Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-26, Page 1etet
.-(.New Reading (tatter appears In this space each week.)
Seem w tttoa•ibte u they are till they are attempted,
And Saving is one of them. Once attempted, the ease
with which a Bank account increases will iutonish you, at
ny rate it encourages a continuance.
1f you want to make the attempt ONE i)OLLAR will do to
start with. This Bank gives you the best results, as we al-
low interest from date of deposit a, d have it added to the
principal and compounded FOUR TIRES a year.
We Invite coni to ")..ti cone Sat 'figs account at any of our
Special Attention Oiven to Farriers' Business
Branches in Huron County at
Madman a Stasbnry, F. E• Karn,
,tanager. Raaf -e
13ig .Clearing Sale.
We wish to announce to the public that during
the next Two Weeks we will make big reduc-
tions in
Ladies' Fancy Collars,
Ladies' Belts,
Ladies' Gloves,
Ladies' Whitewear,
Winter Dress Goods and Underwear.
10 per Cent. oft on Staple Dry Goods
Also a Few Tweeds :
Men's Overcoats,
Odd Suits,
Hats and Caps
at Creatly Reduced Prices.
Call early and have first choice, as these goods
must be cleared out to make room for our
new Spring Goods.
Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a
a share of your patronage for the coming year.
Choice Groceries always on hand.
ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Mosey to Loos at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. R. CARLINe, B.A., L 11. Utotaox
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers. Solicitors.Matn at., Exeter Ont
anist and Choir Muter of the Tricitt Memorial
Brehr -Piano,
Voice.lce, Harmony.
methods. Thoroeh
Private funds to loan on farm and village pro-
perty at lowest rated of interest•
Accounts collected.
Optics —Main Street Exeter_
The noderslgnsd le offeringfor sale that excellent
Sfty-acre farm In the Towntip of Usboroe, tieing
East ballot 1pt t, Con. 2. There is on the premises
a good barn and fences, an orchard and other con•
esslen/ es. The toed le well drained and Is in a good
Statte of e terms cultivation. Will be sold reasonsble sod on
oe- J. ATKiNSON, Uinta P. 0.
— —
VV this county and adjoining territories, to repro.
vest and tional
Departments advertise
olds established busipple and neeess shouse
of solid r day nith
�ees advancedcial otechsMonday b t�check, direct
Born headquarters. Horse and hugs y furnished when
eecereaav; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., a CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldtc-, Chicago, III.
The undersigned Is offering that de.1r.\hle s,Ilr;e
property. being Lots 7n and 71, corner of Victoria
andlAndrew street., the property of the late James
Willis. There is on the premises an excellent frame
And (office Thisa containing fine propht erty lumber
he *old
reasonably and on easy terms. Apple nn the prem.
WOW J t\mita, Exeter.
ile have a position open for one
man in each locality, local or tra-
ng, at $.410 it year and expenses
per day tacking up show cards
and generally advertising a New Dis•
covery. No experience necessary.
Write for pparticulere.
Situs Medicinal Co., London. Ont.
London College of Commerce.
Comprising Business, Shorthand
1 Typewriting, and Academic De-
ments. in writing for r•atalogue
'fling full particulars. Address.
S. YEREX. C. B. Principal.
Mrs. Nichol and child, of London,
are visitors at the home of Mr. 1'r-
gnbert.•–Patties are all the go now.
–Miss Seller), of Kincardine, is a vis.
iter at the home of her brother, Dr.
Seller•y.–On Wednesday evening the
Hortons, of L)ndon, were defeated
here hy the local team by a score of
12 to 2.–Rev. Dr. Cook, of Clinton.
preached educational sermons in the
Methodist church here on Sunday.–
The other evening James Petty bud
the misfortune to slip on the ice re-
ceiving a bad fall which shook biro up
considerably. Fortunately no bones
were broken and he is now around
Thames Road
Fred Hunkin is busily engaged draw.
ing material for new house. John
Miller also intends building during the
coming summer. -.-H. Kelly, of Strat-
ford, was a visitor et the home of his
aunt, Mrs. A. Cole, recent) –Fred
Hankin has rented the farm of 'Thomas
Moir. of Henaall, and intends going
into farming on it larger scale. --The
many friends of Mr. Thomas Cann,
who was very seriously fi
in nd by a
fall from a tree last fall, will be pleas-
ed to learn that he is improving, and
91)1110 hopes are entertained as to his
recovery.–Mrs. Andrew Campbell, a
former resident of Ueborne, but now
residing in Manitoba, is on a visit to
friends and relatives in this township.
