Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 11 ir O ' Neirt- 14.. • • H URO N&MIDDLESEX GA%ETI N: THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR -No 1856 ......••••••••••••••••t•••.•••••••••••NN•••• it* ••e••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. SPECIALS In Dress Goods This week we are offering a few Specials in our Dress Goods Department. They are some- thing extra and are worth looking after. 54 in. Panama Cloth For 50c per yard This is a eplended cloth for suits or Dresses and is good and heavy, in the perfect col- ors of Black, Blue, Brown, Green or Cream. Only 50c. 42 in. Satin Cloth For 50c per yard In all the good shades of Black, Blue, Brown or Green. A beautiful satin finish on a good heavy cloth. This a line sure to please. Only EOc. Black Voiles, Plain or Striped We are famous this year for Our Black Dress Goods. Among our many different clothe, Our Black Voiles are very prominent. The 50c., 75c. and $1 Voiles are very good value,. They are good sellers and are guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion. Necessary House Furnishings Now is the time you need them. You are very busy with your Spring House Cleaning and will be wanting soanethtng new. Do not forget we are the headquarters for Rugs, Carpets, Cur- tains, Oilcloths Linoleums and \Vali Papers. Rugs Union Rugs $500 to $8.00. Wool " $10.00 to $14.00 Tapestry " $8.00 to 815.00 Brussels " $18.00 to $25.00 Velvet " $20.00 to $40.01 Furnishings Lace Curtains 25e to $0.01 Tapestry " $2.50 to $0.00 Carpets 25c to $1.35 Wall paper 'lie to 25e. Linoleumns & Oilcloths. Gents' Furnishings for Spring Boys! we are right up to date with our New Spring Goods. We keep all the Newest, stuff from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Natty New Vests A big assortment of the smartest things in Gents Fan- cy Vests. All the new colors Tan. Gray Green and White. in Figured, Striped or Checks Nifty Straw Hats All the New Swell Hats are here. Nice white straws with Green Brown and Black trimmings. Sailor or Swag- ger styles in stock. Do not fail to see then(. New Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Sox, Suspenders Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoos and wall paper. •••N••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• z' is The Eof'Every Child SHOULD BE EXAMINED YEARLY In the public schools of Baltimore the eyes of 53,067 pupils were officially examined. The results showed 53;; ut the children did not have normal vision while cne cut of every five were found;to be in no condition to do school wcrk at all. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient With my system of testing "looking into the E\VELI: eye" I do not depend on the answers given by theI3 patient for results. I see the defect and 1111 can therefore say positively if glasses are need - (•d or not. NG CHARGE FOR TESTING S. FITTON. J OPTiCIAN REPAIRING Bicycle repairing Lawn i\I;nvers Sharpened Knives and Scissol's horse Clippers Sharpened Umbrellas X11) kinds of Keys fitted and Locks Repaired New RS Bicycles anti Sundries, (;dins and Ammunition in stock. (toxo Muskrat Skins Wanted. Highest Market Prices) JOHN TRIEE111E Two Doors North of Post (Mee. Gnnsmithing Saws Ginned and Filed New Wringer hollers EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY (illi 1909, Death of Wm. Grigg School Reports. County Cour) It is our sad duty this lvcck to.ail- nounce the death of our venerable townsman. Mr. Win. Grigg, in his 89th year. which event occurred April ,. -.►t Jt at his honei1 1 on _lain street. Mr. Grigg teas a man who always commanded the highest respect and was beloved by every one who knew him. Although his vitality was slow- ly but surely ebbing away. owing to bis advanced years. he enjoyed fair- ly good health until about !three months ago. a hen he was compelled to take to his bed suffering from a severe attack of lagrippe. which left him in such :t weakened condition that his death was not unexpected. Prior to that time. any fine day. he could be seen taking a brisk walk, as was always his custom, .and to which with his exemplary habits he attributed his long life. TIIE LATE WM, GRIGG Mr. Grigg was an exceptional man IIe had no encuties and never would he meet an acquaintance without a smile that las in itself contagious; he never allowed troubles to worry him, in fact Lee never seemed to have any troubles. He was always the same. of a bright cheery disposition. Ile was born in I.:; eceston. 