Exeter Times, 1909-11-11, Page 1%art
i$1.00 per year to advance
Phone No. 32.
Dress floods
Weaves II
Colored Underskirts
In Silk, Regal Taffeta,
Heatherbloom and Sateen.
We are offering some very
can give yott a large selection
special values in skirts and •
to choose from.
Sonething New added to our stock
every week. All the New Goods in the
Latest Shades always found on our count-
ers. Conte along and see the New Goods
New Waistings
A beautiful range of Strip-
ed Delatnes just to hand in all
the leading colors 40 and 50c.
per yd. Also a nice line of
Fancy Silks very suitable for
Waists. They are real new.
Another Shipment of Ladies Jackets
To meet the large demand we are forced to buy another lot
of Ladies' Coats. Now is the time for you to get an exclusive
Coat. All the New Colors and Styles. They are right up to the
minute and are sure to please you.
Bed Comforters &
Bed Comforters and Blank-
ets. A large stock for the
cold weather wants. Now is
the time to buy your winter
supply while our stock is com-
For Men, Women and child-
ren. AU nice warm makes
are found here in fleeced
Lined Union and Natural
Wool. A good time to buy.
More New Furs
Had to buy .'gain to keep up our stock. This is a great fur
season for us. If you need anything in the Fur line come and
see them. Scarfs, Ruffs, Muffs Caps. and Fur Lined Coate. We
never had a better lot to show you at such reasonable prices.
Gent's Furnishings
We are headquarters for
this line. Our Stock is always
large and well assorted with
alt the swell goods. See our
New Vests.
This is a banner season for
us. Be with the crowd and
have your hat from, the busy
store. It costs less.
Prices low.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
•••♦•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••♦•••O••••
•♦•♦••♦••••••♦♦♦♦♦• •••♦••••••••••••••N••••••
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Our Overcoats arc the swellest in town and every
man's overcoat is here.
Does he prefer a new style with the Prussian or
College Ulster Collar? ‘Ve have them in every new
model and fabric,
Does he lean towards something quiet? We have all
styles in Blacks, Blues, long coats, medium and short.
The man that passes this store in Overcoats will
miss the hest Overcoats in town.
Manynew kinks,curves, colorings s and shapes
for the fall season.
Our special made-to-rncasurc clothing is making a Big Hit
Ready•to wear Suits at all prices.
A New Stock of Childrens Clothes open now
p,"ito fust Ultlre. Exeter, Ontario, s�
D•••••♦•••••••••••••♦••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
-,The Best Flour --
If it is the best flour you want there is but one place
in town to get it -that is from us. The brands are:
Jewell Royal Household
(Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's)
(Lake of Woods) (Western Canada Flour1\Iills)
f,ett%e your orders or call up Phone 2.
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
The council of the village of Exeter
?net in the Town 'Ball, Friday, Nov.
5th, 1909, at 8 p. en. All the mem-
bers present.
The minutes of the last regular and
tiro especial meetings held Oct. 15, .18
and l'2ud, were read and approved.
Mr. Win. HIarding, weigh scales man-
ager, addressed the council u to re -
Pairs on weigh scales building. The
Reeve udvised our. iiardin/I %tbat al-
terations were to bo {gado In the
cattle yards on account of Abe erec-
tion of the water Aower, hence would
not advise Any further repairs at
the `resent time.
The 'following accounts were tread
and ordered paid:-Exe'ter Electric
Light and Power Co'y, aro street
lighting $68.04, series street %light-
ing 52.36, town Mall lighting 3.60;
Thos. 'Elliott. labor. 4.38: ltd. pet -
bridge, 7.88 ; !Thos. Brock 500 ; Frank
!lfallott, jr., 1.12: Thos. Moulden 1.50;
Henry 'Curdy 1.751 Geo. Atkinson
2.17 ; 'Jos. Sutton 175 belittle Pc0. Cud -
more 1.50: ,Sidney :West 1.50 ; Sid'y
Sanders 4.05; ,Leslie Preszcator 1.12 ;
ltd. 'nobler 75 cents; 'Jas. (3gdcn 6.30 ;
David {Gillies 2.00; W. J. Bissett,
p't. 'salary '33.00; !C..W. Cross, pt.
