Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 2ACCONTS OF THE DOMINION
Receipts and Expenditures for the Past
Fiscal Year.
A despatch front Ottawa says: risme ship channel, $904,919; int -
The public accounts blue book for i p,'ovements at St. Andrew's Rapids
near Winnipeg, $300.023.
the past fiscal year was issued on The total capital expenditure on
Qrednosduy. The main figure, ofrut:itia was $1.243.071.
the receipts and depend:tures were The principal items in the total
made public some two months ago, for railway subsidiee were :---Cana-
shoe ing
--Ca na-
sieoeing a total revenue of $45,093,- dian Northern Ontario Railway,
401, and an expenditure on consoli- $556.8e4; International Railway
dated fund aceount of $84,064.232, Company of New Itruswiek, $159,.
Waving a surplus of $1,029,171. The 819; Grand Trunk Pacific, $367,_'49,
tutu' capital expenditure was $42,- Atlantic & Northwestern Railway
093,160. Expenditure for railway Company, $186,600
subsidies wast $1,785,887, and the to- Iron and steel bounties totalled
tal bounties paid amounted to $2,- $1,864,614 ; lead bounties, 8807,433,
467,306. The net debt at the close and bounties on crude petroleum,
of the fiscal year was 13323,9;'.0e:79, $260,693.
pt an increase of $15,969,419 during At the close of the fiscal year the
the twelve months. deposits in postoflice and Govern -
Details of the above revenue and ment savings banks amounted to
expenditure aro shown in the blue $59,t138,920, a decrease of $2,64.2,231
book as follows :-Of a total capital as compared with March 31, 1903.
expenditure of $35,816,181 on rail- The average rate of interest paid
ways. $24,852,351 were spent ou on the gross debt for the year was
construction of the National Trans- 2.42, as compared with 2.63 in the
continental Railway, $3,87.4,480 on previous year, and the net rate of
improvements' to roadbed and roll- interest fell from 2.21 to 1.95.
fug stock on the Intercolonial Hail- The total revs lite of the Inter -
way ; $561,200 on the Prince Ed- colonial Railway for the last fiscal
ward Wand Railway $9.2,427 on a year was $8,527,069. and the oper-
survey of the Hudson's Bay Rail- attng expenses totalled $9,328,0.21,
way, and $6,121.781 in assuming the leaving a deficit of $800,952. The
Indebtedness of the Quehee Bridge revenue from the passenger traffic
Company. On canal., tli:• total ea- totalled $2,489,034; from freight
vital expenditure was $1,873,868, of traffic, $5,429,624, and from mails
Which a rule over one million was and express, $350,478. This year,
on the new Trent. Canal under the new hoard of manage -
Public works expenditure charged ment, with improving traffic condi-
to capital account totalled $2,839,- tions and with savings effected by
e9:1; the principal items being, Vic- recent reforms, it is hoped a net
toria Memorial Museum at Ottawa, betterment in the finances for the
$376,s67; Port Arthur and Fort road will show that the period of
William harbors, $197,836; Quebec annually recurring deficits has been
h.trbor, $287,325; River St. Law- ended.
Three of 'Them on New York's
Board of Eduealinn.
A despatch from New York says:
ds one of the few important official
acts which fall to Mayor George B.
McClellan before his six years' ad-
ministration closes on December 31
he appointed on Wednesday three
women to the Board of Education,
and thereby conceded one of the
principal demands of women suff-
rage organizations. It is the first
time in more than a quarter of n
century that women have gained
representation on the Board of Edu-
ca•i•nt, and the news, heralded
through womeie's suffrage ranks nn
Wednesday night, was welcomed
n+ a victory. in 1331 Mayor \William
R. arace first recognized woolen's
rights to be repro•ented on the
Board of Education and appointed
two members. Mayor McClellan
went one better than the precedent.
Feel of English 1ria1or at
t.tt't'ENINGS Fkt)al ALL OVER
lelegrr.pale Briefs From Oar OKs
sad Other Countries al
keeeat Eveata.
Additional rich finds of gold in
Whitney township are reported.
The Government will build a $1.-
500,000 floating dock at Prince Ru-
Mr. J. A. McCurdy made success
ful flights with Baddeck No. 2 near
B d' k N Thursday.
Pricer of Cattle, Grata, Cheese
Other Dairy Produce at
Homeland Abroad.
