Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-26, Page 9PS'
O00000-000000000000OOOO To spell all the words that he
knows how to use.
To write an ordinary receipt.
To •Peak and write good English.
FOLKS To write • good social or business
p letter.
b 'I'( ark, a column of figures rapidly.
• OOOc�e�nnOc�n >OOOt>aoOod>�O To make out en ordinary account.
Man Does So By the Recreation To deduct 16} per cent. from the
MOLLIE'S 11U'1'1'1•,RFLIFS. (ace of the account.
"lige 1s my Mollie girl to -day?"
To receipt an account when it. is
of Himself "How
Aunt. lielen, as tato canal in paid
ung s' -alas, windy winter dais. To write an advertisement for the
Itloilio was in the big rucking- new8taner.
Behold. I make all things now. -'work; draftee the spirit and you chair, suede all comfortable %%air To write nn ordinary promissory
Rev. ixi., 5. change the :hurter; change tho ansa pillows and blankets. Site was mote.
At the opening of every January at %welch you iuo:; ut urea and things iwe•arir:g the pretty pink kimono '1'0 reckon the interest or the dis-
we say to all our friends, "I wish and lo! the nntveree is now! If that mama had elude fur ner as count on the note for years. months
you a Happy ticw Year," but how In an algebraic probleer you raise won as Mollie %vas able to sit up a or days.
to make and keep the new year real- but. one X ur Y to a higher power little while each day.
Now she .To draw up an ordinary hunk
ly new is a problem for us all. The you :,mthly the structure of all tho +could sit up fur three hours e'. / c;:ecpte.
petals of the time Cower are fresh eaeations anti work out a widely dif- day, and time she had even w•alkeJ To take it to the right place in
with dew, but, alas! the dew soon ferret result. So if you lift any vir-l across the ruuur. holding nutmeat the hunk to get the money.
vanit•hes and we have in our hand, tie or any grace to a higher stage hand, '•test to see if she could.' To urate neat and correct entries
a wilted flower just like the rine of Power or beauty ye du change lifter 1 '1 he doctor said she was e•oiii in day -!holt or cash-book,
which wo havo cast behind u.. And problem and get ori outcome which t telt', and told her to hurry up and To tell the number of yards of
so all the years come to look ease- is nw. You have faith; but raise it get well, so its to have rosy cheeks carpet re'tuireti for the parlor.
vokinely alike. %%'hen they first come to a legher power. and how different ueain to match the new kimono. ! To tel son:cthing about tho
to us we chanes their nurntrer an) life will be! You have hone: in- "0 Ratite, I'm so glad to see (creat n'rthors, statesmen and clean -
deck there out with new and gluv.iu); urea:' -'43 it, cube it, land the days will you!" said the little girl. sleeking ciecs of the present time.
resolutions, but before the winter all be other than they have been. the soft fur of aunty's iit•,f. "You if, Saks rho successful business
has mellowed into spring war ore Yon have love; enlarge it, purify it, !seen: so kind of fresh and t•itt- mart. a tear can oo all this it. is pro-
• living the lite we have aleats intensify it, had you will under. tand doursy " bible that ho hate sheath education
lived, and the year is not new, but why the New 'Testament speaks of "Well, Mollie, um Keine; to stay to mike his way in the world.
old. Evidently comtething more. is "newness" of life and of and be ladoursy it while," said !
necessary than tearing soon one gal- I aunty. "Grandma told me to tell I -♦
ender and putting up another. 1111'. "NEW W MA\." you that her biggest geranium k •
almost ready to blossom, and that DISGRACEFUL DEFICIENCIES.
