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Exeter Times, 1909-05-13, Page 3
1 -- LIGHTNING KILLS STUBEN TCONDCNSED NEWS ITEMS Another Was Seriously Inured on the Catnpus of Woodstock College. t A despatch (row \� dstvck, Ont., , says: In the severe ( lcctrieal storm which passed over the city late on teursday afternoon lightning struck and killed James Merrigold, aged 15, of llanti!ten. Ettgar Knight, aged 18, of Burk's l a!h.. was also st ruck, and for a tinte it was thought that he was fetidly injured. Ile re• vived, however, and at night was pronounced out of danger. Both young men were students of Wood- stock College, and were on the campus when the tragedy occurred. An inter -year football snatch was in progress when the storm came up, about 5.30 o'cloclt, and a confer- ence took place as to whether or toot the game should be postponed. Meat of the boys, together with a number of spectators, took shelter under n tree on the campus. When it was decided to postpone the game, all but Merrigold and Knight ran for the building. The two lads remained under the tree. The players had just reached the cullege building when a bolt struck young I1errigold and his companion. Seeing their plight, the buys rushed out and brought the lads in. Mer- rigold only lived a short time, and it was only by the utmost effort by the doctors that Knight's life was saved. The tree under which they were standing was not struck. The dead lad was a son of Robt. Mer- rigold. of Hamilton, formerly of this city. LORD SIIOLTO IS FREE. -- Wile (liarged With Shooting With Weil( to Kill. A despatch from Nelsen, B.C., says: The Grand Jury on Tuesday returned "no bill.' in the case of Lord Sholto Douglas, who was charged with shooting with intent to kill James B. Rowlands, a neigh- bor. The shooting occurred nt Creston, where both lived, last September. Lord Sholto, return- ing home ono day from a hunting trip, it is said, tumid Rowlands in the house decidedly the wars© for liquor. Lady Douglas was in the house at the time. Previously to this Douglas had forbidden Row - leads the house, and had particu- larly ordered him not to bring in any liquor. On this occasion, it appears, be ordered Rowlands out, but he refused to go, whereupon Douglas went to a. neighbor's, got a gun, and returned and shot Row - lends. The action of the Grand Jury has been received with a gond deal of satisfaction by the people generally. TOWN iN ALGOMA BURNED. Only a Few Building Are Left in Chelmsford. despatch from Chelmsford says: C el;usford was visited on Tuesday night by the most disastrous fire in the history of the town. Practical- ly the whole town, with the excep- tion of two hotels and two churches, 1,4R-. was burned to the ground. The fire started in the dwelling above Pyne Bros. general store by the ex- plosion of a gasoline lamp at 10.15 p.m. At 12.30 the whole business block was a mass of ruins. The burned buildings include. Pyne Bros.' general store, J. David's pool -room and barber shop, J. Largo's general store, Dumas' shoe A very curious pamphlet is being store, Cayen's bake shop, the Meth- circulated describing a new German odist church, and other buildings, , sect, whose whole creed is to go including stables and outhouses. A ;without clothes. They do this cens:ervative estimate of the total ; from sanitary and moral purposes. SHIPPERS ARE JUBILANT. ('Barge for ('hanging Destination of Cars in Transit Reduced. A despatch from Montreal says: Notice was received on Wednesday by the transportation bureau of the Board of Trade that the Railway .l,t►lrltissiepi has passed an order fixing a maximum rate of $3 per ear fur changing the destination of curs in transit. The railways some time ago increased the charge for this to a cent a hundreds pounds, which carne to from $5 to $9 per car, and the shippers complained to the commission. The latter decided that the railways had no right to base their charge on the value of the service to the cutsomer, but on the cost. of the work to thein, and. reduced the rate to a uniform charge of $3, much to the jubilation of the