Exeter Times, 1909-12-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, DEC. 23rd 1808 )/CENTRAL c,1L� 1 `TRATFORD. ONT. WINTER TERM FROM JAN 3RD The best practical training school of 9ntario. \Ve offer advantaot offered else- where it . de. Our teach- ers are experienced, courses thorough and practical, and we to silt graduates to good positions. The demand at prese•).t greatly exceeds the supply. \Ve prepare teach- ers fur Business College work Write tot oer free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Pri ucipale. •••N4/N•N•••••••••• 2 Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder "'ire three things are grea labor -savers for farmers and necessities en a farm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51. Exetrr 1Mofa•Ilititititittas 1.1• : 3-44•I••I••I.3•-1••1••i•443-14•1•4•44+ 6962 One year ago, Mr. George 4. Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. c Now he is earning at the rate of $962 per year. i• t c r = = Six months' training at our ; os Business College made tete die e. ference. Was it a good investment? Ile thinks so. X His address is New Osgoode, :- ask. ' Four courses: •�- R :1'AitATottY, COMtMERCIAL 'i' .x-TRlotiitAP..Y, Teres iKKAPUY m s "'-r Enter any time. individual Iinstruction. Write for par- + ticulars. ee Clinton Business College 111.1••••••••••••••••••4'••• 1 1 e1 1 (ieo. Spottcn, Principal. WANTED Girls wanted for the new- est, brightest. cleanest and most up to date blouse and wbitencar factory in Canada Work consists of sewing Ind- ies' Waists. Girls experienc- ed on power sewing machines preferred. but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quar- ters. steady work, Good wag - est ,TUI•. STAR \VI1ITE\NEAR elFt;. CO. I3e'rlin - - - - Ontario 12-9 0:1-4 01111111N•1•1•••01•00**00 Hensall Crediton Ifaviug sold out my Horse -shoeing and Blacksmith business I desire to thank khe public and surrounding, cuuntry for the large patronage which has 'been given me those many years I have been doing business with you. I will ''till be found with my old Dived Thomas drrevctbick handling our celebrated cutters and sleighs. Our stock will be complete•iD • few days. It will be a pleasure ito us to have you call at tour show rooms and inspect our stock. We have never shown a finer assortment, aro trouble to show you thrum vheth�r you buy or not- A oall solicited. Your Sincerely Alonzo Hodgins. Miss Lizzie Wolfe spent a day in Exeter last week visiting friends. Mr. Ed. Warm who has purchased the livery at Zurich, moved his house- hold effects over Tuesday. We are sorry .to see Ed. go. School closed .Wednesday for •the holidays. The same staff of teachers will be back again. Miss Mabel Inman who has been engaged as milliner for Mr. 0. Lwi- cker, left for her home in London. The sewing circle met at the home of Miss L. Fabner's Monday evening and spent a very enjoyable evening. The municipal pot will soon be boi:- ing. Butchering is the order of the day. Mr. Norman lloltzwann returned home Saturday. evening after spending a few weeks in Sarnia. The business men of this town have some nice calendars this year but Doc. does not need to take a back seat. Your scribe bas not received any so far but is living in hopes to get one. It bas rained or snowed every day day since the last two .}reeks. We hope it will clear Op for Christmas. The teachers left for their respec- tive homes Wednesday evening. Mrs. Nelson, of Manitoba, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamport. Mr. Jake Finkbeiner, son of John Finkbeiner 10th con. who has been spending a few years in the west farming, returned home Monday night last for a couple of jnonths holidays. M. Arthur M.H z who rib role mann is attending college at Naperville, I11., is spending a few weeks holidays at his home. Mr. Chas. Holtzman and family, of Elkton, Michigan, are renewing ac- quaintances in the village. The Christmas entertainment of the Zion Evangelical church promises to be a grand success. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fahner spent Monday in Dashwood. Miss Melinda Trick who has been working in Stratforjl returned Mon- day morning last. Mr. John Finkbeiner has purchased the dwelling formerly •.ociiupied _ by Ed. Wurrn and expects to move there in March. Dills are out announcing local op- tion meetings throughout the Town- ship. The meeting for Crediton is an- nounced for the 29th in the Town Hall when two very able speakers have been secured. Rev. Millyard, of Hensall, who comes from a local op- tion town, and Rev. R. Robbs. of Exe- ter. Very favorable reports are com in from various parts of the town- ship in favor of local option. Tuesday being the shortest day cut no figure with regard to the fall of snow. We have two feet of the beau- tiful. Mr. Fred Finkbeiner is slowly im- proving. ie frequent occurrence at this sea- son of the year, is the vocal solo of Mr. ilog. Mr. Wm. and Frank Triebner spent Sunday with friends in Crediton. affatS .Much sytnpathy is felt for Mr. 1I. \V.'Templcmai in the las p1 his valuable driver t from inflammation of the brain. Mr. John Laing %who was operated on for appendicitis is snaking fair progress 10 recovery. - Mr. W. Martyn who Is suffering front dipth-ria is now mending nicely under the care of Dr. Near. The annual Xmas Tree of Grace Chnrch. Sunday School will be held on Xmas eve., Friday, Dec. 21th. in Ilibbert. Town Hall. Zurich A quiet wedding took place here on Tuesday evening of last week when Miss Freda Sheltie and Mt. Rgbert Heideman were united in tnattimony. Mr. 15tmer Klupp hn'. reeved into his now Noose. The sacrament of the i.ord's supper William Fee last wet -k Fold a two• as observed in ('.,ria •1 church lust year-old Per•chernn filly toal)ashwood nday. The preparatory service Fri- gentleman for $210. y evening was coni,ucted by Rev. A meeting of the directors o: the 'llyard, liay Fire ins,arance Co.. was held here Snt,rrdny. Messrs. George Sienron and Steve Meidinger are reported as being very low. Mr. \Vm. Weber of Spokane,\Vaele. is here visiting his parents. it ,1s some years s;nce Mr. Weber was here before. Mrs. John Prcetcr is visiting rela- tives in Berlin. Barney Mit tenholtz. who has been in the West for some time. is visiting relatives. t. 1'su1"s church Yoeng People work preparing a grand ert 10 be held in the Opera Home hursday evening. Dec. 23rd. t he rincipal number will be side spit- ting. force -.1a)sille Junction." Grand Bend bits. W. 13. Oliver and son Ware e called to St. Marys on eleturday c )wit of Mts. Oliver's sister who ow. tt left for London on it his daughter for the stilly t ter. Joseph 13renner has been confined to the house with pleurisy the last few days. hist way able to tit 11W wood on ondlay. )on't forget to he gond to the poor is season of the deer. 1 am ex - mg something myself. rs Abner Mollara re• urne.l horse Farquhar Once more we (tear the chiming bells; welcome the new fall of snow. Most of the ymr:'R men have return• ed from the west niter which thr y gave en d veuirget entertainment in the hell on the 13th, to a satisfaction of all present. A basket social and entertainment 1.01,d"11 Rosi i:nl on 31"n!'". is to be held in the hall ••n the 22nd. in rnnt.ection with the Thames lined ng very good after her Remus . School. 'lion. Frank Aldseinth of 13ayflch), is spending a fe•v flays with John (lamp Dashwood Ie -ll 81(11 W. A 'I'utnho'I. he istnas Entertainment 111 the h1 r. Alex. Purden bas erected n ). angelical Church will be n Satiate wind mill for 11t. Th •s Rundle. d - evening. elle dosis e ill be open Mr. Andrew Hackney intends erect - at ,t p. rat. and program will begin et ing a barn the coming summer; he is i p. m. at preseet drawing the material. CARDS Oi' i1, -.re tr.' The people of 31tl,bert. Township express my thanks to the electors of trill, in a sleet time have to decide the Totcnship of Hay for the support whether they are in fivo,• of prohihi- v • given me in past years a- i tion or not. Vo•e for prohibition and 1 he ha t (t bol1 e i. n e robe:11'or andwish to strife bit 1 fa ir► t th i pt r lr fllc. nm in the field again at the coming. ,rime . have ret Turnbull and \\'111 election. I(i trainer returned from Toronto J. 1i. Ci0ET7,. University to spend their Xmas holi- days. f iRev. A. I Brown, of Stadia, preach- ed S. S. Anniversary set mons act Sun- shine appointment on tacit Sunday while Rev. 11. Watson preached Tem- perance and Missionary sermons on the Staff» circuit. The anneal meeting of the Elimville and Thames Road branch of the Bible Society was held in .the Elimville Methodist Church on \Vednesday even- ing of last week. Despite the un- favorable weather some 25 or 30 carne out to see the