Exeter Times, 1909-06-24, Page 1• gIm Neter 11.4:4*t::( • tek war,,‘ rn H URON&M1DDL 'SEX GAZETI' t CHIRTY-SIx'rlf YEAR -NO 1863 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, .LUNE 21th 1909, $1.00 per year in advance ••••••••••••♦.••••••♦NN♦.♦N♦♦N♦N♦NN♦♦♦♦ ♦ *•••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Hot Weather Suggestions This is the kind of weather we have been looking for. Good, warm summer days. It makes us think of the summer goods to keep us kool and comfortable. Just what you want found here in abundance White Muslins and Lawns A nice White Dress of one of ottr swell White Muslins will be very nice for the warns days. Good plain Muslins or L:twns from 10c to 35c per yard Dainty Check or Crossbar Muslins from 15c to 35c per yd Nice Fancy Striped Muslins from l0c to 25c.per yard. Also a nice line of colored Muslins from Sc up. moi'S Stylish Dainty White Waists White Wear We are showing a beautiful range of the very smartest waists we have ever shown. Just the thing for this weath- er. Prices $1 to $t This is a necessity you can- not overlook. If you want a good large selection this is the place to come for your Skirts, Gowns, Corset ('overs or Drawers. A Big Silk Special 4 pieces only of the regular 2S in 50c Jap Taffeta Silk, 10e yard, colors, cream, white, champagne and blue. Fancy and Blacivt Parasols You must have a nice Sunshade for the warm days to come. If it is a real Fancy one or a good Black we have a good large assortment to choose from. From 75c to $3. We Don't Forget the Gents Isere is a List of Good Warm' Weather Colnfortables Balbriggan Underwear Open Mesh Underwear Athletic Underwear Straw Hats Fancy Shirts Soft Shirts, Fancy Vests Linen Hats Fancy Sox Fancy 'ries Fancy Braces (''rash Hats •• •• •. Jones & Clark •, Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford• Clothing also high grade shoes:and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eyes Tiring Easily Prove Eye Strain Do not wait till Serious Trouble Develops Have the strain removed by properly adjusted glasses. With my method of testing Looking into the Eye • We can tell exactly the nature of the trouble and eat► give glasses that will relieve it. We Recomtnend Glasses Only when Necessary Test Fre(' JE \W El. I•:1 t S. FITTON. Issuer r•t \larri;igt• 1,ict'nst's OPTICIAN Raymond Wilson, of St. Mary'. and w ho 'e as related 10 a number of Exe- teritcs, nits drowned in the Thames ricer neer St. Mary:: lost Thursday aft. rnoon. Ale and another young man named Reith Morden had gone up the river for n canoe ride. wheat in some manner the canoe upset throwing both boys into the river. With was a good swimmer. but Wil. eon could not swim n stroke,. .last ns Wit,on sank. Morden dived and brought him to the surface and sac- cveded in getting hint on n ledge of rock. when he cried for help. hu$ Wilson swain fell hark into the deep hole end was drowned. After eenrch- ing nn hour the bode was found. Wilson wns n fine yonng fellow end wets doing well At school. ile was the Only .ton and his parents have wide• {,read sympathy. This funeral took place Saturday. Several people from Exeter attended the funeral. If you would have safe yet rer- tnin'Cough Remedy in the home. try Dr. Shoop'' -at least once. it is thoroughly unlike nny other Cough preparation. its taste will be entire- ly new to you -unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium. chloroform, or- nny other stupifying ingredients me used. The tender lenves of a harmless. lung - hooting mountainous shrub. give to 1)r. Shoots Conteh Remedy its won• derfu! curative properties. it is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by W. S. Howes-, Locals IMP AMas Another interesting football match will be played Friday evening. Miss \Wilwerna Quance visited re- latives in Ailsa Craig over Sunday. Miss Annie Lang, of St. Marys, visited friends in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jory are visiting relatives in London and St. Thomas. alis 1;. Procter, of Zurich. .was the guest of Mrs. H. G. Seldon this week. Mrs. Strutbury and children have gone to Grand (lend for a couple of weeks. Mrs. I). E. McNicol. of Stratfo;d; is visiting her sister. Mrs. James Whyte. Main Street. Reeve T. 11. 