Toronto, Nov. 9. -Flour -- On-
tario wheat 90 per cont. patents,
$4.30 to *1.35 in buyers' sacks on
track, Toronto, and $1.15 to $1.20
outside in buyers' sacks. Manito-
ba flour, first patents, $:,.6u on
track, Toronto; second patents. $5.-
10 to $5.20, and strong bakers', $1.
��----- --- - -- GIRLTFROM B0111IE SCOTLAND
- _--- 111:11 RINKS AND itlt t ES.
Tragic Event on Henderson Avenue
Toronto, the Other Night.
.1 despatch from Toronto says : bring tumid I,i•lieg in Miss Tuck -
Enraged because, it is alleged, she et's home at 8y5 Queen street west.
had tried to take his sweetheart I Supported by her companions, the
away from hint, George A. Neilson, I wounded girl was taken to the vi-
a young man living at 737 King lice of 1)r. W. A. McFall at 163
street west, on Thursday night Beatrice street, and front there re-
shot and seriously injured Esther moved to her home. 1)rs. Clutter-
Hazell of 15 Henderson street, a buck and Wagner wore also called
%%bat Is Going On in the Ili:;hlaniis
and Lew lauds of Auld
There are 6,7e3 children under 17
in invernoss. .+`
There are 272 cntriee at the ca-
nary show in Glasgow recently.
It has been resolved to continue
the High ,School Cadet corps of
nineteen -year-old girl. firing three in, and the three physicians pre bat .1} resl►iro's spurn
bullets into her back and arms as fol the bullets. One was located tium uf the Scottish
a u.c on to 85 on track, Toronto. she walked along a few Laces iii the girl's left arm, but the other is $110,505.
Port :Arthur ratepayers carried 90 Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern, ahead. The shooting took place ton, one in her right hip and an -About $5,000 of damage was done
the hydro -electric power by-law by $1 0a, Bay poi.tK, and No. 2 huttli 'Clinton!',che corner of Henderson and other in her richt shoulder, c:,uld by fire in Dempster Gurdeny, Inoue•
a vote of nearly three to one. ern, $1.00,,, Bay' ports. iStreets, !a stool>'a throw I not be reached. The wound in the ne.a
Tho Mayor of Berlin informs the Ontario wheat -No. 2 mtxcd, $1.
Bureau of Labor that there is a 03 ton ariot outside, and No. 2 ,*1.- with a moan into the r f g feared r' sari.
shortage of labor in certain lines, and red \\-tutee, 81.01 to $1.03 out-
both skilled and unskilled, in his
the alloca-
education fund
from the girl's house. As the girl lop is the only one that may prove It is proposed to establish bur -
ams o dangerous, as itis itmay s in the \Vest of Scotland Ag -
her escort, Neilson, who was walk-' have penetrated the abdomen. The rieulturul ('allege.
ing with his sweetheart, Miss Alma i girl was taken to Grace Hosp'tal Nine of the twenty torpedo boat,
in the police ambelance after the at- destroyers ordered by the admiral -
tempts made at her house to extract ty are to be built on the Clyde.
the bullets bad failed. Miss Hazell i Several hundred pounds of dam-
dia not lose consicousness. age was done by fire in the rope -
works on Old Glamis road, Dun -
The Dominion Government is
making an arrangement with the
city of Ottawa to increase tho im-
provement grant from $60.000 to
$100,000 a year, and allow $15,000
a year for mun'cipal services, the
city to waive the taxation of civil
servants' incomee.
Battle Over German Fortress Last-
ed Three (lours.
A despatch from Berlin says:
The military aerostats, which are
carrying on a series of manoeuvres
at Cologne, on Tuesday night had
an aerial sham fight, the first in the
history of aviation. The battle
lasted for three hours. The ma-
chines circled above the famous
fortress of Ehrenbreitstein, which
was illuminated with searchlights,
staking feint attacks and then re-
treating to escape the fire of special
anti -airship guns. Nothing simu-
lating explosives was dropped, but
thc Zeppelin airship threw over a
bunch of greetings.
_eq.- --
Fifty Awards Made by Commission
-One Recipient a Canadian.