Hots then can we make the new The Son of God makes all thlrtrs she can see file color pletperr_ Mut
year new? Not by the changing of new by developing th,r sold. First 01 the lauds now. sin‘ is going to Orison Swett Harden Says It Is
the seasons, nor by the. a!teruttou of of ail ilo frees it from its st ivories j
the days, nor by modifying the newts send than to you just. as soon as I a Disgrace.
striking down the tyranny of beset- they're open. ,yvu 1:now."
of the body or mind, nor by decor Ong sins; and use as a nein deity- 1 To half -(lo thtngo.
h J 1 "1 s'po,rt it is so Hite. and wa►rt't hot to develop our ossibilities.
ing ourself to n diRernt task, nor by ercd from some lingering disease+ tells in rnndtnn's hon -0 the pituita edea t J P
modifying the trend turd temper of g '1'u bit lazy, i.,d [itdid'crent
J g D ell his frien-de with radiant fate that know it isn't s:nnmer," said !;tattle'
To do poor, slipshod, botched
the age. All the familiar furniture lie is a new 1111th, so a nein who has �'•liut when Mie flowers open they'll work
of the old year must be carried into been delivered from sloth or setiish-.be so s'priseil to see nil the r:noty 'lo ave a bad exam !e to nun
the new -the old body. the old work, mess or fear. from n , )elite or Inst ! g P young handle tither razor ur r0vulver, and
the old environment, the old Bible, l 1 outside." people. hr, %vers sung and n cover d'
or grc(d, looks out of new eyes upon 1 hen btollte and meaty began to To have crude, brutish, repulsive'
the old Decalogue, a world which stems to have :v glory !talk shout the sunur.er, how lovely I N9rut, an utter fool be had been to
TILE OL1) GOLDEN flULE, ;never seen by him before. And yt`to Iii ' get into a crape like this fur fifty
tit wttx to see all the green frets. end 'Pu hide a talent bacuu-e you havo pounds! Why had he out been bold,
the old flag. the old church and the along with this liberty Christ 'tho rlatis'e.S and buttercups in the 0,113 000. )
•old borne, and with so Horny tea brings new cuncictiems, lash miller- grass, and to he.•r the hirds singing. '1•u live a half life when a whole and taken something worth while:
things about us It is not. surprising Hams, glowing hopes and ideate' Aird, n hunt .', don't coo i 'ii1 'rn- life is possible. Still, of course, he meant to put the
that the new year should soon Scent which are u perpetual challenge to tier the lots anti lets of hut terflies Not to be scrupulously clean in money buck, and ho had hen 80
in all pointe like its threadbare pre- •ihn. spirit. A growing soul cannot Iwo used to see when we rode over person and surrounttiegs. sure that Sansf.,nteins would rise.
tlecexsor. I grow old. !LH ('e' sin Eve's' house? Wouldn't ; '1'u acknowledge a fault and make Otherwise he %could not have run
But a man makes a year new not.! 'Phis is the way, then, of mmaking lit t,,• «tae if %c e• cauls have sumo' n0 eflort to overcome it. the risk, for he knew that no mercy
by changing Its flirnitnre, but by ,the new year new. itt God renew :butterflies in the 1:01180 in winter, '1'u Le ungrateful to friends and to would he shown by the directors;
the recreation of himself. The soul;yoiir life. Make your consecration same ns t•rindmn•ec tloeeers." tlitit who have helped us. they had proved that too recens'y
is never stationary. In the words more complete. Change the fev.•l of I •'1'„t afraid the winter butterflies '1'o go through life a pigmy when for him to doubt it..
•of a Greek philosopher it is "a per- ;your purposes. Lift cora• ideate and i wouldn't tie quite happy,” said nature intended you for a giant. With an angry sweep of his at n.
petual becoming." it we are refills ;widen out yo:lr sympathies.
ity I aunty. "'flees would rather wait Ter kick o%er the ladder upon he caught up the new.:paper wfech
living we are growing from less to ;God's grace raise your soul to +► until the real outdoor summer which tto have dim to our p0.J- chronicled the doleful news of his
more and rising from lower to high- ,higher power. In the words of the conies, I'm sure." j tion, ruin in its money newscolux itntl
ser, and with each new upward sweep 'greatest of the Apostles, "Ila not f Aunt Tielen thought. Very hard ter To be grossly ignorant in these criunpled it up. As he did so his eye
into loftier regions of thought and fashioned according to this world: .a minute; then she said, 'But we days of (let' ueuagar of good sot'lety.li'ticlght the heading to u coluntit.
