Exeter Times, 1909-06-24, Page 2I�•••:rooeoa•►sol.•e^ve:oo "1INDIGESTION CURED
Year Neighbors Can Tell You of
FLIES. Cures by llr. Williams' -
In former times it was the big Pink Pills.
things that froze u►eu's hearts wan
fear—the u.,ttuical giants, the drar Every case of iudige^tion, no
guns, the specters. NOW science
has taught us that the little things
aro the dangerous ours—the in-
sects, mosquitoes and flies, and the
microbes, those immeasurably min-
ute plants and animals, too small
for the unaided human eye to see.
We first learned of the part the
mosquito plays in the transmission
of malaria and yellow fever, but
the menace that there is to man-
kind in the house -fly was for long
unsuspected. It is only about fif-
teen years ago that the first heeded
warning eve) uttered against this
insect, and its actual guilt as a
murderer of men was clearly de-
monstrated only at the time of the
Spanish War, when so many of the
flower of American youth died of
the typhoid fever that decimated
the volunteer army in the deten-
tion camps iu all parts of the coun-
So active is the fly in the spread
of this dileas6 that it has been
proposed in a recent pulllication of
the United States Department of
Agriculture to rename it the "typ-
hoid fly. '
It may carry the germs of this
disease in one of two ways, either
directly by soiling its feet with the
discharge from fever patients, and
then flying off and alighting upon
food or falling into milk ; or else
by eating matter contaminated
with typhoid, and carrying the
germs in its intestinal canal and
depositing them upon food
But it is not alone typhoid that
flies spread. The germs of tuber-
culosis may readily be carried by
them unless the patient has heeded
the warnings sounded on all sides,
and taken care to destroy all ex-
pectorated matter. The virus of a
sore may be taken up by a fly's
feet and deposited on a cut or
abraded surface of the skin of an-
other person. Any disease, indeed,
which is capable of inoculation or of
being spread by the taking in of
its germs with food or drink may
be spread by these noxious insects.
Some methods of destroying them
and guarding against the danger
from them will be considered in this
place next week.—Youth's Com-
matter how bad, can be cured by
Dr. Williams' fink Pills. Not only `cation with various municipalities,
cured, but cured for good. That's and had received promises of sup-
s sweeping statement and you are. port from spite of the most import -
quite right in demanding evidence ant towns in Germany.
to back it. And it is backed by evi- Tho Town Council of Colognes for
instance, is willing to invest
CO3 in the new company for the in-
auguration of a lino of airships
is bleb will establish aerial communi-
cation between Culoguo and other
important centres of population.
The municipality of Duesseldorf is
also willing to subscribe a substan-
tial sum towards the capital of the
new company.
In some cases regal^•• line.' or
airships will be estate
in other cases pieasurs
take place at regular
Herr Colsmann stat
days per year aro
aerial voyages. The
ships which will ba u
purpose will carry a 1
including the engineer,i
capable of conveying
sengers. It is intends)
voyage shat last about
except in the case of loi1
cruises from certain fia,
other towns.
Two airships for the
of passengers will bo e
the early Spring of ne
two more will bo read
The first regular lin
ago I was advised to gtve Dr. Wil- will be established b
liams' Pink Pills a trial. Before I seldorf and Lucerne,
had taken a couple of boxes I found Bonn, Mayence, I
relief, and by tho time I had used Main, Carlsruhe, St
a half dozen boxes I found myself one or two other towli
feeling like a new woman, with a wta'ions. Other linea
good appetite, good digestion, and will be established to c
a clear complexion. I can strongly towns with stations -
Aerial I'assenser Service ilegins
?text Spring.
The managing director of the Zep-
pelin Airship Construction Com-
pany, Herr Co! mann, in a lecture
at Strasburg, Germany, on Count
Zeppelin's future plans, stated that
the (bunt intended to establish a
number of airship lines for the re-
gular conveyance of passengers be-
tween different towns. Count Zep-
peliu had already been in collo-mini-
deuce in plenty --living evidence
among your own neighbors, no mat-
ter in what part of Canada you live.
