Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 84
t' li aJ r.; X E .1 ti. 't' 1Sti. 1t. S NOV. 11th Mai
44++++•t•++++++++++♦++++++4++++++++♦+++++N4N4 earn
ABE YOU GETTING the beet value for your money? We
believe WP can save you some good money this fall. Our
sleek was bought early before any of the big advances
took place. Our stock is particularly large and well assorted.
Come in and see what we can lo for you.
Our Showing of Ladies' Fur=Lined
Coats is the largest we have ever niade and the values are
strictly it: favor of the buyer. Our coats are lined
with to line Canadian rat, and collars and reveres of Mink,
Alaska Salle, Atnet lean Sable and Isabella Sable. The shells
ate made from find pure wool Kersey, 50 iuthes long $37.50 to
stir o.
Men's and Bolls'
Readh-to Wear suits
Overcoats Tor Men,
For Bolls, For Youths
Our Overcoats show a style
Are leading lines with ns. in cut and finish distinctly
You have a stock of four their own. \\'e have the
hundred Suits to pick from. new Military coat with cote -
styles the latest. cloths the hintation stand or turn collar,
newest. You save the mid• in men's and boys, and we
dle profit as every suit comes have the staple plain tailor -
to us ditoet from the makers. made Ove) coat also the heu-
an d many of the new novel- vy tweed Ulster in all sizes.
ties made expressly for our Don't miss our Coats $2.50 to
own trade. $2 50 to $18,(10. $10.0.).
"King Hats for Dressy Young Men
If you wear a "King" hat you wear the Hat that has the Largest
Fate of any Hat in the trade. We are the sole selling agents for
Exeter. Every hat is sold under a guarantee. The new fall
bhapes are now all in. We also show a swell lot of soft knock-
about Hate in blues and greens.
Here's A Bargain Ror You
1Ve have a table of Wren's and boys' Overcoats, all odds and
ends of different fines; a clean up of our whole stock. Prices
were $5 00 to $12 00. You take your pick for $2.75.
Arid Here's Another Bargain
clean-up -lean-t our of o ar Ladies' Mantles, not the latest styles, but
good, honest staple coats. Just the coat you want for rough,
h'►rd wear. Your pick for $2.90
(711il,1's soft downy wool
vests. ribbed, natural colors,
15 to 25e.
Ladies ribbed shaped vests
white and natural' 23 to $1.00.
$12.50 hugs from us 108
piece Semi -porcelain China
Dinner Set, beautifully decor-
ated and gold traced.
25c the pait for Ladies Rib-
bed Cashmere (Hose, double
85c each for men's pure
wool ribbed Underwear. Val-
ue that talks.
All our Millinery goes on
sale at just about half price,
and we have a lot of it to sel-
ect from too.
Bring along your farm produce. You'll find us on the job all
the time. Poultry alive or dressed, Dried Appies, Butter,
Eggs, Etc„ Etc. just as good as cash.
T. A. STEWA.RT ...Iii.
Ii Th '_:ing celebrated his G8th birth-
day un Tuesday. Several flags in
tot n were flying during the day In
honor of the occasion.
Rev. D. W. Collins delivered an
actress en "Reformation and the
Bible," at the Woodham L. O. L. oy-
ster supper Friday night.
Miss J. J. Allan, eye sight specal-
ist will be at the Commercial Hotels
Saturday o[ next week. The date
Nov. 13th, one day only.
;Work on 'the construction of :she
dam progressed rapidly Haat week.
The dam proper 'has been completed
and 'the workmen are now ;busy on
the is:uice.
Miss Lula :Martin. who was taken
sick with quinsy while Pttending the
colloaiiate at rpt. atarys, is naw at
the )tome of cher parents, and is able
to lie out ;gain.
A great offer to new,. subscriber*
J The dimes and Family Ilerald and
Weekly Star from now, till Jan 1910
N. for TWENTY-FIVECI?N'I8. This of-
fer 22 One door north P. 0 fer is good to points in Canada only.
---- Mrs. Fred Wilson. wh(i is a delegate
from She .Jarvis Street Baptist
church, 'Toronto. to the London con-
vention. repent the w, t'k end t he
guest of Mr. rind Mrs. I. A. rollick.
