Exeter Times, 1909-06-03, Page 3CARTERS
Rick Headache and relieve all the troubles Ind -
dent to a t:uous state of the system. such ss
utueasa„,,..�l auses, lrrowsl ase.+s, 'roarer.' after
tiuy. la In the File. .lc. %%bile theirurcwt
r•artable success Las L... n mho au in curing
Headache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pills are
Vitali, v nluatle in Cvurtil,at ion. curing and pre-
senting this annoying co+ul.!alut.'1Lilo they also
r.rrect all dt.t ntenof tbeatomarbtriutulate the
liver and regulate the bowels. E. Yell 11 i1 oul1
♦ere they would ba sire ost priceless to thew. whO
Duffer frarn nkla distreaai:1g e. nptaiut: but fortu•
Lately t heirgood.ueesdr.es noteud here,a"d those
Who oucotry there will end these little pills valu-
able ln.,ouianywase that they will not be wit -
]lug tudoeitLout them. Rut after all sick head
Ie. the bine of en many lives that hers to where
sre. mak o o _: r gnat boast. Our pills cure it while
otic- a do net.
Cart-r's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to talk One or two pills makes dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do net gni e or
purge. but by their gentle action please all oho
sae them.
C.1TZZ 111DI.I113 00., 1:127e YCS2.
Rfall �11t
42,11 ;ookStull ?rico,
Happenings in the Emerald Isle of
Interest to L istt-
Ont of 240 deaths in the town of
Wexford last year, every fifth one
was due to tuberculosis.
There aro several Neweastles in
the United Kingdom, but only one
Newcastle, County Down.
The death o pcurred recently at
C'lunakilty Workhouse of Cornelius
Mahony, a native of Shannon Vale,
in his leist year.
Floods recently prevailed at Fer-
bane. liallyenmber and Banagher,
AV hero the Shannon overflowed its
banks for miles.
Owing to the recent heavy rain-
fall tleire were great floods in
King's County. The land around
Tullamore was a veritable lake.
Recently in Mary street, Dublin,
a live eel 3 feet long, which had
been released from the water pipe,
Vat -teen flopping about the street.
So great is the amount of dis-
tress prevailing in Dublin that the
Lord Mayor has convened a public
meeting to discuss the lack of em-
Dr. Edward Heyns, for 41 years
Medical Officer of Ballyvaughan dis-
pensary- district and the Work-
house, has resigned his position, on
- account of advanced age.
A Plea for the Optimistic, Christian
View of Life.
For what is your life.—James iv.
A Latin proverb says : "Art is
long, life is short.” But life itself
is an urt which must be studied.
There are two schools that teach
the art of life, the pessimistic and
the optimistic.
Pessimists arrive at the conclu-
sion that lite is hardlyworthh living.
That, however, is nut the Christian
idea of life. True Christians are
optimists and believe that "a-.
things work together for good to
thein that love God."
In the royal gardens of Potsdam
there is an old sun dial which bears
the inscription: "1 count only the
pleasant hours." One might envy
it for this prerogative that records
,lone of the dreary hours, but only
There are some persons that have
the faculty of overlooking and for-
getting the disagreeable features of
life and noticing only the pleasant
sides. Such a sunny mind is cer-
tainly a great blessing and there is
no reason why every Christian
should not have it. There are hours
of perfect happiness in everybody's
life—hours which reimburse for
years of suffering and woe, tho me-
mory of which many years after
lightens the worn face with happy
smiles. But the pleasantest hours
are not always the inose profitable,
and it is true indeed what is said
its the Nineteenth Psalm, that our
life's strength is labor and sorrow.
There are many of the pleasantest
hours which we might just as well
forget and there aro many among
the dark hours which have left be-
hind a lasting blessing. The most
fruitful and valuable hours, those
uhich give most impetus to the in-
ner life, are, as a rule, not the
pleasant hours of enjoyment and
mirth, but the grave and serious
hours, days
of woeand
nights nt
s of
tears, times of struggle and priva-
tion, the memory of which one
would not part with for any price.
calls life a "sowing of seed" and
says: "Whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap." A selfish
life, though it bo clean, is without
charm and beauty. A sinful and
contaminated life is still worse —
remorse and self-accusation make it
a hell on earth.
