Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-05, Page 8The - Record Bought with Confidence. Worn with Satisfaction. TIIAT'S THE RECORD OF EVERY SUIT WE SELL. REMEMBER \V E OFFER YOU The Suit That Lasts. The Suit That Fits. Tho Suit That Holds The Greatest Value for Your Money W. W. TAMAN, Merchant Tailor. LOCAL DOINGS. a416AkalicallaA & Harvey Bros. Star flour certainly is a leader. $1 Pays for the ADVOCATE until December 31st, 1906. See the New Year's recommendation In the Sovereign Bank ad. front page. Howey's Cherry Cordial is the best thing going for coughs and bronchitis. Try it. Rowe & Atkinson are holding a special reduction sale of furniture during the holiday season. Some millers are becoming very jealous over our flour; if you have never tried it, try it and see what they are jealous for.—Harvey Bros. For 10c. Cakes tor 26c. We axe offering great bargains in Fine Toilet Soaps this week at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store, Exeter. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon, Oculist Specialist, fits glasses properly, treats diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office Commercial Hotel, Exeter; all day Saturday, Jan. 7th. Next visit Saturday, Feb. llth. You are suspicious of a cure-all rem- edy: so are we. That is why we don't exaggerate the virtnes of Vito Tonic, but we do claim positively that it is a wonderful tonic. If you are run down buy a bottle and prove the truth of our statement. Calvin Lutz, druggist, Quality is everything. That's why Exeter flour is so much in demand. Howey's (-'nre•a-Cold does cure. Try it and he convinced. Yost' money back if it fails. For Sale. A huge number of home-made blan- kets, a big supply of stocking yarn and sheeting. We also do custom weaving at the Woollen Mills. John Muir. Card of Thanks. W. O. Bissett takes this opportunity of returning bis most hearty thanks to the electors of the village who gave him their support in the Reeveship contest on Monday. Watch Lost. Between 'Sodom and Exeter, on Dec. 21, an open face, gun-metal ease, with monogram "E. 1i." thereon. Finder will he suitably rewarded by eaviug saute at this office. Notice. For the convenience of customers who 10 ty be in ra hurry or find it, too far to walk to the still we have made arrange- ments for orders to be left at W. S. liowey's drug store, one door south of the Post 1)ff1.:e, and the orders will be forwarded from there and receive prompt. at tent ion. Harvey Bros. Woman's Institute. The t•egnitr monthly meeting of the \Vortu11t's dmstitnte will he hell in the reading room of the Town (fall, oil Friday. J:am ti. at 3o'clock. Mrs. %Vickwir•e, Mrs. Hastings, Pres. sec' y. The following "Enjoyee Toilet Pre- forations- trance and Almond Cream, Tooth aste, Medicinal Jelly and Favorite Pomade, also Turkish Scalp Food and Imperial Hair Tonic. Fut male at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store, Exeter. JUST \\ 1 ite January, 190:1. Mrs. Hemmer is on the sick list. A pessimist is an optimist out of a Mr. P. H. Dignan is rapidly recover- ing from his illness. School recommenced in town Wed- nesday corning. The rural schools reopened on Tuesday. Mrs. Yeo entertaiucxl the junior bible class of the James street church at her home on Friday evening. Registrar W. J. Coates, of Ooderich, has been appointed Returning Officer for South Huron at the approaching election. We are pleased to know that Mr. Andrew Oke, of Seaforth, instead of losing a band, as was currently report- ed, lost only one finger. While this is unfortunate it is a relief from the early report. On Monday evening Prof. A. Gibson, styling himself a hypnotist, held forth in the Opera House to a very slim at- tendance. Reports do not state that he bad particular ability; in fact, they say quite the reverse. The death took place on Monday morning last of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vale, Exeter North. The little one was only three months old. