Exeter Times, 1909-12-09, Page 3YOUNG
Carl Chapin shut his grammar
mill a yawn of retief. "Let's have
is game before supper," he propos-
"Oh, yes, that new one!" chimed
in Bertha. "Out of Place, did you
call it, Aunt Ruth i"
"I''.•r lack of a better name," her
Apinnt assented.
91a;; I be it this tinter begged
"1f you'll promise not to make it
too hard," said Norton.
"If you'll agree not to slake it
too easy," said Carl, laughing.
"Don't put the tongs on the table!"
"You come, tot,. Aunt Ruth and
mama!" called 13: i tlia, as she ran
into the hall, and Alice was left
She looked round the library, to
see what article she could put out
of place and have it least observ-
able, for that •vas the secret.
"The very thing!" she thought,
Dr. Williams' Pint Pills Dire 1V-
gularity and Good Reath,
Things That Can he Done With a
Pinch of Electricity.
Probably few people have ever
stepped to think what a power elec-
tricity is. if you have never thought
Every woman at some time needs the matter over it will be surpris-
e tonic. At special tunes unusual int; as well as interesting to know
w hat can be done with one cc nt s
worth of this marvellous power.
demands are Made upon her
strength. Where these are added to
the worry and hard work which
falls to her lot, weakness will re-
'ult unless the blood is fortified to
meet the strain.
1Veak women find in Dr. Willi-
ams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly
stated to their needs. Must of the
ills with which they suffer are due
On the average rate and dis-
counts of the ordinary consumer,
says Harper's Weekly, a cent's
tvorth of electricity will operate a
12 -inch fan for 80 minutes.
Will operate a sewing machine
motor for three hours.
to bloodlessness --a condition which Will keep a 0 -pound electric flat -
the Pills readily cure. These Pitts iron hot for fifteen minutes.
save the girl who enters into wo- Will make four cups of coffee in
manhood in a bloodless condition an electric coffee percolator.
from years of misery, and afford Will keep an 8 -inch disc stove hot
prompt and permanent relief to the for seven Minutes, or long enough
womanwho is bloodless, and there- to cook a steak.
fore weak. Mrs. It. Fisher, Coates Will operate a luminous radia -
Mills, N. B., says: "Sometime ago tor for eight minutes.
niy system was in a very anaemic Will bring to a boil two quarts of
ce:ndition as the result of an inter- water or operate the baby milk -
toil hemorrhage caused by an acci
dant. Though I had the services of w'ur►ner twice.
a skilled doctor for a time, I did electric1Will make a Welsh rarebit in an
cchafing dish.
Will operate a 7 -inch frying pan
for twelve minutes.
Will keep a heating pad hot for
two hours.
Will operate an electric griddle
for eight minutes. whom Dodd's Kidney Pills have
Will run the electric broiler for cured of Rheumatism, Sciatica and
six minutes. Backache. For Dodd's Kidney Pills
Will run a massage machine for always cure sick or disordered Kid -
nearly four hours. Heys. And if your Kidneys are well
Will keep the dentist's electric Sou can't have Rheumatism, Scia-
hanlnler and drill going for 90 tica or Backache.
Will keep the foot -warmer hot for A witty as well as a soft answer
a quarter of an hour. will sometimes turn away wrath.
A candidate, in the midst of a stir -
Will run an electric pianola for
one hour. ring address, was struck with a
Will vulcanize a patch on an au- rotten egg, full in the face. Pnus-
tnmobile tire. ing to wipe away the contents of
Will heat an electric curling iron the missile, he calmly continued :—
Ihavealiu c
once a day for two weeks, y s .untended that my
Will pump 250 gallons of water opponent's arguments were vary
100 feet high. unsound." rhe crowd roared, and
Will keep a big glue pot hot for he was no longer molested.
an hour. hinny inherit weak lungs, and as
Will drive the electric tele cliPP cr
not recover my strength, and gra-
ns her eye fell upon Ilertha's golf dually I grew so weak that I could
cape, and she chuckled to herself. not do any house -work. As 1
seemed to grow steadily weaker I
became touch discouraged, for
previous to my accident I had al-
ways been a healthy woman. About
this time 1 received a pamphlet tel-
ling ale of the strengthening pow-
ers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
procured a box at once and began
using them, when they were gone
Back into the room they flocked,
and at once began a search for the
misplaced object.