A despatch from Pittsburg says:
With the regular fall meeting of
the Carnegie Hero Fund Commis-
sion on 11'edne,day came the re-
warding of fifty persons through-
out this country and Canada for
.1 despatch from Mournrelon, acts of bravery and illustrious con-
Fraeee. says : Henry Farman. the duct called to the attention of the
Legis'' aviator, en Wednesday won commission during the past three
the \ii»helin ('up, beating all Hero- months. One award went to a ('a -
plane reeerds for durntion and (lis- ! nadian, Bertha ilattenbury, C'har-
1ance. He covered a little over 239 lottctown. All the others
kdoi ietros (111 m'les) in four hours were to persons in the United
air minutes surd 2.3 seconds. The Stites. :Approximately $33,000, 23
previous best record was made by silver and 27 bronze medals were
Ferman at Bethany aviation field, awarded by the action of to -day's
inetn' ,. in August last, w L.•n ho meeting of the commission. Of the
won the (;rand Prix de la ( ham- fifty heroic acts approved, fourteen
pagne, travelling 130 kilometres of the persons responsible for them
(111.7`4 neile:s) in three hours four ,net their deaths Lt these cases
minutes 5G 2-5 seconds. next of kin received the swards.
side- Tucker turned and ran down teen -
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 53 to 59c ,
outsididee,. and No. 3 extra 56 to 57c ton and into lane. He
outswas captured by Detectaive Moffatt
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white new, and Tipton about two hours later,
37 to 38c outside. New Canada \Vest
oats, 39 to 391/,c for No. 2, and 33
to 38'yc for No. 3, Bay ports.
Peas -86 to 87c outside.
Rye -No. 2, 74e outside.
Buckwheat -55 to 56c outside.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow C9
The House of Commons passed to_69',;c on track. Toronto.
the finance bill on its third reading ran -x21 in hugs, and shorts
on Thursday by a vast majority. $23.50 to 2121 in bags.
The Duchess of Marlborough took
the occasion of the annual London
Flower Show to glorify women who
"act" instead of "talk."
A mother and four children were
Apples -$2 to $3 per barrel, ac-
cording to quality.
Beans -$1.60 to $1.75 per bush-
el at outside points.
lienee• -Combs, dozen, $2.2a to
burned to death at Pittsburg. q;; extracted, )0;._•c per lb.
New York will celebrate the pas- Ilav-No. 1 timothy, $13.50 to
sing of the old year by an aviation $16.50 a ton nn track here, and No.
meet. 2 at $14 to $1.1.50.
Fifty Italian laborers were rob Straw -$8.50 to $9.50. McIsaae, Chris. Davis, Williambed by four armed bandits near White, John Smithery and J. Mc
Paterson, Paterson, N. J. Potatoes --500 to 55c per bag on
track for Ontnrios' Donald. Davis and 1lclsaac both
The United States Government Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 11 to
12c per lb. ; fowl, 9 to IOc ; turkeys,
had fractures of the leg or ankles.
refused to be drawn into the Cook- •
Peary polar controversy. 17 to 18c per lb.; ducks, lb., 11 to Al, are doing nicely except Davis,
School children in a Cleveland 12c; geese, 10 to ] lc per lb. who, it is feared, is internally in -
high school went nn strike because,jured. _
afternoon sessions were unposed. THE DAIRY MARKETS. ____ 4.-
Noran Hubert of Toronto cam- SHOT BY COMRADE'S GIN.
milted suicide at Pittsburg, Ila., be- Butter -Pound prints 22 to 22'zie ; _-
cause of his inability to secure cin- tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c; in Engineer Billed While Hunting in
ployment. ferior, 17 to 19c; creamery, 96 to New Ontario.
The United States Tariff Board 27e. and solids, 24 to 25c per lb.
views Canada as the most difficult Eggs -Case lots, 23 to 29c per A despatch from North Bay says:
problem to solve, and fears a tar:ff dozen for fresh, and 26 to 1•27e for Rogibenert erW,illiaofmChDiahckileneu, , a
w('. P. cctli.
war, according to the official or-, storage. enas a
gan of the Republican party. Cheese- 12ise per Ib. for large, deerhuntingnear\Pogum d while
The National Geographic Society and 12%c for twins. g'
o( the Unite.! States has passed up -the C. P. R., 135 miles west of
.,n Commander 1'eary's' report , of HOG PRODt1CTS, fron►hthe Basun of a co y. The dent c,tt being
the discovery of thePole, and will Bneot-Long clear, 14% to 14.c troth on the ground, a twig catch -
award hint a gold 'well]. per Ib. in ease iota ; moss pork, 820 ing the trigger, and the contents
Thc Court of Appeals of the Dis- to 526.50: short cut, $27.50. entering Dickie, back, causing al -
le ict of Columbia affirmed the judo Hams -Light to medium, 1:, t" most instant death. Deceased was
meat of the Supreme Court of the tGe; do., heavy, 14 to 1 tt�c; rolls' 3ci years of nge, and leaves a widow
district adjudging S eruct Gornpers, IV!, to 15c ; shoulders. 19'4 to, 13e and four chiuldren.
