Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 51' it EXE El W1'MP.;S, MAY 6th 1909 DI•:.\TIU OF Wil. SJOKLUCK. Cx,EDITON NEWS SEE dor Sale We have a large toek of Red Clover Alsike Timothy Millett, &c. Specially selected for purity and germination. sea Also a quantity of Seed Oats and Barley for Sale. Potatoes Wanted C. ZWICKER B. BROWN. CREDITON. ICREDITON CORNER STORE. Spring Necessities WALL PAPERS This spring's shipment has been the largest, shipment of Wall Paper we ever received. The range is complete and the designs ore new and very at- tractive. The material is best for the money and the colorings are rich and durable, Many stripes are shown with scenery dorders. See our selections before yon buy, CARPETS The spring outlook in the carpet line is very bright. See our range of Tapestry, Unions. Stair Carpets and Jap Matting, also Rugs. Will procure these for you in any size. Showing Union carpets front 2.Sc to 50c per yard. tet, Linoleums and Oilcloths The increasing demand for our Linoleums prove that their value is becom- ing well known. have there in 2 yds and 1 yds wide. 'Have Floor Oilcloths 1, 1. and 2 yards wide. Prices right. Lace Curtains, Damask Curtains, and Cretonnes in 'big variety. Curtain Poles. Window Shades, in different colors and prices. Clive us a call for Furnishings and Decorations for your horne Retailers of all kinds of Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Highest Market Prices for Produce. S. SROWN CRE�ITON. Buggies Buggies Just Arrived A large consigntnent of buggies from live of the leading firtns of in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. Crediton -\1r_. St•hn-.l:u and sort, of Caledonia, who were v. -.ting \1 r. and Mrs. A. 11i11 for a fee days. left fur Zurich to visit friends. :dgss Luella Stahl airs in Exeter oa Friday the guest of Miss Lotti.• \1'clsh,. Mr. George Bedford. of f;arnia, ar- rived home. W.. are sorry to Far that he is un the sick list. Mr. .1. Braun. of Zurich. teas in Crediton on Saturday. It a as very disagreeable weather this last while and the farmers can- not start their seediug. Mrs. Charles Braun, who was keep- ' ing house for her eon while his wits teas in the London hospital. arrived i home on Saturday evening. Mr. Milton Atkinson. of Centralia, who was acting.as bar tender for Mr. A. 11111, left for Toronto. where be has accepted a position with M r. t;. ICoughlin. We are pleased to pay that Master L. McMurray is rapidly improving. The storm Thursday evening did not do very much damage around the • ill. .. rt! .• :.lcCue, who was visit- ing her brother Dr. McCue left for her home last week. Miss Vivian Beaver is ill suffering from an attack of La Grippe. Miss Theo. llartleib spent Sunday at her home in Dashwood. The brick and tile yards started their year's work on oonday. Mrs. Ilolrnan. of Berlin. who was visiting ,her sister Mrs. Charles Zwicker, has returned home. '1r. Frederick George \1'illiuui Mor - luck. on. of our highly ceteemed re- sidents passed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. 11. Oestreicher, on Sunday. May 2nd, aged 85 years. after an illness of one week suffer- ing from diabetes. The deceased was born in \Wurteutburg. Germany. Jan. list. 1821, and when six years o; age carne to this country with his parents, settling in Morriston, \Vell- ingtort county. In 1848 he was mar- ried to Annie Marie Geeneenbeek and -yr. Duncan Snider. youngest sot, of •:.tr. and Mrs. William Snider. 'Tbe ' ceremony was conducted by the Rev. G. Tbun. in the presence of nearly two hundred guests besides minty friends who were present to witness the ceremony. Miss Emma Eidt pre- sided at the organ. The bride wore it handsome bridal gown of cream soi-dclaine. h •r veil fastened with orange ,blossoms and carrying a cluster of white ,carnations. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel Keller - mann who wore a princess dress of pale blue creponette trimmed with valencienes insertion, a'tvhite pope bonnet with plume and forgetmenots, and white satin ties carrying pink carnations. Little Freda Slander. sister of the bride tacted as ring bearer. The best man was Mr. \\tn. McCallum, of ,London. Immediately after the ceremony the party were driven to the home of the bride'. father amidst a shower of rice and old shoes. where a reception was held rind luncheon served. The gifts were numerous and costly. The happy pair will reside on the groom's fine farm east of Dashwood. and we all join in wishing them a long and prosperous married life. Among the out of town guests were Miss Morlock. o[ Exeter,and Miss \Veatherspoon, of daughter. During his residence here , Ailsa Craig. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood A very fashionable weddittg was sol.•i itizcd on Wednesday, April 2$th, at four o'clock in the Lathes.. church( Da,htt•ood. wh. n aliss ttusie F. abra- der. second daughter of Mr. Jacob Slit toter. was united in marriage to ?he Lute \Vito. atm lock afterward's resided in Tavistock. Several years ago he proved to Credi.. ton and made his home with his Mr. Watson, of Seaforth, is taking he made many warm friends by his' the place of harry Fowler who is ill genial manner. itis wife ,prede-i Shipka rat present. ceased him 19 years ago, They were : miss Annie Quinn, of Parkhill, is 91 r. Ezra Oestreicher. of .Exeter, blessed with lU children nil of tthon, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at his horne visiting are living. \\ m. of \ ancouver, John. ! A McKinnon. pal -elite. Guelph : Samuel. Durham : L w i.: Mir. and Mrs. E. Brenner spent Mr. andlrs. F. Clarke and child- Guelph: Ezra. Fowlerville. Dlich.: Sundt". at Grand Bend. ren, spent Sunday visiting his brother Mrs. \Vielker. Mrs. Falk, sirs. Mey- Mr. Ed. Bc•igo left last week for Mr. .A. Clarke, of Ailsa Craig. er. of Lbu•lervi11e : llrs. Zoelinere Exeter where he intends remaining Miss Ettic inbner is spending :t few Napanee and Mrs- II, Oesrreich •r,' tt feu days. weeks in 'Zurich visiting her aunt. Crediton. Ile is also survived b� Mr. Thos. Lynch our cattle buyer is Miss Alnry Itoeszler,r, of Exeter. three brothers and two sisters. The btisr t:tlting in his sam►ner stock. spent a few days visiting her parents. funeral took place \Wednesday, in- air. 1'reti Williams. of Grand Bend, The Ladies' Aid Bre having n spec- terment being in the Crediton ceme- ial Sunday moved into our burg one clay last service on un ar morning. Miss U. Boltzmann is on the sick! 1eFOlt SALE.—We have a large stock week. lief. Rev. Mr. Carrier. of Grand Bend, of Red 'Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Mil -1 will preach here next Sunday morn - The Indies Bre swearing; longer faces lett, end etc., specialty selected for :,. a it a. ss. than the farmers because it is very purity and germination. Also a disagreeable weather for the springtttltuan,tity of seed Oars and Barley for hada.. i sale Quite a number of new 'scholars' started school on Monday. Mr. Max. of 1C hive, is attending the Crediton high School. `U1(1CheLsea Mr. Bauch is on the sick list. Air. and Mr'. Jas. /Cockle'''. spent Friday in Exeter. Miss Jennie Brock is spending •a few weeks in Exeter visiting parents. Messrs.Bedford and I. Hill. were in Goderich attending the Quarter Sessions. 'C. 7. WICK ED. During the severe storm last Thurs- day night. a portion of the roof of the Sunshine church shed was blown oft. A bee was organized on I'ri- day and the roof put back in its • place. Mr. Oscar Wolfe. our stage driver and Alr. Ernest Guitgncr our .grass player in the band left Tuesday to camp on the bank's of the Aux Sauble river for the sumtner. Rev. E. 11. Bean attended the ministerial meeting at Exeter Monday last'. Messrs. William Brown and Ed. Siebert, of Dashwood, spent Sunday in the village. Miss Gerrie Glavin renewed nc- puaintane •s in the village Monday last. Rev. A. D. Gischler. of Zurich, was in the village Monday last on business. t The town trustees are tanking iut- liroveurents to Victoria street which will add greatly to beautifying the street. Nr. Ni. Athesou is spending a few Ontario days in the village. will do Airs. Chns. %wicker visited her father Setlutor Itatz at [Parkhill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke and fancily visited friend; in Ailsa Craig Sunday. The quarterly meeting of the Eben- ON'l'AR10. zer church was held last Sunday. 'Comte!' meeting was held on Mon- day. Trevethick (Sc Hodgins CREDITON, • • Machine Repairing We hare just added n new Lathe to onr shop and are now in a position to do repairing of all kinds. 1Ve tan repair your blower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will make it as gond as DPW for you, Repairing (}rain Separators nod Engines Our Prices are Right ALBERT MORLOCK Blacksmith and tfachine Rep tiring. CR EI Overindulgence Cl ILSTOR=AL. dears the _ /�1t Kird Yea Hare Always Biig'1it Signa' aro or The boys here have organized a toot -ball team for this season, watch the ball games now. Being that winter has come again thore will he little seeding done. Messrs. E. Gasser and G. I'ink- beiner spent Sunday with friends at Ilarpley. C7 .LA. !S 'I' C7 ill. 3. a1 . Bean the the Kula You Hare Aiways (',9Gdti Signature of 1/LC I went for n wnik in the evening along with my old friend Boltz. And our