Exeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 57 • ..e- 'IBE EX1 T1iR TIMES, APRIL '22nd 1909 CREDITON NEWS Our Spring House Furnishings Our springstock is now complete in every line. We have made special purchases in ouse Furnishings and can show an immense line of Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, Rugs. etc. in all sizes and all qualities. Beautiful pat- terns and colorings. Prices from $8 to $25 each. We have received a direct importation of Nairn's linoleuu►s in two and four yd widths in the veru latest patterns, prices as low as you can get in any City store. Wall Papers We have n complete new stock of the very latest patterns and colors. We start the price from 5c a roll to 20c a roll. Do not fail to see our stock before making your selection for spring. Our values cannot he Neaten. Lace Curtains We have a very large stock in this line. We made extensive purchases and have a beautiful range of patterns. See them, AJc to $5 per parr, Millinery Our Millinery department is now in full swing under the charge of Miss Inman. We have the largest display we have ever shown in the most fash- ionable goods we could procure. Do not fail to give this department a call and inspect our stock and compare prices. Dress Goods We have a complete line of all the latest fabrics and shades and is will pay Pou to look oyer theta. Our prices are right. Wo have also a large stock of rints, Shirtings, Cottonades, Ginghams, Silks, Etc. Do not fail to see our Gent's Furnishings and Clothing; all lines complete. We are open to buy Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Clover and Timothy Seed for which we will pay the highest prices. A call solicited. C. ZWICKER Ladies fine Neckwear, Ruchings, Bette, Net for Waists, Summer Suitings, Silks, Fancy Hosiery, Heady -made Waists of Net and White Lawn, etc. all appeal to the discern- ing buyer. 8. Brown We sell Nothing but Dependable Goods Special exhibition of Spring Millinery. Mil- linerysall reP- rep- resented in our show rooms will be of inter- est to all buyers. The newest creations in hats are attracting attention Compare prices, consid- ering quality of goods and workmanship. DRESS GOODS SPLENDID SHOWING NE\V STYLES NEW COLORS We have the largest range we have ever carried. Every popular cloth is here in every shade, tint, color and pattern. Our hest, highest class Dress Goods are popular priced, which forms a pivot to swing the greatest trade at the mintiest living profit. House Furnishings Spring is here and the busy housecleaner will commence her essential duty. You will Lind us well equipped in the different lines that you will need to brighten the home. It is a well known fact that we carry a very large ?tock of \Vali Papers Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleurns, Lace Curtains, etc Gents Furnishings We excell in this line and only ask you to call, promising you a complete range of anything that goes to making up the pioper reale attire. Open for large quantities of Potatoes, Seed:, Onion -o, and all kinds of pro- • prices are paid. market duce for which highest} Retailers of Clover and Alsyke Seeds, Timothy, Mixed Seeds, Millett, etc. at right prices. S. I3 i O W N CREfDITON. Buggies Buggies Crediton Miss Clara Kienzle, who was attend- ing the Normal at Toronto is home with her parents. Mildred Braun was the guest of feet no signs of improvement. ten ee t t Mrs. Oscar Knopp. on Fr day ,evening, . «rC will offer Vora Siebert for :►few days.Mr. Fred Baker is visiting his WV are pl,•aed to say that Master Lavern McMurray. who was so ser - Zurich Mr. Jacob Weide will er,•ct a dwel- ling west of the Evangelical Church.1 Res. A. 1). Gischlcr attended the 1 r+ Conference at New hamburg last 1 week. Fred and Briscoe Humphrey left Dl r. J. liellrrtuuua and family last week for the west. :lr. 1'. Bauch, who has been quite' visited friends in Zurich on S today. ill for the past few months is show- A number of the young p. •'pie at - d h • bridal party of : Ir. and DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood [MONEY SAVED 13y Dealing at Sleberts all