Ask your neighbors and they will
tell you of people in your own dis-
trict who have been cured by Dr.
Williains' l'ink Pills of dizziness,
palpitation, sour stomach, lice
headaches, and the internal pains
cf indigestion. Dr. Williams' Pink
� curo because they strike
straight at the root of all stomach
troubles. They !slake new, rich,
red blood and new blood is just
what the stomach needs to set it
right and give it strength for its
work. Mrs. Geo. E. Whitenect,
Hatfield Point, N. B., says: ''I
ant glad to have an opportunity to
speak in favor of Dr. Williams'
fink Pills, for they deserve all tho
praise that can be given thein. I
was a great sufferer from indiges-
tion, which was often accompanied
by nausea, sick headache and back-
ache. As a result my complexion
was very bad and I had black rings
under the eyes. I took a great deal
of doctor's medicine, but it never
did more than give me the most
temporary relief. About a year
For unbroken chilblains rubbing
with common table salt is ono of
the best remedies known. Add just
enough water to make the salt
People do not drink enough water
to thin the blood so that the sys-
tem can be cleared of its effete mat-
ter quickly and promptly. The con-
sequence is that this long continued
retention produces rheumatism and
catarrh, and affects the heart. The
use of water in its normal qunn-
itiy keeps the stomach and bowels
clears, and really has the effect of
an inside bath.
Eczema is frequently caused by
housework. Exposing the hands
to hot water, the heat of the oven,
or other changes of temperature
brings about this affliction. A good
remedy for eczema, tetter and other
skin diseases is made by mixing
four ounces of luxes with ''A pintof
water and four tablespoonfuls of
alcohol. After shaking the bottle,
pour a small quantity upon the
rough and itching surface and al-
low it to dry, repeating the treat,
ment several times each day until
the irritation disappears and the
skin is restored to a healthy condi-
Cannot Get 11 By Eating Fish, Meat
or Vegetables.
You cannot get cancer by eating
fish, meat, vegetables, or anything
else, nor drinking water, liquor,
of any liquid whatever, according
to the experts on cancer of the
medical faculty of Columbia Uni-
These eniinent specialists say that
cancer is neither contagious nor in-
fectious. One of them expressed
it recently to a reporter : "You
could breathe cancer, wallow in
cancer, handle cencer with cut
hands, and not be in the least dan-
ger of contractit.g the disease,
simply because cancer is a not a
germ disease."
When the investigation that is be-
ing conducted by the Buffalo State
Cancer Laboratory to ascertain
whether fish communicate cancer
germs to men when used as a food
wns called to their attention, these
experts smiled. They repeated the
word "germs" with n derisive ris-
ing inflection, and Sten went into
an elaborate explanation of why
cancer is net n Rcrm disease. + Ont.. says:—"I have used
Charles H. Tuttnaend, Director ♦ Baby's Own Tablets and have
of the New York Aquarium, de- ♦t always found them satisfac-
f•lared that if persons were made
ill by eating fish it was simply be-
cause of the amount of filth that
the fish imbibed from the foul waters
of the streams near our large
Many • man has been caught at
bis own game by people who let
him think he was fooling them.
"f ver before have 1 ever been
or ne
able to tell what was
with those dratted fuel
the matter
\171.1. l'11A1t(l: '1'liG BOOM.
Reallstie War Test to be Made at
Preparations are now being made
at Portsmouth, Eng' -and, for a rea-
listic war test of tau efficiency of
tno harbor defences. In time of
war, to prevent the entrance of hos-
tile torpedo craft at night the nar-
row entrance to the harbor will bo
closed by a heavy boom. Some na-
val officers hold that a destroyer •-
rushed at it at top speed might
break her way through it or even
leap over it.