lantern views and listen to the able address given by Rev. W. E. Iiassard, a district secre- tary of the Bible Society. A. collec- tion amounting to $7.00 was taken up and no doubt if the weather bad been favorable Ibe collection whould have been some what larger. still as no one could listen to the address and to the appeal made for more funds without feeling that it was their duty to aid as much as possible the good work of the .Bible Society. Next Sunday a Christmas service will be rendered by the Sunday school commencing at 10.30 o'clock, cotne one and all and enjoy this service. ltev. 11. Watson .will address the school and a collection will be taken up in aid of the Sick Children's Hos pital and the IIome of Incurables. To- ronto. The Adult Bible Class teacher will • ak.• .p the Christmas lesson with the .;t...., at 9.45 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend and bear the lesson discussed. According to certain predictions one of the Elimville young men intends to take to himself a wife in the near future. The annual meeting of Elimville council No4 98 C. CO. C. If. took place last Friday evening owing to the un- favorable weather only a small num- ber of the members got out to the meeting. The following members were elected as officers for the corn- ing year. C. C., John Cornish; V. C., Benson Williams; 'litecorder, Wm. Johns; A ltec., Richard Johns; Treas- urer, Charles Johns ; Prelate, Thos. Satiate; Mar.. Fred Delbridge : War- den, S. 1'ynn ; Secretary, W. 0, Veal Trustee, S. Andrew; Mcd. Ex., i)r. Browning ; Jnstalling Officer. Win. Smith. The Usborne council should be com- plaimented on the work they have dono during the past year. and it looks as though they will be returned by .acclamation on nomination day. The financial staternent for the year just issued shows a balance of over *5.000 or about 3,500 when school sur- plus is taken out no doubt the tax rate for next year will be lowered in consequence. Usborne is the banner township, of the county and has the banner council. Ellmvllle Huronoale Lots of snow and still acoming. Mr. Herbert Blatchford who has spent the past tew years in the West- ern States is with his wife visiting un- der the parental roof, Mr. Arnold Moir who left last, week for the west has teemed a position at McLeod, Alberta, as operator for the C. P. R. Mr. deo. Dunn carne near losing a valuable colt last week, Buff Smith, of Exeter North, has been spending a few days with friends here. Mr. Joe. Gossntan, et Dashwood. who has been working in this burg for the past year. intends leaving for home this week to spend Christmas, Joe. will be missed, Messrs. Dew and Horton had a wood sawing bee bast week. Your scribe wishes all his brother scribes and all readers of The Times A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. "The Editor ditto," We are often in receipt of comiu,tn- cations which are not signed and as a result we cannot publish them. It is •drulea an ironclad 1 % clamour newspapers not to publish anything which comes to them anonymously. They do not want the navies necessarily for pub- lication. but most know the writer Th's week %we are in receipt of an ex- cellent piece of poetry. but as th.• an- ther neglected to sign his name we t decline to publish it. However we will keep it on life so that the writer may reveal his identity to us and 1 e:haps publish it later. :•0 YEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN OLI) NURSE. Mrs. Wins:ow•'s tioothinx Syrup Is the prescription of one of the best fetna:e physicians and nurses •In the United States, and has been used for fifty ears with never-failinx success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain; cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels and iv ." 1 colie. itv giving nentrn to rhe 'child, it rests tee another. Twenty-five cents n bottle. Mr.. nil Mrs. W. 13. \Veidenharnnter and chi •ren leave today for Streets- viIle to end the holiday. 