Exeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 3TLIFE!T RADE 111TH THE STATES1(O( a $a 25•Imanfiet'alies $8 :ra ;!GASES OF RESURCCTION.
$11:11,814, increase $H5.658. ('.nada
NESS FOP. 1904. ;tato,. to Cuba. THE GALLOWS.
_The principal items of export to
Sixty Per Cent• of Imports Coote the United States ,;hotting a decline Dangled at the End of the Haug-
Are the Sense of Truth and Justice andni(ntti,.318urod 2w1. 1()0:3, ,025;
man's Rope, and Lived
From the States—Britain tool. S1,:31H,•121, decrease 8(384,035;
grain $185,025, decrease $305,008;
b:eadstulTs (of which Canada export -
Fifty per cent. of the aggregate oeel 8='0,000,000 to (:cell( Rritnin)
to nal untie of Canada during thle-e $8,',3,91 J, de'creasc $172,O1G; cool
What shall a mien give in exchange ''their real life is in the soul, Its 1's(•al year 19t)4 was with the United $3,838,84:1, decrease 8949,111; fur
g b' tit at. s, says the New York lteruld, next Skins 80411,307, decrease $207, -
for his soul?—Mut. xvi., 24. IOyes. its joys, its sympathies, its
The riseal policy of neither country 971: hay $793,027, decrease $130,-
ideols, its hopes• is designed to encourage the largo =171; hider $1.783,060, decrease
The laws by which they live are commercial intercourse which thiol 1107,511: asbestos 71709,381, Soo-
the great lasts of the soul, the laws fact indicates. On both sides of thecrea,-e $18,343: lead ore $3.7,710,
of sincerity and faith and love, the international 1
Lary line protec- decrease $01.903; settlers' effects $1,-
laws of joy and of growth. 'These tie° tariffs prevail which aro intend- 115,472. decrease 8122,857; wood,
are the people w to aro getting the ed to discourage rather than pro- utunnnutnetured, $14,936.81(3, do-
riehtst and most sates/yet„ returns mote international trade. so that the crease 81.9(11,0:37; wood mnnufnc-
out of this life, and 1 aro sure they latter must le suid to owe its in- :tared. 81.904.4(3(3, decrease 821,55it
are also the ones who are best pre- centive solely to the needh and re- tvool and nnnnufnettires thereof
paring their:solves for the life that sources of neighboring peoples. $241,781, decrease $19,240; iron and
is to cone. That the tariff of the United steel and manufactures thereof $1,-
The other attack is from the ra- States. however, performs its tune- 557,2'16, decrease 81,474,68:3.
t.ionalist, who in his pride of Intel- (Ions ns n protective measure better ,
1' Spiritual Worth
Cones Second.
The hwnan soul is a vastly great-
er. more subtle, and at the same
tine: more substantial thing than we
commonly think. The part of it
that can be put into words or deeds
Is hat the sntaltesl fraction of that
elusive, incomprehensible being .Lich
Is the real man. Tho world is only
b.•gelnirig to discover the soul, and
to ii,t! how great and vital a thing
it was whoa .(emus spoke of the (us-
ing and saving of the soul. Many
of the things we are wont to distitiss
as mere sentiment, emotion, ittagin- lett snakes light of that world of than (lees that of the Dominion is
allot(, as if they were but tite froth feeling which we call the sou). '1'o shown by the fact that while 00 per
upon the surface, are really not of hien nothing is knowledge that can- cent. of Canada's imports were pro -
the sur(uco at al) but of the depths. not be retluctel to the language of ducts of the United State: -I, of Con-
k has been truly said that the the logical mind. '('his overvalue- aria's total exports only 33 -3 per
prose of the world becomes obsolete tion of argument is one of tho fal- cent. were Weer' by '..he United
while the poetry abides forever. Tho lacies of our time. Sumo of tho States. On the other hand, 50 per
reason is that the one is dealing smallest minds are among cent. of Canada's exports during
with external facts nhtch aro colt- I 1904 were scut to Great Itrit:tin,
atantly changing, while the other THEACUTES1' LOGICIANS. while Canada, notwithstanding, her
deals with the inner reality, which We neod to learn that there are more 1tritish preferential tariff, Ionic less
than 24 per cent. of her Imports
from that country, and even this South Africa. Ito translated Virgil
proporeion will he reduced next I while 00 htockl.ouso duty. and when
Year by the operation of recent tar- Sic, tante home he went buck to the
iff legislation. college and bccanm a teacher in La
INCItl A1 111031 STATES.tin.
