Exeter Times, 1909-05-13, Page 5r
'l' H E r; X L W k it 1'1 M E S, Al AY I3th 1909
T N � � ta') •ur l�<r► horror; b,.n tcaJ hrCREDI 0I
We have a large stock of
Red Clover
Millett, &c.
Specially selected for purity and germination.
Also a quantity of Seed Oats and Barley
for Sale.
Potatoes Wanted
Spring Necessitie
This spring's shipment has been the largest, shipment of Wall Paper we
ever received. The range is complete and the designs are new and very at-
tractive. The material is best for the money and the colorings are rich and
durable. Many stripes are shown with scenery dorders. See our selections
before you buy.
The spring outlook in the carpet line is very bright. See our range of
Ta( itry, Unions, Stair Carpets and Jap Matting, also Rugs. Will procure
these for you in any size. Showing Union carpets from 25c to 50c per yard.
Linoleums and Oilcloths
The increasing demand for our Linoleum prove that their value is becom-
ing well known. Have thein in 2 yds and 4 yds wide.
Have Floor Oilcloths 1, 1i and 2 yards wide. Prices right.
,� Lace Curtains, Damask Curtains, and Cretonnes in big variety.
:.,4A►t. Curtain Poles. Window Shades, in different colors and prices.
Give us a call for Furnishings and Decorations for your home
Retailers of all kinds of Seeds, Potatoes, etc.
Highest Market Prices for Produce.
Buggies Buggies
Just Arrived
1 Found -keepers and 1•'t nes Viewers for
third time, be ,a: sed and signed by
the Reeve and clerk and he scot of 1
he '('orporutiou attached thereto.'
• \Wuerth-Love "That sly -law No.
135 being a By-law to borrow money
Mr. Garnet Baker spec
the village.
t Sunday in
to meet contest expenditures of the The planing will is now busy On
r y Municipality. having been read the the new store of L. Ravel!. at the
Mrs. 3lorlock and g r:wdaughter. of . third tune. b . passed and signed by Bend.
he Reeve and Clerk rk and the spat of Mr. V. G. Walker, Inspector of the By Dealing At slel ci't €i
Exeter. spent a week is the filings the Corporation attached hereto." hartuery Bank paid his annual visit
visiting relatives. Curried. to the branch here on Monday. We will offer all our Carpets consisting of Taptstry, Union and
The tvetithe r in ibis rection con -
At 1,3u p. in. the lenders were Mrs. Nicholson and son. of Blake,
tiuues very unfavorable fur [sewers opened for the construction of the Hemp Carpets at a discount o(1 j per ee nt.
for putting in heir spring crops. 1 visited fricnJs in he village over Miss Mr. !toy rainier. who had been t'°ttcrcte nbutmfvtts. floor Ind steel Sunday. Don't Miss This
quarantined with an attack of scar -t s°Pcrstructura to tl►e Herr ItriJgc Dl r. Harris, of Crediton, spent Sun-
the Aux Snubtes !fiver at dayitt the village. `
let fever, is able to be out again. t•.-,•di;on Last. band under the leadership of We will also save you more}' in Dress Goods. 11 c
Dl r. Huston, of he Bunk of Com-
. \•,',t; rth-Love "'That Joseph Law- At r. Ed. Siebert, has been making re -
Imerce staff, spent Sunday at s sou be awarded the contrast for thebuyfrom the best dress goods house in Canada, and
borne at \Winghtim. gid progress and are now able to
Dl r. slurry Fowler has returned nf- toia'rete nbutneuts and A. hill and ploy nicely and our citizens expect can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Come and take
Co., of Mitchell. the contract for the them to este rtnin often during the
ter being conf;sed to his roost tit Sea- venerate floor and stet.1 bridge." coming summer months. We under-
nder- a look through our Dress Goods before you buy.
forth for two weeks. I Carried.
DI r. Garfield hill, who has been
stand they have been engaged to • ,
homesteading in the west for the past Yearley -Ault rsout "'!'hat the de- play at Exeter 011 the 24th. /
posits of the unsuccessful tenders be a make a specialty of Millinery and our
three yeses, returned home on Bat- �-
urday last. returned and hal the clerk draw up If your Stomach. Heart or Kidneys prices are lower than the lowest.