"Is it in plain sight?" asked Nor-
"Enough of it," answered Alice.
ee;'Oh, nut all!" cried l:ertha.
"That gives a clue."
But it did not seem to be of use,
for round and round the room walk- I got three boxes more, and by the
ed the five, yet no out -of -plass time I had used these I found my-
self somewhat stronger and my ap-
petite much better. • Before I be-
gan the Pills I could scarcely walk
uu stairs, and could do no work at
all. Now after taking three boxes
I was able to walk out in the open
air. I kept on with the fills and
after using six boxes was delighted
to find that I could again attend to
my household affairs. I took two
more bo"ses of the Pills, and I felt
that I was as well as ever I had
e exer-
and equal to
(l al any kind of ems• r
tion. 1 have since recommended
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills to friends
tt ith beneficial results."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
b,: all medicine dealers or will be
sent by mail at 50 cents a box or
i would ask her over. Site thought six boxes for 82.50 by The Dr. Wil -
it must be fun. Say, you wait for Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
ale— don't try to find it !—and 1 'Ont.
r.rticie could be discovered.
"Is it little or big?" queried Nor-
"Is that a fair question, Aunt
Ruth ?" appealed Alice.
"We all seem to need more
1lt replied
"Well, then," answered Alice, "I
should call it pretty big. \Vhon it
was new it was larger than its own-
er wanted."
"What in the world can it be!"
mused Carl. -
"And where ?" scowled Norton,
bacing up and down in front of the
"There !" cried Bertha, sudden -
l. "I told Clementine Hotchkiss
that the next time we played this
run in and get her. Where's my
golf cape? I thought I left it right
here on the couch. I'm euro I
didn't carry it up -stairs. Do you
know where it is, Alice?"
"I'll get you my jacket," she
itnswcrcd evasively.
Only Two Countries in the World
Wide!' Consumes More.
It has been supposed that the
"Oh, I have a big guess that's English nation drank more tea than
hat she has hidden!" uried Carl. any other, but recent staistics show
that the average consumption in
"Yes, it is! I know by the looks . Australia is 7.11 pounds a person
of her face. Colne un and let's find . a year, while in England it is only
it ' Clementine can wait for the e.03 pounds. Next to England comes
next. game. A golf cape can't be in Canada, with 4 pounds. Then
the snatch -box." there is a remarkable gap, as Hol -
Eagerly the searchers peered into land, the next country on the list,
. every corner for the missing cape, only accounts for 1.4 pounds a
and although Alice had assured head annually. The United States
them that it was in sight, cushions record is only 1.3 pounds. 'the
were overturned, newspapers peep- smallest consumers of tea in the mica) Co., Cincinnati, anti put up
ed under, and even the couch -cover
"Because she acknokledged it was
('HAS. N. l'YR'g ItHEI'MA-
It is a well known fact that the
men usually selected to act on Di-
rectory Boards of Banks, Insurance
('olnpanies and other Financial In-
Stittitiens are men More or less in
the public eye men of large ability
and wide experience.
Statement of a Man who Suffered The very fact of their recogniz-
for a Year From Different Forma ed business ability and breadth of
of Kidney Disease and Fouad a
outlook makes them yen desirable
Speedy Cure.
New Richmond Station, Que.,
Nov. 29.— (Special).—In these cold
fall days when Rheumatism, Scia-
tica, Backache and other Kidney
Diseases are working !levee in every
corner of Canada, thousands will
be interested in the statement of
Mr. Chao. N. Cyr, the well-known
barber of this place.
"I had been a sufferer from Rheu-
matisnt and Backache for a year,"
Mr. Cyr states. "My head also
troubled me and it was hard to cul- nadian Institutions are attaching
lett my thoughts. I heard of cures a new Officer to their Boards of
made by Dodd's Kidney Pills and Directors, called the Directors'
made up my Mind to try them. The Auditor.
marvellous effect of the first box The Traders Bank of Canada was
on my systezn at once raised my perhaps the first institution to
hopes and by continuing to take adopt this new method. Their Di -
them I am now a sound and well rectors' Auditor is Mr. J. L. Willis,
elan. All my pains and aches are a man for many years connected
gone and I am able to do my work with the Bank as a Branch Manager
without pain." and who is possessed of exceptional
Mr. Cyr is only one of thousands ability and experience.
