Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 3DarfOGO•rameSCfeaarcooesIBEMIK004110 YOUNt FOLKS �ooOpOas00000elaoo4 THE HUNTER. Ever since Robbie Evans was old meuhh to tease for the story of 'Jack, the Giant -Killer," he had santelo something Nhieh other toys o his age could not du. He dinged to do some great deed of bravery, that would make his fain - Ila very proud of him. When ho was seven years old Un- tie haul gave hint a new, shiny ted bow gun, and ho thought the lithe had come for action. Ile did not expect to kill a giant —Uncle Sam saki there were none; that is, any wild ones. But he ctid think ho might shoat a panther, or possibly a gorilla. He ;tti sure if he looked about care- fully ar -fully he could find some wonderful Hanle. So he proudly shouldered the new, red bow gun, took half a doz- Pr. of the very sharpest -pointed ar- rows, and started over the hill to the poplar grove. The leaves had turned from green to yellow, and how black the old pine stumps looked through them! How strange it seemed! The rustling carpet of dried yellow leaves was not half as pretty as the loft grass and moss that covered the ground in summer, and he could not find even one bunchberry to tell of the starry white blossoms tf the spring -tithe. ''If I could only kill a panther now—no, I mean. if I could only tee one, course I could kill it if 1 found it," thought brave Robbie. Then, as he stepped over a fallen log, an animal sprang up with a terrible hiss. His heart stood still and he leaked at the crouching animal. The eyes blazed, and were fastened upon him in apparent anger or ter- ro r. "It's just the color Uncle Sam said that cougar was nut West," Robbie thought, with a look at its sleek coat, "and it's got a head just like a cat, 0 dear! But it's too big for a cat, 0 dear me !" Poor Robbie! e Hews a notq pito so brave now. He stopped just long enong!' to tee that the animal did not mean to run away, then dropped his new, red bow gun end ran! Three things he was quite sure of eiclosely—,he at the animal was following him could hear its feet pat ng over the dry leavos,'thnt the home aero was so long before that ho w•antc(1 to see his mo . e readied the top of the hill a and fairly flew• down the nese• Whitt a long tithe it took t( h th' orchaid, where John wag t g the fall apples. )h John! O mother!" ho gasp and then— e-i-ow•! \!e-i•ow• :',\•here did you find :Nine .Mary', cat ? She will be so glad:" cried mother. "Is—is that her eat?" panted Robbie. "Of course it is. There isn't an - ether cat like him in Maine. See nhat a beautiful yellow coat he has. He is the largest pussy I ever law," and mother took him in her arms to find a basket to send him hr .\ int Mary. , • l think he is big," answered ltr.bbie, truthfully, "but I never r knew cuts were that color." His voice was beginning to he steady again. And then he AI ked slowly back nr tint the new. red bow gun. and he sat on the fallen log a while to 'bink about it.—Youth's Compan- ion. E:\Irby:SS LIKED DOGS. Late Empress how ager of Chino Mined liar Pugs. The late empress dowager of China was fond of dogs and owned some l eautiful Pekinese pugs and kind of Skye terrier. The pugs •ed with the greatest care and re wonderfully intelligent ani- anl it is said that the King spaniels were bred from �t ('hinese pugs brought to 1'. The empress dowager had s of dogs, but two especial tes. One was of the Skye and most clever at tricks, ly- dead" at his mistress' coal- ' never moving an inch un - c him. Her other chief a fawn colored Pekinese. ug named . hadza (fool), for as !)upI)y he was not easily taught! tricks. The palace dogs are kept in beautiful building, with nta►ble I floors; the: have silken cushions to` sleep on and special attendants, They have regular i Noelle and re- gular baths, and there are hundreds r dugs. The fashionable Chinese' at one time was the "steely" ,g. but the race is slowly dying art, as the empress dowager dis- iked them. She hated the idea! that these tiny creatures were stun- ted in their growth by being fed on' tweets and wine. It is an interest• Ing and eurious tact that this re- markable woman. who is supposed Is. have