shippers. + ELECTRIFY SECTION OF G.T.P. .In Important Project is Now Under Consideration. A despatoh from Montreal says: The question of the electrification of the Grand Trunk Pacific or Na- tional Transcontinental Railway, from the St. Lawrence River to Moncton, is now under the serious consideration of the Railway Com- mittee, the Dominion Government and the New Brunswick Cabinet. Should it be carried out, as seems not improbable, it will be the most. important railway electric project that has been proposed in any coun- try in the world, so far as mileage is concerned. + B.1('K TO NATURE COLONY. New German Sect Whose ('reed is to go Without Clothes. loss is $30,000, with little insurance. There was no fire protection in the tom n. ROYAL CHIEF TO SiX NATIONS. Letter from Prlueo of Wales Joys ously Acclaimed. They have established themselves as it colony at a clearing in a forest about twenty miles from Berlin, and in the immediate vicinity of this lonely spot the stranger will casually come across men, women, and children divested of every rag of clothing. The police are disin- clined to interfere so long as they A despatch from Brantford says: keep to a very limited area. A very Three rousing war w hoops marked high state of morality is claimed, the conclusion of the reading of a and it is declared that the rigors of ing to J. H. Finney, Secretary and HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Otte and other Couutrles of Beet at Er cuts. Judge Haetington of New Bruns w ick is dead. The '1'..: N. O. Railway C'wnmi,:- sion gave an order for 2,000 tons of rails. A conference of Provincial Prem- iers may be held in British Columbia this year. The Attorney -General of Ontario says the invcstigatiou of the Kin - rade case will not be dropped. Three children of Charles Cross- man were suffocated in a fire that gutted the family residence at Sack- ville, N.B. The Council of the Strathcona Trust have decided to offer cash prizes for essays on the best method of introducing physical and military training in the schools. GREAT BRITAIN. It is understood that an Imperial conference on the defence of the empire will probably be called for July. The Cunard Steamship Line is estimating the time lost by the stops made at Queenstown by mail steam - J. Pointer, the Labor candidate, was elected to the British Commons from the Attercliffe division of Shef- field. UNITED STATES. Walter Wellman will make an at- tempt in August, to reach the north pole in a dirigible balloon. Seventy-seven persons were kill- ed by automobiles in New York during the past twelve Months. Prof. Chas. A. Publow, of Cor- nell University, has been offered a place on the Royal Commission which is to investigate tlic sources of Canada's milk supply. GENERAL. Hilmi Pasha has again become Grand Vizier of Turkey. Two men and a boy were killed by a live wire in Paris. The Slsalt of Persia has garnted his people a new constitution. Massacres of Christians took place at Adana again on Monday. Chancellor Von Buelow threatens to resign unelss his financial reform plans are adopted. Thirteen civilians and soldiers convioted of murder were hanged in Constantinople on Monday. Tho French Government has bid defiance to the labor unions that are trying to force its hand. A compromise will probably be reached on the points in dispute in regard to the South African Union. Five hundred pianos and nearly ten thousand revolvers have been found in the Yildiz Kiosk, the pat - ace of the deposed Sultan. It is believed that the crew of the American whaling ship, Carrie D. Knowles, who have been mourned as dead for over four years, are in- carcerated in a Venezuelan prison. THE WORLD'S MARKEES REPORTS FROM TIIF LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain. Cheese and Other Dairy Produce al BREADSTUF1'S. Toronto, May 11.