Mr. Willis's duties. as Directors'
Auditor, are to act for the Bank's
busy Directors in the way of over-
seeing, investigating and reporting
or. all matters that come before
them in the regular way of busi-
ness. He is responsible only to the
Board of Directors and hie work has
done a great deal in facilitating the
deliberation of the Board at all
The progress made by the Traders
Bank in the last few years has been
very gratifying indeed, hath to their
Shareholders and many customers. POULTRY.
The Traders Bank hasof
n v 100 We call the attention of our read -
Branches in Canada, mainly in On- ers to the advertisement of Gunn,
tario and the West, although it is Langlois A: Co., Montreal, which
reported that they are shortly to appears elsewhere in this paper. If
open in Montreal and extend their you have any poultry to place on
operations to the East.
market during the holiday
dson, take their advice and commtt-
PHYSIOLOGICAL. nieste with them before rushing
goods to market. It is a good plan
"Effie," said Margie, who was to write to these people if you have
laboriously spelling words from a eggs, butter, poultry or honey to
dispose of at any time, as they are
known to be a very reliable house.
acquisitions to such institutions,
and their sound conservative wis-
dom on matters constantly arising
have resulted in the substantial
growth of most of our leading In-
Criticisms have been made in the
past that sonic Directors, owing to
the fact of their many and varied
interests, are not really as thor-
oughly conversant with the details
of the Institutions for which they
act as thew should be, and to meet
criticisms some of our leading Ca -
disease usually assails the weakest
while shearing one horse.
\1'i11 raise ten tons twelve feet point these persons are continually
high with an electric crane in less exposed to attacks of cold and pul-
than one minute. monary disturbances. The speedy
Will raise a large passenger ele-
use of Bickle's Anti Consumptive
five storeys a minute.
\\'ill brand electrically 150 hams.
%Will Break Up a Cold in Twenty-
four Hours and Cure Any ('ough
That is Curable.
The following mixture is often
prescribed and is highly recom-
mended for coughs, colds and other
throat, and bronchial trouble: Mix
two ounces of Glycerine, a half
ounce df Virgin Oil of Pine com-
pound pure, and eight ounces of
pure Whisky. These can be bought
in any good drug store and easily
mixed together in a large bottle.
The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine
compound pure is prepared only in
the laboratories of the Leach Che -
civilized world are Germany and "'r dispensing 1n half -ounce vlala.
only partly in view," apologized
BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Wilson's husband was often
"I wonder if she can have stuffed SMILE Ill EQBRY DOSr"i '.bliged to travel on business, and
it in back of the books Z" thought frequently •did •
not reach home till
Bertha, and then a familiar shade Smiling, happy, healthy little ;_iter midnight. His wife had been
o! blue caught her eye. She step- ones are found in every horse where in the habit of sleeping peacefully
ped nearer the bookcase, and there, Baby's Own Tablets are used. Au at these times, but a number of
neatly wedged between the volumes occasional dose regulates the eta• burglaries in the neighborhood dur-
mach and bowelsand keeps 'none
and tolled so as stove ly to resemble. a cepa litClc ing of Mr. Wilson's s trips had
a book, was the missing garment, ones well, or will speedily restore disturbed her calm.
\lith a glad cry liert`.ia drew it
''That was a bright thought,"
(praised Carl, with a smiling nod
toward his sister. ."This game may
(1) us all some good."—Youth's
Mr. Poultry Producer
When year atter year fund. our Poultry hu•ine.e growieg, Ther•
must be some good reasons for it. It is not luck—ucithei is it
advertising—but it is
W• pad HIGHEST spot •ash en delivery.
W• are ILWa11S borers.
W• are the largest s 1tributors In Casada.
We Nak. dally caskVIIWEW COSIVETITI.N at •our doer d•msnd that
woo b.c•m• your cenfiduntlai sg•nts on this
mar kat
GUNN, LA$GL015 & CO., Limited, MONTREAL
and (•leanina. Th's Is a apaialty with the
British Am.rloan Dyeing Co'
Sand particulars by poseand c. ar• sure to unary.
Address Sea las, Meatreal.
Ansi- nrris.711'w
rtoawratr 4. tI.7•a
rya toe Mee +'fifth'•
sad MS Bl Weal a.
Lore se taste bit' get
•a er+me a bottle Sr
ttril cud serest
Gn•usao .r ware it
.d. Ia cttta111og
kieveekield R • ei e'! -
for t'atat,ha. C o I d s.
gore Thrree+e& Breochltta,
thio. Ppeasankites ala an
YAJas .
kindly mention the name of this
paper to Writing to advertisers.
