Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-26, Page 2r•. bol r,, ms your assl+etan(e• and it will the same motes T1yvzSni l(�. tfIIri.+.pTr�ra.tSry►r, . The Price of Liberty OR, A MIDNIGHT CALL - that we h� placed The Truth Plainly and Briefly Told • f, .. .hut u,,b..t be, • ' David amid. r i ,+ a+es luuch'd 1 plain the Gut tl.•.t l.oceheit a soil the •h<s+ •h,, 1-i +vut';e y;,u ..+.� ,! .l fu 111 l' e+ wi„u.,.l •1494.' its 1 cart arts gni:.. d. Ills' thuudhtfully "lest that duos not ex- p. < • \',: go back at y 1,u?" be Brio 1 your en -,a .0 U1, .1.4014 icon at tee I:uar-41.. ".efts• wets. ycu'vo 410 1)' 9letrultole-" 00ly 1.y tl•o w.. rd. only giro ol•ti "1 farcy I can evcto °':plain that, Jim 'e: rrit t a • ull, and it s i►i.ch- a •!e►ar• My 1111'10 came down 8 ddenly ROA t.. s:; to ma'Ishiiee:ter for Thos+•• 4o -day truer l.uudu a 110 wanted pretty • v, s • f yours. flood day's certain pipers in u greet hurry. Now ( w. r•.! -\y••, for 1,0th of use 1 those routes t•••r<' lac ed up in a Aid Chris thought so lou. dr.rwer at 919 given over Neecially ___-- to err. 11r•n'.on. :11y uncle piomptly 11-, Cllal'1'h:It Xl.. 1 (43 broke o to the druv+er and took oe•t �@ Whites • whit the esteem -e u( the the patois. Melees those documents s. fhe drawer emit it 'mileage in hound i)) leash, 1 uv id Steel was one of 1 ockluu't's big bowel tied en- . aunoynxl 41,141 4o..u<1 0441- t4.0 telul►4's—u registered !refer e:nvelupa, I l \ ':' 4T,T ieree,l sr �,1sseiteeeth steed= a •r iseteu it 1 , ,T ,r eesieteeeirjr'1+e eeeiReseet ei n'mf�ti ere. CIIAPTI':It XXXIX,—(Continued) I '1 hope s1,," t'hria said, with a desupp•v4nu.Lc u[ the wwuue4i fru its fact. My uncle had little time 11, curling 1 p. "You look guil•y Stick th.rn he care.' to udu,it. Ile ►.l,t►in ae :1-r, I,1, watt hall I to be back "'!'hat's it," Merritt1tvhii:e►d, bre• once gh ,.ow'." !8,141 on (11(0(183 feeling .but the un seedy. "Just as 1 way property , in London t1, night. tie suggesLexl spoofing everybody 149 1—I clean just! Morrill explained that it was s'en fee ha.l built u ruled biro agate'' that 1y the back of tho drawer was as 1 was gutting used to a better 4110 013 the ,.1--t (motion. and would And he had built up s1, uluuy hopes 1i•„tete and the entero, e pr4surna ly lite. But you can 8il\ o m1-•, Haas; pates ori presently. Tor did he u{ of tl.i, st rangely-uni.•4 1 t'd grant• contained valuables, I had better boast in ores l:1, was mato co .1 of 11 8. if teat 111440 spa a to co .1.1 tn4e c'a:o of it. \Yell, 1 meet 14dut'r you can :1,y as you were hurl up ten the truth. And both Cross tui for money and thet knuaiug, as 1 (m the oll;cwe cutup up and arra call Dell had decla•edl that ho would at once that 1 see •d the on el .pe 1 u •en. I shouldn't have dune NO it it for you. Int it in that wa and 1 i,ut s 24.e.” Men 11.1 raid. nut die, Lockhart 's ileum t had not been on 1 lDa%id found Cr. ss in a frnnse of thug's not a policeman in Englund "What s the trout lee' I the f!ap. In a little copse Inside l as Un♦ of the °levers explui:+eil. tee f know the ropes, you got me to pawn eel hint by nano, mind snniethirg like his own. t !weld a diatuund bracelet' re ieh I can touch ma" was lac in U a afternoon b4 oro it+ had 111, wait -ant. he beit, hut all t o 1. gone Isavc in my pocket, together with a "I had thought of it," Chris said.s- same to socia have to truth."t1, s[1-, transpirrvl that Nan S7.ark was L rot•eipted bill for seventy odd pounds with a prettyt,b assumption of des- Merritt to uccumtpauy Lime to More- and, ur.ft.rttu ately. Laved did not made out to :no." tress.a"lint, butco—Mr. Merritt, I ( tort Wills. A i L ment% fear not yet kilos where to end 1 ell j'� tub the 'ere you?" Da id