Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 6DANGEROUS COLDS.
Influenza, Bronchitis. Pneumonia SCORES OF HANDS KEEP IT
or Consumption Often Follow a
Neglected Cold- Avert l.e Dan- II: TRIM.
ger by Keeping the Blood Pure Immaculate Cleanline;;s the Rule
and Warm. in Ev,•ry Section of the
11 eavy collie strain the lungs, Flyer.
we:,, en the che.et, banish the appe-
tite, caure lnclanchuly. Pa I.• weak 11 hen LI o lathy is w ashed and
pen; 1 •, whuae hands and Art are scrubbed and dres.ed and groomed
go to church for the first time She Did Not Believe in Them, but
chilled for want of u ich, red blood, to
hos catch colon. 'Their lungs aro for his christening, no greater pains Y
To da She Is Strong and Well.
soft• -the heart cannot send ol,l blood ale taken 0\er hint than are taken
eno',t:h to make them sound and eery day to snake the modern la.-; Cullingwood, Ont., Jan. 3O-
stron•q. Then conies the cold and w'iuus railroad q, or" look spice (Sptrial) }Les. '('hos. Attains, who
cough, racking the frame and tear- anti snail. IMorcel hero about two years ago nervously slapped the surface of the
ing the longs. '1 he cold may turn Grooming an express train is a from Murk's fails, is ouv of the water with u+ !utile. 1 noticed
-duuusuoa 'otuanth'I '++hrutuneud olui
?host difficult and expensi+e busil,ess• tunny Ctuladiaus x'hu once had shut +c hen } slapped the water lur-
tlun or I:runrLita--a lingering ill- 1111,10 rho most extravagant of alp 11 I
peen or a swifter death. All weak to -date dandies would not dream u! Itright's l)isensn and nre now strung ticulurl} hard the sharks Mutt were
ppoo;•Ie shorld ,ase lh. 11'Illianls' Pink hewing more than three or four vat -
well. Like all the others she nearest to Ins c1!ged back and circled THa CAWSGN COMMISSION CO•, Limited
1'i11s. The rich, red blood they funks its, at most. the oxprea.l will have +'+tx cured by 1)odd's Kidney I'ills. at a greater distance from Inc. So p Meet Market and MtM.we seep TOROM70.
str(-netheus the I;eurt, and it sends anywhere from a hundred to a hue- "1 was eight vuunths all invalid," I kept on slapping the water.
this warm, !satin blood to the deed and 1.11 , each dei: g his own says Airs. Attains, "nod no one can Thu sharks were Wuft.ing for me to + FA'1'ALJSM AMONG TUE WELSH
g tell what 1'sufTered. My doctor said get tired and they took it oast'.I
lungs, and once again the patient is special part u! the work. !arty natives Pit out. after 180 in An epidemic of scarlet fever which
a strung-lunge:I, warimblooded man The
miuistrutiuus of this army of 1 had Bright's Disease and sciatica, 1
or woman. Mrs. June A. Kennedy, servants are paid every day, at the but 1 }dot no relief from anything he ono of those sixty-foot-I:mg and two` is raging at. Goginan, near Aberyst-
end of a trite which is utters not gave ino. At last a friend of lay foot aide canoes with the outrigger w'yth, Wales, owes much of its viru-
tron c• stOall+, Que., bears the e 1 • arrangement familiar in (he South tette° to the spirit of fatalism which
strongest testimony to the value of
more than a day's run. 11 hen the husband induced me to give Uuul's Seas; and in the bow of the boat prevails among the Welsh. The poo -
Dr. Williams' Pint: Pills in cases of engine and its train of cars have Kidney I ills a trial. 1 had no faith and directing there xis an old plc believe that it they are fated to
thin, hind. She says: "Day sister, a dune their xurk they aro promptly in them. for I thuul,•itt I never would quartermaster from a British trail-' catch the fever no precautions will
delieate girl, took a severe (old when rubbed down and attended to, just get bolter, but after taking three ing ic!:oorhut in the harbor. save theist from it, and that, on the
about seventeen yeal's old. Wo tried
like a boner utter 1)0 bus finished his boxes of them I was able to do my••S)>la h, keep a splashing, you' other bund, they can come in con -
matey meid:ines for her, but she all- b(nit, or an athlete artcr a foot race. noxi;, I have had good health over Yankcv }sup-itYot'" he basted at me tart with It with impunity it it is
