Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-26, Page 3<et•0, may% l� cr. ee et c VvC(t `�• t/IL' `iW- .e �a � ,'� z` , z ` U `00� , ee, l... ,cse , 1. V1 . -,:- a$ ;As t es J \t -law`' ease. ua• , es os\ li`°���; ser" ( 4 i`� aeir N .%.9 rA to til ev .urs. E. J. . � a _.ea shortly for Tor- u„\Alter y � all had been comfortably seated Alia. J. Cohbledick rose and on iaeh.tlf Cf the two societies in a few brief and %cell chosen words spoke of t he tie which was about to be severed with one, whe. as a sister in these soc- ieties and Christian woman, labored al- ways to promote their cause and ask- ed her to accept a beautiful gold locket anal 'ewem s case as a meento of hap- py days together. Mrs. Spackman w•,t, e,ulipletely taken by surprise, but in a becoming manner made a most touehing and feeling reply, thanking theca for their handsome gifts and ex- pre.esing regrets of having to part with the sonny friends of the societies. One verse of the beautiful hymn, eines; be the tie that hinds" was then sung. After light refreshments were served and a short time of social chat the p.trting hymn was sung, senie thirty ladies being present, they then said good night, wishing Mrs. ",pack- tnitti Godspeed. Fall and Winter Gids — We like to show our goods to the man whu thinks he cannot be pleased. Aowum, can suit the fellow who is easily satisfied, hut it takes good worknutnaship. honest materials and the hest of t.tiluring experience to suit the really Careful Dresser. ('.all and be convinced that we have the hest of goods, we do the hest of work and fit you out cheaper than any other place in town. Order you Suit and Over- coat now. NS r, Oit rlo ,g a , s eking up she 'veral bodily injuries, : ery touch impaired her eing a very old lady her • yet proye fatal. e seen in another column Box, a former resident of and Exeter, was united in n Tuesday of last week to %r, also a former resident i Exeter, being the eld- of Nelson Peterson of .pie time section boss of of the G.T.R. The cere- perforrned by Rev. Howey ndale,Ohio. )rganist and choir of the Trite- .,,,, .eleworial church gave a splendid rendering of the anthems and chants last Sunday evening. The solos in the anthema were taken by 'Misses Ilynd- man and Acheson and I. Statham, each solo pert being excellently set forth. The Rector preached in the morning on "The Prince of Peace." and in the evenitrg on "The First.,Chi:stops Carol," both discourses beg interest- ing and deeply impressive. Rich. Downie, Exeter North, receiv- ed the sad news Monday of4the death of bis son, Frank, who died in Winni- peg of consumption. Deceased was among the Canadian contingent who took part in the South Africa war about four years ago and while doing duty for his country cont meted entrail fever, which was the primary cause of his death. He was about 25 years of age and was a young mast highly es- teemed for bis good qualities. Messrs. John Farmer and Thos. M. Kay, two of the recently appointed Justices of the Peace, have taken the oath of office as such and are now qualified to act in that capacity. Mr. Fernier is a well-known ex -merchant of town and Mr. Kay is equally well and favor ably known, having been reeve of L'shorne for about twenty years and Warden of the County. In the hands of these gentlemen all should receive the full measure of jus- tice. The Christmas service of song in Main Street church, on Sunday even- ing. was eminently successful. The choir did itself credit in the various anthems, and the solo entitled, "The Shepherd King," rendered by Miss Huston who was in excellent voice, was of exceptional merit. The cnn- gregration joined heartily in the sing- ing of the hymns, giving the service enthusiasm and spiritual fervor. Three portions of scripture were read, relat- ing to the Saviour as foretold in pro- phecy, incsrnated among tnen and finaily glorified. An excellent entertainment was giv- en last evening in Main St. Methodist chinch, tinder the auspices of the Ep- worth Lesgne. The pastor presided and after singing and prayer by Mr. W. Hogarth introduced the following program: Reading, Miss M. Madge of Thames Hoed; instrumental selection, Miss Eva M. Godwin; reading, Miss Howey: solo• Mise Medpje; Reading, Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon; Instrumental dump, Misses Godwin and ilendford; sola, Miss Atny Johns; reading, Mrs. (Rev.) Currie: instrumental. Miss Madge; solo, Mise Jaynes of ('alger•y. inns at Mrs. A. L. . r and son; -of Frobisher, N. W.T., arrived on Friday to visit for a time. Mr. Melville Martin, of Regina, is spending a few days the guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Martin. Miss Ethel Sweetof Acton and Miss Lily Huston of Moorefield, milliners, have returned to their homes here. Miss Sarah J. Baker, of Port Huron, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, Iluron street. Mr. AndyRobinson, who has been residing at dwonton and other points in the West, is here visiting friends. Miss Millie Martin, and Miss Lily Robinson of Dungannon. teachers, are spending the vacation at their h.,tet-s here.