cried. "Do you bat o a tot. I who n starteond to snake, . definitely It sae not I who ntarte+d the pulieo: t titcly iacuti,s.d had ecru tlalt:lc(I moment. truss had very a mean to say that—" to the• { 1,l ;cu, the *rime hu+ing 91(34 ' "Indere* t 'Ie The receipt esus it was somebody el -o. \'ou sco, tho star was not my property at all. 1 —I got it in London." Mr. htorritt looked up with invol- untary admiration. "You don't moon to say as you nicked it? he asked. "Well, wee . bt o "A muxt unpleasant needent, he been pawned I,y James .ii:rritt. I rn'tde uta to arc, and with it was a ''!•hat's qt re rig:t,-' Merritt seed rennnr.eil, "'let those things will rittic pulite note to the effect that cheerful y. "1 1 a'+n.d it fur this' hap. on. We have been so bust 1•c sr:;. Lockhart 1 41d made tho ex-' your g lady here --Miss l.ce. Of Iut.13, and our vigi'uncu has been c' tins• of tho dear -case for the dia- course, if it is nut her property. slightly relaxe 1. Oh, it. is herposeibld t1-wnd hrneo)et anti that they hu; ed thus—" to guard eget,st everything. but ho Miss (secs would find rho matter ' •leo 1 e' 1 1 t taken is cation perfectly satisfactory." • 1 • w•1 officers were 1-n ism) y t )n to b0 fro I. 1 1 1 •' Chris bent her face lower to con- back. leo knew core than he cava "1'ou don't think," Davin suggest • (To bo ('o tint;ed.) coal her agitation. Her shoulders to a'y. '1', e star }.1(d !.seal ! ledge t cd, "that anybody secretly connect-, - _ 4___ wore heaving, but not with omotiuu. by 111er.lit, tie he ncterfu ly admittetl a;l with the tarots past—" TASTE IN CHILD'S DRESS. Tho warmth of Merritte admiration but the owner 4,f the star ha.} host "No. I don't." Cross suuPpo•1, had moved moved her to silent laughter. { 1 under r 9•r.l i sous "lh: t. would b1, impossible. Tho nuc' Simplicity Gives a Distinctive VI LAD � �� Ceylon Tea is by fax the purest and most delicious tea on the market. One trial will prove it. Sold only in sealed lead pack- ets. By all grocers. Received the highest award and gold medal at St. Louis. LARGE VS. SMALL COWS. A question ►nuch discussed by the advocates of the different broods, for ieat4nco JW'soye aril llul,Wins, is whd eller ata gwnerul rule largo cutis pee butter then small ones. Of course there aro 444141ty things to take into consideration in determin- ing such questions. The largo cow to earnest always the heaviest feeder Success during lambing and shear - though there aro exceptions. About Ing time depends largely on the the fairest method is to compute the care the ewes receive during the win - cwt of producing IOU hounds of ter months. It will pay every herds - butter fat i1, each ease. man to feed NO as to get the best Moro have beton at least two fair reaults. 1neividuals and flocks may tests of this problem. Ono was tho need dL trent treatment. Livery Columbian hairy tes. conducted at farmer should know the habits and peculiarities of tho breed he is keep- ing. '!'Ito aim should bo to kce4,, them in a et►ndition that Wright be called fat. %%hen ewes are firm flesh- ed through abpneiant feed and exor- cise, xon cise, they are vigorous. and a heal- thy offspring will follow. This ra- tion has given excellent remelts:— One-half pound of bran and oats, two to three pounds of succulent food, and about the sumo amount of clover hay or cut corn fodder. As lambing time approaches. the grain ration should be increased to about doable the, above amount. Tho strength of the fodder and grain should bo taken into consideration, being careful not to overfed!, which is most dangerous, es{,ecially when there is lack of exorcise. A certain amount of exercise is re- quired to have strength and prepare for the lambing season. The most important coarse fodder Is bright clover hay and a good quality of Out corn stalk. These may bo { ro- fitably alternate with goon bright oat straw, pea straw and millet. Each of these have the relative mer- its, but none compare with the first mentioned. As to grain°, the most milk and butter milk. 