The league of he Methodist church he respective contractors and that arc weak, try at least, a fewdoses
had a social evening Monday, when only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In Farm Produce Taken in Exchange
the a very pleasant time was spent by the (contracts oneeve is b hereby
ofc thee Corn five or ten days only, the result will
the young people. poration of the Totvaet<ip of Stephen:' surprise you. A few cents will corer WAN TED -A car of Potatoes this \vet!:.
Mrs. (licks very pleasantly enter- the cost. And here is why help comes
t:urried.I lighest hest rices' )aid for produce.
tained the choir at the parsonage on Anderson-Wuerth "That the Court AO quickly. I)r. Shoop doesn't drug P I I
\Vedic;dnV evening. the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart
Tom Appleton and Isaac of Revision to hear appeals against or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative •
the Assessment Itor' be held in the Siebert Co.
Sims s-' .rt Sunday at Exeter. Town hall, Crediton, on Wednesday, goes directly to the weak and failing
The auto owned by Messrs. Lutist May 26th, 190A at 10 a. m." Car- nerves. Each organ has its own con-
trolling nerve. When these nerves Hartleib Block. DASIIWOOD
The following orders were passed fail' the depending organs must of
Edward Sweitzer, repairs to culvert vital titfy fatten. This plain, yet
con. 4 75 cents; Canadian Express Sttal truth, clearly tells why 1)r.
CO, express on grader supplies, 70c.; sheep's Restorative is so universally
Connor Machine Co., ltod ends for successful. Its success is lending drug -
Bauble bridge, 4.80; Canadian Mach- gists everywhere to give it universal
ins Co., Grader edge and boxing, 12. hrcfercncc. A test will surely tell.
50; M. Jackson, Iron bars for Sauble Sold by W. S. llowey.
Bridge, 4.00; Exeter Tim's 1'tg. Co., Zurich
Ad re. Tenders for Bridge, 2.40; Thos.
Appleton, Removal of J. tfhiel to
House of Refuge, 4.15; Ed. Gill, Sr.,
contracts and have theta signed by
Mr. W. Hill's team one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Mclsaao and
family spent Sunday at Zurich.
Mr. Garnet Craig, of Centralia vis-
ited a few days in town.
\Ve understand that Mr. Jos. Law -
sou has received the contract for
the cement abutment at the Bauble
Mr. Albert Wolfe, of alt. Pleasant
Mich.. returned home last week. Ile
is suffering from a broken arm. but
is doing as well as can be expected. rep. bridge and material, 4.05; Jos.
The brick and tile yards have Guinan, salary as assessor, 80.00;
commenced the season's work. Jos. Guinan, truant book. 10.00; Jas.
Mrs. 'II. C. Clark and daughter Dignan, Iron rods for Bauble Bridge.
Marjorie spent a few days with Mrs.
Clark's parents at Exeter. 4,7r, ; Wm. ' g, 2. 5 repairs to bridge
At the meeting of he Quarterly and grading. 2.75: 1. \V. harn-
Iloard of the Methodist church on comb. Iluns etc. Sauble bride, 27.
00: Albert Ford, rep. bridge Con. 4,
Wednesday evening of lastweek, 11.00; Wilson Anderson. rep. Sauble
everything was found to be in first bridge, 14.00; Anderson & Neil. brick
class shape. There was found to be bats and learning. 8.00; Samuel
an increase in the membership and Mr. .Terry 'Corrivenu formerly of
Brown. clothing for inmate to house
in 'the givings, especially the miss- Zurich. but who has been living at
of Refuge, 6.10; Chas. ICienzle and Dashwood for some time past has
ioaary fund. which increased fifty others. grading account. 107.50; AI -
ha pent also tete cdiicas rnto'nalne offund. the bort Keys. tile. 3.50;0. Prouty. rep. bele inn s appointed
ed postmaster
culvert, 1.50; Essery & Cornisb, rep.