The only life worth living is tho
one of which Christ has left us an
example. Devoted to tho service
of others, full of that all -conquering
love that is strong as death, it
brings light and happiness into dark
places and bears that sweet and
blessed fruit which is promised to
all. Such a life is neither tiresome
nor ever a cause of regret, but finds
grace before God and man. May we
all try to (raster this wonderful art
and life will become more content,
more interesting, more productive
of good front day to day until at
last it becomes a sweet, harmoni-
ous song to the glory of life's Cre-
Lesson X. The -Power of the Ton-
gue. (.olden Text, Prov. 21: 23.
lntro-Juction.—What is the im-
portance of the theme of our les-
son 1 Philosophers have striven to
discover what faculty' most clearly
separates roan from the brute; as,
that mon is the only animal that
laughs, or the only animal that
cooks, ul the only animal that
stands upright. Most thinkers, how-
ever, agree that the power of
speech, with all that has grown out
of it, is the clearest and most im-
portant distinction of mankind,
and the surest indication of the
superiority that God has conferred
upon the human race. The passage
John Purcell and Luke Fagan, we are to study is one of the finest
who wore evicted from their farms in the Bible, and is the crown of all
on the lllakenoy estate at Fuetty, writings upon the subject.
some years ago, have beou given I. Tho Ideal of Speech.—Vs. 1,
farms by the Estates Commission- 2a. Why did James urge his read-
ers. ors not to be many masters (teach -
The damage done by a Belfast erg, as in "schoolmasters")1 1. Be-
fore is estimated at something like cause the young church mit that
stores,000. It began in theebonded danger continually tsee Acts 15: 24;
stores, in Dunbar street, of the 1 Cor.1: 12; 14 : 26; Gal. 2: 12).
Messrs. McConnell, whiskey die
tillers. In the Jewish church the function
The Congested Districts Board of the rabbi was jealously guarded,
have purchased the interest from but 1 e liberty of prophesying
Mr. Thos. Smyth of some 60 acres (teaching) in Christianity was liable
of inland farm adjoining the vii- to become license. And "the more
lage of Brosna. It will be dis ided the idea prevailed that faith, with -
into plots. out corresponding obedience, was
'1'he Locnl (1.>' ornment hoard all that is needful, the more men
/' • ' hese sanctioner) the issue of a loan would eagerly press forward to
of $1,19.3 to Donegal Guardian for teach." This thought joins our
the }purpose of enlarging the infirm- present lesson with the last.
Dry and providing a shelter for con- iI. The Tongue as a Rudder.--
sun►ptives. Vs. 2b -5a. To illustrate perfect
'Pli,ough the gift of Andrew Car- speech, to what (hies James compare
ncgie, three public libraries have the tongue 1 To a horse's bit or
been established in Belfaat. Ono bridle, which, though small, turns
ir situated in the Falls Road, nn- and governs the whole body of the
other in Old Park Read, and the great. animal; and. similarly, to a
third in Donegal Road• ship's helm or rudder, which,
The body of an old ago pension though not so small in comparison
er named Mark ('onaty wee found with the great ship and sit weak
r at !)rung, near Cavan, under suspi-
�, J cions circumstances, two gunshot
wounds being discovered. :\n ar-
rc-t has been made.
IV. The Tongue as a Wild
Beast.—Vs. 7,8. What is James's
next comparison of the tongue 1 To
an untamed beast ; all other living
things have been mastered by
mankind --the four divisions of
animals according to James's
rough zoology, namely, quadrupeds,
biris, reptiles, and fishes But the
tongue is an exception. No man
can tame it; only God, who made
it can keep it under control. It is
an unruly (restless) evil, full of
deadly poison, and so to bo classed
with the animals most hated and
feared, the serpents.
V. Inconsistencies
Vs. 9-12. Why does
comparisons when he
last point l Because
comparis )ns in nature to man's
inconsistency in speech—only con-
trasts. Fountains do not send out
of the same orifice now fresh water
and now salt water. Fig -trees do
not bear figs at one time and at
another time olives. Vines do not
yield grapes in one season and figs
in another. The constancy of nature
was as well known in James's day
as in ours. But the tongue is
sadly different. ! Out of the same
mouth proceeded' blessing and
of Speech.—
James drop
comes to his
there are no
Enjoy Aerial Music While Sitting in
One'w Hoole.