- Flour -Ont^ r:. wheat 90 per cent. patents if 5 to•duy in buyerssacks o•:: for export ; on track, Torvu:v, 85.30 to $5.40. Mauitoba flour first patents, $6.10 to $6.40, on track, Toronto; second patents, $5.50 to $5.90, and strong bakers', $5.40 to 05.80, on track, Turuuto. \\'heat --No. 1 Northern, May de- livery, $1.24, Bay ports; No. $1.23'1 and No. 3 $1.23%. Ontario wheat -No. 2, $1.25 eut- side. Barley -No. 3 extra GOc. outside, and No. 3 58c. outside. Oats -Ontario No. 2 white 48 to 48% c. on track, Toronto, and 46 to 46;; outside; No. 2 Western Can- ada 18c., and No. 3 47c. outside. Peas -No. 2, 95 tv 9(:c. vutsid•.. Bye -No. 2 73 to 74c. outside. Buckwheat. --No. 2, 95 to tettc. out- side. ('urn --No. 2 American yellow 81;1c. on track, Toronto, and No. 2 at 80%c. on track, Toronto. Can- adian yellow, 75 to 76c. on track, Toronto. Bran -Cars of Manitoba, $23.50 in seeks; Toronto freights. Shorts, $24.30 to $25, Toronto freights. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples --$4 to $5 fur choice qual- ities, and $3 to $3.50 for seconds. Beaus -Prime, $1.90 to $2, and hand-picked, $2.10 to 12.13 per bushel. Honey -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10 to Ile. per Ib. Maple Syrup --95c. to 81 a gallon, Hay -No. 1 tinv..thy, 12 to $13 a ton on track here, and lower grades at $10 to 810.50 a ton. Straw -$7.50 to 844 on"track. Potatoes -Car lots, 85 to 90c. per bag on track. Delawares, $1.10 to $1.15. Poultry--- Chickens, dressed, 15 t� 17c. per Ib. ; fowl, 12 to 13c. ; tur- keys, 20 to 22c•. per lb. BURNED IN PRAIRIE FIRE Theodore Bruning, a Saskatchewan lamer Lost His Lite. A despatch from Moose Jaw says: from Minto, N. D. Ho was start - The body of Theodore Bruning, a ing farming on a large scale, having •t•,aboute1 htv-five two sections of land. He leaves a f•r, who lived a ince, l 6 widow, but no Welty. miles south of Moose Jaw, reached Tho latest, reports from the burn - the city on 'Thursday morning. He ed districts to the south and south - had lost his life in a prairie fire west of the city confirm the worst which started near Line rick on fears respecting the serious nature Monday, and bore westward with of the damage done. Many set - terrible rapidity. Bruning's own tiers lost nearly everything they place was well protected and he possessed. Ono of the heaviest rushed over to help save the place losers was H. Cathcart, who had a of a neighbor by starting a back thrashing outfit, a stable, a shed, fire. The main fire carne on so and much machinery destroyed, rapidly, however, that before he making a total loss of 85,000. could get to a place of safety the Henry- Bates lost considerable grain, Rae .s were upon him. The unfor- his implements and a large new tunate man lived through the night, barn, making a total Toss of about but died Tuesday morning. Ile was $3,000. J. Downey lost two cars of 38 years of age, and had been in the lumber, which he had just removed country less than a year, coming to his farm to erect new buildings. to Ge. per ib. Lambs, $3.50 to i3IRD .15 RiG AS A MAN. $6.50 each. Good lots of fat hugs sold at about 8c. per 111. Captured :Atter a Fierce Fight Near Toronto, May 13. -The demand for Atlantic City. butcher cattle was so strong that T everything of fair quality and A despatch from Atlantic City, N. weight sold readily at from $5 to J., says: Attacked by an immense $5.50. Stockers and feeders rose bird of unknown species supposed from 23 to 50 cents. Heavy" feeding steers were selling from $5 up- wards. Milkers and springers, ac - tame demand for best grades, but common unsaleable. Calves, firrn and unchanged. Sheep and lambs, firm and unchanged. Hogs. $7.40 to $7.50 fed and w atercd, and 87.15 to $7.25 f.o.b. PITTSBURG'S GRAFTERS. Councilmen and Those Who Bribed Theta Sentenced. MURDERED BY SAVAGES IIOW AN ENGLISHMAN ME? DEATH IN I ES'I'ERN CHINA. Chief Demanded His Rifle, Whish The Englishman Refused to Give. A thrilling account of the murder of Mr. Brooke, an Englishman who was killed ou the Lolo border of Western China, is contained in a letter written by a fellow -traveller, and published in The London Times. Mr. Brooke arrived at Ningyu- enfu, a prefeeturul city in Szy- chuan, situated on the border of territory marked on the claps as the country of the lndopendeut Lolos, en December 4. He decided to make a short trip to the