peered to bo constantly growing
The crew of men who work aboard'since I used Ilodd's Kidney Pills•"
worse, and coo (eared she was going the Ilyer have nothing to do 8ithl _ as the canoe approached where I, not their fate to to infected. This
lookingafter it at the cad of the; - - - was In the middle of rho semicircle spirit of fatalism is shown by tho
1 into consumption. Often after sho of waitin • sharks. I Welsh custom of holdiu • w lnosnu,'
had a had right with a rucking run. Special studs of men aro kept great business. A small army of I was a good deal seared, but as or >ruyor lncelin s, at the house of
cougl. I •x•o,.ld get •up to •are if she at the roundhouse and the car shads caterers, cooks, wine stewards, and the canon approached 1 noticed that+ a dead )person. b
Chad spit an • blood, At this stage e (o►' that purpose. ' waiters see to it; and woes betide Situated on direct line of Grand
1 } S In number the un! two compile-. all of the natives that weren't help-, The friends of the dead crowd into r
i friend strongly ergot Incto give her: }1 any ono of them it the man in i❑ • to pull the canoe were leaning bunk.
Dr. Williams' fink I'iInc 11'itLln a fes of soldiers, and they are as well charge of the czar finds nnythin 6 Ie R the house and remain for an hour or
month from the time she begun to. drilled as any military force. Each missing after the train has started over the side, and slapping nod two regardless01(1of of the cause of death. St. Catharines )mineral Springs
take the Dills she had utmost recta,- ntan has his own particular work to' on its run! churning the water with all their At the end the cervico they march
erect Fee usual. health. Under a fur do, uud knows exactly how to do it.: 1f he discovers so much as n spoon might and main. That ike a bunchded it. in procession around the colla to 'those who need a rest should
The sharks die persofl like a of take a last look. Although minis- Trunl a sew days or weeks at this
then nein of the pills she is now well
"cry few orders need to lei given, m+• n salt cellar out of phaco there is stat» luded mountain -goats, and I tees of reit ton and members of pub- 'delightful resort. IIcst of hotel aG
and strong, and I can recommend but when oro is 1101 CS. ar} it is going to be trouble alien lie return +,,fns hauled into the canoe, and scold-, tic bodies g have altered vehement comniodat108.
the ills with confidence to ever • obeyed I Ile is an autocrat of the deepest
Ped by the British quartermaster for, protests, the custom of the •w'yl- her tickets and full lntottnaation
weak person." ' ON TIIF. JUMP." dye. Even the skipper of nn ocean' my folly until we Willed u p 011 the nosau' continues to flourish, and in
1)r. Williams' fink Pills are a nor- ? liner is far less despotic, far tens ) ) sail at any Grund Trunk 'I'Ickot Ut-
\Yhen the locomotive enters the beach. That was my lest experience more than ono instance it has been For
thin etre for all blood and nerve roundhouse a eon) tatty of these civil Prone to find fa+alt. Leen the engin- with the cowardice of sharks. proved to bo directly responsible for
troubles, such as anaemia, debility, inn soldiers immediately swami all, Cel who runs the locomotive docs the spread of the Infection. DEEP SOLI, GRAIN ANI) GRASS
lune complaints, rheumatism, Deur-not cast a inure critical eye over the
P over her, cleating and polishing her �ti.ork that has been done fur him ALBATROSS EVERYWHERE. tartns for sale; near Yorktun,
algin, St. Vitus dance, partial par- until she looks us smart as a new Ilreulhless hunter -"I any, boy, did Assiuiboii; on crop payments. Jau1c
ansis, and the troubles that make than dues the autocrat of the dining ---
tbe l,+es of so ninnylccnnet mise:-' f'in, Even the wheels are rubbed car. Sailors Look Upon it as Bad Luck ,von see a fox run by here?" boy- Armstrong, 4 Richmond street east,
over with oil, 1111(11 they take on n Passengers are sometimes )nclinoJ to Kill One of Thein. ago+5, sir." hunter -allow long Toronto.