talk. as we strolled along, rattled on without special results: Until he began :in oration and started to have out his say And worked mit with heartfelt ('Motion the subject. of Arbor Day. "Oh. vy should [ lake me a pickaxe and sbpade and blant me a dinty tree :•nil veneer and cuddle and fondle and tickle its chin?" :girl he. \'w•. ven i first came to dis country and gate to dot .Bremier my vote Der unshnfen frnttires tiff Nature was fringed like der face tiff a goat' "1 til Itow• I should Brake r. Vlantation tiff nicr little ellums and oaks To fo.Iow der pines dot was vas butchered 110(1 shtolen by sone odder folk. Da Himmel! if 1 can belief it, vot all in der papers I hear - Dey burn nu more trees in a minute den I could blunt ottdt in a year." "Oh, vy should 1 hay my taxation von some night ven I tun in bed Der comes 1:p it forestry fire and burns me der roof off my head? Oh, vy should 1 in-znit der landscape by shticking rap trees in its face Ven for each dot I shtick dey are burning two odders in some odder bleec? "Zo inshtead tiff der nice little treelcts vot dey all vas talking about in der garden right back tiff my kitchen I blant me some gnrken and kraut. inshtend tiff der great. solemn pine trees dot sthood itt hontiffical row i)e beets and de carrots vill muster, der little green onions till grow., "No forests .will grow in my garten. De greatest tiff blensure iss mine Ven I see der first Inrge. yellow blossom dot grows on der cucumber vine. `iii footsteps tiff joy vill i hofer aro'tnd der asparagus bed Ven peeps from der bosom tiff nature der first vile asparagus head. "Potato hugs list to my coming and Ireraplt• mit fear ver dey shtand V ea (ger 'T shtep in der garter', n Inrge, londcd squirt. in mine hand. My pnrsley 11nd radishes know me : dere Measure iss cnsily seen Von 1 talk 'round der }wird reit a shprinkler—der King tiff der Gar - ten Green. "Olt. dot iss der ray i n Slanting, der Arbor Day Tabor for me Dot vouhl not know how 1 should do it ven I should start blanting a tree. Ach. shpenk to inc noddings tiff forests! To plant me some trees I vill i not 111 rat 1 day tint learned to bre:ervc dem de rest tiff cis trees vot ve got." emomiammommtukoo Some day you may cat too much. Some night (if you're a man) you may drink more than is good for you. For all exec ;ses in eating and drinking is hest because it at..; on the liver, moves the bowels and gets rid of whatever may be overloading your stomach. For any sickness of the sort—constipa- tion or stomach and liver trouhies take an NR tab- let to-niaht and you'll feel Fetzer in the mornini:. 52 1,:.t.. eeNieseasse'e,. Fir -tilt' It The tend. r seam•. s of a harm(, - oche harmful drugs. mothers should 11111-henling mountainous shrub. gri. itt .. rely nlwnys demand Dr. Shoop's to Dr. Shoop'e Cough Remedy its mar- if .,, her remedies Are offered. tell •elan curative properties. Tight them Not Ile your owls jndgel Sold tickling or distressing cough.. quick- by W. 8. Howey. U yield to the healing. soothing nction - of this splendid prescription' -1)r. Shoop's Cough (remedy. And it is so mate and good for children. as will. Vonlaining no opium. chloroform, or 0 'topped in M minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Crimp Remedy. One tree will sorely prove. No vomiting no .113. Limo, A sate and pleasingsynip -toe. liruro/i.ta DANCERS OF N!CLECTIKC A SORE. NEVER neglect a cut or sore, however trivial it may appear. Mrs. it. E. ttedwell, of 3.17, Proven - cher Avenue, St, Itouiface,Winnireg, had a small sore on the second finger of her left hand. She thought it would get right auaided, but it didn't. Instead. blood•i oisoning set in. She says :—" I then tried poultices and an ordinary salve. 'these, however, did not have the desired efTect and, as the finger tn•sr a to fester, i had to call in a dotter, who lancet) it. Despite his care, however, it again festered, aril the ointments, liniments, and other ire'aratione which the doctor gave me seemed rah oilutely unable to bring about arty relief. We were told of a ease similar to my own in which Za'n•Ituk had effecte 1 a cure when everyth:ni; else had failed, and we, therefore, decided to g:vu Zam-Ituk a trial. it only needed a few days to show the wisdom of this step. The Hood poisoning ant inflammation were reduced, and t'.:e pain became less acute. in under three necks from first commencing with tam•t)uk the finger was quite sound again." WORKING mon and women throi:jhout tho, Du::(inion find that Z'::n-Bu'k L the greatost boon they can have as a healer of accir}e;ltal cut:,, burns, and bruises, aa well as :elfin diseases. Mr. if. 0. Purcha:3e, conductor on the Toronta Street Railway, telis how this; great herbal balm benefited him when he met with hi3 accident. 