Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-26, Page 81 1 .:..;. _.:._.:. :._.: _ ;._.:. theubumbleworkshop.ted ter..ting to buys thc6e further do- A MIGHTY MALE GHORU g. and leckcxl the door. kshop. and COMMUNISM 1N PRACTICE tail. about this little group . In about an hour he emerged, his el"' luSouth American Indians, whose pe- -- • face wearing a radiant smile, and WITH THE GUARAYO INDIANS culiar and somewhat advanced civil- THE PEOPLE OF FINLAND SINGI ••• The Triumph �g led the too men back to the cab OF BOLIVIA. tzation had already carried their ALL THE 'II?IF. The Ruling Prices In Live Stoelt that was by now inysteriuus cynos naU1C abroad. - and Breadstuffs. i 'i'tiro of a huudnsl neig•Idn,rs. Then heJrrnuann at last reached the rah Great and Eich c.ud Yoor i A German Traveller Describes Lowly, ss •• turned to his mother, seized her by How It Works Amon bre fields after travelling many days Counit,ise One Vast Choral IlltEA1ii UFFS. the shoulders and wildly executed ag through the dense forests. The tree .! gross libel on the polka. Them. It Society. 'Toronto, Jun, 3•t. -\µbrut --Ontario is the IL•vea braziliensis, the satse _ ..,_t, is _•; ••: _.•� _ gsoasi :•ssaa s A few minutes later thyro was a On any map of Bolivia you will {,lint that yields the famous Pura lit the palatial sol•{.. r roe>Ju of the ctua, with prices unchanged at $1.04 second knock. Mrs. Adams bored°`I find a big white saner in the south- rubber in the Anutroe basin, and Ito- great hotel in llulsing;iurs, the nail- to $t.U5`for red and white. spring, 7• the envelope to her son in his sante- ,.astern part of it. This large region livia is supplying more turd more tal of Finland -t ho best bot c)1 in •'uc to J. c; souse, SKr. afxuitotoa t tum. f steady'; No. 1 northern, + The hammer swa>ed in mid-air. . • • • • • has icon neglected by csplorers and of this superior rubber et year. Itussitt, for thv Finns represstit all ir1 JU; No. The girl's sudden outburst, so spon- all ther white mien. excepting a The tree is known among the rubber that is ,host {rrogressivo in the 2 notl'on. 51.05. Ao. :3 northern, They I 1 him, atter the crash, 414Je, l:ear�inn btu , raucous and unexpected, iron. it to unconscious, 1,, inti amid the atoms handful of Bolivians, rubber collet- collectors; as the seringa. Lefty's 1•'wl•iro-u company of Indies S' [arts; tic afore his fingers. tors and a few missionaries. it wits The explorer mentions a very curl- and gentlemen seated st our of the grill.it 4 in transit. b of his idol, and Ibu fragnsonts of n • "1_a it down, frank," she sol) - letter in a frntiline hand. -London trot known until this fall what in- ous fact concerning tho search for tubes suddenly begun no,gcog;. Writ 11 !lose -Dull; 4.0 1xr cunt. patents, bed -"lay it down! I was mail -1, Answers• t 'resting things are to he found in other rubber fields in these groper Intim vuic•,s they 50 ng 0 four -prat $4. U to .'4.85, buyers' sacks. east was mad! 1 wits-" this forgotten corner. forests. The groups of rulil,er ire••, folk -lure sung of the >.orthlaud. and west 15e to 20c higher for She finished in a blood of tear~. 11 __� I Capt- Jerrmiutu, u well known are stattered only here awl th••rn \ocrr. heard 1 a song so deeply reel- choice; Manitoba, $3.40 to $:..I;d) for an instant a ponderous missle fellI 1geugrapher, who has been studying nonan}; t he timber, nerd sten are k, i•r or, holy. It was the music of the first patents. $3 to $5.31) for second heavily among a heap of shavings, l JOAN OF ARC IN BRITAIN. •rubber resources in South America. constantly in the field in search of etnha{.pt•st of the a"rrtigditrnrd peoples Pat out 5, and $5 to $5.20 for bakers'. and the young iu .home was press -i - has written for 1'etermann's Mittel- more tress. ,uf the earth, writ's It corrr»,iuudent. Milli( e.1-1)1111; 814 for bran In b iug the wet cheeks against his awn- Proposal to Raise Statue to French Mogen some remarkable facts about. 