able. tic sure you get the �enui"e beautiful lustre, Oil is also used to , n(;o?" Roy -"It'll be a year last _
pills +vitt' the full name "Dr Wil- to denounce the meals they get on Of all the strap • '
Hates' fink Pills for Palo People"; rub clown 010 outside of the cars., the palace car. Of course, they are
ba creatures aeon (;hristmna." Barber -"You're getting [rightfully
on tee cora , per around each five• ( Water is no longer used nowadays, � not as good ns rho finest productions, by travellers not the least interest- dr bald, sir." Customer (savagely) --
Sold Ly all medicine dealers ors 'c.. for it cracks the paint, while oil int of the kitchens of the big hotels, but fn t, the herd • nder, r , Phis iliaard s i�[l1(lp n p ^
proves it, anal gives it a beautiful teat., b p[]� CUrB) Gni �� CUWa "1\`ell, I don't see how that con
by mail at 50 cents n box Jr sir, color.•
when the ritcumstancay under xhiclt g. feathered wanderer, some- corns you." Barber -"Excuse me,
n r theyare conked ore taken into =+,.- times measuring 1 ; feet from tip to
f for $_.5O by writing the lir. Some of the (lien who sxnr,n tip of his wings, (vitt follow u ship 1Cnickcr-"I remember that night. sir, but does. You soon snot's
f boxes• u:a' Medicine Co., Brockville, ,thonrd the locomotive "knock her count, it :'tint honestly be admitted fur days at a tfrne, Some travellers The wind was biting----" )locker -"I have any hair left to cut, and then
Ont. that they aro marvels. Sympuihy never knew that. the wind could 1 shall lose a customer.' •
fire," others clean all the lues and• and sailors declare that they weeks is often besloxed on the •cook of u"bite." Knic•ker-"Whatl Did
-� dampers, the trepan and the machin- seen a particular bird fly for reeks you
ocean liner, bt,t 1115 fuel: is a 51mplenever hear of the teeth of a al
COURTING IS HAMPERED. ery, and take aboard coal and nater at a time without ever being encu to gale?" err neer shit., Yeses
one compared to that of the culil-
for the next day's rut; yet others alight upon the waves. teit•.wpw,hawe saorn(eoStair? eaaMeenr+i ,e
` Obstacle Placed is Way of Young carefully test the Dir Lrake4, ejector,my genius of the palace car. It not sternly follows the ship, but '
rnfllior. or moth, r, for their children white L»;.0 ej.
%R'hen the Cals ate really for LI I. luso'!•, lite csild, softens thep mama. an.lr r,+n, :ores
pump and other parts of the mach wheels in great circles around it and ..ire r'lc,neek•(eah.,ea. '.(hanahowet• goalie ,tis
Mexican Couples.run they aro taken Ly a switch l'n- I. or••..eds. for n.ar.lyes Tweny-teen 0'I•raft
inert', examine the wheels, wipe down gine down to the statluo, to Lc above it, high in the nit, as if to so! Lrdrulicfax•throujhout lheaoi n•.nrr.ol
In none of the nations of cisilize everything below the running board show that it is not lira!, tilang .t+tor•lea W19.16J+',11JOrdt Ul♦ KIt[• �+ u1
coupled to the locomotive.
tion ore more r0t;trlctions thrown with oil, Till up file oil cups on the times the bird will be scot to hung MESSRS. , L. t winter
I e CO.
around Lhe littlegod Cupid than in dri•.er:s, and Tho tocomotfva which nla':ca the
p generally' put the loco- in the air with its wings apparently great benefit
tho ur 1 rec0ivoot
Mexico. }fere proeriety forbids motive in first -crass shape for the run never• under any circumstance...
