Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 6000000 VOU NO FOLKS t00000000 0000000 THE RUNAIV.\Y UMBRELLA. Teddy was the least to start to - school on that rainy, windy morn- ing. Ernest sea i'/elen had gone hart -hour before, and to ot the newest, trimmest umbrellas had gone with theta. '!'hen Huth and Lucy had trudged away to the graurmer-school under the smart umbrella that had been Lucy 3 Christmas present. So it happened that when '!'eddy was ready tur his long walk to the kindergarten there was only one umbrella lett in the stand- and that the very biggest, heaviest of them all. "Dear ino," mama said, "1 don't know as you can manage this great, clumsy th'ng ! Ernest should have taken this one." "Oh, I don't care!" cried Teddy. "It will keep off more rain, don't you see?" "Well, be careful and not let the wind run away with it.," mama. re- plied, and she opened it for him and kissed him good -by. "Why, mama, you needn't worry about such a big boy as I am. May- be," he added, "1 couldn't have carried it when -I was little; but now I can—just as easy!" and he ran off, wavirg his hand to her. But the first hard gustmade hint go more slowly, and he clasped his umbrella handle with a tighter grip. Four blocks to the west, then three to the south—that wa stho way to the kindergarten. Before Teddy reached the corner of Par- ker Street he wished the umbrella was not quite so big and heavy. "My, how it blows!" he said at the end of every gust. Until the gust had passed ho had more than enough to do to attend to that clumsy umbrella; he could not even mutter. But when ho turned the corner, and the wind was full et his back,—"Oh !" cried Teddy, for that umbrella was almost wrenched from his little wiry hand. But he clung to it tightly, although he could no longer walk. He had to run to keep up with it! On, on, on, the umbrella pulled him. Sometimes ho was almost lifted off his feet. The wind came in no more gusts—or rather, it was one long, steady gust! Oh, if it would only stop long enough for him to get breath! When the school building was reached, Teddy made a desperate attempt to stop; but that umbrella would not let him! On it went, past the scholars' gate, past the teachers' gate—now the building it- self was left behind. It was al- most nine o'clock, and only a few children were near, and they had too much to do to manage their own umbrellas to notice any other little boy's. Finally Teddy ran right into a young man, and he was so big and strong that the umbrella had to stop. "Seems to me that's a pretty big umbrella for a little man like you." said the straieter. "Well, it's all there was," Teddy explained. "and it caried me right past kindergarten. I shouldn't ever have btopped if it hadn't been for you." "1'm glad I happened to be here," laughed the young man. " We'll go back to the kindergarten togeth- er. It won't do to trust you to the care of that mischievous um- brella again." The children were singing when Teddy went in ; but when he told the teacher all about iris exciting race with the umbrella she Faid he was not to blame for being tartly. and he was soon standing up and 'ringing happily with the rest.— Youth's Companion. SENTENCE SERMONS. Reserses are often the best chap- ters in our education. The than w lio lacks friends usual - 1y lacks in friendliness. Many are 6nvIiIg ul, all their piety for purposes of peeitencc. 