'Phis w. rk is not without danger.. I 'J'ht,t was un env first evening in lk• 31(1 tM$1(1.:0 for shorts east It was a familia iug story Heroine O ,p ' lIosed. this region. lir count find no map for th re are perils of wild beasts [inlanfont). d. from that time fo, arrauwest. o anitobu rosier, 1f) for 01 a fight 'twist boyo altd Luuc.l The proposal to erect a monument. to help hint on Iii journey. and theand of fewer and many 0f the Inti- throughout it stay of (aur wrekx shorts, $18 for bran, exports - Both claimed haiiIsonu, honest to the memory of .loan of Arc i•.: route inap he carefully prepared gives ans are not friendly. The prospee- Barley -45e e for No. S, •1']e for ox - 1 I i g P i :unouq rhos., sad-h1•artcd people, [ frank Adatns for their own, and he out - England is strongly opposed by So much fresh information. tors therefore travel in small par- listened to their singing t)torning, trig and 41e for No. :1 malting, out - had lust his helaud become tired o[ Thos. Barclay. who has done so I Mr st people have thought of 110- tteu. spreading out within hearin_ loon, and night. almost continu_ silo, 'Poronto freights, 91ury Barton n 1 touch to promote good r,.lations In,- Livia, since the war with Chile in distance cat one another duringtheirBye-70c for No. 2. sharing affection "with lifeless oasis. The Germans sing 0 great steel," as she put it, and just 1wcen Prance end Englund. 11871) depri\rd her of a port on the day's toil. d.'ai, the Swedes sing part of the Corn -Unchanged; New Conation invited Fronk to choose' The proposal, like the manifesto- Pacific Ocean, as beim; without any A little bird with n sweet flutelike time, the Russians sing toast of the yellow. •111c; mixed, 41c fool). Cha - now had ue t tions in Paris in honor of the Dom- port through «•hick she might +sx- note is foetid in these groves of tune, but the Finns, 1N a notion, ac - between her and the ;dearest ealinvention which next to her, was his Beare � idol. h'e'nry heroine, is the result of the change commodities directly with rierher tree•, and, strange to say, it tunny sing alt the time, Ko. 3 }'elbow, 52c; mixed, :pipe on Vary!" ;recent unfortunate speech by 1 ruses- the rest of the world. But Jet r- is not known to Iiec outside of thorn. From noble to peasant. the men of U'ne:: Toronto. 'Phare was a look of tender pas-,sor 't'haluutus, n French school mann found that the republic has So th' rubber collectors have given swami may be said to fora, one Oats-Firrner, :314c to 35c for No, slim In his eye. anal the words hung., made a port of her frontier town. it the sanut of s•rrin'.:ero. As the uughty male chorus. from the 1 white rust, low feel his; 3:1',e to \ower threaten mo again. You Sir Thomas !buclay has given his t•ssetao Suarez, on the Paraguay prospectors push forward through great lady of the capital city to the :}4c underly freights; No. 2 'tajc to know I love you. Look, guy work reasons for not supporting the River. the bush theylisten for the familitir Iowly woman whey builds houses :Ire low freights, and 33c to ale Is nearly finished. Only a few w'e0!cs ,novcuu•nt in honor of Joan. '19e mune 0f this town is not found "hua'ie', huacllt, huawee" of the lit- with her own hands on the borders north and West. -a few short weeks -and you will "To erect such a monument at the eon sonic) of the latest mops. and yet OF hirci or Lapland. the women of Finland Rolled U:nls 4 for cars of bags share the fame of frank Adams, the {n•rs.'nt time," ho said, "would ap- the town Is now engaged in foreign When A hunter Tears the character- may i.e said to comprise one vest and $4.23 Ms barrels on track 'Po- great inventor!" • ,pear as if we were laking sides in trade. The goods are brought I'Y istic cry among the trees ahead of ih• cal society. The acknowledges) route. 