Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-19, Page 7ilete.:..,eete.}eeSteeteei.Sele0 as:ewes e.s. War it the gut ter or the hedge?" EXPENSIVE HOUSEHOLDS!,„, 1.:%'.n th.• ptehian potatoes MM RR T''(1c I/quoted at $2.51► to $al. til►. SIMI Ill uck-
•1 (n,Uet+'. but 1 rari't. sat} et+rlaia
Wilt stdreely I.. recobuiztetl at 111'81DING ililLlK�aw+• yrs at $1 ;et to $3. lei.
• ► � _ sig;hl l$i'y arc ur IitUu in their uler 1 Mitch ('owe -There is a fair deawwJ
I 1,, it w•as the gullet," anawerod
pp� 0"Q Cel - t qt "1 ( t t 41 t t KEEPING A FAMILY ON $`►50 - tuvut as arc the fish in lho !thine I for t;ut►d coati. 'lYtc market is yu,►t
V U (iV•
nt0tne, su usg;, ui a t. o Tb. Ruling Prices In Live StOCk (etI urtrhan; ed at a range of $a0 to
talk of that Put the blanuo any- 000 A YEAR. wine, with which they are waved. 6 f K
whole you Beaux+
But I stn tor- There edible): give ptaeu to a *addle and Breadstuff'.
??? f tun w 1 (, )
tai( it is the hedge that has united The Haus Lit. of Wealthy Womenu In' - i1 n currant jc11
y. , tang-
^ Almost Entirely
Pits(.•, almost frozen. displaces the
'From the !Teas*,!
If 'lies hated each other cordially, WINTER IN TSE ANTARCTIC.
Seven Long Months Spent in
Pitchy Darkness.
Souse details of a restutrkablo *.lett}
of privation have recently been made damsels larder her, rauging from land then black coffee and cordiale c't►ts, $.x to $(►.'slf ter steottel pwt.n a,
/medic by rho commander of the eighty-soveit patlorntttids to twenty announce that the millionaire and and $:i to $5•`20 for hikers'.
"rough hands," girls of from his );accts may rest frust their di- Millirett--Easier: $L-1 for bran 1n '
south polar rwgians. The three taco
recent Sweetish expedition to the eight fi(teoa to seventeen years of ngne. gest it t' labors. -London Aneweta bulk, $I0 to $16.50 for shorts, east
Manitobawho shared the hardships of that who have to (to the dirtiest work in _ and west. Manitoba easier. $19 for
dreadful antarctic winter were Dr. the huge household, and main
elflike the- CLAIMS A FORTUNE. *hurts, $18 for bran. exports.
enterally useful to the sets
ugh their gardens streteeted
terially side by side. But no
(!1011 1t the two teen turned their
`arbor to each other at every meet -
Ing. everything around theta *puke
of peace and amity.
Octet• the hedge stretched ,a largo
t*ar,clt of tho plum tree which grew
ilia one garden and dropped its blue
fruit Hutt} the other', alnl the groat
apple tree returned the favor with a
rieh load of rosy rod appy. What
art iron' ut nature!
' Yon tuight believe that some im-
portant. 'natter separated the old
man l-'ulgenee front his neighbor Au_ west. Sledging proved to he exceed hold tnaaagetnent u[ recent Years,
Raine. For many years they had tngly difficult. and by the time tho and consequent upon tho remarkable
litho party trached land theft tncreaae in the number of palatial
millionaire houses in the United
States. The positions aro much
sought. atter, and it is interesting to
note that, all other things being
equal, Englishwomen stand tho beat,
chauc.s of being appointed.
Old-fashioned home life, where
wealthy women took charge of their
own houses, has almost entirely dis-
appeared. The utilliortaire•s wife
now realizes that she can no longer
continuo the two rotes of society
leader and house -caretaker, and
therefore the "managing housekeep-
htvelrssl iu the !!ells, carne into the
er" has become necessary. This aternal garden looking for some whole+ they sprea;l their tumuli'', egress takes breakfast daily (tome
t tract ion. Ile whistled to himself.' When the snow came it covered all with her mistress, and, over coffee
nylc if lisll(ssiy, happy in his urn save the entrance. 'they wero thus and cakes. discusses the programme
ly44(1 strcuglb' able throughout the winter to keep for the day, and submits the previ-
A rustlind !rout his ►.a'ighbor's an ayeraee temperature of only a ons (lay's record. She is really the
house amused hint -ho looked up ex- little blow the hoezing-point head of the household. The mistress
peeling to see the cat; but it . was herself takes n0 hand in the house
the heutd of a charming girl, which Within a few miles there were
appeared at an open window.plenty of penguins waiting. to b,. whatever. Servants come and sere-
1,011is stopped short in Itis walk shot. and by the time the wittier ants go. gardeners change. footmen
with surprise, Tho bright counton- night ball fairly fallen they had disappear• revolutions uuav happen:
sore was atnililtg a welcome; and un- killed and frozen al t four hundred but nothing of this conies antler the
Oonscious)y, 08 he looked longer, of these l'irdc notice of the real mistress. Site is
he smiled too and touched his hat. Penguins aro not good eating, 1)111, virtually a queen, and the "nana-
He well knew that such an amiable they were the .Anti of life :o those gross" her prime minister.