never bee:, : eayed by ten - the feelings, used to remark that the "could not understand animals be;ng defurtne') at man's pleas ire." 1' REBUILDING THE WHOLE BODY That is the Constant Business of ,the Blood. And That is Why a Blood Making Tonic Will Make the Body Wi;11 and Kesp it So. Pure, red blood is the vital prin• deal of life, for upon it the tissa. i of the body live. It goes practical ly to every part of the body, car- ry ing nourishment and oxygen, tak• ing up the wastes and so changing tltenl that they can be cast out of the body. As our every act resulre in the breaking down of some , f the tissues and the formation of waste materials, the body is in constant state of change. T maintain health, strength and li the blood must be pure in order t replace these tissues with plent ct fresh nourishment and rid th b(,dy of its waste material. Men and women who are ru down will find Dr. Williams' Pin fills the best tonic for their con clition because these Pills are certain blood -builder and purifier They enable the blood to meet th unusual demands of the body an give perfect health. We offer th case of Mrs. John Harman, of Wel Land, Ont., as a proof of the grca power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill over diseases. Mrs. Harman says:— "For several years I lived a life o pain and misery, and even now a I recall that illness it seems awfu to contemplate. The trouble bega with weakness and loss of appetite This was followed by headaches an emaciation. At times I had violen palpation of the heart and short cess of breath, finally I was coin pletely prostrated. I as su hag gard that my friends hardly knew me, and I often thought my )as hour had come. My suffering would follow me into the region o dreams with such distinctness that often tire. n g I would c' of ld at .ikc 1' • r- nsllwc iel and cl shaking hale n with. sobs, shiver- ing g o and scarcely able to realize that 1 had been but dreaming. The best ef- forts of three doctors at different times failed to help mc. Then I was urged to try Dr. Williams' Pin!; Pills. Within one month I felt a distinct improvement, and after using eleven boxes I was again in the full possession of health and strength. Several years have now elapsed since this illness and as I have constantly enjoyed the best of health I am warranted in saying that the cure is permanent." Dr. Williams' fink Pills should be used in all diseases caused by thin, watery or impure blood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, stomach trouble, the after effects of la- rippe and fevers, neuralgia, head- ches and the various ailments ommon to women and growing irls. These fills are sold by all iedicine dealers or sent by nail t f0 cents a box or six boxes for' 250 by The Dr. Williams' Medi - hie Co., Brockville, Ont. ganized and maintained for the pros !THROW AWAY ALL 1 paying teecrence to the stir- 1`1} [ it of C'oufucius• YOUR FEARS The furnace in the Chinatown which r• • Iv every largo city in the Unite.i • •s harbors is generally a brick, e,weu like structure about five feet high. Opposite it on the wall there will usually be an in- scription of the character of the following: "The spirits of our an- cestors are pleased that we keep sacred the writings uf oar couu- try," The society of 3fon War Sher — club of the beautiful writing—is made up in each ease of the prom- inent denizens of Chinatown, who support. it by voluntary subscrip- tion, which pay the salaries of the keeper and his assistant _'tom SCHOOL PRIZES IN FRANCE. 'Their 1)isivibation ii an 'Interest- ing Affair. The close of school in France is a made the occasion of a splendid o function—the distribution of prizes, fe At. the present time schools close on o the eve of the national fete, July y lith, instead of dragging their nes- e sion to the very last day of the month, as was formerly the custom. n At the distribution of prizes of a k lycee, or public school, in Paris, _ there is an orchestra, and officials a of the government and of the Uni- . versity of France fora) an imposing e sort of chorus about the central (1 figure of the occasion—some !ant- e • ens elan chosen to make the ore- - t ion. t 1f, as is frequently the case, the s t o►•ator of the day is an Acadernicien! 