25c more for broken lois hero s Ilor grief was renewed, andthe the polit}cel controversy now raging' ocean steamers into the Rio Plata. him he raises a glad shout that , test :Moine,- society in Europe is, and 40e for broken lots outside. tears fell before she could answer; in Franco over this he ' •'s fate. transferred to river steamboats and reaches Isis brethren through • the indo:•d, the Heisiugfors Malo Chorus. fi'n`s-67c for No. 2 west ,tnd east. but she spoke in a quiet voirr I "Joan of Arc's name has been for 'carried up the Paraguay to Puerta woods • It is composed of 1110 members, and liuckwheatr-53c east and west. "Yes, dear -1 was -hasty. 1 will centuries an anti -English cry. It has Suarez. where they puss through the "Come here!" he cries- "1 hen'' troth their ranks nue recruitc•c1 the -- wait a month -a yrnr, if you like." now suddenly beeonso a clerical cry custom house jut as though they the senile -pro singing; and here are sitigisi•; to:ttheis of the country. COUNTRY PIIO11l('l:. 'J'hore was a spell of delicious sil- a.rainst the republic. ,had entered the trees " ( Singing festivals as held by the Dotter --The demsurl for choice once as the girl gently drew herself; "Nobody can change -sentimental ,A (GREAT BOLIVIAN SEAPUIYI'. _'--.�- Finns are on 0 scale unequalled in away, and the ai10p]•a, sincere look' legendary }nim•essions, and if we GHOST IS DESTRUCTIVE.l grades receipts rare aues fairly aCCI\'J and t that blended with the parting kis,' ; These goods would be of little ase, any oth;r country. are little light. P g put It a mununuras to .lo(ut of ' -- + Creamery, ,rima .. 22e to 24c was wort h to the young mechunic;Arc it world excite as much ridicule. ns they ate hundreds of miles front Is Demolishing Ancient IIouse I'11'1: THOUSAND SI\(:I:RS f more than all the .tduni ation histhe settled purls of Bolivia, unlessg do suits 22c to 23c rill France as would he excited in Near Wigan. . gat hered one night last your in the! lulus had brought him, excellent means of transportin: them g do tub~ l4)c to 20c gr K 'England if the french were to raise public square In Ilrlsingtura to ser - 'Phe young man did no work thatn monument to the [laky of llriltord, •were provided. The common wagon Only a few ghosts remain to re-'i.rnicle a Finnish artist named Rosen- rn'ty tubs, good to Hight. For hours he sot staring the English Governor of Franco in reeds of South America are +unung mind the little town of 1'Phollan(1• telt, a: h: se picture had born award_ choler 1(ic to 17c into tho tire, creat ing fat+tastic the worst in the world, but the lie tzar W. •nn, of its fanner glories. do tu•(lium .... Ile to l.pi Joan of Arc's time. bb cd first ave al the local Salon. In scenes, in which Mary and his lit inns have built a road over 100 (goo of lbw spit its is in n part,cu 'a city that r surprise to all t'a\'_ c10 inferior grades 1�'c to 13c "Par better, in my opinion, thnr. machine stood out from all tinder perpetuating .Ivan of Arc's numorv.utidos westawanl from their port tarty vindictive frame of mind et IIsrs, near the :Sort is Circle, many Dairy rola, good to canopies of golden flame, until sleep which will compare favorably with resent. Judged byhis (cuts, he wast choice 17c to 18c t4,ndurt,'1 him to dreamland. j would In. to erect. n mouunrent to P b roil. s from a ra leant, the city 0f Ilfoliere or to Montaigne. who influ-.I1° good roads of other countries. have bc.n the champion local strong; 11••al.rg;, „•o school -children Qt large rolls Itictol8c He was awakened by the factory lerttnnnn culls the govermnent of new or a stonemason.medium 1-ic to 15c bells, his customary alarm. 