1f you fear to lose your dignity you have none worth losing. The soft man has no success at 'meet heig dna n life's angles. '1'hc lowliest walk sounds louder in ht•ase,, than the loudest talk. if you cannot give your religion aeay you had better throw it away. They who hate fought temptation are always tender to the tempted. Fxcesslte emphasis on a few ideas is esidenro of the absence of many. Only as a man lives a life of his own can he have life to give to others. Malty people who want noble character are unttilling to go to its school. You can tell whether a roan is walking with God by whether folks likr• to este with him. Lew tlhings are more foolish than preying for n high task while tieiieeting a lowly one. People who blame Providence for their crops ale usually reticent as to their seeing. The Leat argument against the det•:1 is the one that eats into the profits of hie business. Some men exercise so much im- ' __ SRimtton On their own exceIIP 'CCR that tl.ey have nothing left but judgment for the good in others. • A GRATEFUL MOTHER Tells of the Remarkable Our) Dr, William l' P.uk Pills Wrolryht in Her Casa—Had Undir- gone Four Opelatioaa Without Help. When women approach that cri- tical period in their lives known as the turn of life, they do so with a feeling of apprehension and uncer- tainty for in the manner in which they pass that crisis determines the health of their after life. Dur- ing this most important time in the lite of awoman, her whole aim should be to build up and strength- en her system to meet the unusual demands upon it. Devotion to fam- ily should not lead to neglect of self. The hard work and worries of household cares should be avoid- ed as far as possible. But whether she is able to do this or not, no woman should fail to take the tonic treatment offered by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which will build up her blood and fortify her whole sys- tem, enabling her to pass this cri- tical period with safety. \Vo give the following strong proof of what Dr. 1Villianls' Pink Pills are cou- stantly doing for suffering women. Mrs. Maragaret \Vood, South- field, N.B., says: "Some years ago I became a victim to the trou- bles that afflict so many of my sex, in the very worst form. The doctor in charge neither through medicine nor local treatment gave use any help, and he decided that I must undergo an operation if I was to have any relief. During the next two years 1 underwent four suc- cessive operations. During this time I had the attention of some of the best physicians. From each operation I received some benefit, but only of short duration, and then I drifted back into tho same wretched condition as before. Dur- ing all this time I was taking medi- cine to build up my system, but with no avail. I was reduced to a mere skeleton; my nerves were ut- terly broken down. My blood was of a light yellowish color, and I was so far gone that I took spells in which my lips, fingers and tongue would seem paralyzed. I cannot begin to express what I suffered and went through in those two years. I was completely discourag- ed and thought I could not live long. Then on the urgent advice of friends I bean to take Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and after some weeks perceived a change for the better. I continued to take the Pills for several months gradually growing stronger and suffering less, and in the end found myself once more a well woman and en- joying tho blessing of such good health as I had not known for years. I now always keep these Pills in the house and after a hard day's work take thein for a few days and they always seem to put new life and energy in my body. 1 sincerely hope my experience inav be of profit to some other suffering, women." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are ar.1d by all dealers in medicines or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a oox or six boxes for $2.50 by address- ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,. Brockville, Ont. A MARVELLOUS MACHINE. A counting machine that is re- ported to be an improvement over anything of the kind yet produced, the invention of a Swedish engineer, was recently applied to the count- ing house of the Bank of England for experimental purposes, and its performance was highly successful in point of rapidity. The machine is operated by electricity, and is cap- able of counting up and sorting money into paper bags or tubes at the phenomenal rate of 72,000 coins an hour. NOW. And just about now wifie an- nounces that she rant keep house this summer unless she gets : A new rug for the parlor; New curtains fur front. and back bedrooms; A new sofa; A new ice box ; And a few new records for the phonegrnph. Oh, it's a gay life. 