Lolo bor- der, and left, accompanied only by two interpreters and three coolies. Nu news was received from him, and spies were sent out, who re- turned with the account of the tragedy, related iu the letter as fel- lows: Brooke left here on December 4 and went north a few miles and slept in a house. Netx day he met one of the Lolo chiefs, who feasted him and gave him an escort on to another chief, and he again to an- other chief, and so ho went on to be a member of the pelican family, cember 24. slowly from chief to chief till De - Capt. Geo. Doughty fought the On this day when on the road battle of his life shortly before day- early in the morning he met a pow - light on \Wednesday tnorniug, be- erful chief called Ahheolabow. fore he was able to vanquish his This chief demanded Brooke's rifle. feathered antagonist, which Ito Brooke said that he needed the rifle knocked down with an oar. After confirmation of his weird tale Capt. Doughty" on his return to this city showed arms pinched black and and could neither give it to hint nor sell it. Tho chief threatened that he would take it by force, and blue and shredded clothin ststruck Brooke three times with his g un g sword. with the strange bird, which ho Brooke did not resist, but just trussed up and brought hong in his wiped the blood from his face and eoat. Local scientists who have retreated with the coolies. A viewed the feathered monster are brother of the chief tried to calm still uncertain of its species. It him and prevent him from killing A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., weighs over 100 pounds, and stands the foreigner, but Ahheolabuw says: Sentences were imposed in the Criminal Court on Wednesday almost as tall as a man. Accord- boasted. "The Chinese have sent by Judge Fraser on seven persons ing to the story told by Doughty, many soldiers against ale who have convicted within the last few weeks he was sculling his boat along in always been defeated; I have just in the municipal graft cases. The front of Rum Point, near Brigan- defeated their foreign -drilled sol - sentences follow: W. W. Ramsey, tine, shortly before daylight on diers, so now I will kill a foreigner former National Bauk President \1 ednesday morning, and in a dense and see what happens." convicted of bribery one year and fog, when he was attacked by the Ile pursued Brooke and his cool - THE DAIRY MARKETS. +bird. Tho bird is still slice, mid i'es. One by one the eue'lies were six mouths' imprisonment and a fine will be presented to some collec- overtaken and killed. Brooke fled Butter -Pound prints, 21 to 23c; of $1,000; Captain John F. Klein, tion if it survives the beating it. re - tubs and largo rolls, 16 to 18e; in Councilman,two years and a fine of for nearly ten Lilies with the lulus ceived during the battle. in hot He jumped a stream ferior, l f to 15c. ; creamery rolls, $1,000 on the bribery conviction, and .S, pursuit.J 1 `23 to 6 , 011(1 solids, 20 21cr side by ono year and six months on the con- Eggs-CaseI;, (`, RAN('IIE`3 I'lltf:`11'I:PT• someanttbraves as twho on thad he c+I e' n collect 1 9 J dozen. spiracy conviction; Joseph C. ed by the war whoops. The sig- 11%e. i 11 e. per pound and twins, o cheese, 14t4 to to 11'aRron and \1'n. Brand, former $ettlers are Foreed to Flee for stalled to him to give up his rifle C'ounc l.men each one year and six Their 1.h e . find they would let him escape. 14!.:i . ; new cheese, dull at 12'4 to months and a fine of $500 for con- p l2;lr' spirncy ; H. M. Bolger. hotclkeeper, A despatch from Kamloops, B. C., Ho gave up his rifle, but Ahhceln- two years and R fine of $300 for say's: Hundreds of thousands of {sew still followed, whereupon HOG PII011UCTS. hrihery; Charles Culbert and Julia dollars in property have been des Brooke drew his revolver and shot Bacon -Long clear, 13 to 13%e. Colbert, convicted of at -tempting to troycd and scores of ranchers furs Io killt) u ands companion d►e(d. fifteen per Ib. in case lots; mess pork, 8_1 bribe a jury in the Ramsay bribery ed to flee for their lives as the re - of the Lolos before ho was fianlly