'TOW NS NOMINATI Pub BY-LAW NO A By-law authorizing the payment annually, for a period of ten years of the suit of three hundred dollars to the Jackson Manufacturing Company of Clinton. for the rent of a factory premises in the Village of Exeter, granting the said Company Exemption front lilunicipal taxation (except for certain purposes) and free water ser- vice for a period of ten years. and authorizing the payment to the said Company of the sum of Two hundre-d and twenty-five dollars for a gaso- line engine. WHEREAS, Abe said Jackson Man- ufacturing Company are desirous of opening a branch of their Clothing manufacturing business in the ,Vil- lage of Exeter. and for that purpose have applied to the Municipal Coun- cil of the said Village of Exeter for certain payments, exemptions and con- cessions which are set out and detail- ed in an 'Indenture of Agrceinent bearing date of sixth day of Decem- ber 1909, made and entered into by and between the said Company and the said Municipal Council and which is in the words and figures :following, that is to say :- TIIJS AGREEMENT made and en- tered into this sixth day o[ Decemnber , A. D. lefee between The Jackson Man- Payers of the said \illage of Exeter ufacturing Company, o[ Clinton, On- A.D. n- a by-law authorizing the said Cor thrill). (hereinafter called the .Com poration to make the said payments pany) of the first part and The Mun and to grant the said exemptions; icipal Council of the Village of Exe and this agreement is therefore sub - ter. (hereinafter called the Corpora lent to the said by-law being carried tion) of the second part. by the said ratepayers in accordance WHEREAS the above named Com with the provisions of the Ontario pany is an ilndustrial Company, hay Municipal Act. tug an established business in the 12 And it is also agreed and pro- Town of Clinton for the manufacture 'tided that any cessation of operations of clothing and being desirous of due to any cause not in the control opening a branch of their said bus of the Company shall not be deemed iness in the said Village of Exeter, a breach of the provisions of this s- have applied to the said Corporation grecment. for the payment to the said CompanyIN WITNESS WHEREOF the said annually for the period of ten years parties of the first part have hercun- of a sum not exceeding three hundred to set their hand and seal and the said dollars as the 'Company shall be re Corporation has affixed .their Cor- (tnired to Pay as 0 rental for pre porate Seal and the hand of their noses, to be used and occupied by lteeve and Clerk. them ns a factory. in the said Vil The Jackson Manufacturing Co., per Inge of Exeter, and further have ap W. ,Jackson; T. 11. McCallum. lteeve, plied to the said Corporation for ex per J. S.; Jos. Senior, Clerk; iSigned. taxation. ex from Municipal c tion n PI'v•i e cept for certain rates hereinafter scaled and delivered t ex in the 1 res ace 1 of J. \V itis, as to execution by The specified for a period of ten ,years. lacksen Manufacturing Company ; L. and for free water service for the II. Dickson, as to execution by the same period and for the payment to Corporation of the ;Village of T;xe- them or the sum of two hundred and ter. twenty five dollars for the purchase AND WHEREAS for the purpose of a gasoline engine for their saidP I factory. of making the said payments to the AND WHEREAS. the said Corpor• said Company as set forth in the said ation is desirous of securing the said Agreement. it mill be necessary to Industry for their Municipality and raise by special rate on all rateable Property in the t for that purpose have consented to'Village of Exeter grant the application of the said Com- during the year 1910, the sum of Five pany. subject of course to the sane- hundred and twenty-five dollars and tion and approval of ratepayers. and during the second and each sub - free water service so to br supplied the said Company shall be such ser- vice as the said Corporation shall be enabled to supply by their system of seater works now being installed, the said Company to make all necessary and proper connections ,with the Cor- poration's said system and to pay for such connections and the mainten- ance thereof. 9 And it is further agreed - that the sum of two hundred :nd twenty- five dollars so to be paid by the said Corporation to the said Company for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory shall become due and be paid on the fifteenth day of May, 1910. 10 The said Company further ag ree to deposit with the said Corpora- tion the sunt of seventy-five dollars. which sum is to defray the expenses of submitting a by-law to the rate- payers of the said Corporation here- inafter mentioned, should such by- law carry and the said Company fail to carry out the terms of this con- tract. But should the said by-law be carried and the said Company carry out the conditeons of this agreement or should the said by-law be defeated then the said sunt is to be returned to the said Company. 