A crucial experiment is therefore
to bo carried out. The old destroy-
er Forret, a vessel of 290 tons and
4,400 -hoe, which under favorable
conditions can steam twenty-seven
knots, will make a rush at tho
boom, in circumstances as closely
as possible resembling those of ae-
recommend Dr. Williams Pink pills
for this trouble and advise similar
sufferers to lose no time in taking
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all
the troubles which have their ori-
gin in bad blood. That is why they
cure anaemia, indigestion, rheuma-
tism, eczema, St. Vitus dance, par-
tial paralysis, and the many ail-
ments of girlhood and womanhood.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50, by wri: ing The
I)r. Williams' Medicine Cu., Brock-
ville, Ont.
London Bobbies Carry No Clubs --
Hoods for french Police.
London patrolmen carry no clubs.
Attached to the middle of the belt
behind is a dark lantern. The cuffs
of their coats have vertical stripes,
blue and white, signifying rank and
distinguished service. During the
frequent showers and rains they
wear little waterproof capes. Their
regulation ala
flea ut street
hand signals is a realization of per-
In Paris the ordinary patrolmen
wear blue caps and coats and in
summer white duck trousers. They
carry short swords, says the Travel
Magazine, rather as an emblem of
authority, but in extreme danger
use the flat side as a clue.
In a downpour of rain the Paris
policeman hangs his cap on a hook
in the back of his belt and draws
over his head the hood of a short
blue cape of heavy cloth.
This hooded cape is called n
capochon, and in its longer form,
reaching to tote knees, is used by
civilians as well in cold or rainy
weather. Accordingly at such tilnes
the streets of Paris seem to be alive
with cowled monks.
Recently the London plan for con-
trolling vehicles has come into
vogue successfully on the Paris
boulevards. Tile policemen detailed
for such duty wear white gloves
and signal with white clubs.
German policemen wear helmets
and have a distinctly martial air.
route between Duesseb
Herr Colsmann ad(
German War Office ha
subvention in support
connecting Duesseldo
cerne in view of the
vantages of cstablishin
rnunication iii this
Derr Colsinann c
static,; that fares fol
sengers would be sone
sive at first, owing t
cost of the upkeep of
The costs would, -hove
ly diminish in prop(
general development
vif;atlon, so that In et
t3err'ant�--"Please, ma' tun, can
PROOF IS GIVEN you give me my character l'
Mistress — "Certain!?•, Bridget;
but what do you want it for 1 You
aro surely not going to leave me
without giving notice first t"
Servant --"Oh, you never fear,
ma'am, I'm not thinking of leav-
ing you, but my sister's going to
ser%iae, and she wants the loan of
f 1
tion of tho
1 the upper
hor in shal-
1 charge the
little nerve
part of her
bo attack -
ivy logs of
ong, placed
r to the lino
secured to -
song steel
ard ends the
Ili long steel
hull of any
eainst thein
dth between
nt to admit
eam launch
i(lable boom
11,1, -HEA ITU.
your doctor's
Is your pain
I know what
omen—I have
learned how to
l Voour bur- auout it.''
n and stop th4
for you and
'the for a free After making a most careful study
rs becn� placed of
)hthe matter, U. 8. Government
cay. Perhaps
It as done :-o scientists state definitely that -the
thet•,e happ
co::tyof anda common house fly is the principal
rs held cnnfl• means of distributing typhoid fev-
n,v it.', treat• er, diphtheria and smallpox. Wil
son's Fly Pads kill the flies and the
disease germs, too.
Tommy looked for a long time at
his father's moustache, in a con-
templative way, then broke out
with, "When I grow up, shall I
have feathers like father, mummy I"
-- it.
Charles Dayon Suffered from Early THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY.
Youth. but the Old Itclilble Nimrod was a mighty hunter,
Kidney Remedy Banished His Ills tout had he hunted in the "Tema
gami" region he would have been
and !ludo 11im ylrong• a mightier one. Nimrod hunted
for glory, but Temagamians hunt
for game. Those Indians who made
the first canoe of birch bark long
ago, were our greatest benefactors.