purpose we diaeover all things me- but be ye transformed b%• the renew- might make sans butterflies, even if '1'0 ignore the forces a%..ich are int -I ' 'The Marriage handicap!' " ho
•coming new. (hairee the disposition ing of your mind. that ye :nay prove Uuy're not real coats -and I think I proving ei%ilieation in your own lnmuttered fiercely. "Yes. of course; i
and you change t he home; than "'what is t he gotta and accept Mae amid know how to nuke then Ily just a c•unntry. thet hos been my ruin. If I hadn't
rho temper and you change the perfect will of God " Ilit.tle. ton " Kot to be able to entry on inter- brim foo! enough to marry, I Should
Aunt. Helen got scene prat%• tissue- ligeittly cunvorsution upon current not. have been what I airs -n critnin-
-- - Ipui+c r, ver} ihin. and of diITerent topless• al whose hours of freedom aro ntim-
the affairs of tho dee kit chur,lt and (,%lots- reel, white, yellow and light 1 '1'o alrirk responeibility in politics, bored!
st • te, tl ou •h ut this time suhordfn- ti or to be innir.erent to the public) • Money, money. money, ever since
b roan. he cut out ti )0)0 any hut- j welfare.
ate to the Boman authority. tr•rflies. Then she took several plea- ; f mi►rri0,l-that has been -the con -
'1'o know nothtag of the things stent cry --T never Seem tc have had
2. By night -For a personal Inter - ;es of very fine sewing silk, and fled ;tic :lee, handle, and enjoyevery da
view and possibly to declare hie one to each buttt•rIly Mollie wast Yin peony I could call my own mince
sympathy and secret allegiance. It 1 ery touch interested in the of our lives. Lhe la%nstly day --•love. h0 ► w sinned
at/ hits t 1'o be iguurnt it. of the general his_ i th sights the --domarre. ti •f it ter'
hes been sugg,eitod, and not with- of paper, and tried to tleeuh' if thei tory of the'iurld and of the various
out plausibility, that as a member red batter:iie8 or the yellute ono; "Anil what have 1 got for it !M-
araries. • all my sacrifice? Oh. It's no use!
Kot. to kern%• something of the 'things have comae to tt•e crinis now.
:eeule,;t leaders, hefurtuers, artisbs,i1 trust. be open with ntvscl( My r�
:eel t 1e haus of the world. turn for all any 8acri' ee and unsel-
Ku: to have intelligenttame%%,tg,e flshness has been nothing. A weak,
of the general aitui'8 of the is s. !ailing wife, who ceased to be a corn -
and the inter-ri !at itis of nations.
a.ot to krarw enough about the' panion years ago, and three expen-
Ltt:s of health, about physiul ,gy. sive children to be brought op. 11p -
Re d li yFicew to live healthfully an,' 011 my soul, 1 don't. kn .w haw we've
sanely• kept up sit long as we have. on my
To vote blindly fur party, right or salary! I expect, if I only knew It,
wrong, instead of for principle, 1,0- Ellen is in debt tall aver the place'
cause :1011 havo beell doing so for "t t wasn't t o he wondered at
}:ars. that, handicapped as i was, 1 should
'J'0 he grossly igisiratit in the;° try to snake a little more for theme -
/lays of free school, cheap news- of course, for them. And now the
t.a►iiers, } ce iodicals, and circulating smash has come. Ah, well, I roust.
li,ruries, try and meet it like a nein!
'1'o be so controlled by any appe- The door of hie room opened. and
lite or passion that one s Iiaefi11r105,q a grey' -he ales lean. whose severe
aria standing in the euatnnu,iity aro i lance frowned 1hrnuelt his gold-
roamed xpo tette s r.t lha 1111) nrd
Tia hu totally ignorant, of natural l,r,tr' s on the desk. looked in.
history, to 'knew nothing of the { will Inks �oeir books this alter -
ant:► 0 whirls is of ii•x the beauties roma, Mr. Denby." In said quietly
and the unreels of nature. "Very well, sic "
Not to hake an intelligent Iden of The door shut with n rlerid,•d snap
g -
teased to be your •;etnpanloa. 1 as
uuth.ug but a weakling, anti a drag
!upon tho wheel of your happiness
• Thls is what 1 have rend into your
sleep -talk, my hueland. Have l
read it aright? 1 havo known this
for yearn, and at first 1 prayed to
{�*nr die.
