Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 5?ur6fldcd B1d6kmIth BUSIDCSS
Having purchased the blacksmith property and
business of Mt. A. E. PYar, near the Town Hall I
am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work
for the General Public, and respectfully solicit the
patronage of alt the Old Customers of the Shot)
Many New Ones. I believe we can give you
entire satisfaction.
David Russell.
Make Each Animal Worth
25!lo over Its Cost
On 3:i of a Cent a Day
Nobody ever heard of stock food" curing the hots or colic, making
hens lay in winter. increasing the field of milk five pounds per cow a day,
or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor.
When you feed "stock hoot" to your cow. horse. swine orpe•.d:rye
you are merely tccdin 6 them m what you are rowan onyour o
Your anima du
g Nnth
!s need not more fccd g
but something •
6 to help thele
bodies get • tall the good out of the teed •ouave
g them s0 they can get fat
and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease cure disease and keep
Them up to the ties possible condition. Na) "stock toefood"can doo all these
things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is
Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
Largest Winner of
arty Lacer ort
G,as Circuit, 'at
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases
yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two
%weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known.
Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when
fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks.
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores then[ to
plumpness almost magically. Cures tots. coli:, worms. skin diseases and debility permanentlY.
Dan Mel:wan, the horseman, says: **I have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
p_rsistently in the feeling of 'The Eel,' 2.0'} largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit fn
19J.S. and 'Henry Winters.' 2.0.4. brother of Allen wwlnters.' v. inner of $cte+.CO0 in trotting stakes
In lytkt. These horses have never hen off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple;
Specific almost a year ago, and 1 will always have it in my stables."
One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy
days, which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a dal 110::t stock foods in fifty cent packages
last but fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
Is given but once a day. and lasts half again as long A 21.50 pail containing four times the
amount of the fifty cent package will last 2tOdat•s. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value
of your stock LS-. It is an astonishingly quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the
relish for food. assisting nature to digest and turn feed into t'esh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader.
It will save many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FIC is our other Specific for poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty.five
hens 70 days. or a pail costing $1.50 will last twenty-five hens 2s0 days. which is four times more
material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine "out of your hens
summer and winter.pretents fnwl5 losingfl.•. at moulting time. and cu: as poultry diseases.
Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other Preparation nn another
animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has
them all heat to death, or else bacl:comes your money. FRER-Ask
your merchant Or write us for our valuable It' -page booklet on cattle
and poultry diseases. containing also
cooking receipts and full particulars about
If you cannot get Royal Purple
Specifics from merchants or agents. we
will supply you direct. express prepaid.
on receipt of 21.50a pail for either Poultry
or Stock Specifics.
Make money acting as our agent in
gourdistrict. Write for terms.
For sale by all up-to-date merchants.
W. Jenkins Nig. Co., London, Can.
Roy.tl 'Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics :Ind free booklets are kept
in f•t ick by
V, J. IIEAMAN, Exeter. IIANLON & O'BRIEN, Centralia,
Single Fare for
Seen!(food Going rally until November
■ '13 tit to 1'emagatni district, etc.
October 21st to November 6th to
t Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, etc.
Return limit December 4th or until
close of navigation, it earlier, to points
We have already turned out many reached by steamers.
Ssuart ,\ inter Suits. HAVE' you seen Secure tickets from Grand Trunk
them? (LAYS you noticed the new acute.
fabrics we are displaying: HAVE you R
noticed the ('htracter we are putting Full information from
into our \Vinter Suite? HAve: you J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.,
noticed how well they fit? When
some of ynar friends tell you their or write J. D. MMCDONALD, Union
Butts were made by Holtzman. ex- Depot. Toronto. Ont,
*wine their clotht•s closely. Notice ,
every detain about then[. The style.
the tit. the linings, the !wish is difTer• A CHARMING fIC'l'l'ltl:.