apparition had nothit.>gf to do with three turn that reinter. eked out by a
the scowling countenance of hul- mouthful or two of luead each day,
gene or his yet Inure vtndictivo a bite, new and then, of preserved
wife. meat. and the flesh of steals occasion-
Aisi the face was one he had never ally killed for oil. livery one has
seen in the village. Whose, then, heard of the revulsion of stomach
could it be? and nerves from whish when suffer
Country people aro fond of talking when they try to eat a Wail a day
over each other's affairs, also they for thirty days. 11 can be imagined
are fond of talking whenever they
t an opportunity, But • Louis,
*nought up in the slutdo� (41 the
quarrel, had the city restraint.
The young lady. however, was cur -
16ous. It Was she who began tho
"'this is a beautiful morning."
.A very beautiful morning.'
"i'urhapa-it Is going to rain."
Misch interested now, he looked up
again at the smiling face halt hld
Ill the greea leaves which half cur-
tained the window. up in their sleeping -!rags in pitchy
So," said he. ghee wind is not darkness with nothing to do but
right.." listen to the howling of the polar
'Piety were quiet for a few momstorm. For seven long months the,v
torts. but the young lady slid not i'
mean that things should stop there.
led such n lite.
•'1 must wine clown and pick some When the spring tante they found
berries for my aunt."
":ire you her niece?"
'' 'es; we live at Vilmmnt. Ifo you
ktrow where that is?"
"1 hate been there meow times."
"1 have come down to stay a
torteig;ht with my aunt, who i-
sick." the forbidding black creatures, and aro (mother branch; and then a
The ice was "'resell. The girl bolted in .every dire.cti0 (1. smaller section, employing just about
chatte4 and laughed. Her eyes were A full description of their experi- live to eight hands, is devoted to
M•ieht and clear. unconscious of evil cores will he of service to future ex- wraps and winter time
o• grief. plorers in distress during the survey • The sten' of n millionaire's 'muse.
Whet( about to go away Louis of the desolate and stormy southern hold is accommodated in an entire
t,4 ppnJ her. land wing of the residence. Each.. ens
"Von will lel n.e see you" again, ployee has his or her 'epeeist.. room.
WitIlunt doubt?" and all are allowed 10 choose their
"rfb, certainly." meals from a comprehensive menu,
'l'Lere was no rause for delay . It printed and issued daily. They have,
aecnttc• utwtmrtnry now for the sou of in addition to their salaries, or -
ego ,I;ee to go into the garden quite nus advantages. 'There is an old -age
uhec and of her side Marie, fur F M k pension scheme, and the service% of
that wee the name of the yuttng a medical than err always available
git1. tame (often near the hedges. on the premises. The arrival of the
'tart grew to be welt uexi tainted, season's ctot.hes is also no occasion
toed i.. spite ut their surruundit►gs of rejoicing among them. 1?ach mem-
anti their families they herein* to one another in the strip's waist, tier of the houseludd shnrcM in the
Minot e(•(►ntiniti,l space therehy. . distribution of the last season's tip-
toe day, as they were about to I'.ach dory takes two men. and the parel, and on this occasion the nfis-
pa't, Louis picked two or three whole crew, except the captain and tress ie brought into contact. with
Has mos y last wine. Now the chef tempts
wauitg appetites with cutters 01
sweetbread ant terrapin, :4101 Chart -
The eternal servant problem must
acutely affect the milliuuaire. Ir►: reuse mem. m. 'IYste' fellow a sorbet
one iron king's household there a1e l of fro/et. i4 ,i sch pouch, canvas -back
two thousand 5001attts, The "man-, ducts, and salad, tvilh ('hamhet'tin $105 asked for red and whit,(: spring.
egging housekeeper"' to (mother mag- � wine l'tuatie seen pudding drown- 9:'e to t16c; goose. tier. .11anitoba.