The continued reopen ng services
of Civen Church were h 1d Inst Sun-
days when Rev. ;Hobbs pr ached in the
morning tend Rev. Smith. Of Henson.
in the evenings
The Ontario Local Option law pro-
vides that ii Local Option by-law be-
fore being filially passe((. (must he ap-
proved "by the electors of the tnuni-
cipa;ity" in which it is lie take effect.
(rev. Dr. McDonagh, 11 former pas-
tor of Main Street church, was mar-
ried nt 'Toronto on Octoher 26th to
Miss Annie at 11osc. Pie ceremony
was performed by ]t::v. Chancellor
13 a rw•a sh.
Dire on Friday nigtiit destroyed u
barn on t he premi'•. s Owned by John
Soutbcott, and occupied by W. Brim.
acombc. Th • fir.: sfhrted in the 'oft
but origin is unknown. There Awns
nothing in the barn-
JcIan Gillespie has ha his bus trans-
formed into a more up -to-date look-
ing' affair. The high (coat Jtas leen
remrseed stud paned in;n lower poci-
tiot.ieo That the diit'ercan mount and
di'inoun1 more easily. 1
alio courts have defi iteiy decided
that the words "e:cctprs of the
municipality" are to a coestrucd
as meaning such perso!'s iii n muni -
vitality as would be a iticd to vote
in tare election for (iettibcr•s of the
municipal i al t
co mcil.
Ou Wednesday morning ns Clinton
Sweet was driving she ttl:ltcr tank of
I•;cst:c broOiA-A thrcahin$ outfit down
street 'th.• six.c of :h,• hind wh.•els
broke ahen opposite th' (lank of
,L'ornmerce. C;int ens r pled off the
tank but suffered no Inj tries.
Th anniver'ay of ih• ':dein St.
Methodist church it I:l b • h. Id on Sun-
dry mete u hen 11 w. 1)r. Itetl:•dge,
of Wing;h mom, will preach at 11 a. m.
.end 7 t'. nt. The choir assisted by
Mr. C. J. ('ink, of '.tendon, le ,ir-
etngirg appropriate music for the
occasion. In the afternoon n swiss
meeting will be field in the audien;e
room to be itddrer5,d by Dr. Rutledge
and others.
+++++++++++++++ + ♦• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4++++++++++++++++
Market Report. -The following is The itcturc deliver:d by Rcv. R 'Times Want Column
the report of Exeter markets. cor- 1. ibbs an 'The triangular 'Mau" In
..sled up to No'emb.•r 11th. : ibe Jaut,s street Methodist church, onI
Wheat. standard *1.02 Tuesday evening was largely attend-`• ,U
Oats 34 to 36e. d. The lecture was instructive and , who has passed the entrance exams. 1
Peas 75 to 8Oc
large uudience t: a, delighted ttith iinterspersed with buwur, and the
I YApplyreferred.
Linsley 48 to bU sesta t.
Itrw *2_.00 An oyster supper was given at the FOR SALE -So- me first class finer
Shorts $23.00 r home of 51r. Will Sweet Monday eve.! Shelving cith,•r in sections or separ-
Star tour . 2.7.,. by Mr. and ;airs. Stimmel. Mr. andecouple
Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. airs. 'Hawks and Mr. and Mrs. Wu:-!atand four u p -t; also a o-dte abococasesd �Apa
Butter 22c. :;ice of 11'aitsbu- , 1\V ash., who have' sly at Post -office. 'Jensen. p ,'
Rees 21e. been %est tit$9.00, $ 10.00 .•hives around here..l l a •
Mr. and i. 'Hawks and Mr. ands 1)11. OVENS i;YE AND EAlt SUR
Hogs :iwetweighe $7.55 Mr. W ace left (Tuesday for their Reon, will be at the Comttuerelal'
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents home Boars 9 n. in. to 1 p.
Coal, $7.25 a ton. •
Docks 711", nsfer of Practice. .- 1)r. A. T. rn. Glasses properly fitted and din-' Nevi 70. ) 1 d 1, as purchased Abe practice and eases of eye ear and none treated.'