The teacher of geology is a work-
Exclusi.e of coin and bullion, in;; cabinetmaker, who began by
which figure for between *7.000,000 studying at the college; and tho
that cannot be coined into dollars. and 88,000,000 yearly, Canada's to- teacher of botany Is a tea taster In
Ire sets at. naught the man of feel- the sense of truUt and justice and tal imports from the United Stntcs the city. •
Ing and sentiment and ideals, spiritual worth—no ono has been in the fiscal year 1001 amounted to The majority or the students have
CALLS IIIIi A DREAMER, able to explain how these things 8143,010,578, an increase of 11 per always been working sten. Many who
come to us, 11110 shall say that the cent., or 81 1,215,341 over the Im- hay, prospered to :business have
rates him lower than yonder hard soul does neat, by process_•)) of its ports of United Slates products In owed their advance to the facilities
headed trader who has shut up his own, "reach out aril dimly but truly 1903. of this ,total $65,100,798 afforded by the college.
.8001 and salted away his thousands. apprehend the world of spiritual worth was admitted free and $77,- A working jeweller, who once at -
Yet the real aristocracy of earth is reality In which we live and have 513,780 worth paid duty. !experts tendert the: classes, left £6,000 to
the college when lie died.
Ono of the students to -day is a tu-
tor seventy -ono years old. wlio is
anxious to add a knowiedge of Ital-
ian to his nccouiplishnlenls.
'!'here is a !Tett street compositor,
fifty-seven yeltra and, who is also be-
coming familiar with Italian. He
has been a student for six years. and
began by Mastering (creek.
Mr. 7)uchesno, the secretary, asked
hint what was his object in wishing
to leant Greek.
"Well t•ou see," said the composi-
tor, "1 have BOmet',mtee to 'set tip'
is 4h,iitgeless and eternal. The poem,
the picture, the music, which really
suttee's in expressing the soul to-
day, expressos ice for all time.
sources of knowledge than the five
senses, and more kinds of knowledge
than can lee put into words. Tho
'!'bore are two lines of attack soul also has its seusss. There aro
against which the human soul ..t Indefinablefo in which, as it
were, it puts forth its spiritual an -
maintain its integrity and its para-
mount Importance to -day.
The first is front the so-called prat. -
tical man, who cheapens everything
tennau and tries the quality of other
Tho great fdesls of life, the moral
intuitions that are the name in all,
College in London Has Some Re-
markable Students.
Some of the etu(lents of the Lon-
don (i:ngland). Workingmen's Col-
lege show devotion to their studies
under tho most unfavorable circum-
'('here was ono who, while learning
Latin, had to go to the war in
to he fount among these dreamers.
Pew of then( achieve worldly success,
and even those who do sustain it
certain loss of simplicity ati•d fine-
ness of nature which seems insepar-
able from the business of marketing
the products of one's soul. Most of
them aro making a humble living by
sweat of hand nr brain. There may
bre nen working far you at a mere
plat/trice who are far greater souls
than you. Rut their real rife is not
In whet you are paying them for.
our being? And is: it not the essence .of Canadian produce to the United
of religion thus to apprehend God, (States amount to 866,856.885. a de -
feeling after hitn 1f haply we May :crease of $909,477, or 1 1-:3 per
find hits'. 'cent., au compared with the prcced-
1.(•t us th ,n make room for the ,Ing year. Canada's exports to
Foul! Boom for its rich rind beauti- i(:reat 13rilain• show a much greater
ful inner life in the midst of that shrinkage. having fallen from $125, -
battle for gain whose uproar fills 1199,980 to $110,120,806, a decrcaeo
our streets. !loom for its intuitions (of 12 per cent.
of things unseen, in the midst of The principal Items of import from
that battle of human creeds which 1 the United States. compared with
file the (dor court of tho temple of .the imports of tho fiscal year 1003,
trio religion. show ns follows:—Animals, $1,043,-
125, a decrease of $172,296: books
Fash loin ..
...Talk .1'
4 4..4,..x,.!.4,4.4.4. 4.:.:.!. 1.14#
Pompadour figured tat etas aro out.
.in spring patterns. Tho grounds aro
chaegeicblo--dark red, bl::o and green
The silk is $1 a yard.
A pretty fashion, growing out of
the (()tele of the ti•a(•s{4trenty yoke, clear ((lute bead between each.