'Toronto, .tau. i 7.--Wbeate-that aria
--Deliveries costume) light, 41111 while
millers hesitate 0%00 buying at pres-
ent prices, $1.03 to f 1.04 is bid wed
nate hers an army of twelve hundred tel itt cognac. ;1Ce cream follows, easier, $5.40 tq *,'.60 for first pat -
J. limonite Anderson and two ut the
vents of higher grade.
This important positiOu of "man-
aging housekeeper," the salaries for
which range front $5,O(10 to $'25,0110
annually. is a development in house -
ship's men who left the steamer In
an endeavor to reach by sledge Doc-
tor Nordenakiold'r camp. +one hun-
dred and fifty miles to ( he south -
been friends, but during that time
Pulg,mee lived at the other end of strength and resources were nearly
the village. exhausted.
(1 was not a matter of politics, The twilight was lengthening, the
not a deep philosophical question. long night would soon fall, and they
sot even a *natter of church belief, knew that if they tried to make the
whi(•I► had made enemies of these march of one hundred miles south -
two peasants. It was only a little ward they would certainly perish.
matter of a house rain gutter, us There was nothing to do but to go
email as it was innocent, that had into camp and live cut the winter
rots.od the discord. And t"ulgence( somehow or other. They had about
hat ins nothing else to do, imagined three week's' supply' of food, threw
sleeping bags, a piece of tarpaulin
and a tent, a few knives and cooking
utensils, one needle, and nothing to
wear but summer clothing.
They put up their tent. and mar-
ried it with a stone wall. Over the
every- bad thiugf of his neighbor An-
(1n.• beautiful (morning in the
spritigl Huts, young 'Louis, son of
Antoine, tired of wandering around
then, that nothing but the fear of
death tvould drive theta to eat the London. 'Fhe fickle changes of (ash -
coarse and greasy penguin every clay ion in England affect her not.
for seven months. 'Phe accomplish- 110W LLNtlE1111: iS KlPT.
went of tho teat. shows what. 1mel► When these big trunks arrive. their
can do when necessity drives. contents are forthwith spread in the
Rut the hardest. part of their lot, hall. Each waist of every garment
after all. was the protracted con- is stuffed with tissue -piper, sleeves
flneutett during the long. r tornly and corsage, as well as every other
winter. Seal blubber was too part and every bow -thus all aro
*metes 10 be used excepting when the held in shape.
meals were to be cooked. and so, for it is no 'mustier occurrence for a
days at a time, the three men curled thousand dresses to arrive at one
time, and. before they are put away,
the mistress, acromprouicd by her
timid. spends int ttfteriuon in the
hall, .and carefully inspects her new
purchases. For lingerie there aro
very large wardrobes with shelves,
their way to the ramp. They were and this forams quite woollier depart-
s() chattered that Doctor `c►t•denskiold event under an experienced mann-
did not. r(ec•ognitco thous until they grass. The shelves are entirely cov-
told their names. They were black erect with perfumed silk ratchets, and
as ccm1 front head to fool, with lung the dainty taco-trituined and he -rib•
black hair hanging dawn aver their boned nrticlee are piped Immo these
shoulders. The dogs took h•i{ht at sachets in sets linty and lor.nets
!;very branch of the household
management. is subdivided, unit each
section has its highly -paid chief.
Like a real queen, the millionaire's
wife has her mistress of the robes,
and the poet is no sinecure. A large
stall is maintained for the care of
the wardrobe. 'Twice a year my
lady receives consignments of eir.w.v-
es and other apparel from Paris, or
of • beautiful hush which
'0 the air with its perfume. Itak-
n hole through the hedge, he of-
t Marie.
•.1 titer
n u Ma
'11u0 fortnight passod ail toe quick -
1). Louis telt n load at his heart.
Life seemed ua•lws 10 him with
Mai 1.' gene. Ne found hear in her
geri"II with texts.
• 1 tin are sad. Marie.'
she limited ap at hint. try tug In
sante through her tears.
'•llh:t( is (t'! ('at. 1 du nothing
to help you?"
• \e,tbiew. but 1 Ira ye here to-
day .
They forget tluemueltes. 'These sim-
ple (smutty people say les4( in 141)1315,
but they understand one another
444(11.1 completely . They do 1101 nut-
plih their ft0.lints with 1.,'1evs ,,,,,m -
plica lions.
"lin( vtlly ►•111.1. Marie? If you
were willing: -rnn it net be sit? Pear
11 to we niialtt 11151'01.'.