our Carpets consisting of Tapestry', Union and emp Catpets at a discount of 15 per cent. Coughs that are tight or distressing daughter weir Seaforth. iously ill is rr,pidly inproving. tickling coughs, get quick and certain Miss Leah Young, of Crediton, is Master loran Brown was visiting help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. visiting at the Misses 'Tiernan's. ! in Zurich for a few days. On this account druggists everywhere Miss Ethel li:ellorm,au who spent Mr. harry Fowler bas returned are favoring Dr. Shoop's Covell Rens the holidays in Zurich returned on D1 r. George Bedford left for Sarnia edy. The tender leaves of a harm- Sunday. less lung -healing mountainous shrub A pretty wedding took place at the home after visiting in Seafortb, where be intends to work. . give to 1)r. Shoop's Cough ltemedy• home of Mr. and Mrs Conard Keller Miss Lillian Geiser who was visiting tressing cough, and to soothe, and 16th, Con. on Wednesday of lost week Miss \'ivian Beaver is visiting her its curative properties. Those leaves sister Mrs. Dr. Orme, of Centralia. have the power to calm tits most dis- when their :.:uughter Ella was mar- ried to Mr. William Ituthcrmnl, of heal the most sensitive bronchial Dashwood. '1•he ceremony was Per- in Zlespelreturned turninghomeformed by Rev. Than. Mr. and Mrs. we, The Milliners are the hats membrane. Test it once yourself, and ou in g t great tyle see 1 Sold by W. 8. Howey.Itothermal will i. -tike their home at i Dirs. Gottlob Braun returne ome CONFERENCE OF 'rill: th • absence of Rev. L. Faeter North. d h CANADA CON tEOwing to c I from Preston, where she underwent forherIt proved •• EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION K. Eidt, there was no regular service on Sunday evening. uccsful. operation eye. successful. The Y. d . A. Mrs. Matthew Finkbeiner and son New Hamburg. Out., April 19th, gave a special programme, avhich Sam returned home after visiting , 1909. The 45 annual session of above nets enjoyed by all present. Among' friends in Berlin for a week. conference convened here April 15th, the numbersasolo by Miss Minnie *f0rn Mnrtha Oestreicher, of Dash- I 1;{py, Bishop W. Born, 1). D., of Ehlers was beautifully rendered, also tee. a .1 her aunt Mrs. L. Oes-Cleveland, Ohio. presided. a female Quartette which was very tt'eiehe_ .or a few days. Rev. T. C. Dlcckel. Rev. F. •\V. much appreciated. Mrs. A. Cunningham and children Umbreit; ltev. A. IIalrhubr and Mr. A quiet wedding took place at the arrived home triter visiting in Claude- iberkes were present, and addressed. Lutheran parsonage on Monday even- Hartleib boye. t the conference in the interests of the :rig of lust week, when Miss Lorindn Mr. A Morlock had the automobile Missionary Society. North Western %Vttlper. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss This We will also save you money in Dress Goods. We buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and can save yon from To to 25 per cent. Come and take a look throngh our Dress Goods before you buy. make a specialty' of Millinery and our prices are lower than the lowest. Kasper out and it certainly went some. 1 College, Old Peoples Horne and the �:tsper \V a1per was married D1 to r. Mr. M. Atkinson, of Centralia, :has Oscar KIopp. Publishing 'Nouse. respectively. accepted the position as bar -tender Publishing A. Abel and \V, Hendricks wereSchool re -opened on Monday with for Dl r. August 'Hill. granted probationers license. i . II. a good attendance. and Miss Horton Rosuntbn liaercber has re- l Dorsch, J. 8. Damm, and I:. DL the new teacher in her room. turned to her home in 'Enrich. Graff were ordained an elders. The A very pretty wedding took place . Mrs. (Rev.) Schmidt has returned i,nissionary reports from the Canadian at the home of :,1 r. and Mrs. John to her home in Berlin after visiting Ii north west gave gratifying evidence o+wald of the 1 6t Concession. on with her mother Mrs. Oestreicher. of substantial gains during the past Tuesday, April 13th, when their eldest Mrs. Charlie Braun is visiting yedr• daughter, was united in marriage to friends