•no doubt, is seen in the many eel- 1 noted Stnres, however, exceeded by
i vet and silk goons (nude with slash- Among the plain lounging n,{ es 8,20,000,000 -Canada's importation as he was skilful in handling; 1 legs of
Ott SIeC1G1 ::hutting undersltev of are many of lir. Itch flannel, fli:e light ; mutton and eiders of Leif. A.linmtgh
Bel -
weight, broadrInth, cashmere anti al- ^f aitnil::r articles from Cr .0.. Ifrl- he was at work at Smith:field from
the Joke material, date►. Of metals. minerals and menu- g
ilio bcadchain of the moment (y betroas, The Inst two materials aro!
8 a. m. until the afternoon, the
often mace up in fanciful guise. '{hof fa' -Lutes th,r0of, occluding coal, butcher read law assiduously, trod
the one that retches midway between .niartest l'roneh Qnnncl and brand -i Canada imported $:33,91:,,814 worth Int; to the Obscener of January
the chin and the waist, anti it may from tho United Mutes Burin the
the Colonial t•crctnry says that lli(h, 1792, was actually hnu eel six
bo made of beads both large and cloth rubes of this class are, while r _ R some of the knottiest problems tin -g
sulr.111ll. though the largo uncia are tho graceful in line, severely plain. but Y. an increase of 81,707,516. or ag!nnhfe were propounded by ihu limes, "L
ho total period of muspen-
must in ratucsl, buttonholed and embroidered on Ise per cent.. over 190:3.
Paper man from Snnithfleld• cion bring 00 less than two and a
Asn ►,molt of the growing num- their edges and ornamental by .and paper goods were imported to As a result, probably, of the e(1u- bait hours; and on each occasion he
bers of hand -sewers In this country, sprays of heavy Ac -
raised cutbroidel'y'the (.tele of ><1,95a,1:3'l, an in- cation which he aimed at the col- (fist not oxen lose ren9rlOrlsnre9. AC -
on the double-hrearlc'l fronts or on 'crease of $388,:321, R
col -
three hue appealed a class of under. lege, the Smithfield man rose from a
wear which is known as domestic the collar.., if they are node with Importations of provisions. YAM- humble pas;tion to be a well-known
wear h. it is cheaper than the tel- cotters. of at. $1,017,000, were about the
ported, but Is often pretty and dein-
large shopping hag of Owlet! red same as in 1903, but the high pro- /Ives bi 1Jieieoun(ryns ince retire(! and
ty. calf is trimumcd at the bottom with lectionista aro not permitting the
.\ display of pretty ten table dishes
a new art design in cat brass. Tho ('anndian former to bee.one recon-
contnhis some ,toter pin}s on holt frig is MI ed with purse, card (ase, cited to a taril ahich, they argue, WORSHIP A GERMAN GIRL.
designs. There are teapots shape•! .telling 1,o11h' and powder puff• , allows Canadian pork and bacon to
,and colored to imitate strawberries,'
The has( silver toilet ol'nAtllenLN the value of a million dentary year ly. Her Devotees Say She is the Rein-
' d.roration of leayis and Queers in anti these adjuncts that include $1,400,000 worth of dairy produce
brushes, hand unirrors, and bottle -land halt a million dollars' worth of carnated Messiah.
relief embellishing them. 1 tops. aro simple—very simple. (neteetl
Ermine Is a far prettier and more
1• • t Y I rvoletublca to Ira displaced by imp)or-
bee•oming fur than It was Ina form-
er generation. As It ems then rnanl-
mile! d there was always a slightly
- - -- nail printed :natter, 81,553,925, an
er's price. For 810 the handsomest inertttee of 8191,952; Lrradstuffs,
hats are purchasable. Five dollars 16,321,149 (including $1,874,8:39
pretty toquess of
and e'en three buys p city { worth of free corn), an Increase
and turbans for which 818 and $20 $1,601,0:11; clocks and watches,
were formerly asked. ;$936,472, an lucrense of $23,263;
Pillow covers of colored morticco ' coal and coke, $20,491,361, an In -
decorated with 'Mexican tooled and crease of $1,779,1297 cordage, $1, -
burnished work are among the pop- 621,511, a decrease of $525,761; cot-
ular rhowinge of the art depart- ton and cotton goods, $8,392.258.