1:c wears the wonderful green and f Hack uniform of his rank, and ear- s' ries himself in such a distinguish - 1 eel manner as to look much 111010 n' than the fortieth part of immortal- .; ity which his official dignity de- ' i notes. t In the great schools of Paris the - number of students is immense, As- - senlbled for the distribution of prix- - es, the schools themselves present v an impressive spectacle. A darc'o !part are in the uniforms of the in- ternes,—boarders,--a11 arc intlnacu- . lately attired, wearing white gloves and the, fineness of French intellee- tual fibre e causes this mass ofyouth to exhibit characteristics of distinc- tion sometimes lacking in similar ! assemblages of English youth. In the actual distribution of prir- the fam1 • s frit r t t s f g a c g 11 a $ WHERE WRITING 1S SACRED, in China all Lettere and Wade )'aper are Laid Ailey. The Chinese point of view is often surprising to the Western mind, and therefore interesting. For ex- ample, they )told every scrap of writing to be sacred, no matter, what the characters express --the merest commercial message or advertise- ment included. Since Confucius used those eharncters to teach his wisdom, they are holy. in the average Chinese commu- nity, all letters and waste paper are laid away in a clean receptacle• to await the cellcetor, aim appears at regular interval» to transfer the waste papers to the sacred furnace. if the papers are burned hy, the Chinese in their own hones, the ashes of the sacred writings would mingle with the ashes of wood and other fuel, and the ashes of ('id - nese writings are as sacred as the writing itself. The ashes from the sacred fur• niters are placed in sacks, the sacks are conveyer) by wagons to the sea, and there, in a boat, ere carried nut where the tide runs swift and �i pedtothew•a- e s p , s. strong rfl • the French, has pretty manifesta- tic n. When the boar's name has t been called and his award designat- ed, ed, he goes to the stage. He then 1 has the privilege of indicating the q person from whom he would like to receive his prize. He may, if he f will, select the great Academieien, t BACKACHE. GR.t1•I:i. .t I If Ilia tt t'i 1SU VANISH lit:. FORE DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS. ICOMPARED. Little \Villie—"Say, pa, did you ever sec a mummy i'' Pa—''Yes, my son." Willie—"What did it i-'clt like''' \D Pa—"Like a dried apple on a large scalp, my son." Proved Once Again In the ('ase Mrs. Fred Krieger, Who Suffered From the Worst Forms of hitiney Disease. Palmer Rapids, Ont., Nov. 1. — (Special).—The thousands of Cana- dians who live in daily terror of those terrible forms of Kidney Dis- ease known as Backache, Gravel and Rheumatism, will be deeply in- terested in the story of Mrs. Fred Krieger, of this place. "I was for years a great suffer- er from Kidney Disease, Gravel, Rheumatism and Backache," Mrs. Krieger states. "It all started through a cold, but I got so my head ached, I was nervous, my limbs were heavy, I hat! a drag- ging sensation across my loins, and I was totally unfit to do anything. "Reading about wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to buy some. After using a few I found they were doing me good and this encourage;) me to continuo their use. Eight boxes made me well, "1 have been able to do my owe work ever since and to -day 1 am completely cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me health and I feel like a new woman." If you keep your Kidneys stroag and healthy you can never have Backache, Rheumatism or Graval Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to make the Kidneys strong and well. DOGGED BY ILL -LUCK. Passenger (as the ship is sinking) —"Captain, is there no hope — no hope whatever?" Captain—"Tone at all, my man; no hope at all." Passenger—"Hang lay luck ! And T wouldn't eat any cucumbers for dinner because I was afraid of in- digestion!" It Lays � Stilling Hand , ( on Pain. I1 —For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumbago, Dr. Thomas' Eefee- tric Oil is without a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and