motionless and the sailors saythat bentfit. from use at D1lV- }:tiny -'So Casey was killed by
l hauls the curs to their trds, u1 th' explosion? Who broke killed
practically all the stages that (nark next run, then it is asleep. AItO'S LIN111I:N't' In a severe at- I
docs any mer:iel uork about tl:o eta- to h[s mfddy'1' Rooney -"Big 71111
progress of n courtship in our own' It must not be. supposed that this Not only in pleasant weather will tack of La grippe, and 1 have hew per
tion. It would bo an unspeakably th' ex "lhe do it gin news cuu,4ry, Introductions aro not hard is the work ilerely of laborers. See- degradation. MyLord the F1;er, the albatross follow - ship for clays quenlly proved It to be very niton' "Ile eid. Ile began byaskin' her
to arrange, ns relationships aro ex- eral thoroughly trained experts, each b trod weeks, but through the most live is cases n[ Inllnmmntio�
must have to snitch engine to re to marry him."
tonsi4'r in every town and city, but (.ith Ids special branch of know-lerriiic storms it will c�utinue its yours
after the sir's meet!. the troubles ledge, go -most carefully over all the lieve hint of his load itmuediutely I'' untiring flight. In (act, to and aft
g W. A. f}'U'1'C[ilfl`ON,
. - of tee nun • people begin. A out partsg• comes lido the elation, just as the Time tries nil things, and as lticklc'e
young I I 6young e eential of the engine after,albntroas uLherwlso Lhnn on the
engineer has n man to take his place, Anti-Cru:umpuvo Nynep has aloud the
upon may not talk to n yuwpg wenn- c.uh run, exnn.inin; and testing; wing is li.<• fin(iing n weasel asleep. test of years It now ranks as a lcad-
an alone in public until after mar them. It (s not a perfl:nctory exalt- Man he reaches the round -house. I Onto a }oar rho thousandnlo heiress Ing specific in the treatment of all ell-
Befure the ear's are coupled to the; (lien aw'ny a few miles to meets of the throat and tongs. it
range, and all his love -making must' inntion, although it is n dull, ono; engine the air brn!:es aro unto' will soften and subdue the n most stub-
• be carried on At long rungs, the for the men k v that if there 1, 1 L ' the grin. hIon%im, Ic island rock of '106.0- born cough by relieving thecansIrritation,1.
ninro dependirg on whether the girl any mishap un the run, which can lei again te:,`ed, prior lis the run, by! tan d .4cunhn, whlcil iifls it- deco- CA}CI?S, Dud restos the rtlkcted oruan9 to
liven on the ground lour or in Lho traced buck to their 110! Ilyenco 111x} means of steam pains placed in the lute head Gtr fel rho South to pl ce, bealth con,litio It Ueo wilt she+•
second storey. i will be "freed" to a dead certainty. Mat ion plat(.lents for to purl+osa? o► to some equally reroute place, Mrs, utast Ie -1 always make fruit Its rattle. Try
Icy It and be convinccd or
Happily for the lovers, the major-! When the rnssenger trace a nail-' If they are found to be ill right the and there lays one egg in the hollow cake so that it will keep at least five
ity of Mexican houses are ono- way Journey, therefore, especially it (•81: faro coupled up, and the run bo-_ of a rock. months. r A i111$UNDLRS'1'ANI)IN(1,
storey affairs, and the Iron he rides behind a good modern Myer•', ligime oiut lfh(co+alcl;� inn an l beatlitullth l Tho albatross has always been a Ais4lir, 44110 4made l a cakot 0800 the
bars that ofteneparaoe tho he may feel sure that everething , y bird of mystery, and in ancient "\o, be isn't In the milk Int< +
young people aro sufficiently wide which skill and forethought can (!o groomed. tines the people believed that L:,e.,o mi;;ht easily have been kept a Year. any uu0ro. Ile has opened an
apart to ndndt of stolen kisses and
to make the trip a safe one has been1 But if anything Is found to 10 unwcarying sea birds were rho nom- Mrs. lluswite-}ndcetl? lute for drunkenness+."
wrong``with the running gear of oto ln+nluns of the (tr.ek warrior Biome-, Al r. A1cx'lixed-Yes, nobody would ••1'he idea! Why, he has no ku.•�-
onrarm embraces. 1! a young 18811 dune. of t! a cars, or if its numerous val. des,who were said to linvc been' e•'t it. ledge of tno'Sicino at all."
ni gi•ltiliving onmate as ta second floor to fall it) love o the 3fter lurds•pr)Inssxitchbeen tengine, aken down
ets have not Leen able to get It :-
changed into hires at the death of "What of that? 1'ou don't have
he is compelled to entertain the nu- iscounted upon b spick and span in time, to the per- their chic(. It to an Officer of the (endLittv of Health. to Lavo to tha a saloon."