Tho children of these Indians know
tho canoe, and they know how to
use it, and if you go to Temagami
this summer they will paddle your
canon in their own superb way.
They will be the best guides you
ever bad. Students who camp rd
summer along the Temagami lakes
are able to do two years' work in
one. Finest of fishing and hunting.
Good hotel accommodation. Easy
of access by the Grand Trunk Rail-
way System. Information and beau-
tiful descriptive publication sent
freo on application to J. 1). Mc-
Donald, Union Station, Toronto,
St. George, Man., June 14.—
(Spccial).—Yet another ease in
which ill -health inherited from
parents has been vanquished by
Dodd's Kidney Pills is that of Mr.
Charles Dayon, a farmer well
known in this neighborhood.
"I suffered from a number of Ms
from an early age," says Mr. Day•
on, who is now thirty-two years old.
"I inherited my trouble from my
parents. I was weak, nervous and
run down. I suffered from Back-
ache and lay muscles would cramp.
I had a heavy dragging sensati •n
across the loins. I was always
thirsty; I had great difficulty in
collecting my thoughts, and my
memory was failing me.
"I was altogether in a had way
when I started to use Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, but they helped mo al-
most from the first box. They gave
mo strength and helped me so
much in every way that I ani satis-
fied a little longer treatment will
make me a well man."
Mr. Dayon's symptoms were the
symptoms of Kidney Disease, and
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure every
forte of Kidney Disease no matter
what stage it is in or how it is con-
"Brown must bo terribly in
"What makes you think sol"
"He. got a raise in salary the
otner day and never said a word
Iter the diff -
n a fly dead
le by a Cali -
3 Pain Rubs
seat of a
be body the
ting liniment
WE CIVE YOU A TIP! Buy the genuine.
aerial voyages would 1 "Tito D. & L." Menthol Plasters. Un -
under brisk friction 111(1 the pati- principled manufacturers aro trying to
a pastime for the wealthy, but an take ndcantntte nt the great FAIe of Tho
Ordinary means of communication, cent obtains almost instant relief. wens, L." tin,;
putting up a suhetitute.
at any rate for the middle classes. Tho results of the use of Dr. 'theeLawgenuine
uiCn only made by Davis &
+.--- Thomas Eclectric Oil have sur-
IH SUMMER rised man who were unacquaint-
P y "Dear Teacher," vs -roto little
51C, SKINS 1 cd with its qualities, and once Johnny's mother,—"Kindly excuse
Sommer is the hai.lc.t time for the human
known it will not be rejected. Try
Ain. ins delicate tiny pores, if worked it.
under ill'' best conditions. would have a
roa;h t because of the heat. flow
' - t • !save to work when impaired or
t; • :, : , sunburn and heat spots t No
wo..dcr one has rough patches. freckles. etc.
Zs 1.13nk heals sick skins. 'When a
patch of sl.in on face, neck, or arms is
blistered by the sun, apply Zam•huk at
once. It will cowl and soothe be utifully,
and new skin will be quickly formed. When
you are footsore. or have some chafed
places, Zam-liuk will give you ease. Whea
the mosquitoes raise lumps on you.
Z.am•liok will stop that to rible itching ami
smarting. Keep Zam-Iluk handy, use it
freely. and this will be the happiest summef
you have ever spent, viewed from the skin
health standpoint. All druggists and stores.
M r. 1.10) (1 George is a Local Preach-
er as Wen as a 1 III illeier.
Never before has England been
able to boast of having a Chancellor
of the Exchequer who eau adorn a
pulpit equally as well as he does
the Treasury ilench. But Mr. Lloyd
George manages to do both. When
not enga,;:'d in financial problems
or in "rubbing hen roosts,:' he is to
he heard preaching in his native
tongue from the pulpits of many a
Welsh Bethel.