11•r0llgll 1 hr !Hedge he see her
nee Ile•r face WAS IAisrd t(4 his,
her bright cheeks) suffused with
blitsle a bright smile till her lies!
• -(4,,. 1 could wish w.• ,tic ht,
ltinn-i,•1n• 1.0uis,'.
Whet, Louis fold the s1Iry to his
pare•et he received notch good ad-
5ice and many admonitions. lint
the old Hurn :1111(43111. (hr Ie.s hellt-
rase of the meighbnt1. had gee 1
ett.c•: 'moreover he loved les son.
Ile dill not care to spoil n whole
Ife by encriftcing it t0 an empty
reef He agreed to go with the
t e the door of hu Igence, tt ho
raetlwel notice of his coming as one
- 'spoiled.
'The4 tiny the parted* (4f Marie 1�ad
I come ' u take her home with theta
thele ontrghlcr. The marriage re-
giro ees gmickiy merle. and the
101 • - erre made hail'''.
- '4'•'opot'," said Fulgcslrr. taking
". 40niel of Anlnine. "What was
enc. of nor ( oared anyway*
And How They Are Made Ready
For Market.
Ctdtishieg is dote with (Mile.; atoll
trawIs. i'he dories are flat -boot .turn-
ed, sloping-sldod boats, which fit ice.
the cook, go off in thnnt every stilt- her
( n
int} and set
the trawls in tho
f�fl. f( lAl•F'
water outward from the ship. like he have ahead' stated the hand -
spokes front the huh of a wheel. some salary which the "ntauaglinq
Trawls are long lines, each, with
three thousand hooks altnchtetl al hous.•L•'eper" to a nillinunire'a
intervals of n yard, every heel. bait- huuseholee recelves. The mivtress o1
NI with 4(04444' 51n11tler Iish, either the robes receives from $9,000 11
herring, enntm or squid, that tho $:),:1(f0 a year. and the lady's maid
rod aff(•i(s The trawls are anchored 411(441! $I,OoNI 11111111th'•.
At (ordintery servant is paid from
$250 to $til►O a year, Ante in Addi-
tion. there are the ndvantagr'.v
at each ern!, baited in the due, left
lying toter night.. and are etripp01 of
their accumulation of fish neat morn-
ing. being hailed again when "neer- cnurnerelrtl above. nod Iron rd and
halted." lodging of an exceptionally good
The 11814 are taken to the veeset. elite•. The stall also) in0lu le aur-
in the dories. evisceral,al, wnshnel chnnics in large i•snrlrers--r•ntpenters,
and snited. This routine continues phombers., painters, and 'useful
until the hnit iv exhnu..lel, and then (teen." who all t.• -ids e.n the prel►Iis•
the vessel returns hunts. lands the es.
fish, takes mare host and salt and nut the rhel's department iv the
goes oil ngnin. at St Pierre her ane epee trlitch by far the largest
catch Is taken in hand by the gent- amoul,t is expended. tnolstelu• 1e
Hers and 1votlene who sutnnergr it in.chei it : tote -elite in the kitchen, , and
crate.. until the salt has been tw(•11-'tr4l hroils nti interfe•ren,e Even his
(51 on. 'Then they scrub each flehidaily inlertie44' with the nlnnngrese
with n hard. coarse MINI'. and pilolis conducted with frigid imlepend-
them! 10 hen (1t} to drain. This done. tone.. 1'(r a chef's respect for hM
they are 11"x1 sg11.•nd on the beacheev,einployers ip ureaeured by their reart-
to dry in the sunlight 011'1 Air, itseas to lige liberally. i'he mono
The beaches 0(4444'!'.1 11 aever81 acr05 e,lalolrale the menus he 1189 10 pre-
of tint _;round. ceverurl eel' basalt, !tare. the !tette' !dieter(' he i/4. In the
*10114'5 Wt"."
1.4)01111 1n the motion 01 height of the season hr will be found
Ole sea for ages.
