Exeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 4oughs and
For the prompt relief and
cure of Colds, Conghs, Hoarse•
netts, Loss of Voice, t.nd all
affections of the 'Throat and
lungs and for general debility.
Get a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of 3Vhite fine
with Tar or Perry'a Emnlsioi
of Cod Liver (til with Hypo -
phosphites of Lime and Soda.
Sold at
rownings Drug Store
o the Editor of the Exeter Times. -
When the present council took of -
ice we were given the impression
bat many improycments would be
tide in the town, such as fire pro-
ection, etc. but, as yet very little
as been accodiplished, outside of
aiding a few meetings and securing
be services of as expert to go over
he ground and submit estimates for
he installing of a waterworks sys-
The question of purchasing the pro-
erty at the river and rebuilding the
am hos often been suggested and ad-
vocated so that power might be goten
to furnish water for fire protection
purposes and establishing an electric
light plant. Also for giving water
to local consumers who wish it.
At present the town pays several
hundred dollars per year to operate
*he pumping station and nearly
11,300 for electric lighting and those
who use electri•• lights have to pay
considerable m than other places
for it. la '1'o. > the city's electri-
cal department is preparing a sche-
dule of prices to .be charged for
house lighting whish will be two cents
less than the Toronto Electric Light
Company charge, and they expect to
lower it still another cent. In Otta-
wa the civic electric light plant start-
ed by reducing the price of house
lighting 100 per cent, and the business,
last year was so good that a further
reduction of one cent was decided oft,I
snaking, the rate 6 1-2 cents per kil-
owatt hour.
In Exeter consumers are compelled
to pay 25 cents a month meter rent,
while St. Marys where the plant is
owned by the corporation charges
only 15 cents per month. The rates
in St. Marys are also lower and an
all night service is given. and the
profits go towards increasing the
town's exchequer.
The fault does not altogether lie
with the council. It is a matter of
great importance and the citizens
In gcueral should take an active in-
terest in the matter and assist them
in every way possible. Atc meetings
held during the winter when these
various topics were discussed thor-
oughly, especially that of fire pro-
tection, the dam scheme seemed to
ase with most favor.
One-third of the year has now
gone and I would suggest that the
council buy the old grist mill pro-
perty and erect the dam and carry
out their intentions of installing a
water system. as soon as possible.
There is no doubt but that sufficient
power could be developed by water
during most of the year. and besides
bringing in a revenue for ice, eto.
we would have a place for amuse -
petits, such as boating and swimming.
which Exeter woefully jacks. I
would also like to see the council put
In an electric lighting plant for town
and private use.
I would like to bear the opinion of
others on this question as 1 feel that
this is the only way to arouse public
.R. HE EXEZ ER TIMES, APRIL 22nd 1909.
Mr. W. J. Moffatt, who bus losers
principal of the Seaforth public school
during the past seven years and who
has resigned to take u position in
the Oakville 'lligh School, was pre-
sented with a handsome travelling
bag by the teachers and pupils before
leaving for Oakville.
C) AIL 181 PT eMs
Beers th• g1he Kind You Hate Always 8I t
Mr. 1). Cantelon has had a number
of men at work raising the frame of
the old St. Joseph's church Clinton.
which was built over fifty years ago.
Ile will use part of the material in
erecting an addition to the building
near the station that was formerly
used as a knitting factory but which
Mr. Cantelon purposes converting in-
to an evaporator.
For any case of nervousness. sleep-
lessness, tweak stomach, indigestion.
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
fills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
A complimentary farewell supper
was tendered Mr. G. E. Parkes, of
Seaford), late Manager of the Bank
of Commerce, who has been transfer-
red to Dunnville, on Monday night.
The landlords of the Commercial did
everything up in style and between
seventy and seventy-five guests sat
down to prettily decorated tables and
enjoyed an excellent dinner', After
the tables had been cleared Mayor
DloCallum took the chair and quite
a lengthy toast list tt•ns gone through
tvith. During the course of the even-
ing Mr. Parkes was presented with
a Masonic ring as a anemento of
Women with pale co lorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
aro made for the blood. nerves and
Yours sincerely
Ret. S. L. Tull was in South Woods -
lee lust week. being invited there by
the the trustees of the tt1etkodist
church to witness the burning of the
church mortgage.