11 This agreement is entered into upon the understanding that the said Corporation will submit to the rate - NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE- scquent year of the said period of ten MENT \1'fITNI?SSI•:TII that the said yc`'rs, the stun of Three hundred dol - Corporation lereby agrees to pay to tars. the Company annually for the period AND WHEREAS the whole rate - of ten years such sura as the Company able property of the said Village of shall expend annually for rental of Exeter according to the last revised premises used and occupied by them Assessment Roll being for the year as a factory (such annual ,payment 1149. is *573,513. not to exceed three hundred dollars AND WHEREAS the amount of in any single year) and to grant them the Debenture debt of the said exemption from Municipal .taxation, lige of Exeter. exclusive of local im- except for school purposes and special provement debts, secured by special frontage taxes. for a period of .ten rates and assessment is $31,861.21, and years. and free water service for a no part of the principal or interest like period, and to pay 'to them the thereon is in arrears. said sum of two hundred and twenty- TIIEREFORE the Municipal Coen - five dollars for the purchase of a cil of the Village of Exeter enacts as gasoline engine for their said factory fo�iows - upon the following terms and condi- tions: That for the purposes in the foregoing recitals and agreement 1 The said Company agree to es - intentioned there shall be raised an- tnblish a branch of their said Manu- facturing business in the said Village anally by special rate on as the rnte- of Exeter in the premises known as able property of the Municipality of "The It. Pickard Co. Store" situate the Village of Exeter the following SUMS for on part or Lot Number Twenty-five and during the following on the East side of Main Street, or Sears. such other suitable premises as the For the year 1910 the sum of *623. Compan may be able to obtain a For the year 1911, the sura of 300 satisfactory lease of. and to have the For the year 1912, the sum of 300 same fully equipped as a factory for For the year 1913, the sum of 300 the manufacture of clothing rine to For the year 1914. the sum of 300 have said factory in operation not Ir.t- For the year 1915, the rum o[ 300 er than the first day of February, For the year 1916. the sum of 300 1910. and by the close of the year to For the year 1917, the sum of 300 have not less than twenty-five em- For the year 1918. the sum of 300 plo}ers at work therein. For the year 1919, the sunt of 300 2 The said Company agrees to in- For the year 1920. the Burn of 300 stall in the premises within eighteen 2 That the said, The Jackson Man- months front the first day of Febru. "(nctunng, Company .hall (subject to my 1910. machinery. plant and equip- the terms and conditions of the said nx•mt to the value of at least two agreement) be exempt from tnunici- thousand dollars. pal taxation upon and in respect of 3 The said Company agree to op- their manufacturing business and erate and continue in operation their stock, and upon and in respect of the said factory for ❑period of ten years land and beild'ngs occupied by them commencing on the first day of Feb- as n•factory, i +he said Village of rt:ary. 1910. Exeter, during u,.• period of ten years 4 The said Company.-a}(ree form- computed from the First day of Feb - ploy and keep eii,p:oye5.in-their said runty A. D. 1910 but this exemption factory and upon the premises time.shall not'txtend to or include school pied by them for and during the first taxes, noss4to any %Special frontage year of the said t�•rm. at least twenty tax. • f five employees. and for and during 3 The Said Jackson Manufacturing (ha arrond and each subsequent year Company' shall have free water ser - nn averamge of •.t !c^.vt forty employ-rnvice for, their said factory as provid- ccs, copnlntion of s,:eit r:ge in e'l in Ibe said agreement for a period any year to be bawd on the nn: -=r of't'd years to be computed from the o[ employees of the Company at said elate if the