to $21.50; short. cut, $23 to $2•f. veer, two yeas and a fine of 8500 stilt of a disastrous bush fire that overcome and bound; another Hams- Light to medium, 14 to 15c, each. swept the country from Notch Hill brother of Aht,eelabow then canis do. heavy, 13 to 13%c.; rolls, 11% +1• ____ as far east as Three Valley and a and killed him. to 1l,'.;c. ; shoulders, !0% to 11c.; INDIAN CONSPIRATORS. south from Simmons as far as Ver- p bucks, 17 to 17,',,e. ; breakfast bacon non. Among the losses are two 15% to 16c. Eighteen 1$ -ere Sentenced in Court large sawmills, the Carlin Mill, tLard--Tierce, 13!;c.; tubs, at Alipar. 875,000, and the Carrigan Mill, on 500 SWE:u s FOR CHARITY. 13,ze.; pails, 13%c. Salmon River, 835,000. Several mill ___ A despatch from Calcutta says: hands had to Ilse for their lives. Church Built by(lienero'il of BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Sentences were handed down on Three • large bush fires have been y Thursday in the court of Aiipur, a burnin for several days and a ale Gamblers. Montreal, May b : I ens- \o. suburb ofCalcutta in the cases of g g inions vary widely, apparent - $1.05 to $l.0o. Oats --Canadian + soon brought them into contact. Op. Western No. 2, b2 to 52%c.; extra thirty-five natives who were arrest ha Mara District trio loss will be ly, as to the rights and wrongs of No. 1 feed 51 to 51%e.; No. 1 feed ed here last summer charged with het pest, for scores of ranch pro- the various ways of raising money TIMBER GOING FAST• 80th to 50c. ; No. 2 burley-, (;6 to complieity in the Anarchist conspir perties are completely devastate4l, for charitable and religious objects. 07e. ; feed, 50',•z to GOe. ; buckwheat acy of May, 1908. Two of the men On the main line of the C.P.R. :11l ncr the continent of Europe, f9':; to 70c. Flour --Manitoba were condemned to death, ten to fences and telegraph lines are for instance, as well as in Iceland, S ,r;n wheat patents,firsts $0.10; transportation for life, three to destroyed for nearly twenty utiles. lotteries aro continually being held, tIt., g seconds, $5.11; Manitoba transportation for ten yca•r, three West of Kamloops wires aro down fur these ends, and even iu F.ug- s,trmtg bakers', *5.10; Winter to transportation for seven years, from high winds. Reports show land church and chapel bazaar raf- fles patents, $5.75; straight rot- while eighteen were acquitted. that destru+•l.ice fires are still burn- Iles are not unknown. Yet the well- meaning $3.5(1 to $5.1:0; do., in hags, Ashutosh Biswas, a public pr„se- burn- ing in Stadium -hetet Valley, near meaning parishioner who the other $2.70 to $x2.75; extras, in bags, euctrufvtllrse lm s (ngl�vnsed le then de -ad Enderby:. day suggested that bridge players ?+2.25 to *2.35. Feed -Manitoba 4• should put aside It percentage of bran. A22 t,. 9113; do., shorts, $2t iu the Aiipur court last Februaty. MI'S'T STAY ON HIS JOB. their winnings to help restore a ver- tu t!<'l5 ; Ontario bran, $1:3 to $2f_______+_________ fain sacred edifice was promptly do.. shorts, $:'4.30 to *25; Ontari , EX -CHIEF EST';tt'ES PRISON. Governor of Sandwich Jail Sen snubbed for his pains by the incum- bent middlings. $23 to $25.50; pure grain fenced to Ten Days in Jail. thereof. mouillie, $33 to $35; nixed tnoudlie Was Let Go on Suspended Sen- On the other handl, there is at 825 to $30. Cheese -11!• to 11 `;e. .tenee nt Chatham. A despatch from Windsor says: Batter --24' to 25c.; old st.o k, 10! to 22'.c. Eggs 19 to 19;,,c. per dozen. I -N !TED STATES M A It h I;TS. None East of Rockies in Fifty Pears, Says Expert. A despatch from Chicago says: Within ten or fifteen years, accord - long letter from the Prime) of Wales a I rusian winter in no way affect to the Six Nation Indians in coon- these folk, who have grown hardy cil at Ohsweken on Tuesday. The from exposure to wind and weather, Prince thanked the chiefs for elect- ani who lead a very out-of-door lug hien to the Turtle, ('lac, and ex- existence. i-ressrd the belief that should the tteeasiell arise the Six Nations A man never realizes his wife's would be found worthy