salary cemetery ac. 29.00; Jas. Ii,
Dennis, 'tart salary, thell ringing, $10
Jerry Knott, labor, d.50; !Fred Kerr,
the account, 194.61: Exeter, Salt leo.
salt, 2..80; Jas. 11I. 'Grieve, ;tile and
labor bn drain, 4.75; Jas.:Murray, ne-
repairs Ito pipe of gas rnginc, 1.25;
Jewell & Barnes:. repairs to Town
Ball 'steps, 9.50; fl'. (Hawkins & Son,
supplies, 7.42; Exeter /limes, print-
ing nccount to date, 43.65; The Bell
Telephone Co., messages, '1.55:
Harding, for ,sale of Bile and water
from tanks, 1.50. Amounting 6n all
to $500.:10. Passed on motion of !Car-
ling and Luker.
Per Johns -Luker, 'that the, Reeve
and ?Treasurer borrow one !thousand
dollars for water works expenditure
a:so Ito borrow seven 'hundred dol-
lars for cement walk expenditure, -
Per Carling -Reitman, 'that Joseph
Lawson's prepaid certified --account,
per Engineer's statement of $200.00.
and certified certificate -No. .2 for
$450 be paid 'per water works ac-
cou n't.-lCa rried.
The nccount of ,the London Bolt &
Hinge 'Works, amounting to $631100
water works account was ordered to
be `paid on motion of 'Carling -Bea•
man, n:so 'that ,It. 0. Beldon be paid
seven 'hundred do.l:ars installment on
coleen t eels".--C.:rn,!
Per Var:in;;-Luker, st where the
The Clinton bowlers cant: down
Friday .•vening to play n return
thatch with the Exeter bowler.. The
locals were winners by 18G pins.
Following are the scores: -
Norry 156-125-115- :396
Murray 149-157-162- 468
13rintnell 137-139-130- 406
Anderson 115-170-143- 428
White 137-158-145- 410
175-166-143-., 484
.102-125-101- 329
136- 82-114- 332
166-113-130- 109
119-147-133- 399
An interesting howling game was
played Monday night between Cr.di-
ton and a team of Exeter players, re-
sulting In 'favor of the 'latter by 109
91ns. The Crediton boys put up n
good game considering !the practice
they have had. Following ore the
scores :
11. Ilrintnell
T. Carling
8. Iiawden
T. Acheson
G. Palmer
C. E. Ililuett
11. Clark
E. Gettinger
G. Eilber
I. Brown
160-133-118- 411
746-118-145- 40!I
152-120-138- 410
.109- 93- 86- 29.S
158-144-130- 452
114-115- 98- 327
120-172-120- 411
120-112-138- 370
87-106-140- 323
121-158-1.10- 429
A horse belonging to ?Joseph 'Creery
made a dash for liberty a8aturday,
and while the rig was badly damaged
the occupants were not injured. Ile
was driving some cattle, and his
young con was in 'the buggy driving
the horse. When near the school
house, the daughter, who was assist-
ing with the cattle tried to got into
the buggy, just ns one of the cattle
ran ngainst 'the horse. The animal
made u •.uick turn, overturning khe
children in the ditch and ran for its
1 'foot, 8inch 'talk has bail', that fir. rind Mrs. John De.'bridge, of
the property fronting the Came be ns- I \Winchelsea, returned Tut sday morn•
the pessed 25 per cent. of 'the total coos : g fronth northwest p rovinc,•as.
where they spent the past two months
visiting relatives s ►
red dr:rnds. '1'heY
are enthusiastic over their ,:rip and
are high in their praises of the hos-
pitality accorded them by 4 heir many
'riends In the northwe,t•. 'They re-
mained ten days with Mr. Jas. Wrst-
cott at Douglas. Man., leaving there
last !Friday morning. \1r. \West-
cott's health at that Lime was un -
and on motion of Jfeaman-Carling, changed. Mr. :De.hridge was .much
that the petition be treeeivcd and sent surprised at 'the class of equipments
to the clerk to verify. -Carried. and buildings owned by the farmers
Adjournment per Carling. ,JOS, of the west. especially :around Bain -
SENIOR. 'Clerk. iota, where everything laid a most
prosperous appearance.