completion of the water factory during (he )'ears that shall weeks system now being installed by have elapsed excepting the first. (is•' said ,Municipality. .4 That this by-law shall come in- to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 5 That the votes of the electors of the said Village of Exeter quali- fied to vote oh this ily-law shall be OF 1"SBOItN1% 5 The said Company agree ,that ANI) ELECTION they will at any time during the said term at the r.quest of the said Cor- ic tic'- is hereby given that poration furnish satisfactory evidence a meet • • 01 th:' Electors of the as to the number of employees c•ngng- Toenship of 1•sborne %%ill hc• he!d in ed by thein in the said factory. for Township Iin11, Elimville on 6 'It is hereby further agreed by MONDAY. DECEM1IIER. 27th. 1909 and between the parties bereto that At the hour of one o'clock in the the said yearly sum of three hundred afternoon• dollaFo d Cor- For the purpose of making and re- poratiersn too (thee paisaid Comby thepany.said shall ceiein;; nominations for iteeve and he paid as follows :-The first year- ly paynieet on the first day of Pelt- ruary. A. 1).. 1911. and ,subsequent payrnents yearly thereafter. but the said Corporation shall be rind are here- by empowered to withhold payment of the said yearly sums. or any of lle in. if the said Company fail in the performance of any part of this n- greement on their part to ie p. rforrn- etl. 7 et is hereby ftirther agreed that the said exemp:ion from Municipal laxation hereby granted by the said Corporation to the said Cotnpany shall. with the exceptions aforesaid extend to and include taxation on their Menufnctnring '..:siness, (or husinesa asseeem, nt). r Mock an'i the buildings and land so to be used and occupied by them as aforesaid. het such exemption shall erase if the fetid Company fail in the performance of any pirt of this agreement, in their part to be performed. Thessaid exemption shall date from the first day of February 10p). A 1t is further 'agreed that the Councilmen. Furth^r notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates tw- ine proposed for any particular of- fice thin required to be elected. th' proceedings will he adjourned until Monday. .lanunry 3rd. A. 0.. 1909. when rolls will be opened at 9 a. rn. at the following places ns fixed by Toe n'hip 115-1,1w•. viz. Dlr. No. 1. Township lull. Elim- ville. Sidney Andrew, 0. R. 0. ; Geo. Pellet. Po!: Clerk. Div. No. 2. (co; ('ornish's ho:,se. tot 6 N. T. 11., John W. llorney. 1). 11. 0.. Dan Dew. Poll Clerk. Div. No. 3. W. 11. I'etiwar- den's house. lot 8 1-2 :1. Con. 10. T. Washburn. Ds 11. O. ii, Berry. Poll Clerk. Div. No. 4, Public Ilan. Per - guitar. John Duncan Jr.. D. 1t. 0„ Silas N. Shier. l'oll Clerk. And all e'ectors nrc' hereby re- quested to to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. • FRANCIS MOiRLEY Returning Officer Whalen. December 14th, 1909. • faked on Monday. the 3rd day of January. 1910, commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon end continu- ing until five o'c'ock in the afternoon of the same day at the following polling places within the said Village of Exeter by the following Deputy Returning Ufficers;- Polling sub -division No. 1. at Si- ns llandford's residence, Edward Tre- ble, Deputy Itetnrning Officer, Her- bert Ford. Poll Clerk. i'olling sub -division No. 2. Weekes' Marble Shop. W. 1). Weekes. Deputy The above is a true copy of the iteturning Officer and James Weekes proposed Jly-law• which bas been tak- Poll Clerk. en into consideration and which %will Polling tut -division -No. 3. John Lc finally passed by the Council of Mitchell's office. It. 0. Se!don , i)e- the Corporation of the Village of pnty Returning Officer and Alex. 0, Exeter in the event of the assent of Dyer. 1'o!! Clerk. the electors being obtained thereto Polling sub -division No. 4, Town after one month from the first pub - Hall. Joseph Davis, Depety Rehire- lication in the Exeter Advocate and inti Officer and it. N. Taylor roll Exeter Times Newspapers. which first Clerk. publication 18 on the 9th day of Dec- o That Thurcdny the 30th day of ember. 11'09, and take notice that the December. 1909, at Eleven o'clock A. votes of the duly qualified electors M. shall be the day and hour and the of the said Municipality ell! be taken Clerk's office in the Town Hall shall thereon at the hour. day and places be the place where the Deer: shall fix.