mints. In one display red, green or an increase of $98,6.21. Of this, 80, -
blue burnisl•.ed lent her is sprinkled 500,000 represent the value of raw
with butterfly i'eslgns. The covets cotton imported free. from Great
are laced t illi thongs at (10 siders. llritain. Canada Imported $0,000,-
'l'opa•r. heads, both pink and amber. 1000 worth of manufactured cottons
look hotly separated I.y imitation (nadir ince prefercutial tariff,
diamonds; lapis lazuli blue is tiry
modish end strings of uprate, nudrer IN STEEL ANI) IRON.
and coral are all intensified in pret-, The entire import of iron and steel
tines by (ho insertion of the littla,anti manufacture,: thereof from the
Greek words in type, and I do not
like doing things I do not under-
In the early days of its history
Toru Hughes had boxing classes in
the basement, and Ruskin taught
drawing upstair•t;. At. a later period
—in the 'eighties --young Milner, as
Lord Milner then WW1, gave Satur-
day night lectures, and Mr. Little-
ton, the Colonial Secretary, then a
prot1lisit,g lawyer, gave lectures on
Ona of the moat amusing experi-
ences at the college is related by
the present Colonial Secretary, A
student at his Inw lectures was a
man employed at Smithfield meat
market. who tens ns keen about law
Many a Year.
Until 1783 the met! rel of hang-
ing a convict was primitive in the
extreme; it consisted merely in draw-
ing au -ay the cart from uu(ler the
prisoner *Mee rho role had poen
fastened round his neck, and leaving
Limn suspended until lite was thought
to he extinct. It is easy thus to
see how, either through an urrango-
mellt with tho hangman or mumu ab-
normal physicul formation or power
sof resistuuet, a malefactor might
survive the ordeal and be little the
worse for it, says Lundun Tit -hits.
Such cases were numerous until
Jute in the eighteenth century, and
the hulloes Jack Ketch was re-
sponsible for some of them. One of
Jack's supposed victims. a woman
called Jane Wilson, was taken from
the gallows by her friends for burial
ono day in 1684, and had actually
been placed in her cortin when she
recovered eoIiscioUVrle's. Jane sur-
vived to become the mother of ten
children, and lived far into the reign
of the second George, dying in 1741
at the ripe age of eighty-two.
Another woman who cheated the
gallows was "half -hanged Maggie,"
who, a century and a half ago, was
a very familiar and popular figure in
the streets of i'diiiburgh, Maggie
had been sentenced to death for
and was on tho point of being buri-
ed when silo "came to," and an-
nounced her Intention of living a
good ninny years yet. She livod
long enough, in fart, to attend the
execution of the very loan who had
been her prosecutor.
As may easily bo imagined. all
(ands of artifices were u(lopt„1 by
condemned persons and their friends
to baffle the hangman. A common
trick was to introduce a metal tube
into the throat to prevent suffoca-
tion; and Another was to support
the body by cords in suchaa way as
to remove the st"ail from the neck
and thus 4:ake strangulation imipos-
slble; while executioners and doe -
tors alike were bribed to release the
victims before life was extinct.
Henry hall, won was sentenced to
death le 1775 tin a charge of coun-
terfeiting stamps. was cut down af-
ter hanging for n quarter of an
hour, and a few hours later was
smuggled on board a. boat. which
Teas about. to sail for America. Ile
readied New York in time to take
pert in the 1Var of independence,
rapidly reached the rank of major, has been built over it. "Sat, time
and died forty years later ono of on the well''--)'robal•ky un the great
the wealthiest and most respected P.ut SIVHO tthdch torrn•el the well•
men in Pennsylvania. William Ino- curb, s`Ighhv elevated above rho
ell, who was hanged at Tyburn in ground. A !urge circular hole rut
1740, was less fortunate in Id;; through this stone format the mouth
eseepe from the hangman. After of the (yell, "About Lho sixth hat+
hanging for sweaty minutes he was —That is, about noon,
taken to the Surgeons' hall rind re--
o- 8. "For his disciples"—\oto nt'ves-
covered under the stimulus of sarily all of tient. "Unto the city".
TiIT4 111S1,C7 fN(1-KNi1'E,—1'rot.ably Sychar. "To buy meal,”
FEB. 5.
Jesus at Jacob's Well.—John 4,
5-14. Golden Text.—Whosoever
will, let Min) Take the Water of
Lite Freely.—Ree 17.