in Exeter. The stationing Committee reported ll''The llanry Ilierlinq. The ceremony The two Adult Bible classes of the as 'follows:— +errs performed by Rev. Th um. Evangelical church gave nn excellent -East District—Rev. 8. It. Kneehtel, commenced operations for the sensor program Sunday evening. P' Is.; Berlin, G. D► nnmm : Ne 'tad are very busy filling orders. Mrs. A. Walker and father return- Hamburg, \V. .1. Y'nrger : Linger - of have just received acarload ed home after visiting relatives Iri bachs, E. 1T. Gruff : North Tnst of lumber and are teaming it from St. Marys. Hope. If. Dierl:unm : Tavistock. E. the Exeter station. Dirs. Stahl is on the sick list. Burn : Sebringvillc. J. G. Litt : full_ Messrs. Tientati & Edighoffer this 1 Mrs. J. Cocke ill was visiting friends futon. E. Eby ;Milverton, F. Meyer:'week shipped six tors of onions to in Exeter. Rodney, W. M. Sippell : 'Hamilton, 1). Toronto and other points. Mabel Wenzel spent Sunday in Exe- II. Wing ; Torontn, W. E. Deese 1 Death of August Schroeder.—The ter. Campden,Ronal/an,, 0. iicbn; Ronal/an, A. residents of Dashwood were greatly Mr. Madison, of Shipkn, is working Clemens and E. E. Damm : Morris- shacked on Monday morning, to ]earn that one of our oldest and most re- spected citizens in the person of August Schroeder had suddenly ex- pired, heart failure being the cause of his death. Mr. Schroeder had been enjoying very good health and was assisting his wife with the week's washing. when he suddely becarne ill and retired to it conch and laid down, thinking his illness would pass away in n short time. Several min- utes later when Mrs. Schroeder went to see how he was feeling, she found that he had expired. The deceased was born in Germany over seventy years ago. and when a child came to this country with his parents who settled on n farm west of the village, where the deceased lived until ten years ago, when he and his helpmate moved into the village to enjoy a well earned rest. Mr Schroeder was one of the good old sturdy Gerrnan stock and in the pioneer drys work- ed hard to open up this section of the country. 'ile was a man who was careful about selecting his acquaint- ances, but once a friendship was formed, he was always a true friend. Ile is spoken of as being of an nim - able disposition and had a host of friends. who mourn his demise. Ile took particular pride in the culti- vation of flowers and his home wns always surrounded by the choicest of floral decorations. Ile was married four times and besides his widow leaves a large family to mourn their loss. The following is the result of the promotion examinations held nt 8. 8. No. 11. Stephen, before Easter. The names are in order of tnerit. iV—A. Englund. Pearl Tetro:tu. Jr. IV to Sr. IV,—Mabel Wild. Jr. 111 to Sr. III.—Laura Stephan, Francis Lafond Muernl \Villert. Sr. 11 to Jr. IIi.— Irene \Willert. lthynard Stephen, Al- bert Vincent, kronen Zeller, Jos. La - fond. 11—Ira Tctrean. Olive Willcrt l't. if. to Jr. 11,-1Ienry Lafond, Wil- lie Stephnn. Pt. i, Sr. Ecron Lafond, llcnlzel Wild. Pt. I, Jr.—ltmra Tet- reau. E. Keyes, Teacher. for Mr. A. Hill. . Mr. Siebert was visiting S. Brown on Sunday. . Mr. Herbert .Silber spent Sunday in Lucknow visiting friends. Miss G. Esscry is visiting friends in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Orme spent Sunday in Crediton. The members of the Methodist church held a Nee last week and re- paired the fence around the parson- age. The road grader was started on Monday. taking the road between here and Centralia. Mr. Baugh, of Delhi, visited friends in the village last week. School re -opened on Monday, after the Easter vocation, with all the teachers in their places. At the Conference of the Hamburg Evangel- ical fent cchurchheld at g last week Rev. E. 11. Bean was stationed at Crediton for the fourth year. Mr. William Morlock. sr., who has Dien making his home with his daughter, Mrs. IIerman Oestreicher, is at the time of writing very ill. esutorrooppweed thDmy.hinooup lest will surely prove, No vomiting, no dis- tress. A safe end pleasingsyrup—t e. Druggists, Just Arrived