•d and by the Deputy Returning attend to appoint persona to attend Officers and roll Clerks named , in at the vnrin,ty polling places afore- the preceding Hy -law. said and at the final slimming i:p of Every leaseholder entitled by law the votes by the Clerk on behalf of to vole on the proposed By-law shall persons interested in promoting or op- at (east ten days next preceding the At Siebert's is the Place to do Your Christmas Shopping, where you can get New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Date New Lemon, Citron, and Orange I'et'1 New Almonds, Walnuts and Brazils. (We handle no cold storage goods) If you want a nicc present for your wife, or for your hus- band, son or daughter w•e have them to suit. And young man, if you want a nice present for your Sweetheart we can help you out of your trouble. Our store will be open every night until Xmas. We wish you all a Merry Christmas Siebert & Co. Hartlelb Block. DASHWOOD OrdoO Bend DcvdrtIudlltdI store Christmas Announcement Christmas Goods arriving Daily We are busy dressing our store for the holiday trade. We are headquar- ters for all kinds of Xeres goods. Our stock is better selected this year than ever. We ask you to call often and see the new arrivals. We have spared no pains this year to have for your inspection one of tho best assorted Christmas Stocks that it has been our privilege to show you. Xmas Cake and Plum Pudding We have everything that is required All new and of the choicest quality. Finest selected Raisins 3 lbs for 2..5c. Finest, recleaned Currants 3 lbs for 25 Finest Hallowee dates in 1 lh pkgs IOc Choice layer Figs 10c lb. Choicest Mat Figs 5c lir. Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels Purest Spices. Cloves, Allspice. Cassia 2 oz. 5c. Purest Extracts in all Flavorings 10c bottle; 3 for 25c. Nuts of all kinds at 20c a )b. Toys! Toys! Toys! Toys! An endless variety of Toys for the children. Your choice from t?c up. Clearing Prices on Mantles and Millinery All Millinery Miner at half rice y price, all Cloth Mantles at cut prices. Ready=Made Clothing Special cut prices will be given in Men's Clothing in order to reduce our stock. So bring along your cash and Leap the benefit. Produce of all kinds wanted at highest prices. W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND Come and See SANTA CLAUS on Christmas eve Parents bring your Children and see Santa at the store JOHN CAMPBELL, Farquhar --The Best Flour - If it is the best flour you want there is but one place in town to get it -that is from us. The brands are: JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills) Leave your orders or call up Phone 2. R. G. SELDON, Exeter. urchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the Blacksmith business from Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public and respectfully solicit the patronage of the Old Customers of the shop and many new ones. i am sure we can give you entire satisfaction. "horse Shoeing a Specialty" Dan lYlaclsaac. ONTARIO, CkrlitTON, posing the passing of this Jty-law re- day of polling fde in the office of spectively. 1 h.• Clerk of t h•• said Municipality, a 7 That the Clerk of the Corpora- statutory declaration stating that tion of the Village of Exeter shall l his lease meets the requirements 4 by attend at his office in the said \ i1- law entitling hire to vote in such Jly- Inge of Exeter. at twelve o'clock. law and the names of Leaseholders 110011. 011 Tuesday the 4th day of .tan- neglecting to file such a declaration nary 1910. to sum up the number of shall not be placed on the voters' votes given for and against this By- List for such voting. Inv. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of De - Clerk of NOTiCE comber, A. D. 1909. JOSEPH S E N''ICOR, the Village of Exeter, liurnphrey Quinton. of Tuckersmitl. who a short time ago visited i)etroit end was hugged on one of main thorough -fires by a girl re obbed of his pile consisting of fir: oilars, was last %week admitted to House of Refuge at Clinton. Ue r pellet of age and the money los' all 01 his worldly .wealth. I'or any ease of nervonsnees, sleep. iessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, tr. Carter's Little Liver Pill*. Relief s su re, The only nerve medicine in • arket.