'ta AWANNAWAAAANWSMA USE BARN'S OWN TABLETS ONLY Mrs. Win. Boll, Falkland, B.C., says :--" I have five lit- tle ones ranging from ono to eleven years of age, and when any of them are ailing I al- ways give them Baby's Own Tablets, which always brings prompt relief. I do not think there is anything you can keep in the home as gond as '.Baby's Own •tablets. ' 'Thou- sands of other mothers speak just as warmly of this medicine, which never fails to cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles. Guaran- teed by a government ana- lyst to Le perfectly safe. Add by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William.' Medi- cine Co . Brockville, Ont. DUKE BECOMES A MONK COUSIN OF CZAR ENTERS A MONASTERY. The I;irk He Lore:l BCCOIll •s the \1 ife of a 1 illage School- master. Unrequitted love for a girl of matchless beauty is Eisen as a rea- son for the decision of Grand Duke Dementrius Constant.not'itCh, a cousin of the Czur, to cater a. mon- astery. The Grand Duke's plait be- came known a hew days ago and occasioned great surprise. In going to the cloister of the Monks of St. Buell, on the out- skirts of Moscow, he follows the ex- ample of his august relative, the Grand Duchess Ettxabeth, who has entered a convent. DAUGHTER OF OVERSEER. The girl with whom he fell in love is the daughter of an overseer of one of his estates. She rejected his overtures. A few months ago she married a village schoolmaster, and this, it is said, broke the Grand Duke's heart. He straightway de- termined to renounce the cruel world. Tho Grand Duke's intimates re- fuse to accept this version, how- ever, and assert that the real rea- son for his deteruiiantion to enter the cloister of monks is far remov- ed from disappointment in love. They say his change of heart was brought about by despair over the state of his country. TOWARD REVOLUTION. b it; his fixed idea, they aver, that Russia is slowly but surely steering toward a revolution that will shake its foundations and dis- rupt the empire. NOT HIS. The Grand Duke used to bo a colonel in the Sixteenth Reg:u}ent of Grenadiers, but it was an open secret that he cared nothing for the army. From ono year's end to the other he never saw his regi- ment. In his youth he was a patron cf the race course and a passion- ate admirer of blooded horses. He also made an unsuccessful attempt in the reign of the late Czar to in- Repeat it:—•'shiloh'sCure will arways truduce the prize ring and import- care me coughs sad t eel two famous English boxers to NOT WHAT HE MEANT TO ASK. illustrate the manly art of self -de fence. But the present Dowager A young man went on one occa- Empress set her foot down and sion to call at a country farmhouse would have none of it. After this to make inquiries after his sweet - the Grand Duke seemed to take lit- heart, who had charge of the dairy. tle interest in life. Her roaster opened the door, and WENT ON PILGRIMAGE. the lover asked him timidly : "Ilow is the milkmaid?" About a year ago lie surprised "How is tho milk made?" the every one by setting out on a pil- farmer angrily asked, as - ho grimage to the Russian holy city of slammed the door in the stranger's Kieft', where ho visited the cata- face. "Our milk isn't made; it's combs and stayed on his knees an got from the cow." hour before the high altar of the great Lavra. When he returned to Why go limping and whining St. Petersburg he ordered a new al- tar for a Russian church in Jeru- about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of Holloway's Care Cent salem and sent the Russian Consul will remove them? Give it a trial toe at that