Exeter Times, 1909-04-29, Page 14 r H URO N&MIDDLESEX GAZETZ t £UIRTY-S1xTU YEAR -No 1855 .1 1 ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••N•••• CLARKS' �•••••JOHES &•�N� Phone No. 32. SPECIALS In Dress Goods This week we are offering e 1 g a few Specials in our Dress Goods Department. They are some- thing extra arid are worth looking after. 54 in. Panama Cloth For 50c per yard This is a splended cloth for suits or Dresses and is good and heavy, in the perfect col- ors of Black, Blue, Brown, Green or Cream. Only 50c. 42 in. Satin Cloth For 50c per yard In all the good shades ot Black, Blue, Brown or Green. A beautiful satin finish on a good heavy cloth. This a line sure to please. Only EOc. Black Voiles, Plain or Striped We are fatnous this year for Our Black Dress Goods. Among our many different, cloths, Our Black Voiles are very prominent. The 50c., 75c. and $1 Voiles are very good value:. They are good sellers and are guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion. Necessary House Furnishings Now is the time you need then:. You are very busy with your Spring house Cleaning and will he wanting something new. Do not forget we are the headquarters for Rugs, Carpets, Cur- tains, Oilcloths Linoleuins and %Vail Papers. Rugs Union Rugs $5110 to $8.00. Wool " $10.00 to $11.00 Tapestry " $8.00 to $15.00 Brussels " $18.00 to $25.00 Velvet " $20.00 to $40.00 Furnishings Lace Curtains tic to $13,00 Tapestry " $2.50 to $6.00 Carpets 25c to $1.35 Wall paper 'lie to 25c. Linoleuntns & Oilcloths. Gents' Furnishings for Spring Boys! we are right up to date with our New Spring Goode. We keep all the Neves; stuff from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Natty New Vests A big assortment of the smartest things in Gents Fan- cy Vests. All the new colors Tan. Gray Green and White, in Figured, Striped or Checks 1 Nifty Straw Hats I .All the New Swell bats are here. Nice white straws with Green Brown and Black trimmings. Sailor or Swag- ger styles in stock. Do not 1 fail to see them. New Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Sox, Suspenders • Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'The Eyes of Every Child •, SHOULD BE EXAMINED YEARLY In the public schools of l3altinlore the eyes of 53,067 pupils vera otticially examined. The results showed 53% ot the children slid not have normal vision while one cut of every five were found to be in no condition to do school wcrk at all. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient With my system of testing "looking into the eye'" I do not depend an the answers given by the patient for results. I see the defect and can therefore say positively if glasses are need - ('(1 or not. NG CHARGE FOR TESTING S. FITTON. JE\\'ELF:It (pi'TTCIAN REPAIRING New Bicycle repairing Gunsmithing Lawn Mowers Sharpened Saws Grimed and Filed and Scissors New Wringer Rollers 1lorse (Tippers Sharpened Umbrellas All kinds of Keys fitted and Locks Repaired Bicycles and Sundries, Guns and Ammunition in stock. (moo Muskrat Skins Wanted. ilighest Market Prices) Knives JOHN TRIEBNER Two Doors North of Post Office. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29th 1909, cel The license commissioners for south Huron met at Brucefield last Friday to consider the application, for li- censes for the coining license year. All of the applications were granted with the exception of one in Exeter. During the past winter the council passed a resolution :educing the hotel liquor licenses to three and the Inspectors acting on that resolution cut off the license of the Mansion House at the lower end of the town. Mr. Dinney, the proprietor was given until the first of July to dispose of his stock. There were no applications for shop licenses, Mr. F. J. Knight, the present holder of n shop licenses, having tvithdrau•n his .Application owing to retirement from business. Following are those who were grant- ed licenses :-Exeter. W. T. Ache- son, Palmer Bros, John Morley: Step- hen Township, Mrs. W. Fritz. Grand Mend ; E. Brenner, Shipka : Barney Cunningham. Khiva ; J. 