Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 4SHE EXETER TIMES, NOV. 110 1909.
it not only loses flavor but it taker on new ones,
such as kerosene, molasses, onions, coffee, soap,
etc., to say nothing c,f its exposure to sun,
dust, dirt and air. To overcome this
sold in sealed lead packets -never in bulk
t4 i, No. G USBORND
The 'following 13 tthe ;report for G.
IS. No. 5 L'.sborne for tthe month of
October. Sr. 1\'. honors; Rufus
Nestle, Pass: !Emma Fisher, Vera
Itlloodie. Elmer Jtel•'alls, Jr. III.
Pass; 1,1faggie Moodie, Garnet .Me-
Fa)ls 6r. 91. Honors; Thelma Ford.
Orby .Kest!,•. Pass; Harold Moir,
Ferrol Higgins.. Jr. 11. Pass; Al-
bert 'Bolter. 1't. 11. ,Pass; Gordon
Perkins, Cita riie 1; rout. • Pt. .1.
Boors; 'Charlie 'Fisher, Mae ford,
Amy' Fisher. E. L. 1McPberson,
Stewed Oysters
Not oyster stew. if you please 1 It
was never called that in the old times
and a dou't believe it bas the name
applied tto it of the South, even now.
Add it half-pint of lot ;water to the
li;nor drained from two quartsof oy-
sters. rut tt little salt 'and pepper
with it, tsc•t set over fire and let boil
up once.. Turn in the oysters and lel
them cook for mot more than five min-
utes or until the gills begin +to crimp
[Watch carefully for :this ptage, us ev-
ery second beyond it means injury
to .tht flavor of the oyster. Add two
tablespoonfuls of butter and a largo
cupful of boiling milk. Take from
the fire imm.diatcly and serve as soon
possible, Never let them Mand at
the back of the stove to keep warm
unless you prefer them tough and
Children Cry
As touching the imminent necessity
for un amendment to th t Assessment
Act along the line as proposed to
grant municipalities the right to low-
er the rates upon business assesment
and improvement and raise the rate
upon land values, we vote from the
leading editorial of the World. Oct.
"Spirally are heard from the flukes
of; Young street. Assessment Commis-
sioner 'hormen has driven them into a
"There is nothing radical in the tax-
ation of Yoeng street property. The
assesAnent department made a care-
ful sandy of the situation, and is no
doubt prepared to produce the eviden-
ce if repaired in cases of nppeal. It
is notorious that leases recently fattest
ia i:tee been renewed at heavy advan-
ce . One rase is mentioned where fi6,.
;00 was changed to $17,00(7, Ie the
city io derive he advantage from Stith
nn enhancement. or are the people
who do not own Young street prop-
erty to pay the relater part of the
taxes of loose who Clot"
The; sounds very good, but As a mat-
ter of fact the 'dukes are not sweat-
ing on 4he contrary they are ;patto
busy raising the rent. to meet the in-
creasttd assessment. The spneals are
corning from the tenants, who are be-
ing crushed between the ,raised rent
on tit one hand and .the raised assess-
ment on the other. Obviously. the,
on:y remedy is to lower the rate on
business assessment and improvements
and raise the rut,• on the land. cis:
th dukes wt ill,c'uritin,i • to ;:rk • it all
out of shy struggling tenant.
1'or any case
lessneaa, weak
dyspe•p''ie, t t y
I'Ills. Relief ra
mndicine in ins
of nervousness, sleep -
et oniach. indigent ion,
Co ri er's Lit 1 le Liver
sure. The only nerve
V. M. C. A.
A I'iiy.ic.i1 Training institute for
the ben fit of the young men nt the
h ads: of ill- Plcysienl d)cpartments of
'the :%ssoc•i,tions of Huron and Muer'
%tell h, h. !d in Stratford. :Nov. ',12.
'Th. i .• wi,1 b • 'throe Iu'ssiowt. fore,
noon. nGurnoon and .evening, ar:d the
principal r- ',a kers will be 'Mr. Crock -
sr... •er. Iary of lira/Mord Y. N.C. A.
t'. Brent. forriter'y Physical
Die for of Loudon rind '1r• 1••t:,•tt-
tin I'hv•ie11 Dirt clot of Sira[foe!.
Tie -11 f tthe rhouldi (e• we!I ;ilron-
17. ;t , ; 11 • 1'hy:iral 4) pertmcnt 1.•ad-
er -. u I :1; • training and hutr;c scions
r ,• 1 .,t it rhouid 4i:' very •h •ipful
to .1• young rn: n in 'their work in
tte Aesoci,Iions during the
coming winter.