place $5,000 be spent in and you will not regret it. entertaining Russian pilgrims vis- iting the Holy Sepulchre. Froin that time he has been attentive to Poverty prevents a lot of people religious obligations. from getting the gout. "My life has been empty," ho -- said recently to a confidant. "I Dees your nate AOM ? n,n I ettpertme'tt with want to prepare to sleet my linker. jisiiii "n. but -et iho q•nntue. lh• '•Ufi L" tenth d 1'la+ter. IL curor. U•sIs A Iawrenre, I can't be useful to mankii: d. I'm Co, inakers. going to hide myself away." No, C'ordelia, a man doesn't necessarily bait his breath for the Repeat lt:—'•ehilob'fCurs will alware purpose of catching it. ours my coughs and colds." EVERY WOMAN WHO SUFiFERS; CAN FIND SURE RELIEF IN DOWD•S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. J. Oliver Tells flow She 1.0E1 Her Pains and Weakness When 1 14111111111 SMALLEST BIRD. The golden -crested wren is the an:allcst, not only cf British, but of a!1 European birds. Its average weight is only about eight grainy troy, so it e ou'd take seventy-two of the birds to weigh a Mound. The length of eat feathers is about 3 1-2 inches, and the stretch of the wings about '. inches, but when the feathers are taken off the length of the body dues not exceed 1 in. .p A Woman's Sympathy She Used the Old Reliable kidneyAre Tou discouraged? I* your doctor's bbl a Lcuvy ttuanct.tl load? 1s your pain Remedy. btu heavy i.hyeical burden? 11 know what these tne,n to delicate women -1 hat's Elgin, May3(Special).— been dlscouralo too: but learned how to g , Ont., cure myself. I want to relieve your tiur- 11'umen who suffer, and there are dens. Why not end the pato and slopt, th• thousands of thein in Canada,will do^tot's tint 1 ran do tills for you and w111 if you will assist me. heaj with interest the experience of All you need do is to write for a free Mrs. J. Oliver of this ,lace. She boz of the s remedy. which I:.ts been plated I to cif bands to be given away. Perhaps has suffered no rsnd found a cure and this one box will curo you—it has doneso for others. If so, 1 al:all be happy and she has nu hesitation in saying that you out be cures for so (the cost of a Cure is Dodd's Kidney !'ills. postage stump). Your letters held rna- dentlal�l7. SERB. t• to -day for tnv free trent- "I suffered for over a year from silent. ERs. F. El CURIUM. Windsor. Ont. Backache and Fainting Spells,' s. Mrs. Oliver states. "1 was tired MARVELS OF SURGERY. and nervous all the time and the least exertion would make mo per- Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rocke- spire freely. My feet. and ankles feller Institute, in an address to would shell and 1 had a dragging the American Yhiloeophic Sudety, sensation across the loins. 1 saw draws attention to some of the Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised and marvels of modern surgery. Among bought some. Twelve boxes cured the cases cited was that of a man me." whose injured knee -point had been All women who suffer should use successfully replaced by a sound Dodd's Kidney Pills. They make one taken from a dead body. An - healthy Kidneys and healthy Kid- other was that of a cat whose kid- neys aro the first rule of health neys had been replaced by those of for woman. The female organs de- another. A fox -terrier, again, hay - pend almost entirely on the Kid- ing lost a leg, this was replaced by neys for their health. No woman one taken from a dead colnpanion. can hope to be healthy and happy The dog w as able to run about as unless her Kidneys aro right. The usual. And Dr. Carrel finds that Kidneys need occasional help or the parts of the dead organism can they must become tired or sick. be kept for an indefinite time, and And almost any woman can tell you still be successfully substituted for out of her own experience that those of the living. They must be Dodd's Kidney Pills arc the help put in refrigerators and kept in they need. hermetically sealed tubes a little above -freezing. Yeast—"I think I came up in the train with your wife yesterday." Critnsonbeak—"Did you notice her teeth ?" "No, she didn't open her mouth once." "Oh, well, it wa.u't my wife, then." Women should remember that men can't be convinced by scolding. "By Medicine Life May be Pro- longed."