"But, then, I saw the truth of
_________"1-�-i••>F-�•'-$-H1z._-l-_'1-�' your side of the neater. lIousekeep-
tug 111(uus mirth oiuney and much
I, , worry. I would, at any rate, try to
Willis Denby eat staring starkly at help with the former. And so I
His newspaper. By tho side of his i wrote Humes poor little atortes, wblcb
blotting -pad there lay a stack of Iot and by,�thoucre gh, returned
did tome.
1e conte
gra% o, vellum -covered books. tho •back, and, Willis l).nby, for the
contents of which were so precious!
that the covers were secured by yast ou efnnttfmomrs tvdcehtulugH have
lock and kev. 'l'heV were crying 1"-..'!„
'•the accompanymng £50 represents
mutely for his attention. for it was
seldom indeed that they were so neg- a good deal of work, and work with
betted. Men had been chuin•el to �me is not easy; but you trust not
there and their near reluttons every I t)ta11k lite' or mention or r>.nhun
working hour for as long as 1 hey ( this health in any way. To me it is
had evititnel, and as Denby turned as though it had never happenal.
his glance to them a frown stainer and we nest avoid 'scenes' for the
to look out (runs under the Luilde,{ sake of the children. -Your wile,
letters on the covers. ELLEN."
But he dreaded to open them; he
And when the director with rho
knew too well that they could not gold spectacles had "taken over"
hold his secret for another day. Denhy's ane balance, and certified
Phones cold culutuus of figures would his hoots to be correct, be was sur-
te11 their own +start/ -the story of prised ax he closed the dour to hear
his disgrace. a sound as of a strong saran sols.eng
Whet should he do? Should he behind bite. But he wax veru busy,
mat -
snake a dash for freedom while he
and he didn't investigate the hail the chance. or should he wait, ter.
face it out, and take his gruelling'?
Take his gruel! Ah, that wits how DEEPEST MINE IN THE WORLL
they used to talk at echo0l; then it
meant a canine from a master or a 4000 Feet Felow the Bottom of
mill with a schoolinate; now it wits Lake Superior.
prison -that foul charnel -house of
reputations and respectability.
'.here was another way out; but
it needed courage or madness to
er' _-, JAN. 29.
.Lesson V. Jesus and Nicodemus. I y•
Golden Text, John 3, 16. of the Sanhedrin he woad have foun•1 were the prettiest.
'Gine fur such a visit and conversrt- "lief i don't See haw yon ere go -
'II in LESSON WORD STIJDIES. tion only at night. anti that there is int: to make them fly, aunty."
in reality no fear or even timid- Aunty went over to the big regi'.-
Fatly Ju;'e•nn Ministry - 'Phe ity inipte 1. The woods of Nlcrnit,- ter. The heat wits comities up veru
•fourth evangelist alone iJuhn 2, 12 Ines to .Jts;ts, Wo know that thou fast, for i1 ens 0 cold day mead...
to 4, 4a) gites us an account of nrt a teacher col,:e from hurl, are, end pa.l'at tia.1 to keep n but .ire in
',shat has been tea -anal The 1•urly not flattter•y, but a simple tuns•....i(nt the furnace. so that.'1lellle's room
Ju. eau Ministry of Jesus, and which of 11:,1 ott•u deepest (eawicli„t,. 11111.111. L0 warm tti,.I cotnfortnht•.
includes the i!rst cleansing of the
! t: ;neaten] of God -.1 s;.iriti:nl Aunt 111••1..n funk the paper bet te
tajrle, our Lord's di: course with
kji;g'slom embracing in a now fellow- (lies slid tier) ane end of each silk
Nit 0,10m118, .1on's act -'ry of
ship er bruthe•rhoo'1 n!1 tate beldl•% thren,1 to the back of n chair. l'he
Cha i e nt .team, t I e Ma 'ter v de_ 1 interface nil hung straight down.