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to the parents. The young people of the Presbyter- ian church made a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Downie, Exeter N., on Tuesday evening. In the course of the evening a presentation was made to Mrs. Downie, in recognition of her work in connection with the church. On Saturday afternoon the buggy in which was Mrs. Frayne and the bread wagon in which was Mr, Brooks collided near the river bridge and threw the occupants to the ground. Neither person received more than a shaking up, but the rige were some- what damaged. Some little excitement was caused on Saturday afternoon by the falling of it horse being driven by Mr. John Gillespie, Jr., when in front of Messrs. Rowe & Atkinson's furniture store. The slippery street caused the tumble. Although many men went to the drivers assistance it was several min- utes before the animal regained its feet, owing to the ice and the fact that pads of hard snow had gathered on its feet. It was not inured. Mr. B. S. O'Neil, who recently dis- posed of his private banking business to the Sovereign Bank of Canada, has, duringhis twenty-five years of business life here, been accorded a good share of the banking business of the town. His patrons have invariably found him a man of excellent principal and glad at all times to do his best for those with whom he had husineea dealings. His many friends will be pleased to know that for the present at least he contemplates remaining in town and will be connected with the hank to which he has sold his business. The Return of the Favourites, The Bijou Comedy Co. for one week com- mencing Jau. 9th will no doubt fill the Exeter Opera House every night. The London Echo speaking of this Company says, it is the best Company that has played in London for a long time, every member of the Company being an Artist in her or his line. The Company's productions are all High Clues this season, the Company carry- ing special Scenery and Electrical Effects for all productions. Their production of Vermont. State Folks, which is their opening Bill, is the talk of Western Ontario. The Company consists of 15 people. At a ►iangnet held in the Y.M.C.A. parlors, London, on Thursday last, given by the firm of Messrs. Lawson & Jones and attended by over 100 of their employees, Mr. J. W. Hawden, a former Exeter boy, was presented with an address and a beautiful gold watch as a mark of their appreciation of his servires and of the kindly regard they entertain for him after being with this firm for over fourteen yeate as their representative in Eastern Canada. That the gift was well and wort lily bestowed goes without saying and is only another evidence of the worth of another of the Exeter boys, who have gone out into the world and made at success in life. Shooting Match. Owing to the weather being co and stoutly )• on Wednesday of 1: week the shooting match anivet•tis for that and the following day did n take place until Thursday. Quite number were present but the unfaw( able tt'eather prevented large scot being made. The following is t The local option by-law submitted Id to the f • • ;.!. .•f Clinton tit the Muni - 1st nil. i M 'I ty was defeat- ed e•:1 . ,ty. Also a sieni- ot 1,'r .1 t't ee••... i !waled by it large x u•,I,j;. ity in Blenheim on Monday. 11'• 'rs he score:—Ten live birds ---F. Durdle 6 T. Baker 4, F. R'oo.l 1. F. Kerr 6. \ Sheardown 7, I). Hartleib 6, W. Joh 4. H. Ford 5, T. Creech 4. Ten targe —F. Kerr 8, W. Sheardown 7, N. Ste lake -3, W. Carrick 8, T. Baker 6, Durdle 4, Chester Stanlake 4, D. Hu ter 6, W. Smith 1, J. Stanlake 4, Hartleib 6. Cheese in Local Banking Circles. Mr. B. S. O'Neil. who pais conduct a successful Private Banking busine here for the last twenty-five years b handed the same over to the Soverei Bank of Canada and his many frien will be pleased to learn that he will associated with the 13ank in an ad sory capacity and will be glad to s any of his friends at the Exeter bran at any time. No doubt Mr. O'Nei customers will find the Sovereign Bal of Canada it satisfactory institutit to do their business with, as it hits t reputation of giving its patrons prom efficient service and all the faciliti consistent with conservative Rankin This Bank is the only institution this part of the Country, which pa interest to its depositors four times year. A Various Seed Howse. An instance of commercial develop ment and growth to proportions u usual is cited in the career of the we. known seed firm, D. M. Ferry & Co of Detroit, Mich. Since its establis went half acetntury ago, the compau following out principles of strict bu nese integrity and building upon u questionable merit, has steadily grow until the name of Ferry's Seeds is no a household word with every plante in the land. Ferry's Seeds are famous for the purity, freshness and reliability. Th greatest of care is exercised in the growing and selection, and only seed of the highest possible standard at placed upon the market. Every pack age has behind it the reputation of house whose standards are the high est In the trade. A fresh stock, jus received front the growers, is carri by dealers everywhere. All farmers and gardeners ought t have a copy of the 1905 Seed Annu of the Ferry Company. It contain information and suggestions