Several excellent stories connect-
ed with the little Welsh Chancel -
• ++++44++4++++++4t4+++ • lois preaching and fine -eloquence
♦ p WELL. have nlrer-dy been circulated, but
♦ KFEPIfla �, HIIIDami ♦ I one that has hitherto escaped pub-
* Iication relates how, preaching ono
Every mother should bo I 1 day, he took for his subject the
+ able to recognize and cure
♦ the minor ills that attack her
little ones. Prompt action
may prevent serious illness—
♦ perhaps save a little life. A .
simple, safe remedy in the =
home is therefore a necessity, ♦
and for this purpose there is
2 nothing else so good as Baby's
Own Tablets. They promptly
Icure all stomach and bowel
troubles, destroy worms,
break up colds, make teeth-
ing easy and keep children
healthy and cheerful. Mrs.
Jos. Levesque, Cassel:nun,
tory. My child has grown
splendidly and is always gond
natured since I began using
this medicine." Sold by me-
dicine dealers or by mail at
2S cents a box from Tbo I)r.
Williams' Medi'ino Co.,
• Brockville, Ont.
Creator's wisdom and knowledge as
to what is best for man, and he ex-
horted his hearers, instead of re-
belling against their lot, to believe
in the doctrine that all things work
together for good. Mr. Lloyd
George wound up his address by
♦ "Ths Almighty does with you just
f as a good gardener does with his
flowers. Ile pinnts geraniums and
♦ heliotropes in the sunshine, because
t he knows they will grow better
there, but ho looks out for a shady
*nook for the fuchsias."
♦ I'ecling pleased with tbo sermon,
and, consitlering it a helpful one,
2Mr. Lloyd George was not Aston-
• ished when. upon leaving the
1 chapel, an old woman rushed up to
♦ him end grasped his hand, saying;
"Oh, Mr. George, what a real
♦ helpful sermon yours was So prao-
theal. so wise '
"1 am delighted to hear it.," he
replied. "I only hope it may prove
a 1p to you."
♦ "Vel, indeed, in double deed, it
has helped me," sahib the dame,
Many a man makes a noise like
a pessimist in order to let the world
know he is in it.
ONE TEASPOONFUL of Painkiller in hot
water sweetened will cure almost any case
of flatulency and indigestion. Avoid eub-
etitutes, there is but one "Painkiller"—
Perry Davie.-- 7 (. and 50c.
There are only 770,000 natives in
all of Siberia.
Ono trial of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator will convince
you that it has no equal ns a worm
medicine. Buy a bottle and see if
it does not please you.
"I think," said the merchant,
"I'll have to dismiss your friend
Polk. 1 never saw anyone quite so
lazy." • Slow in everything, is
he 1" "No, not everything. Ho
gets tired quick enough."
No other fly 1
with \!•:!sin's Fly P.eis.
It has been proposed that the
crater of Vesuvius should be used
as a crematorium for the dead of
all nations. •
Hard and 'left corns cannot with-
stand Holloway's Corn Cure; it Is
effectual every time. Get a bottle
at once and bo -happy.
"And your w ife aimed at and
struck your Bead with the cup 1"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, then, all I have to say
is that you 61101114 he very proud
of her."
John's absence from school yester-
day afternoon, as he fell in the
mud. By doing the same, you will
greatly oblige his mother."
A Pill That Lightens Life. — To
the man who is a victim of indiges-
tion the transaction of business
becomes an added misery. He can-
not concentrate his mind upon his
tasks and loss and vexation attend
hire. To such a man Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills offer relief. A
course of treatment, according to
directions, will convince him of
their great excellence. They aro
confidently recommended because
they will do all that is claimed for
Male. schen (,10% is r.':mil 1d. -and at teal
own ..mweal Y . ar0•+ .tart .:t IYU 4. .a.,• 1* • •..•.�
pcbla• w. tall
•al;sew m..o•t►0
4..11 tow • glom
lora elm . a ► , 1 il
ra.taeleap.r l h.•
,w, could tar Ile
tsar a• •
to •
ea. a..! ., gate 0111111,304 '1.