"Say," growled the boss, "you've
got to stop chatting with giggling
girls over the 'phone. That tele-
phone is for business purposes
"That's all right." replied the
young man. "I was just trying to
convince that young lady that I
really mean business."
Syrup will be found a preventive first reader, "how can I tell which
and a protection, strengthening the is a 'd' and which is a 'b' 1"
"Why," replied Effie, wisely,
"the 'd' has its tummy on its
organs so that they are not so liable
to derangement from exposure or
abrupt atmospheric changes.
Bickle's Syrup is cheap and good.
Magistrate—`You are accused of
being drunk and disorderly. Are
you guilty or not guilty?"
Prisoner—"I'll plead guilty, your
honor, if you'll send me up for ten
Magistrate—"Why do you want
to he sent up for tet. days?"
Prisoner—"My wife is cleaning
-.p ----
Could Not Rest! Could Not Work!
Could Not Play!
How Zaut-Buk Brought Relief.
Mr. Julius Glacier of Denbigh,
Ont., says :—"I was so tortured by
piles that I could not get ease whe-
ther lying down, sitting, or stand-
ing. The ailment robbed me of
strength, of appetite, and of all de-
sire to live: I had suffered so long
And so acutely that I came to think
Twinkle; kl
twne, little star!
there was no ease for are, but one, Oft I've wnkled what you aro
day I found out that. I was wrong: , +
"I was told that 7.nrn Rnk cured But with airshi.)s, there s no doubt
health if sickness comes unexpect- On one night of his return Mr. piles, and that this balm was alto- That ere long 1 will find out.
edly. Ask any mother who has used Wilson was stealing carefully up gether different to ordinary pint- Pills for Nervone Troubles. — The
this medicine for her children and the front stairs, so that his wife ments, scores of which I had proved stomach is the centre of the nervous
site will tell you there is nothing would not be awakened, when he useless for so bad a case as mine
else so safe and euro. Mrs. N. Pa- heard her voice, high and strained, was. I got n supply of 'lutm Iluk, system, anti when tile stotnach us-
pendsquin, St. \fenceslas, Que., says :-- "I don't know whether you are and began to use it regularly. healthy action the result is
"1 have used Baby's Own Tablets niy husband or a burglar." came "Without going into unnecessnn• nervesfst inllowed to per iof the
sst, nerv-
for most of the little ailments of the excited tones, "but I am going detail, in n few weeks I ftitur•i sty- ousrdebilitvaattdangerous ailment,
-4• childhood, and have not known t . he on the safe side and shoot, so self cured. I own my cure to Zan'- :nay ensue. The first consideration
COUGH IiE�tI:DIi:$. them to fail. From my own ex- if you are Henry you'd better got Iluk entirely, and i trust nn' ex- iv to restore the steranes to proper
perience I can recommend them to out of the way:" pelience will be the rnenn" of lend-
Onion Syrup—fare and slice five all mothers." Sold by all medicine ing other sufferers to try this great action, and there is no readier rem -
large onions and cook them in the •e dealers or by mail nt 25 cents a if yenr children moan and are herbal balm.''
pints of vinegar. When tender hox from The I)r. Williams' Medi- restless during sleep, coupled, when Nothing need be added to this
strain through a thin cloth, squeez- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. awake, with n loss of appetite, pale plain. powerful testimony save one
lieg_to extract all the juice, acid a .s countenance, picking of the nose, question - if you suffer like Mr.