'Liter. :Mt. Carmel; If. C. Clark and A.. Trill, Crediton; W. Moffatt, Centralia: W. Zimmer, Dasbwood : !fay Township, It. It. Johnston and .7. P. Rau, Zurich: Mrs. Nicholson. Blake : Itayfield, A. Robison and Mrs. E. Elliott ; Tucker - smith. R. llossenberry•, Ilrncefield: George Strong. Red Tavern. The Stratford herald says: Mr. N. M. Cantin, of St. Joseph. was a call- er on Mayor Dingman last week on the subject of the city guaranteeing bonds for the Stratford and St. Jos- eph dtadial Railway. Mr. Cantin states that his project is now in shape for the commencement of con- struction: in fact Mr. R. 114 Sher- wood, a large New York city con- tractor, has undertaken to start at once from the St. Joseph end, building to either Exeter or Hensel', and wait for his pay from the sale of the bonds. Mr. Chas. M. Schwab the great steel magnate, has also agreed to fill a large order for steel rails on the same terms. Mr. Schwab visited St. Joseph last summer as bir. Cantin's guest and looked into the prospects of the .tatter's enterprises. Other municipalities are also to be asked to vote guarantees of bonds. The pro- posed route is virtually the same as Proposed formerly, when the project was up, Barn.•:y from Stratford tto Avonton, Carii,r-ford, Russeldale and Farquhar to Exeter if the road goes that way, or via Itusseldale, Crom- arty, 'Chiselhurst to Hensel!. Mr. Cantin is to put a proposition into shape for submission to the t;ity Council and Board of Trade. A Reactionary Storm Period is In progress barometer, s clo idinessoand rain Lill ll pass eastwardly over ,the country from 1st to 3rd, breaking into electri- cal storms in nutny localities on the 2nd. The reaction to higher tbaro- meter, westerly winds, and (fair. cooler weather will follow- in regular order immediately behind these storm areas. A Regular Storm Period is central on the Gth, covering the 4th to the 8th. By the 5th, western sections will show decided rise in temperature. with corresponding fall of the baro- meter. :Cloudiness and rain will at- tend and move promptly eastward over the country during the 6th, 7th and 8th. The Mars period will practi- cally fade out after this period, al- though its presence may he noticeable up to the 2Uth. A decided change to cooler. with probable frost at night. will set in behind the storms to the westward about the 7th, and during the Sth, 9th and 10th, this change to fair, cooler weather will Sollow close on the western sides of storm areas. reaching in its eastward pro- gress. most parts to the Atlantic coasts. If seismic shakes are to occur during the first half of May. in every probability they will fall within tbtee days of the 5th. or during the Moon's sweep /rout the celestial equator on the and. to great- est declination south on the 8th. The following refers to n former resident of Ex(•ter. "Lydia ltalgdon (nee Livinggood) was born Nov. 4th. A. 1). 18711, at Zurich, Iluron Co., Ontario. Canada. Died April 18th, 1909. at her home near Osnabrock, Cavalier Co.. North Dakota. De- ceased was a sufferer for only a few days with n severe pain in her head, followed by convulsions at times, causing her unexpected death at the age of 39 years. b months and 15 days. Dec. 15th, 1891. she was mar- ried to Mr. John llnlsdon. This union was blessed with four sons and two daughters. In the year 1894 she was converted to the faith in the living God under the labors of Rev. A. IA•rth. a minister of the Evangelical church. Two sons. father and two sisters preceded her in death. It can be truly said of her. she will be miss- ed from one and all of the sphores of t he local church netit•ities maintain- ing ns she did until her death, an netivi' and complimentary interest in the church work. She was faithfully present at 1h.• preaching and prayer meeting r..rvices. and stood nctively identified with each. In her Iast moments she was an intense sufferer which she bore with patient resig- nation. She leaves husband. two sons, two daughters. another. five brothers, six sisters and many friends to mourn her sudden departure. Th' remains were interred in the Evangelical cemetery. there to await the resur- rection morn. She will he held in loving remembrance by husband. children and many friends. Funeral services were held at t iSvangelical church. by the Rev. 11. if. Fischrr.s \Ve world call the attention of renders of The Times to oir clubbing offer tvith The News. Toronto, where- by Ihey ran obtain the two papers for 51.' 