While .l esus tart{ed with his dis-
ciples in Judea atter the events des-
cribed in our last lesson John was
still bupliziug and preucl.ing along
the Jordon awl its trii,utaries. At
(:non, near Salim, in a narrow val-
ley between Mount Ebel and 11 e Jor-
dan, word is brought to the Baptist
that the 'trenching of .Jesus wus be-
coming more popular than his own.
us witiles-sod by the number of those
presenting themselves for baptism.
This bit of information 0.1113 forth a
last sub!" •ly loyal teetitnuny front
John to the character end tui,sio►
of .Jesus. ((lead 3, '?18-36 in this
connection.) "Vo yourselves," ho
says, addressing his diaciplo.v, "bear
me witless, that I said, I ant not
the Christ, but that I ata sent be-
fore hila." "'There( Ire." he contin-
ues, "he must increa' e, but I trust
decrease." "Ile that cometh from
above," as did this Son of nano, ''is
above all. Tho Father lot. tit the
Son, and hath given all things into
his band. llc that believeth on the
Son hath eternal lite; but he that
oboveth not the Son shall not see
life." 'Thus does the Baptist testify
to Lite 1'itf'•ity of Christ, and there
is Ito entertain sound in his testi-
mony. '1'o him .Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of (cud and I{evealer of the
Father. The popularity of Jams
soon arrayed against hint the Phar-
isees as a party, and bo tbereforoi
lcavee Judea, the stronghold of
1'harisnlstn, and returns to Galilee.'
The shortest route takes him through'
Samaria, past tho village of Sychar,
near which was .Jacob's eel!. hero
our to -(lay's lesson again takes up
tI.o narrative.
LESSON 11l•:1.PS.
5. "'then (when Jesus had depart-
ed again front Judea to r•eturu into
Galilee) cometh he to a city of -Sant -e
aria"—Samaria lay between Judea
and Galilee, west of Jordan. "Sy -
char" --Site not positively i•tentifed
(but see Introduction). "Parcel of
ground that Jacob gave to his son
.1 oso:'h"—Abruhaun flist bought tho
piece of ground and spread his tent
there (Gen. 88. 19); .Jacob gave it
to .Joseph (Gen. 18, 22), and Joseph
was butted there (Josh, 21, 32).
(1 "Now Jacob's well" -Locate(! in
the entrance (;t the valley between
Ebal and Gori,in1, and one of the
few undisputed sacred sits of Pales.
tine still to Le visited by travellers.
The ell troll still exists, and net
many years ago leas thoroughly
clo. rnsi wit- More recently n chapel
%Vit hip a few hours he was well as !) "'!'-hen saith the woman of Se -
o'er; but it was not long before he merle unto hint"—lfe (raving spoken
full once more into the clutches of first, she alight venture to answer.
the b/w, and this time he was trans- "flow is it"—Thr Wore..O, usersl to
ported for' life to the American scorn arvJ contempt from .newish
plantations. travellers, is rtt once aStOnli)} tel and
More than ono man it was fount (von by the kind voice mei the
n physical impossi1,itity to hang courteous request. "No deal1hgs"
under the odd conditions of strap u- --The last clause of this verse is a
Jago.. One Daniel Hopson: nccot'd- puremthetical explantation of the
evangel int. "Han)arilnns"—A mixed
race and for that nelson allhorred
by the "purl.•-r!.lood.'(I" Jews.
10. "If thou knowest"-1Ve aro
not told whether .10311s received the
cup of wafer or 1,01; weightier mat-
ters than quenching his thirst even
occupied his n110(1. An opportunity
of possibly winning a soul iiarre.l
eve'y other c•onsi(ier'atinn for the
time being. ''The gift of Gtel"—
'J'o the world in se'ialing his Son to
reihent the world. "And who it is
that saith 10 thee" --If thou lennw•est
that I ant he for show• teeming .ie.vs
and Samaritans alike are waiting.
"Living water" --'That is. life, or
that which sustains life. Jesus
nelopt i the figur••r from an object et
hand: so always.
11. lint the woman fails to 11,1-10.--
stnnd hits, yet his nalnner of nixee i
and bearing convinces her Orel. he
can 1)0 no ordinary renin.
12 "Art. thou greater"—The epirit
of the 'f'Ie.tiou iv hand to determine.