LEARNUIiFSS1fAKlNC Mrs. Win. Grey, of Croswell, Mich..is visiting her mother ,Mrs. Jno.
AT EXETER Carom and brothers and Iiiater Mrs.
Miss Stewart is again hack to Fixe- M- Fletcher this week,
ter to give instructions on dress -teak- Mr. Joe Creery lost n valuable cow
tag and cutting. Miss Stewart has Monday morning, through death by
been very successful with her classes hanging in the stpible,
and they have hten quite large. Her
students have been well pleased with RUSSELDALE
their instructions and "'1'}te Weal
Tailor System" gives the hest, of saris- We are pleased to (report That Mrs.
faction, also makes dressmaking very It. D. Roy, who has been ill for the
much seder. Anyone waling to last three weeks. is gradually im-
learn or improve themselves should proving+
call on Miss Stewart. Iler class roost Miss Beatrice Clark, who is at pre -
will he over 11fr E. Elliot's office, coin- sent residing with her brother Mr.
mend • Thursday, Nov. 10th. Mark Clark, is, we regret 'to say,
+ - seriously 111. We hope. soon Ito hear
P ULA It CONCERT. of 'her speedy recovery.
Arrangements are being completed Mrs. 'Thos. Laing, trho has been
for a grand concert, in the Opert( auiffering with a cancer in the face.
House on Friday. Nov. 1Jth, when is Improving nicely.
Lis -
Dot Stnnbury' the l0 -year-old boy Mrs. Park and daughter, of t.is-
siuler, of'l'oronto, will take part. A towel. were the tznrsts .of ,.1 r. end
few weeks ago he made a big sensation Mee. D. Dow and of khe a\Tisse.s Park
in Rochester, N. Y., with his wonder- Inst acct.
fel contralto voice and the people! of The Ladies Auxiliary met eft (toy's
this vicinity will look forward to his church on Wednesday afternoon. !an
re -appearance here:with touch (►leap• interesting address was given by Mrs.
ere. Other Nest. class talent le heiyg !)r. I'roudfoot on 'Africa. followed by
engaged and will be announced later. 'r solo rendered by 'Miss \fellis Dow.
%whieh was very much uppreciated.
11AIt1'i,EY Mr. Dent. who has leased the farm
of !Mr. ltich..GIU. held nlowin bee
gr c
Mrs. Jane Crawford mho was down on Eridny Inst.
to 141. Marys attending the draft of Mr-_ McTaggart. of Staffa, Mrs.
her sister returned home last week. J'reedv. of London. Mr. end Mr•, W.
Mr. 11. J. Hudgins olio Iris spent llodgert. of Farluhar, nmol '1r. It
several weeks under a the parental 811004. 01 London, were greats of
roof returned to Oxdrifl last week. Mr. and Mr.. Alex. 1lodgert last week
Mr. \Wiltiana Fulton. of .Medicine 1 h many friends of \ir. John
II at, 'A:berta, visited at Mr. ,Thos. hart and family. of Foliation, extend
Fa:lis last %reek, their deepest synapithy in their Pad
!1r. :Janne- %Vi:liants. of Parkhill, bereavement.
sprat. n couple of days visiting hisMa•+. C. Sche:l. nherger and 'Mrs.
father-in-law 'Mr. W. Nichols. McDonald. of Mitchell, were peasant
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson and capers in the tillage last week•.
f:uni:y. also Mrs. Mcikl,• were Sun-
day visitors at 'Mr. .1. .1. rl'ny:or, 11o}IN
MiSR0-At the 5aub'e Line. Stanley
on Saturday. Oct. 30th to Mr. and
FARM PROFITS airs. .lo',•ph Meru. n danfrhler.
Nay be largely increased by knowing the Cf)LI;MAN-At the Parr Line. Stan -
exact condition of the farmer's market, !•')'• on Sunday Ort. 31st to Mr.
and by learning of the best method in and .Mrs. George C°:"1131). a
farm practice. This is precisely the
11 R a Friday. 11 Nov.
sort of information the Farmers'Weekly
to ,Mr. and •\I,+. Itirhard ?. a
Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal ,,n. Will horn)
as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good IIACKNEY-In Stephen. Nov. 7th go
farmers rely on it. For price see our Mr. and Mrs..lohn Hackney. :a San
slabbing offer.