Mrs, Campbell is favorably impressed
with the great Northwest.
The Anniversary Services of the
Presbyterian Church were conducted
on Sunday and Monday. and were
perhaps the most successful for many
years. Large congregations greeted
the Rev. I. Turnbull, of Toronto, nn
old 1'sta)i•ne boy, who preached both
morning and evening. Rev. Turn-
bull hoe made for himself,' great name
ns n preacher and occupies; one of the
lest pulpit!' in the Pi esbyterian
Church in Canada. Needless to any
he fully snstitined his reputation on
Sunday. The Monday evening tea
meeting and program was attended
by a very large number of people, all
of whom were greatly pleased with
the ten served and the program ren-
dered, Rev. Turnbull and Rev. Wil -
Herne of St. Marys. another old t's•
borne ts)y, delivered addresses. Mrs.
Williams sang two excellent Scotch
solos. amt the choir furnished special
mimic. The satcceas of the whole an-
niversary must be very pleasing to
the members and adherents of the
Mrs. Win. Hastings, who has been
receiving treattnent at St. Michael's
Hospital. Toronto, for the past six
weeks, returned home last week, ac-
companied by Miss Hastings and Miss
Hicks. Mrs. Hastings stood her jour-
ney well and speaks in the highest
cerins of the treatment she received in
St. Michael's,—Jatue'a M. Turtles baa
sold his fitrtu on the Centre Road, to
Neil Chishnliu, of East Williams. —
11rs. Et -skin:•, one of our old residents,
passed away on Friday, at the age of
8 years. Deceased inortd here from
Lieury- about two years ago and was it
true and beloved ftiead and her death
\will be deeply regretted. One daugh-
ter, Miss (..a1lrine, residing with list
;led one sou. Daniel, residing tan the
homestead, are left to mourn the lust
of a loving mother, and to thein we
extend our genuine sympathy. The
funeral on SaUlday was hugely at-
Miss Emma Hall, of Exeter North,
spent a few days in our burgh during
tie week.--\liss Lydia Decher, of the
Batbylon line, has gorge to Detroit.
where she has secured a position.—
Mrs. F. W. Mess is on a short visit to
frietds in London.—Mrs. W. H. \Vent-
zel, of Crediton, spent a few days in
our burgh during the week.—Messrs.
Stan E. Faust and Daan Koehler have
returned from their visit to Milverton.
—Mrs. J. C. Kalldeisch, accompanied
by Mrs. Elizabeth Truemner, attended
the funeral of a relative at Detroit last
week. They will also visit there for a
short tinge.— Dr. Campbell had a very
unpleasant experience one evening last
week. While turning onto the Zurich
road, near Jas, Overholt's farm, the
hor.e became frightened at a dog and
upset the cutter. throwing the Dr,ouL
The horse in its mad career ran
through three wire fences and cut it-
self sevet'ely. The cotter was smash-
ed into kindling wood. Fortunately
the Dr. escaped unhurt.—Mr. Jacob
H. Mittelbolt, brother of Messrs. An-
drew and John Mittelbolt and Mrs. J.
Foster, of this place, passed away in
Chicago. on Jan. 12, at the age of 30
years, 9 months and 24 days. The
cause of his death was pneumonia, of
which disease he had suffered hut t
short time. Hie remains were brought
to Mt. Catrmel and interred in the cem-
etery there on Wednesday, Jan. 18.
Much sympathy is expressed for the
relatives in this vicinity. Among those
who attended the funeral from a dis-
tance we noticed: Mise Tillie Mittel-
holtz, Detroit; Frank Farwell, Chicago;
Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Henfryn.