Mr. Roy Neelands. who held a good
position with the Paris Review and
more recently with the Mail job de-
pattrnnent in 'Toronto. has returned
to the tillage and is now assisting his
father in the Observer office.
Miss F. 1'osswvas in Mussels during
the past week the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. Graham.
DIr. Robert Carlisle. of tiny, has
sold his farm to ut1r. George Joynt.
of this place. and intends purchasing
a dei 'ling in Mensal!.
Mr. Chas. Grassiek. wvho is teaching
at Fordyce, spent the Ertstcr holidays
with his parents. •
Miss Maggie tllagan, of Williston.
North Dakota. was in the village last
week renewing acquaintances.
`.lt•. John Todd. of 'the Imperial
Bank at Ingersoll. is spending three
week -4 holidays with id. parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Todd. of iiay.
Mr. and Mrs. Armitage. of London,
were last week visiting th' it daugh-
ter. Mrs. Aikenh.•ad.
Mr. V. Thompson. who has been
teaching at Kinhtrn. has returned to
41en.alt. and Will enter upon his new
duties here ns nsastant teacher in oar
public school.
CP IL El yr0lit TA..
Sears tte 1M3 K , You Ha, raati BOti01
et re s /.?i
We have had some fighting ahead
with the enemy's cavalry, a pretty
formidable body sent ahead from Mis-
sissippi. the same division that was
in my front at Big Black and all of
Wheeler's Cavalry that escaped from
Tennessee: but 'I can engage their at-
tention and then divert their minds
from the road which supplies Rose-
crans' array. Grant I suppose now
is at Nashville, and will by his pre-
sence unite the nrmy more in feeling
than it seems hitherto to have been.
ile is so unpretending and honest
that a man must be base who will
not yield to him. The only possible
danger is that some may claim his
successes hitherto have been the re-
sult of nccident. but then too I hope
they will find themselves mistaken.
I have telegraphic notice from
Memphis that be has assumed com-
mand of the Armies of the Cumber-
land, Ohio and Tennessee. and that I
am to command the latter. My de-
sire has always been to have n dis-
tinct compact command. as a Corps.
but spite of my efforts I am pushed
into complicated places that others
aspire to and which 3 wish they had.
But with Grant I will undertake any-
thing in reason. From ' tGeneral
Shertnan's Letters Ilome," in the May
Daily until April 30th, one-way
second-class colonist tickets will be
issued by the Grand Trunk Railway
System to the following points at
very low rates. -Vancouver, B. +C.,
Seattle, Wesh. Spokane, 'Wash. Port-
land, Ore., Los 'Angeles, Cal., San
Francisco, Cal., +Mexico City, etc.
For further information and tickets
apply to any Grand Trunk agent. '
The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture have announced the rules and
regulations for the stundiug field crop
competition, 13109, and the Kirkton
Agricultural Society have decided to
enter the competition in fail wheat
for which $50 in prizes will be given
to be divided as follows, $15, 12. 1(4,
8, 5. Send entries at once to the
Secretary, Amos Doupe, Kirkton.
Following are the rules :-
'Having in view the excellent results
obtained in 1907 and 1908 in stimul-
ating a greater interest in the pro-
duction of better seed grain. agri-
cultural societies will again be assis-
ted in the holding of competitions in
standing field crops during 1909 under
the following regulations:
Competitions will be limited to one
crop, to be selected by the society,
which should be the one of most im-
portance to the farmers of the dis-
trict. Entries for competition must
consist of not less than five acres.
and when beans and potatoes are en-
itered, the minimum plot must not be
less than one acre.
Selections must be made from the
following crops, viz., spring, Intl or
goose whent,oats. barley, rye, corn,
peas, nlsike, clover, red clover, pota-
toes, beans or any other sample crop
produced for seed in Ontario.
2. COMPETITORS -Competition will
be limited to members of an agricult-
ural society and the fields entered
must not be more than fifteen miles
from its headquarters. 'Competitors
shall be allowed to make entry in
only one society and but. one can be
made by each competitor.