ent. Our customers are proud of the Charming, indeed, is the beautif:ia
clothes we turn out fe•r thein, they picture entitled ' The Soul's IAwaken-
Uke to compere our clothes with other ing." given with the Pauli:). Herald
hakes. If you are not already ac- and Weekly Star. of Montr:•al, this
quainted with Our Clothes a•k some season. it is difficult to find word*
Of your friends about thein, they will to do the picture justiee It is se
badly "put you Wise" titt'' we KNO%V inspiration to look at. There is a
OW to make clothes at reasonable beautiful lea on in ibis see•et esicturr..
prices. !and every Lorne would b:• she bcttef
of n copy adorning lis walk. This
picture is 19124 cncbci .ready for
• (ranting and is absolutely free to ' LI
H. Boltz mann • and
armseb:ape 'to that greet fami e.
I and farm piper the subscription price.
(":11.1)1 TON. of which ea only one dollar a your.
A dollar could not be better epzpt-
Either picture or paper a:onc i=
w•or:h .more. The Family 11:reed
should h, k •pt busy entering newt
subscribe rs this season.
Apples dnt&I
Unlimited Quantities ' Ellmvlllo
!Mfr. Percy Cox after spending ibex»
n advanced price -cash! three t, irs eel king in ell' vicitt'ty
!of F.:inn-Eh, LI': on Tueedny to visit
paid for gotul peel- !his parents in London, England. )1.
r i )� '� tit 1111' CwitI11)•U� expects to return 'tali!'next :Trine.Thr nit, nd.erce at church Sunday
Filet on-, 1',xete1', , evening tees .mall (leine to t be very
1 we; weather.
Quite n etre,. number from th•
Exeter CannLlg Co. village noel vicinity attended the
oyster r ipt,er 0t \\'oo4him. no Fri -
8. M. Sanders, - Manager, day t•vcnine Inst, and all Fpenk its
'oud pylic a of the- ,7enrrosity and
T11R REV.i111, 11. iIiCkS :1LNir\`-• MI undid programme, presented by
AC 1'011 1910. (Itis L. O. L , of \\'oodh-im.
?lir. .loa•ph 1.1w'attrl hae a gang of
Ready .\nw•etnter 15th, 1909, a . men working en ihr i') i And Miner
p , tend year -book. on etstronomyl drains. to complete the job a his fall.
n 1 meteorology. th' only one sou- ..
wining the original ' Ilieks Wrath. rl l get tip early in lb, marninet
Forecasts." Ily nisi;. postpaid. :Seel And do nil the wnrk 1 can,
on t,Pwatatid', 30e. One copy fr 1 don't 'ike uork. bet still i think
with n ye are; subscription to W0111) Th it t'm n lucky mein.
ANI) WORKS. :he ieee 111 It. Hick- 1 feed th• horst Ili the•it• haw
Monih'y Vete 'tire. th• b ,t fele And mirk the cow ea nit '1 con
month:) is .\naeri; i. le,count nu i And r -et n meal of leaf and hero.
A'manec• ieet entifics. Ag'rts So i stn a inckc min.
vetneel. it. rat tete. •r. the gonane 1 knew n dainty etc, need d ,,
• Ilicka For, caste" are not vehesh•l and while her did Rork• oft ;hr
0(1 on) eh.r. c'ee-yon got them only1 cites
in hie con t•e.k .,tio►t•. WORD' 1 rn to <. • her twice n ,l. iv•
Crediton inspect our stock. We have never Dashwood
sheen u finer assortment, no trouble
Mr. and Jlrs. ltawe!l, Grand Mend,
to show you them w11111 r you bay
A b:wie 'rock rhootiug tournament or note A call solicited. ccalied vn friends in town on Saturday.
will 'take place at 'Clark'; hotel !to- You r3 Sincerely The 'Misses Matz, o[ ,Shipka, and
day schen two events will take place, Alonzo Hodgine . the -misses Wolfe, of 'Crediton, cpt' ut
r .he
t) tat C, Finkueiners.