—So wrote Shakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. It it so to -day. Medicine will prolong life, but bo sure of the qualities of the medicine. Lite is prolonged by keeping the booty free from dis- ease. Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil used internally will curo coughs and colds, eradicate asthma, over- come croup and give strength to the rerpiratory organs. Give it a trial.• By trying to tench others you will learn a few things yourself. Repeat It:-"•ebtlob's ('urs will always sure my coughs and colds." ('KOSS-F.XAMINi\G A KING. On one occasion, when the King and Queen of Italy were out nit,tor- il.g. they passed beyond the frontier and, un reaehiug the boundary again, were accosted by an extra smart Customs officer. "Where do you come from 1" he asked. "Modelle,' was the reply. "Where is the number of your car 1" ''There is ..one." "A -ha' And yet you enter Italy! Now, then, whnt's your name?" "Vic- tor," said his Majesty smiling. "And your other name?" "Ema- nuel." "Your profession?" "Well." replied the Resell motor- ist. " i have hitherto enjoyed the reputation of being the only Victor Emanuel in my kingdom." 'rhe great are those who can bear discipline. Most of the burdens for whirls we blame heaven are simply our own needless baggage_ -- A man would rat her be 1,e7,1 np ht strangers than thrown down by his friends. Repast 1t:-"ehtloh'sCurs will always etre my coughs and colds." The average female likes to pose as the reformer of some man. "Perfectly Trustworthy" is the character of 'tickle's Anti-('on- suniptive Syrup. It can be used with the utmost confidence that it will do what is claim'd for it. It is sure in its effects, as the use of it will dearly demonstrate, and can be relied upon to drive a cold out of the system more effectively than any other medicine. Try it and he convinced that it is what it is claimed to be. Free speeeh is all 1 ightif you don't get too free with it. Ferry Saw Pa!nitll!er. ir'e effect. ars alms.t idant•ue MS. tures cues. ham. 5,1 btu's.,. ekes Intern slly cures stomp,. dl.rrh..• as 1 iy,•ntsry. Avoid sutra:tetes. 11te-. 11 1,11 on• •Painkiller --ferry I'.rie--tie. mut S•x. SLLFISII. "Would you advise a young wo The Beautyof a ('scar Skin. -1 mon to get married i" The conditioof the liver re ldy all means, I should advise it takes a whole legislature to regulates every young woman to marry, ex - the change a Iran's name, but one min - ordered condition of the blood. A dis- cepting, of course, our hired girl, inter can change a woman s. ordered liver causes impurities in . I want. to keep her." the blood and these slow then- I A Pill for Brain 11'orkers. —The selves in blemishes on the skin. 1 1 armelee's Vegetable Pills in act- i inan who works with his brains is ing upon the liter act a on the' more liable to derangemeet of the blood and a clear, healthy skin digestive system than the man who will follow intelligent use of this! works with his hand., because the standard medicine. Ladies, who ono calls upon his nervous energy will fully appreciate this prime while the other of p.les only his quality of these pills, can use their muscular strength. Brain fag be- w ith the certainty that the efTr•rt gets irregularities of the stomach will be most gratifying. BONDS AND STOCKS and liver, and the best remedy that can be fused is Parmelee's Vase - those HAPPY �fA}{IIiA(.F:. 