Chicken '10e. roperty u( 1)r. !Malloy and has al- Next visit Monday. Nov. 15th, fore-
Dritd 'Apples 6;. ready taken possession. Dr. !fond noon. liensall in afternoon.
has had six years auccessful practice -- -
in general practice and is a Post: HOUSE FOR SALE -(trick resid- ,
Graduate of New York Post 1Gradu_ encs and lot on Jlain Street, third
ate School, Dr. Malloy leaves in house south of Presbyterian church.
about 'three weeks to take o Post. Six rooms. For terws and portico -
Graduate course in •New 'York. !ars apply to James Whyte or Dick -
1)r. 11. Ityndnt•tn and sister Edith yon &Carling.
returned (Monday night from Faro,
N. D.. I).. where they were called owing NOTICE
to thu illness of their brother Dr. As I am now in the west on a
Garnet P.. who was in the hospital trip for my health, my book accounts
there suffering from lung trouble. will not be collected until I return
They 'found him in to very serious tvo months hence. A. E. PYM,
•o•••••• 5•••••••
Tool Carling is clerking for Sandy
Bait -den.
Mr. 'John Wolper visited In .London
;a .t week.
Mr. '!leg. 'Elliot, of
iting his mother.
Mrs. Edwin Jones Is
after ber actions &Ureas.
•Mr. 'Geo. (Crawley, of Lucan, was
a visitor :n 'town Tuesday.
Lyman Palmer end children visit-
ed in London over Sunday.
Mr. G. Dow and Mr. W. Murray
spent 13unday in Mitchell.
Miss C. Brown from 'England, Is
visiting ber sister, .Mrs. 1t. Robins)
Mr. Robert Charters. of Egmond-
ville vikit••d Mr. Geo. McLeod last
Sir. Fred Elliott, of Ilaileybury;
visited his mother during the past
Mrs. George Iia:dwin and tion of
St. 'Thomas, are visiting (friends hi
Mr. Walter Morlock, who spent the
past two months here, left Saturday
for Detroit.
Miss 7ioda \nPcr who
a been
:.lid tip with blood poison, is nble to
0.• 'nit again..
Mrs.. C. Smith, of JIensall, Is 'vis-
iting 'her (sister, airs. J. Jarrotte
Exeter North.
Norwich, is vis -
We told you so some time ago in one of our
advertisements. We told you this would be a big
season with us. We have a right to say so too.
Our store never was in a better position to meet
one's needs than it is this fall. The goods we are
showing and the modestpicas we aro quoting are
slaking people 'sit up and take notice'. Have you
looked over our goods? Have you asked the prices?
Good goods and low prices are the two thinget1t
are making us a big season. No matter what you
may need whether Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes
Groceries, Crockery, it will pay you to cone here.
This week we are offering a number of Ladies
Ready -to -Wear Skirts at bargain prices.
condition with slight hopes of n pro- Exeter, Sept., 9th 1909. 9-16-5 $3.50
longed life. As his home is in al:not $5.00
ac was removed there, being Ltoo weak
to 'undertake a journey its far as
for $2.50
James 'Doyle. the well-known -Mc-
Gillivray 'farmer, was nominated by
tate Conservatives of North 'Middle,
sex tit Ailsa Craig on Monday to
contest that riding at the approach
ing ,bye -election inade necessary by
the resignation of Duncan C. .toss,
who is running for the Commons In
West Middlesex. Mr. Doyle opposed
A. W. Smith in ,the general election
for .be Dominion house and was de-
feated by 60 majority-.
At Cl goods Iiall, Toronto las
week 'Col. Young. of Goderich n
pealed from the judgment of Just'ce
Clute give's at Godetich on October
3rd in the suit for the return of
$1.750 paid by Young on account of
100 shares in the Exeter 'Canning
Company, on the ground that his
subscription 'for stock .is void by
Cottage and three lots in Exeter,
being lots Nos. 65, 50 and 57 south of
Simco° Street. On this property is a
frame cottage (brick foundation) con-
taining five rooms and a good cel-
lar also a good well and a large
stable. Good garden and fruit trees.