'Corn- wall, England, and at an early age learned the tailoring trade. working on the bench 6:3 years, retiring bout fifteen years ago. Ile was t of Exeter's first settlers. coming: here with his family in 1855, when Exe- ter was nothing but a hamlet and resided here continuously since that time. Mr. Grigg was a subscriber of the Times from its first issue and never failed to renew his subscrip- tioh the day of expiration. (Mrs. Grigg died on March 8th two years ago. He leaves to mount his passing a family of eight children. nine grand children and seven great grand child - 'IL M. Kinsman. 'leacher. ren. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. r1 .t oon. the rctnains being inter red in the Exeter cemetery to await ( From Jr. Ii. to Sr. I1. Milton Kydd, the morning of the first resurrection. Marguerite l'ickard. Jack ,iurdon, we Edna Johns. Cecil Dearing. Grace Curling, Mary Day, Mussel Marshall, From Sr. Pt. 11. to Jr. H. Wilfrid Rendle. Harold Boyle. Vera Marshall, Priscilla Collingwood. From Jr. l't. H. to Sr. 1't. H. Bruce Rivers. Delem Charlton, Wray Bed- IU(i DOINGS TN PAi3KHIILL. den. J1nry Easterbrooke. One of the finest celebrations ever Merchant Tailor From Class IV. to Jr. l't. 11. Gladys I known in the history of Parkhill, will EXETER SCHOOL t(EI'O;3'r'S FOR APRIL 11IG11 SCHOOL I)Ii1'AIt'1'MEN'T FO 1311 111, 11. S. 1). Matriculation on 1 al rs L. Heywood 77. Pass. J. E. Jones 73: C. McAvoy 71: J. Walker 67 : D. Stewart (10. Matriculation and Normal En- trance Honors. K. Collins 90 ; A. Mc- Mahon 87: L. Snell 80 ; A. Dow 79: L. Martin 78; T. Sanders. Piss. K. Stewart 72 : J. Oestreicher ?l ; I. Marchand 70 ; C. Pickard 67 : lit 'Hooper 66; L. llodgert 61; I. Rltow 64 ; A. Pickard 63; A. McPherson 62 i J. Menson. . Normal Entrance Honors. I. Hand- ford 7(i: E. Copeland. Pass. E. Willie 72 ; L. Sanders 66. No on roll 28 average attendance 27, Wm. 13. \Veidenhammer. I'rin. FORM 1T. 11. S. D. Puss, 17. Jones 71: W. Monteith 71: G. Kestle 70: T"Grassiek 68 : Rebate 65 : 1i. Treibner 63 ; S. Petty 62 ; 11. Carling 61 ; R. Dougall 60. No on roll 23 average attendance 21. Mr. Musgrove. Teacher. FORM I, II. 8. D. Honors. IT. Fake 7r ; C. Wood 75. Pass. I3. lloggnrth 73: W. \Veismil- ler 72:C. Copeland 71 ; R. Dearing 71 ; L. Grieve 69; G. Hooper 69 : R. Knight 6$ • L. Frayne 66: i,. Steacy 63! M. Elston 63 ; A. Willis 63: G. Passinore 60: R. J3randt 60. Conl- r_ercia! Sr. llonros, II. MacKay 86; 0. Bisset t 80 ; 11. Pope 78 ; 0. Wood 77. Pass. F. Hunter 70; F. Beaver SJ; E. Wood 68; L. llandford. Jr. Pave. W. Bradt 70; B. Boyle 64 ; S. Gillies 62. Number on roll 47 daily '$r.oO per year in advance The list of eases entered for trial at the jury pittings of the Iligh Court for the county, which were held last. week nt the court house. Goderich, was a r•c ► ord-breaker there being etn g no fewer than twentyfive actions set down. The trial judge was JIonor- able '.1r. Justice Clto. A good ninny of the cases were adjourned and a number (veers settled without trial, so the the court concluded Wed- nesday afternoon, having opened on .Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The ease of Young v_=. the Exeter Calming and Preserving Co., Ltd., was by consent adjourned to the next jury sittings of the Cond. The ques- tion at issue is whether or not Wil- linin Ypung, pt Gedcriebl Fubscribe4 for stock in the defendant company Mr. Young claims that A. Q. Dobler, Oar en,t.,ae ry have long demand- ed n purr •aint- palnt that wears t ettt r and goesraeettor- good paintall\� a have It and Guarantee Martin-Senour 1OU,i, Pure Paint to 1.. road.• of pane w'b,t.