3. SOCIETY'S ENTRY -Societies de-
siring to enter this competition must
notify the superintendent not later l
than the first day of May, and must
make not less than ten entries nor
more than twenty-five.
The society will charge an entry
fee outside being a member of the
dividual entries must be forwarded
by the secretaries of tate societies to
J. Lockie Wilson. superintendent of
agricultural societies, Parliament
Buildings. Toronto. before the first
of June, 190.
5. Societies may, if thought advis-
able, charge competitors an entry fee
of not more than one dollar.
An amount of not less than 850
must be offered in prises by each
society. to be divided as follows: $15,
$12, $10, $8. and $5. Of the above
amount the Ontario department of
agriculture will contribute 830. The
balance is to be contributed by the
society, and this $20 can be counted
as expenditure for agricultural pur-
poses in the yearly financial state-
JUDGES -The Ontario department
of agriculture will furnish expert
judges free of charge.
FAIRS -Large prizes Will be offered
by the department for two bushel
sacks of grain at both Guelph and
Ottawa winter fairs, the competition
for which will be confined to prize-
winners in the standing field crop
competitions. Full particulars will
be furnished later to the prize win-
SHEAF EXIIIi11T-In addition to
the above arrangements have been
made with the directors of the Canad-
ian National Exhibition, to be held in
Toronto August 28 to September 13.
to donate $240 in prizes for a sheaf
exhibit of grain from the fields. the
owners of which were awarded prizes
in the standing field competitions.
For this sheaf exhibit the province
Inas been divided into three districts
and prizes amounting to $80 will be
awarded competitors in each of the
three divisions mentioned below for
the following kinds of grain :
Wheat Oats Barley Rye
First prize 6 6 6 $
Second prize 5 5 5 5
Third prize 4 4 4 1t
Fourth prize 3
Fifth prize 2 2 2 2
DIVISION 1. Includes Muskoka.
Parry SouAtl. Ilniiburton. Nipissing,
'.lnt.itouim. Algoma and other dis-
tricts in New Ontario.
IDIVISiON 2. A11 counties east of
York and Simcee.
DIVISION 3. York. fimeoe and all
counties west and southwest of sante
Each sheaf roust contain not less
than 1,0(10 stents and most be boxed
rind shipped C. 0. ,1). to the superin-
tendent of agricultural products. Ex-
hibition l'nrk,'foronto, not later than
August 20. All entries for this ex-
hibit intuit be sande to .T. Leckie Wil-
son. Parliament liuildingt. Toronto.
before August. 2. 1901.
Quite a number from here attended
the Owen Smilie Concert held at
Stella on Monday evening.
Despite the bad roads the concert
was well attended, the hall being
packed to its utmost capacity.
Miss McArthur, of Brussels. who
has been visiting with Miss McLach-
lan. of the village returned home on
Miss Jean McConnell is at present
very ill.
Miss Walker, of Toronto, Was the
guest of Mrs. Spenre Easter week.
Miss McNaughton. of lirussels,
spent Easter holidays with +Miss Mc-
head the pain formula on the box
of fink fain Tablets. Then ask your
Doctor if there is a better one. fain
means congestion. blood pressure
somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets cheek head pains, woman!,
pains. psin nnywhere. Try one. and
see 1 20 for 25c. Sold by W. 8. llowey.
At a well attended and very en-
thusiastic meeting held in the club
rc.oms of the Central iilote1. the ',neon
Irish rin l3. 13. C. organized for the
corning season. and the following of-
ficers were elected : Jfon. president
Dr. W. A. McLean. President 113. A.
McEwen. First vice-president John
Fox. Second vice-president W. .Ward,
Manager and Secretary -treasurer C.
W. llnwkshnw. Captain 11. II. Me-
F'allt. Umpires C. W. Stanley, AV. F.
Hawk :haw. F. W. forte. Mascot C.