A traveller in Eastern lands tells
us the following story of the Chi-
nese and their most unique pigeon -
One of the most curious expres-
sions of emotional life in China is
the application of whistles to a
flock of pigeons. These whistles,
very light, weighing hardly a few
grammes, are attached to the tails
of young pigeons soon after their
birth, by means of a fine copper
wird, so that when the birds fly
the wind will blow through the
whistles and set thein vibrating,
thus producing an open-air concert,
for the instruments in one and the
same flock are all tuned different -
in' IS. On a serene do in Peking,
in comparison with the fiercethwind!: where these instruments are menu -
set turns the ship, in the face of factures) with great cleverness and
the wind., whithersoevcr the gover• ingenuity, it. ispossible to enjoy
nor (r. y. "steersman") listeth
e this aerial music while sitting in
(r. v. "w•illcth"). Even so (like the one's room.
These troublesome afflictions are caused
woolly by bad blood and an unhealthy
state of the system, and can be easily cured
' r ttderful blood cleansing proper.
Many r. markable curse l: w. 1. •cn made
by this remedy. and not only have the un-
sightly skin diseases been rernnved, and a
bright clear completion been pr.xluce.lt
but the entire system has been renovated
and invigorated at the Sante same time.
\lis John O'Connor, Burlington, N.9„
writes :—" For awe 1 suffered with Salt
Beeline 1 tritel a tloren different meli•
inty,, hut most of them only made it worse. earth. HO,w great a matter is - (- "the eleven -eyed one.''
1 was advieeel to try Burdock Blond bit-
e.t rally how moth wood, 01'how,
fere. 1 got a bottle Anil t.eforel had taken
half a dozen doses 1 could see a(hangc so 1 great a forest. The longue is sapid
continued its use and new I sin completely :1 wc•1'ld ,,f iniquity lir/ :twit. "all 'I'Iie butter of courtesy should be
valid. 1 cannot aa` lino much for your kinds of evil that arc in the world thickly sprrad upon the bread Of
•o:tderf 1 medi.vne, are exhibited there in miniature." independene0-
bridle and the rudder) the tongue
is a little member. and boasteth
great things. "vaunts great words,
which bring about great acts of
mischief "—Alford.
111. The Tongue as a Flame.—
next cum -
5b, 0. What is the
p.tricon used by James 1 "The
tongue--athat world of iniquity—is a
fire, sprung from the fires of
Gehenna. It is a little fire. to the
eve ; but n little fire can kindle a
great forest. So the tongue can
ruin the whole body—nay, the whole
life, in its revolving course froma mouthpiece, I , an d I1 apertures
the cradle to the grave." The
course of nature is literally the
whirl of birth. the wheel of exist-
ence set revolt i:rg at birth. It is
less likely thnt James had in mind
a potter's wheel, whose work is
spoile.1 by an nntemper((i heat ;
and 'till less likely that he n:ennt
orbic Irrrarum. the circle of 'the
There are two distinct types of
whistles—those consisting of ham -
1:00 tubes placed side by side, and
a type placed on the principle of
tubes attached to a gourd body or
wind chest. They are lacquered in
:ellow, brown. reel. and black to
protect the material from destruc-
tive influences of the atmosphere.
The tube whistles ha%e either two,
three. or five tubes. In some speci-
mens the five tubes are made of
' s horn instead of bamboo. The
gourd whistles are furnished with
to the number of two. three, six,
ten and even thirteen. Certain
among them have besides a num•
her of bamboo tubes, some on the
principal mouthpiece, some ar-
tanged around it. These varieties
are distinguished by different
names. Thus a whistle with one
mouthpiece and ten tubes is called
1,500 MILES.
Forger Sentenced in Rhodesia to
Penal Servitude Escaped
Front a '!'rain.
Adventures as thrilliug as those
of toe prisoner who escaped 'rein
Levet s isle ended recently in Ju: rl
Cress ick, an alert, etetermined
looking man of tarty, appearing In
Lite uu, k at Bow street, London.
Creswick was sentenced to six
years' penal servitude in Rhodesia
ter forgery and was placed on a
train at C,welo for removal to Sal-
isb ' wasnum-
Hc, guarded by a -
n m
ber of leen, his unklee were man-
acled, and it seemed impossible
that one could escape.