tint of granulated sugar and b it etc., you may depend upon it that Glacier did, why not get relief from Anxious Mother --"I want an or -
until reduced to one pint. Bottle Do you find poultry keeping the primary cause of the trouble is the -same source as he dirt? der to send my daughter to an in -
and cork securely for future tee. Pays!" "Well, no; I can't sas worms. Mother Craves' Worm Ex- Zam•Buk is a proved cure for in- sane nevium for treatment. She
A dose for a child of from four to that it pays inn, but I think that it terminator effectually removes flamed areas (as in piles) erysipelas, is going to marry n man thirty
the years old is n teaspoonful ev:ry, nays my boy Jim." "How's that 1 these pests, at once relieving the eczema, ulcers, sores, ahscesece,
h mor, increasing to a tablespoonful %fell, you sec, I bought him the little sufferers. cold cracks, chapped hands, burns years older ten herself.o in o
ter an (Atilt. This remedy acts un fowls' 1 have to pay for their keep ..—.-r - ._.....why,._.....why,._.....why, madam, aids marry old old
S and buy the e cuts, scalp sures, and all skin in- men every day, argil are not ceneid-
bowels as well as lungs, no it is not anis tuyro." eggs from him, and he A tourist at a country hotel ask- .furies and chseas05. ft is the most creel insane." Anxious Mother —
necessary to administer a physic as mi the girl who waited at table if suitable halm for ehildren's rashes. iiye8, hat the old man my dnugh-
is often the case. he could have some poached eggs. All Druggists and Stores at Me. to wants to morn is poor."
Flaxseed Tea and Lemon Juice is Why go smith and undertake a "We haven't any eggs, sir," she box or post free from Zam-Buk Co.,
another Most excellent cough ••ear- long expensive journey to rest your replied ; then. after n moment's re- Toronto, for price.
ed .. To prepare it, put a heap- tired nerves or overworked body? th(lion, she added. "but 1 think -- ..r
it,onful of whole flaxseed in the Niagara Peninsula is a place i could get ye some poached ant A FATAL
in n p&Pnd a half of cold water, Provided by nature and art for your m^n•"
nod boil until reduced to one pint. special trouble. Nature has pro- 1------- ---
SI rain and add the juice of ore vided the saline waters of the "St.. D r . Morse's
. large or two small lemons and Catharines Well" and art has Indian ROot Pills
enough granulated or loaf sugar to equipped the "Welland" with the
give it n pleasant taste, and tette needed appliances for trecitment, am net a caw •nd untried remedy
- used them.
in t•f it as occasion dequires, end rest and comfort. St. C'athnrincs, violets century Imograndfathers
cant d•
chef still soon he obtained. on the line of the Grand Trunk nation. they were on sale to Nearly
Glycerine and lemon juice told n Railway System, is Canada's great
iii equal parte and thoroughly winter health resort.
mixed, iA en other effective cough A booklet with full int„rmati^n
remedy, but it is a JeQd plan to use will be pent by addressing Mntin -
a compress in connection with nay ger, "The Welland," St. Cathar-
ef the remedies, as water possesses lees. Ont.
a strong remedial value and is al -
Ways a helpful adjunct to other re-
Mothers, Give the Children a Chance.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is .t constitutional cause
for this trouble. Ma s. M. Summers, ilox W
720, \Cind-er, Ont., will send free to any
mother lttr successful home treatment,
with full instructions. Send no stoney,
but write her today if sour children
trouble mspi in this way. Dont blame the
child, the chances ere it can't help it.
This treatment also cores adults and aged
people troubled with urine difficulties by
day or night.
The watchmaker says he is not
the only man who should be ex-
pected to make his good works tell.
Nothing looks more ugly than to
see a person whose hands are cov-
ered over with warts. Why have
these disfigurements on your per-
son when a sure remover of all
warts, corns, etc., can be found in
Holloway's Corn Cure.
• NOT YET, BUT ---
A Requisite for the Rancher. —
On the cattle ranges of the West,
where men and stock are far from
tI et^rs and apothecaries, Dr. Tho-
rr.:es' Eclectric Oil is kept on hand
1 •v the intelligent as a ready made
medicine, not only for many human
ills, but as a horse and cattle medi-
cine of surpassing merit. A horse
and cattle rancher will find matters
greatly simplified by using this Oil.
"flow do you do, sore?" Enid a
Frenchman to an English acquaint-
ance. "Rather poorly, thank you,"
answered the other. "Nay, my
clear sore," said the Frenchman ;
"don't thank me for your illness. i
cannot help it."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
For Red. Weak, w'enry. Watery Eves
Granulation, Pink Eye i.rd Eye Strain.
Murine Doesn't Solari; Soothes Eye Pain.
1e Compounded by Experienced Physicians;
Contains no Injurious or Prohibited Drugs.
Try Murine for Your Eye Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. Try it in Behy'a Eye.,
for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists Sell Murine
at 50e. The Ilurirte Eye Remedy Co.. Chi-
cago, will send Yon interesting Eye Books
When she says the clock's correct,
She is neutral, we suspect.
When she says the clock is fast,
You are snaking time at last.