M. Loyd, who :has suffered from a
severe attack of pleuropneumonia, is.
we are pleased to state, showing signs
of improvement.—Mrs. \Vm, Mustard
who is residing with her daughter,
Mrs. D. McEwen, is, we are sorry to
state, very poorly.—Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mooney, who have been on a visitto
friends in this vicinity, left last week
on a visit to different, parts of Ontario,
prior to returning to their home in
Virden, Mari., next month.
DEATHS.—Death is no respecter of
persons. The young the old and the
middle-aged are alike the objects of
the fell reaper. We are called upon
this week to record the death of one
in middle life, Mrs. M. V. Diehl, of the
5th con., who died in the Hospital at
Clinton, on Monday, Jan. 10, at the
age of 31 years. Deceased had never
complained of being i11, until about a
week before her death, although she
bad been losing in flesh, and on Thurs-
day week did her own housework. On
Friday she became much worse and
was advised by her physician that she
had better be removed to the hospital,
to which place she was taken Satur-
day. A censultation was held, but it
was decided that an operation would
be of no service, owing to her weaken-
ed condition and the septic nature of
her trouble, which proved to be true.
Deceased waw a daughter of Edward
Tyndall. of Blues -ale. She was a quiet
and industrious woman, an affection-
ate wife and mother and an active and
consistent member of the Methodist
church, Varna. Besides her sorrow-
ing husband she leaves two children,
Bertha Mildred, aged 10, and Edward
Gordon, aged 7, to mourn the loss of a
prudent wife and indulgent mother.
A large number otrelatives and friends
were in attendance at the funeral on
Wednesday to pay the last tribute of
respect to the departed. We com-
mend the bereaved ones to the care of
tbe All -wise one.–The uncertainty of
life was brought home to many of the
resident in this township, when it. be-
came known on Friday that Gilbert
Dowson, son of Henry Dowaon, of this
township, had been called to meet his
Maker, after a brief illness of a few
hours that morning. Deceased was
engaged in doing the chores on the
farm on Thursday when be was seized
with aanattack of appendicitis; septic
condition followed, which was the im-
mediate came. of death. This was not
his fltst attack, he having experienotel
the same painful ordeal on set eral oc-
casions, anti fighting there through
expecting that each succeeding attack
would be the last; but recovery was
evidently not for him, the Angel of
death claiming him as a victim when
in the prime of life, he being but 29
years of age. The tonere!, which was
held Sunday, was largely attended,
notwithstanding the severe weather.
The C.O.F. of Clint on, of which deceas-
ed was a member, took charge of the
funeral. A number of beautifoi florid
tributes were placed on the coffin. We
unite with many others in extending
to the bereaved family our deepest
sympathy. it is just about three
years since a sister died from the same
You probably know that your sallow
complexten is caused through thin,
kpoor blood, het you probably don't
now that by taking Vito Tonic you
can have bright rosy cheeks. Dr. Lutz,
druggist, keeps it in stock.
RE-OPENINO.—The re -opening services
t the Centralia Methodist church will
be held on Sunday and Monday, Jan.
29th and 30th. Rev. Dr. Harmon will
occupy the pulpit hath morning and
evening of Sunday. On Monday even-
ing an oyster supper will he served and
A choice program rendered. Miss
Godwin, of Exeter; the Imperial Quar-
tette, of Exeter; Mr. Morrow, Credi-
ton aid the choir will take part in
the program.
Mr. J. (.'alloway,of Cochrane, Alber-
t:'. is on alt ext.•ntied visit to friends in
and around Blake, Mr. Cnllewaay is
%vett acquaint. d with the northwest
provinces and thinks much of their
future pt'n'tperts.—The reads in Hair
section are in splendid condition an,l
the fanners ar,• taking advantage of it
to haul their supply of wood.—Miss
Pearl Nicholson has been re-engaged
for item( her year on the Zurich public
i a an increasesalary.
school staff t m n of
3li.s Nbas proven herself to
bean efficient and painstaking teal -her.