'Tore is 110 excuse for such a heavy 1•497 as this, however, and the than who has charge of a separator ctoauu•ry and ,cakes only as many puuids of but- ter each day us he receives pounds of butter fat is allowing a groat many dollars' worth of butter fat to go to waste. We think tho percentage of salt given is a little too high. although it, of course, deponda upon the amount used. As a rule, however, the per cent of salt seldom exceeds four or four and ono -half, while it quite often falls 1 elow four. WINTER CART: OF EWES. •1(d she had made the a cast impress- ' n •n tut + circumstances in 1(l eh ?hiss Lex was marl something on his tuinrl, and s1,, Charm. the world [air in 1898. '!`hero were three groups—light, medium and heavy. in each group wen a Jersey. a Guernsey and a Shur•thunl, those lo the light group being very am. 11 fur the breed and those in the sion that sho had desired. mixed 1-,p. And 1,t present it was not fur as I ochry cotr4itun was eoneer n "1 have telcgr less to the lady, the policy of tl.e 1101L0 to ari e,t, ell he was f.etting quite strung . A French mother who combines who is more or less of a friend of Mlss len. '[l.ut tt41uld coma laic again. in his dazed state ho got up such beautiful simplicity and eharsu to take • she furl "s levo urged her- "I ant 14t. Hid that there has leen and dreseel himself and went nlvay. • ing effectiveness in dressing her (hil- t° take no further steps in the taut- a misappreh•n>ior. a tugct.hcr." Chris I1(! `'veer» to have bnvm sr 4' ing 1,r dren that Lkey aro the admiration ten, I fancy float she is a good ally t;aed. "All. w me to explain: Mr. somebody or sometl:ii g for dues. 1 of tell observers. tc119 of some of hcav •roc r lar o kind girl and that—but a reply hlerri't, would you step aside for a We aro certain to have hips again I1ueti►vi g u9vthv c tasrei.temive0 Tho Tho table shows that the yield of might sumo at any time." moment? 1 }'.ace to speak of i rivuto before )one." I two tl.tildrrtt—little girls both—nut both milk and (at was in favor of There was a reply on the way now, With which nor cmnsulatlos David, the largo cows,that the fold per as Chris know perfectly well. The matters. 7hnuk you. Now, sir, [)P onlynttruct iusta++t attentiutr 6y f am quite prepared to admit that the returned bows again. leo was rest- whrever they go by the exceelont I,1N40 pounds of livo weight was whole thing had been carefully a1- ornament ploy gid floes net belong less Al)! ie:i4oas of human compin a taste with which they aro dressed. with tho small cows, that tho coat ranged and planned to the moment to mo, but to Mi s Henson, whom 1 ioi.Itip. Ile oven resented it, as a 1►1,t, although these is muco than of food WWI greater for the largo by Steel and the utters, met i) London. 1 took tl.o star by kind of at that, (.bat his mother had tour years' diR(110) o 11, their(110ages, 1 01 and that rho cost of produc- ' I dare say they'll let you clown tnia:ate. You 'nay male. tut 1 have choSeO this time to go to Nas to 10(1 ounds of butter fat w.es easy." Merritt said, disconsolately: 41: e very like It. li Miss lie»!on had r..o:ks to stay with an o1+1 1 Wild for it is observed they aro always cloth -i aril,"kitty las with the large cows, bat It'll be hot for mo. I've cup- searched her jeai•Is properly rho n couple of days. That sfrs. Steel tel or In1 d1.110 same lieve in dressing chit- beteg E17.4'l fur rho haavy cows. ped it