%-t- l.cuu Kellerman,' and 'Milton 0,-,-
urleh trichcr spent Saturday [sit!' Mr. J.
Miss V. Dl:aaas 1s visiting friends Kellerman, London, the ::re very
in 1'rc3ton. much pleased to learn that Mr. iliel-
eties Iva Weber, is visiting in B: r- :.rutrut is greatly improv,• 1 and ex -
;in. pects to be table to come to his home
A new switch board has b.:,•n placed vebon.
in 'the telephone oflir,•. ry Slrs.o'Itln. Swcitzer, of .Crediton,
Thete('vie:s in alts Lutheran church visited with the Misses 'rowan _apt
last Sunday were o[ a patriotic, week,.
character when tie King whose Miss Maggie Neushwangcr, of
birthday was onTuesday. teas remem- Parkhill, 45 visit,ng .at 'her hen.,
bered in the prayers and meditations. here
Mrs. It. J. Donehey is tip.nding p
Klrkton few days at her borne here.
Thr voting on the by -Elle will tak_ The Misses 'Leman visited Yr:eud,
pace a tt•cek front friday and it is in Crediton on (Sunday. i
to b.• hoped the Kirkton poll, wilt Mr. 0. W. Gra)'bicl /left 'last week
even do better titan last time, when for Toronto.
every tote. with but one exception A number of young people !;pent a
was recorded for 4h.: by-law. Last very pleasant evening on .Tuesday
May the vote showed ,decisively that with 'Miss Dorothy tireetnner on etc
the too 'Ishii) of .11:auslard needs tt Goshen line.
rai:road, and the opinion is that it The Evangelical pulpit was occupied
is just as much needed little as it was last lSunday morning by Bet•. John
then. Diller.
Mr. John Sutherland has been laid Following is the report of 6. S.
up .with a severe cold. The utediciue No. 11 Stephen, • based on [•alms,
that came from St. ,Mary's seemed to held during the mottlh of October
do thin touch good. The names are 1n order of merits
Jr m. Moore tt d son Frank.left Sr. III.
Stephen; hen Jr. 111.
on Monday n[ternoon to visit with Rh3na d
Stephen, Irene
llart L
the 'f r e'a brother 1t Park cad. Zeller, tr Joseph Lafond. Sr. II. Ira
Miss Maud 'Ratchford, of Prospect, Tetreau. Olive \Villert. 'Jr. U. H.
is visiting with her ifriend Mrs. A. Lafond. Willie Stephen. Pt. •)I. .E.
Brethour this week. Lafond, Hertzel Wild, aMyrtlt• •1Vi1-
Mrs. Geo. Burton left on Thursday ler[. Pt. 11. Eddie Grebe Sam. tiro.
last for an extended visit with friends kenshirc,O 'Ito Stephan, Amos 'Step.
at Zistos el, Molesworth and other Ian, IEmra 'retreat, Ur. I't, 1. It\d lap
northern points.Lafond. GENTS' FURNISHING
Mrs. Joseph Kirk who Las been in E. Heyes, ;teacher.
the Stratford Hospital during the M
w8 weeks will be home this week. Itbeuuiatisnt promptly driven from In this line we have a large stock to choose from. Never so large as we
We trust that she may regain her the brood with .Ur. Shoop's Rheumatic)have at present.
strength speedily,. Remedy. Don't waste time with See those Nobby Ties. They are just what you should have. New stock
The arrivals front 'Manitoba flaring common remedies. A test will surely+ and up-to-date. Have you seen out• new Caps for wince►? Correct styles,.
the past week were '\ire ltoy ;ISirk, tell. In tablet or livid form Sold 1 Rood wearerF; right prices. Our Alen's department is fu)1 to the brim with
from Ilamiota : Miss Etta Fletcher,by W. S. Howey t the best goods and greatest values we ever offered,
from Winnipeg; Mr. Wm. Vickers,
from Virden. We welcome ell back
home. Cent-alia
A bail will be held In :the (Public
gHell, on by :the Friday
young Evening12th,
oftthe ins.