Miss Esther McPherson, who has
been visiting her sister. Nellie, in Bay-
field during the past few weeks, re-
turned home last. week.—Miss Carrie
Wilson went to Lindon Satin -day to
attend a musical recital in connection
with the Conservatory of Music.—A
number of our young people attended
the oyster supper at Mr. McIntire'
home on the 7th, and report as having
A very plea tit time.—Mr. Henry Eg-
gert cut o of the largest elm trees
in Mr. H. anks' bush, the flret lug
containing 1198 feet.—Robert Stone
sold and delivered several loads of good
beech and maple wood in our village
last week.
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to statute at
Town Hall, McOillivray, Jan. 9th, and
subscribed to their qualification and
declaration of office, viz: J. McGregor,
Reeve; John Robinson, W. T. Ulens,
Wm. Mawson and Ben, Marr, Coun-
cillors. Minutes of last meeting read,
approved of and signed. Ulens—Maw-
son—that the services of Wm. Fraser,
Clerk, and Alex. T. Stuith, Treasurer,
be retained; and that the Treasurer's
Bond, as read, be accepted. --Carried.
Marr—Ulens—that By -Law. No. 1 of
1905, appointing James E. O'Neil, As-
sessor, for tnis township, as recd a flied
and second tune, be now read a third
time and passed.—Carried. Marr—
Robioe:en - that accounts be paid, to-
talizing $28.80. Mawson—Robinaeon—
that this Council adjourn to meet in
Town Hall, on the 8th day of March,
ato neo'clock p.m. --Carried.
Wm. Fraser, Clerk.
ANNIVERSARY.—On Sunday and
Monday a very successful anniversary
of the Methodist Church was celebrat-
ed. Rev. %Vm. Godwin, of tbe Main
Street Methodist Church, Exeter,
preached excellent sermons both
morning and evening. Large con-
gregations were in attendance at the
services. The tea meeting on Monday
evening was a very animated and
pleasant affair, a very targe number
being present from the surrounding
district. A very choice supper was
served and a good program was ren-
dered. Addresses were delivered by
Rev. Dr. Hannon and Rev. Mr. God-
win, of Exeter, and Mr. Wm. Ander-
son, Superintendent of the Sunday
School at Centralia. The dialogues,
recitations, etc., by the school child-
ren, were well received, while the
Centralia choir fun niched excellent
music. The pastor, Itev. S. Andrews,
occupied the chair.
"This comes to him who is a single
swain, •
Strive how he will, his striving is in
And so they were married at the
Methodist parsonage. Parkhill, on
Wednesday, Jan. 18, Mr. Wm. Ilse,
and Miss Lucinda Geiger, two of our
most popular young people. The bride
was very becontingly attired In a neat
travelling puff. ' The interesting cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. S.
Arlin, after which the happy couple
left on a short honeymoon trip. To
Mr. and Mrs. Ilse, we extend our hear
Meet wishes for a bright and prosper.
oue married life.
Measles seetn to be quite prevelent
around here just now.–Joseph Wil-
lert purchased a horse the other day
at Geo. Keys' sale to mate hie driver.
Ile can now boast of having a fine pair
of matched drivers. Geo. Kellerman
also purchased a colt at the same sale.
–Mr. and Mrs. M.Fenn and daughter,
Ruth, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with
friends in tit• village. It seems quite
familiar to see Mike on our streets.–
John Hall of London, was in the vil-
lage several days last week.—Sim Ire-
land did business in Crediton Saturday.
—Several ate the little election discus -
Mons we hear on our streets during the
Sast few weeks.—Oeo. Powell spent
unday with friends at Thedford.—
Tenders are out for the lighting of our
street lights. We hope some suitable
man may secure the contract and ren-
der good aeervice.—Messrs. Tieman,
Wambold and Moser were putting in
their supply of ice twat week. The
quality is first-class.—Mr. Plait,. of
'Medford, has moved to town and is
occupying Chris. \Villert'a building,
where he hits opened out a bakery and
confectionery, and will also carry a
full line of groceries.
Hes it ever occurred toyouthat most
sickness commences with the stomach?
This is because the blood becomes im-
poverished through lack of nourish-
inent, It you want to get well and
keep well take Vito Tonic. Dr. Lutz,
druggist, keeps it in stock.