These stony Gelds surround tit '''4rroinith d by 0 small army of ns
Pierre. 410 thousands of ted 14(0 kits ts, n'tupeied with every costly
displays..l there on a line clay. 1'nrry. thing that the. market (Words. As
evening, or if fog toe rain thre(tens'much 41A $5.(101. will bt• spent un a
the fish are gathered up again and single dinner. x
covered with tarpaulins. The pro UHiat' Isla(:\S �IUIItll1HL:.
colts is repeated until the fish are Hegel is the table in the million -
quite dry and hard. Dry fish are l sire's household, in white and gold,
piled in dual stacks. the veil in i profuse in floral (leroration, e*g)Iisite
oblong ones. When a sullicient titian- Ibun-bunt}• t" pica! fruits, and hors
tity to load a vase! I. obtained it id'ocuyrea-nwniting the coming of
is packed into her holi and shipped � It he rhe('e• many and 'marvellous
to market The eaten) of the cod- (onrsev, After the soups, timbales,
Milting of Miquelon and St. l'iorre For rvleves. Spanish mackerel or
may be indicated by, the record of Foyle saltuoa. Fever did feah or
the catch of those islands in 19102, than dream tot 411e11 dcrur,itions es
which lees '2,500../00 pomone. the ch••f *lit have 'widowed tlpne
Barley -35c for No. 3, 43c for ex -
Crossing Sweeper Declares Himself tea. and Ole for No. 3 malting, out -
Heir to Rich Estates. side, 'Toronto freights.
A fortune of 1:300,000 is claimed lfye•-76c for No, 2.
by the tall, white-haired old man Ciee-'Easier; now Canadian yel-
who each day for the last twenty- low' 'l1it'; mixed, •flea (.44.14., CAa-
ono years has acted as a London Cham freights; new American, No. 3
crossing -sweeper' at Park street. Up- yellow, 51{c; mizett, t..lc, on track,
por Brook street west. His name 1'01.0010,
is Charles I.dwin Cooper Collins. Oats' -;334 to 11310 fur No, 1 whit:.
. •e
and he declares himself the rightful east, low freights; ho. 2, .l.,�t, Ice
heir to large estates in the south freights, and 82e north and west,
of 1':ngland, which are et ow held by Rolled Gate --$•t for cars of bags
a well-known poor. nod $•t,25 for la:meets on track 'l'u-
Mr. Cooper Collins 18 more then roto, 25e more for broken lots hero
seventy 'years old, and since he was and 40c for broken lots outside.
n boy ho has been endeavoring to liens -67c for No. 2 west and east.
obtain possession of these estates, Buckwheat -52c to Sac, east and
which have passed into the hands of west.
the present holders owing to the -
will of bis great-grandfather having CO UNTIL If PRODUCE.
been lost. !!utter-IleCeipts of good :docks
This aristocratic crossing -sweeper aro light.
is at present living at the newtonCreamery, prints
!louse. Vauxhall. and recently he rlo solids
told a Loudon l' cpress representu- so tubs
tIve that fr..eh developments had re- Uait;V (chs, good to
cantly arisen which gave hint great choice 1Gc to 17c
hope of recovering his inheritance. do medium 14c6to 15c7
"My groat-grurnl(uther," he said. do inferior grades 12c to 17c
"(sus Richard Cooper, wino left the Dairy ib, roils, good to
whole of his property to his (laugh-
ter, who married sty- grandfather, choice l 7c to 18c
William Collins. do terse rolls 1('.c to 174c
"When my great-grandfather '.089 •do ntediuni 14c to 15c
dying he said to my grandfather:- t'h e.s(t-L.nrge arc quoted at 11ie
'William, 1 have made my will ab- next twins et 12e in job lots here.
solutoly itu favor of your wife, 103 Eggs -The market has a steady
daughter Sarah. i do not aunt you tone and is quinas' unchanged at
to prove it until the death of my 21c per d0ze'It fur fres!► and 2h)e for
wife, so that she may have the boo- 1140011.
e(it of the testate during her life- I'oultry- Turkeys, 12c to 15c;
time.' ducks, Ile to 12c: geese. 1.0c to llc;
'"I'he Wil, was mislaid, and it has ehickona, choice, 12c to 14e; old, 8c
never been found, although both my to 10c. -
grairdiather, my father, and many of puled 1t -ay -Tho market retains a
my relations have seen copies of it. firm lune at $7.50 to $8 per ton for
"During the early part of my life No. 1 timothy and $6.25 to 116.50
I was footman in the employment of for No. •l and mixed clover, all on
llr. John Stuart, (1.C., who took track here.
up nay claim and brought it before Baled Straw -- 1t'•ce:pts continue
the Muse of i.otds, but without rn)ntewhal light and the market is
success; and it was not until sumo lirm in tone at $6.1:5 to $6 50 per
tins, ago, wheal 1 8SW in a P31/00 ton for car lots 4411 track here.
that there was money awaiting a
person called Collins, that I u►x`0SION'I1U AL MAJCKL':1'S.
more took up tho case. But solici-
tors will not take tip toy claim with-
out 111000y.