During the early hours of the
morning he eluded his guards and
reached the back of the train. Tho
train was travelling v llinngat a rate
twenty miles an hour at the time,
but, without hesitating, he jumped
oft, and landed uninjured on the
rough track.
111s disappearance was not dis-
covered fur some time, and although
his movements wero impeded by his
chained ankles, he was able to
reach a place of safety.
His first necessity was to rid him-
self of his irons. This he accom-
p.ished, after many attempts? by
breaking the steel rivets with pieces
of rock.
Even then his plight was little
better, for he was in imminent dan-
ger of dying from hunger or being
killed by lions. By an extraordin-
ary chance he met a friend, who
gave him a rifle and ammunition
and lent him some money.
Croswick decided that his best
chance of escape was to reach the
port of Boma, in the Congo Free
State, and he set out on a 1,500
miles' walk across Africe. For five
long months he tramped through
the heart of the continent, living
on animals and birds he killed with
his gun.
At times he was on the verge of
starvation, he underwent many
privations, and his escapes from
death were countless, but at length
he reached Boma. Here he ex-
changed what was left of his prison
dress for a pair of grey trousers,
a striped jacket, and a cricket
shirt, and booked his passage by a
steamer to Antwerp.
Froin Antwerp he travelled to
London, where he thought it was
impossible that he could be recog-
nized. He was walking in Leman -
street. Whitechapel, when he was
stopped by Detective Inspector
"I believe you are John Cres -
wick," the inspector stated. "and
that you escaped from custody in
"Oh, no," Creswick replied.
"The man 1 want has the Prince
of Wales' feathers tattooed on his
arm," snid the inspector. "Let me
look at yours."
"You are right," Creswick ad-
mitted. "I am the man."
After his arrest he told the whole
story of his adventures. He was re-
manded in order that the authori-
ties might decide how they will
deal with him.
"Yon are in the employ of that
millionaire up on the hill, aren't
you 1" snapped the sharp -faced wo-
man who ran the butter and egg
"Yes, ma'm," responded the man
in the white apron "and I want
two pounds of butter for my
toaster's table. He said he'd send
to town after it, only the roads are
so bad."
"He did, eh I Well, we are not
particular about his trade. 1)id
you tell him I said his money was
tainted t"
"indeed I did."
"And what did he say 1"
"Said so was your blamed old
And yet. figuring it in any way
vol want to, what every woman
knows isn't much as compared with
what nearly every man owes.
Any irregularity of the trowels is always
dangerous, and should be at once attended
to and corre.-tel.
work on the bowels gently and naturally
without weakening the Maly, but, on the
contrary, toning it, and they will if per-
severed in relieve and cure the worst gees
of constipation.
Mrs. Jatntm King. Cornwall, Ont., writes:
"I was troubled with sick headaches, con-
stipation and catarrh of the stomach. I
could get nothing ti do sae any georl until
1 got a vial of M lhnrn's Lela -Liver Pills.
They did me more gust than anything else
i ever tried. 1 have no headaches or con-
stipation. and the catarrh of the stomach
le entirely g,:te. 1 (eel like a new woman
thanks to\tilhunr, 1.wa•i.iver Pill.. i
used in all shout half a doz"n vials." 11
Pried 2.; s. to a vial, 5 for $1.00. at 611
&Ar . or mai!ai rhrect by The 1. Nttlburo
t(v., I.:weec1, Toronto, Out a
h Horne
Mock Terrapin.—One cup %eel cut
in dice shape, one cup cream or
rich milk, one hard boiled egg cut
in small pieces, one tablespoon but-
ter. Put all together in a stew pan,
season with salt and pepper to
taste, heat to boiling point, and
thicken with one teaspoon of corn-
starch dissolved in milk. Serve on
hot buttered toast.
Noodles.—Beat four eggs, add a
pinch of salt and enough flour to
make a stiff batter. Then roll out
thin and let dry for two hours.
Then cut in small, narrow strips.
Put in dish and cover with boiling
salt water and let boil for ten
minutes. After draining putt in
a spider, acid a heaping teaspoon-
ful of butter, and fry for a few
minutes. Serve at once.