110 c'nced 0111. Shakespenres more thanpith. red 111 til,• park in front of the any other man, or to Posterns who the republic tyrannical, and says it .lie has taken possession of a thick- rot. I. semi for half an hour, lir the C do Cheese -1s quoted unchanged at rose, wash's!, drank his cup of ten, •hiss used the privilege it chooses to walled, oak -beamed, centuries-old Irtpaell.a,' benefit. tilled the air with lite to 111c per lip, for large and caught up his ls•eakfast-cart, andset'has made the new science of the exercise to compel the poo ale to 11"c to 12e for titins. world. P 1 dwelling, itmd apparently intends to ise n;vs:r of the snow wi'sonless. out to work. work in the Government service for tc.th ser;.. 1.1ggs--'.uotations are unchanged at -Mary was late, but he waited. "'I'hcse men can have their mono- reduce it to the state of ruin in s that told of the vast. meat In all countries without :nous_ a mere piltamcr, and thug has pro -which the trusty, if destructive, war- leis 1,n.• N of the country beyond the 21c for 2• fresh and Oc for limed. They always met. Ile knew the voted an excellent road at very riors of Henry VII[. left. the ancient" Pou!Iry--(1!Trrings of choice aro sound of her clogs ns she came Ing controversy or feeling of any • city round the corner. Ilex eyes were rod kind. 510011 cost. pricy hard by, I u•reo �n 1Eelsiughns 10,000 voicas light. .1.111 keys' 1.2c t0 laic: ducks, 1 The roud winds westward for over Ar, rho house adjoins a cemetery, g 1:lc to 1.lc; grew, Ile to 12e; chick - this morning, not like his own, but. "When the French," said Sir J jos, d in chorus to s n the Xation he pretended not to Holier. Thomas, "have erected a monument ono hundred tulles through the vale - the ghost probably thinks he is en- al Anilism. 1t was tun dntprovigsl ens, choice, 12c to 1•Ic; old, 8c to 1les s and forests until it reaches thtitled to do what. he likes on his , Itu,r t , but Iris singing wns b no 10e. s{ r�r 11 ,+lton her ew ytingerpthur diamond time to 11efor Duke s rte\\,tihinkt of iluanll beonavigable part of n stream l!o wing own ground. ley tactics which may rn••ans the ha:'uln-srnrwn, go -as -you - "You Potntors-Ontario s -tock. 85c to Into the Rio (sande. The boxes are be mildly described asgrossly un- I n s. rt, bet thoroughly or•tn- 70c un track and ,..r to 80c out of "1'ou shall hn\c a bracelet of Arc►' ., -•'g+' ens." he w'hispe•red• transferre'(1 fr01:) the wagons to fair, h:• has evictal three youths who i e 1 into four parts and executed store. Eastern, 73t to 80c on track Weeks pnssod. The little tiff was ♦- small boats, which carry them to the were arcual •d to sleep in 0101 ui w•:th precision. This happened only and 410c to 93c out of store. northwest, and they are finally tic- the bedrooms. a few months ++ •o, ung the incident Paled iG'y-Continues lino in logo Almost forgotten. Frank devoted g trihulet to the leading towns of the 'it $8per ton for No. 1 timothy :lied more time to walking Out with for several nights he contented w•::s lulu described to mo by the y K ASTROLOGY AND WAR. country. $0.50 to Sf1.75 for No. 2 and o;ixed Maty; but she suslpo`ted that he was himself with loudly knocking, and ma n in whose honor the great chorus making up for it. To reach the rubber district Jeer- rudely refus.,l to ou'sa:er t he pulite g;;,1h,aed. Stud tae:- viewer, all 011 track here. And she was right. Often, as the The Pnrt It Plays in the Russian- mann had to leave the gond •wagon enquiry, ''11ho's there')" 1 was one of the first. Pcrsulis Baled Straw -Car lots are quotes[ sound of a hissing saw floated Japan Conflict. ." road and strike north along a tine- When he awakened the youths by eaer exiled from that part. of the at 8(i to 86.30 per ton. across the yard. a familiar voiceod tortuous path 1hroush the A Japanese newspaper recently re -row ndense• forests. (ht his way he egos throwing pieces of stone and pie -ter t'int's domain. My departue from broke the midnight stillness. and ceived in London tells a reuutrkablo at thorn, and afterwards terwurcts Hung a cur 11.4sirw'fm's was the occasion of a JON'I'ItT:;\1, 1iA11K1.:I'S, drowned the concert of his tools: story of the part played by astro- to the country of the (Moray') ln- lain over their faces, which he buil 1,u: 1'c demonstration of surprising Montreal, Jan. 21.