that a invaluable. The Annual will be mai ed free to anyone addressing D. M Ferry & Co., Windsor, Ont. The MauiclpsI Electiows- Monday last was municipal electio day, but it seemed so only in name little or no excitetnent prevailed an the interest manifested seemed at very low ebb. The day was bitte cold consequently only about two 1 • ns is Mr. R'ut. Melville is in ltidgetown. n- Mrs. A. Q. Bolder spent Saturday h iu l.11ndon. I), Miss Kate Atkinson spent the holi- day in Clinton. Miss M. Elston has returned from a visit in Parkhill. .)Ji1Si goviiiirvo i s_wee PERSONAL sy Rev. Mr. Currie, of Sarnia, spent as with Rev. Godwin. go Miss Jessie Dow has returned to ds continue her studies. be Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross visited in t' 1- Clinton over Sunday. ee !► Mr. \V. W. Taman spent Monday 1's at his hone in Blyth. ,k Miss Arabella Box has gone to Strat- ,li ford to take a position. he Mrs (Dr.) Amos visited friends in pt. Bowmanville New Yeats. es Mrs. W. C. Huston spent New Years g. with relatives in Godet•ich. Mrs. Fowell and Miss Fowell spent Ys the New Year in Listowel. Mr. Marshall Box has gone to Strath. roy to attend the Dairy School. Mrs. D. Johns and Miss Lilla Johns e- were in St. Marys for the holiday. n" John McKenzie, of Fort William, is I- the guest of Mr. R. S. Richardson. b. Miss Millie Martin hats gone to Au - ,burn, where she will teach during the si- year. n- Mr. \Vm. Beer left Tuesday for Sea- n forth to take charge of Mr. A. Oke's w harness business. ✓ Miss Lydia Quance has accepted a position with the R. J. Shettleworth it Co., in London. Miss B. Robinson has returned from it Waterloo, where she has been filling a position as milliner. Dr. C. McCallum, of Buffalo, spent • part of the recent festive season at the home of his parents here. t Mrs. Jos. Cobhledick is visiting relat- ed tives in Orona, Whitby, Bowmanvilte and other places for a month. o Mr. C. E. Nightingale, of Wallace. al burg, is in town in the interest of the 8 Oddfellows Relief Association. re Mr. W. C. Lindenfleld, of Vancou- 1- ver, is this week the guest of his els- ' ter, Mrs. Charles Cann, in town. Miss 011ie McLaughlin, of Winnipeg, is here spending a few weeks with her n parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McLaugh• as lin. d Mr. Garfield Buchanan returned on a Tuesday, after spending ten days with ✓ his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Buchanan, - in Jarvis. thirds of the available vote was polled The contesta were for Reeve ane School Trustees, the Council havin all been elected by acclamation. Ir the contest for the Reeveship they were two candidates. Messrs. W O. Bissett and A. Q. Bolder, the form er winning out by a majority of 6 Out of the five candidates for Schou Trustees, Mr. F. \Vood led the poll h 59 over the next highest candidate Following is the vote by polls, viz:-- Foia REevx Polls 1 2 3 4 Tota Bissett, W. G. 07 56 41 72 —2.3! Bobier, A. Q. 33 31 15 as --17 Majority for Bissett 62 Fon St•tioot. l'itus'rggs Polls 1 2 3 4 Tota Eacrett, G. 60 -18 ;12 59 —199 Martin, S. 52 50 32 69 —21)3 Rowe, R. N. 48 44 48 76 —21 Stewart, J. A. 25 47 53 69 —190 Woods, F. 00 56 59 100 —27 New Year visitors. Some of those who spent the New Year holiday in town are: Mr. 'Wm. Moneur, Guelph; Mr. Reg. Elliot, o Norwich; Mr. Livingstone, of Shiver ton; mt.. Brawn, of Alberta; Nils,:Floc+ sieTaylor, of London; Miss Lulu Detnp sew, of Toronto; 'Ir. John l.eathorn, of London: Mr. Edgar \Vestcott, of \Vitighana; M. W..1. Stewart, of Dr roil; 11-. Ed. Stewart. of London: Sir.Elijah Higgins. of Toroth); llr. Fred Smith. Hamilton: Mr. Wm. Mitchell, Bratntford: Mr. and Mra. A. E. lien- iet, Lomb .Mr.Roy Howard. Lon - him 11r. Wm. Dignan. Thedford: Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, Bra flu Air. latent' Myers, St. Thomas: Nit. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskin, Brantford; 1.1r. nd J1ra. J. C. Inwood, London: Mr. old al Mrs. Win. (bandy and son. Ridge. own: Miss Malls. of Goet•ich: Mr.. 'no pet• White, Windsot; Miss Maud 'tikinson. London; Mrs. Evans ,and hildren, Ailsa Craig: Miss Melia and1r. Arthur Seldon, ingersol; Mrs. P. lawden. Itidge•town: Mr. and Mrs. 'has. Coates. of Loddon; Mims Susie weet, Detroit; Hew. John Ball. of \'heirtly; Mr. Ernest Twichcll, of Clinton; Mr, W. Hill, of Toronto. olden Weddle'. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McTaggart cel- braeted the golden anniversary of i Mr. Edgar Down, after a visit with relatives here, left Wednesday morn - R ing for Ann Harbor, Mich., to contin- • ue his studies. Miss Estella Spackman on Tuesday . went to attend St. Margaret's College. g Mrs. E. J. Spackman accompanied her 1 daughter to Toronto. y Mrs. Harry Prowse, returned Fri- . shay to her home in Marlette, Mich., after a two weeks' visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.