•'Sipco then 1 have hail several of-
fers from *unknown people, asking etc
to sign an agrtet•utcnl sacrificing my
22c to 23c
Montreal. Jan.
of 0,000 !mallets
white oats ,made
Track. and track
jotted, sold at
40c sus bid for
17.-1Zraiti-A sale
of No. 8 Manitoba
at RR f c per bushel.
lots of Ontario re -
88c ex -store, while
Sound lots of No.
"Thee are as follows: -In 1886 1 2 white es -store and refused, fond
was offered L204); to 1888 1 was' holders in the west are asking l2r
offered .07,000 and a farm; in 1880 afloat May delivery. A sale of 5,-
1 was coffered 1:20,000, in 1895 I was 000 loishels of No. 2 northern was
offered 2.0,00O, and only a short nettle at $1.04 per bushel, ttliIdling,
time ago a man came to me offer -
I whits 14: an advance of one cent per
ng; me no ass lh an L1011000 t (1 Wallet over previous eabw,
settle n11 n1)' claims• flour -Manitoba spring wheat pal -
"Vol, here f am, a crossing -swoop- cote, $5.60; strung !rakers', $5.:i0;
er, earning a penny here and SIX- winter wheat bran In hulk; $17 to MOVABLE HOUSES.
less, wffelc':eo4,"
pence there. Ilvieg in n Rowton $18• shorts. $11) to $e20; rnntill., ---
ul,ve. an old man, homeless, r ' tl'li to $28 p(taet
•r n a to quality..
$60 each.
('aloes -Few were ()eerier; and
triage, was brisk, with prices higher
Quotations are :14e to (ie per 1h. and
$2 to $l0 each.
:rh(All and 4.n nibs -'The dteinand for
sheep nod loathe cont Hausa brick,
and the fairly heavy run offering tie
day was sold earl!'. t't'icos Wert*
well ulatulained and quotations arounit hangotl. Export sieve aro (mot -
$1.75, butchers'
1, Dud hornet a (
et! at $3.2.51 -to
40,3p at $3.50 to $
$5.50 to $6.25.
flogs -The market
quoted unchanged
cwt. for selects and
atm! fats.
is stead• anda t $1.90 per
$5.65 for lights
Crows Often Act Both as Judge
and Ezeoutioner.
A North Dakota story tells of a
crow that oloy'od with the wife of
another crow, and, having been cap-
tured, was bro((ght back, tried, sen-
tenced to death and executed. 'This
narrative may have boon intended to
show that North Dakota is adopting
a high moral plane, and will snake
some radical change aimed against
facile divorces, but though the tna-
jorityr of persons laugh at the (row
story, there are a few' naturalists
who are inclined to give it credence.
Dr. litoudson, who studied their
habits for years, tells us that it.' the
Shetland islands 1110 holding of crow
courts is a very common occurrence.
As a rule a Bill or Geld is selected
as a court house, and the session
commences. As clay be conjectured,
the proceedings are conducted in any
Way but silently, though, as to the
exact. mode of procedure. whether
counsel are employed or a jury Is
iulpanelled, no ornithologist has been
able to it(orni us. 1)r. Edmond-
son avers that. after a great. deal of
cawing the whole ('Onl't. falls upon
the unhappy prisoners tool they aro
promptly extettainnttel. after whit&
the court rias aryl the crows dis-
perse. each to his own district.
Not only (10 crows 110111 COMA of
Oyer end Terminer, but, according
to the lien. 1)r. I'klmund Cox, rooks
likewise meet together for this pur-
pose. One day when he was riding
along a quiet road in the vicinity of
Norwich he was startled by a groat.gen-
tlemancawing, which proceeded from an ad-
joining rookery. 'Phe reverend gen-
tleman aligns! from the horse, tied
it to a gate, and. concealing himself
behind the trunk tot n large tree,
managed to obtain n view of the
Surrounded h'. some 40 or 50
clamorous and iudignunt rooks, 110
saw what was apparently the crim-
inal, who had been put upon hie
trial. Although at the first perk and pr
jaunty, the mistime., after' some
minutes of cawing, lost his gayety,
lust appeared much as cid the fam-
ous jackdaw' of Rheims after the car-
dinal had cursed hint with bell, book
and candle. '*'hat. tho jury found
him guilty may be gathered from the
fact that the circle of rooks sudden-
ly closed ie upon hum and :weedily
pecked him to death. after which
they all cawed vociferously for some
minutes, and then departo(l.