CASTOR 1 A A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading nems of Ontario For Infants and Children. in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do l ille Kind You well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. Bears the Trevethick 6c Hodgins t3ignaturo of CREDITON, ONTARIO. Machine Repairing '.Vo have just added a new Lathe to our shop and ore now in a position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair your Mower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will make it as good as new for you, Repairing (train Separators and Engines Our Prices are Right ALBERT MORLOCK Blacksmith and Machine Re;, tiring. (71tEDITON Old Folks' Livers Have Always Bought ,!L4ze ton. J. C. Morlock ; Itlenheim, E. 8. Hiscocks ; liespeler, A. II. f lyley f Ningnra• .1. W. Bean; Gainsboro, T. M. Gischler ; Arnprior and Killaloe, O. G. Ilallman : Pembroke, A. Geiger ; Golden Lake. F. B. Meyer ; Rocking- ham. E. 11. Dorsch. North District—Rev. A. Y. lfaist, P. E. ; .Waterloo. M. L. •\\Ting ; St. Jacobs. C. G. Knatz ; Elmira, J. G. Burn ; Listowel, J. If. Grenzebncb Wallace. II. Ii. Leibold; .Normnnby, A. W. Sauer : Mildmay, L. \Vittick ; Walkerton, G. F. Braun ; Port Elgin E. D. Beaker ; Hanover. W. T. Zim- mermann ; ,Chesley. IL L. tMerner Elmwood, Ii. J. Ilotzmann ; Parry Sound. to be supplied; Stratford, S. M. llaach ; Zurich. A. D. Gishler ; Dashwood, L. K. Eidt : Crediton, E. H. Bean; Maitland, E. F. IIeist Northwest District.—Rev. I,. '1i. ' Wagner, Shpt. of Missions: \Vtani- i g. E. J. Bechtel ; Nendorf, J. V. Kcvor; Melvile. J. 8. Born; Regina, 8. Y. }frown ; .Rosthern, L. Amacher ; Medic'ne Hat. J. S. Damm s.fbdsbury C. S. Finkbeiner; Siebertvile, I) Heider : Warner. M. J. Connor and A. 1). Nash; ICenaston, W. J. Fiddas Swift 'Current, Saskatoon and Mi - dale to be suppled. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's itheurnatic Itemedy—liq- uid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's book- let on rheumatism plainly and inter- estingly tells just how this is done. Tell some sufferer of this book, or better still. write Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis., for the hook and free test sam- ples. Send no gooney. Just join with Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer n pleasant surprise. W. S. Ilowey. CR W B R A N D C O R need an occasional stirring up to keep than from being constipated, bilious and generally run down. At the same time, the laxative must not be so violent as to shock the system and cause sinking and sickness. rripfar R' -G ri S r'Ar P For Every Meal At breakfast with porridge "Crown Prat:,l Syrup" is (tendon"... \vith plain puddings or made up with pastry, odd scrap of cake, etc., it makes a delightful after dinner dessert. At supper it is just the thing to eat with bread and butter, toast or biscuits. "CRO\VN IIRANI) SYRIA"' is syrup at its Desi n:al in its most delicious and wholesome form. It is prepared in a perfect manner from absolutely pure ingredients. It is for ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesotneitess— don't you think it's worth while insisting on "Crown Brand Syrup? " Your dealer has it for you in 2, 5, 10 and 20 lb. air-t'ght tins with lift-off lids. Order some to -day {fir, b the ideal treatment for old fo`ks' li: ors—never fail; to act, yet never shocks. A 'onic et well as a laxative. Best for con- stipation, rheum... m, biliousness—any and all troubles of liver, stomach a.. .1 bowels. Ttke an NR tablet to- r.`/ $. - night—you'll feel better in the morning.toe-`s Get a 25c Box For Sale by W. 9. ('ole, Exetur. The old fashioned way- of dosing a correctly. Each inside organ ha. it. weak stomach. or stimulating the (controlling or inside nerve. When t[lenrt or Kidneys is all wrong, Dr., e thesnerves fail then those organs Shoop first pointed out this error. This is by his prescription—Dr. ' must surely falter. There Fit al Shoop's Restorative—is directed en - truths are leading druggists every- tirely to the cause of this^ nilrnents . where to dispense and recommend Dr.' the weak inside or controlling nerves. Shno;:'s Restorative. Test it it few It isn't so difficult. says Dr. Shoo,^, drys. and see ! improvement will to strengthen it weak Stonier h. promptly and surely follow. Sold Heart. or Kidneys. if one goes at it by W. S. Howes. The Edwardsburg Starch Co. LI nt;.d ESTABLISHED 1868. CARr114AL,Ont. Offices: MON•.i1i'•\i„ RINTOnnt1111 '011, I;AI;Y FELT. ON T THE STOVE airs. 