When she says the c) )ck is slow,
You are done for. Better go.
1'; walking from Montreal to Van-
couver, 2,1396 miles, on CATSP:1
RUBBER HEELS. Left Montreal
1 o'clock Oct. '23rd, passed Sudbury,
Ont., 430 miles, Nov. Kith. 1Vhcn
edy for this than Parmelee's lege- ail! he reach Vancouver ? 133 prizes
table Pills. Thousands can attest offered nearest guessers. Contest .
the virtue of these !rills in curing i,, free. .Write guess on postal card
nervous disorders. and receive prize list. Address,
Dept. B., Montreal.
"I hope you won't encourage our
Nellie's latest admirer," snic1 si►n-
ple-minded Mrs. Feathereton to her
husband, continuing, with an un-
conscious pun— "you know the old
saving : 'Give hiss an inch and he'll
take a Nell.'"
"Don't you w erry about my giv-
evrry drug or general .torn in the ing him an inch," remarked her
(-suede of that day, and were the husband. "I'll do better than that;
recognized enre In thousands of , „
homes for Constipation. indlg.a- i 11 him A foot.
Biliousness. Rhenmart.rt and
Kidney sad Liver Troubles To -day Why is it that A man can
they arc lust ss rr:ective• inn as find a pin in n pin'ushi^n 1
reliable as ever. •nd nothing tetter \%e never think of 1m kini; ier
Tir'ilI menthe' Cie name 0? this ha" yet hien devised to microbes in the Milk of human
p;.per in writing to advertisers, 1 C U r e Go til girl O r1 I I 1 O kindness.
1891E NO. 49 -0a.
Though tip go the prices,
Soaring just as high
As the ambitions airships
Headed for the sky,
The record of the world is
We'll live until w,; die.
A Medical Need Supplied.—When
a medicine is found that not only
acts upon the stomach, but is so
composed that certain ingredients
of it pass nnalt',ed through the sto-
mach to find action in the bowels,
then there is available a purgative
anti a cleanser of great effective-
ness. Pnrinelee's Vegetable fills
are of this character and are the
best of all pills. During the years
that they have been in use they have
established themsnties as no other
pill has done.
Teneher—"You notic.t that beet
who stands at the foot of the •'aA.1
Well, last summer he was the sn'nrt
est bey in the echo()) " Exit nines
-"Ile is now. 1 notice the t out of
the class is nearest the fire. '
Our roues in this eubieet is un-
surpassed It gives the Ftudent a
training worth many times the wept
10 take ,t. Terre for psrticutars t�
COLLEGE, Y.M.C.A. a•Id'a, Toronto.
T. 11. W A'I•.$)N, Priucipul.
entero constant practoe: careful
instruction; few weeks complete course;
tools free; gr:.duates earn twelve to
eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata-
logue. Miler Barbet College 2L1 Queen
East. Toronto.
:mail to roil direct to farmers. Quick
seller. F:cery farmer wants one. T001;
profit. Experience valuable but uunecee.
eary. foetal to -day brings particulars.
Charles Adams. Sarnia. Ont.
bay or sell Stocks will receive my
personal attention. S. M. Mathews. Brok-
er. 43 Scott Bt.. Toronto.
'DEFECTIVE HEARING overcome toy the
Acousticon -- eni
4 the marvels of the .'e •trust a;,. In u
,tllhniugh,.ui tha world. Write for eattl.,gues
senera' Acoustic Co., of Canada, Ltd., 1Y,8 Yong&
hhhhiiiit., Toronto.
CAL VES Raise Tu ..t:et hem Witho1..ut MIIk
Stasi:4%Hr4gs Howl Co„ Ltd., Torouto,tOaL
lo work for 119, selling Xmas cards. To
ran make Five dollars per week. ?en
twenty cents' deposit, which will be r
locoed to you at Xmas. We will alert yo
rich a good stock. The American New
&oncy, 569 1-2 Bloor W.. Toronto.
Cnnsignut"t■ 8 !cite 1. Write f r Price Lilt.
Canadian Hide t' Skin Co.
lee FR -)NT ST. EnST, T0. ":T�. OilT
Uo you
Fut.? Iani I:anada•
largest dreier, I pay
h„(irestprices. Your
shipments solicited.
1 pay mail and ex-
press cherges'remit
promptly. Alamo L^rvect dealer in Heritable*,
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