best in the history of the church. Sauble bridge. 8.00; Essery & Cor- resigned, as he intends leaving for
Mr. J. C. Collins. the dyer and nisi'. culvert 1st. S. ltd., 3.00; John the west. Mr. Corrivenu intends put -
cleaner, of l:xetc r, will be at the troy- ltoeszler, rep. Sauble bridge, 2.00: ling in a stock of merchandise and
al 'Hotel this nee k.All Ended out John Kenny. rep. Sutton's bridge, .has rented the building which was
clothing of ladies or gentlemen made 3.00; William Nielaos. rep. wash-out. foy Bris?ons hotel.
to look like new. Leave orders nt r, OU; John '!'nese:, rep. bridge, 2.00; After an illness extending over
the Royal Ilotel.Thos, Dtatwhinrev, patting in tile, several months Mrs. Peter Bender
Mr. Jus. Nichol. of Toronto was the6.00; Drank Schneider. brick bats and dt`'d peacefully. on Monday after-
noon, May 3rd, nt the age of 47 years.
8 months and 14 days. The deceased
was well liked for her many excellent
qualities and made n host of friends
during her residence in town. She
leaves to mourn her loss her husband
one daughter Mrs. herb. Axt. and one
son Muster Walter. besides a nutnber
of stepchildren. Her remains were
laid to rest in the Bronson Line ceme-
tery on Wednesday afternoon. The
late Mrs. Bender was n meinber of
the Chosen Friends. of the W. C. T.
it. and Ladies Aid of the Evangelical
church, in whose circles she will be
much missed.
Mr. Philip Rauch. who has been
quite ill is ab'e to be out again.
Miss 'Elmira Stogdill daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stogdill of the
Goshen Line, Stanley. died on Thurs-
day morning after an illness of five
weeks. She was 22 years. 2 months
and 17 days old. and was a general
favorite with all who knew her. The
funeral took place on Saturday at
1 o'cicc k to Jtayfield Cemetery.
guest of Mr. Ira Brown fora felt ieartting 10.90; Matthew Finkbeiner,
days last week. tile. 66 cents; Michael Beaver. work
r. Bert Clark has lately added on Crediton bridge. 8.00; W. & Et
new bar fixtures to his bar. which \Wein. rep. bridge E. S. 11.. e'.00;
are a great convenience and also adds •foha Dietrich. lumber, 9.56; Silas
Ilrokt•nshire. tile. 16.00; F. W. Clerk.
relief officer re. McMurray. 7.00 ; John
Lawson. relief officer re. Geo. 'Clark,
that promise to be FO interesting that 1'''d'''
l Thr council :adjortnred to inert
everyone will restain home to Ft' again in the Town Hall. Crediton, on
them and a large number from out- \ ednesdny. Mny 26th, at IO n. m. at
v 'rich meeting Gravel contracts will
b: let.
Henry Eilber, Tp. Clerk.
to the appearance.
Although there will be no celebra-
tion in Crediton this year. the base-
ball boys are arranging for garnes
side places will be sure to come. The
games twill be between Zurich and
Crediton. The first game twill be
called at one p. m. and the second at
six p. in. Don't fail to see the games.
1 Miss Dlrtbel Wenzel is visiting re -
latives in Zurich. i
Mrs. John Young. of Grand Bend,
reeed acquaintances in town last
Mr. Watson. who was relieving
(Harry ,fort ler in the ihtnk of Com-
inerce, has returned to his home in
Mr. James N!col has returned to
his home in Loudon. after visiting rc-
A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firma of Ontario latives in town.
in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do Al r. 'Christopher Either is suffering
well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods, from an attack of lagrippe We hope
Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. he will soon recover.
We are glad to see Mr. Garfield
Trevethick & Hodgins t! in loan De "`ter having spent
three in
years n Dewberry. Alta.
Mr. Garnet Baker, of London. re-
OREDiTON, - - ON'l'AftIO. newed acquaintances in town Sunday.
The Epworth League of the Meth-
odist church gave a social Monday
• evenite; to the members and their
1achine Repairingfriends. All report a good time.
Mr. Fred Young spent a day in
London last week. 1
We have just added a new Lathe to our shopand are now in Mr. Di'chael llirtzcl is visiting re -
We !olives in Detroit.
& position to do repairing of all kinds. ‘Ve can repair your Mr. Jim Latvson had a smash up
Mower, Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine with his auto Wednesdny evening.
• repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will make it as but our good mechanic Albert. doctor -
good as new for you, ed it up again and had it running 1n
Repairing (train Separators and Engiies good time Saturday evening.
Rev. Bean preach.•d a :^.nod and in-
structive sermon to the Ladies' Aid
Sunday morning.
Mr. Frank Boyle. of Exeter, sp,nt
Sunday in town.
Mr. Frank Taylor has sold three
of his horses ;or a good figure to Mr.
Thos. lltutrlford, of Exeter.
We understand the town fat hers
have passed n by-law prohibiting
the riding of bicycles on the sidewalk
but it seems a few of the young men
have not Inken much notice of it 1
Last Thursday evening n severe
don't take chances with your heart by dosing electrical storm pass d over here.
with headache cures. It's caused by upset striking the house of Mr. William
llcddcn. ;
stomach or inactive liver. Miss Lizzie t\'o!'o has returned
home after spending a few months
in ,Wir.clt l' -en,. r
Mrs. Franca Clark and Mrs. Dan.
' S•. l,• ,, a day in Exeter.
Mr. .lira 'Clark Hud grandchild, of
Ailsa 'Crit g. spent Sunday in town.'
Dlr. Vantin. of St. Joseph. was in
town he outer day on business. i
Miss Theo liartleib spent Sunday
n: tis: house in Dashwood.
Mr.. Joh i humble. of Sarnia, has
returner! horn. Lifter visiting her par-
ents herr for :t few tt•ceks.
Mr:. Silvardown has moved here
f . i,ttt Mee': 11.
Our Prices are Right
Blacksmith and Machine Repairing. CREDITON
W henYour Head Aches
R C, 1 i XVtr c7FF/Cr
will settle the ',,mach and make your liver act with-
out vie,lence h..: effectively. It will remove the
cache and cure the headache.
►x Get a 25c. Box
For Sale by W. S. ('Ole, Exeter.
141 EI'll ENS COI' NCH,.
The co;ntcil of the Township o.
Stephen convened in the Toon Hall.
Crediton. on Monday. the tied day of
May 1009 at 10 n. m. All members
The tender leaves of a harmless oth- i.hnrrnful drugs, mothers should twere prrsentl 'Ilii minutes of the
lung -healing mountainous shrub. give in safety ntwnys demand Ir. Shnop's prrwions m•sting were rend and
to Dr. Shoop's* Collet) _•d
Item Ay its mar- i( r h remedies are offered. tell adopted.
veto,:: carntive prop•rtirs. Tight th .,. ! Bn roar ntt•n polio, 1 Sold Yearley-" ut, rtli "1 lint it, • 1... .
tickling or distressing contghs. quick-1
by \'• . 11,nwey, mnnt !toll of !!tier ns fi'e,1 with !h
rtan soothiue� action stings,' in 40 ninnies clerk be accepted. ns tw, l: a+ the•
cure with Dr. Sh,.nps Trunnt Book, and that he b• paid his
Croup lien,e,tr. tine salary". Carried.
Inst est ,mete prove. lnderson-Yearl,•y "That sty -law
N„ r,•n itis n.. di,.
ly yield to the hr g,
of this splendid pre•eription'-Dr.
Nlion;e'+ rough Remedy. And it is leo
safe and good for eh:Wren. n , well., teas. .t -«(•, «r. 1 a•in g
Containing no opium. chloroform, or; a•' K rn,p -Ac.Urogtri.ta No. 135 to appoint 1'athnrtstcr.a
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, Also Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing.
ri «s s as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
A. big stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints
100 per cent pure
Buy your Hardware From us
Prcduce taken in Exchange
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
Lumber Shingles and Lath
We wish to announce to our tnany friends and to all those needing build-
ing material that tt a are in a better position than ever to supply your wants in
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
If you intend building a house or barn we will be pleased to quote prices
and assist you in any way we can.
Come in and get our prices.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited.
Dashwood, Ont.
wir j Housecleaning Wants
HEN you order Syrup
emphasize the name
this name t• ' /Is that
you want the beet--tl. - rest -
the most whelesotne and reliable
table sy'ntp it is possible to
So perftct and genuinely deli-
cious is "Crown strand Syrup'
that you'll enjoy its flavor about
ten times in"re than that of any
other make.