30 The News is unquestionably one of the most iefleentinl edilorinl com- ment being quoted from one end of Canada to t he nt her. For anyone i'.ting 10 k.ep in touch with Cann - (lien nffaire. there is no better paper thnn The News. Sample copies eon' b,• ah+ained by dropping a post -card to the News office. Centralia Mr. W. T. Colwill. the hay merch- ant of this vicinity, has shipped from fifteen to twenty carload, of hay a week. The market is good for this product. Mr.is Thos.Elston .1 :011 making in baa a few K t improvements in his mill by putting in another boiler and other minor fixings. The Parson -Davis Co. are shipping large quantities of eggs to Montreal• The prospects are looking very bright for it good season. • The Educational services of the Methodist church were held last Sun- day when Rev. A. H. I3rown, of Varna. preached appropriate sermons for the occasion. the financial results being a head of last year. Rev. W 11. Mutt preached Educa- tional sermons at Varna and Bruce - field Inst Sunday. Next Sunday morning the quarterly meeting will b.' held in the Metho- dist church when Rev. L. \V. \Vick- ett, of London, will assist the pastor. At the Epworth League meeting on Tuesday Miss Swann gave an in- teresting topic and a collection was taken up for the aid of the Forward Movement of Missions. Mr. W. R. Elliott, is recovering rapidly front his recent operation and was able to leave the hospital Tues- day. however he is still weak and will remain for some time with his brother Dr. Elliott, of Toronto to re - Cu Lel MM. �9ABR'ORtB. Bari�, iht Kind You Hate Always Bought Bignatan of Kirkton Mr. Jack Barrett visited at Geo. Burton's on Sunday. Mr. Ernest Lyon was in St. Marys visiting on Sunday. A meeting was held in the Ban- nock Township Hall Monday evening to discuss the advisability of re -sub- mitting the by-law to the :whole town- ship. A vote was taken by those pre- sent resulting 43 for and 38 against, making the railroad appear some- what hazy. We are sorry to learn of the acci- dent which befell Mr. \Vm. Leigh a few days ago. While he was unload- ing dishes. a crate fell on his leg tcmpotarily incapacitating hint from his regular work. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. John Somerville of the village, tvho had n stroke on Sunday last. She is progressing favorably. Mrs. II. A. Switzer. of \Voodhntn, died on Sunday, April 25th in her 78th year. The,,,remains were interred in the union cemetery on Wednesday followed by a large gathering of re- latives and friends. The 'Times sym- pathizes with the loved ones in their bereavement. Some seeding has been done in the vicintiy. but very little, the ground being rather too wet, but there is time yet before its as late ns last year, many seeding then in the mid- dle of May. Mr. John Hanna has disposed of his stallion "Sir Evelyn" we hope he will see his way clear to purchase another. The telephone company last week sent out checks to the stock holders. being a five per cent dividend. Whalen A number from nround here at- tended the Oddfellows sermon at Granton on Sunday evening. Mr. .1. \'. Millson. attended the funerll of his nephew 1Vilbur. eldest son of Mr. Caleb Millson. of White Oke. bliss May Marshall, of Ilryanston, has been visiting Mrs. Wm. Morley during the past week. Miss Bertha Suthcrby and Miss Ethel Millson, both of London, have been visiting relatives and friends ground herr during the past week. Clarence Millson sports a new wheel while some of the older boys are tuning their buggies up. Mr. 1\'m. Ogden is again in the mart with Borne very fine buggies. Mr. and Mrs. John Morley and Mrs. Siitherhy visited at their brother's Mr. John Foster near Granton. Winchelsea Mr. ;tad Nita. J. M. Ilazelwood. now of Manitoba. and formerly of Kirkton nre this week visiting with Mr. Geo. 1leywood. Mr. Snm Brock we are sorry to say is under the Dr's care with La Grippe at present. Mr. Itoht. Robinson is limping around from the results of n sprained knee. Master Jno. Brock and Miss Lillie ileyw•ood visited with friends in Cromarty on Sunday. friends near St. Marys on Sunday. Messrs. Rolfe !frog. visited with ItultN NORitI-t.