Sour Cream Cabbage.—Shred half
small firm head of cabbage; put in
kettle with cold water to cover;
add salt to season ; boil until ten
der ; dram off water; add half a
cup of sour create and four table-
spoons of vinegar. sset it boil up
once before serving. It will take a
delicate pink and is extremely
Fried Stuffffed Eggs. Fried stuff-
ed eggs snake a delicious luncheon
dish. Boil the eg¢s for twelve
minutes and filen drop them into
cold water and remove the shells
without breaking the whites. Cut
the eggs in two through the middle,
take out the yolks, and mix them
with minced ham and chicken, or
any savory meat on hand. Season
to taste, add with salt and pepper
the uncooked yolk of an eggs, a few
bread crumbs, and a little butter.
Minced parsley and a soupcon of
onion juice a(Id to their flavor.
Then put the eggs together again,
pressing the sides tight; they
should not be filled so full as to
prevent this, and roll the eggs
first in the white of egg and then
in bread crumbs. repeating the
process if the surface is not well
covered. Fry in a basket in deep
fat and serve with tomato sauce
and celery or parsley as a garnish.
Green Pepper Stuffed With Corn.
—Cut around stein end of pepper
about three-fourths around, leav-
ing other fourth as hinge, forming
a lid. Put peppers in cold water
sufficient to cover and bring to a
boil. Drain, cover with freshly
boiling water, and cook siowly un-
til tender. Drain again, salt light-
ly, and allow to cool. Allow two
tablesnoons of butter to become hot
in frying pan, add three cups corn,
three tablespoons boiling water itt
which is dissolved one teaspoon beef
extract. Cook five minutes; add
half cup cream, one teaspoon salt,
half teaspoon pepper. Cook slowly
until quite thick. Cool and fill
peppers. Fasten down lids of pep-
pers and place in buttered baking
dish. Melt one tablespoon of but-
ter in half cup boiling water, add
add one teaspoon of beef extract.
Pour over peppers end bake for
twenty-five minutes. Delicious when
served with fish.
Hint for Bread Baking.—After
putting light bread in the oven to
bake, to make it rise even turn the
pans before the bread begins to
brown, th loaves will rise the same
on each side.
Light Biscuits.—To each quart of
wheat flour add one-half cup of
graham flour. This makes delight-
ful biscuits and are much more
healthful, as the graham flour does
not lie heavy on the stomach as
the white flour does. More gra-
ham may be added if desired.
Spice Cake from Bread 1)ough.—
Two sups bread dough, two cups
sugar one cup butter, four eggs,
one teaspoon cinnamon, one tea-
spoon cloves, one teaspoon all -spice,
one small teaspoon soda dissolved
in water, one pound raisins well
floured ; cream butter and sugar;
acid beaten yolks of eggs : add
spices; mix with bread dough;
add raising : odd well beaten whites
of eggs: then soda ; bake in very
slow oven one hour and a half.
Cocoanut Pie.—Beat the yolks of
three eggs, add one tablespoon of
flour, two tablespoons of sugar,
one-half cup cocoanut, two cups
milk. Put this in an uncooked
crust and peke till set, then beat
the whites of eggs with two table-
spoons sugar, and brown in oven.
Walnut Pic.—The yolks of three
eggs. one cup sugar, ane cups milk,
au(1 one tablespoon flour. Roil to-
gether until thick. Let cool, and
then add one en- esu,-snecl walnuts
and flay or with lemon extract. Use
whites of eggs for top. ('oconnut
may be used in place of walnuts,
or good without either.
Banbury- Tart.—One cup raisins,
one cup sugar. one egg, one crack-
er. juice and rind of one lemon.
Roll pastry as thin as for pies and
cut in squares or rounds, three or
four inches in diameter. Put two
teas!!)__Owns mixturr on one-half of
roe.01. Brush Ilo' rdgeg together
with cold water and fold over,
pressing tight. Bake in a hot oven.