-(:rain-(►ntario "!Yank, lad, tha hr'st working all logy in the pres:•nt war «nth Russia• tions, of whom he gives the hest , v- torn down frost the tvitrdow, thew ,111 nrnit3. Ten thousand persons millers, awing to the r;ettrcity of thi' time, 'Fran ctls't burn t' canrlla It states that •1 nd an has for natty ,count yet written. thought it bine to move gathered at the railway station l0 thele own wheat, the ll buyi►tg site at booth ends, nor count (auto 111 veers looked forward to ti war «ilh' 1 -heir name means Yellow Men, and Nov that he has ousted the in- s:,y good-bye. 'flee crowd watched Manitoba article. 'the local de- n gell. l'uom to bad, an' tek a Ittutsilt. and the mikado got the they have really an extremely liths mates the ghost hits beslin the work the Irnte-t akin,; in absolute silence. natal for oats continues good and footl's advice!" opinions of the most noted astrolo_ complexion. The Guarayo holds of demolition" Crowds or people 4410' but as the train begun to novo ten prices are quoted at •1111 for No. 2 "1 ant afraid," said Mary one gers in his realm as to the most himself superior to the Cnucnsinn, nightly surround the place hear Ilte t1 sand h.nda were uncovered turd white and at 3P.c for No. 3 per night, as he Was husiug her, "that favorable flute to begin h,slililes, and it cannot. he denial that in "t' rumbling sound ofgreat stones fall- ten thousand voices begat, singing I damped your. enthuslasru• ' it seems the old science of astrology rightness and sturdy character he I l• E bushel, rx"stun. A lump rose in F'rank's tlu•oat as I still regarded iW Japan ns a cal -'compares favorably with nitre civ- in: on the fi Stoats n foot in .the National Anthem. And this Hoo Pah quote \t'u,itubn spring he offered to reply. mill° aid in determining the affairs Moo! people. length are wrenched from the walls scene wits repeated, with fewer sin,- wheat. pal. ❑t, $5.80; strong hekrrN', "Xler nay; don't say that'" he of 11(e, and the various aspects of! The titer•, which numbers only n and flurig about with tremendous.erv, of course, nt. every railroad stir- $5,'.O; w,ntel patents, 35.70 to $5.- head, 5: sine - jerked. '•1 was selfish. I lust my force. lion all the way to the purl where 80; st•aigl.t hollers, g5.80 to $3- the planets are studied with great few thousand souls, has become A local councillor and a friend 1 t ook steamer for America." 40, mud in bugs, S2.50. hemcl, because 1 thought I nesbus- care. in astrology' et•ery country known simply because of one peculi- t''' ing you." Mary hung her heal. Is ruled by a certain sign of the spent n night In the haunted house. ; 'these singing Finns do not nl- F•,oI Mnuiiton, bran in hags, 817; • • • • • b arity: its life is ordered u►' The floors nhook as t he writ thhil ways s�ng their folk -lore songs 01' shorts, $141 to $" l► per ton; Ontario One day \[any forgot her lover's 0Ilan, and the fortunes and mit 1 iIK COMMUNISTIC PIAN. spirit aaruught de:+tr+rctimt, and at t',eir patriotic anthems 1`hcy arc n winter wheat brio'. to bulk, ; 17 to words, in the hearing of Tont alm- fortunes of any rounlry can be d°-1 Everybody works, not for himself• Inst the ghostly 'Titan, sus{x•cting; deeply religious people, mostly Loth- 318; shorts, $141 to 820; muuillo, deer, frank's colleague at the mill. terml planets es i yle,tefiees nre�tilin(1lin^ but fur the cotsmon good. The pr(' the presence of intrud_rs, hurled a crams and each town has its special $2: to $:!8 Per ton. as to quality. "Don't hear nor. any Ono ill," he ,ply have a nutnl•er of snutll settle- piece of mortar into the room in choir for singing Jienl-'There wits no change in roll- brgnn, -because 1 ani the menus o couhe sig zodiacal sigrn• tnents and four large ones, and aro which the councillor stood trem- i'hn • si •m of Aquarius talcs