1 i Y —V. hen called in to attend a disturb-
' of de le ncf•shborhopeod with his tale mit satisfaction of the superintend-
When America was discovered and rain it ,:corkers oil uio hiding -e pe e, +r.,.r_ vo to open •,.x.•..'11.-: <w'..°..
1 A SA\LL ARMY OF MEN, eat of the lard, it is sent hack, and >}nips be u11 to sail abroad to Cho sin, and like a guardian of the peace
of devotion 811(1 hopes for the Futuro g`
as whispers fail to carry from the l who gine it a sort of a prelimluary another car is puL in its place. l'arillc Ocean to doul►ly the Cape of %%i •hailteslsste04e isau�rtens,4'ae U erlow d DR. A. W. CHASE'S
street to the balcony. During prom- rob down, nail afterwards a most
---- - — Good Hope and to explore the "sev- health Imposer a renteI co of 2 iii
sande hours on the piarns n iluver thorough grooming, 1 niece it is tak. THE COWARDLY SHARK. en yeas" g0, orally, the aid belief al 'anienmeat on
pain, rad Ur. Theta- DR. A. W CURE ..•
may converse with I is belated If she en back to the stollen for the next about the albatross had been for- as' 1.Icctrlc uI1 won originated to en- to tent ,hm( u^ .?e duels%
forte that xcnlence. pars by .Le (ne;rtere„I kauaeq
1a accompanied by n girl f i•• h+1, her run. A Sailor's Narrow Escape in the gotten b} the sailors and explorers, _ heals it.e ukets, clears ,1e all
mother, or ether chaperone. i.1 these, The carpels are all taken out of South Sons.
but in their long and lonesome ‘fly- "Oh, my tt•fends!" exclaimed the • pas .0 v.1, stops dram' (,Inch.
` Instal Ce8 the "third party" urosti the cur and blown by compressed,ages over waters which were cut by orator, "it makers 111e wad when I s'" "isi an y.'m,l ae:lr r,ere
1:4ery slitter in U:0 Soul Seas, f.? cr,:thand • Ye.er. 1+.•.er
I ideates torte the central figure of the' air, a thorough cony of cleaning dtlare a writer in the Washington no keel but Li,sir own, and "Pon think of the days that aro gone, +.... Al)d•alata.or�r.A W 11•++
trio. them, which is not adopted oven in Star, known that the shark is a "!oro vast ex)nuso they sax no 11 hen 1 1."nk (wound and rains the old itedkr:kuC,.,'rorent• and ►;..6,;a
At a ball a y'uune man Is expected; the most exponeie hulck once n coward. A in(ha +Cho bus served other snit but theirs, the presence of familiar hoes I used to shako hands - -'
to return I.is oliiig.r to the charge week, let alone once a day. 1'Iw, the albatross tolioxing Ue ship day With."
toof re minifees finrnr•df tly on the week,
bite ons, nicht'. and 11m1ty years in the envy tells of an after (!r. • became a real source of
The largest pontoon bridge in the
nun, sleben of the dance, anti ft ho seats are also (:►ken o1:L and blown exper fence xilh sharks at Tahiti. A
comfort }end companionship. So it world is at Calcutta, and is a I'•
f knew of seamen gunn0rs had obtain-
Use laiver's Dry Soap (a (powder)
desirta to escort n young woman to by compressed air. The wood work, eel permission le take a Leach swim, came to be a belief that III -luck to wash woolens and flannels, -
Use structure.
1 the theatre lie nrrst n180 provide a glass, and brass work all over Lho 8111 had not Niven n thought to
would follow any one who killed ono 1mu'll like it. yy ,1 —�
ticket for her another or other relit- car are cleaned and polished by dor.- of thew birds; and that Lrlief is - Iilinard'a Liniment Care3 Diphtheria
sharks, although they bud seen
five. Notre play nn hnpyrtint part ens of torn, mid the exterior wood common among si•fl(ai t (g nett to :;hv-"it must ha40 lave an awful ,_-
numbers of them about the harbor.