Lemon Nut Cake. --One and one-
half cups of sugar, one-half cup of
butter. whites of two eggs, one-half
cup of chopped walnuts grated
rind of cone -half of a lemon (just the
yellow Ow rind,one cup of sweet
milk. two teaspoons of baking pow-
der, flour enough to make a thick
batter. Cream butter and sugar
together, add wholes of eggs one
at a time, will•, and baking powder,
sifted in the flour. Frosting :
White of one egg beaten stiff. with
the juice of one-half of a lepton
and powdered sugar ; make thick
enough to spread w illi knife,
spread on cake when cool. and
sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
To overcast sleeves into place in-
stead of bastingg thein before stitch-
ing;. This finishes off the seats and
eliminates the withdrawal of bast-
ing threads at the same time.
In packing white lace or white
silk waists or fine laces. if you wish
then) to remain perfectly whitie
wrap in lighthlue cheesecloth or
tissue paper and place in a box.
I have kept a NOIR e silk dress in
this way for sixteen years.
To sew all battens on garments
just far enough apart to allow an
iron to slip between readily except
where close set buttons are re-
quired for particular reasons. This
width usually looks well aiel the
appearance of the ironed article
is greatly improved.
To USC only light brown or white
paper to clean the iron on ironing
day if the eyes have the least ten-
dency to weakness. The ink used
in printing newspapers and maga-
zines when rubbed with the hot
irons rises in a suit of poisonous
vapor, irritating the eyes greatly in
many instances.
platter and moisten the scorched
spot with a jellylike mixture of
soap, starch, and water. Place a
piece of glass over all and lay - in
the sun. Hemoisten as often as
necessary until the stain is re-
Cut up old newsl,..pers into sheets
about eight by ten inches until you
have a package about an inch thick.
Drive a nail through this and tack
un in an ineonspicious place near
the kitchen sink. Use these sheets
to wipe out greasy dishes before
washing, to wipe the greasy rim
of the uishpan, and to catch many
scraps which would often soil table
or sink.
Some vases are made of suck por-
ous material that it is impossible
to use them as flower receptacles
without the moisture spreading to
the stand or table upon which they
are placed. If a little varnish brush
can be used the inside may be varn-
ished well, but in some instances
the openings are too small to permit
any such work. In such eases
pour the varnish inside and shako
it all around until the sides are
thickly coated. The extra varnish
can then be poured out and the
rim wiped before it has time to
harden thereon.
\\'hen an article becomes scorched
in ironing lay in over a plate or
That a button tied to the end of
a string and let down into a bottle
into which a cork has slipped can
usually be made to bring the re-
fractory cork within reach. Also
that when sealing up bottles of
fruit juices, etc., it is a good plan
to first lay two pieces of clean,
freshly boiled tape across the mouth
of the bottle, crossing then in the
center. When the cork is pushed
in and sealed up the ends remain
on the outside, and will bo a de-
cided aid in uncorking the bottle
when it is desired to do so, for all
that will he necessary it to break
the wax from the edge and pull
on the tape ends.
Love never has to advertise for
a job.
Saints are never seen by search-
ing in mirrors.
Faith never travels far when it
forgets the facts.
No pian knows truth 1 'e wants
ppatent it.
The way to be faithftitf co truth
is to follow it.
Every gift is measured by its real
cost to the giver.
Riches become dangerous only
when rooted in our affections.
The greatest verities are found
by loyalty to small truths.
The baggage car does not go
through on the heavenly train.
A good deal of public generosity
hides a lot of private meanness.
The large hearted always sec
large qualities in their friends.
Whatever is given by the hand
is more than gained by the heart.
Tho only way to fill the harves-
ter's wagon is to empty the sower's
Every man's view of this world is
better fur his being blind to some
of it.
It often happens that the punish-
ment we think is remitted is only
It takes more than Sunday
dreams of heaven to make a heaven-
ly week.
Some people have a way of pray-
ing for others that makes them pre-
fer cursingk.
The meewho inherit the earth
do not get their title to it by crawl-
ing in the dust.
Some seem to think the hest evi-
dence of being the salt of the earth
is ability to snake folks smart.
The most popular religious delu-
sion of our day is that discussing
duties is the same thing as doing
",\ soft answer turneth away
wrath, but it won't a fresh book
agent nor bill collector."