A Reign of Terror in St. Petersburg.
Sunday wits a day of horror in the
Russian Capital. The strikers, goad-
ed to despoiation by a day of violence,
fury and bloodshed, ate in a state of
open insurrection. The city is under
martial law, with 50,000 troops hiv-
ouackiug in the streets, while the
strike's have thrown tap barricades
and are opposing the troops.
strikers anxious
petition to the Emperor, were timet by
a solid array of troops, who the sever-
al volleys at the stmikets and then
clru gad theta with bayonet and saint..
The best estimate of those killed is 500
although 1here are exaggerattedfigures
placing the number as high as 0,001).
Many 111(1 were accompanied by their
wives and rhmldren, and in the confits•
ion which left no time for discriumina-
tion the latter shared the fate of the
meth The troops, wIl1 the exception of a single regiment.
which is reported
to have throw 11 down its arms, reu►in-
ed loyal and obeyed orders. But the
blood which crimsoned the snow has
h passions Heed the reins and ) ss n of the
sitiket s a Id turned women as veli as
men into wild beasts, ;and the cry of
the infuriated populace is for vengence.
The sympathy of the middle classes is
with the workmen.
Gorky, the Russian novelist, said to
the Associated Press:--"To-day inatng-
utated revolution in Russia. The Em-
peror's prestige will be irrevocably
shattered by the shedding of innocent
blood. He has alienated himself for-
ever from his people. Gopon, the mas-
ter mind of the movement, taught the
workmen to believe that an appeal di-
rect to the "Little Father" would be
heeded. They have been undeceived.
Gopon is now convinced that peaceful
tneans have failed and that the only
remedy is force. The first blood has
been shed, but more will follow. It is
now the people against the n p►'essors,
and the battle will be fought to the
bitter end."
The scenes of the great French revo-
lution may berepeated in Russia.
To understand how the present po-
sition has arisen it is necessary to
know what the people have to put up
with. Here are a few causes:—
General strike in St. Petersburg;
disaffection in the army; great activi-
ty of the nihilists both at home and
abroad; ruinous industrial depression;
crushing effect of heavy taxes; grow-
ing insolence of the btireaucrafts; rev-
olutionary unrest in Finland; riots in
various towns festering to sedition;
tevetieb conditions in Poland; perils of
international complications; students
in all the big cities ripe for revolt; the
war with Japan; growing dissatisfac-
tion with church rule; shocking ineffic-
iency of officials in all departments of
goverment; gross corruption in army
and navy circles, whose shameless
"graft" and looting have eaten into
the public funds; worthlessness of the
army and navy that has coat billions;
general demand for a representative
government; oppression of the police
system; shameful conditions affecting
the judiciary, who owe their office
more to favor than to ability.
The roads are in good condition at
present around here, and farmers are
busy hauling material for buildinlz
purposes.—Quite a number of our resi-
dents are on the sick list.— Mr. Joseph
Morley, who has been sick, is recover-
ing; and the family of Mr. George
'Alison, after a siege of diphtheria,
are improving.—A literary meeting
was held at Mrs. C. J. Avery's home
on Tuesday night and a goofs time was
sdent.--Daniel Hodgson was visiting
friends in Exeter last week.—Hogs
have taken a rise in price and the far-
mers are consequently pleased.
)few Railway ProJects In tae Weans
Application is being made for a
charter for a steam railway from
Woodstock to St. Marys, and from
the latter town to Grand Bend. Kin-
cardine and Goderieh. Woodstock
capitalists are fielded the project.
Another proposal being discussed is
to build a line from Woodstock to
! Crhditou
The Litct•ett•y Sue'y wet at the hone
!of Miss Lewis, on the evening of Jan.
'<d, The topic oats "Africa," and
interesting pups is were given, its ttal-
� lows: A geneaal description hy- Miss
E.Hrown; "Explorers" Alias V. Beaver;
"Boer War" by \1r. P. Banes. 1lfusic
I was furnished by Mist* Clark the ,Visa -
es Beaver and Mr. Morrow. The next
meeting will be hell at the home, of
Miss E. Brown, on ‘\'eduesday Feb.