Probably there teny have been an
'wheat' of both awe Atld doubt
in tFe wo,rn11'n tonne. "Our lathe
,lamb" --•1.,011 WAN A Conti( 101 tn•
—In do. Igo. A great firm in Lon -italic nn from the United States.
dun has introduced a set of silver('f wool and woollen &email Canada
ornament for the boudoir ns w.•11 It,itH,rtocl last year' $742,H21 worth
cording; to the medical evidence lie
owed his iuunueity from strangula-
tion to his very urltscnler neck and
to n peculiar construction of his
windpipe•." This record, however,
was handsomely beaten by a French-
men. Jean lfar•rnntele, who survived
no fewer then eleven attempts by
the hangman on his life-
Eliznlrelh Getty. who was sent eared
to death in 1756 for stealing a leg
A sl range religious sect has been, of mutton. recovered rnneciOUAness
fountiel at Annrwlierg. in the district an hour after she was cut down, nnri
of 1•:regebirge, by the Nllper stltiOtl9 avr ei1e 1 to )ro' onli the mother of
and ignorant working people who in Wee. family; and It was ono of
yellow tinge about It, which in-
as the t• ilei, the Salient feature "t from the United Slates, an increase have cunt.( to believe Lunt Christ has Fee greutlso,ls who, niter Sir Samu•
crewed with age and waver, and was which is its absolute plainness, cavo of 81(1,9:34. end 81:3,7x1,111 worth b••come reincarnated in the person of el Rumilly. did more than any other
wont to impart n shabby and old for the rite of applique sitter ro•m(1 from the United Kin duns. That a fair haired, blue -c rod girl n( fit -
edge of each ornament. This
1 K mho to motor, the passing in 182:1
e,tct to It. But under its present g this (ergo importation wee proving tern. 'Hie fact. that this girl quote of the statues Whirl] exempted
treatment the must perfect and dale rim is not only beautiful in Remit. ruinous to the (k►nadiatt 1vw►Ilen in- (cf seri ►tun• in her sire) was con -1
protects the )Iain and hi •hly 1 1 about n hundred felonies, such as
'ling whiteness la securoe, which Is p 1 b dustry wee admitted Inv the Govern- sidtrcxl a Miracle by her relatives, that for which his grandmother hail
one of the lurell'nt of setting. to a burnicap-
silhedver ecrntchurfaces ci!s.tlo Anutltor t f the
old meet, Anil accordingly the first and ehe Is now fully convinced of ieen emote ad to death, from cup-
fnir face. bre at h waw 111wd1• In the British
peri- hie mission hcrse•It, nal nft'•n goes Bel punishment
A few adenine ntndels of straw device (hal hes horn i 4;'•ital(s1 is ferential (0,1(1 when the duly on all foto a crane,. during whirh she __4
hats hove np'pearcd. They do not engraved silver which to modern the - makes +cruel-Ilihlicnl uttern nces. This
differ in shape or general consfree- a)e* mien very qua int, if,+t�lbfnx goods11nRiketq (nndsr!.tnral�, A ROI,T/ I.AUY. rester of both .low Ovral `4tntAriln 1,
MAI Lem the \,.p.,Irona, n,erqul.40 r i news of flew sect receet11 1•e•trbed and ens reveres! by both. "Aid
.._--- , Was increnetd from 2:3} to 30 per the police, who npp••nre'd At one er
Many it marriage s'gtics• 4 to nn (frank 1•hercof"—'Phut I. great ne
shapes and rogues we Late been ;cent. The general tariff on woollens 'their services. The believers were Irreverel,t curiosity (L0 (tuestirrn, teas Jacob, he f 1 it tier .8)ry le
went h i all this s (son. The colors 1111 %St;1 BUTTON A("1'3, larat('t1 at, n hilt or, "(lid the (rumen ►rn cosi it? ' lint
is :air pier cent. At the 111104 thine just outside the 1 p drink ^( water such ns this to vie-
signiflrnnt, being mostly bola
'the pnefct'iitial (duty of 10 l'3 per !town, n, lad o• the snMmit. on a !teem one teilduni finds nclunl historic toil 1110.