Read hew Mi s. '1'. O. 1:ack, Beattie 'gig*,
Out., was curial (and else tier little I).%)) Ly
the use of
She writes:
1 thought t I would !
g write
and let you know the benefit 1 have re•
ceivo.1 through Ilio use of your Dr. N'o,xl's
N'orw'ay nee Syrup. A few years ago I
was soltadly troutlel vt it 11 my blues people
said 1 had Cousuniptioo and that I would
not live through the fall. I Earl two doc-
tors attending me and they were vers much
alarmed about me.I %
as in heel threw
months and when I got up 1 could not walk,
so hal to go on my hands and knees for
three weeks, and my limbs seemed of no
use to tee. 1 gave up all hopes of ever
getting better when 1 happened to see in
11.I3,11. Almanac that Dr. Wood's Norwa
Pine Syrup was good for weak lungs. I
thought 1 would try a bottle and by the
time 1 had used it I was a lot better. so got
more and it made a oomplete cure. M
little boy was also troubled with weak
lungs and it cured hie:. I keep it in the
house all the time end would not be with.
out it for anything."
Price '25 oente at all dealers. Beware of
imitations of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Ask for it and insist on getting
the original. Put up in a yellow wrapper
and three pine trees the trade mark.
First Steeple ('lock Set up in
Milan in 1309.
In this age of centenaries, this
year, according to a French con-
temporary, marks the six hundredth
anniversary of the setting up of ttie
first steeple clock. It is claimed
that the honor belongs to Milan,
and it was in that city, in the year
1309, that the venerable sun dial
of the campanile of Saint Eustace
gave place to the clock. Dante on
more than one occasion refers to it,
and the horologe is said to have in-
spired other poets with themes for
The claim of Milan of having the
first steeple clock is not an estab-
lished fact—that is, if the date of
its installation be 1309; for the late
Lord Grimthorpe, no mean author-
ity on horology, states that a clock
was put up in a former tower at
Westminster with some great bells
in 1288, out of a fine imposed on a
corrupt chief justice, and the motto,
"Discite justtiam, moniti." The
bells were sold, or rather, it is said,
gambled away by Henry VIII. In
14.92 a clock is mentioned in ('anter -
bury cathedral as costing £30.
There is also a clock in Dover Castle
with the date 1348. Lord Grim-
thrope adds that it is much like our
common clocks of the eighteenth
century, except that it has a vib-
rating balance, but no spring, in-
stead of a pendulum, for pendulums
were not invented for three cen-
turies after that dale,—London
G lobe.
Applicant—"I'm a vory experi-
enced barber, and 1 should like to
get a berth in your shop if you have
a vacancy."
Master Barber—',You ? You'd
never do at all with that bald head.
-\ customer would laugh if you
asked him to buy a bottle of our
celebrated Magic Hair Restorer."
Applicant—"Aye. but I'd he tho
man that used the hair ,restorer
that Jinx sells in the shop round
the corner."
Master Barber—"I never thought
of that; you can start work at..
The most valuable work in ex-
istence is said to be a copy of the
Koran, now treasured in the Mo-
hammedan city of lspnan-liuzn,
Persia. The covers, 9' ul. by 4in.,
are of solid gold,'/sin, thick, while
precious stones set in symbolic de-
signs figure in the centro and at each
of the corners. Ths book is written
upon parchment, and this part of
the work alone is valued at $50,010.
More People Than are Aware of 11
Have Heart Disease.
"1f examinations were made of every
one, people would be surprised at the num-
ber of persons walking about suffering from
heart disease "
This startling statement was mode by a
doctor at a recent inquest. " I Mould not
like to say that heart disease is as common
as this would imply." said the expert,
"hut I ate euro that the number of troraone
gob:g about with weak hearts must le very
Nundrede of penple go about ltreis- daily
work on the vergo of death, and yet do not
know it. it is only when the .Bock conies
the( kills them that the welt specter) weak.
nese of the heart is made appan nt.--
"ilut und'pubtedly heart weakness, not
disease, is more preval.rnt nowadays. I
should think that the stress of living, the
wear and rush of modern business life,
have a Int to do with heart trouble."
There is no ti subt but that this is correct,
and we would etron 'ly advise anyone
suffering in any wayy teehc.pri trot:els to
try* course „1 MILIbURN'$ HEART
1y, no rts. per Mtori11,.r:-fo'.r?1.75.
at all dealers or will to mailed u . r u
receipt of price by The T. Milburn (e...,
Limited, Toronto, Ont,