too many times before. you would have ((lend that she had ray' knew trout for counted fort nuught.ing of herls orrr drive exactly alike," said this moth_$17.r rho for th 1-n lion, and $17.t18 gam;;sear—that I had hers. I heard of rho Yes, I seg," Chris said, t busine a quite by accident, end talo .oro It ons with sometl.ing akin to er. "after the old fashioned way of ]'ho second series of experiments tufty. "Mr. Merritt, I have made up tains. But if dresae,d in rho socioP my mind: it I had not—or—bosroaod walk,' to slits .lensm to loo( pleasure that David found Muth eerlur they have the advantage u[ were conducted in Germany. Each searchingly amongst her jewels. She Garet waiting In the drawing -room ma 1 g w much o of mage air lasted four wewks, the soccnrd begin - lost, star, it would riot have ben has a largo r+mount, and might was- f.•1- him when by vane in from his t min • seventy days after the close of y walk on rho fe11ut in • afternoon. 1 car:• ' o e tell- uric l c expense expression, the erste the third a year after the lost, and you would not have found b it, and' eeere would have been no ily have ovo i :geese m ' star. ]Jere y , good is a boy with a telegram. Will you Nothing hod beet.tl hear l t f \ an they sue a great deal more 'show milkers ngwof were separated lento two r t t sou tical, and none were bred after the te• ll the police that you pawnei that star for the at my instigation." Merritt was touched oven to tears. '. had towed sll. Lee's slur with her 11( Itt.th a oyes and n deep carmine them the rdlc,ct of being drano.ed po a y paying rorults have been obtained There was not an atom of chivalry jewels. Also she had te1egrnp.tcvl 1,t flush on her chrrky. alike, and still there is the slight Potends. from outs anti bran. Cern should to Igo rascal's composition. le had 00(0 to the poli -4 14t Moreton Wells "You don't think that this is very' di.erence, which gives the variety.'i The conclusions urom ht o exited- not be fed to breeding ewes at all, little or ho hood for rho trouble that bold of me'?" she Listed. monis are: as it lersons their ctgor. Succulent Ms companion appeared to bo (ding to go no farther. The same mother economizes both 1. The milk of the ernnll cows is food, which are called at all times, "1 k iii t ori •t•4ke " the officer "I nal pietty Bohemian in any' tnoncy and h f l in xclec , t than that of the large h old t fat too heavily. trouble. »iy coa:cienco would not tate it from him and road it aloud? !neck in tho moven nu•, ret thanes 1. or i stance, in the winter if they cert if I allowed you to bo dragged It is ndd)css.d to me. you will feud. to Ctrl.'e isle; hone ulost+agc Tate the both have red duets, the baby they lots of Uftuen cows each aoconling back into the yo Nto again. I anti It WW1 It was signed "Enid lien- Previous eight he had got i1, touch to weight. !''fret and care were !don - It to save you—I am going to i i t t thtt the with 1 ell, who tins a, s i g th w ar a rat site Normandie cap with g black fore wl flu the older ono has son"; t wen on o say without delay. ' !Finder l 9149 fearfully 0(1 but r all she 1 1 k Gainsborough hat with a expel It a nes began. The average w0ubfe rho had euu�od, but that she. There was a look of shy 1•lo sure ' a` weight of the light cows was (17U • i,l.iin tailo•o(1 coat. This gives g b uncle 1(J u[ the hcav once 1,205 up for her. elf, but Le was touchtel '1,o s u F , to the depths of his soul. Here was muttered. "l.ut it eco get that told-• case," David laughed, as he looked rata— • down foto ly into the shy• sweet aPPeaa clever girl, who in her own pwayro- g '•11hich hes reached the police wes. "And 1'241 too uveree 1 to fee.io ed to bo a rnornl:or of his pro-' atat1. fl