flied a of wrest and brown. Buyers Arts were passed in Ole reigns "f cent. on twiny And cordage woe in-Ivefvet. cushion (itis th'• girl. Aftir.pt•oo111int she did. A rere•nt delight-
t;+y that thew, two o(11urs will rule N't1114 I 111 Anne and George 1., tut book on Scotieuti has an inter- 1:1. 'It•h.►soover drirtt.eth"--.le•yu1
during the spring.Another wool whl.h MAe'e it illegal fur anytailor crna.e!.1 to 20 per (rent.• the tar.R,thc 1!nlice hurl heard ennaRh blas- dews nal. answer 111,• (vena►,'a quiet -
y a ninst American and other conlaese 1)henty tilt'v PI o, t0 arrest hen, eating 1111. n1t' rcnll,v not hent le
I: -
front th•se prophet, iS (bat shepherd. to wake, or aty u:an to (truer, `�; story of A case Wh••ri the woman lion rlrre••:lI. but rrnrtinn(y sp.a
:hlrka will be the rate" as soon as+clothes with eny but tons Mher then being per cent. hat went alt inked I,} her adherents. Ing ligurntively. thus no 1!onLt In-
tim s.nson op(v)r,. Brown, green. 1 those made of breve; appended there -STAINS 'I'4)01C ONE-1'ifI1(11 and a fight followed• which kept the hot '•1111' took the initiative, but
court homy for seteraI (Jaya. The
took it in (t high-handed fashion. ln11eihin; her intorl,at (ens loftgin,(,
bite and mauve in combination with I to. 19 a Ino f'u (her e nact.Y1 that of Cenada's total export to nil girl T ar (-1--.-.ti-
1,,,,d under ohservat.iun. 'the young; C'o u,teaa of (',crick was (^ kuru`ttlso he is.
shite ecu prornis.vt. not only should any (,liar who corn- countries* of 81418.414,4:111 during lhn i❑ hovpet*1, Lwas drrlartx! Sah1' b•it a widow by the death if her 1 11. "Shall never thirst"—T,iterul•
1'I 0 new wnlrisskin Pocketbooks mit ted a breech of It the ilned forty rival year 19ot, the United Staten s,.'l n, nr home, where mho wax wel husband while on one of the cru- y "will a•r(wiut• not thirst f,,r
weal handlings usually presented In ehi.lings, but, also tent he should took $66,H54,w85 worth, or 33 2-8 c.,•iu,• 1 n8 a martyr by her believer, s.lt1ev. 'Ike king became her g 3rd!_ ever ' The craving will be Nnlisfie(I
mot. ((dor or elephant grey, are not not 1s able to re, over from his cue- per cent., and Great Britain $110,- who h.•ld a rousing mo(•tin`. A an, nnri !rhe had good reason to fear 1^ntinoiliy ns It nrClrr'r. "�ituring)ng;
to lix•irioeA in aptearnno as the tomer in a court of law the mien of 120,892, or i,:,j per cent. The ex- 1h'rlin •ountalint who was p1080111. that he would force upon her a rear- tt]' int" overlwstintl life"•-Innonerli-
sti11 more new silver -gilt cases, with the Nu t tvhl'h he hail Adorned with port to th., tinted Staten showed A' .r Ihat
the audience was in a 'lag" of policy, She tins n 10:1,0 3,eLrl:. 1!o that p).)r•+eMil•N this foun-
thc•rt compartments Inside, one to the o'rndint; cultonf. The whole decline of lees than $I,O00,000, or state hor(10ring c•: frenzy. The ill hers•wunenie and often rode for a.=nin 0r' wdl+pring of Glc within hien•
tarry visiting .trite, the 'second to' object of the Art wan to prance' the 1 1-3 per cent while the tut a) e(S-
ro:1'ain one's mor,.), and the third
a !it(le powder-pu1T. 'There ii A long
chain to the r(tl(u'e and a ring, w►
that 11 can 1:o worn nn the little
Anger and clar,p eel in the hand for
tut iher sn(oty.
A fe,v new tier inq fabrics have
dei:ted into the dre•te-geode depart-
epart -
met1ts. Aneong t 1I* to a line of
fon. y' ...Wenner,. wit h slut flgerea in
the a c'r pooch shade and other tanh-
ionelde colors.