In 3lexicnn oourtshlp, and as much work is rubbed with oil. )n rtddirton W h(in(; young, wlfl(:•i Olds very tiny. Coleridge•'s famous storm to blow away the 11;hthuuse," 140'1 in said that he had a
may be said of the language of flow- All the rennin); gear of the car is the sailor, I was more self- cunfttient "Ph
of the Ancient Alariuer•' it' eholiy-"'tenth}e, toy dent, but it Y I
ere and the deaf and dumb alphabet, most carefully overhauled. Strain -i based upon this belief. could Dole lei through hey-'' '(ienlie macL to -night." 1Msh- 4e -
The latter is generally used in trans- fitters, elettricl8us, e11glne(ts, and then I've ever been since, Leeu'+se 1'huugh the superstition about the Lt'ut there wens n lip hthncsee 111 99111'11 t 1110 "1'c:r; he ementiou(•d something
?flitting tender xpressions at long other 0x •erts examine in their s oc thrr0 wasn't a luno or boy on board kitting of an albatross bran fug bad t., mo about asking old I►lill;uus for
P t hat ( mild ten( ! me tzar thin • about. f, 0 ti an e�pu: rd p.luee,
} ghis daughter's hand."
range during daylight hours. Cal departments, and the lights and,luck is only rt footfall one, it has -___
swimmin;. '}'hat's huav it came
-�♦ Dir b(nk(rr are 1igi(lfy letir0(1. Tho, sorted a useful purpose for YI Why suffer fr weak nerves, want A Sure Cure for ffeadache--I:.r,•u1
aboa:L that as soon ns we Junn1K•d
cups on the journals are tiled with into the water un the Pit tete beach years in prear•nrin,; the slaughter of' of Appetite and general debility, betide% he, to which women eru u.• •n
A BOON TO CHILDREN. oil, every hart. of the w 'leek exnut-; 1 ru(hedrrl to outs all the rest Ila<e brnut it' l and gn118r.t birds-' let-
ting the I1aY of sleep and rest fm• avi'1"kl Lh"" rttcn, hccn,ne, sa
Med, and, in short, just as thorough pthe inilor's friends and the la nils- come sub) ere that flet' ere uaterl1 p1•,.
/► mod •;nr.•• that will keepJust to show 'ern. men's wonder. covens! the sleet em and thin the pirated. t'he etomerh refuses revel, rtes
i,•fan'v a test matte of thin r Inning gear as I didn't tem to look hack until t blood, ellen such a really ineritori- there i, a ernistant and (li7-(rel000rt el.
end young chil•Ir(•n plump, good ma-
a in the cafe of the locomotive her-) was shaft three hundred yards from' tip la dreary Knmchttikn, that incl to foe tbn stomach r,om vii• x611 h
Lured, with a clear Dye and a rosy Self
outlying part of Siberia which calfs ons remedy as 111101 8' h 1,at &'.ns al -
has ft 'come u„d„Iy •ecrcr' ti+rr Vai-
1 skin. iv n boon not only to mothers if there Is tt rase of sickness (ler- the brach. Tho only rOlIson why I into the North t'ncitic, the natives, Quintile 11'Ine may be had at anv mcleren Vogel n1,10 t'ille arc• n speedy al-
! but to humanity. Much n medicine ing a rum the conductor rsusL locate turned around then was became I ver having; heard o! lfie s•p0rsti_ drug store. 'this 'artier! is Nighty otr tl re lntrpdo,g t toler�re'11e.iq 1l`1el u.l”
r } it. it is his dutyto report, on ar- beard n lot of Defeo from rho beach.tion suets the albatross, catch him recommended by the members of sure on the ucr.ce which .nu.o 11.e
1 19 Italy's (►x'11 Tablets, which When I fumed, etI, i saw about n him -
the tnevlicul faculty in rase of fedi- headache. Try thrill.