Russia, NOTHING BUT IIY�(Ng. e.l oafs, And busirrc•ss continues quiet bringing ye pain. ilea% en knows. I and when the mikado's astrolo•ersiruled with a rod of iron by their Ming. at. $'2.t►, to $2.071 per bag. ('orn- %;ould rather not hey told ye! Iliiy. t g .cae•i rues, It struck him, and, roused to ac- I went to the largest church in the were consulted about live ears n u, meal was quiet turd unchanged nt I gest it is my duty."':}rev derived then comrmmi•Ilic tion, the councillor struck a match. country to hear the singing of n 01.4.'1 per ha they at .pace gone it as their (» its' ' x1.:33 to . K• "How du ye know? How durst y'° ion that the most oppootune time' idea from tha .Jesuit fathers who Thr ghost was not to he seen, but eh:,ir of nearly a hutrdred orale Mt --No. 1, $tl to j41,:i(►; tin, 2, Nay so?"be en invert amene them several centuries there is not bine. remarkable in that, voices. Tho grandest cathedral In her excitement, liars had lul•s planetSaturn1hroughnct}hilt.ago. 'I hey have tvdurgal t hese .demi for the ghost has sot to be found organ never prulucrcl mosaic of sorb $x.;10, 25 tan d4 pm'e'loserox ,•rmixoI".sp tr t01 into the dialcxf• sign. '4 tit influeuco is very,pccording to their earn not' unci who dare face a light. majesty and power as did that ehoir, g(3.7:, per ton, in cur lots. The "leprous distilinent" Wes malefic, and a strology has It that believe that hy serving •alt each may High awl low the councillor search- which included the most wonderful • Rcaoi''r 1. -Choice prime. $1.10 to $1. - sl poured. Love smacks his an,. 1.rrson or country afflicted by contihcar butter than in any other ed, bait in no why Would he aerostat b'a`s voices in itussln' 45 per urdte, $1.a3 to 81.871 ID lips at poison. The gitl heard ,he that planet's infucnce is doomed Co •way to his own well being and that for the damage. As there is plenty 1 1•:\en the ee111pa11ies of Finnish car tors. %arising. It recalled to her the room) fail. Saturn passed into the sign of his tribe, of ninterinl to veork upon, the ghost (Merits, though officered by itis- l,rlots.onv--I flaws ('aniulinn short of a few weeksago, and she sow Agtatius last yenr, aid remains The The um ills set Gements me livid- is likely to be bu'•v for some tins. n;ens, Nang the F'lnnish anthem es cut pork, E1(}.:,0 to $17.50; fight herself the unsuspe:•ting victim of thoritt IWo and a half years. By re - 'ed into 1t•0 sections, Ihr. larger unless he mnterinlires, and is cnre- they marched past the hotel every blairdishtnnnt, and n cruel Intrigue. trogrnrle motion the pLotet has now towns into fine. and in Dan Ignacio lees ,•hough to get caught by the morning on the way to relieve the shalt rut, 814151) to 81 ; American Could it be nuc that he was tired reached the fifteenth degree in that there are eight sections. The su- old guard. The Russian officers once el. nu cul fat bucks. K_0; e.tmpound t 4 K lrolicc• lord rile to 7c; Canadian lad, tl e ofher! Orsi thought was to run to sign, wielding its ponerful Millin.re polite head of the people in each tried 10 put a stop to the ringing of against the fortunes of Russia in section is n caci+ ue, who hes under) -♦ the Finnish tinttonal song by the Io 71'': kettle renJer.•rl. N1c to 11°, Frank, 14) upbraid hien, to expose fnt•or of •ta pan. l'ousld.rin • the hire a superintendent, ajudge and a , soldiers, but the discontent among according 11) gd.nlity; hams, IY. to hum; but the same oily tongue that success Japan has so fur hail the,sevrctnry� the Inst k.r•,in, writfcii 11111111:.4, I'Li:ASE '.�OTi! the men 11008110' No apparent that lac; haemo, 12c to 13e; fresh ki11.d had roused her inti nation noty i b ('a ting n shoe nhrr n newly roar- singing • was again permitted. abattoir hugs. $7.5d; 'lenity !sic hugs B war, the prophets,- of the lu ,rtneser'record so that nut Account of all the ti K i tainted her passion. astrologers has La•n in part. Ihiltill-'pRairs of the 5e•ctinn becomes; port reed cough' is one of the oldest sus- 'I`hus, wherever tho 1'inns get to_ $1.75 lu $3: raised lots. 83 1" S3- -Wait an' 't le it said -"wait nn• al. liu«rarr, Iapan roust win b("o( its history. 