John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, lucks. 19 to 20c; breakfast bacon, r
all officers of the American Federa- 1/t,= tto 1°c. , WOE FOR GlCHEWERS.tion of Labor, guilty of cnnt.empt of ; bard_ -Tierces, 15';c; tubs, 15; e ; -
court in disobeying en injunctioif. ' pails, 153-,;c. __ Exhaustion of Chicle May Force
:1 despatch from City of 1lexico
from 83 to $4.65 for the better
grades; common cows ran from
$1.50 to $2.75. Stockers and feed-
ers, $4.50 for the choicer sort. Milk-
ers and springers steady and un-
changed. Sheep continue steady.
Lambs, $5.50. Hogs, $7.50 to 87.-
60 f.o.b., and $7.75 fed and watered.
--1'- ---
Five Miners Fall 11'ilh ('age - Only
Two Seriously Injured.
,1 despatch from Cobalt says:
Five minors in the Temiskamiug
Mine had a miraculous escape from
death by falling down the main
shaft in the cage on Thursday morn-
ing while going on duty. The
names of the men were: Claude
Two Foreigners Get Away With Over
Fourteen Thousand Dollars.
KINGLET' FEES TO DOCTORS. 1 decj,nro died in Edinburgh rocontr
Large Sums Sometimes Paid for ly, M1'. Alex. Robb, late chief ticket
Their Services. inspector, Highland Railway.
At. Stirling the winter season is
The doctor who attended I foretold by the "nippy" mornings
"Lucky" Baldwin, the California { and evenings and the fall of the
millionaire mine -owner, has just I leaf.
presented a hill amounting to $100, A draft of 150 officers and men
of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal
`cots left Edinburgh recently for
An ornamental guard railing is
be a record one. at last to be put up on Dean
King Edward's health has cost a Bridge, Edinburgh, to prevent atti-
hngo sunt. When, as Prince of
Wales, ho was seriously ill some
years ago, Dr. William Jenner at-
tended him for four weeks and re-
ceived a fee of $50,000. Another
$50,000 was paid to Sir Wiliam
Gull for his attendance on the King been promised towards the exten-
during his serious illness from ty- sten of Stirling Royal Infirmary.
phoid in 1871, while the physicians to 0,000 is, however, aimed at.
who at•tend•od him during his se- The King has approved of the Fife
vere illness in tho coronation year and Forfar and Kincardineshire
received fees amounting to $100, units of Royal Field Artillery being
000• disbanded.
The famous Professor Zaekerine, A ,nyateriuus murder case has o0
of Moscow, received from the fa carred in Musselburgh. The hod,/
Cher of tho present Emperor of greatly decomposed, was found in
days' attendance. Sir Morell Mac-
kenzie received $100,000 for a few The old bell of Elderslie has
weeks' attendance on the late Em- been stolen. For about 200 years
peror Frederick of Germany ; and j'it.hung above the old porch aen-
Queen Victoria's doctors' in her trance to the stable.
last illness, received about $10,000 At Renfrew recently Provost Fer-
each. 'sun laid the memorial stone of
Some time ago Dir. • �\ . K. Van- g
derbilt, the American millionaire, the now police buildings. They a
requested his physician Co accom- to cost $30.000.
pany hire on a voyage. The doe The site of R. Napier & Sons of
tor hesitated, and remarked khat shipbuilding yard near Govan wa
a exposed recently at $150,000, b
v did not sell.
