an CStremely readable
1100 PRODUCTS. manner the various tees to which
de -
Car lots urn quoted at $(3.50 to the products of these tree= lire de-
it,3 75. Bacon, long clear. )3 to 8143 voted, thehoey
they are cullectea, and
pee ib. in case in( ill; IIIeAA pork. $14 t where they are 141 (11. The aloe
f0 $11.5(); do short cut, 317 to wood tree is a native of the trout- p
$)7.",0, tains cost And south-east of !JJlliet,
Smoked !tenter-IlumA, light to 111 11141 mall and in Bengal. 1t is
mcdUnn, 12 to 12143: Flo h.'nvy. 111 tulenble on account of a (Lir• reti-
to 12c: 10118. 1)4c: shoulders. 8 1„ 31(10( nrontntir j.liee with which the
1 lintel is suutc•titnes gorged. This
943: hacks. 14 to 111c; hrenkfnl•+t hu- r.81n or ager, as it is cul)oquhnn31y
4301). 12,{e. termnesl, is tlMd for its perfume and
i tied -Tierces, 7.,143; tubs. 71e; suppu:ea 1)11.33. incl )rope: till. It is
pa118, $c, very costly and is toed Loth for in-
cense in religious unit ether cereuun-
1 s r
in/s, rat l
Hist ,•.
< in the preparation e rot
a IUn
and tnt)rodimenls. mud must of U n l { of
r.•t 111lied n higher net prole un the s •,
<utmm�n, ••r, n- not , y10(1111151' 5. A Month Inter a3 -
block than tlne tin c.t, net «itlista ed. the inessagn reads:--. ; limedwiththe htglimit knowledge of ,stead of weakening Kurokl s emu- other areal bottle took placenorth
\ti'- ' - •-%f'e.'3 1111 the 3ea<r(n•S n• ; the art of War, which has lel one moor! by a rliylviert, had strengthen- of i.ino %.uti. turn the It3.,4sinl:a, 1
lee (3'' fact teat the seer beef vett A, ,t Its. \vc expect 3))'v (writer to describe them ns •'8cienti- eel it by that atnt1nt, the result of toying Isle) r(ieforcrd by 1reeh
title) hither thine the 1.ei'er 1:,•,:(. n f.,,.,., �', , , "` n L•ty. .\,ul we . Lino -yon
,,ire fanatics." !sight hnvo been very der -3f- troops. 0341(4' an attempt to force
a) for ns ro':1 { l .•I ,r.,.•I 1, 4.111 t•It
tcnn3 1h(11 f,•), re 111 n art The unex.lm;•1.41 cn•lrngc which as- fermi 1, kmo:ti would In alI pro- 3heir way eoulhtvartin. That effort
Ih.1. ext rrin,eues t-; .•; 1 i ee ,b;;.;,.., ho t
1 tenothed the world 8t Nreisehne. Irnlrility have been able to turn the ende:I in disaster. The !tussinn lit•
(',t l3, 111.11 -Intl(""' to 1, :•.'i '' 11 world,,. ,- t!,,, fnrllilies for cunvrv- end «Inch mivav p.eetle were ineli••e,I !tussinn left, !Wile the railway at tack wily released with the loss of
tin r•
an, (. of t l,•• 3,00!,!0 30 Africa, and to rc'gur1 al
1 t nn exceptional inrSleet. Ye)tni• and might have realised the le moo
men Sieve thenthe two
lil:l► POLLED C 11"11.1'..
caytt ,..),1,., as soo31 119 lir eon ,..•( hula Fil:(r been rejeent,.1 on n s( ere idea) trinch the .Irilnne7r had 7,•t armies boli s 4110•! down in strong-
e•ou}h , , .eht kind (11 men and of fields. tied opt 14114 )1 n11nlberi,s5 uc before the'ln 'I v. s of making Liao- ly vntren -1,.• I lin'•s on either side
(►1 the tn0olrt br-(r,!5 that 11,1,1 wontrr: : ,•. r: s,: •1 in the soh•'•e.•. «e 'that 1, that s during siege of ,'ort Ar- •yang the Serl:et: of the gllussinn of the fro/en Shrr-h(1, where they re- •
rise; Lem n facial c, ),)1131 ) to the tem 31:111:•• the 1 .•••• s.•,,,•,.• ;,r..,,ne:._ 1 f,1) observers have army. lieVe the 711'i'tonv of winter 11n..r-
distinc11011 1•f a hrce,t, there are fe«, intros frith the Imperial govern -'eon).- to '0„83(3 their absolute and i' As it 143,1.,4, when he hnd siurrrrdrd fere by ncc,.cietial des,iltery skh•:,t-
it nes, for tv) l•h there me 3rrnt('1 menta and then Inky o'er mar f}r,t 'ctnn .!. re rllsr•finrd of dent lit one .In crovsin_ the •r „i -t .,,._a., t..- . Dating. 1-
O(s claims made in regard to greet WI- • shipment and lay the foundation r.f ►c t 11
!if liquify of the srce1 •as hoeing berm our ,ninny.