by this time." Chris inter- seg you to think n1:u(,t i(nytl:t..i1 fee.ion, who was pre;atre I er b'c•'i- ,opted. "Como into the teeth! and else. 1 wish my mother was at fire herself to save another. Self- ns'( the que.tion over t:.o telephone. home. No, I don't, because I have Bnc.ifleo Is a beautiful un,4 to ewe eel) all tnya•if." thing, and Merritt had 0-o intention 1 $+4pr(+'+e� you are, cotmeotel " +' l) all to On el oeci:xlm, Tito this of thwarting it. Ti a Weser said th y weer; to fact,. "leo that, and I'm yomr pal for! they had only recently joined the 10.x- you ought to be the pink of pro - change. A brief visit to the tele Pi i.•ty. Do y(.1, know, 1 believe that hie," he said, huskily. "Aid I nee- hone•, and the r.diceman crone 1 act:. 1 have runes a great (iisco• a y?" er went back on a pal yet. Aa- s.ith a puzzled air and a little 1111)re "indeed, little gf 1! And what anybody as really knows mo. not . (1' fere ce in his memoir, with tho in- heck' You foiled out?" ON If you ween t one (t us. neither. "Well, you must tell tno something 1'd f;i10 a trim to know what your (urination that he esus to go I uck. 3' at unto. re the case esus closed. (before my discovery ec.•ttts val•abl.. little ganef is Len', o'.? '•I'vo s en sun e 1 ear this get in Ilavbl, you are a close student of Chri ; smiled 'neaten Sy. \Ien i. is Van hinny rrnture. Is it possible for delusion was distinctly to he foster_ ttty lime, bet. nothing neat e1- Hull (f henunennl cunnin, to make ed. ties." he said, "St i 1. It a all l f it 1 "You shall help !no then, lee•(nt- tow•, eery sorry to have tr•oabled (-toeless mistel'cs'? Po the next 1,u miss." t h+•.er crime. ads ever mate childish I'.'." she 8)1(11, in a mysterious whir- Y 1 blunders?" i leer. "1lelp mte and 1 cep your own 77;0 officers departed with the air „sty ('car child, if they didn't tho counsel, and there will be the hi:;- of men who hot. to b. sltiSficd, d. police would linen ver little chance. g'st job you ever had in your life. spino 4hentselvea. leo-,etcame tot'- t Y Orly let you and I get out of t.hi, ward with ion adtniratitn almost For iietetnce, I have discovered how mess, and wo shaft see what we shall fawr.es:g. 1 n 4 id r.ot knew qui 0 thole creuries of ours gut hold of hew II e thing had happeeed, but the mite; at er th..t lured Van check set! rritorttly." ('Ibis had done the vole 0. Smart. here. They sent a tileseetger to Car - Merritt looked sof til :s admire- ter S. in East 141r:el, pres'.unally 41011, Ido 1 a 1 4(14(1 (4t ties (1 1-,s of 414x-4 1(1(41 trickery °t lt'nt 1 Out were l io,wl g that 1,)y dies were there, high-tonod criminals in the glitter the l rghr81. forte of his Idolatry. Itis stereo peddled by certain publish, es, ndn)I;atiun was metre, !spiel and wrdcrrd n quarter 1,l 11 team of but he had never I opal to meat one words. Nees r" and envelopes. 'I h so wore! to ''!Well. seen tae," ho gateee1. .'11111.0 ►dnt•to ion merleen in Fust Grin - opt n -mo 1110(1 at Chris as two 1(941( ('e1- moo c over 1-r+• r+nytfiinq 11 o '('v, clever reel -t hal h':40 C. W (*ante alung the avenue, They sero that? Yuu, as enol an resettle and ver (04!), 'Thus-+ (isille, 111 the he'll in plain clothes but troy had me with my hotel in my mouth nil 91449 01 is ,aiiiu%s, actually furg11t to "policeman" writ largo all over tee time. And thele nine. going to be no trouble, no eat cf buttor mut nevem fain tt•.7 cunt and pay for the !.hem' rho Hetet." I paper. NO .hat it way duan yeeeter- "g'e ,, for a million." Merritt o day in m last 4 terter'y bill. Oh, p;arg'ed, with a paled face. "You; "You hand over the 1,r.' et to m1-.", e9 1 femme you, .the meet brilliant can tell 'em Shen you're asleep. And Chris melted, "and