(still born)
-� palpitation of the heart. ner•
Fifty Years' Rxarienca of /14 011 voa•ne.s, tremblings, nervous head -
Nurse telly, cold hands an.l fe.ti. pain in t he
Mrs. \Winslow's tioolhin,l Syrup is back and of her forma or ire oknesae
the prescription of one of the best aro relieved by Carter's iron ,'ills
female physicians and mors s in the
United States, and has been used for it, ad Ili • formals on a )e of fink
fitly years with never -failing success Pain '1•aleets. Then ask wo..1 Doctor
by mi:lions of mothers for their if there is n lee Ior any. 1'. :a neeme
rhi:dren. It relieves the child from conge•*tIen-hlc.o-1 tor -osier:, somewhere
pain. cures diarrhoea, griping in lar. "Ibrtor Shonp's pink ,'.tin Tab:rt<
the bowels and wind retic. Ily ,riving eh ck head pain.. tt:atn:an:y painai
hea'Ih to the child. it r. st. the ;,eye here. Try n . and see 1 20
mother. 'Teensy -five cents n bottle. tor 25•c. Fo:d by W. 8, iiowry.
as other properties are ;assessed.
A circular letter from the Cleri:
Toronto regarding petition do (;ov-
crnment re. 'Municipal ownership of
telephones was rend and laid over un-
til next meeting.
The Local Option petition signed
by ratepayers of the municipality and
filed with the clerk on n'hursdaT1 Oct.
2.t.a. ttas read and relict on the tab!..
There is a project on tap to enlarge
the Goderich el+vator to 0 capacity
of one million bushels.
Jonathan hlillar, the hcavlest man
in this part of the world, and one of
the best-known hotelkeepers in West-
ern Ontario, di, d Monday morning
at Carlow, a village n short distance
from Goderich. where he had been
keeping hotel for the past three
years. Mr. 'Millar was a son of the
late lien Millar. after whom the vil-
!age of Benmiller, a few 'miles from
Goderich, was named. and for. anany
years was in the 'hotel -business there.
Subsc uently ;Mr. Millar was for
years khe proprietor of the old Albion
Hotel. in Goderich. and Its successor,
the fmodern Bedford Hotel, and for
a 'tirne was in the livery business.
Later he was proprietor of the Grip
,louse, Seaforth, before going to
Ca rlow.
Mr. IMillar's enormous weight made
him to notable character. Ile tipped
the Reales at 465 pounds. Ile was 63
years of age, and was a mason. He
leaves a wife surviving.
There was ,quite a lively ,runaway
at Seaforth recently. Mr. Wm. 'De-
vereux, bad his own driver and on -
other horse hitched in 3a double car-
riage, and was driving "up Main St,
when one of the bits broke and the
horses started off. bir. Devereux
mannged 'to keep 'them on the road
and 'they went 'straight )forth at a
break neck speed. At 'Dir. W, J.
Smith's residence 'they met n load of
flax and 'the (team Slowed down, but
before they could be got dully under
control they were off Again and ran
to the concession road. where they
collided with a wagon. and were
brought to standstill oy one of the
horses Tailing. Mr. Devereux had
at•ith him in ,the 'rig the 'Misses De-
vereux and Mrs. J)evercux, of Chicago.
When the 'team slowed down at
Smith's corner one of the ladies got
out, but the other one stayed in the
rigt Fortatnatcly no person was in-
jured, and the only damage done was
the 'breaking of !the tongue of the rig.
By keeping the horses on (the road
Mr. Tkvereux prevented what would
certainly have been a serious acci-
Mr. Win. Pollen returned Saturday
from 'the northwest. where the spent
the past two .months assisting the
western fanners thresh (heir grain.
1\W►5t71) l I A'M
The annual oyster enppur under the
auspices of 'the !Woodham. L. 0. L.
was held Friday night and was very
successful in every particular. An
interesting oddrc•ss on "Reformation
and the Bible" was given by Bev. D.