'McCallum was called to London Monday, owing to fire oc- curring in a building owned by hint t here. Don't forget the garden party given by the Lndies Guild of Trivitt Memorial church this Thursday even- ing. County Clerk \\"ut. Lane. of God- erich. was here Monday attending a special tweeting of the Bridges Com- mittee of the County Council. Tuesday evening n congregational meeting was held in the Presbyterian church for the purpose of moderating in a call. which was extended to the ltev. S. 1'. Sharpe, of Alliston. Mr. Edgar Willis has in his window tl bird rarely seen in 'Canada. It is a• species of Southern Loon and is ankh smaller than the Canadian Loon. The bird was shot near Elim - rifle and was given to Mr. Willis to he mounted. .1. G. Stanbury attended the non- ittry assizes at Goderich on Tuesday where he appeared for the Bank of Commerce in a Case against Adam Scott. of McGillivray tp., and others to have deed of land set aside as a fraud on creditors. Judgment was given in favor of the bank with costs. Graydon es. Graydon, of London. were acting for the defendants. GOT THEM AGAIN another !stock just received Inst Monday at the Exeter Bargain Store the sale will begin Thursday, June 24th, at 2 o'clock p. ,I. and continue all this week. 'Half pile' sale. Just think you can buy a s•:'t of Clothes and hoots and Shoes at h :If price. Whack bang they go, we want to go away for our holidays. The store will h•• 'Iosr•d next week. J. W. SRO!' . HICK, i Preparat ions for the sporting events on July 0th, by the Exeter Y. 1L. C. A. are going ahead rapidly: Many are under the impression that the contests are for members of the; Y. M, C. 'A. only. Such is not the case, they nre open to nnyone who 1 cures to take part. Already the runners are practicing nightly get- ting into shape and it will take some itrv. Fair will preach his farewell fast outsiders to win the laurels raises next Sunday. away from then. Mrs. Sienmon, has returned from The Exelcr baseball team went to 1':.rkhtll, !ringing her furniture Zurich Tuesday evening to play a re- tt Itti her, turn game with the team of that 1 A number from the village and village. Seven innings were played, i vicinity attended the anniversary resulting in the defeat of Exeter' Services at Whalen on Sunday. 14-6. The locals were n little car...Mr. tied `les. Joshua Johns, of Tess at the beginning of the game. al- ''=tr,luhar. w:4ittd friends here on lowing their opponents 12 runs in S' t'Llav the first two innings. Following.The Annual Anniversary and were the players. Zurich. Edjghoffer, !Strawberry Festival of the Elim- Snlsman. Fritz. \Vurm, Weber. Ran-ville liethorfist Sunday School will air Gordon. Litre. \1'eber; Exeter.be held on Sunday. June 27th. and Palmer. Creech. Carling, ;Hoskin. Thursday July 1st. 1909. On Sunday 11nitkshaw. llawden, Bissett. Senior,! June 17th. sermons will h.' preached at 10 n. In. and 7 r 1• m. b Rev. 1lnrtloib. y , Geo. Jewitt. former pastor,. A JAMES \VALTEIt IS REVENGED mass meeting of the scholars in the The most interesting bowling con-' afternoon. program of singing etc. test of the season took place Tues-, by the school and an address by Rev. .t day evening on the local alleys and "`t•iet. Collection at each service in as a result n more interesting gatnr' aid of school fund. Thursday. July is expected. Several years ago our t 1st. the annual picnic will b- held in two genial adipose. townsmen, Alt.! Mr. illerdnian's orchard. Where a at and James Walter had a skating con-' pr2 ogram Awill be given will br1Riv nig by test in which the former came off Revs. 11. Watson and E. A. Fear and victorious, and James has been wait- A. 1, F Iltit1, junior pastor. ,1lusio ing for an opportunity to get even i b tb•• lbishwood Itss band, A ever since, !loth of them had learn- y ed the art of "skittle'• playing ntrlong"Crri.1./n l 1II on. deo nnbJ otheri re - Cardiff, before they came to this country. and being proficient nt the l lreshnents so:d on rho grounds, game. there has been considerable slimes and other amusements. Ad - rivalry between them. Since the. mission 25c. children not of the school alleys were installed here, both un 15e. Come one and all. and spend nn known to ench other have been quiet- enjoyable b[belr dn) w hi:. one of fir. 1 ly prvtcttsin and Tuesday evenin3 Cormsh's children was playing in the Alf. thought he was just in the prim- •Fond. it attempted to cross between -t cr ndition for met es r n perfect , two gravel teams and fell. Luckily sore and so did James and n match ,ho driver got the hor-:es stopped and in etas arranged. Each was to select n 11 partner and Alf. learningof rho high time to prevent running over the scores made by Jack Mallett the child. I night before. when he trimmed an- • ter. MMlss ,.lally t?gnircs visited her sia- other bowler. who had handicapped frs. erdmnn n few dfays last hits hay pins. selected Jack as his t`cok. partner. while Jimmie took a chance Mr. \Wes'"y Parkinson spent a on the best rtmatelir howler in town last w'cok ret London and for his partner. 