• Miss May Snell of Inger•:I,•B and Misa Florence Bissett of f■ -,atistoga, have returned, the millinery season being closed. D ell is visiting friends in 1 e eHsi FoweIl leaves in a few a y •s for t. tc' aerate place to spend a few weeks. Miss May Gill leaves shortly for Fort Erie where she will take charge of a depau•twent in the Fort Erie pub- lic school. Mr. Wm. Dew and wife of Wales, N. Dakota, and Mr. Bottler Dickens are visiting friends for a few weeks in and around Exeter. Mr. Wm. Profit, after a visit here returned to St. Catharines Wednes- day morning. He was accotnpanied by Mr. Wm. Sweet, Jr. The Alleges Nora Sanders and Julia Triebnel• left hist week for Toronto. where they will spend a few weeks, with Mrs. Rich. Penhale. Miss Maud Hodgins of Kingsville, after visiting in London and Wheat- ley for some weeks. arrived home this week to spend a few months. Misses Frame acrd Grace Jaynes, daughters of Mr. J. It. Jaynes of Cal- vary, are guests of the Misses Johns, while enjoying ie vacation from Whit- by College. :Members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregory who are visiting thein at present are : Miss Laura of Toledo, Ohio; Miss Stella of Erin, Mr. Herbert of Toronto, and Mr..1. A. (and wife) of North Battleford, Mr. Alex. Dow. who left here s mnn• th ago with a load of horses for Doug- las, Men., returned home on Thursday last. '1r. Dow reports a gond sale ale] everything flourishing in the West. On his way house he dropped off at Winnipeg where he called on friends, among the number being Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fairhairn, former well-known residents of Exeter, who he says ere enjoying good health auad a fair meas- ure of prosperity. He also took pass- age on the same train that Mr. Ftenk Snell. an old Exeter buy, waltiactiiig aA brakesnlan on. Christie*, Vial ters. More than the usual number ed peo- ple have returned to enjoy a few hull- days with friends and relatives et the great home festival of Christmas. Among the number we have noticed are:— From London --Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and dauvhter, Mr. Rich. Bissett and dau a Mitchell and wife, M• wife, Mr. Ed. Tomlin wife, Fpack►nan, , St. _Marys. ndeln yee, s visitors:—Mr. M. Farrell tigghter Bertie of Port Hut•on; Mr. O'Ullett, wife and children of Sorey Point; Mrs. Yager of Exeter ; A. E. Cunninghatn and wife of Lon- don ; Miss Hattie Jell of Galt ; Mr. Ooek of Belgrave; Manford Harlton of Fret Huron ; Mrs. T. Hodgins of Lon- de 1►; Frank Marlton of Detroit ; Mr. Dynnelly and wife of Ilderton ; Jus. l jodgins of London ; Miss Marie Mc- hnrgey of Hamilton ; Miss Della 4Iarlton of London ; Miss Lizzie and '11innie Patton of London Eslie Carter 13. A. of Mitchell; Allan Blackwell of London; L. Downing of London ; Har- ry Schoff of Toronto; B. Cunningham of Khiva ; Jas. tlotlgins and wife of Centralin; Mr. Colwell and wife, Cen- tralia: Miss Pearl Clark of London: Mr. Summers and wife of London ; Miss Sadie Neil of Brantford; Ira Bice and wife and family North -\Vest; Mr. McNaughton and wife of (isle—The I. O. O. F. concert and oyster supper was a decided success. After the con- cert all enjoyed themselves in a dance in the hall.—Andy Robinson and wife of Lloyd Minster, Alberta, called on friends,Tuesday.--Miss Bruce of Lon- desboeo, returned home 'I'hut•sday aft- er spending several days here. ACCIDENT.— On Tuesday evening while Mr. Jell, station agent, was go- ing from the station to his dwelling he was accidentally knocked down by an unruly horse and the wheels of the rig passing over him It looked as though he would be seriously injured. Lucki- ly however. be escaped without se ' s injury, although he was badly shaken up. Medical aid was called, his wounds dressed, and he is now improving nicely. Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical Examination Free, By DLt. E. F. BUTTERFiELD, of Syracuse. N.Y. Believing in clairvoy- ance of not, there is nogainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and cause of your disease either mental or physical and hes restored to health and happiness manly helpless invalids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp to DR. E. F. BUITERFi ELD, Syracuse, N. Y. GREETING We wish all our cus- tomers A Merry Christ- mas and A Happy New Year. Roos. ATARI AUCTIOR SALE of Household Effects, Etc. The undersigned auctioneet• has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Opera Biock, Exeter, on Saturday, Jan. 6th, 1906, at ONE o'clock sharp, the following property, viz: - 1 upright piano, Mason & nisch; parlor suite, plush couch, plush lounges dining table, sideboard, half dozen dining chairs with leather seats, 3 bed- room suites, 1 iron bedstead, dresser, washstand, bookcase, stretcher, velvet rocker, 3 rockers, 2 wicker rockers, hall rack, 3 small tables, bake cabinet, clock, sewing machine, music rack, 3 chamber sots, trunk 2carp• a s carpets, , number of rug., clothes horse, dishes, kitchen utensils, num- ber of good pictures, buggy rug, step (adder, buck saw, 2 iron lawn vases lawn mower, 3 screen doors and window screens, also many other articles. TERMS OF SALE: Susof $1n andln1er cash•n over that nt 1 •e nlont ps' credit will b e given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. pe r an111111) on credit amounts. John Gill, E. J. SPACKMAN, Auctioneer. Proprietor. H U S T 0 N' S FURNITUREALE OF CHOICE Big Reductions for Cos$. Sure, Positive. Look Here: Bedroom Sets. regular $15, for $12.50 Parlor Suite, 5 pieces, $10, for $35.00 Couchert. " $10, " $ 8.50Sideboards, regular $15, for 833.00 Diners, (}dozen) '• $12, " $10.00 Kocking (:hairs, from $1.00 to $15.00 Extension Table, oak 8 ft.. 10, " $ 8.75 Many odd pieces for Xmas. Presents Repairing of all kinds.—Ordered Work of all kinds. You want the Goode. We want the Money. W. C. H USTON PIMITIVUTTirerMTMITInt • ZI .a