•I, ad, 1 ure i .idv ..t Zane, pure Lias,, -d On. l'omatirely no .dui. t. radon. Teo gals. go Si tar as 3 gala. of of L.•r (.pint+. Chan.. In our store and It u. t,•:I )0u 10014• ab..ut RCddu M1x6d Palilt --in- Martin Senours 100 7, Pure tIephant and flolluwood Paints from 10 to 5oc. per -tin. Paint and Kalsotnine Brushes 5, to, 15, 20 and 25c. Murano, Alabastine and Muresco. All colors in 25 and 5oc packages, as agent of the company, approached hint and desired him to subscribe for certain shares of stock, not with a view to purchasing the same but simply to enable the said A'. ' QC Ilobier and others to hold control of the company ; that he was induced to sign an application for 100 shares of stock of par value of $25. which, however he says he never purchased, that at the time of signing the sub- scription he was induced to give Mr. Dottier for his accommodation certain Promissory notes aggregating $2,500, which 1 obier discounted with the pre- sident of the company. out of which $1.750 was paid on account of said subscription ; that no notice was ever given to the plaintiff of acceptance of bis application for shares and that no allotment was ever made, that no :irernere 42. "urospeetns was filed with the Pro - A. M. Johnston. vincial Secretary or furnished to the Itoo1 1V plaintiff. Mr. Young Fceks a return Sr. IV, llonors. Ruby Wood 84 ; Reg- of his money and a cancellation of inald Bissett 82; Clarence Heywood the stock. The defendants claim that 78 ; Madeleine Carling 78. Pass, Mary she $1.750.iwas in payment of calls on Acheson 70; Leon Treble 70 ; Ethel stock. that hl r. Young. ' attended Itrickteood (T1; Preston Dearing 69; shareholders' and directoors meetings Gordon Taylor 66; Irene (Hardy 61; and took part in them. L. E. Dmncey Irene Rivers 63; Willie Heideman 63: for plaintiff. (;(adman .Stanbury Mary Davis 62 ; David Hall 62 : ,Lulu for de[endn Hobkirk vs. Smillie. -Trial of this Snell 60. Jr. IV. Honors. .Tames action was postponed. on account of Walker 78. Pass, Fred McPherson the illness of the plaintiff. until the 70: Greta Bissett 66; Russell Balk- non -jury sittings of the 'Court. 'the will 64 ; Bert Gillies 61; Flory 1)in- plaintiff is Mary Agnes llobkirk, of ney 63. No on roll 31 average at- Iiensnll, n niece of the Iate Thomas tendance 31. Sturgeon. one of the executors of C. \ osper. whose will is James Thomas Smillie. ItOUht . the defendant. The action is for a Form III. Jr. !llonVlors. Marjorie declaration that the probate of the Seldon 89; Marjorie Huston 87 ; Flo alleged will was granted without jur- Wood 81; Alma Mack 83 ; Edith Davis isdiction and is fraudulent and void. 82; f<Iarry Parsons 78: ,Jennie Rus- that the will may be declared void eel 78; Jos. Craig 77: Earl Cookson and the estate administered. The 76. Puss, ]'earl Jackson .74 ; Jos- defendant denies that there was any Ferguson 67; l.uia Hastings (il. undue influence in inducing the de - Form Ii. Sr. Honors. Allen Carter sensed to make the will. 91; Melville Gladmnn 89; Lila Zuefle The libel sails entered by Messrs. 80 ; Marvin Vincent 87 ; Amy Johns Vanntter & itobertson. ,publishers 86 ; Gordon Ford 75 : Bertha Horsey of The Signal. and W. 8. McCrostie, 75; Gerald Fitton 71 : Dorothy Kuntz of West 'Wowanosh. against the pub - 72; Dorn Moulden 68; Karl Weiden- lishers of The Goderich Star. which hammer 67; Dorothy White 67. No. were set down for hearing at the enrolled 38 average 33. assizes were settled out of court. Locals Mr. Percy Gillies wefts in Hamilton part of Inst week Ori business. Miss M. E. J3roten: bf Detroit, is visiting at her home here for a few weeks. Miss McIntyre. of Montreal, was here attending the funeral of the late \Val. Grigg. Mrs. S. T. Ilobier and children left Wednesday to visit Mrs. A. Q. Ilobier, in Buffalo. • License 'Inspector John Torrance 1185 in town Tuesday. delivering li- censes to the hotelmen. Hiss Amelia Oke, returned home Tuesday night, after spending the past few months with her brother in hrn{,sti1L•. Bishop \Villiains held comfirmation service in Trivitt Memorial church Tuesday evening, when several new members were taken into the church. ,, ut Lxet'r. Mn) _0th, and 21st. They Fink 7• Willie Davis 70 • Mary Mor - Township of flay vs. Oliver n3sson- nette and Napoleon Cantin. At action to have it declared that certain highways in the townsltii are public highways and that the def, edam Bis- sonnette may be restrained :rota occu-t �e pying or obstructing the same and for damage* for 'thee obstruction com- plained of. Judgment reserved. Poultry Netting Screen Wir('. Netting Shovels and Spades Rakes and hoes Owen Sound Portland Cement for Walls, acts at Floors, per bbl. It cannot remain long at this price. Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruse's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is none better than Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do yon want things to he just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. \Ve've promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your nett Suit or Overcoat. Can Suit You W, JOHNS Harvey ; Viola Jones. llildred llart- take place there on Victoria Day, hiey leib, Charlie Lord, Melinda Lloyd, Irene Zuefle. Norman Norry, Bertha Jackson. Mabel Hackney. Arto Delve, Eddie 'l'oylor. Gordon .tones, James Smith, James Ferguson. I horses in Canada and the United From Class iII. to Class i\'. Mildred' States will go (bore. The Eel, the Marchand, Jessie l!owey, Mildred world's fastest race horse. time Wood. Harold Kuntz, Kelvin Redden. _.1;•21-l. will also go on 1h,tl date in Violet MnIlett, Ernest Wells. No. an exhibition mile. Leave your corn on roll 51 average attendance 38. - planting until the next dn'y and go F. W. Howard. Teacher. with the crow•!. ROOM VII I. Jr. Second Class A.. Rhoda Cornish' 04 ; Mildred (lardy 85 ; Drew Knight The hi,l:"Clt 1113uro i TTtt horn Associa- 85; Alice Taylor 76. Violet \\'cash 73; Millie \\•alkcr 69. 'Class 13.. Louis tion will hold their mutual lie (flute 211h. 'there will be games and sports) of all kinds and the Parkhill Driving I'nrk Association have arranged a series of races. Some of the beat The committee in charge of thelock OR;• Irene Easterbrnok 65. 'Class' have n good program and expect a 14th. of May celebration have coin- C.. Alvin Cornish 81; Clarence Morley •s't ,'Oo tlo.istomeeting. bc prow•nt,and tgvt` pleted the list of prizes to be given 80; Clifford ,((mint 79 ; Leon Ialmer, and will distribute the posters this 76; Willie Brown 711: Czar harness; three addresses. Two copies of the week. G8 ; Vera Sweet 61; Milton Bedford 61. nnnouncemcnt etre being Fent to all Mr. •Fred Parsons met with the Jr. 1'1. 1L \\'inmt• liniaht 86: \Vii- I school principals. one of them for customary necident `Inst Saturday herr Gillespie 7'_; Priscilla Cornish: trustee hoard. who pre especially in - 'II,a splitting wood. A piece flew 70. Sr. 1't. 1. Genie Fink 72: ,1os,•. i vited to he pre:tent. in fact n11 in - up and striking him in rhe eye. made phine Davis 70. So. on roll •t9 arm._ terested in education will be heartily a had ;;ash• i welcome. Mr. 'Phos. 'Cameron will peal by age nttendnner• 40. ublic. auction at the NIM. M. V. Martin, Teacher. --�`-- P 1 litan ROOM V. Women with pale co lorless faces hotel. Exeter, on Friday. Mny 14th Sr. iI1. iioene,. Linder Hervey 81;' 1'ho feel Beak and discouraged, will nt one o'clock. milk cows, store cat- Muriel Jones fi_; Sydnoy (lector 7Q. receive both mental and bodily vigor tie and young horses. Sec posters. Bruce Wniker 76: i.nla Taylor 71. I by using Carter's iron fills. which .1.1\Vnrd. \Viarton, Prop. it prays to advertise in the Times. Last week Mr. 1). Wood inserted an ad. for pasture to rent. lo he run four times. Two days after the ad- vertisement appeared he had all the cattle he could take core of. A very quiet but pretty wedding terte eolcninized nt the residence of Mrs. J. 'forret!. Wellington St., Exe- ter. . 11 V n • April 28t .Ott on ednc.d �. rel h when Mrs. Ilella (licks hoenrn•' the brill► of Mr. .1. St neer. of the town- ship of 11ity. The ceremony W115 per- formed by Rev. E. A. Fear. i'nslor of Mnnt S1. Methodist church. Exe- ter. The bride entered the dining - room it rating on the nrn► of It. Morn. broths t of the bride. who gave her flif:0 neat•. The•couple were unattended. 