there will ho en pee do the most incredibly hd f the matter end if you try. y • But L e t 4110 444e( - richer ih at nn a Coe by making her children's frocks6 should no be ones• just before lambing time they are for alrnurr all their a1- of aroound. Large cows eat a greater re,uire.1 in considerable amounts. srunc ('oleate all the Pete around. i amount of feted than small one's; It seems tt. be a sheep's natemo to W'hi,• I:k►1Ca1eA and blue linen 4t1 a per 1,000 pounds livo weight the br�t:,.;i t ahado aro charmingly cum- 1 P Y relish them. Turnips are preferred 1,11, 1 into a tJress that is as n"arty , eat 1 ss. to roost other routs. The Swe-llsh :1. Small cows produce less milk turnips are of about the sane value its possible like s !'iter 1'hornje041 j than lar a cues. ubsolutely anti re as the round ones, and many prefer nailer suit. 'Ilse pattern i» ono i+ which she has improved upon by 141(14ly. these. Maligel-Wurzels are n goo,1 making lunger and bettor shoulder .1. When in their flesh small cows feed toward spring and 1,t •.11 seams seri sane other Iittle altera- ( may produro :nor° per 1.000 potties •,nlue. A knowledge of the Pock Fold Huns that make the dreses of live weight than large cows. the exercising of good terminal some clone • g cut. '1'Isefi0 she makes or ,. Large farrow cows are more will usually give the desired results has totals 111 rho house. 'Ilio blue persistent. milkers; or, the other 18 used in the collars and shields, hand, stnall cows show a greater and the latter aro taken out in Aum- -----e------- tendency to fatten on the lama feed' GIVE HENS EXERCISE. mer, leaving a small pair of healthy with a decrease in milk flow. and In ail these exl'eriment44 the Influ- The main thing in keeping poultry ger 1:, to run about comfortably enc0 of treed was eiirninate•1 as far in good shape in winter is to got tan their baro maks' as possible s1,, they do not solve the the fowls to camei40 says 11. K. La The blue limon she buys from a problem as to whether n large breed. 1••orette. The greatest deference be- etnndan1 piece kept by n farce linen haute, It never faders, despite the will pay' bettt•r than a small one, tweet) a !lock that is doing well and fact It costs only 35 teals a yard.: although in the Columbian breed ono that is losing money for its test the Jerseys came out vlctorloees, owner Is that the former ora active T. is and the (Wer teat 1,t the »ume a 'filo question of trete% mu••t bo so- and healthy, while the latter sit price she buys every y4nr i1 a quail- prorate from that of largo and small tiny to hest through truth winter 1 1, around probably too int and with and nuusruer, cows In the same breed. 1Vhe it of Intently ambition enough to eat. fear - 'elm result of ndheiIng t0 this br,vrls is meet profitable will be With ('ochins 1 awl far more fear- plun, is n Heyes that di (tins,�siei.evt towel to depend upon whether ono fol of their getting too fat than (4t Iyer children front these who ere ad- i is di:+po-;'ng of his product as Milk, not being fat enough. I give them drea,a 1 (rein the stops, awl the butter or cheese. and whether ho plenty to eat, lout 1 also provide rave! time in selertiun, and duces want.; a strictly dairy tyle or a su(Hcient exercise by scattering all it all wilt, economy of money as �'i+C11p"n1 purpose" animal (Timate grain tett in straw and make them well.'Tont (ho ahnller provided are also :wretch ft out. To to Aura this is important. (actor,' in chiming w rather ruinous to rho toe lrnthering. CONSUMPTION Right food -right they are after tn0; 0 oy"1-o corning (' (' ° , ' f li h l.- • f -t " thin way. 1'11 bo all right present -1 1 1 1 (1nv fur 1,u ltivo 11, 1 l iy tau love 111 any say. why. c► [tt.tb looked relieved. Iter pretty: medicine -right time- Iy.,, • It „Ill (s A ear ' S f••ateres relaxed into n smile. 