Montrose town council has
six weeks' trip and pay all his other �liuned the postmaster go
expenses. against any restrictions as ti
Blind 1)r. Cato. of Bristol, Eng -day traffec at the post oflico.
land, was paid the stun of $250 An alteration has been a
for curing the diseased knee of a al Leith Old Dock. The wall, rc t c
wealthy gentleman. Senator Ma- was laid down 100 years ago, has
gee paid I)r. Browning the stupes- been heightened and the causeway
dour fee of $1,000,000 -undoubtedly relaid.
the largest- fee on re.eord. The Adntir�tl Sir Charles Campbell
late Shah of Persia paid Dr. Gale- visited G%tsgow recently, when he
zowski. of Paris. $25,000 for cur- interviewed\\ number of prontin-
ing his son of an affection of the eat local sutsyx.rters of the forth
eve • Dr. Frank Billings claimed and Clyde Ship . Canal scheme.
$25,0,10 for seen days' attendance
Miss Wilson S;vtith, a new Per-
on Marshall Field, the Chicago wic•kshire lady, fess accomplished
merchant prince.
the ascent of Ben Meveis in 1 hour
The doctors who attended the 51 minutes, beating i ie best previ-
late President McKinley after he ons record by a l�dy��iy 8% min
was shot at Buffalo nresented the Utes.
(united States with bills to the total Bibliographies are being ' prepar-
a'nount. of $42,520. ed of Robert Burns, Allan 1(':snisay,
and Robert Ferguson. The Il,ihlio-
graphy of Burns has been a it:ag-
i3ORD Pi•:NTLAND FOR CANADA i►►g the attention of Mr. J. C
ing of Glasgow.
Persistently Repnrlcd That He will The members of the Scuttisl
Succeed Furl Grey. ronautical Society eliciee head
A despatch from London Rays: It. tors are in Glasgow, held t
first kilo flying Jcmunstrati
000 for professional attendance over
a period of twelve years. Even
should the Courts uphold his claim,
this sum, large as it is, would not
Thc murderer of Prince Ito willMontreal, Nov. 9. -Old crop oats,
be placed on trial at Seoul. , No. 2 Canadian Western. 42% to says: 'Woe is in store for the guru
The Italian Government has de -1 43e ; new crop oats. No. 2 Canadian chewer. His favorite delicacy is
tided to construct a fleet of dirt - Western, 41! to 42c; No. 2 baric:, threatened with extinction, accord-
gibles. GG to 67c; Manitoba feed barley, int: to Franklin Canning, an officer
Naval stores worth millions of 52 to 53e : buckwheat. 57,',. to 54:...'. "' t•he American Chicle Company.
minks have been stolen from Ger Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat pat - Os` ing to the great detnand, the
mon shipyard.:. 1 encs. firsts. $5.70: do., second', chicle growers of Yucata' have been
,1n aviator at hamburg, C,er- $5 29; Winter wheat patents, $5.50 tapping the trees ton often, and as
many, made n thrilling descent in
lo $5.60; Manitoba strong bakers', I a reealt the trees nrc hying de-
s burning
rate. Unlees new
'iye sailors, rn tt iscrepnrted, were do straight. rollers, 5 .50 0. 8:,.25;1 chicle forests;itate dise.ove ed Yuca-
1dn., in bags, ,• 2,10 to$g2.; Feed- -
killed and eaten by cannibals on the Ontario bran. $21 to $22; du., mid- tan will have no chicle to export in
r alty Islands.
(troops in Nicaragua
filings, 1833.50 to $21; J(nnitobn it few years.
bran, $21: do., shorts, $23 to $21;
have inflicted it crushing defeat on -
; pure ,nonillo. $32 to 4133 ; mixed A BLOW TO BEEF TRUST.
the insurgent forces'. mouille, *25 to $27. ('hecse-\\'.at-
A shortage of chewing gum is etas ll!, to 11,',;, and easterns 11 Coed Cargo of Iteef Reaches Lon -
Drying to the destruction to 11„c. Butter -Finest creamery, don From Australia.
of chicle trees in Yucatan. 23'4 to 21c. Eggs -Selected stock,
-,f,---..� 27 to 2Sc, and No. 1 candled 25. to
2?c per dozen.
cides there.