parkin: from Jaden (sec also Matt. ars, het nut so una'r.1oist by the Aunty moved the choir very near 10
4, 1'1 anti Nlark 1, 14), and his {;as_ •teat/ In the time 01 t'hrist. I'hcv;e the sed tinyo the butterflies
8; ge through nand deo di %s' sojourn I"ea:eel forward to the ultimate es- n little register,oss into the Middle b of the
in Su,marite The period of time ma 1;!rli,;h:,atilt of an earthly kin,gefrnn not air.
cupi••d. as e•eninn:ly accepted, ells of great ti•,lendor in which the .Mss-•
I'+.(i' Up thee %lent, higher and
faun Al t 11 l 1 until smite; iue0 in sial, hnnst 11 s1"111 rule es Kieg. I114,11e•r. can•ieil by the ti tan, resin;
Ile wntier, A.D. '1 . A steres frontBoat Again -•i h,• sense of "again" sir. '1'1ty .vitt,:eel shunt, now •hon -
this Early Judean 'itinistry forme 15 10 the ut'iginnf obtainable only pinti a little, then ;e e
I i,tg "metier
the lupi, of our study in this les- from 1h • context, the Ure,•k expres- them ever, swt,yine ahnitt (rept side
sun. skin meaning rather "hurts ft u+n to std:. I;ed mei yellow and white
Intervenl•,g ]:cents. -After tee above.” l'he w•or'1 1rawanted anti green, dement; ; up and down.
mar. iago f, est in Cana •10.0:5 went "again" may mean atlso "iroto the they really see_•niet. like a flock of
• lith his nmteer, brothers, anal lis- beginning," which, besever, would gay htttcrfba:, hoatrine over n 11;•I41
riplcs to cep,•rnaunl, but reunaiue.l nuke no 80190 here. of hawses.
Gate, ns John is careful to stair, 5. Except a nano h0 barn of wet er Morllie %wa:i (1,1a:hted. it rr• eer-
:'nut many days" (Ju1u► 2, 12), --Unless lee humbly emote ts to the taiilly n pi etty stela. :elle tt feel
since the annual pas.ower feast was outward :den of cleansing, therein theta for n while. until she• fell
now nt hand, the celebrutiun of thrix (u,;f, sKing
his own de'liItit eel and asleep. She drrnuted that she was
fenst being the occasion of hie pre- sinfulness. Iving in It hammock under the trees,
sent %Isit to .loruealem. filled with Of the Spirit; -The more important end (tett a1 11ock of butterflies were
the c•m.sr'nesnnse of a lifework now birth. Unless a mane inner sterile- t %•;n: all about. iota that they soon
fully entered upon, and with n burn- al life he wholly changed by a power turned into surae bright 1,los.ouae of
ing real for ti a rejestablishnaent of front nbu%e. that of the `4pirit of sweet twee and rel geraniums. and
his Father's reign In 1 ho hearts of Cod he carutot, even though ho be dropped Into her lam
man and In the unliorul life of his a men of Abraham accord'eg to the The nett day viten Aunt lfelen
chit cn people, ho eet,to x Into the fte•sh, enter into the kingdom of carne. she trotiglit surae Inure bite
sacred precincts of the temple. Hero God.of tie:me-paper-this time they were
• the dt Mlle
of this hely pinto to6. Flesh -Signifying not merely the pink owl blue mud lavender and
the tguise
for gain carried on under badly, but. its faculties, Its appetites crimson end white and purple.