/,crone rubes in delIeatrt enter.
have lei ge embroideiea collar et
white end ethers have trimming of
hen y Inc.'. '19•e vivid rests are a. -
t e „II y l eaul if•il in this m'terlil,
he t ate at 1he it hest al en fi.,iehe.t
entirely In red.
ileis ate r,•.tuce.I 10 1cry law pre -,
g day through her own f,reet, attend- melt has eternal life We.rr(fy "Ile
niirrninghent metal hvtt011 (08lere. A L•11 ,nen A tenure and then n rtntel;i that liteth and l...u.veth on 01(1
port 10 all countries declined $17,- tOirei tM1d. "3•.a(i I,e with yore. p cd only by A small mo(infrd guard.
ca,e Which came before the concis 000.0(8), or nearly 4 per rent., lrrl One day she encountered a }our• shell never die." 1't 'seal life he. -
In the Pear i854 or 1855. in which am :oriel." 6 gins here en earth At 1';,• nnn,r•nt et
n mon, ca Nein »reed by his tailor, the export to I:rut hritaln tall "1 As she spoke all the hearers re- than to when, Nht was tit once, nt'uh (r
rair(•d a euec being
dh', hl relying 12 per rant. !mov(d strange coverings, which they atti'a('I,vl She eak('rt him to return yet, n• ration.`
Thr principal export, to the Unil-, with her 1., her castle, but he had on the .1,1e in weedier,- that the hurl pl)tcr•tl upon (bile haerlr I'he r)NF ('.11'!•11•: OF 11 1.\1' '• t
bearing on lh...toil which he h�,1
set Stares showing Incrcnses over the voice want on to env that ,t ha•I some gallant adventure already in '
ordered r ere hone and root. Reese, 'xpo!ti of 1:11•:3 wore:— Cordage ch.11,•n this poor girl 10 speak. hand, and ungraciously declined the' A femme; phyeirlen upon Inhi.t
rA110(1 ell..niton IO the existence Of $417,r11f, :IU (rA rn $71.1`(,798; drugs, I through, he(•ause she was honest invitation. nsk(rl recently whnt is t11" chief
the nnarhronhln,, and the restrictions dyes, et( . ;;3,:3,120, Inrreese $87,-1 Then follwed a strange jargon of •At it word frurn her, her mon-at- rause of ill -health, replied: "Think-
vrn)n after abolished.
}i•,n; Ash $1,1S2,oft, Increase 8131,- relrgfons phrss(s. am wheal Ihs'ar•Ins made him a prisoner, and bore ,ing and fnlking annul it all the
ir11, fruit* {2!(1,1.4), increase $6'1, 'voice finished people were seething hila o11 (o 'Plan:•eery ('Astle. time. 'Ibis ceasef.Ns Intro$pecllun
* • 7:19• metals and minerals and manta- nnll writhing 0n the floor h1 ,r1lgi- Two tweets' imprisonment brought , in which so many of the rising gen-
1:1(Inres thereof. 829,001.62;t. Iri-o1.r err•aey, him to a proper sense of the charm"ieratien of nervous folk In'dg. tt
ltfoL+ ar- ".1r0 you sut0 (hal gRl ere' e $2,054.519 ,ine1niI,n[ 54,2411._ i ` of his fair hostares, and knight. and certainly wcnring them ant. When
wit! nwkc you n gaud wile?" Jus IItT worth of copper, increoso $b,- ' Indy wet wedded, with the retuc- ,fhesy are not worrying 04 (0 , h
?te:rr" lhrolalely rcetnin. `1hn {{ :.:.9,:,24): pond in quart r, nuggets and Hot el ('dirk—"We have only ono tont Consent of Iho 1. big !liter they sleep ton much or ton lit -
her, 1 kholly , gretio(rs, collsi''e:.- dust, (713,713.1'09, inc refute $2,283,- room left, Kir, and tho bed Is only 'rho Aon of this rornna
ntir mrring,.• tie they nre fidgeting over flit
ate•, te,r'1er-hearted girl 1 ever 111 1 1,59; elver cern 11,S2d3i:2. increase big. enough for one." "Well, 1 sip- watt Robert Ilrure, w•ho..* ollen•I1,1'Arno:'•t of food Iley tale, or .he
to my life." •'1 urn delighted t 1 S21l,',t.S nett nickel ••')15,256, in- pee, we'll haf to •lake it.. lint I patriot (Am and heave delete are e ell 'glutei ity of ere-ri"o nereeenry !or
r et d ever 1n tie ''est shops twee-; hear thet . 1lou did 1(::1 Ind ti tree e '.07I79g; spirit, and wises hate to tint my wife ■leen on dor fitted to justify his mother's come ih(•allh. le short, they never (,rife
tI.el 1ne(:cls ea* sold at the cestum•;out'(" 'Ty asking her for klssa.." $137,1:83, increas.o 141,879; pots- fluor." 'ageoue audacity. th.iescat.„ a IIvn.'nt's penny,"