of their superiority until he attempts to put glorious traditions in the field. a crying baby to sleep. TO BIIILD IIIBIGIBLE AIRSHIPS Scientific Department Has Been Created by the British Government. A despatch from London sass: , 1 1:1 ,brook, chairman. Several The Goserninent has taken an int ether prominent physicists are mein - pot taut step in recognition of the le rs. .ldequn.'t' funds have been obs nand) growing seriousness of the' spotted for the work. problem of aeronautics from the From it •'+•nl ersation with Scree - national standpoint, by the creating' t(iry of War Haldane it was gath- of new scientific department to, ered that the Gut crnment's De- uc y the problem in eefet,•uce to !fence Committee is reedy ed to try tperial defence. Prime Minister. to place (creat. Britain in the fore- quith announced on Wednesday' front of the world in scientific in- n the House of Commons that the'iestigation of aviation. The new work of devising and building diri- department will exist for centinsons giblc airships had bore divided ht research. nuc) experiment with tween the army and the navy. With; models. somewhat as warship de - the view to ensuring that the highest :signers do. The army and noisy a••' scientific talent will he brought to: experimenting with air vessels of .'t hear on the task, the Government !types. and will submit their prel, has requested the National Physical lems to the committee. which t.:I! Laboratory to organize a special, endeavor to disenser sufficient!, 1', department f••r continuous invests• ; causes of defects. end gat ions. experimental and other-, remedies. which wi:1 be to :• -i i,ti wise, of the questions which must the experimenters. Tice aim i•. t•. Treasurer of the Appalachian For- estry Association, there will not be a stick of timber standing east of the Rockies, and within fifty years the entire country will be as bar- ren of timber as the American des- ert, unless something is done to avert the disaster. This statement is made in a (communication le the Traffic Club. Regarding the coal situation, Mr. Finney declares the country consumes uu nu average five tons per capita and wastes three. least one church in New South (tevernur Harmon of Sandwich Jail Wales which owes its existence to A drspatch from Chatham, Ortel., who was adjudged guilty of con- the generosity of the reckless gamb- ays: Exi'uliee Chief 1(111:tall, of tempt of court by Judge Smith be- lers of the old gold -digging tiny.. Tilbury, who shot W. J. Hcalcy Cause he failed t•+ ilppear in his T'ho bush parson used to leave the dead while attempting to arrest court when ordered, and was sett- flap of his tent undone when he him, was let off un suspen.<led sc•n- fenced to ten days' imprisonment went to bed at night, and the lucky Chicago May 11.- \1'hc at ---('ash- tenet) on Thursday morning. Mr. in his own bastile, was on Thurs- ones, returning at dawn to their GUELPH'S i.OW T.1\ RATE. No. 2 rcds $1.4h to 81.4:.' ; No. 3 Justice Tectze1 declared he was day erten: on served with a ear -claims after a night's carouse, red, $1.43 to $1. f7 ; No. 2 hard, satisfied of the gond character of tart by Bailiff St. Louis, ordering would pitch through the opening a $1.29 to $1.39; No. 3 hard, $1.25 the prisoner. His conviction would Isis detention. Barmen was in fin- nugget or a bag of yellow "dust" to 81.3.1; No. 1 Northern, 81.30 to he a warning to all constables to attend difficulties before ho received with the cry: "Here you are, Mr. 81.31'.; ; No. 2 Northern. 81.27 to he careful with firearms, the judge his present apointment, and this Sky" Pilot:- $1.30; No. 3 Spring, $1.2Z) to $1.30. saying no officer has a right to d:ty.} action is OM outcome of a Local tradition has it, too, that ('urn -No. 2, 71 to 74';c. ; Ni. '2 shoot nt 8 fleeing man. :1 large judgment sunimons at the suit of the handsome cathedral of La white, 75c.; No. 2 yellow, 74'4 to de'cgatio'i .`1 c •••c• were present the Nelsen Hardware Cou.pan• of Onary, in Venezuela, was built 75e. ; No. 3, 73 to 7:1'40.; No. 3 in Kimball 1.rs...the ei'c through the self denial of the early y elluw. . 