fired in Its purity. in n stated loch- :
Nun, than th,• Itrd I'ell.tl cat tle' Its
i s ( letmed that the stork from «hl(•h: THAT A('('OPN'1'f:I FOR f'i'.
LONG 81;111'ICf: DO1f1•:4'1'1/.':,
in celebration of the Enlister of
A,.stri,( s birthday, a &tort time ago,
t tc, n, c lenses, each co/flint/degthe
0431111 111rnt of $ IS, «ere oIT,r• 1 10
I ornpet Moil a tennis domes, i,: eer
tants oho could prioe Tong r►a,3 sot
i.faatury seri ice in rotjsctahb' sit
nations. .The qunlilications of the
winners she«cd 80,114' truly rcrrnrk•
able les iods opt eer% ice. One of the
«inner. --a valet --had been in the
,f I IU• Sa11143 t,.•n' l(tnnn (lir
p4tce attrib des of 31)0 barely nide to hole Ido own, end it is unlikely that the whiter trill 1 Silly -six Sears. A maidservant of
.1nrene'e •.oldier Forme ing the e, -'when th.. fierce nssn'113tt 0f (AWN and be nllowed to pass without an n,. nearly eielity had ser‘ed about ti
ro•.nt1 r 1 Nnbsh:tn the .Japanese Nodiu's 414103. on the eolith furred lite renewal of hostilities. The itus- 3y -nine %curs in an orphanage. v. here
lours 'i ,1• I.
the Illationr out of the old Chinese 'lane nod Japanese alike art. 1(1.1.11'- • Rhe «118 still in nctitr ltniIl. An -
The Ii,;rd Artoe', mei,r Genr'rvtl (.ty nr1(MF She 1,1110-110. all Shat Ing daily accretions of siren 1I), and µhen she recoiled [he ntte An-
t 1 ui ether woman, sued *event epewee see
it de•scendr•s has existed 30 lhel Towne -Nobody run change mJ• to- �o;;i, tinlrrr! to fart, 7outhlt•nr,t 1•;uruki could du ons to !brow him- ally .Iry some met poet skirmish nese
rnultire of N.11(oli( and Suffolk, ( third for .1 Igley; he's a num you on its I r ,11endo):R /elm on of beetee .. If fruit lowly neetti81 the emeetel leen,.•amore;) the sr r t Ire of n n9
1 nsland, from n very remote pet•b it., don't meet cvtry day. Ing Pori Art hur, The 3l•cnret Army. 'di'isiont «-hick i:ol,ro,nf3,in method( toe., about 1 general11IIVa hitIt vnrne I same family and for 8t11111114"1171.%b forty-three
'31,' ori inol Norfolk cattle were t f 1 greeter than any ttbsh hoers&erst tnmfl(5 after 1orty-three Viers'
R � Prim n fact, int 1 lit- unOrt f;. n1•rnl O!cu, fn4'ed 33utnc�vnrd, • out to 311'..1 eel( hitt Ilnnk. nerd Which bitl:r•rto murk ed the prnq;ress of n' •envie•. IS ore .a the «hu•ars had
3.t„mi nrd In color, «iIh some es-1tribute it to the further fact that 1 and began the 1(11( nlnrr•h to lino- he1.1 3114..1' ground till the whole of singularly bloody and hard-fo'tght been in their hitunlions less than
options about the face, Which waslot:mil hien 310 a month ago.” yang and beyond. Another force, the Russian army, %IIth all Itsuns campaign.
B� thirty years.