t quickly and permanently relieves he affected part. Its value lies in t� magic property of removing pain porn the body, and for that good utility it is prized. Boy (t1 tramp)—"Don't you get earfully tired of duin' nothin', mis- er ?" Tramp—"Terrible! But never complains. Everybody has heir t roubles." CURED IN ONE MONTH. If every woman, who 11:), Kid,.ey or Bladder Trouble, could g., to Davibville, of Oct . and talk to Mrs. A. Simisou, they would ilo Just as silo did --take Gin Pills acid cure themselves. For 14 or 15 years. I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble, suffering at times in- tense pain. I doctored continually b nothing gave me permanent relief until was persuaded to try Gin Yills. within couple of days. 1 received great relief. a after taking one hoz. I was complete • who then, with his illustrious hands, will deliver to the boy his prize, saying a few gracious words to him, and probably kissing him on both cheeks. On many instances, however, the boy ignot•es his opportunity to se- cure something like immortalization for himself, and chooses to receive his prize at the hands of his mo- ther. He then turns his back upon the mayor, the faculty of the Uni- versity of France, and upon the Practically n11 Canadian drugs gists. grocers and general dealers eetl Wilson's Fly Pada. If your storekeeper docs not, ask hint why. ENDORSED. A well-known general tells how, n one occasion, finding himself tort of cash, he drew a cheque for .'5 to the order of his old servant, nd sent him over to the bank to get it cashed. The servant handed it in, and the cashier examined it. "'You will have to endorse this," he remarked, as ho pushed the cheque back. The soldier stared. ' • \\•hat for r' lie asked. "Well, I cannot pay the money unless you do,"' replied the clerk. "Where shall I endorse it ?" ask- ed the servant. "There," replied '.he clerk, as he pointed to the back- of the cheque. The soldier took the pen, and se rote as follows: "1 beg to say that 1 have known General --- for several years. and he has proved himself, tines with- out number, to be as brave as a lion. lint always kindly (•onsiderato towards all who serve under Ilial. And 1 hese, therefore, great plea- sure ul to»pecthllly endorsing his eque.—James --" 'Doctor," said the patient, who tl been ailing for a long time, e frank with use. Why do you nand such a large fee for cutting my appendix ?" "Well. the th is," explained the frank ,1f.1 ''when 1 remove that appendix •art off my chief source of rev - Academie franeaise, and descends $ to the audience n ith his professor a at his heels bearing his prize. There the prize is finally bestow- ed upon hint by his norther, who embraces him before all the people. ++++++++++++++++++++4+ • SAFETY FOR CIIII.I)lU N. *Mot he -s should never give + + their little ones n medicine • that they do not know 1., be + ♦+ absolutely safe and harmless. + ♦ The so-called soothing medi- 1 4 eines contain opiates that + stupifv the child without cur 4 4 ing it; ailments. :\n of er + dose of these medicines may • kill the child. Baby's Own iTahlets is the only child's medicine that gives the ino- + they the guarantee of a gow• eminent analyst that it con • tains no poisenuus opiate or f harmful drug. The Tablets fcure constipation. inrliges• ♦ tion, wind colic, diarrhoea, ♦ dest my worms. l,reak up 1 voids. and stake teething Parr. 501(1 by all medicine It dealers or by mail at '23 cent s a box from The llr. tVillianig' Medicine ('o., Brock%ille, Ont. + +++++++++++++++++++++ F 1 \t)T[11\(} 111-'f '!'H1: TRUTH. ('imnsel "1 ineist on yeilr so 1 con ,� es, The boat, 4 known as a Mon War haat, beton}(.. . to the Men .\nr Sher. which in a lodge with branches everyuhere, or I`.*? 1; \0. 