'Thr first game went Pori. Stanley; to Alf. and .tack by a narrow margin, annday nag observed as Decoration owing to .1im's partner failing toet Dar. when several of the lodges in .n his thumb in the right hole. The tottunited in decoratih • a second game went to Jaynes. and the ng tgra v.• third. awful to relate, also went to "f their departed brethren. James by a big majority. The game Rev. A. 11, Going, who for the pest created considerable excitement. each fourof Jyears hag been the brlored past - side 'hnving n coterie of friends to 01ames Street Methodist t`burch. urge them on. A return match is ex- . l.r,•aeh.•s his farewell Rermoe nnxt pccted nny evening. ns the losers are •`undny evening. Iles with hip family, determined that their reputations; leave n' at week for Itnntilton. wh re shall not be lost to chaps who rein. Mr. Going Will brcogte pastor of a not howl ns well as '•Ilristol nils'• 14t4'e char .to whiefl h • was Sp: ri•tl- the champion of England. whom Alf. 1J sat' 1.rir•c Per. Going's pas - defeated on several occasions. torltte xrtor h has meds Inions ' of am riends, who will regret his sketuirture. He is a schotnrly gen- tictnan. n clear earnest speaker and Presentation to Mrs. I:_l'I'.TPR COt \CI1. Going. teras The members of Mrs. Going's Young \\'uutens' Bible Class took possession of the parsonage land J�vcevening, 6+ while the hostel:: was :sway and on h,•r return presented with tin ad- dress and a beautiful rut glass fern dish. The class which was organized about a year and :t half ago now contains about : ••vewty five young women and roust of them were pre- sent on this occasion. After the pre- •�:.ort .. ;rtet:u} :t lid musical program was given. followed by n 1unt•h. Ellrnvllle 11IATtRiEI) CA1.1)\WEI.L-Goo );[,I.T -- At sen - forth. ,lune 22nd, Mrs. Eliza Gad- has sermons were much appreciated. holt. of Winchelsea to Mr. John Mrs, Goi,, t has been of exceptions i Caldwell. of Ilensall, nssistanc� to her husband in rho ('IIAt'I'EL1. REYNO'LD:A - At the ehoreh work. alwa's taking a deep home o: the bride's parents, itay. interest in the welfare of the congre- ss, \Wcdne,dav, ,inn,• 17th. Miss Ration rind others tvho did not belong. Florence 1t ' nn'.ds to Mr. \Wm. iier Christian spirit was always np- ('hnpreil. of llanrIton. •)'ormo•t and in the Ladies' Aid took I:!NG NEEJ.A\DS-1n llensnll, Juno an naive interest. The children too, 17tb. 1909. Me.. Edna \eeiands to hnve been held in the highest esteem. Mr. Arthur Kier. 0. T. i1. agent and will be missed htv their many of Ile.tsntl, i friend• in i.xeter. it v. Going and , fnmily 111noner 1 t •instribe red by ft01t� the people of Ex f r. who trust that \IiTTE\liOLTz-in Zerirh. on the in their new fi.:d. they will meet 12th. inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. A. with even mor success than they at- Mittenho:tz. n daughter. 1 tnined here. The second betting of the Court of Revision for the village of Exeter, was held in the Town stall on Friday. June 18th, 1909. The members pre- sent were chairman McCallum, Messrs. Juhns, Carling nud Luker. The minutes of the meeting hell May 28th, were read and approved. There being no 'further business be bring before the court. The Court of Revision for 1903 was closed on motion of Johns -Luker 'Carried. The Council met at the close of the Court of Revision absent eouncillor Beaman. The minutes of the meet- ings held May 61st, and 28th, June 5th and 701, were read and approved. A' report of the fence viewers re- t gards line fence between H. Gidley. Jae. Creech and T. Armstrong was r, ad. The latae being referred back. 1 for other information on motion of Carling -johns. Carried. The reeve gave n report as re- gards terms and conditions, as agreed - ed with Mr. J. N. (Howard. The same was accepted by the council on motion of Carling -Luker. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: Willis Chip - ma Ti, Toronto. services re water supply, $50.00 ; Thos. (Holden, prepaid account for one week street water- ing, 15.00; Thos. plolden, one week street watering 15.00; Gutta Percba :Ind Rubber Coy.. Toronto, account fire Dept., 1.67; Times Printing Coy•, account to June 1st, 4.25; The Queen City Oil Coy., Toronto, Gasoline, 7.06; 1t. N. Taylor, cleaning flues of steam- er, 2.50; Louis Fanson, street water- ing, 15.00; Jos. Senior, postage, 4.00; Fred Mills, labor, 4.50 ; Jas. Stewart 75e. ;Arthur Sanders 10.50; Thos. Cookson 10.50; Albert Bissett 15.75 ; Eli Snell 15.00; 'Isaiah 'Hall 14.55: Jos. Sutton 14.00; Geo. Sanders 12.00; Geo. Atkinson 3.00; Wm. Ander.soi, 17.05; Thos. Snell 9.25: Thos. Cornish 10.50; David Russell 10.50 ; ltd. Davis 275 ; Silas Standford 2.75 ; Thos. Creech 6.25: Walter Westcott 12.00 ; Sidney Sanders 14.25; Alf. Medford 12.00; Winn. Welsh 9.00; 4{enry Itain- rtey 1.80 ; Geo. 