T*R6tiX BROS.. et 1 -mothball...
Shepherds of Lan �I eS, Fra
walk on stilts, and [f�.ink no
of being perched up rem dao
dusk like this.
3EaOR St L3.1�L.L =
7.to. delq. lal to snytIns Feling ,pr fd 140100h11! VASO A t ani
statl.,n In Ontario for •ss 1 . flu Putty guArau
teed. No such value ever bef .ro offeiedto Owe,
da. Catalogue tree. 011,04 .►•.Ciel its.i—Ua*ur,t
and trr„eonue . Toronto, OM
Toe Clement aroww Trading Co.,
ANTILY %TONIAN, liberal wage', and girls
fur dining-rouru w..rkt w.tget {tads) Felpt.,nth. Apply —lb* woltamL M. ll+tbarines.
W inted Mite meforprteM
Lrh.1 w „k. t a ootid.. a..
al.r is Wool only,
in George Bt., Toronto,
Cl~eau•anol Cur be feta b) vtalnlo pat OSal Kid Y the heat 04,11.4 'near
woThe uld bol more interesting fother If they CUSS 1NSCR%1iiCE 1GE i'S WAN 1 ED
did not conflict with our own. at Provincial Pisto G1; as Insurance Com•
— any. Limited. 1Ies.1 Oaico, London. England,
A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. eiii h F:BSI. encies Age
ncies sprees `odd ., alt$
The secluded life of women which province 01 untarto, addles.
permits of little healthful exercise, i. it. leaser, raise Agent,
is a fruitful cause for the pains and
No. 1o, Wellingt.o Street !sats Toronto.
Bend for booklet " Olas• lneu:anee.'
lassitude that so many of them
experience. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will correct irregularities of
the digestive organs and restore
health and vigor. The most delicate
woman can use thein with safety,
because their action, while effec-
tive, is mild and soothing.
"Jenkins declares that where ho
was in Switzerland tho mercury
often dropped to zera at night."
"That s nothing." "What's noth-
ing I" "Zero."
If allowed to roam over your
house those few • innocent: looking
house flies may cause a real tragedy
any day, as they aro known to be
the principal agents for the spread
of those deadly -diseases, typhoid
fever, diphtheria and smallpox.
"I don't want my hair brushed
over my forehead any longer," de-
clared Harold. "I want acrack
it it, like father's."
The Home.
Peak's Hair Grower
11 as never frilled to stop fulling )lair. It post•
tire'y kills floe n.tn.lrud Oerm. Try it and be
convinced for y•ur.e't.
Write for Descriptive Pamphlet.
The Peak Mfg Co., 129 Victoria St.. Toronto, Oat
It looks as though my marriage
with Miss Mullins would have to bo
postponed." "What's the (natter,
old fellow l" "She got married to
young Dobson yesterday."
Try Murine Eye Remedy.
F .r Ite•I. weak Weary,watsty Ryes, Oranulettnn,
Mink Eye an 1 Eye Strain. Marine .:e+n't annul'
Ru .the, 1g0 fain; is Compounded by V.t, aro
bited Physicians;
Contains ori e for Injurious
Trouble.. Yon will like klurine. Try 11 1
Baby's Ryes for Mca'y Eyelids. Druggists so
Marine will sendtyea Inters tins liy•en oke Free. cat;n,
"My wife has that awful disease,
kleptomania." "Is she trying to
cure it 1" "Well, she is taking
something all the while."
Through indiscretion In eating
green fruit in summer many chil-
dren become subject to cholera
morbus caused by irritating acids
that net violently on tho lining of
the intestines. Pains and danger-
(•us purgings ensue and the delicate
system of the child suffers under the
drain. In such eases tho safest and
surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kel-
!egg's Dysentery Cordial. It will
check the inflammation and save
the child's life.