Toe 1•. .'J. C. A. 4 %-;Ingelical ee • e-
ine-. condi.ried by \Ir. 'Masan .:e i
r. F: online for the post four te. el;.
ID the ('aunt). ret Huron. have 'tee
were gratifying ri;cress. Thirty-
five men rind boys have decided to 1) -
eat 'the 'Christi:in life as n result of
thie work. a great many here 1
1 tickencd and arousal to;treat.
and effort in 4h,td1'sti
u i
forty 5 o r! men Slave come,
theniseh, a to I'ersoi1.11 JtV.111,: ', .r
for ell• cumin;; winter. illi. Jt,
by his earuest11 ss in ;fie •fit 1.1 -
work. hi • wtn;''1b n is h en •
,;;long Fri', neon God. lied Li o, c
fill tylenking. his Stirred Ith • Cho s
li:tn life of the county es perhaps no
other person has ever stirred it ; he
hes made a great many personal
friends during his brief May in the
county; and he and 'the good work
done by 'the Master ;through him will
long be rcmemoered in 'IbiroH.
It is so difficult to strengthen a
weak ;stomach if one goes et it cor-
rectly. And this is true of ithe ,Eleart
and kidneys. The o:d fasbioued way
of dost ing the stomach or stimulating
the heart or kidneys is purely wrong.
1)r. Shoop first pointed out this error.
"Go to the wreak or ailing nerves of
organ. Las its controlling or "inside
nerve". When (these nerves fail then
those organs must surely falter. This
vital truth is leading druggists every-
where to dispense and recommend Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. 'A few days test
wiil surely tell ! Sold by t,v. S.
I lower.
(Too late for last wreck.)
The anniversary held hera on Sun-
day and Monday of last week was a
grand success and two large audiences
listened to inspiring and powerful ad-
dresses by Rev. Mr. Moorehouse, of
Birr. The fowl supper on Monday
evening was a delight to all who at-
tended and the program of speeches,
singing and recitations was very en-
tertaining. The proceeds were very
satisfactory indeed.
Quite a number attended the oyster
supper at Woodham, given by the Or-
angemen on the evening of Nov. 5tb,
anti ail enjoyed the music by the Lon-
don Harpers.
Several of the boys who went west
during the past summer have return-
ed home and report having enjoyed
their trip.
Mr. Christopher McCarthy has se-
cured a position i i Winnipeg.
Miss Verde Squires spent Sunday in
Exeter with friends.
Mr. Walter Ballantyne, of Stratford
and Miss Ethel Millon, of Lucan visit-
ed here on Sunday.
Tickling, ;tight Coughs can be surely
and 'quickly loosened with a prescrip-
tion Druggists are dispensing every-
where as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy.
And it is so very, very different than
common cough remedies. No opium,
no chloroform, absolutely nothing
harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves
of n harmless. lung healing mountain-
ous shrub, gives the curative proper-
ties 'to Dr. Shoop's Remedy. Those
leaves have the power to calm the
most distressing Cough and to soothe
and Leal the most s.nsetive bronchial'
membrane. Mothers should, for safe-
ty's sake alone, always demand Dr.
Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom
be given to even the youngest babes
Test it for yourself and see 1 Sold by
W. S. +Ilow•ey:
The 'following figures relating to
r.ome of the post offices in Huron
county nre from lhe report of the
postmaster general 'for 'the last fis- 1
cal year ending, March eilst, 1909.
('red i tou
Muth wnod
Fat guitar
Oi'derich .. .
Grand Bend
St Joseph.
Seam th t' 1
Varna. r •1••.•
Crediton East
(I reenwvay
l nrnudale
Mt. Carmel
Stamm-. . .
Thames Mond
Mi„ Youiil has returned from .Kin-
cardin,•, twhcr.t she was siur_ing !or
severtl a eks.
I', ter Jlrinn b is r, turned (raja
au sits nsiv.• trip to ,the Pacific Coast
Miss Ethel Fulton, after .t visit
with friends in lJ:eriow and Detroit,
has returned how
Mr. nod °Mrs. McMartin, of Barrie,
were 111,•1%..! last week visiting reli-
t i ve'L
31isv Doily Dicksun, of ;Exeter, vis-
ited tele tires here last week.