1'oT, s't .t ...It, I,nA and n,lST m:ai sston 1 - table Pills. They aro specially M TORORTO STRUT, TORONTO. CANADA compounded for such caves and all "Are they happi:y married i..g ol.t.nae It . is --Siam UN, /lain t37:. those who use them can certify to ''Yes, indeed. I understand their superior power. they're actually out of debt " WARREN OZOW$KI & CO. �— Tern, •r. 1 •r ill , F.t.. k Err hsn-r. t t 5j-��jt• Th17 is a fa/�. age. everything t�0lrOtls Haase).♦ Ii�OataO� T ir✓t•n Tsi�k DuI'.1'.:.a. 1!• n sl `!-eitb p n,� gees (Rat lt.pecially money. nava o• • t1Nb w.• • of hew n1 ok! seeeeto �Y. s w, NK N The tread/ of some people are e' t' 'Lrl•k. n • ,art '� STOCKS AND BONDS l. p D e ,[ri eeF_tat•tJrtJ ▪ ■ • :no wt ., .g•n• (RTahle of generating more DOLE! ap�LL lr/�rOi♦ sew. ».N.t••yho•n.J Weere noe COBALT et etta ttrit•ul than a !sass drum. if,1111i 117111INAST CO. Tero■te •ulall■teg !n t,r {alwtaiL.i 1 ,1. Z:1M-B1'K CURG9 IIi:R BABY. Mothers will find the following statement of more than passing in- terest, showing, as it does, how Food' Zam-lluk ends the skin -disease of r,children even when re- Vook . � ordinary Tliorou Y meshes have completely failed. Mrs. C. W. Bowerbank, of i Denison Avenue, Toronto, says:— LL cereals should be thoroughly cooked to g: t the hest results "Not long ago my baby's face A for food purposes. In our Caned; r , Agricultural Colleges broke out in an eruption. The sputa they have tested the effect of cookit:g .,u the solubility of foods : would crack and bo very irritating and sore. At other times they Read this table : itched fearfully, and caused the child to scratch and rub, thus mak- ROLLED OATSing the sores very inflamed and oainful. I tried all sorts of pint- rime Cooked. nients and salves, but they some- Uncooked bow did not seem able to remove 30 minutes the trouble. Zam-Buk proved very 8 hours different, and a few applications 5 hours gave the child relief. The sores 8 hours ara now healed completely. ter has had occasion to use Zane you will notice the gradual rico in percentage duo to long r^t3i(i*,• "Sipco that time my little laugh- 'Very few homes are equipped to speed the time or f::el ince_tary Buk for skin trouble. She broke properly prepare cereals. By a sys' em of steam pressure and ho out in blotches on her hands and Inaohinery the ORANGE MEAT heop!e thoroeghly clean and stea arms, and in her case also Zam- It is a sure euro for pimples and wok the wheat, then ma's and flake each grain, after which It i Birk effected a cure. dried and toasted. This produces the largest percentage of co:ubil eruptions, eczema, ring -worm, til- ity; a process totally impossible in ordinary kitchen. cera, cuts, burns, bruises, poisoned piles, festering sores, and all skin This company are giving away a cash prize of Seven Hundred sores, chronic wounds, bad le,Dollars flee. post card to Very package.injuries and diseases. Druggists c and stores everywhere sell at 50c. AGENTS tinier your supp.i•• are C�LVEs a.,e.ia tree. .1 box. or post fro for price from sirins,atl,facUnn, stick to them. If n.t try out — are•:eDrig_.,1.•d ('o .1 - . Forerre ones. We wpp y pure tea,. coffees. aptr e,, per• 'Lam-Buk Co., Toronto ; 3 boxes I fomes. toilet re luisites eto., atthe Inwe+t prh•es. „ (,}ft[, p(1R ill vp,RAi, t1 -(11.4e. $1.25. (tI'V6- $1.25. Poll are warned against' The ll,me,•peas:Ue.1'o..D.it.A,1'ur_ut•r,Unt WAHTEU w,rk. r.watlfa+ofr. "INA, cheap and harmful imitations some- wee. 1 1...;diunr,12tSpadini'R,ol, Tor.nte. ?totes represented to be "just as ����Q Band got:(I." �9 IS LIQUID LIFE. BOVRIL is pure core •ntrated Reef and to ensure seri nes of rrime Reef for our needs we hate just recently acquired 40.082 acre.: of the finest grazing land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and y,000,000 acres in Nor.h \\'est Australia. Over soo,000 head ot horned cattle are on these eeteres at isresent, and this number will be vouch increa'ed. \\'e are thee_feretruler tosition than et er toguarantee the purity and high chat aster citeV R I L. BOVRIL LTD.. 27 St. Peter St., Montreal. POPULAR SIIEFJT �h3[I�i;C� AT LESS THAN 033T Or PRODUCTICN. 