'envie' I fanny [tesinald ilen's+r th • What is Paralysis A Question of Interest to Thousands Who Have Not Learned the Cirrativo Power of ese three things are has dent 1-u, bee e41 . i farcy1 have 14.1114,1 the mystery of the cigar-; • 41(90—i h4ean, Cie tnys:ery <,t the ono 0f tl 1 bought."' • "And winch was chatrtt,`•i fur tho' ance to the con - one t Veal '9 hence e lc utmost import - 417)4) 1,'itC :+/i4. 4l a 84 . , i• Lha 41 tears, But 1 •+cl hert'e say • sulnptive. Right food orh 1 by an Amer .•nn. t to t e 1- rats' 1,1145 1 ca 1y purchased DR, CHASE'S NERVE FOOD .and ri▪ ght medicine - "Yee, I ',row. And 1 fancy that the reran er bencee,tly thought so• these are contained in wit 1 think I can explain that." t Paralysis Is loss of power of mo- and of power to concentrate the It efts David's turn to look up mind, lir. Chase's Nerve food will eagerly. tion. "1'1, you mean it?' he otclalmnd. "it w e'1 mat e a tcon:!erfel dif'tro co if v:. 'i can. That h.ts been ono to the of Mrs. W. It. ylutherlaiet, St. An• moa 1•cw,lelerinq knots o1 the whole pure Lod -11t Cr oil. c. , chews, Man., writes: --"i1-. 1•'cl.ru•1r•v• ern: tl•'. if we caul -1 only trace the [`` the nerves. 11JUa, 1 was strict;en aeth pertil}MIS. n'untwr<r t•f those notes, I supix:Set; Ri lit time is at first Asa result parnlysie is almost a!- fell be•Ipl„ca!y on rho floor and had changed et Ilse sang time rte ttiei t� t, ways due to ac o nerve . to ho tarried to >,�. in doctor rir1(r-c1( o. Right Increase the nerve force in the pronounced it. a had tees as I hal S1�t11 O ( !Sees(-. i It p "ialeed trey sone not,” Huth -• body by the use of 1►r. ('haso'S no power in niy tongue and !r•ft Ieg. cric(I. ''1 hate aecertainPd that the Nerve Food. itevitellre the wasted 1 remained in th:'t condition for sic rase nay thane -el 1'y theists. as you �t1111C O. flow. and d*{det,•d nerve c'IIA. Restore Tnonth.. without obtait:ing benr4et and 1 leve all catty decided. 11rn',on vig,.r to the weakened nervous gyre (ran the doctor's pr•srriptiens or meet, the. oxe'ht►tege not set the tenor den and paralysis Hues Rupp<•ar• other medicines. we th0ug t. ilei it. Is not on theory that Ur. • \1(t when AP A cure and proventativo for peen- 1(r. f h+tp. a Nerve Fan(1, and icy the ..No. at least I can't say. He had cures. Ordinary food lyres. tine of this t nett mint el! sympttime t It has er;tahlidr l a surprieing re- of the (tiseaw disappeared. I can Le h cord of owes, And the t red ones now talk plainly. my log Ie nil right aro willing and anxious that other and f can do my her,eewerk. How Sufferers Should know about it. grateful 1 am to be cured by so But do not wait for he:pleeaness to wonderful a remedy." ovc•r'ak<' you In•fore beginning treat- lh. ('has'* Nerve t'ood. rot cents m<nt a hoe at all dealers, or lebreanscrn. case on your doorstep a man quietly • If • ger s seer fro•n Wrako,•cs, !deep [levee & oo . Toronto. Portrait feud chang'd It tor the other purchased re early. 1rAs•��s, irritit.tlitp. h''adeche. eery ater,• of or. A. W. (3hrise, the at Walkn'e. But this fa tho alternate twit „hies ;rt nerves fowl n►usets.. f1- 1)1.0.41 1. e. •I.t book a,.rthor. art ee theory one+ t 1•+• wee. I ant *b4e(- Well send you t1- little to try if you like. twubting 1-1 (tams, eve' of meow's, Here v 1•ot I'tt.+ly cru 1 .1 exauley Scott & Bovine, Termite. Oat. tion of muscle edescltrs cannot Contract of them- selves, but aro entirely rontrolled by I'ut It to the !