Foreman. The Irish Nine nre now
open for engagements. and would like
to hear from any team in Western
Ontario for two games on the 2Ith
of May.
l'.•lpitation of 1he heart. ner-
tousnc• s. 1 rerntlinge, nervous liit:i.l-
ich`, cold bowie and feet, p tin in the
back and othet forme of weakness
' ire relieved by Carter's iron fills
rattle speriallw fol the btruil •w,orvc'
.C111 -.1116.7V �_a :.. -. .-. _- ::�.res�•s:.w-il,•f'v`.rz lar_ecar..
\tete :In b L ti i (� 3 !, i
There ii an d:Iferen, ! 1'. _' cc;l a tonic and a
stimulant. t. ;) Gl::: day, way back the next; that's a
stimulant. Steady progres (lay by day toward perfect
health; that's a tonic. Aycr's Sarsapariih is a tonic,
a strong tonic. T11.2. only Sarsaparilla cntin_Ty free from
alcohol. 1)o not stimulate unless y'i6lr doctor says so.
H: l:nt�;\�;• t�1fh: I tilil.
Do as he says. j'. At''r Co., Lowel/,Mass.
•Y•sa7•v. •ws
stieati.tt It t1'r one great cause of sick -headache, hiiiousness, indigestion, bad
bre :1, at' i'i:; . ; , u:nc:.. ilas your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Pills 4 you?
CI 11. Ca Mt
The Kite You H24 A!isa1S Bxjd
Beare the
The Grand Trunk I'aacific have nota
under construction for service on the
Skeena River. British Columbia. two
new etenm.•r- the same as the steamer
"Distributor" built last fall. The
length of these boats between p.•r-
petdicultars is 1:36 ft.. wtidth of brant.
extreme on bottom. 2:1 feet ; b. a►rn,
extreme on deck. 30 feet ; depth moul-
ded. 5 feet 4 inches. Th.• machinery
for both these new boats was order-
ed from the Polson Iron Works. Lim-
ited, Toronto, and the hulls sire b..ing
constructed at Victoria. It. C. These
steamers will ply betweoa Prince Ru-
pert and the hood of navigation on
the Skeona River and will he ready
for service in .June.
The 25 large mogul engines ordered
by the Grand Trunk Pacific from the
Canadian Locomotive Company. King-
ston. are well under way ; delivery of
the first two will h.• made this week
and the delivery of the total 25 will
be completed by .July this year.
Those engines have n total weight
on drivers of 1:18.171 lbs.. total weight
of engine tended 161.976 lbs.; weight
•:f tender 143.300 lbs.. or total of ;03,
lbs. loaded. The driving wheels
:tee 63 inches in diameter and the
cylinders 20 in. s 26 in.. working
pressure 200 lbs.
I:1 addition to these 25 eight wheel
.•ngires have been ordcrzd from the
dant real l,ncornotive Works. Loe'zne
1'.•ole. 1'. 0. to be delivered by .3..!
The weight of these ongins s nn
Ir tees 74.90 lbs., tender load. d 14'1,
:100 lb... total weight of engin • and
ler loaded 201.988 Jt,i. Driving
tt heels 69 inches in diameter ; cylin•
dors 18 in. x 21 in. working steam
The �O1sOnS3
Incorporated 1853
CAPITAL (paid ftp) $3 600,000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • =3.600,000.00
For Infants and Children. Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the'
Principal Cities to the ‘Vor1d.
The find You Have General Banking Business Trausscted,
Always Bought
• Savings Bank Department
ZZat all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
• DlCkson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
• •.NN•N•N•NN•NAN•AN.•••••••••NN•••••••••••
) 001 CROPS
etablePrcparation for As -
tilig %ModandKegula-
the Stomachs andl?0WeeLss of
INI \\ IS (IiIL'l)1ILN-'
IIMOteS estion,CheerfUl-
°ESSulMoaorphiei Iluiertalas a1.
!►epr rya,:a ,S4ittia
.fia -
bat •
4. 7.5
Aperfect Remedy forCattStipa-
fioh. Sour Stomach,Diarrtivea,
Worms Convulsions,Feverish-
uess and LOSS of SLEEP.