Mrs. Kendrick. a hose maiden ,tame
was Bella lionthron. died here on
Saturday, October 30th after a pro-
tracted ilinees which elle bore with
great resignation and christian forti-
tude. She was the daughter of Jas.
ltonthron and was born on ;the end
Con., of -fay. A few years ago sh•e
WAS married to alr. 'Kt ndrick and
;vent to Tort Huron 'to reside. As
her husband was employed on One of
the lake boats, she came here after
her illness had become pronounced
and remained ;oath b.•r ,(cath. Ow-
ing 'to difficulty in .reaching Mr.
J endrick, be did ;tot nrrive here un-
til ►Thursday, the funeral eal:ing plat.,
that afternoon.
.An old 'resident of Tuckersmitb
passed to the great beyond on Monday
November 1st, in the person of Mrs.
John Stewart. She had ;reached the
grand old age of 87 years. All ttho
knew her speak in the .highest terms
of her kindly disposition, both at
home and abroad. The funeral (took
place w'edn:sday afternoon, to Hen-
sall Union Cemetery, raid was at-
tended by a large number.
A heavy crop 'turning ,the tide of
capital Into the crural .districts is
indicated by an unfailing btromeeer,
a deluge of new flotations. Ontario
wheat, worth wwel1 over a dollar in
the country, Manitoba wheat upon the
carne basis, cattle and all classes of
farm produce selling at abnormal
prices, mean the piling vp of funds
for 'the 'time in tthe small centres.
Comes 'the promoter stow scenting
from afar the rich feast. He appears
on •the side lines with glittering scrip
purporting 'to represent enterprises
in every field of commercial endeavor.
Innumerable mines in tthe 'far west,
unheard-of inventions in mechanicai
and electrical contrivances are ex-
ploited in every ;small town. rand
thousands of dollars go into these
crazy ventures, while safe and sound
investments go begging sit l:he very
doors of the subscribers
Kafir Greeting.
"Sake bona" are the first words a
stranger learns of the Kaffir vocabula-
ry. The expression Is the comtnon
form of salutation used by the natives,
and its literal translation is, "I see
you." It 1s considered n mark of re-
spect not to give the greeting Immedi-
ately, the delay showing the reverence
in which the native holds his visitor.
Experience Contribution.
Poetic Friend -Some one says a baby
in tho house Is a wellspring of joy.
Exasperated Young Parent -Well, don't
you believe It. As an clement of en-
joyment a baby. to the house is a
screarnlog farce.
A Regular Storni Period is centr:1
on 'the 18th. falling at the culmination
of ,he 'Mercury period which is cen-
tral on 'the 17th. The Venus period
will also be at its maximum strength
about this time. From 'Tuesday the
loth. to Sunday the 20th. is a time
of vast storm probabilities. especially
on 'the oceans and Ih. great Lakes.
This is a period itt '. Welt 1loreas will
make a stubborn fightfor domination
in most pi rts of the northern hernis-
$ Gyri 16 8 :Bu's! phere. Foley blizzards of mote end
1.770.:3:3 77,eg!Cet n. ed trot surprise lacy reader of
511.71 2521 Ilk se ;or, casts in north lull nurth-
:t ooa 1031 wrest before the fine! witality of t his
O.:MS, 70 2,1311
81l,05 :182
581.1:3 2111
81).1.41 50
3.•24353 1,1:311
2'3)i) ( 111
0.&;101) 3,121
310.87 172
1,691.71 7:31)
112 113 51
5,567 75 2,1)82
•11237 224
1,x;32 53 439
80.45 '3N
130.00 53
163.5(1 (its
253.11) INT
27 'l5
16 In
131 25
lit U:r
9 Cured by Lydia E. Pick'
8. S. No. 12 1'SItO1tN i?
Seheol report for October of t'4. N.
No. 12 !'shame 'for 'the monde -V.
Wm. 1lodg on 121: Gordon Morley
t. ;:r. I\'. Hilton Ogden '211 ; \lyrtle
r: 1 , i r • 1 R7 ; Verde 'Morley 118 : George
1i7 neve thinning 121. Sr..
1•t1. r 1
.unnini( 196; l4rthur Mc-
(' lay ISS ; Nelson fi'tare 105 • Clara
.'.t t -'•y 161; Earl Hodgson 155. dr.
1.i. :rol.n Wile:itlan 212 ; Melville
11. Cele% Wi!tner
greoks 267; Minnie .Mliileon 2:11;
1:"sie Gunning 211: •l'atrick McGee
12e. (fiver Wee; : ehion, te::chrr.
for Codsand Cou hsg
Trouble with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some
chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just
these cases-rlycr's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor lino\';s
all :tbuut it. Ask hits what he thinks of it. No medicine -
can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in c10 e
touch 1'.•!i'1 him, consult him frducnt1y, trust hint fully..