10e,000(•Ui'1K'"ofp.,pu:a-...tea1.trl,tdclNalool.L•.t rna..c rua.t be sac,i,.eel at once with utcnulderntdin ast,v4'ueorc..t. this at.,a•k .ells at the retail price of 15 ti 3 a. a espy. Our price.. as I .nq as the stick lasts are placed uu a ba,t, w hi. -11 will to .re thein quic�ly. All x ,.. Is :are to perfect c •nd(tl r.,. 'teacher or dealer never bad an opportu.tity of thi. 5ia1 o(lere•1 before. see the prices—then act quick. 6) Copies Assorted Sheet Music too Copies Aunrt.d Sheet Mulls Will send a bunch of sa,eple. for Yi rents p.m , of l Specisl prlcas q h .tel in i t,4)) or more. iso not delay --order t,•1.ty. Strmp; a? ,,: , !fir sass!! ate ,uu: s. 4¢ t• MBA MUSIC CO., 1421 Qu,ei Street West 10UOSTO, ONT. �cr•�a►errz _. �st=s 71.01Li USED IN <. Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, I heatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano ' of distinctive merit is appreciated. Tl:e Bell is the . only piano with the limitable Rcpeatii:g Action. lefcr Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. `(lis DELL PIANO inOrE+pnCo.. limited GUt.LPH.ONTARIOe P. C. Solids WHEAT FLOUR f el ible in Water. Time Cooktd. 8.43 L'ncookrd 14.55 20 minutes 15.9 2 hours 5 hours 24.30 8 hours P. C. Solids Soluble In \Vater. ■ G.fi7 27.40 27.19 33.37 Z9.b9 Tt17fe Rims from wh .m Joe Raise Th -se Without M;Ik. PUZZLE. Doctor—No, I shouldn't ad% ise you to take whiskey for the grip. Guzzler—Well, i don't believe I've got the grip. It must be some- thing else. Say, Doc., what dis- ease is whiskey good for 1 Repeat it: ••f3hiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Fortune smiles on f-onle men one day and gitcs thciu the laugh the next. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults. A wise man never calls another a fool --no matter what he may think. On moor ono, of week lungs is • Mrleee meant. sap hest Allan's Lang l.laam, taken at th• first sign a e•ou.h will •n.ur• Immunity tram thio daogernng drfeet Don't trite with unkt.we This is the Time to Organise Instruments, Drum:, Band Music, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND LowestpDrle. seer quotid. FInccatalogue. Oyer 601 Illnstratlnn.• it,ailed free. Write ue for nnythin,r In Myatc er Muelcel lnstrumen's. \tiHALLY, ROYCE O CO., Limited Toronto, Out., and Prin:.i, eE, Man. Man puffs his pipe, Part (woman fair Abhors the weed And puffs her hair. Repeat It: -'!!}lot's Cure w ll l always ours my coughs mud colds." When a stingy marl is i.t fete he is apt to loosen ul, but not fur long. A111•1%1 rig talesman whl,-h there 1r n optima, }are. /ore throat awl .ere luau as it allays lite laeatamat!on and rids los of th• raaa,us th.t •tops up the air passages. 330, rbc, $1.o0 b.+ttl•s. DrtU(:t11':rt1•. Money may be a drug on the market, but some of us have got to wait a long time to get our prc- scriptiens filled. cure ell.. arm For Salo 7, o o t] prollt-psy'n Ferns in 14>rta:•c Strout• R sts•tsrata New 51 .mthly Itill•tln u 11'al flargsiu. pn.(n.a;y Iltu,tr+cel palled fret e par. your rt. R. free a. A, STROUT 00., roll. O t, It .'1.1'. I.srze,t Farm Mere Udrersity • , Syracuse, N.Y. Dyeing! Clean; ng t 143r tat *err het .•.1 seer weft to ta. •"IRITI/N AMERICAN 111111110 00.• Liss ter *Pet 1. r•er toe.. «Nse Maatreal,Teroato.Ottawa. Qusbeey Eand V1I:1; ?e'S Samp!ee and Catalogue Frce Rex Tailoring Co. uatlttd TOIO!.70. RUGS Cleaned. !Ya.h•d and Rep•'r.1 by Url.ntal 1'rrcees. W. are the only 'perlette.' 1n Ccnarls 0ltIESTAL MLitt CO., Rlm�n AlcJaJiart, Pr'p Tel. M tle ae% t/s slaw It , Moe'. Toronto. Fire Insurance Agents Wan:ci Mehra ,n 1 R nrurn.a•.nd Fire lasers", psny, Read office. Richmond quit. to Isre. Capital Si •A nut. For etenclee At sent.d points. Ir..ein. e ••f Untarlo, a 1,1 J. 11. EVSART, ('hief A 1(0, Is Wellington 8t., East. ALEXANDER WARDEN (late trea.urer Fresh) t.risn t'h,c,-h In Canata, 15' 1 E NO. h 0).