. The quarterly tneetirrg of the
Moth -'for tThis season.is g is The foundation of Brannized to he thet tEST i on the market today
con -
given ()diet church was held ou Sunday lest 1ting is a heavy, evenly con-
.ae• • and vicinity. Att energetic com- and it. was largely attended. The ofli- 1 densed sheet of lung fibred pure wool, Ruturated with As halt which is forced
commencing oil Olio o'clock. Tha
first event will b: for the fostl sup.
per. when ca1)1:.1 s will choose Fides.
Th, wcond event will be n t 15 blue
rocks. the shooters prc:ent so ngree
among 'themselves.
Five of our boys went to Exeter
Monday night to play :t bowline
match with a tears of 'Exeter play -
ere, 11nd although they lost put up a
good game.
The following is the ,report of the
Crediton School for the month of
11. H. Department -The standing ie
as follows. Junior Teachers -E.
Geiser 73; E. Trucmner ,64: 31.
(frown 59; G. Short 671 Ile 'EIenzle
37. Jr. Matric.-It. Bill 51: lie
Coughlin 37; E. 1110 -Murray 31, Class
Finkbeiner 101; L. Geiser 57
M. Oestreicber '47; B. Sullivan At :
A. Finkbeiner 43; L. Schroeder 31.
Class I. -Q. Hodgins 83; M. Wenzel
54: 1. Brown 51; E. Sims 48 : S.
Finkbeiner 31; P. Coughlin 24.
-a K. Illuett, 'teacher..
Division 1111 -'Class IV, Ilonors, F.
Ulnett 85; •V, Boltzmann 83; JI.
Heist 75.Pass. Ias M.
et 73
1[. Boltzmann9
to uz:e tie 3 la
L 'C rl. 60.Sr. r 111.
Honore, V. Metz 77. Pass. 1I. 'Brown
:tA Jr. ,III. Pass, 10, '0eatrekhw{c
68::I•:+. Smith 63.
Miss •liienzle, 'teacher.
Division H. -Class ,l r. III. honors,
E. Sweitzer 80. Pass, A. Sambrook
74 ; L. llaist ?4 ; IL. Bean 74 • V•
gestic 72: G. llluett 69: Y;, Lam-
port 69; V. Geiser 65: J. Wolfe 63;
hf, Nicholson 63. Sr. 11. Ilonors, A.
Geiser 77. Pass, L. Ifo:tzmnnn 71 ; 11.
Brown 165; N. Sambrook 63; E.
Wuettb 60. Jr. 'II. Pass, R. Hill
04; L. Beaver 62. Pt. IT. 'fats, I.M.
kiinr : 'M. Benedict : 1). English.
Miss Love, 'teacher.
Division I. -Class Jr. II. Honors :
0. Heist. Pass, A ,Finkbeiner: V.
Hoffmann; IM. Lawson : A. Boltz-
mann; O. Weiner. Pt. 'II. I&'ass ; R.
llaist ; L. 'Lawson. 1't. 1. Sr. Honors.
it. Brown ; 1., Sambrook. Pass. C.
iledden ; ii'. Hill ; W . Appleton ; .N.
Geiser; L. Eilber; ,G, Weiner. Pt.
I. Jr. ,Ilonors, K. llowaid: P. /Short :
L. 'Lawson. Pass. W. Snell. L.
Finkbeiner : 1\, Sweitzer ; G. Sims:
E. Heist; S. King.
Miss Stotbers. leacher.
As the cold weather has arrived you will be looking for season-
able goods to keep you comfortable. Every department is loaded
with these very goods.
Overcoats for men, youths, boys and children
Suits for men. y ouths, boys and children
Underwear for n,t.tt, youths, boys and children
Bats and Caps stir men, youths, boys and children
Mitts and Gloves for men, youths, hoys and children
Jackets for ladies, misses and children
Underwear for ladies, misses and children
Hosiery and Gloves for ladies, misses and children
Dress Goods for ladies, misses and children
Millinery for ladies, misses and children
Fur Coats for ladies and gents
Furs for ladies and [Hisses
A good line of Carpets at a reduced price
Bring along your Produce.