W. Collins. of Exeter. Addresses
were also given by Revs. Vance, Snell
and Itacey. ,Kirl:tota and St. Marys
talent gave the rest of the program.
A c:ergynta11 writes:"Prevent ifs,
those little 'Candy Cold Cure Tablets
are working wonders in ray parish".
Preventics cutely will check a cold
or the Grippe, in n very few hours.
And Preventics are ea safe and berme
less. No Quinine, nothing harsh nor
sickening. Fine for feverish restless
children- Jtoe of 48 at 25c. Sold by
W. S. Ilowey.
Wanted=. 50 Secondhand Wood Cook Stoves.
Good prices paid as we have orders for them.
Stoves and Ranges
The Biggest Display in Exeter
Imperial Oxford Ranges with Reservoir from $25.00 to $44.00
Souvenir " as .t " 37.00 t0 44.0o
Garland " " " 4438.0o to 49.00
National to 32 00, 37.00 and 50.00
Don't fail to see our $25.00 Imperial Oxford
All Stoves sold on 30 days' trial
Just Think a Coal or Wood Cook for $18.00
Wood Heaters 2.00 up
Coal Heaters 15, 18, 32.50, 34 and $46
Coal Oil I-Ieaters 4.75 up
We are saving our customers money in Stoves and Ranges.
Stoves and Ranges
We have jest concluded a successful demonstra-
tion on the Pandora Range which was so highly
satisfactory as was testified by the numbei of
Ranges sold. Anyone needing a stove or range
will do well to consult us. Our prices are right.
Plumbing and Furnace Work a Specialty.
Let us quote you Prices on your Furnace wcrk, Plumb-
ing, Roofing, Eaveirougning and General Tinsmith work.
Eli 11iiiii ' 7ii iii1iii 1
M..}. ..)MN„.M N, N.,,MM.
:. el.-•- set=`"- E t7!._- tEl ii. dei _,ui
u�. .uYi.-..
111 11 11':H41:11 11' 11' 11 11 11 .11! 1111111111.11 '11,1141111414111 'IL
Parlor Suit Parlor Tables -
Easy Chair Odd Chairs
Music Cabinet Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs
Dainty, well made and at reasonable prices.
Bed Room Suits Bed Couches 1Iattresses
Springs, Brass alill Iron Beds
THE an "rI'at, iNsl'ttnNcl,
Newest styles an,l all at popular prices
The report of the inspector of In-
surance for the .Province of Ontario. The Lending Honte Fiords -here and Funeral Directors.
covering the business of the differ-
ent insurance companies ?luring the
year 1908 gives Isom) Statistics which i�antimon n"•uii i,unniui'h1«l
will be of Olen st to many. as the
majority of. if not all, the farmers
in this vicinity have awlicies in one
or "the other of the companies ?nen-'♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••O••••••••••••••••••••
tioned: •♦0♦04•00••00*••0000•••00••••••••••••••••♦000.0•••••
1"sborne and llibbert Company • ••
I"n-issessed premium note �1pital. PC t tP Is �•
$113.763.01, 'total risers, 1125,f13.U1. i He Who Hesitates Lost! ♦:
of which $11,738.75 ttas cash on hand f b ♦
and in bank, and 8113,763.01 amount •♦ • •
• Don't fetil to hent the November records, which rete now on • •
of premium notes. Total liabilities, •• • sale.•
$764. Receipts. $0,488,72; 'total ex- b ♦ •
pesditiires, 1+4,204.50, of which $7f:.- ♦ Mr. EDISON says: ••
:35 was expenses of management, and 22 • •
$3,435.55 for loses during the year. t: "1 want to see a Phonograph in every home" •
At the sod of 1908, 2,142 polbicfe • ♦ a
were in force covering insurance t
� ♦
E aro Lara to see that everyhome has one. iC dosen't mato • •
the amount of 41,30;!.515. ♦
• ♦what your tastes in n►csic are, whether you prefer 3 •
1'hc ltny iCampan)1. ♦ ter♦ •
The unassiessed premium note cape •♦ grand opera or reg. You c►n eoj•py just your particular kind of
your music. all want it, right in ownn 1
:al was 1;150.363.21, and khe total na_ ♦ o t talc, just when y K home, with an
c o 1?d:son phmuri rapt.
sets were •$1 6,63L70, of which S6,- _♦ •
175.79 was rash in hank. 'fhe corn -1
• ♦ It isn't just an evruing'e enjoyment or a week's novelty, but ••
as -
piny had no liabilities. The t. - 10.1..