15 O. ch + + ' hit del out ton D., Ic treating the corr.ersation in full, ft is for the jury. net yon. to decide what part of it is unimportant. Now 1 want to know every word spoken in yens inter%iew with Mr. Jones. Reluctant \\ ttnes --"1 have told you evert tleing important." "\o, that is not enough. Repeat every word or I shall appeal to the ('onrt to force you to do so•" -Well, since you insist, 1 dos t mind telling you that he said, 'Brown, there is nnth;n•t in t17, business that Um ashamed of in t)'e least, but if any wret' lied little 1:a9 bag of a two -by -three, gimlet -excel hire er, with a half -ounce of brains and sieteee pounds of jaw. r %er bother': you about it. you can teli him the whole story.' " .nue. 11'OMMA\'S TR IDE SCHOOL. Anstrian Women Will Learn Femin- ine Handicrafts, To increase the skill of girls and women who have to earn their own tieing the Austrian ministry of pub- lic works is establishing a female trade school. It will cover all kind, of feminine handicrafts, such as needlework and e►ubreidery of all kinds, dressmaking, millinery, mak- ing artificial flow%-er and feathers. designing work in gold, silver and pearl embroidery, laundry work, art clothes cleaning and many other 1 branches of women's work. Tho a project includes a general technical 1dschool, ateliers, special courses of • write National Drug & ('hcmical Co., (Dept. W L) Toronto. for free sample. "Did I hear somebody in this crowd say I was a liar?" bluster- ed the village bully, approaching a groupof rnen h 1 t, thought t g rt he knew. "Where's the guilty party 1" "Maybe it was me," quietly re- joined a husky stranger, who mea- sured fully 6 feet, and looked to be stronger than an ox, as he pull- ed off his coat and proceeded to roll up his sleeves. "Oh, that's all right," continued the bully, as he hurriedly backed away. "Keep your clothes on ; I didn't say 1 wasn't." Worms derange the whole sys- tem. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. "I say, do you think that Wig- gins is a man to be trusted?" "Trusted? --Yes rather! Wity, I'd trust hint with my life!" "Yes; ; but with anything of value, I mean." It every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly fads freely during the Summer months the house fly {peril would soon be a thing of the past. Jones—"Did yon deliver my mes- sage to Mr. Smith?" Johnny -- "No, sir. His office was locked." Jr. — .. , nes 11 ell why n v did t you of wai ) t fcr hien as told ld rot ? ) Johnny y --"There was a note on the door sawing, 'Return at once,' so I came back." --- A --A Cure for Rheumatism. --A pain- ful and persistent form of theume- tisnl is caused by impurities in the blood, the result of defective action cf the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the introduction of uric acid, which causes much pain in the tissues and in the joints. Par•rnelee's Vegetable Pills aro known to have effected niany re- markable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of then) will convince anyone of their value. First Stranger —"1 say, that's my umbrella you have!" Second Stran- ger --"I don't doubt it, sir—I don't doubt it! ! bought it. at a patvn- broker's." Mrs. Robert E. Peary. more than nine rears ago, favorably commented no Marino Family for yEveter its Troublesprrc ultingion i her Measles and Scarlet Fever. and later re- commended to the famous Explorer, the Nan who now returns dome nw the Discov erer of the North Pole. old, Cutting Winds and Dust cause Bpd, Weak. Watery Eyes. Murine Eye Remedy affords Re. liable Relief. write Marini. Evc Remedy Co., Chicago., for Illustrated Fre Hooks. M`A urine, c., by Mail trout All Druggists. No man can be Lord Mayor of London without the sanction of the Sovereign. The veto, however, has not been exercised since the time of the Stuarts. A lady w• to retnow•o branch, by Corn Cure.' it have the rites: "I was enabled the corns, root and the use of Holloway's ' Others who have tried same experience. 'This bill for $500 is altogether too high," said the client. "But didn't I prove you were insane and get you acquitted r' responded the laws per. "Yes, you did; but you haven't proved that 1 am insane enough to pay this bill yet." ('hat )ton--"lfoww did you enjoy yourself at firs. Hamilton's last night ('ynicus—"First rate. There wasn't it song err recitation sprung on us during the entire ev- ening. ' instructioa and evening classes. Tho school will be open to girls of 14 and upward who have passed through the ordinary elementary schools. It will bo divided into spe- cial departments for each kind of occupation and will aims ut giving a good foundation knowledge of each kind of work, while at the salve time general education will be continued, combined with instruc- tion in household managam-rt. �-- A Pill that Proves Its Value.— Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main tain the healthful action of the sto- mach and the liver, irregularities in which are most distressing. Dys- peptics are well acquainted with thein and value thein at their pro- per worth. They have afforded re- lief when ether preparations have failed, and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where other medicines were found unavail- ing. PUZZLING. Gunner --"There is always some- thing interesting in the sight of a wo►nan hanging on a man's strong arta-" Guyer—"Yes, it is always puz- zling to know if it is really affee tion or if she is trying to make him feel foolish." _M^_ It is an undisputed fact that one packet of 11'llsoe's Fly Pads has actually killed a I1. hc l of house files. Forlunr.lely no such quantity can ever be found In a well kept house, but whether they he fete or Many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill theta all. LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cured hlr, G. D. Col well, of \\'a: kerri le, Ont, wassui•kea duwa with La Col pe in 19()6 and it left tum is very bad cond.tion_ ) is says: 1 eras allot.) down and bordering on Consumption. 1 could nut sleep at n ghb, Lad awL I sweats, and coughed nearly the bele time. Thu is how I wart when 1 ixgan to take Psycbiae, in a low oerwow state ; but from the first b tt'e 1 Legere to improve. It did marvels kr me and trcught inc back t , heath in no time, mak.ng a new man of me. it fortifies Ilea body againt the stacks of La Grippe and is a sure pre. ventat.,e. 1 always take Psyching if 1 feed a cord coming on and a puts axe right is leo time... r+1() HOMr SHOULD r.E WITHOUT P3YCHINE fug gala kr al priggish aa4 Declare, fee. Ail pr bode. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM UNITED, TORONTO PRONOUNCED 51 -KEEN FOR SALE. ess ONO BOOK 1'A FAVORITE h, -.':(.v, ► words, m(Iat; Ten cents. Artl•ur Rice. Granby. Que. AGENTS WANTED. -- WANTED— AND Gl5NL1*A�' Agents—Liberal contracts to gooto4 men t apply by letter. Continental Life Insurance Company. Toronto. Correa- pondence confidenttat. EDUCATIONAL ABOYD-s SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 161 • Yonge St.Toronto, prepares corn. peterlt atenographera in 30 days by the BOYD SYL-LA.141C bYs't'EM. Positions) ss. cured. Write for catalogue. STOCKS. IVO INVI:S'TORS---Your orders to buy or 1 sell Cobalt or other Stocks wi11 re- ceive my personal attention. Cobalt and Clow (Lauda Mining Claims for rale or ex- change. S. M. Mathews, Broker, 43 Scott St., Toronto. L`IANCER, Tumors. Lntnps, etc. totem:o 4j and external, cured without pain by pup home treatment. wrlteus before leo late. Br: Belhnan Medical Co., Ltd., Collingsuod, Out. Your Overcoats and filet Sults would rook bettor died. 111 .:..... n/ ours to tour town, write dmeat°ICatn.,', r.,;.A. British American Dyeing Co. Cash log iu�Ney feoil���s \We buy Wing and Tail Turkey • Feathcre \\'rite for prices. jt. W. Nelson & Co., Toronto, Orf. Interrogator—"Didn't you almost freeze when the scoundrels robbed TyPE�T " e` a Bargain priccq $,S to $GS, (ali make.) taken in exchange for Model to and 1 Remingtons. Many of thcae maciance show little use. Remington Typewriter Company, Ltmttsd. 114 n,1 511(I,Ll. TUBUN f(, LEARNEARN gess and �htntio Cutting, Fittingr eiiiieviwwweeiew•� and Putting Together ,by mail in year s -arc tinto at home, ,on Cash or Instalu:cnt flan. A1I thinking of taking a course thi winter write fur free particulars at an early date, Address 'Sanders' Dress Cutting Schcof SI Eris SL, 1ttratf.•n1, Ont trio, Canada. you, there in the :,now. and then stripped you of most of your gar- ments 1" Itecent Victim—"No. You see, they kept rae carefully covered with their revolvers all tilt time." Itickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used according to directions it will break the most persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend it to those familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use, the ad- vice is—try Bieklc's Syrup. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to adrerti-ere. SYMPATIHETIC. "What are you crying about, dear 1" inquired t sympathetic hus- band. "Oh, George, the trice have got into the pantry and eaten up a beautiful custard pie I made my- self :" "There, there, my dear, don't cry over a few little trice :'' was the doubtfully complimentary rejoin der. nit Cowl err., Avid raw,tvittg.sr ALL Alit:s L an cuuitr weer, nue le "obtue l through, Or emtTore f Ota 1th at Pains ore Tyro tt, I•'Imbags. 1o',th so Neuralria. E• iat3 n,, wenrnut.la. Tonsil Ms.lodau4'00'-nl1 or the {t,oetoMia, M ' . Itow tele or Lnags, 1 r.tlLpe. fire Sf a..c.e►. or Paine d any •� 14.a4. uses �. Haanay's Ready Reiter. SON\�1�.L SOLID GOLD WATCH PUZZLE O•rtElT OTTER BY A RESPONSIBLE P1Ar. IT COI'rtl YOU NOTHING TO TRT. Se asp ern -,n •E+ ran sats it Ik ture0e1 'AWN M (brae two well ►noon terms andcoadltic•o ►r:,,., we.4.4- r+.lr,Jar 1.011) q {OLID COLD wares, ec',yte•eaed 41•ngl:r' Gnreniment Stamped) as • rasa gat. tattier wattles are pre.ea red In Gears., a0te1 roar etNrnrt ea a about of piper le peas W41) rtaopil 0ed•nro4 'every* for r.ply. to ritstws 0 co.. i'cyu:. Watt/ Arad sato Pi/ tln,h.• Lretand tV., •Inner 14 regs,14 to par, tor, 0 Cl.,, from to to sear w 15 w.tek 73. ea ,. of $A14 p,psr moat De 00(0.44. Inca mewl • :ass 'memo is wrra- Mr 11 11 •t•,.rdt.:0FA. .itosd,Tort otv.. A .1 Eartc.,t-. s• on1 fate. 41.•Itn40 Fruit Growers ! LISTEN. 11 yon are Intrienoe1 n. ing 1,. Tntonto nn N•'r, r , Iltanlilth 1 n t w . .. Tho rr f ru tae ) t ( en' A til n 1+h.1dingIts Flit ielb 4n 44,03 Gomv.nllo', in tae 1.•mp's nuthttnl. Practical addrotees ea all foot. by prof, J l,n Craig. Cornell L's:terr!tr, 1(e,r Veal : 0. K. Falvey. WnellIeld New Tera ( t• 1: I1s,rett. Fe:tnell:e. Ili+htgnn : J H. Corttoll, Neu burgh N. 1' , and twenty at uur 141O10s144110 goo n ora. SPECIAL SIR0LE rasa IACURSIORS Oa ALL RAILWAYS. Exhibition of ApnIrs Irrgett 1- Canada, le eluding Or•raa and Dalin) Bated !tend p • - . 1 .t nun« r r 1..: pn.,rram • t. P. W. mo t,t.+, de ;relit 1• •, .l.)i 3 1 , Out of the 1."7,0.001.r (• t, , Ptindir•tIl.t.'!h'.It1 the w.. r1.1. , fl 0,OO(l . , I. 1 ; 11:Innd. Kindly torturer) the r;11nr of paper In llriling to advertisers. MACJSTRATE SPEAKS FOR ZAM•BUK Magistrate l'er•y, of (,uidhe ds, B.C., believes in making a bnod thing kn.•wr„ Writing of Zam•Buis, the greai h.•uteh•,!d airn, he says:—"After a very fair trial I have proved Zam-HHuk eminently satisfacory. In my we it cured a skin ra=h of eve fcars' scan 1i wg whish no doctor bit been able to do any gond or. 1 worts i certainty encourage any person to keep 7.am•L'uk In his home." The nwgistrate quite right. Every borne needs Jam -$ark' Unrgi.tIe far cuts, burns, bo,iscs, eczema, blood fo!snning and all skin Aaeaeea. AN stores arid druggists sell it at so cents a bor. Sure sure for piles. DONT NECLECT THAT SORE! A Chicago roan has just died from blood poison- ing arising from neglect of a small sore. Don't neglect a cut, a patch of eczema, or an open sore of any kind. The air is fall of poison germs, waiting to start up their es il results in neglected sores, wound.), etc. in /.am•Huk is safety. 'Lam• Bak Is so high; antiseptic that appliedto any 'kindness.. or injury 11 makes blood poisoning lm• possible. in using Sam•Buk you have three processes going on at once for bins -Bak is healing soothing and aatiset.'ic. Try it without delay. A GENUINE OFFER. TEST ZA2M-13U1t AT OUR EXPENSE! We appreciate the position !atm l y the man et woman %h•t ways :—'• if your preperati in is what you claim, you i',•,uld bare no objection to letting us try it before spending our money sin it," To ever y'•croon taking this view we say, send one cent stamp (te pay stood postage) and name and elate of this paper to lam-ftulc Co., 'Toronto, and we wit! mail you a (tee trial br a orf/arrl•Bu':, 7am•$.1k is pu:e'y herhat, suitable Ice thede'iata skin of little cbilJren, )ct poser'.:: enough to heal.openIc sores o1ffor l,n t yeasj,h' standing. Ali Jr l ei+t• and storm, Soo. per heves