Siebert & Co.
Hartlelb Block. DASHWOOD
Grand Bend D6Ddrtll1dntl Storc
Don't forget that we aro still in the lead in this Department. Miss Cook
who is a first-class Milliner, will he pleased to show you her stock. and will
accept trade for same.
mittec are on [working the matter up
and are sparing no /time or trouble
to make the affair a success.
Mr. Vole. Shephard was :a Sunday
visitor tit Mr. iGeo. Burton's.
Mr. Wm. Moore disposed of his fine
driving marc "Mollie" to 'Mr. Wm.
The nnmial 'Christmas fcstiv:ti of Chappel last tt•eek, realizing ;the snug
the Methodist Sunday school still be sum of $200.
held on December •22nd. when n very
interesting program will be render- S. S. No. .4 STEPHEN
ed by 'the members of the school. Following Is the ,report of S. S.
No. 4 Stephen for October. Sr. IV.
Willie Schwarz, Otto Brown. Gordon
Cornish, Clinton Brown, .Alvin Cor -
Zion Evangelical Sunday School will
celebrate 'their 'festival as usual on
cial board meeting was held Wednes-
day evening
Miss Lillie .Elliot has been appointed
pianist and choir leader of the Metho-
dist church.
A largo number of friends of Mr, Poultry taken every Wednesdayand Thursday
and Mrs. Baker and Mise Fleeda Bak-
day eer t at th ohe f lasto leg k on hid ed ;s• at highest prices. Your Trade Solicited
into etery fibre -not merely dipped. It is heavily coatec%with time -defying,
tire -resisting Rock Crystal+ which require no painting. Brantford Roofing is
indesttuctable, pliable, water, weather, spark, acid. smoke and fire proof.
Will not rot or freeze and crack in cold weather. Call and get prices.
farewell before their removal to Exe-
ter. Mr. Wm. Anaerson was appoint-
ed chairman and a good program of
music, recitations was given. Miss
Fleeda Baker was ptest•nted with a
mss. eve. A.1 arrangements have handsome music cabaret and tuusicroll
been completed for the rendering of
nish. Sr. `III. Edna Amy, Isla 'F.ilbc r, O
Emerson Roeoz:c•r. Laving Smith. on behalf of the Sunday scool, whereA E
a cantata entitled "A Chime of oil -she hits been organist for a number ofh
ver Bells" Jr. III. Clinton Morlock Joseph
Schwarz, Eddie Cornish, Joe Broken -
The 'Ladies Aid of years. Miss Baker has always been
'the Methodist ready to assist in any goof[ cause and
church have announced their annual shire. Il. Currie Schroeder, Clara
hlorlock. Mary Wild, .Adeline\Vein, she is duly entitled to what she seesaw Mating purchased the Stole Business of
Ilazel I'reszcator, .Emerson Wein, ed. It is with deep regret that the Johns, of Farquhar, I am able to give the
Olive Cornish. Bakers leave so many of their friends,
1. II. Armstrong, leacher.
Bazaar 'to be given i he first week in
December. All who have attended
these on former occasions trill read
this announcement .with pleasure,
knowing that a great :treat is in
all who trill nttend. More Fp • 'ific
announcement will be ttnado tater. CASTOR I A
Mr. Frank Finkbeiner les bo heel
in the employ of J. 11. Boltzmann foe- For Infants and Children.
the past three years left Wednesday
morning for London where be has [lie Kind You Have Always Bought
secured n position.
Bears the
Signature of
Miss Salome and Emma 4'iemen
spent Sunday in tou ti the gtrests of
Mr. end Mrs. I)an, Sw•citzer,
Mr. J. 11.!Holt zniann repent Tuesday
last In Exeter on business.