-in liihb •rt. on th • 8th inst., to T1r. and 'Mrs. ltobt. John Norris. a, daughter. 51AR111SD MATIIESON-IIAI,LS-At Illyth on \Wednesday. April 21st. Miss Jennie Halle. formerly of Exeter, to Alr. tames Matheson• of Rensselaer, Ind. 'l'IIA(Ii:Eit t- :HAZELWOO(' - At "Ila%Iedenn Farm." Kirk ton, on Wednesday. April 21st, Mise ,Mara E. llnzlewoorl to Mr. John '1'hneker. SMITH-I'itF,i%CATOIt.-On the Go- shen hire of Thursday. April 22nd, by Rev. Thun, Floss!.. !'reszcntor to Mr. henry Smith. SNIDER-SCHHO1SIlElt. - At Zion 1,1.11'ernn church Dashwood. '. ed• nesdny. April 28th, Saltie E. d.►Igh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,ineoh Schroeder tc Mr. nu ,can W. Snider. DiF:i) SARA Bl'a.-On the Bronson Line.' Saturday, April 24th. Daniel (Lara-; Connor res. aged 86 y,'arg. lfnchinc' Co. SWIT%ER.-In \1•nodhnm. Sunday, Noce , diriz Connor Itros. April 25th. jnir.. 11. A. Switzer aired, 2 smart apprentice boys wanted.: 78 years. Country boys preferred. JOH4 Hensall Mr. Benjamin Caldwell, a former, Huron boy, and son of Mr. Wm. Cald- well, of the Zurich road, was married at Carberry on April 14th. The many old friendsf o the roou will a unite with us in extending congratulations. and best wishes. The council has been improving the appearance of Main street by scrap- ing up and drawing away the surplus, mud and dirt. Mrs. J. S. Case returned to Toron- to last week. Miss A. Brett. of Seaforth, who taught school hero a number of years ago, and also on the Parr Line near Hills Green, was the guest of Mrs. F. W. Smallcombe for a couple days during the past week. Mrs. Barnum, of London, has been spending the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Nesbitt4 Mr. Nesbitt, who has been seriously ill. is improving nicely. Mrs. Smart, of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Moir. Mr. Thos. Welsh's little girl, who was recovering nicely from a very verious illness, is again in a very critical state. Miss E. Thompson left here last week to take charge of the public school at Drysdale, recently taught by Miss Morton. Dlr. John McEYarlane continues to improve and we hope soon to see him on our streets again. Mrs. J. Blatchford returned last week from Toronto, where she had been spending a number of weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. \Vm. Lammie's two little girls, who recently went to the Blind In- stitute at Brantford, arrived there safely and are much pleased with their new surroundings and will doubtless make good progress with their studies. A very pleasant evening was spent on Monday evening by the Epworth League of the 'Methodist church. A sumptuous banquet was served in the league room where the wants of the inner man were well looked after. Then the crowd adjourned to the an- ditorium of the church where, in ad- dition to a choice musical programme. addresses were delivered by Revs. Smith. Bart and Toll, of llensall, and Rev. Going and Dr. Roulston. of Exe- ter. The chair was ably filled by \Liss Beek. the President of the League. Farquhar Fanners have been looking for spring for some time avid it must be a relief to their feelings to get sow- ing the seed. Mrs. James McCullough who has -been ill is recovering. With the corning of good .roads the bicycle and rubber tire have again made their appearance. For years the large villages and town merchants have closed their places of business at seven o'clock several nights a week and now their country cousins have decided to try the experiment. so when May begins Monday and Thursday evenings the stores will close at seve.t o'clock. This should be no hardship as there are still four evenings it week .:or business. Rev. Mr. Larkin will take charge of the Preparatory service .in the Thames (toad d'resbyterian church on Friday next and on the following Sunday sacrament will be adminis- tered in both the churches. A chimney on the house of Mr. \V. Douglas got on fire last Sunday even- ing and caused a great (smoke but ended with