the guise of a ncrretery tools t tar and desires as well, "the whole She cut (milt little petals of the
worship arouses his rightecets and
holy ir.dlgnatlon, and, with the (a. equipment with which nature fur- col :reit paper, and with a few skIl-
vlue, authority to represent tho nigh"' man for life In th'y we rid." fu1 touches made that l into pretty
Father and reveal his will to melt Spirt--llure means the Hely h1.,8.o:ns. Then she fastened the
now hilly tl'd(tesf in hint, ho dr1yM Sf frit 1 10"40111A to long green Menet, mode
out the money changers and trier-' 1st. 'l'l) 1% hid bloweth-A phr:.*t, of t.ny uire covered with a 1wistea
cenady t;afllckors and cleaneva the'mometim• s tranelatal "the etpirit h:t of green paper. Aunt Helen put
house of prayer. bre•athe(h," *ince the wends for wind a du,.ei: of the pretty flowers into a
finny miracles accompany his mina aryl spirit are in (:r,ok slender glass %'tide. anti set them on
{stratiuns to the people at this (os Dieereet 1h•, Sound 'thereof --aline •- the litibt tablea
timer re metered "h, crest its Voicce • "Nils, winter, they're ji>st 'rarely
tive Fortson, and not a few are they t little the sweet t neat I dreamed of'
1n whom on iasc aningn of froth a, following the translation "the spirit D
Mol -
hint are uiai lfestod. But it is Johns breatheth." :newt..i can ulnuast smell than." said .Hol-
purI'"e to show at this point in his Sc' is every one; that is horn of the lin-
norrath•e the influence of the words Spirit evi•lent to those with whom 771r1 warty nettle more of the
and nthae'ea (or signs) of .Issas tip- he cones in 40,1(111 t by his life and dainty !lowers, Elie time nail no
on one who las not of tee crielulotas netivity, t-itle the sweet) ar.d tan- titans. `li • Gra n silk thread to
sill fickle In..ltituete, but who belong- mete trend of tie .spiritual life and each one. an I feet 'ewe Ilse miss•,•!
eel re the aristocracy, which in the this art ltity 4:; ty be nli!,e httft:en pear 10 a chair, AN the butterflies
Jet%t -jt state implied that he nus from nil i4110 hove not thetnr'Ive:: hail Leen fastened the day bel„re.
one of the leaders 1n the religious become partek,•rs *of the same flew T'e • chair 1,.1s placed near the reels
life anti thought of the nation ng life of the Spirit. ter. end the sweet peas waved Shout
well. I 14. 1iow ran thrs” tee --nattier, and fluttered up and down lice dare:-
•Vcree 1. Nire,detn':s--Thr name transpire. or rear,,, t.• prat. tog blossoms.
Nicudemus, though of the (Ireek. 1n Art thou n Ines, er - Tletter, the Ihew were n ;,t,- ty ru;ht, Hurl M..1
orig;n, wan not un/r•m110'' nnu•nt( teancar. As a ruble, and htnte a 110 •njn ea watching there. After ca
the •felts. '1 he'I'nitmul me•alietts a rept% meet et to et 1 h. .vtspreer, au while :hc begged aunty to "let rho
person 1 taring hls name an ane of thorary of the .1•:wlth church, `ern• butlerl!irr play, too," so aunty
the four richest inhabit nntt of der- ;deems is taken to ttisk for his ap- hi -might out the butterflies again.
uselena, and at/ one of 1 hn disciples' pareet ir•trratae !n tpirit'rel mat- and soon the ht:tttrflits and sweet
of Jones who lived until atter the tors. pray were nond,t and dancing to-
of 'leruealem. which fact 11. We ,cheek -The change to the gather as if they were having lovely
makes the identification of this per- singtt'ain the nett verve neeme to summer fen.\Tullio told Aunt Helen
11 son with the Nlcodemits of John'i s indurate that •Testis tnrhid,xl his dig- she always thn•tght nt the nicest
narretite Impruhable, ticodenrss is(iilies with himself in thm►I;bt in that thingS1 to do, and it was not half
mentioned but tetcn after this in theexlinti4i'asu so hard to be sick when she came.
goepet narrative On tho one Deco-, 'T9an' we du knew—We An net at-
sion (John 7, 45 ;'%) he defense tempt to Instouct others concerning WITAl• A 110Y SHOULD KNOW.
Jesus herein the Sndterhln and 00 which wit ours•1t•ps :err 1 nrirnt.
the other ho wedeln Jeaeph of Ail- 1 �k A very yue'eestifta men, In tpcakin{
orath; n n( the h'ie'inl of Jesus (John ' of what R young man should know
iP, n9.11.. - 4- •--- to begin a basinee• life in the right
t rel. r .1 11'e deet -'11101 to, a way, s'umrunrl ed the gealiflenttons
n„sept a! the elnnho,trin, the high- Te, a pt.k of earrls there ere 8:15,• about rt fo!!,ers
.,,utt +t jt,.tice en 1 c r,e,•i'•o Int:t.:,!,0.r100 peteibte different whist- Ile Shnu'd he n' to 'n ,vr,to 0 good,
1 et %eel:alone. 4 e.trull ntf a:l Lan:' (e•ltihte Hanel
the country in which we live, not
to I:new it, h!story, its industries.
awl the c•ouilat tone of its people.