11 1I 1 I hili '
mem-'Pono of market for rolled
♦--� vats remains atettetly, but volume of
MONKS AS FARMERS. ``i lSm �►.wt` mooing 1 per ss mallCornat
tnlis $07)
They Toil in the Fields for the changed at $1.35 to $1.45 per ling.
Sake of the Poor. , tiny -No. 1 clover, $9 to $9.5(1:
In the heart of the Chnrnwood' No• 2. $8.25 to $R.75: cloven' trdxte•I,
Purest, Leicestershire, within 20$7 to $7.50, and pure clover, $(i,-
tics of the ccuis. of ter gIa1N1 (ho, 50 to $0.75 per ton In car Ints.
most quninllyelrrssetl farmers in the TrOvisiOn8-ifcnvy ('nnndinn shore
world aro nlnv gathering in the oat .1:0 pork, $10.50 to $17.511; light
crop," 1(ys the London Daily 1?X-'short cut, $10.50 to $17; Amerlcan
press. "'They aro the (honks of thajehwr fat backs. $2:/; compound lard.
Attlee- of Mount St.. Recent -it, tho sic I(. ic; Canadian lard, O�c etc!' only 'Cistercian abbey in (Treat Del..: lie;knttie rondaKcd, N e to 9gc
lain, and, until recently, the only cording to quality; hams, 12c to
mtitr(al ah1)ey. 13e; fresh killed abattoir hogs, *7. -
"Clod in monastic garb, with hood 50; 'heavy tat hogs. $1,75 to $5;
thrown back and sleeves rolled atkey' n►ixenl lets. $5 to $5.11; select, 15.•
filen the wrists, the monk pllr4ties 15 on cars.
his labors in the (field. 1114 does noI' ('hcevl-I)nt►arie fall white. Iffje to
look like a fermi-. There i,a more lo'gc; colored, 10:c to 10:e; Quebec,
01 the air of the /Judy uI t hint toe to In;c.
thecae of (hc country. [lo works in !Utter•--Flltoat golden, 211c to
' 1 member 11f
J n ,
b[r a ue•9 1111 n Mr h e e ►
/°/c"".•us t n ..p jr.; ordinary hu,eaf, at 2r a to ..It;,
meter; he does not grumble al the tntdiunt grades, tote to 2Otc; weste
failure of a crop, he mer(((ry teas.ern dairy, 173e to 171c.
81 the 11011'11M grimed; he tails ani n...145_154 might void sl(4raire stark,
sibeit.13 aulnmutically, wor6ing; nn, 114e le 20e; No. J, 164c l0 17,e
agricultural sultnli out of one uf'w,,nlr,-a1 IIm"d, 19c.
the most barren sells In England.
front early morn to eye, with a'
:digt'h( breed. rnr a mea 1, 1111' roust.
hungry laborer would look askance,
a1, he dues net rest. 11e works that
others. bat ((Ted by the hlutcs of
nil, I sty. may be ted. ilio wrote.
are not rerkuned by coin --1 hey, ne-
cutttidate until the greatest of all
sluing; (lay 5. The yeoman who,
elms not live within reach 41 ('hnt•n-
emel forest would regard hint as a
stetted rate amateur, hilt the hardy'
farmer of I.eic'eslershire drew not 1
want to ser n better nu11t in the
field. Worldly i rph (he (tont. '
canes not for, but the Leiee;tershire
Shaw records pay 1ilrutu 10 Itis
worth ns n fut'tnor,
"The monastic form is n 1 rinnt(eh
titer nature. The gentile) was un-
fitted fur cultivation. het years of
labor have .04441 i 111041 it. Itrother
.11Ieric, n genial far. -I, kine! hearted
Irishman. jot the etening of his life,
i. t he head farmer. 'The rattle, the,
her=e.. std men the ducks know
his tetre 11e rules nil In kindness.
The form comprises tilos• hundred
acre.... of which about two hundred
and nifty ;are under cultivation. When
necessary. outside Inho:• is employed.
Thi pr0iluce 0f the *work is devoted
to the need* of the poor.
A Ihlss.an engineer lees :41 ought
forward a pr(pr,vt4l 101- the level roll -
cation 01 the. 'rrena :Siberian trod.
Ivey. The nu►netnlw waterfalls in the
vtetnily of the line miglhl, be thinka,
he still/•e(1 to give a e+h•rnu' of 1O0.
iKMO vol 1 s
. 'F: .•'1Y1f
Tootle a, .true. 17. -The run on
cattle was teary. and the demand
not so brisk. the result being that
in all lines prices showed an easier
Ietelency, wit !mut any 1111 01 0 1110
chs nge.