\Ven. Dearing, Stephen. i Mr. 11. G. Wilson. B.A., of Toronto, ) who is Science Master in the Goderich 7 Collegiate Institute, spent the New Year s holidays with Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hannon. Mrs. James Willis and son, \Vill, of 1 Springside, Ass•a., are spending a month here. Mrs. Willis intends dig - posing of her property here before re - 0 burning to the west. Miss Nettie \Valter, who has had o charge of the books in the E. J. Speck - man store forsome years, left for Toronto on Tuesday morningto at- tend the Business College. Mrs. John Welsh, who has been re- f siding with her sons, Louis and Charles Long, in Winnipeg, for the past two and a half years, returned to Exeter on Saturday evening hest. Mr. \Vhite, of town, and brother . Harry1Vhite, of Hitt ford, who have been visiting at their home in Rodger- vill.', ,attended the wedding of their brother in St. 'I'honae last week. Opera House, Exeter t Rehm' of the Favorites, the Bijou Comedy Company in repertoire—One week cinlmeneing Monday, .Tan. 1)t h. The cotnpatrly 1s headed by 11. \Vilumlt t Young and Mat•jie Adams, supported t by Jaime' 11. Rolland and a capable company of 11 artists.. New plays. J new songs, new specialties. a carload of beautiful scenery, costumes and it elerttical etfeets. Rigger, better, and a grander than ever. Change of play t each night. Monday night—"Vermont ( State Folks" ti is•amtiful story, x grand 1 play. Priees 10, 20 and 30 cents. e Plan opens Jan. 5th at Dr.Lutz's Drug A Store. 1 The home of Mr. John Stanlake, a little west of town, has been filled with deep sadness by a double be- reavement. We refer to the demise 0 of his beloved paartner in life, followed by the death of an adopted child, in- e Double Ber•aveslewt. flint daughter of M r. John Carrick, t a the farmer passing away earl t`,' Friday s ta } ARRIVED!,::.,,,,,,,Triknign nlx11th0e thaftere littlnooe n child abo nt Otle 8 of the same n !day. Sad indeed :are the circum- h stances. at least the facts are pathetic, o but it is hated to put such it burden of d pathos on paper in A way to snake p heir marriage at the residenee of their on, Milton, on the old Willis home - tend, London Road. about Iwo miles nigh of Exeter. Sir. McTaggart and is twill' ante nulling the few remaining tiginil settlers of this niagriIIrent istrict., who saw it transformed from r •t al woods into smiling farms, ON THE RUN I'(► til•:i: WELL. JOHNS' NEWLY RECEIVED Fall and hinter Goods In Tweeds and Worsteds Ranging in Price front( t Call and Examine Them. 'manifest the full weight of trouble a that has fallen upon thebet•mved fain- g ilw. Mrs. Stanlake had been a victim T of Bright's. disease and has for the se past seven weeks been at severe suffer- re er, hut it was thought she might stir- /11wive the ravages of thedisease and ti again be restored to goodhealth; but et it was willed otherwise x11(1 she passed ti over to the silent 'major it y. She was! w possessedof a kindly mature and was w much respected As it friend and neigh- re bar. Her maiden name was Emma TI Parsons, and shewas a daughter of ! th he late William Folsom'. tieeiles as sn or rowing husband she le•at•ee to ire nourn her demise one son ,trill two fel laughters almd set el al brothers and I th asters, all of whom have the s m- I we lathy of a( large circle of friends. The we eat of the little babe was caused hyI ad neumnnia. The child was sick only all short time. The remains of the foe• of er mother and the little one were PV I" to rest in the Exeter cemetcry,thel wh ine1•al taking place on Sunday, and rat tune largely attended. I cat nil the log shanties of the roily days ivy Ware to handsome brick manikins. ins. hey have raised n large f:anvily of pas and daughter. enrh of whom Is 11 I.