'i'. S. Dougall. of 52:3, Flora Avenur, Winnipeg. says:—"My hnby girl was nrrnnging some of her doll's washing on a clothes -rock beside the stove. when she fell, and her hand, bein-t thrown out to try and save her- self. carne in contact with the side of the hot stove. She -sustained a serious burn. and her cries and screams were terrible. "1 sent out to 1 he druggist for the best remedy he had to 118 • on n burn. He said there was nothing to equal Zuni -11111c. and sent back a supply. 1 applied this and it soothed the pain se quickly that the child Inn •hed 1hrongh her tsars. I bound up the hand in Znm-lick. and each dry applied Zrtm-link frequently and Iilernlly. until the burn was quite cured. The little one was soon able to go 011 11 ith h •r play. and +w.• had no trouble with her sterner the time the burn was being heeled. I feel very tOVRIL —gives strength for any sustained effort of body or mind. It is the con- centrated nourishment of beef available for immediate use. mmuolle Farm Produce Taken in Exchange WAN TED—A car of Potatoes this week. Ilighest prices paid for produce. Siebert & Co. Block. DASHWOOD Meo's prig Suitings Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit- ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices right. All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal Woven -wire fencing. Highest prices tor Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASHWOOD Fencing and Paints We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. Wo handle the celebrated Page and Peerless fencing, tlso Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing. Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. A big stock Paints of Martin- Senour ready 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us Prcduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. T1 E_MAN, Dashwood Mixed Paints Lumber Shingles and Lath We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build• ing material that we are in a Netter position than ever to supply your wants in Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. If you intend building a house or barn wo will bo pleased to quote prices and assist you in any way we can. Come in and get our prices. The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited. Itashwood, Ont. Announcement To Residents of Farquhar and Vicinity We came to Farquhar seeking a more congenial occupation and believe wo shall like the work we have under taken. Our purpose is to do right and while we will doubtless make many mistaken they shall be of the herd and not of the heart. We adopt the old motto "Best Goods at Right Prices." it has been a principle with us to rtand by our neighbors if their occupation wits legitimate and on this principle we solicit your patronage. Spring is at hand and if you want Seeds for Field or Garden, Shov els I-Ioes or Forks, Oil Cake, Stock Food, Sulphur or whatever it may be give us your order and we will seek to scrye you well. JOSHUA JOHNS FARQUIHAR, ONTARI i ) grateful for this cure. and would re- commend nil mothers to keep Zam- Iiick handy 'or emergencies like this." 1 his is good advice. Znnt-Irak. being tour s herhnl in its composition. is particularly suited to the delicate skin of children. While a powerful healer. it iv also highly antiseptic. Applied to a burn. a cut. it scald or n scratch—to any injury of the skin, in fact—it will kill all dis • germs. and removes all danger festering, blood -poisoning, or inflam- mation. At the Pamo time, it stltnu- Iates the cells to ,creat activity, and fresh healthy skin is soon produced td repair tho dmmng' . Fifty cents spent on a box of Zanl-It„k has solved scorCS of people AA many dollars, to bap nothing of %ovine hours of paint