7•hn trcl:ey polo of his car slipped 017 the live wire, r.nct the rope was ca•igltt in t'ie st tulard. Purchase held on to the rope until his hand was pulled up to the tap of the car. There It was held, etiti the rope, pi,'i.J through his flngri; by the force of the moving car, tore and I,:ceratcd to a shocking Extant three flog: rs, oaring several pieces of flesh completely away. Zam-Hak was applied, and eased the pain very quickly. Writing to this effect, Mr. Purchase say,: ' 1 had previously hail expel•iettee of the healing power of 'Zara-Buk, and the way it soothr3 cuts enol injuries. 1, therefore. bcund the finSers i t Zanollint, and it Wit '3 most gratifying the way in which this balm sxithrd the nein. Two days after the accident the wounds were closed, and new skin was begin- ning to form over the top. Each day 1 dressed the wounds with Zam-Buk, and I am now back again at work with the hand as sound as ever. To look at it you would never know it had been sa terribly torn and lacerated. " 1 do not think there is anything to equal Zam-Buk as a healer of skin fnjurfts and diseases." WHAT YOU SHOULD USE to:it-BUK FOR. Zam•Iiuh cures j•irs,(.1es, skin•c,uptions, burns. cuts. tiles, festering Ulcers and sort . bloodj'oisoreinrl, salt rheum, ti.si if itch. ringteorn.. hod Irg. diseased ankles. old u•ounrf3. treas.,. 1 all skin•disease. .111 aroyl;ists and Storer sell at.it1c. bus, three for 5i a, or Cost jive from Zam-rims e'n . Throng". trice. MONEY SAVED 13y Dealing at Slebert� We will offer all our Carpets consisting of Tapestry, Union and Hemp Cat pets at discount of 15 per cent. Don't Miss This We will also save you money in Dress Goods. It e buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Come and take a look throngh our Dress Goods before you buy. We make a specialty of Millinery and our prices are lower than the lowest. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange WAN TED—A car of Potatoes this wreck. tighest prices paid for produce. Siebert & Co. I-iartleib Block. L -\S LI W OOD Meos Spring Suitings Just arrived, The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit- ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices right. All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ileal Woven•wire fencing. Highest prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, I)ASUWOOf) Fencing and Paints We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and Peerless fencing, 't•lso Coil, Barb Wire and Ilog Fencing. 'ices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Paints A big stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware j From us Prcduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood Lumber ShingIes$!and Lath WP wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build- ing material that we are in n better position than ever to hupply yoicr wants in Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. if you intend [mailing a house or barn we will Ite pleased to quote prices and assist you in any way we can. Cotnc itt and get our prices. The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited, Tt.tshwood, Ont. Housecleaning Wants ]louse cleaning time is here with n11 its worries. Let us help you by applying you with Scrub Brushes. While wash Brushes. Soap, Duteti Cleanser. Gillet's Lye, Household Am monies. Bon Ami for cleaning wind- ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning. Then you will want some of our wall papers which st • are Bellini, rat greatly reduced prices. Ask to eve our patterns, we can please you. i'AiNTB.—You need paint for renewing little things around the house. We handle the Celebrated Hbrrwin-1Villimae Paints. re- cognized ns 0)0 hest paint made, in enns from 15e. to sac. Var- nish stein at 25e. a can is just the thing for making old furni- ture look like te•w. Call and let lis talk this paint proposition over with you. Farm produce wanted for which we will pay t he highest price•. JOSHUA JOHNS FARQUIIAR, ONTABI i Zurich Mr. and lira. Herbert Axt, of Exe- ter. were called here last week, ow- ing tott.-• ill • 1 tr ' nes t the at r ti e gtP mother ttho it very lows. Mr. J. Veiteh. of the local branch Noisone bank has beet. transferred to Vancouver: A pain prescription is printed ; ench 25c. box of Dr. Shoop's Pink . t Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Drug;+ trice, if this formula itt rot completes ['Ain means congestion. blood pre4- snre. [Tend pains. womanly main!, anywhere get in :ant relief from R Pink rain Tablet. W. 8, iloweye