1'ulloelog ie the repart of :h• stand- GRIGG.-in Exeter. ,\plit 2'Itb, 1909. The bride looked rhnrmiip wearing a ing of the pupils of 8. S. No. 4 81ei'- \Villin. "raga.or, .d '+► years. princess gown of swiss embroidery hen for the month of April.Nnnres and „is" yew a healable( bouquet of arc in order of merit. Sr. 1\'. Harry 11011(:INS.--In titeph.'n• 11;q 1st. the hr?dal roses and her hit id decorated ache attz. Meet Cornish, Lorne Mor- , intact sun of Mr. rnul '1ra. with orange blossoms. Miss Mandy Inek. .\rva Ilrokenshire, Herbert Ilnd,tin•=. (lick-. dmiehler of the bride. made I:rnft. ,ir. iV. 01to Brown. Clarence 1l ItLOC(.-In ('i,diton. May 2nd. a leery pretty little flower girl. Af- Eilber. Willie schw•ariz, C:intoti F. G. W. eInrinck. aged 85 years. ter co^. '�ratulntions the guests ad- Brown.Gordan Cornish.. Sr. J1!. 3 months and 11 days. j:treed to the (finite! room where a Emerson Itoeszlt r. I.nvinn Huta halla Exeter, Ontartc Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S We have started a great slaughter salt' com- prising every article of furniture m our Targe stock nt a great reduction on regular prices. Note some of the great, barg:tirs we are offering and it means to Furniture buyers, Bedroom Suites in 1 cut oak finish with large Bevel ('late Mirror reguler price $10.50; discount 5.11e (price $13.00. Pass. Into 'Peet M; Eric Burdon 69 : are made for the blood, nerves and Sideboards, regular price $13.0(1 discount sale price $10.00 Harry Snell 68; F:orence Rowe 67 ; conpplexion. Couches, regulnr price $4850 discount sale price $(3.00 Oliver llodgert 67 : Itlnncho QHate,• - Mattt'eFses, regular price $:3,10.... .... discount pale price $2.b) fib; Thornton Fear 66: llnriou metre. MARRIED Everything else in proportion. ford 61: Mniatfiv Case63: harp. r STACEY-IIICKS-in Exeter. Wed - River.' 63 : Lulu trodden f;3; W11:i•• needo). April 28th, 1909 when Mrs. Mnnson 62 ; Labelle handfeed 61 ; IlelIti 11 ii -k'. :is married to Mr. .1. Ethel (My 60. .1r. 111. Honors. Al-; Sinrey. nt tiny township. bort. Knight 71: Beatrice llodgert' unit\ 72. fuss, Jessie Itrickwood 6!); Lilian DELOSii,-iit II:Iy. Thnrsdny, April Marchand 03; Anna Itch 68; G idys _pth. to ill. end Mrs. Angus Dclosh Doe n,• 68 ; Ettie Bowie tib ; Gordon 8 dmluhter. Richardson 62 : Olive McDonald 60 ; McNI('OL.-111 Strat f'rd. April 22nd. .too Folliek 60. So. on ro:1 50 neer- to Mr. and Mr,t. IL A. McNicol. it age attendance 46.1. sun. .1. Merrey. TAYLO1t.-1 i Crediton Enst. on Fri- __ day. April 30th, to Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Taylor. a son. what sumptuous wedding breakfnst wens Either. Edna Amt..Jr, 111 Joe Itro• The jury in the 1<inrade Inquest eartt;ken nf. 1 be color effect of the tlir.'nit-towtn belief very b-autiful. Th • 1 rid • aria 1h' recipient of a nern- kenshire. Joseph Schwartz, Eddie ruesdn)• nicht. brought in n verdict Cornish. Clinton llorloek. Tr, 11. 'hut EthelKinrnde came to hr r deeth Emerson \Wein. Carrie 8chroed. r, by `hot wounds inflected by some per- be- of handsome presents. Mr. and olite Coniele Ad, lin+• Wein,('lnr:► eon or persons unknown to the jury. Mrs Stacey left for their new home Itelock. llat-J j'n'zentor. Mary. LTr. J njes. who hal' horn with the in I be evening w•her • a Inrge num- Wild. Sr. Pt. 1. Stella Cornish. Elgin Mo son.: `took here for Frye ru( ber of friends hnd teat hercd to give Either. Melt i' \W. in• f mouths.' ural In week t rtttof ed then( n h, arty welcome. 1. 11 .%imstrong. Teacher. I fo the tel. 11 '. It.. T ►k, n hi ace A call \till convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest Bargain Sole ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Lending Hoene Frllnisher,t an,t Fuuert! li:,• (furs. a VR Gives Strength and Vigor '}'here is nothing y restores strength and energy after an illness .as a (daily cul) of BOVRIL. ;1s a change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk. BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE .2i