.t lifetime's companion- a eort of musical member of the family•
coipts for the year amounted to RttO,- that "doesn't h ere to he coaxed" to pl+y. • •
7"J.72, of %t hie!' $9.780.82 was for • ♦ 0 0
fixed payments. 1'h total cxpens:•s ♦ o See the hat gains in the leery goods we are offering. "Keep t •
of rn aIi tg.rnrnt were $961.81, and the ♦ o your eye on our window" We have ten views of Exeter on post • Z
total tosses paid out during the year o ♦ c ect.s. Try NAMKt.Etis for cold in the heel. it can't he hent '3ic, •
were $1.278.•I5. There were 1,90E • ♦ 0
policiya in force n[ the end of 1908. •••••♦000:"0••••••6♦0000' '< 0!..••••♦♦♦♦C••••••♦•••004••♦
roti-rin); Insurance to (he atnonnt of
04000.400. J••OseeteeO: .e.: , ' c•O♦00••••♦••♦••♦•Ooce••••
Women wit to pale co tortes§ faces
eho feel aveak snit discouraged. will not eo easily answered as thinks the much a.ickness Is caused 1►y .persons
receive both Moa nt al tut t•o•lily vivo, average ,American, for water art :, drinking merely to feel the pleasure
by using Carter's Iron fills, which la:irkiy, powerfully and chemically .of the cold fluid on the rotator To
aro tnade for the blood, nerves] and on the human tissues. Mitch of th•, rool the body it 14 much better to
complexion. indipc t' n that follows eating highly ,bathr at this o ,ra the tcm
-- seasoned mea:a comes from khe fact without overworking the kidneys and
1101\' To 1)1(1NK 'WATER. ihat the condineeis A artifica:1y.time- other organs and t it hot npsettin;
Fortraneiely for ha Jworl:ing man- :ate thirst and that the excess welter, the digestive npparatus ns .results
kind, 'the most imp ant feature of 'whether taken purr or in twine, breva from too mech liluid taken into the
every meat coats 11 ,ng. nr practic- etc., promptly dilutes loo much Iha shell telt.
:ally nothing. and 3 water wh-si gastric juices and interferes with Cirioats'y cnongh very hot or v• ry
pure and )-:alttaful is . he tnost valu- the just digestion of It he food. co:d water arts n like in i'lenching
able asset of the .hum•an stomach. Theo unless after violent exercises the true thirst. whereas lukewarm
Nater "forms :about 43 Ayr rant. of anal not at meat :time. but hill a water merely Increases the thirst.
the hnrnan body and is therefore just grass of tenter .hould he taken and Above all. it should be rvmentbered
about one-half of the :average man or taken ,slowly. rot pulped 'down el a to drink a'otsly rind in ?nod'ration,
woman. Obviously. Then, eater ren- 0103111(n'. A ti, roleorkin,r man whether in %aint:r or summer. Too
atih,les the !test important thing shooed pip flooring his meals two. much nater weakens thn bodily
that appears en th • ,i rel card. ono thirds of n reart of eater, but s strewn!' by wa.hin; n!f t h • blood
,matter hoe superfine the cooking or clerk or lawyer it olds! do well to too rapidly. terough at hirh I''ocets
how high the bill of any .'inner may drink leas shin a pint.. . much food material es .c•t to the
b,. On- important;vent 'nhow •todrink body. These are the main •facts in
Again. just boat- t0 .i1ink water. water is to avoid drinking betwcetl In The hyricne of water and their
joist how much realer to drink, just mea:a. One eboeld drink just hnoneh t•a:ue tnu.t be pet nt co the tho:,eh't-
wbe n to drink tenter :are •iucatioris to reach the thirst. in loot weather ful individual.