Not to knew anything e( the move•-
nlcute fur !Mihail bet.term,•nt and
not to bele thein along to the ex-
tort of our ability in time ur
To live in the midst of schools,
libraries, :wise:anus, le lutea, pic-
ture galleries, and intproc0mte t
elute', and not 10 avail oneself of
their advantages. --O i . Marden itt
and Willie ilento, whose heart had
stopped heating when the man who
was shortly to Send biro to gaol h -.d
nopeared, felt it Atoms thutnp into
The clot k wax striking three when
the director who had looked Into
1 teoht'14 room in the morning ap-
peared again.
"1 shall bo with you In five min-
utes to look over yotw books and
♦ yaks your cash balance,” he said. "Completely cured of cancer!
1`O BIRDS SING? Ale' am Willis Denby sank back .into Such is the remarkable statement
bre chair ho telt daisy and faint. made by the Countess of Clattcarty,
A nrtivrallmt has rrr0utly written het
minutes! It would take ten once the famous ]Delle lliltou of tris
to prove that herds are nut tenors. Five
to discover what had Wisp -music hall stage, who hes Just r.s
bet whistler:: that is to shy, that per.ed, another ten minutes to take turned to London from Paris, ao
the notes nre produced through a hint before the hoard, and -yrs. companied by her husband, says the
tubo -to he technical, through the within half an hour he would bo London Express.
slit known as the FI•,ttit-ant by
marching through the etreete with Early last year the ('ountyss war
the hells of vocal cords. lint the the overtaken
whole distinction is ber.ido the point. pollee -constable who had touch en by the m st reit-nth:ea nl
Anyone who has seen a bird singing eel his hat as ho had passed that all malatlleit-cancer. Operation•
will have seen both the vibrations tnorning. Perhaps, though, they were performed, but in vain.
do his throat'eeand the hevavibrat 1s w')idd let hltn have a cab, he mused Sentence of (teeth was proaouuc•
the extent to which he opens rind dully, and--- eel by Sir Arthur 'ern..8 Mac an,
"A letter for yam, 'Arr. Denby. A president of the Royal ('allege of
rloe0s his beak, er manlihle�. and, lad;: left it at the dour a few nett- l'hyIicians, Ireland, and the eminent
given there n1 cer.1{tonim••nls, tegeth- idles ago, and was very anxious you car• er specialists who were consult•
cr with ti,,. leo:
,murnat•m of an innrti should have it at ante." ed by Um Kort of Clancarty con-
1 •nrrneet,. whistling and sing-
ing he identical tare suggest- Willis took the bulky packet from carred in this verdict. Two of the
rethe olllc0 hnv and opened It. Then greatest cancer specialists of the
inq a distinction. People are ac-daydeclared that the Collet est
caster", to the ilei that only n he gawped, foriii his and he held
few vpecieae of lilydm, such as the h
ton fivpound puttee Ile could notAs a could not live more than SIN weeks.
parrot anti the Jackdaw, can be lw'linvu hia eyes. The very amount, tock his wtfresource e Pis.ord
nn(tIanearte platcA
taught, but In wild life alae eat all and-" iia skirt" jibed out the let her under the treatment of 1►r.
hinds are mimics to mune este'it, ter, anti read, it his wlfit's well -
Doyen, with the result Lady Clara
and prul,ably more of thein than kni'wn hand: early told in her own aordx yor;ter•
people reeliee coul•l bo taught to •' 1 ear Willis,- Are volt aware t�he't day.
imitate human sounds. etenrt.mes you talk in }'our sleep? T -When T ens linred under Ili.
do not think cora cnn be; but It re-
ItLSSiA'S \'OLIJNTREBS. tangle true that from finer to time, Decent tete Iit(r.t T had only three
when my wretched pain would tent weeks of life lett," She said. "The
A story comes from Moscow which new treatment began in Men h. is
Sheet pretty clearly the different let me sleep, i have caught you mut- n11, 1 hail iwrnrly nine inoculation.