1 tom9 that Ntill clings to the fabric gel her they burst Into song. SS1i,n 1:c); srl.r•t, $5.25 to 83.50. 0.;i r:i•s• a•.; an' donn't Int it 4ek tau much foto Saturn passes from Aquarius: There nre also a number of soros.- of'this up -to, -date 1ift.. l'enturiesago they (lomat get together they sing country ehe•s•d, $d to 8d.7'.. hold on ye. It's Wiry 144 he's trifling into the nett sign, Pisces, for then inteme•nls of labor, one of there --nay. thousands of years ager -it individually. The hmtv•w•ife prepnr- (10 srrl)nt1111, fo11 "hitt'. 11+'c 10 wi' y.: cat he'll :i' h.mscl[•a«'ny!" the influence of etil will hat. pass- having under his direction the men was one of the means employed by ing the cabhnge soap sings. The Vile, dolored, I1 ;c to 101e; 1St'.•hao. ed away' true' Russia and .1+tpan's who distribute the water, another the people of antiquity to imlicate farmer ploughing his field in summer 1Uc t0 l('Ic. There are. clingirK 1itf.rlly to the chances n•nimst her would not be so Ilisttel•-Fin•st grades, 21'. (0 icer, lurid anuli of human nature, I g s ,inti supplying Brew 1, others s VWnCr'Nhip, or Journeying long distances an p , ' g favorable. In order 10 accomplish tending to all the farm work. 1•:va Winn a piece of hind was pinches- sit w -shoes in winter, sines nt the 21,r; onlinory (•tst at 218 to lc; chords more m)51113iug than their this, Japan is pushing the war with !. i ed or even to on, m 0 men nc- in, of h s toner. Whenever 1 plisse,' medium wades. 1!►,e l0 1!+i�r and felluats. When these burst, continuo- all upssible +,cell, hd•lin • senure els mart detailed for farming has A plot gI P p -1 'ties stood speechless. [ 1 g of ground. for whose careful cultiva- (mired ownership of a house, n cow, 'one of the mut in the lonely districts W sten, (la ire. 17+c to I. t. Prank's weld turned louse a bun the belief that the stars are on her t' he is held responsible. Tho crops (1c) took unto himself a wife, it was in charger 0f a herd of reindeer, hr 1:g' r Munich!, cold stnrng•• stock, u side, whit° Russia with all her rr•18" to 20c, \'o. 2, 161c Io 171c: tbe,l springs of sympathy, but he h. hnrcesis go into the common thi• est custom to cast a urns singing. Tn the post -houses. tlosrd himself in. sources and cast army is far the store to the last pound or bushel, shoe over the land. the building, the 'trhere the traveler is sheltered over. �fc r,trenl limed, l:►r, ":+he'11 rel ni to mc)," hi' a her' it aid Mime hapless because 0( the celestial but the man is punished U. it is dc•- animal. or the tvormiit. thus assert- night. 1be servants got her. when ""' griu.ly. I'll nark her; I'll «ran bee' denten a operating against her. 8t11- eide•di that the yield from his patch in: to the world tbat he had nc- :their d.;y's work is don., (1101 Join ('•11`1'1.1. M't1t1V1'll' frit deveit w•1' a dose of sincerity. 1 d,mts of astrology all once the is Ir ss than it would have been if r aired all rights of ow ,. the' tours in rh0rus. } g ( Tot Or. to. •lain. 24. -Thera wero i'e never saw eyes like hers that world are tcntehing the outcome his industry had been treater. The custom is mentioned in sever- j This constant slotting is regnrilarl I lents' of aortia on bund inn the de- s er gaze fixed) on 'oto." i burned it is replaced nt public goat. in Psalms is. 8. Warr. the phrase. important ►•nt!onnl Infludlfice. Tha fetin ;s was very ordinary. The His diction bespoke his earnest -1 i'hun 1hroug(houl t heir %ic.•v in every "Ot.r 1'detn will 1 cast out tnv effect. of so nnirh rmusir, eln the nn fn'glt-priced hr1.Is. w •rr no,•• ton Way each shares the gfiod and bat) shoe," is empldwisl to mean that hy Con's '0'1 is .gyri in the entotir0u+l f1it,liful. Vl)'I'1•:S IN 114:1,0111M. 1fmtunr of hna neig iibgrS. this utethn I wi!I ua'nership he ns -'sed+ of th.