It costs you no more than ordi-
nary syrup and yet 1t is purer,
fetter, and more \wholesome in
every way. It is the greatest
food for rowing children, and
ran be given in any quantity
"Crown ilrand Syrup" is put
tip in 2, 5, to and so lb. air tight
tips, with lift-off lids.
Wizen you buy "Crown )!rand"
you obtain t1 Syrup as clear as
cr, stat and of guarllntced purity
and \v iolesoatette lt.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co.
Works: Otttr.l : 4
House cleaning time is here with all its worries. Let us help you by
supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash Brushes. Soap, Dutch
Cleanser, Gillet's Lye, Household Aminonia. Bon Ami for cleaning wind•
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are selling at
greatly reduced prices.
Ask to see our patterns, we oan please you.
PAINTS. -You need paint for renewing little things around tbo
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints, re-
cognized as the best paint made, in cans from 15o. to 05o. Var-
nish stain at 25c. a can is just the thing for making old furni-
ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition
over with you.
Farts produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price.
The following is the correct report :
of S. S. No. 8 t•sborne for the month t Following in the report of 8. H.
of April. Continuation Class. Max.' No. 10 i'sborne for the month of
April. based in higher Classes OD
300 Alberta Uoupr 227, Berth, ioupc
172. Ent ranee Max. 350; Isabella: Easter Exnniinations. V. Mary Mc•
'1':trnhul1 253. Ethel Shier 187; •Rota � Queen. Entrance c lass, 'Harold
Shier 172. Sr. IV. Max. 350; Arlow ; Glenn. Archie Morgan, Blossom An-
Gopelau,l `200; Oliver McCurdy48.' derson. Mae Morton, Earl Treffry.
�Jr. IV. Max. 350; Lennard '(lowly' Sr. IV. Verna Whitlock, Myra Mor.
1�0: '!:lessor [loupe lfv. S: Reg -
III. gun. Arthur Cole, Tom Glenn. Sr.
Max. 350; Janie DlcColl ;;h 224 ; ltrg- IIi. Rosie Cann, Ilnrton MacDougali,
gtie Doupe 113; Ida- Irvine 81. Jr. John Neil. Agnes Alexander. Jr. III.
III. Max. 350: Donald Balfour 251 ;, 30).
Whitlock. Johnny Ilotton, Myrtle)! Fer,i Francis 250; Tena McCurdy 217 : Pym. Ernest I'ym, Joe Remick. Jr.
i May 'llodgert 243; Oscar Copeland 11. Dlttbtl Neil. itta Cann. Nellio
.'et. Ir. 11. Mas. 250; Reber Shute Anderson. Willie llorton, Blanche
15: Roy Fletcher 181 ; Gordon Cope- Cann. Byron Treffry. Br. Pt. 1.
;.t al 147; Geo,„,, llarah 77; Lester Arthur Treffry, Lloyd llorton, Irani,
McCurdy nbsenu. Pt. 11. Max. 250;: Kernick., Robert lleath. Jr. Pt. 1.
(;,•Ile McCurdy 182 ; Howard Shier' Carrie Anderson. Pearl Cann W ido
-,. Pt. 1. Mnx. 200; Maggie Me-' Pym. Christina MacDougall,
C oily 112. I Bellwood. No. nn roll 34.
1 E. (:rason, Teacher. J. V. MINERS, Teacher.
co Ls. 12 2' 01m 2
Bean the _J11Dt K.r,J Y i Mtge Aly,a Basel
the Yaa Hare Always d,agM
,•11.621 the
?G/ {Malars
A 0!r :!y h.crbal balm ;' best
t:1i1; fqr talo tander eking Of
chiilren, yet powerful enough
to heal an adult's c'aronlo core;
hig:•'y rntivhti.; eases pain
Nit! ::,1art;n„ coon ae applied
it i.) 7,-,v3!) .herr);1 no mineral
{;Cion , r,o animal fats. Power
arta purity ocmbl .•' 1
All clrnrri r aA::! stare- c. s snr.