'Cudmore 3.00 ; Wei. tallespie 3.50; Wm. lirimncombe 5.50. Amounting in all to $331.13 passed on motion of Carling -Luker. Car- I;ed. Adj. until Monday. June 2lst. by Carling. .1. SENIOR, Clerk. CIIAI'PEL-ItEY \OLDS The home of .Mr. and Mrs. henry Reynolds. Brookside farm slay was the scene of a pretty wedding, Wednesday. June 10th, when their eldest daughter, Miss Florence 11. was united in marriage to Mr. W. .1. Chappel a prosperous young farm- er near Hamilton. The ceremony was performed at high noon by Rev. A. 11. Going, R. A. pastor of James Street church. amidst ferns and flowers in the presence of about forty guests. The bride who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white :-.ilk embroidered mull, trim- med with lace and satin ribbon also a veil and orange blossoms, and car- ried a bunch of carnationk and roses. Lottle Mildred Nicholson. of Earl Grey, Sask.. cousin of the bride made We n .pretty flower girl dressed in %%: 1tc organdie. The wedding march was piated by the bride's sister Miss Edith. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue broadcloth with white picture hat. After the ere- Merchant Tailor mony n dainty wedding breakfast was served after which the happy PORTLAND CEMENT AND PLASTER PARIS Any quantity supplied at lowest prices. Screen Doors from $1.00 to $1.75 Screen Windows from 20e. to 45c. Screening all sizes in stock. Ready=Mixed Paint and Floor Paint 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 45c. per tin. 35, 40 and 45c. qt. Stains, Varnishes, Shellac and Enamels. I ammocks ....3.00 to 5.00 Lawn Mowers 1 co to 5.50 Oil Stoves 75 to 7.50 Gasoline Stoves , ....... , .4.00 to 7.50 Gasoline per gall 25c, A Full Line of Baseball Supplies HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruse's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is Molle better than Bruce's Lawn • Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE ‘Vc ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. TSHAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do you want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. Neve promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle, fit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are s etistied customers. ('orae here for your next Suit or Overcoat. Can Suit You JOHNS couple left for their new hone fol- lowed by the hest wishes of their many friends. The estimation of the bride was shown by the many useful and costly presents presented to her. The groom's gift to the bride was :t broach set with pearls and opals and to the flower girl n ring with an amethyst stone. Guests w• re 1 re- sent from Newberry. Mich.. Earl Grey. Sask.. \Wingham. i;arnia and other places. Mr. Arthur S. Davis intends !cav- it:•: for the tt••=t in a few weeks. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Parlor suite Bedroom suite The Kind You Have Always Bought Exctcr, Ontario 4 June,the Month of Brides In selectins; your wedding presents there is nothing nicer or arose appreciated than something in the Furniture line for presents. We have them and large assortments too from which to choose. What could you give that would be of mare service than a Bears the Sig:.atrre of Alts•: I'ItESll 11(11'(8 S1deDodr R0GK1I1U Ghdlr 6011611 Table GIlIfld 6dUiIiCt E crythieg in our store is brand new, nothing old kept in stock, so that you get the latest designs and then \th.tt's better the l.riccs arc right. Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering ROWE & ATKINSON The l.,.ulir K 11, n.• 1, iIil li••I+ai:,t Tuner:.I I)ircctots. ne; , i:e d I•. r• • ty to the life of a • •r• , r :,I:ta.patent? Listen to that t h .d THEY ARF.. It'sCredilon. Flour Mills ths 1, ; s from all the physicians of th • se .•.;t'.. Poor quality and stale. I)Rt.'GS have nullified the efforts of a whole nrtuy of ab.e physicians and helped to make many an undertaker rich. When )oa wan: drugs% pars the door of the druggist whose small trade keeps his stock stale. find your nay to a big firm like ours. whose large h'tsiecss keei,s n constantly -replen- ished stock of fresh drugs always. Call phone 50. Howey's Drug Store We have to offer good White' Shotts also Bran and feed in ton 1014 Shot t s at 4t•_►5 p(.r ton Bran at :t•_►:► pH' ton hamilf' Nom $13,25 pt'r 100 11►s Ontatio Flour `i 00 lege' 100 Ws Special reduction on large lets, • NRY SWEITZE' t•Ht:ft1rON i:AeT