Drinking -water is now being pre
pared, says Nature, from the lower
reaches of the Thames, anti fr.,rn
ninny European rivers, which is as
wholesome as any that can he ob-
tained from the mountains of
Wales or Scotland. diver water,
which any carry hundreds of objec-
tionable germs in every cubic cen-
timeter, can, by the methods of
purification now in use. he made
entirely safe to (!rink. in truth,
it would appear that •11rh wn'er
eater than sir'," elerit crl fr' r-
poaedly 'nnocuous country sources.
E.HBauld 31e 110148*(11:
'RE c!vf�Rtg3AMPII AGENTS urn OR
~ CASE Arnie 13 a Day and eatab.
Bab p rmaneut bailee 1o, os
our cap t.1- Our high
dug too ■ sell aro !lib/
In every h.nne, are quietly
u e.lnp■ud epe.t o,den
Or,nte 1a 1. Exclusive ter
rite) eivrn.
Tia, IS Mr SurrLT coy
llr pa_60, Tomato, Out.
(late tr.-sorer. I'.e.byt.rtau
(-1 o.. h In Canada)
.. ,. •ut..loe.
. .� 1. 1 CEJ.
bought 1 t 1
'.�t• i 1 nl tan
Cubo t .. k R
Lotus Distance Phones—'•: 1310, Male 1171.
\babe:' ' - r ,:,10 :,tuck Ex, 1i tr,
Trader* Rant iiul 11 5. SI nr'.ad titre•%
TORONTO. tit. 1 01:
w• are nueDALT i t ,ts. W •Y.•
woo Wising In COBfurfur"ru..t .a
1p '�� l0 United Irmr' ..
Sugar, 1„ >tt•I kr,); Rank, 20 Trusts and
Guarantee, 1n Birbeck Loan (fully `:rid d
per cent 1. so Cullingwood-hipbultding,
dao Itad)ror, 200o Cobalt Gem, 4
Diamond Vale Coal. •
moo North Cobalt,
sono Cobalt Der
vctopment, t ood
IS. soot ..lapse Mountain, 20 COI.
onial Investment, 3000Cohalt Aa
ls5s Rothschilds, -2000 Bailey, 2001
I Luckyboys, 260 ltaileyhury Sitver.
1 NERi;N & CO., to KT ro `O ve.o
many institutions devoted to the hia4,er Edu-
cation select Bell pianos? -ihe fact that they use
led prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit
One folks** professional adore in acquiring en educstwwis,
why not tuilowp1of wiodnal h l C IoT1 „4 tky(n • It i1 piano'spiano's? -
The only pianos
Rrpestmg Adios.
so•cf lEDV
Scud fur (free) Cataiogu.1 ' .,. -s.
Thi. Biu, PIANO tel organ Co.. Untt(.d G U (' LPH H. O NTAR iO4
Announces a New Prize Contest
Thu First Prizo wall agaln bo a LIFE AN'hUITY of
Equal to One 1),:lar per Week Ever. Week d.iri.•tg l.i it�
A 8333ni Priz9 of Ono Hundred Dollars Caz
Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Eaoh
Ton Frizes of Twenty Dollars Each
Ten Prizo9 of Ton Dollars Each
Iwnnty Pr:zos of Five Dollars Eaoh
One H indreJ Prizes of One Dollar Eaoh
CONDITIONS are %buil,lr to the last reddest, except
th..t all Orange ,Meat Carton Bittome must be sent in 011
or betu,e No%cnt:,er ,loth, 1909.
1011 partIv3lers en pe•ite p est cer111 every ptektie of
Orange Meat If you • it r this a mtelt, e, e;r!ets
the blank spice be;,. 5145 your Warne and eta
at 1'.. •. ^'+t it .,nt •%1 a u 1 It M
Orange Malt. Kinston Ont .
east ,n u . • n.
alt'. w • (,
A•t•lt'• •'t ab y
ttk a
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