Mr. A. H. Gibson, Manchester.
has been appointed to the .hair of
engineering in Dundee University
Twenty-five thousar'd dollars has
tete or
A despatch from Niagara Falls, money, which was in bills front the
Dat . says: A murderous assault local banks, lay on the counter, al-
ae I robbery was committed on ready wrapped and sealed for ship-
Tlsi,r,cLty night, when two men se- ment, and the cashier was about to
verily wounded the cashier of the take it out to the express inessen-
Canadian Express Company and got Fir on the waiting train. Two
away with over el 1,60.1. Entering foreign -looking sten canis into the
the Canadian Express office at 5 office and asked for a trunk. The
o'clock, the two peen asked the name they gave was a foreign -
cashier, William Dobson, fur a sounding one, and Dobson asked
trunk, and while he was looking them to repeat. it. One man did so,
through the books stunned hits with and the cashier bent down to get
a loaded gas pipe and decamped, his delivery book to see if the name
taking with them a package con- near entered. As he stooped down
t-rining $11,iG9. The assault took on. of the men struck hits n teirible
Colace jest tee the 4.55 Grand 'riunk blow un the back of the head, split -
train um waiting to pull nut. Thc t'ng his skull and rendering him un -
express messenger on the train ask- conscious. 1 minute later R. B.
ed for the package of mosey and Brown. who bad been attending to
the discovery of the wounded man the shipment of express parcels,
wa, made when R. B. Brown, agent found the cushier lying on the
for the company went into the of- floor. The package of money was
five to find the cause of the delay. gone. Thc police were immediate-
Debson was lying on the Boor in a ly on the scene, but no trace et the
pool of blood. A big gash in the robbers could be found. Thr•'e ar-
back of the head was the grim cvi- rests have icon made, but th:' poli. e
dense of the severity of the ntteek, de not think they have got the right
and a piece of loaded gas pipe eight men. Two then who partially an -
inches long. wrapped nith manta- sw•ered the description of the rob -
tion tape, the neaten' with which bers were arrested at Ilatii 1tun,
hr was attacked, lay beanie him. but the: nre thought to be inn
, -
When the assault to.,k place the cent of the crime.
Discovered Not More '1'hnn Fifty Dlinneapolis, No. 9. -Wheat -
Miles From Victoria. Dec., $1.00 to $1.0314; May, $1.- "theEarl Crewe. o II,►noe of 4. J. Rullrwrll. of Arlie
/' from danger of being throttled
the Colonies, will be appointed, perfif 8. 3. Nothing Savedrlie
A despatch from Victoria, 13. C., Ol% to 81.01' i ; cash, No. 1 hard, by the American beef trust." 1 revs• Vmen)), c f ind'n
says: Rich placer diggings, not fifty $1.02% to $1.02%; No. 1 Northern, I
utiles from \'icl•.ria-diggings front $1.02 to 81.04; No. 2 Northern, $1.-
which coarse gold, in grains like 00 to $1.00%; No. 3 Northern, 94%
wheat, with oceisional little nug- to 09%e. Flour -First patents $5.-
gcts is being taken --are reported. 30 to $5.10; second patents, $5.10
The mining field will be shipping its to $5.20; first clears, $4.45 to $4.-
elern-up to Victoria banks' in the 65: second clears, $'1.20 to $3.40.
course of the next six months, re- Bran --In 100 Ib. sacks. $19 50. Railway ailway Contractor M. B. Buffalo; Nov. 9. -Wheat --Spring
C'nrlin. The camp is at Soitbrio, wheat. unsettled: No. 1 Northern,'1 ;
River, it nsysterions stream midway car lots, store, $1.0 ; Winter,
between the Jordan and the San lower; No. 2 red, $1.31; No. 2
Juan, which debouches into an un- white, $1.22. Corn -higher; No. ::
explored cavern of Titanic rnagni- yellow, 66',..,/e; No. 4 yellow, GGc ;
tudo. The gold is found in stag- No. 3 corn, 65%c : No. 4 corn, 61' c ;
netio iron sand. The "pans" run No. 3 white. 60%c. Oats -N''. `2
up to 40 cents each. white, 41c; No. 3 white, 43c; No.
4 white, 42e.
1.1' \L\' ST11.1, 8)1 1 h 1 NG. LIVE STOCK MARKETS.