1st. Thele will In, a tle•Late "It...•I.(d
' that the broom is more useful than
the dist' cloth."
31oorei+%1I1 e
Mrs. \Velliugton Whiteford, ac'u'tm-
p:u,ieel hy Ler ctliid., t!, has rrtalr11eal
to her home in Wisconsin, after w
Mouth's visit with her brother; ;and
sisters here. -The Marrahresof Moor. a-
%illr, intend hul,liug their call tai-tn.,c-
t•ow (Friday) evening.- 51r. and 511;.
Joe Simpson, of Port Huron, visited
fiit•ud. and 1t1,iiit,shet e last a..•i.. --
M1's\a1y AIL(S1 Simpson b n❑ 0visit'
to London friends 1-ist week.—Toni.
Cunningham and son, hr:nnk, of the
41 It eon.attended ;teucluc pasty at:dr.
and Mrs. Mose Simpson's true evening
last week.—Gordon 11uot(Id w
is in
L',ndou this week on business. ---John
T. Sunpson did business in Sarnia last
week.—There will he rio services in the
Nursery church here for two weeks,
owing to the quarterly Meetings at
Lucau.—Andrew Alleu,of ('ltudt•luye.
has engaged with Albert Simpson, of
the 2nd con. of McGillivray ler a year.
—Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornish, of Us -
borne, have moved to the 2nd con. oL'
McGillivray and are occupying the•
house owned by Marshall Miller. --C.
Simpson, of the 2nd con.. leaves in a
couple of weeks for Owen Sound. --
Wm. Ryan, of the 2nd con., is, we are
sorry to state, on the sick list. We
trust tbat he will soon recover.—Mr.
and Mrs. Mose Ilexigius intend mov-
ing to Clandeboye about the 1st of
Match, where they will make their fu-
ture home. We cannot afford to lose
many citizens like Mr. and Mrs. Simp-
son. Having been.resident of this vil-
lage for a number of years and having
always proven themselves true and
trusty friends. their departure will be
keenly felt. That success may attend)
thew wherever their lot may he cast
is the sincere wish of every resident of
The British Government has estab-
lished an information bureau for in-
tending emigrants, and has issued an
attractive circular on Canada.
ILSE—GMOHR--At the Methodist
parsonage, Parkhill, on Jan. 18, by
Rev. S. J. Algin, Mr. William Ilea.
to Miss Lucinda Geiger, both of
Dash wood.
MCDONALD-- Devenet1X—At the St.
James church, Seaforth, on ,tan. 18;
by Rev. P. Corcoran, John McDon-
ald of Walton, to Miss Elizabeth
Devereux, of Tuckersmitb.
DowsoN—In Stanley Tp., on Jan. 18,
Gilbert Dowaon, aged 29 years.
Ross—In Tuckersmith, on Jan. 13,
WneRoss, aged 70 years, 10 months.
LAiNO—In Hihhert, on Jan. l8, Thos.
Lang, aged 933 years, 11 months, 21
Wounla—in Hihbert,on Jan. 17, John
\Norden, aged 52 years, 9 months,.
and 12 days.
Lasts --In Tuckerstnith, on Jan. 18,
Thos. Geo. Lane, aged 55 ytars,
month, 22 days.
DIHHL —Lg Clinton, on Jan. 19, Agnes
Alvin,' Tyndall, beloved wife of V.
M. Diehl, aged '31 years.
WHITELY— in Clinton, on Jan. 14,
Clara Smith, relict of the late %V. F.
Whitely, aged 64 years.
STREP—In Clinton, on Jan, 18, Martha
Churchill, beloved wife of Henry
Steep, aged 76 years.
Sale Register.
MIP"Parties getting their sale bills printed at th•
Aovocare office will receive a TREE notice under
this heading until dote of sate.
TUESDAY, FEB. 7.—Real Detat.,Fann Stork and
implements, the property of A. Holland, Lot 8,
London Road, Hay. Sale at 1 o'clock. John um,.
International St ck Foods
In 25, 50, 100 aid 3.50
In 25 and 50 cent Packages.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal,
Sulphur and Glauber Salts
Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.