TacSinile Signature of
:\t (, mouths. 01t1
33 post .% -35 Nr '
Bears the
8. s. WAL1SElit, President
I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently,issued b) this $ k are a most convent
8 se way in which to carry money wen travelliog. 'lley aril iEsued in denominational'
Uand $200
$10, $20,$ 50 $ 100 .
1, and the exactaamount pa}•able dal Austria, Belgium, Denmark, FrttiltlCC,
For 0 Ver i Germany. Great Britain, Holland, Italy. Norway, Russia, SwedCa
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every31 office
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
I3raaoh' also at Crediton. ,
Thirty Years
DR, O. F. ROULSTON, L. D. of "Say, Clark, you're good at rids
iJ D. D. S., Dentist. Member riles, aren't you! What's the differs
THE ae«rweeorea«v, «=wvosRamr. R. C. D. 8.. of Ontario and Honor ence ,between an egg and a n elepli+
Graduate of Toronto University. anb;
Ov zcE:-Over Dickson & Carling'e An egg and an elephant; Don'8
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former knw•."
• oWhat Don't know that. You'd bd
dental parlors a fine one to go and buy eggs."
y� ut}�}� *
R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
pressure 200 lbs 1 ' The Osborne and I1IUUSrU D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
The .ran r Farmers Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
of 'Civil Engineers. These rails are Head OfflCe. Farquhar, Ont.
Th Grand 'Trunk Pacific Railway University.
have ordered from the Algoma 2,000 Dental Surgeon
Company, Sault Ste. ,Marie. 22,000
tons of eighty pound steel rail, stand -
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Next Homeseekers
Main street -EXETER. s
and section of the .American Society
intended for the Prairie Section of the T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C
of track and are to be delivered at Vice_President --W. II. PABBMORit veretty. office and restdenence. Dominion ALL RAIL VIA CHICAGO!
Fort William on the opening of navi- DIRECTORS, Liao°r° ' EXe• MAY 4th
gation this spring. Wx, RoY. BortxaoLnt P, 00 Associate Cotoner of Huron. VIA RAIL AND BOAT
'In addition to this the Company
line and are sufficient to lay 176 miles President -J. L. RUt38ELL. • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 01 . C' Bright,
Un -
ROBERT NORRIS, &alta. d t physician
RoyalEdmonton and return $12.50
UGHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
Upboa:>ye and pilldnlpb. Andrew Street, Exeter. Proportionate rates to other pointO
OLIVER BARRIS. Munro. ascent in Western Canada. Tickets good
for )Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. i !HONEY TO LOAN for 60 days.
JOSHUA JOHN'S Ws havoantimitod privabe tends for !uveal Full information from
80CY.Treae. Farquhar. `ante n term or village rroperbyab lowers J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
r .bee of inberent.
�t ° Depot. Toronto. Ont.
have ordered from the Dominion Steel WM. BAocK �VINCSELBEA P, v I B ' } t M. D., M.C. P. and Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p.
anti Iron 'Company. Sydney. '13,000 ii•8 Honor Graduate Toronto L n MAY 19th
Ions, eighty pound steel rail sufficient tveratty two years resident p ys Winnipeg and return 432.00
for 101 utiles of track, and 2,000 tons AGENTS. Alexandra Hospital, etc.
of :sixty pound rail sufficient to lay
21 miles of track intended for sidings.
These rails are for delivery at Prince
Rupert, 13. C. to be used on the first
100 miles of railway easterly from
that point and which is now under
construction. This shipment will be
moved entirely by boat around Cape
Horn from Sydney to'Prince Rupert.
Pohit ut
• ...cag`;?s
t <
eft t v rumor' nos R7 1727'1 CTA121.K1SDii14 1
a ; rlah Gtr/r, 9
t alos,ljeansunicser arros:ui ram®.ami1
/TO for '
if aS i mer
f' %--•l-i 1/,
and «•c will show
you full value for
the amount you
la t
pa` ---and you'll
he better pleased
than before you ,.
beganto deal with
us. Send usa trial
order to -day.
Then, if you are
not fully satisfied, we will exchange the goods or refund
the amount of your purchase and pay transportation
charges both ways.
Would you not be be3Mter *alined
to do all your trading here T
IT. EATON C°y,..m,