No alcohol in this cough medicine. j. C': -(7-c ,Zoiiv-i iLla»s:
A)•ee's Pills. Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Act directly on the liver. Gently taxa -
1f•' e. Dote, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about there
ham's Vegetable Compote !l • i
MAnt.TON, N .J. -I feel that Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound leas
given file new life.
1 suffered for ten
years with serious
female troubles, in.
llamntation, Weer-
atiou, indigestion,
a n (1
could not sleep.
Doctors gave mo
rip, as they said ray
troubles were
chronic. I was in
despair,nnd(lid not
r ter lived
(antwh tl I !;ve
(or died, ;when 1 read about Lydia E.
I'inkhani's Vegetable Compound; i;o I
began to take it, and am well again and
relieved of all my suffering." -Mrs.
Citentois .loi:iv, Ina 40, .1artton,
Lydia E. i'inkhatn's Vegetable Cern-
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm-
ful drugs, and to -day holds tiro reconl
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thonsandsof voluntarytestimonialsare
on tile itt the I'inkh;un laboratory at
Lynn, \la'o, from women who have
been cured from almost every forth of
fen1ale complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceretion, displacement a, tibrnid tumors,
irregularities, periotic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering Won.111 owes it to her-
self to give Lydia 1:. Ylnkham's
table Cornpfsund a trial.
if you would like spceia) advice
shoat your ease write :b confiden-
tial letter to 'fret. I'hikllatn, at
Lynn, Mums. Her advice is free,
and always helpful.
The Hind Ycu Have Always Bought, and w11ieht Las been
in use for over 30 dears, has borne tho signature of
turd has been made under his per -
Sonat supervision shwa its infancy.
• • Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ''Just -a, -rood" arc but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o1:'
Infants and Chlldreu-Esperienec ttgaiti:.t Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
Contains neither Opitun, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. 1 t destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures I)Lu•1•hoea and Wind
Cone. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure; Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate;; the
Stomach and Bowels, giving !healthy anti natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
storm period. These storms will be
followed closely by it rushing high
barometer out of the northwest,
causing high gales and unseasonable
cold ko push rapidly far into the eouth
and east. Many heavy ocean 'norms
will be encountered, both on :the At-
lantic and 'Pacific, during •(Itis •and
other November periods. Make it
your business' to watch the 4clegraph-
io 'reports from land andt`ea, through
all this part of ;the month, and see
if this forecast is not verified to a
degrt•: out of tthe ordinary. If your
farm and orchard and garden pro-
ducts are not safely housed before
these iMid-November, Venus storms,
you will suffer great 'discomfort find
heavy loss. The sailors who dare ko
brave khe open lakes will do so at
the peril of 'their (hips and ,lives.
Ask your maritime friends to retake
a note of this "gentle reminder."
Children Ory
Weekly Globe
From now till January
1st, 1911, for
$1 .60
• J,
-T t--
I• r
.. i
C. lit:
.e -tai,,. ---7.1
gtr..:=1"jrV ltlir>it it
�%a`g.1•.E _,l•_
it 1.
et, 1
To Your Children
"CROWN BRA ND SYRIA"' i; a foot; not only for
children but for ..'v,•:-yone-and it is used by everyone.
It is a table delicacy which should be in every home.
it is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets
which all healthy children and most adults have.
Uskd its the home, it saves trouble itt the making up
of delicious desserts and other good things to cat.
"CROWN (BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest possible
parity in table syrup. it is prepared in a clean wholesome manner
(tont the very finest ingrc.tiet6s, which develop a delicious
flavor as of fine honey and rich cream.
Thee me strong rca+ons why you should insist on having
Your dealer hook ler you is 2. 5. Matta 20 It, sit -tight tin, with 1k -of kb.
The FAhtartisburg Starch Co., Milted
weak•: CA it1/IN'Ai.,O't. o;-:ire,.liir\l•R)i'1..To'te'':T,tt': errsNTt'•r!0
1 The lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up)
=3 600.000.00
$ 3.600.000.00
lies ;65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities 1u the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
•//NNNNNNNM•••Nw•oo••••••••NNNHNNo • a •
HEAD orris , Torrom', 1'sl'wiil 'sun') 1861
B. E. WALKER, President ; Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0(1Q
ALEXANDER LAIR1>, General Manage! 1?E Ser VC Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and t pv::trds are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or
more persons and withdrawals made by any
one of them or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
ilranoh also at Crediton.