The property has to be rold to wind
up an estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
WANTED -An experienced house-
keeper. References re attired. Good
wages. Apply G. W. Harrison, (Cana-
dian Bank of .Commerce, Exeter.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received tip to Fri-
day, Nov, 19, at 0 p, tn. for the
strtction ofabout :33 cubic C y
ofrensonOf non-compliance ) �he cern-
pany with the (statutory ireluirpm-ints concrete foundation for the water
governing companies. At the trial
judgment was given dismissing the
case with costs. Tho• appeal Was :ar-
gued and dismissed with costa. Mr.
A s.aft answer turneth away wrath.' ►Jman appeared fo
and the 'Times .makes the whole fam- Canning Company and W.
ily good natured; foot for Young;.
We have received a
Mrs. Andrew 'Laramie, of Detrol{, copy �f k
spent the past week with her sister vtsed edition of Farm Needs t
Mrs. Ed. Christie.. Minister of Agriculture, tattoo
J. G. Stanbury
was lo $t. Marys contains 76 plates of seeds,
last week, where he conducted several seeds. illuatrntcd on their n,
cases before the court. colors and 180 pages of text. 1
.1rs. John White /entertained n
number of ladies fruesday evening,
the occasion being bcr 81st, birthday.
Mia, Alice Cochrane spent Saturday
and teenday with her parents Mr.
and 'airs. J. Cochrane, Mills Green:
"yaks" Finkbei;er, hostler nt the
Commercial, was confined Ito his bed
a few c::ts's during the past wreck on
ammo of illness.
le re -
a. It
con -
tank to be erected at the Town Hall.
Plans and specifications at office of
undersigned. The lowest or any ten-
der not neces=sarily accepted,
J. SENIOR, Village Clerk,
Court of Revision J, HEAMAN,
a Court will be be'Id pursuant to The
Ontario Voters' Lista Act, by ,)lis
Honour She Judge of the County
tains full descriptions of ell, Jhe Court of 'the County of Iluron at the
noxious weeds, (time of flow•trin'-: T' ' n Hall on Wednesday, the 2itb
how propagated, injury and remedy.'day of November, 1909 :at 10 o'clock
This book was ,first 'distributed freein the forenoon to 'hear and deter -
to nil public institutions, including mine complaints of errors and omis-
rural ttchools. The revised edition is •ios in 'the Voters' List of th..
new tevadable to Canadian 1?arm_�rs afunicnipalitp o[ 'Ihe Village of Ex,.
(single copies only) nt the office of ter for 1909.
t • 'Superintendent of Stationery, Dated the 8th day of Nov,mbers
1:cv..rnment printing bureau, .01- 1909,
• w:a, at the nominal price of $L JOS. SENIOR,
book should he in !the hand of C:erka of (the 'Munic.ipality of the Vil-
every 'farmer, as it will he of great ]age o[ Exeter
value to him in combatting !the nox-
ious weed nuisancsi.
A total t clipse 'Of the Moon will
take place on .the 47th of this month
during :the full moon on 'that date.
This lunar eclipse will b, vis:ble
throughout North America and the
adjacent 'regions, but :it an incon-
venient len:, in 'the tsball hours of
the morning. The :noon enters the
earth's penumbra at .1:12 at. tn. east-
ern t;tand:'rd time. and first reaches
the hull shadow nt 2 A At 3:14 rhe
disappears completely in :t, and done
not begin to emerge 1111 1:37. This
is nn unusually long duration, due to
the fact that the moon goes almost
centrally through the .•arth's tehednw
which itself is larger /than usual, as
the moon is near the earth. At r5:38
the moon finally !raves the vhadow.
and exactly en hour later ache gets
clear of lbe penumbra. and the eclipse
is over.
$4.00 for $3.00 $4,75 for $3.75
for $4.00. A few odd Skirts at $5.00 for $3.00
Highest price paid for Produce,
50c per bag. All kinds of
Butter 22, Eggs 24, Dried Apples 6; Potato°•
poultry taken dead or alive at top prices
in trade or cash.