Mr. C. Beaver and daughter Ella
visited 'the forntet•'s brother Philip
Beaver. of Dashwood, ;'Sunday lest.
Miss Cara llaist and Ella Link
spent Sunday at Dashwood visiting
[riend i.
Rev. . 11. Ilean Is at present at-
tending the enteral meeting of Board
of Control of the Young People's r\l-
:i�ince 'held at Zion church. Berlin.
Only live more [weeks kill Noris.
Get busy everybody.
\1'c ore g::td to teport that the
fami:y of Levi Stahl, u -ho have been
euerantined fortbe past three week
are improving nicely.
Master lloward Iteavcr had a std
misfortune 'Monday lost. His rnoth-
er bean;; a b=ent drotn ' li' hou. • for
a few moments he meddled with th•
tea -pat on the front of the move and
was burnt quite suriol:s:y..
etre. 1) -tit Stweic:er :.turned 1,lnte
Si;nday after spending it few days
wletting 'friends itt Dashwood.
Mr. find Mrs. fie Martin. of ?.trial.
cp tit Sunday the guests of Mr. ntid
•I r. 1'. Fainter.
'•1 •\lary ltoesz:er, 'Ali, Lint; and
Mr. i'mer, of Exete•:-, IT rat Sunday
ih • gee sts of :hiss ltocszler.
Numbers tiro storing in cider for
neat lsurnn.•r. They r vidently mnst
10' expecting :ocel option.
Mr. unit eIr.. August lit:1 spent
Sunday in Zurich visiting friends.
Mr. a. til-alin 0-:I5 in London one
day ;1st week on business.
,►sfprcab. . and Mr 11. Braun spent Sun-
da) to Zurich visiting bis brother
Mr. l f 1 r t y E is he r, M. '1'. 1'..
;tinted home after .pending few
ww•, of:a visiting frit•n,ls in the North-
fit=. E'i Street. and children, of
\ h n t. are visiting friends and
:.• atiw,s Iere for a few months.
Mr. Wt.. Wolfe spent 9uttday in
1► w ah wood.
There were no services held in thea
't.•t:iodist church Sunday morning.
on account of Iuarler;y ttervice• at'
Eh 'weer,
:•1. -sr+. C. .Densford, R. IJrintnell
and 0. Atkinson, of Exeter. epctit
S:indty In 'town.
liouse-cleaning Is the order of the
etre Ihrn •y Brown Fpeitt \iondty'
10 Exeter.
Mrs. 'McMurray and eon returned
house after .pending a few months
with her son and ,friends in Winn: -
•g. She likes the wsrst Yin•'.
II.tving sod o:It my Hors.-she-in:I
In.l l;:acksmith busineas t desire to!
thank the pubic and surrounding
-ountry for the large patronage whichl
his been given mc• ;hoe? maty years!
1 have ben doing b::Rin,•.: w;th you.f
1 wail °-tilt h:• found with my old;
friend Thomas Trevethick hsnd:ing
otic celebrated cutters and sleighs. f
AND WORKS PI ItLfSlll.\(: l:')..l Sa I .ten ;ueky min. I our 'stock sill be complete io o few
2t01 Locust St.. NI. 1•o:tis. Mo. ( bC D. badite volt call ak. It wid t n r'abow c oPo s:.nal
tour show roams and)
wbnt is Centrrll.i s loss is Exeter's snaps in
gatStaple Goods'
We are pleased to hear 'hat SI r. and
Mrs. Wm, Essery are ti•coveringfrotu
their attack of typhoid fever.
At the meeting of the \V. M. S. held 1
at the home of the Misses \Vileon,
Mrs. N. Baker, who watt a valued
member of that hcciely. was present-
rs. N. Baker from our vill
ed with a handsome gold pin. Deep
aegret is expressed at the temoval of.
\1t•. - -_
i sge.
general public
Boots & Shoes, Groceries,
Oils, Etc., Etc.
( l
and respectfully, solicit the patronage
and many NEW ONES. believe I can satisfy you.
Come and see.
of the old