p:ne(ptly cora all rho minor ail rival at the ;aril, e'.act1y (he Acct (heed naked natives and ill o! rho and eat hire. But his Iles! makes
In which the sick ,scent satl A such
poor food that eller all the 1P- general] debility, loss of ap-
141 n'y of little ones. (end rnakc• them space in the car islclus,d around fellows from our ship lined up on the legend may lie said to hold good, for petite and me -volts affections of all 'thin-,'lf a church bo on fire, m1+Y
eat Well, play well and sll•(gp x011. this sent, end is most cal -teeny flint- 'each at tl:e ed••e o1 the water, legis It d. ed in had luck who has to kln•!s. It is also Specially gout! to • has the mann the smallest chance ut
Yen ran safely take the words of !gated and disiufooted, no matter
jumping up and dux'n and waving mato n meal of It, children and delicate hinnies. and to escape?" Fred-' Itecturse the oi:gluo
((1the thousnnrls of mothers who have, (her arms nt. 180, anti yelling with business Dien, st,ldcnts and those Cannot play on it,"
1)l the 4uof of these 'lit nets; 44hat the nature of the sickness may 1111 their might. But 1 94w' sylile -'
have been. Whether it ane h:fncaiuus who !rite much brain (cork. It is
for instance, Mrs. .1. It. Standen or not, the rnilrund officials lake no thin more important attt8nt than that. "Lot me sic," sold n }elm lady!scan. to the taste and contains .,
Weyburn. N. W. T.. says.- "i have 1'here mere, it seemed to tae, about in a stationer's shop; "1 want ono 1' ( Min. rd's Linimo�t Cures Distemper
chances with the health and lives I nothing inj'i•ione to the most. (1 11 -_
proved slue great value of 138hy's c,f their passengers. 'Phis regelation
a million 11110, wet and s1:in} shark- hundred shc(ts of note-parer,i')i and- cote constitution. Remember yon
Own 'fabless in t•n.es of diarrhoea, + )ill0s en0ra11 to all railroad cars line eetwcen me and the beach, Somol well -how ninny 1 nveluph 8 should 1 sk f.,r Quinine (Cine. prepared by JIr. 1 (1041 rlonq -"What rias ('s irinl
constipation. , hives, and wh••n tenth- 11 R Y of them weren't lucre than ten }unls• get?" ''Is it fur love lectors, misv?" (2 11 tar dna Luwl su'. Miss 1 111nt
li ing. end i would not be without not tnerely to the palace cars. - (rum Int•• as oa the she}nnan. A charming Northrop & 1,ln:an, '1'orontS and (;,lir--"Ile ihvuls howls like that
th.In. " hhr 111(1 11 arvr „p+n11y Another' Inrgc staff attends to the i slapped and trod wa'•r, and blush cons the 10i.ly, and by ('011(11)- x0 nre Burr leer will he esti fir(1 Att, n fpr• tl;iuhs it. 19 time t•, shut
good for the tenderest 14' hihv proviSionir•g and equipping of! the. _ red, "1►h, n-eII, i Utink half -n-404011 That you have fell value for }•our 171, till. i for the eight. -
car trust the cununiSsariat dt' parl-
or the well grown chine and they meat, which is attached to the stn- - cm-e'upex win Lc enough•'• man }'.
are guaranteed free (rota opiates Linn yard. 1 tt ♦ ^ -•
and harml.as. Sold by 8111 drug-! C y + ;a.r' t, ilinar(l's Litimeut Coro Colds, «i9• WHY A r, 1(1(1(11 force Is 04'0+4 told off (, + +
gists, or gent t► mail at 2t cents a tnko •towels and n1h0r nrlicles to rho yr'z; l ---•-•
v ,
box, 1,v writing T110 Ire. Williams' sleeping car,, It goes xilho0t sty- }.•�- Traveller (waiting for train col-
hlwtsrin^ Co., i'.ruckville. tint- fn that these are renewed every Y r ready teeuty mitettes Late) -"Porter
�____♦ day. Even if there aro a lot of un -
do you ext e t. that train to
('u Int de ('osrnopolis-"Ven made- used ones aboard. they are taken off („poo in?" }'ortrr-- t'1u1 t say, ti1r.