7 1' 1 to 7-1'4u.: Ni,. 4, 73e. _ --- -_ _ -._ . _ -. inhabitants, who agreed to fine Oats No. 2 white. sic. ; No. 3 ihemselces fifty" cents every time white. r,u; to ','e. ; No. 4 white, 35pused the favorite Spanish ed to 57e.: stun<lar(1, ;,�c.IIILITIA CAMPS MUST BE DR theyetive d the ba Mialrapelis, May 11. 1Whr-at- This, of course, is a very old May. 81•9hi.: July, $1.23::1: Sept.. dodge fur checking the undue use $1.07'; to 81.07';;; lash, No. 1 -- - of what aro commonly called Isard. 911.2911 to >xl.sl+', ; Ni. 1 "'swear words," and it is in force Northern, 1.28'! to t!i1.ln' Ne. 2 4 ; Stringent Orders Have Been Issuedto in many shops, institntienr, and N. rthern, *1.2G;; to $i.`26'i ; No. 3' `J se forth at thepresent day. Thus, Northern. $1.21! to $1.25';. Fleurr --Fitst patent, $':.10 1'' $6.311; Commanding Officers. for example, there is in the yard second patents*n to $6.20; first `- -- -• ..f n certainLondon ntot..r rah cum - Northern. . Palle. a ceIlretion box belonging to clears, 81.75 to $1.95; second clears al SO.•15 to 83.55. Bran ---In bulk, Profit. of Manieipal Enterprises Lighten the Burden. .A despatch from (Guelph says: The Finance Committee have brought in their report, with a tax rate for the year of fourteen and a half stills. The estimated profits from the civic -owned utilities are: (.uelph Junction Railway, $25.000; watereorks, $111,000; street Tail - way. :<3.2I0; gas and electric hg'►t, 81:1.1 wee). Mnnicipal ownership last year gave the city a fourtei u- n.ill rate, 111(+ lowest of any city in ('nnada, and this year it is but half a mill higher. 1111: 1I:111's IN hI\t.cllt\. 1ioyoin" Guerin 11:t 1'entrnecd Stratford. 11123.50 to $21. o.r•e't from Stratford says: ---' 1 l; in, who was found 1.1V1•. STOCK 11.1111'. 1.'i'. et 1. aeslaughter un 'lirsr>- I Montreal. May It. `1:lknien's e I. :t •,,eeerii(•n with the dratit of strippers sold from :. . t.. n. as 5(•. from time to time be solved in or• make the organisation l',e must cele-' .1,, .- se:'.. 1'aa.I, of 1V set %o••rs. per !h.: prime peeve• s,.'(1 at s' 1•• der 10 adequately guide the con 1 !ere in the world. i1 i. roil; . war, ..... i dead in the rear of ; rc.: pretty geed nn:reals, 1 to int-(leneral, has Sent out Ile (01- b. iii ,. . ns evil as all • t!it•r c•••:n rleaseA'It for nearly eight, month•, 'erection of airships. The invest i• steed that the visit ,.f (twill. and 4 ere. ;•. •.- •;e tee ea Feb 271h '.'.r : enmm.rn stuck. 3 to 4'• ,c. per Iawieg letter t'• the various militiains rel '-1 _ prt•eual!y rr-t...it.i!,!r ere%i••tisly•--Pearson's Weekly. gations will be csrried nut under Wilbur Wright to the- Wer (lfitr•• last. .r •m Thurssley nu.r:sing •r n- ib. Milch c.•ws from X25 to 855 each. officer• : " lei view of the near Pp !lee t. r 'aw i• 1•:1 !. • b, a `:pedal rommill••e, of which 1,erd lied a direct hearing on 11,e h. -t: •t••1• -rel *t•'. .l its t ice I':1.l, 11 to. Cal (tern *2 to .1 1• rich. Tile: preach of site dates fee the entries res! ,.. •,. 11•It t••.:.,: I r( 1 N t , '-e. . ,•;,:! hov : m sive 51 Egypt play - 11a -lei h is president, and R. T. scheme - eve y,.4i ie hiacston I'(•nitentiar . 1 sleep were all sho:•n, and sold at instruction this year, 1 hate tae . , .',; the r.'.t.• ' { ' $ lA• y p et! t. ,,,; we• ern tu} 5uhliF t>!. :1 despatch from Ottawa says:1honor by direction to inform yen' Ole lnca!i.l Children's aid Assyria. :1s a result of a conference of the that the Minister wishes you to taken) tion. into which a half -penny is Dominion 111iace and the moral all ! the possible of lighrpltions to in camps. in v(f£rt !Haugh•olioty es rtarily e lien is each inadvertent- andtime Social Reform Owned with S't i errs' as well asiii all outer messes Is let drops When last opened. a Frederick Borden and the Uilit is ! „nd (.101.•e:I!. o'rn to member' of fr w weeks bark, the hex contained ('nanctl rr('eTltly regarding camps 0, 1iy. sante•, it biliaw' ne centry to la. 5t(0 coin•, but it is only fair tot add coleus! L111(1 011..ltljet I 1 :.to to •101, tbl,t the Mini.trr will that the receptacle had not born