1.111 le- There were not
many cattle oTTering. and those un
the market were of tallier inferior
grade. 1'ur t Dir' reason there WAV
melting sold at top quotations, and
the lie they for choice cattle nre
nominal. 1 ',u,tnlien. (111 r 1 ale
unchatieerl. Choice are quoted at
1.n0 to ; 5, seed to medium at
see:, ,'25 t o 2! 1 .511, g 1 cow's al $3.-
25 to 81.
Butchers' Cattle -A fairly heavy
run 111 CO111n0111 to 1114143Uln rattle was
oflcrine. lout the 11011101A not. losing
(IS brisk aot it tins on 'I'u'•sdny'. the
tote tot lending; was Icsr nctite, oil -
though p: ices mere about -. earl,.•.
(There were tett• g 1 cult!, .,Ii
11110 Utero was no price e• rr x
et ie..
Dur cattle of It:•tier Kende• than thh
figure warrants quotations ,err, men -
Mel. All prices tiro quoted un-
changed. Cowl to choice butchers'
are q al at St ti. $1.50, fair to
good nl $:1.511 le $1: mixeed lots.
medium. at $:1 to fita.50, rollmop,' at.
$1.75 to $'2.So. yew.' at $3 to s8. l(►
A1141 bu11s at $2 to 82.75.
stee!o1, noel l-'.','derv-1'r,t.le in
1111'' 1111e (0ntil,urr. 'Amity and 4r•ry
((mint, 08 few (rattle Ire corning ft r-
ooted mill the Iletllftnl ;.e )1g141, (lnit-
telltale are 1meh911telfenders sr,
Dwellings That May Always Fa,s
the Sunlight.
(►u, 1 Kr 414.311,1 , revile stifle tent
grounds, experts in hygiene are ac-
customed to la'' a good deal of
stress on the importance of correct-
ly orientating dwelling -houses, se
that they may receive rho meximuto
summit of light and of protocl.iott
from cold winds, it certainly does
Appear that the more the rootna its
which we lite aro es1►oeed to the
rays tor the atm the better, for sun-
light seems to bo al once stiluZtlat-
ing to human vitality and dtstrtI, -
'tive to that of many olijet•l.ionable
low forma tit life.
Experience has taught. us to settee.
as far as Is practicable a southern
aspect fur our houses. hut. oven
When thin (s done, the deity ei the
structure prevents our regttiwtine
the supply of atnligIt to different
rooms according to our varied
•, Imes
ia. [cls
rt r
gain and K. el. Petit, an •tehlterl,
of Paris -propose to chateg=e all this.
'191st} have, according to the i,ancet.
(leer)gned a method of erecting hOusea
on rotating platforme. so that the
building can IT made 14) face in any
required direction at any time, 'tion
platform is supported en two eon -
centric walls. the inner chamber su
Made contenting a *(airway, and Ih0
axis of lot1114111 is (irrupted by a
shaft through ahie)] pass the sup
p1'• aid waste pipes of the loud. .1
gas or petrol engine is empluy0(1
mote the platform --and if necessary
it can he i'0,I 10 Brite ,Iwckwurk-
w111111 will s(a)le the how, front to
follow the slut during the day . 'I'hor0
ere 0hyious difficulties in the way of
the general adoption of ',chem.!: of
this kind, but the idea is, our con
tempetary urges, one worthy 441 l',.•
nl(0141ion ui HUM ..11 nr0ltitee'Is.
JAPANESE 10 51011.
11ere Is n typical Japanese limner -
nue story: A giant* dncl.0r 1111,1 pre-
At•rdteel the wrong: medico.. for the
only sun of a certait, family, with
the result that the boy' had died.
The parcels dete•Imined to hate re-
venge. So they swsl the (levier is a
court of late. The (flair wn t even-
tually p atehed lip, the quack giving
Ilse Iheren t ed p,relit a his own .44,( in
return for the .•n0 he find killed. het
long after this tt111• dtietur he1t1•,I u
loud kat /1'1, :It his deer one Mehl
lOn gone; t.. the dour In. WAS on -
formed ?hilt the uife 01 one 1st 111
neigh) lot- was dnngernlraty ill nnnl
that h.s preteeee 3541" stero'''l at
.14.414•.•. 'I'tn-ning to his wife. he c11,1
i 'This 1'e,41ireg ,00in.ferallnn. ear
dear. There io •(e knelt•rnG torr r h tt
11 ma,. end 15 Itte-it 1111:4 tog ye.0 trete