mei • Ile 410 not feel 10 indifference the car and replaced. No 'hien ►r- i. �; a•a'n I1..1 the longer you wait for It the
(er me?" MISS Wealthhrl--"No; i makes two corsecntlye journeys. ..- mor rr '}fn to come in the next
Neither does a cake of soap or a�� npi , . ,
have been swishy interested in you O •i_ s _�-. Ile risks all ilia eggs in one lire' f tun
( sin a papa told me you w„re an tid-
d- hair brush or a entitle 'Phe porter ,
To 'I'ho.e or scrdr•nrnry rpoo,,,,,f .,r — lthr'n 110 is 1.ut fnha osition t; ;sem The g
(s given a box before each run, filled ', `` 1' �„��(- .. e. Ti,ni.
! t011'urcr. it's so Jath. 1'011 me A 4e S x- )then who tones, seden,rty n,,rr.,par• cost(! or control it.
with soap, brn,he ('nnlhe9, and t. Ii ri r,4 f
about t our e1(.apes and all that•” '� tD N EY, which deprive them (If 1„ i. . x- C' L ACew. It l: laratltCO'� ••O
•(r 'eel-- "11'1"at. is the complaint other toilet Arti h•a Thr brushrt t , crka,e, nre more ,r.,:•(• t., ,;,.oxlip , of Ile tl.in' s it sill 110 t line rr.o••rh • cup.. !t hy3 cured many thous -
h0 .^ ' rJO.ly III 'cling h:+sln and eoliths which have hr •n used e R tVM/raT S (•, the neer and kip n•,, then rt' rp a to engin to alive ; u' n 1 ,i,.} 1',.
g )-- Ria , p, �:
lead net he. outdoor live.; The nor when the rails;' elan corp:; c • ",... des
""i ,l-10 !het. sir." Otli('0r Onsting) once are thoro'ghl.• clen n+ed and 1,.e pl1�T$ : rr• will And le 1'nrniel•.e'e 4•.••;.0:• f',u, a fe. ,..
vterillrrd before le ing gent met 'rt elk A�ET6 a 110 do es n, t r, al; v eli, 1 t;•lnk 11 . exrr1', nt soul', n ,nu we t S re,lorutite without q,u �. • ,i o t..-_ .�..... �w..w+r.�thoi::-i.=• ..�
} t Vr efficacious an the rn•lrk,•t t rr-e 1x011•i4r 1:41 l' t 0+ 1 "
rh.lr'ly-. Yrs. sir, It'. i s 1' r Uou• aP'ul'• o(19t. TThr Inc rr y In rar,ly prncurehlc, fetidly Ia1. • .• • o'.• Gtr"1ty t`f 0
L'e that x *IA to gk:xr,a::e us it's 1'NI' t t!l•Ii'1f1:\'p h'te1:�,.5'i+ld en1 pedltiou.l3• anil they are - . ,•r 1ti,ngl) hohita,
ilea` of !l.•• • i iia far 13, of course, t1 cheep consideringtheir excel. .. rL__
C1l la '(1;.p will ,+r't
burn this nap oft woolens
nor the surface off linens.
laic for the aetacoa Qat,
. ` -
c%, !�`IT�7i ,r Pi
Grit �z.h?' 171,‘,11.4, �u f v'r� r ;erne,
Zeu Ziezia,e ikikontiAgedcidext
en, de,
. 4
Ws can handle your poultry without
alive or dressed to best advantage.
your u ho wad
Also ► (tor, �'~ M
ether produce.
For the Winter
-GO TO -
The "Land of Sunshine,
Fruit and Flowers."
Hound trip tourist tickets
on sale daily.
Mount Clemens :neral Baths "
111: (',1NNo'r SCCClEI(. `"�
Teseseoss whose r.egIectecl coughs
lir duet not t nk it
ort he can have killed osn i once as healthy
possibly rat etT until to -morrow.
and robust as you. llon't follow
Ito. sloes not think It worth while In their paths of neglect+ Take
to put Contracts or agreements in
6'A3l ��'CP
110 prefers to incur debt rrlher . •s,.N�Ja
thou to do ve•rk which he considers'e
beneaIh him. V,t e::i; S rte. '!3�s-t1011
..ea • -,1