111011 6rc Plans
fire a Pleasure to their
We have sold and are selling a great
many high class pianos and our num-
erous satisfied customers is the strong
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the beat that
.he best Piano makers produce and
our prices are right.
Do not he too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from th'
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and in some cases trashy goods
at big prices.
Call and see Us
and pe convinced that what we say
we live up to.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member o'
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D
D, 8„ Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street -EXETER.
W. • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
versify. office and residoneuce. Donitnion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Tr R. Bright, M. D., N.C. P. and
•8., honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Of ' e
and residence, Dr. Antos' old sten•
rew Street, Exeter.
S. MrUo & Son M
tl6rG's Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c, per hundred
Iron from 60c. to 75c. per hun.
Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. Ib.
Copper and brass Dc. per lb.
Horse hair 30c. per It>.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per 1h.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great, variety of IRON
PiI'N:;dways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, tracing bonlevarding.
M. Jackson & Sons
SHHOPS'S 01111e ConQdion Norid WesI
Any {.•'Non who ie the sole herd
of a Iatuil,t, or any male over 1t
years o:'l may homestead a quarter
seCtoni of available Dominion land to
Jlanitobn, Saskatchewan, or Albert a
'I't.c applicant Wiest appear in permit 1
fit the Dominion I.in,ls Agency or
Sub -agency for the district, Slimy to
proxy may be had et the agency, oc
certain conditions, by [at her, motile'
eon. daughter, brother. or sister or
DuUi .s •-Stx months r t cnoa up,
and cultivation of the land in earl
of three years. A homesteader m't)
live within nine miles of Lis home-
stead on a 'farm of at lenst tiO acre.
solely owned and occupied by hitn or
his father, mother, eon, daughte'
brother or sister.
in certain districts a ltontestea Irl
in goo) standing truly pr. -erupt 1
quarter section alongside his home.
stead. Priest, 1z3. per acre. Ihttic•-
Jtuet retele six months Meech of els
years from date of homestead entry
(including the time required to care`
hotnestead patent) and cultivts.
fifty acres extra.
A hotnestender who has exhausted
his homestead r.tlit and cannot ore
tain a pre-emption may take a par•
chneed hotneatead in certain district'.
Price $3. per acre. 1/Wires-Meet
reside six menthe in each of the••.
tears, Cultivate fifty ncres and erste
n house wore h $300.0'1
w, w. noel,
Dern 'y of the Minister of the interfere
N. n.-rnanthorite,i pnl,tiestlee of this adveethe
rent will not he paid for
We have unlimited private funds for [nesse
`onenpon farm or village rroperyyat lowest
reboot [ntierees.
- - - /teeter
Ituristes 6otloltors, Notaries, Convey atseers
Commis& nen, Solicitors for the Melees.
Hank, Etc.
Slow to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
S. CARUSO LS. inane, '
We bare a large amount of private funds
a� oonnfaLe
farm t.
village properties at lowrs
Barristers Solicitor-, Dish, rt. Exeter •
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at lowest rates.
North West lands fur Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
?he Usborne aiul Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -,1. L. RUSSELL.
Vice -President -W. 11. PASSMORS
DI Ris Ci'Olts,
Wm. ROY,
13O1Nnf,L)1 P. 0
Vit. llnocx WIN( I1r:1.eEA P, 0.
T. ItyAN, LUIiLtN P. 0.
JOHN ESSERY, Fxt•ter. agent Pelf
liaborne and 13illdulph,
OLIVER IHAllltly, Munro, agent
for Ilib1ort, Fulfil tot, and Logao.
Secy.Treas. Fa I ( L 1 s
OLADMAN & HT/.NPI IHY. 'i.:iciton
Weak Kidney
Week 1 ! tneyy,, sorely point to weak ki.tn"y
Nero -4. The Kidneys. like t11e:Heart. an 1 the
Stomach. fin] their vvenkn.•,.,, not hi the organ
itself. but In the nerwe, that eorurnt and
an•I strengthen than. Dr. Bhoop'a Itestorat,w .,s
• me•lirin•) spertacally prrpar.d to r.verh
controlling nerves. To donor the Rtdncy, a;.. ,.,
'atonic. It Is n waste of time. and of moot; a..
If your bark arh,-s or It weak, tf the fir ,••
maid, orismarka'el stroi>U.Ifyou h.teesem rt,•. -u
of Wight( or other dtstre?arig of danp•rons t- 1.
nep disease. try Dr. Shoop's It,t.Qorwtiven nu;n1.1,-
Tab1.44 or LI•nitd- 1.r. 1 see what ft ran and twlL
do for you. Druggist recommend and sell
Dr. Shoop s