•est. SCOWS 1m1s1slon lack f tome. d 1 1 1l 1 t 1 S • cost's Emulsion t t df h t "sty h,ahand adt)s'�1 me to try you lett the package 4711 always lleli)5, often Chase's Nave food is re•.uicunenele(1 the sal -lo for him to see?" the other rase then, probably, prier brer(l for et is wall known that tho in preparing con - them for orhllrftlon i Jerseys cannot prot�tably stand ex- have found that they will take poseru as the tlalloway can. silerable exercise in picking corn of! an ear suspended from the ceiling by a string. BUTTER AND BUTTER FAT. Khat per cent of weight Is there` JAPANESE COM• SUPPLY. in butter over butter tat? in other' words, how many pouzel8 of buttor, ! -1 he Japanese coal production has properly Heade, will l..' had frotn Incr'•a►'ed from :1,`201,0;5 tons in 1IHi pounda of (,utter fat? Homo 18142 to 9,701,1182 tons in 1902, claim that the weight of butter fat sh"w,ns; great increase in industrial is increased but little., and some- activity, if it be true, as it said, tirnos net any, by 'nuking It into that the production of .ow) in a 14421(4'? efo (end 1('. per cent <.1 water, country is, tis a rule, a ioer index and to this must ire added U per of its industrial activity. 711e Yest cent of salt. known 1,t the Japanese curl mince '1'hi'ro dam not Aceta to en gourd are thong of Taknehlria, wIiirh are understanding of the difference bo- Situated on the Iittle islands of town butter and butter fat, Says Takaah4m* And 1f.ixhima, about sev- en Arra Home. Suppose tho creamery en miles dfstsst from the harbor of pats by tho Babcock test And the bageaakI. and AR'se a combined ,Wilk n a patron tests per cent. area of a little over two acres on 'll At tnnitns that thsru are tour Ihe. rhe surface, whil<+ rho mine Beef ex - of int in i00 pounds of milk, hta tends under the N14. Nagasaki le the more than four pounds of butter can neturtti euLl(1, fur the pr'Otht(e of the he mato from that 101► pounds of ming wbioe caw bo land.•,! there milk 1f the •x•'nntery is run on the within u hour. tM>dilc 8 laity st'•an1- tn i. 'r fur s*•stem and the butter it sRords 9081.81 rad pas9age fnril,- (011 e1- understands the b ettesa, he tics+ b4'tween that port am( the is- o butter toot p1, ► better fat usr u c1- Iv u+ . , , e land. The min••• aro Raid to have ag•her example. , 1 to polities con a 1,t aver- len discovered torn hundred years 444( y tool butter pounds only sere tent thea were first opened up eighty to eiphty•Ovu pounds of but- , ter tut, the remainder ie water newt- in 18'iR by Prince Nnheshi11)a, of the ly, with small amounts el casein. Province of Mizen, with the *sleet- allumen and what tho c:l(mists roll once of foreign engineers. and Euro - ash. which i11 butter is mostly salt. peen mac iyeare. however, the arse So that from 100 pounds of pure For butter fat a good buttornesker in a velopmnnt was comparatively slow, ',operator creamery can make from and after various viciseitudea th Ll 5 to 1'20 pounds of butter Proved- mines paxeed into the hands of t N1 on to him by \ an Mn4•ck. Or helps feed. !1-C$ air ni,1)bsti linge'L Uvanmilkcll of the And cr(nmfat porins r .n(hed company. fltfl MI•t bee. wmpt perhaps he merrely aecet-t'ined ells.. 1 , he 1 had purchased. 1lsat was sufficienti.• * This "overru(i n" ntends upon the level of the sea. 11 1 care and skill teeth whlrh the milk 1 and cream is hnnrllnl. Many hatter- f The prerace of eating arsenic h maker!, do not got mor.• tooter from very (nmmon among penlarlt. in t.M the milk thsn they hAtl 44( 4444 (1(l ro•' t' rn tti.t:.• t i 1lemelrj t0 star( weed: that, �, a :!: : t3•s p0nrele of butter fst they ..1(t n ' • . - , . ' • 'n .( :1.: +:' et 141(6 111+0ea'ls of lull•''.' 411 • . .• the fat Lein; eAs•-•t 0• el )s cure. Scott s Emulsion does both. for leis purpose. Of course he must have found out al about our scheme. After l had laid my choir - i i