that. Women with pale co lorless faces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive Lot h mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pilis, which aro mado for the blood, nerves and complexion. County Clerk Lane has completed his complication of the figures show- ing the population of the various ROOM' municipalities in the county of nuron for the year 1908, taken from the assessment rolls. and the figures, as compared with those for the pre- vious yenr nre ns follows: Townships 1908 1907 Ashfield ... ... ...2,710 2,706 Colborne • 1,527 1,544 Goderich 1,959 2,054 Grey ...3,066 3,081 Iin3- .:1.1411 :3,175 llowick '1.600 3,54: Hallett .2.450 2,:Y)6 Morris '' 210 2,251 McKillop ...2.303 2,::4; Stanley 1.829 1.,838 Stephen 3.650 3,578 Tuckersinith ^,109, 2,008 Tn rnberry .1,806 1,844 1'shnrne East \Vnwr+aosh...... W,.sr \\",lwnnosh... ... Total Tow ns and Iltayfield Illy: h Brussels Clinton Exeter (loderieh llensall yenforth Winghnm Wroxeter Villages .510 .816 1.179 2.448 1.606 4.632 801 2.251 2.310 415 1.975 2,008 1,646 1,664 1.909 1,858 --- ...37,889 az891 Total imputation of county 51,1,20 51,917 17.631 583 815 1,0f.9 2,423 1,648 1.508 063 2,276 2.277 431 17,026 Public Notice noire. to the ircrensing demand for our Gnsoline Engine w„ find it advienble 10 direct our whole ntten- tem to its manufacture and on the eompletior of our present engage_ menta will till farther notice be ob- liged to refuge all orders for job and repair work. $1.0o per year In advance _rte, Wilk W. -PAM :Io%a tt- 1aoiaone et i•• Our r ushnne rs hat a long 4rmaod- Pa a palnt that "rear,. t ,urer beer mol bora further-ae all around satis- factory good paint. we have 11 au.' Guarantee Martin-Senour 1O(P,4) Pure Paint 0 1.• t madrr .rN ,re t011e Lel wittylol %i- t„•, Pule Linseed 011 Pcs14rc1y uu adul- teration. Tao gQala Ko as ter as % ala.. t other paint.. Come In our store arid tat ,u WI you mon, about lt. Roao MIxOd Palot - in-- Martin s envours 100 �, Pure Elephant and t1olluwood Paints from to to 5oc per tin. Paint and Kalsomine Brushes 5, to, 15, 20 and 25c. Wall and Ceiling FinishesMuranrescoo, AlAll abastinecolors Mu. and 5oc packages. Poultry Netting Screen Wire Netting Shovels and Spades Rakes and Hoes and in 25 Owen Sound Portland Cement for Walls, Floors, Walks, etc at $r.6o per bbl. It cannot remain long at this price. Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Preston Safe Lock Shingles Do not fail to call and enquire for our 28€ nage galvalized safe lock shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square, with an absolute guarantee that they are both wind and srorlu poof. We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc, T. KAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do yon want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've }promised you satisfaction --promised you thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our beat ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Cari Suit You W. JOSIITS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S We have started a great slaughter sale com- prising every article of furniture in our large stock at a great reduction on regular prices. Note some of the great bargains we are offering and what it means to Furniture buyers. Bedroom Suites in # cut oak finish witl. large Bevel Plate Mirror regular price $10.50; discount sale price $13.00. Sideboards, regular price, $1300 discount tu.let ict' lt!.l(1 ()ouches, regular price $8 50 . discount sale price $0.00 Mattresses, regular price $3 50 discount sale price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading home Furnishers and Funeral r)ircctors. Five - Farmers Wanted - five 1 have just. enough ronin for 11vr more priors in nnr• pri- vate war going In Saskatchewan and Alberta on April 2011,. All parties will be shown over our land at our expf rise. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of Hist cash payment. SPRING WHEAT Tn the (Bogle Lake district nn the direct route of the C. N. It. from Saskatoon to Calgary. FALL WHEAT In Sunny Southern Alberta on tl:e direct nate from 'Wey- burn to Lethbridge. MINN, EXETER, Agent for Allison, Fair & Co.