views that the Governtnont and the tering distinct senten, ••s. For the of the anti-cancer s' rum trots
common people take of the war. Two pnst three weeks you havo evidently twenty-five to thirty is the sisnal
men were out walking, when they been In dietrese to cause you wanted number.
saw a crowd Jostling and Miming,£',t►, i enclose that anunint now, \t the cud of the cnur.;a i ani
while from within the crowd came an trust it Inas be in time t , taus ;wonutncedl by 1' r. Dm, en and he
loud sobs, critxv of ptrin, oaths and you from the conxenucr.ces your colleagues free from re neer Derr
blows. What on earth i.s the stat- sleep -mutterings hive told nue you I nrn, able to walk shout, 1n calci
ter?" said the first man. "Oh, said (heed•hfife, not very strong sot, but :}:tit/
hit companion Indifferently, "it Is "Where slid I get the money^, 0h. coral of the tterrihlo dttertse fret.
oo• a Government office:.forcing a my heehanrl, your sleep -talk has which I su'Tertwd."
peasant to turn volunteer." , told ire other thing!. I ant your lir. Doyen is a Free( h ihi*3 1e at
,hundirnp -you have said it; but whoa. claims to hneleg akar,: rod
About 80.0011 wedding-sin,,e are for me and the responsibilities 1 the fencer n,icruhe oral n sure tae
depntited every year at the munici-topre•nnt, you would be richer, end thud of treat:me 1 see • •- le n•.•te•.1
pal pawnshop of Paris. , ahle to defy lite world. T have t;o:ch t 1 est ss%i •'• • • 1, 1, ".-
"Imagine it you can a gigantic
honeycomb forty miles long by fif-
teen miles broad, surrounded by
water and penetrated by hundred of
miles of tuneels In tiers onto below
another to the depth of a mile, and
you will have some idea," writes
Mr. Theodore Waters in Everybody s
Magazine, of the country in which
tho deepest twine in the world, the
Calumet and llecla, is located. This
copper -nine extends down (ot:r thou-
sand tent below tho bottom of lake
Superior, which itself is ono thou-
sand feet doge.
If the knife of n Cyclops could cut
the honey -comb in two, longitudin-
ally, as Sir John Lubbock used to
Cut an ant's nest for the purpose of
observing what was going on ii:side,
there would be revealed a %%0111th and
a breath of industry not e.lit ped by
those of many surface communities.
Dozens of elevator shafts, sante per-
petidicular, othcre on an iccline,
would be found piercing the comb
from top to bottom. In them moi Id
be seen cars carrying men and metal
up and down with tho speed of ex-
press -trains.
In and out, across and 1 ack ex-
tend galleries overroeing with ac-
t1%ity; in some, lints of airdrills eat-
ing their way into the rock, in
others the sudden bursting 0'
blasts in the wnlli of the lodes. lel
eetric locomotives are hauling trains
of rock -cars to the shafts, or nmol
are found laboriously pushing hand-
cars through darks cd strbwaes.
Down 801110 of the shafts can be
traced putnplin:s, pipes aryl cables
radiating outward through the gal-
leries so that the miners may have
dry- tunnels, elcc•ti le lights, and et•en
telephone sen Ice underground.
In these passages, many of therm
4:0 deep that rho internal heat of
the earth can be perceptibly felt,
neat live and eat and toil and carry
on the busiou-s 0f life apparently
oblivious of the tact 1 at they aro
nearer the centro of the earth than
ever man succeeded In getting be-
fore. and are digging themselves
nearer every mir nate. Thousands of
then inhabit these towns and vil-
lages underground, governed by Taws
for their peaceful regulation, and
provided with efficient systema of
fire protection, sanitation, drainage
and ventilation.
In the deepest mine there are fleet
two hundred miles of tunnels lighted
In part with incandescent lan►pr,
um! a complete telephone service
with a "central" and eighty instru-
ments Iestalled In the gallcriea; so
that a pulnpinan on the fifty-seventh
level can call up a friend over the
long-distance wire to Chicago, and
toll him how it feels to live In tbaw
bowels of the earth.
Physician's Treatment Results in
Complete Cure.