(111 and comfort to their (11d rage, m1 none stand higher in the ettim a- otn of those who know them than Sir. ad Sirs. SIt'raggart. At the celebrx- nrl fill the members of the family, Oh the exception of one daughter, ere present, besides n number of latives on both sides of the hangs, ray' c:11110 from great distanees to pay sir tributes of love and respect, mi eat' of aom eiutrtmclo fn( nndh,wxml am several States of the Itep'hlie to r South. The celebration was a ry happy one. and the worthy couple to presenterd with n c 'alimentary dream and tnany valuable presents. joined in wishing thein many years usefulness and happiness in the ening of their life. Many friends o could not attend sent contrrttn- inns and goner tt ishes. Th.. Advo - 0 joins in congratulations, $14.00 to $20.00 W. JOHNS a 1 Verdant Tillor, Exeter, Oatirlo I 14 Jir•. and Mrs. Down, who have been visiting hute for two weeks, have Iv. (11111141 to their home in Shedden. They were ileeMiip:11lied by .Miss Jlinnie Ilia Hey, who visit will them for a short time. Air. Jeff. Elliot, of Yorkton, Ataa., is here visiting his mother, Mrs. 13. V. Elliot. Mr. Elliot left here many years ago and now conducts a Law office at Yorkton, enjoying a good practice. He and his brother ller•b. also conduct as tench about two miles from Yorkton. Clinton: On 'Tuesday as Ii. B. Coombe was cnrt•yittg up a box of coal the board on which the box rested bloke, allowing the box to fall on his great toe, crushing it badly. Clinton: After the open session of Sunday School, Ontario st. church, r he Junior Bible class invited their tearhet•. Mr. Holland, to the close room, whore they presented him with a very handsome Teacher's Bible. The�y gift was xccontpattli('d by nn Id(Less, r txpressive of the most cordial feelings for the recipient by every member of the class, AYLMER WELL PUMP, THIS CUT represents the Aylmer double acting well pump as shown in the well, with three way cock and side pipe for conveying water to barn or wherever needed. Will force water any distance and to any ele- vation required with ease, STOVES • • If you are in need ofa good cook stove or range it will be to your advantage to call and see our stock before purchasing, as we have a large stock to choose from. We also have air -tights, hot blast base burners, etc. We make a specialty of Furnace work, Eave- troughilig, Baths and Fixtures, Plumbing of all kinds. CEMENT : We have the Durham cement constantly on hand. T. HAWKINS & SON. JANUARY Sale of Furniture We are holding a special reduction sale of FURNITURE for the next Two Weeks and have greatly reduced the price of every article in our store for the holdiday season. We carry the largest and best assortment of furniture in the county, which a visit to our warerooms will convince and can show customers a big variety in all linea, at Prices that are sure to win your Patronage. Don't fail to see our goods and let us quote your prices before placing your orders. ROWE & ATKINSON Undertakers and Furniture Dealers. mrrrlrrrmrir j E. J. SPACKMAN'S Stock Taking Prices ! For the next two weeks we are offering Special Inducements to those intending purchasing Ladies', Misses', and Children's Jackets in colors„ Navy, Grey and Fawn, Homespun and Cheviot Cloth, worth from $2.50 to $4.50. Sale price while they last 82.00. Dress Goods, suitable for Ladies' or Children's wear, regu- lar price GOc., sale price 40c. La(lies' Dress Skirts at clearing prices while they last. Men's Underwear at clearing prices. See our Special line of Table Linen GG in. wide at 50. Many other lines which space will not permit to mention at rock bottom prices. E. J. SPACKMAN Furniture For the New Year - Bedroom Sets, quarter cut oak, were $35.00, now $32.00 Couches, were $10.00, now $9.00 Extension Tables were $7.50, now $6.50 Special line of Iron Beds from $4 50 up. All lines proportionately cheap. W. C. HUSTON Funeral Director Opera Block \ase✓ Goderich: \Villi:11n Letenn, charged /'k/d° with stealing $fit and several fancy oar. r'1"1 titles horn !tick. Parsons was brought before His 11"nor Judge Doyle on Sat- urday for 11ia1 and sentence. Letson :Omitted his guilt, and after an iin- pressive address froth the Court on the seriousness of the charge. WAR sen- tenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labor. Seaforth: There passed away at the residence of his son-in•lnw, Archie Scott, just west of town on Saturday, en aged and highly respected citizen in the person of Findlay Rosa. The deceased WAS nne of the early settlers of the St11 can. of McKillop. ire has W resided in Seaforth and vicinity some sixteen wear•, latterly living with his daughter. fie had been a great suf- ferer (tom rheumatism for nears and death CAMP nn it happy release. His rn wife died last summer anal five child. ren slit wive. ,14 SPECIAL OFFERING IN MEN'S ERCOATS $10.00 Coat for $8.90 All our hest Coats, plain cloths in black or grey, others in black and white or brown and white, tweed mixtureik best Italian lining,belted ►track, full length. good fitting, ander, your choice for $8,90 $13.50 Coats for $10.75. 4 only Coats, made of heavy curl cloth with high storm collar. quilted satin lining, interlined with rubber --- guaranteed rain and wind proof, Clearing at $10.75 z 1. I Aim