While Heavy Rainy are Cawing Montreal. Nov. 0. --Prince b -eves
his practice was worth $1,03
week. Tho man of money fina
agreed to give him $10,000 for th
A despatch from London says: is persistently reported that Lord the 11th alt. at Houston. Co
The arrival of a cargo of chilled Pentland will succeed Fail Grey as arable interest was taken in
beef from Australis[, said to bo in ; ('d'teenor-G('teeal of Canada, Oat
Mr. Herbert Gladstone, Horne See- 1 experiments.
tip -rep condition, is heralded hero
on Wednesday ns foreshadowing tho retary, will (lo as Governor of the I ROi,i. OF MONEY BURNED.
relief of the British mint market South African Federation, and toat,
Secretary f
ous atter its to bring chilled beef
from Australia have failed, the time
c•f transportation being so great
that the meat invariably was con-
demned upon its receipt.
Collection From Yukon Presented
Sohl nt 4; i to 5%e per Ib. ; pretty
Damage by Torrents. gem' nnininle. 3;4 to 434c, and the
A despatch from Rome sats: common stock, 2 to 3;,c per lb.
A severe earthquake shock was telt Lean canner', 134c per lb. Spring -
on Thursday morning at Aquila. i eos ranged from $25 to 8t15 each.
Thc shock. • ,'re repeated at three•, (;,ass -fed calves from 2% to 4%c
minute intervals inter on, but were I t cr lb.: sheep, 3,14 to 3,.',e per lb.;
not sit strong. Shocks were ale. lambs, 5!.; to 5%c per lb. Good
felt at To rain end T ' If . lute f fat hogs about 8%c per 1h
Arden. Man., Oct. 27. -The home
1 1T('HENF:R REVIEWS .1.1PS. i of S. J. Rothwell, southeast of
! town. was destroyed by fire this
30.0011 Parade in Honor of Duper- 1 evening, including the furniture
s Birthday.
and about $300 in cash, which tho
occupants were unable te save ()W-
A despatch from Tokio sap': A 1 ing to the tepid spread of the
review of the troops was held on flames. The cause of the fire, which
\\'ednesdnv in honor of the limper- originated in the front. part of the
`a ing
to Ottawa Museum. or's birt4da.•. I field Marshal Lord house, is unknown. Mr
A despatch from Ottawa says: K•t<'henor, who avrived here. on was slightly burned it
11 r. Wilson Foster, n well-known
Tile ;dee accompanied his Dlnjesty;to save some %aluahl,,
man from rho \'uknn, hese to the saluting point. The spa
Presented to the National Museum was a magnificent one, 30.000 troops
a collection of 10,000 specimens of taking part in the manoeuvres.
ntinerala and precious Stones ob- ----.1.------
Leine(' in the Far North. Many of CATARACT DiSU01'Elth.f►.
them were foound in the crops of
ptnrmienn, gr,m-c, and otl:cr birds ilighc-t on Western Hemisphere,
in the Kl,.ndyko. ,:n)v Explorer.
-_•i•_-_ A despatch from Oshkosh. \Pis-
iIL1:11' OPEN �3.1I'F:. cousin, bays: Edward Balch Barr,
Robbery Attempt to Lunt Railway thc esllorcr, who has just returned
from Labrador, reports the discov-
Omee at ('amphellton. ery of a huge waterfall which he is
A despatch from Campbellton, N. confident v.ill prove the highest in
B., says: Safebre:tkers early on the western hemisphere. Tho (Bs -
Thursday morning blew the door off covery was ,rade while Barr, with ly
the safe of the International Trail- We party, was travelingi by entice To vai'o character above rcputa• -
'To apologize.
To begin again.
To take advice.
To he unselfish.
To he charitable.
To he considerate.
To endure success.
To obey conee,:enee.
To admit mistakes.
To fe.rgivo and f'rFot.
To think and the ► net.
To be conte,,t with l:tt:e.
To accept just rebukes (;r. "!ful-
n u c crtn. cavy o .c uer it•
rains on ,the Ve;utir.n slopes are Toronto, Nov. 9.•-A few loftd:. c•f way ('o.'s offices. The cash -h» upotee
to b Rtlnrcer r. i'hr t its ui tI To ois,rm;nate between sham
c'using datnoge b3 t.,rrents of ntu�l prime butchers' steers And heifers vote carried off, but it of oily e t
i„ Pr,rt:ci, Torre Del Greco and t sold at. A5 to $5 5'); ordinary fair e•1 a c',equc, pay1se1 t of wli:cls i,r.s i1-.11 .n Labr.cdur, which is 3+:8 foctn' 1 r esti �y s.
Resier'. Ito good leads at $3.75 to a' 1.6Z. Crows _ keit Ltoi�p^.d. '