Do Not Buy It Until
You Try It
The Carho•ltfag nctic Razor 1s not
tempered in uneven tire haat, but by
to t.,t's of et seea'et electric p,ocess rat
son even temperature of 2.570 degrees
At the mune e 1
n nstnnt the steel is
earbcni: ed in a n-otesoa sla star s •
i t to t.a ..
1.y wli, i diamonds have b,cn pr
The renter is tio• hardest cuttinr-
edge I re.vn to s.:• -n -'-a blade that
w, guarantee lsr r eteo.nt•• of perfect
wc•nr-no honing, no t•rinding.
-The LLiaa with t''. '•Litt, e1.^,e" is
superior to any ie ever made.
whether the !Alin; r, hof! i-groun.t
or the "wafer" Mello of tit "safety."
But you tD not read to tax° our
Selling out our entire stock
Great Clearing
of our Big Stock, for Cash or Produce.
It is a Long Walk to as
Good a Stock
For general completeness of stock for all -the -
time readiness to serve our customers we can't
see how it would be possible to surpass this
store's usefulness to this community.
We stand prepared to cater to every home's
furniture wants, however large, however Email.
There is never any need for us to slake any
excuse for our goods. All we ask is that you
test our Furniture by the best that you know
of. Wo will be glad to abide by your decision.
Leading Undertaker and Embalmer
;mot m nftm trtf
You Take No Chances
When You Get Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an old established and reliable house
like out's.
Tithe -tried Reputation is what ensures you
Merchant Tailor , - Exeter, Ontario.
At Saturday's meeting of khc cab-
in •1 it (was d••cid il to recommend 4o
his Excellency th.r Governor Gcner-
al::bat tb• dealt eeutence pissed en
\ir.t. Ansi.. itnhin•on. of Sudbury for
the tn:sr.fer of her daughters' illigiti-
mate children, be commuted to ten
years' imprisonrnent.. In view of Rhe
appailing circumstances that con-
fronted he unfortunate woman rind
impelled ti •r to commit th, crime, the
cabinet promptly decided that death
penalty :should not he enacted. it on.
felt. too-via:is that it would not ht.
ill She interests of justice to recom-
mend It fe'1 pardon. ns Cho criut:•was
undoub:cd:y one of murd:•r and that
to tart n new prt•cendent of :t fu11
pardon after a eouvictlon fur nntl•-
d,•r, ea to though pallia ling circum, -
stances all cried for 'the exercise of
mercy, would be unwise.. After all
the facts of the case were carefully
ccm'e,der, d and salts • tekeu of the
ran •t a: t.•nthuertt of Ihe country ns
valor. •d in the imtllensc nnmrnb:rr of
peti1ians received, it was -d •c dcd
tlnt the cairns of justice it b.•
best abet by t, anal, d 11.1,11 in tat:•
penitent s:tres
A Reactionary Storm 1'.•t ie 1 is
central on the 12th. 13th toed 1411,.
Th.. conjunction of the •alone with
Eire on the 1211 'u,tiirally inch.
caws that high temperature for the
season. with :ow .barometer and
general worms are probable on and
to:lowing; ;hat date. it 14 n rare
exception where riving temp:•(:attire
does not :attend Nrw• 'alarm. and when
New Moon falls on or trty close to
the C(' ,spial c lertlor, e'w eintly in a
Venus period and In n storm period.
thunder and lightning are almost c •r•
lain to attend the worms. This !eel
is well worth contending for. n thin;:
wv' have Jaen doing for more than :1
of a century. It is aitn::yimportant Tor the ttcientifie tsug,;,,_
lions which lie behirui it. Chang • to
very tench cooler, with high ,b.ern-I
meter and high northw, slor•ly (;ales
twi:I bring up 1h.• I. t Hutt northw•at
flank' of istorme. ,-ay about the .1311)
to 15th. i'iende reports will b•
tinte:y within three d;ty•t of noon on
Ole 12th.
The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada
is about to issue a New Tele-
phone Directory for the District
of Western Ontario, including
Orders for new connections, changes
of firms names, changes of street ad-
dresses, or for duplicate entries, should
be hanged in at once to
I.ocal Manager.
On •Monday evening .next the Y. W.