• peo;rh•''< nnlnr•, and has flier.. wits very little loin: ,;n ex - The the Belgian law unmarried The Cacique is an Absolute ruler, serial. 1'rty who .10 it prohnbly its concrete form in n reedy r •r- 1 ort rattle, eery few offense. For over twenty -lite have 0n,, vote, • nrd dis0h••brn(. 10 his will is MN knutr why they cast 0 shay after paths fled bines the Finns toctet her lli•' che1...st Matchers' hi ret. p,'i:ev married teen and widowers with }anus •cercly pun shed. Ia�iness is one of the newly married. but in this nnri-,ea n e (nn'i1t, r(1rh for n11 and all we r e'en<y', though no firuurr than fifes have two volts, and priests no married worst of crimes am! the penalty ent custom is Its origin Mono So for each. such Is the+ notion of earlier in the week. Comm el find other persons of position and educa- tion 1nt'rted is often several hu'nrlrrd docs n rale 0f barbarism linger in singers Cott. slava all the ninnn. :rev ord.naryy butcher rattle. h.twever, lion hove three votes `revere pcml_ Maws well ant on the naked hock our midst, and for her own sake the t -4 Wir. tnsity from 10 to 2'•c naves. ties arc hnposr,l 0n those ash„ fait wit 11 n lent her st rap. Even the bride ought to RCC that it is no 1,:1'i'F: Vii.\Rf,i,\(:1:- In the sheep tnurkrt iambs were to vote• women are punished in this way, re -longer practicer) ,,..--_,_-__ r.r....,,. , t'anr nmt quoted nt Inc begirt. cr,vin• arnnrtim+s ma -., an was AS \(A\V \'i 1 S'LEAI)ING MARKETS. mess. "1'11 invite ye all to 't marriage, I • n"'ov a wedding -cake round my machine, nn' Mnr•y'll cut first. an' S et it a -going!" But the serpent had already done irreparable harm in this garden of genres. Frank's rosy hopes slowly faded as time passed on. Still, they ' morn vanished. And the rays of his rising sun commenced to tringle n ilh the sha- dows Ono tnnrning, about a th after Mary's disappenrarice, lie did not S0 to work ac usual. About noun a rat. drove up to the door. an 1 the septa,; man answered the knock. "Mr. \•1alts? " ".Yrs" foray in!" Frank conducted his two a i•}tars through the modest hall and kitch- en, pea his ..onderiag parent, to 4'- has token place near l' Itnston. Lin- " soli, t'••g' o 'll"1'Y S'1'1{OK1:�1. are steady. Youth 1ta landlady) -"Your terms Inisiplino ,is remnrknbly severe. 'The most !amensiao chair in thecoltishire. the combine,) noes of the; i'1>'{s-'lir,• market is ver? friar r coot l'er'ling inn t lee amount ing to' , are high." I,1Hdltuly'-•'Itut consider 'No one may Irnve his section with- tri Id belongs to the Pope. it Is of Mere wns n heart rim of about 2,- lhr che•nrful view. ears" Youth- out esmiccr0n. No nor may on- NObd slicer, And Host 154 scare. �1iss Scot fhc h,lde. i T$50,00. 1 coo on f)c• crrgco of eighty ye►rs, two bel prices were torte's, 1 ldc "Cheerful siert? Slhv, there's a, t. rtnin iv stranger unless the end- (Stools are becoming so scarce that I and th• brfdeKroun', \I r. 1"irgin, tans t0 .5.10 an'1 $l.ta5. cemetery right opposite. 1 don't goo n••enty. I both France and (let -ninny have ah- Nevenly-1h•e. call t hat wary cheerful." Landlady- ! o tor may Worry outside of the s(du lrly prohibited their killing. I _.___,- "Oh, yes. Sir. lteile•t. how tont- (tribe (41(11 r nay circumstances, nOr '\aur tmnl,lc• 18 'sit rc•.;. I 1'he ch•[►hnnt in his prince sleeps' ma. furtin' And rl•eeren' It as •11 he when tAtr aacf, in another vection of his only five horns n night, nod the "There is no pl:,ce like home"- ihtin. Yuri only need rest•'. ••flat you gave out la thluk that you'r0 Oita, wit hoot the consent of the older he grana„ the leas sleep he re- prodded it isn't one where vuu are doctor, lank At m; t' ng,s,•,'• Ohs not there." jt ci�ites of troth sectiofia. ]t fs In gonia, 1* Itot) an "inmate." glee that a rest, tt 0."