C. A. awiII ire -open 'their rooms in Sen.
ior's 'hall, which were closed down for
the summer months. Addresses will
be 'given by the 'resident alinistera of
the 'town. Mr. le C. Viewing Its rx-
peeled to be present and n good Ring
iv nnticip:ated. A11 the inetnbcrs and
any others interested are tip ei,elly
re pleated ;to bo .present.
Having purchased the bus-
iness of Mr H idt, i have the
stack at Davis' Butcher shop
win re I have a fall line of all
good kinds of flour including
Five Roscs, and the b •st of
all kinds of flours and feeds.
Delivering made to any part
of the town.
W. Rivers
Children Cry
- ON l'A i110.
word for this -you can try the Caibo-
Magnetic without risking a penny of
your own money-yott can enjoy 30
cool. comfortable shovel with 11 at our
expense -you
un compare e
Itt It
t n
t at you ou are pow using and
Judge for yourself with It Is best -then
11 you want. you can return the Carbo-
Liztgnetic and not be cut a colt.
an I benefit yourself and family by
using STAR flour. It bakes 1• ,o much
bet! r find goes so much farther than
ordirtry brands.
means better braid, biscuits, cake.
pie, etc., in your home. and more of
them. too. Order a, sack to -day.
The next time you need flour you'llif it
insist on having the STAR brand even Clinton Business
tt 'more. But I t doesn't.
-Manufactured by -
Geo. S Principal..
and Oats wanted. � potion, • .{p•
+• ++++++++++++++++++++++++
One year ago, Mr. George
Wakeman was earning about
- $1110 per year as farm laborer.
o Now he is earning at the rate
of $002 per year. -' y
= Six mouths' training at our
:usinass College made the def-
rence. \Vag it a good
vestneent? He thinks so.
is address is New Osgoode
,1, W
s Four courses:
y- axo I'ItEI'.t.lt.t•roItY, COMMERCIAL
+ 1-
Enter any time. Individual
instruction. \Vrite for par-
represented in the Oreille ore dis-
cussing the euestion of
A11tnrnt' is once more here. and the
roneine crisp mornings will make n
Fa:I Snit and Overcoat necessary.
fr you want than cut properly and
Ined.• nicely, come to tee and we can
genr.,ntee a perfect fit in accordance
w i 1 11 Ihe l•, test (,signs.
Merchant Tailor.
S. H. No. n, 1 SI,OItNI:
The 'following iv 11i' t•orrer: re-
port of t4. N. No. a. I Ammo, for the -
month o'( October. Sr. 1\', .Arloti i -
Cape:and. absent: .1 r. 1\, Mar- 400- i
Leonard IL•trrie 202. 1•:'. anon IR',',j
281; Hr. IIi, .Mex. 400 -.Janie 'dtCu:-
:ogh 301, -Ida Irvine 255. 11. Roup••'
26.0; .ir.Irl. M:,s. 400 -Ronald nal-( e
four '170, Tette McCurdy 1:40. Fern , g
Fr:enel; 239. M::y 1!o Ig••rt 226, O.'
Cope:and 12.2: .1r. 11. 'She. :100-11,....1A
her t-lett° 215. Gordon Cope:and ,17.1! 22 Ent••, at once. Write for our
1, Ater \IrCur,'y 171. (toy I'':ctcher(a free '• ttalogue.
120. i:. urge thrall 67: 1'1. i1. hiax.1 as
200-0..'!, McCurdy Lae, 1Iow:,rdI O•
Shier 12.1; l't. 1. Max. 200-11.tg,rie
McCurdy 126; l't'mai y l::act- Mar -1 tt
guerite Rmmi e. ira McCurdy. No., N•••••N•N•N••••••••N•
caro:led 21; ,,average attend ince 17.
E. °reason, 'reacher.
....- 7
1 Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls ckz 6tatichions
can be installed as cheap
as lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and
necessities en a fat((.
For sale by
W. T. Gillespie
Phone 51. Exeter.
has tleretttat'
n of be
the hest practehle training
school in Canada. Thorough
crturses have prodced results.
Business met) say our gradu-
ates are the (Met and they ap-
ply to us for office help, Our
gradu•ttes succeed as none
other. Three t)epnrtments-
Coni eticrt•ial, Shortland, an